Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON), 22 Aug 1857, p. 4

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*Seuilpture, etc., from the pens of our best writers, z reall its departments, will be explored, and all "fn which so large a portion of-our people are en- * we shall be prompt, authentic, and full, giving a "given as the interests of our veaders demand. _ Weshail make our paper a w2lcome ani valued ait v . _S_- A WE "eA WN "I TAN NOTICE. the public generally. following articles by rooms iE undersigned begs to inform Prenat js prepared to turuish the holesile and Retail : AXE HANDLES PICK AXE HANDLES, ZE H JES Ae BUCK SAW FRAMES, and SAW-HORSES, &¢.; Made in the best manner. ALSO, BY RETAIL, New BUCK SAWS. of the best quality, ae erderftor service, Also, oe ry Hand ed. Handles put into Axes.-and other 2 0o!s- : T. SMALLWOOD'S Saw Factory, oo ase York Street, No. 88. complete Also, 7 The Children's Paper." PUBLISHED AT TORONTO Tt. HALSOL ERMS.--!2 copies' monthly, per annum--- "one dollar, eighty cents. 100 copies, monthly per annum-fiftcen dollars, Sent post free through: out the British Provinces. No subscriptions for less than twelve copies reecived.--Is issued in Toronto on tht first of each month, payahle in advance. Post Cifice orders payable to 'I'. Nelson Sons. : Sais. Nelson's Works and "Children's Paper' are weil known in Britain, and: ip Canada, and recommended as faithful and pure.) Stratford, Dee, 10th 1856. v3-n21 NOTICE. ANNY JACKSON, of Brantford, Can- ada West, having heard that her sister Mary Jennings, of Berks County, near Read- ing, Pennsylvania, is dead, Wishes her brother-in-law, David James Jennings, to bring the children to Brantford. CW. January, 23rd, 1857. yo-n22-tf. r HE SUBSCRIBER having received his r SPRING STOCK, is prepared to offer to » the public, the LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT OF one ieee 5) AED ever brought to Chatham, at Wholesale or Retail! Consisting in part as follows, viz:--Iron and Steel ofall kinds; Blacksmtth's Bellows, Anvils, Screw-Plates, Diesand Taps; Carpenter's Tools, Shoemaker's Tools, Natls cf all kinds and sizes ; Spades, Shovels, Scoups, Hoes, Forks, Garden Rakes, Hay Rakes, Scythes, Snaths, Brush Hooks; Chains of all kinds; Harrow Teeth. Cultivator Teeth, Patent Pumps, Pump chain and Gearing , Pots. Pans and Kettles; Tinware and Tinsmith's Tools. SADDLER'S HARDWARE! 'Hames, Locks, Bolts, Butts, Screws, Hinges of all kinds; Knives, Forks an¢ "Spoons of every description ; Brushes of all kinds ; MULLY MILL SAWS. Circular Saws, Crosscut and Pitt Saws, Files. PAINTS, OILS AND COLORS, With other articles quite too numerous to men 'tion. He will also, in a few days, have a large "quantity of MACHINE BELTING, -9f all widths. Atl of which ne wilisell at prices that defy competition. A. CURRIE. "Next door to D.R. Van Allen,s King Street, "Chatham, C. W. Chatham, June 13th, 1856. << PROSPECTUS. IFA ILLUSTRATED, A NEW FIRST CLASS -T@inmwmnily New SiD2pPetrrs, Devoted to News, Literature, Science, and the Arts =» to Entertainment; Improvement and Progress. Pusvisnepy WEEKLY, aT $2 a Yuar. ~- BY FOWLERS & WELLS, 308, Broadway, New York. 6m {{isur purpose to furnish a journal, which bound to no party, sect, or theory, embracing everyhuman interest, an d furnishing food for all the faculties of the mind, shall merit a world-wide 'circulation. = LITERATURE, in the form of Original Kissays, Historical, Bio- graphical, and Descriptive Sketches of Travel and Adventure. Poetry, Painting, Music, ana with choice selections from the leading periodi- cals of Europe, will form a prominent feature. The great field otf oe SCIENCE, new, discoveries laid before our readers in a popular form. Tse Arts, particularly in the départments of Agriculture, Mechanical Industry, and' Manufactures, will receive attention, and no invention or.improved process will escape our notice. = "AGRICULTURE §& HORTICULTURE, gaged, will demand at our-hands special con- sideration. We shali endeavor to elevate stil] more the standard of Mecaanicau Inpustrry, and to develop and bring to light the latent talent and-skill of our intelligent and worthy artisans. Cae ae PHYSIOLOGY "atid the Laws of Life, in their application to phy- sical development and the promotion of health will have a prominent place in our columns. EDUCATION, in its broadest sense wil! be encouraged, and, aided by contributors, engaged in teaching in col- lege, school, and shop, we shall try to render the pursuit of knowledge easy and attractive. see, NEW BOOKS will be earefully and candidly noticed, and where their importance seems to demand it, critically reviewed. - In the department of GENERAL NEWS, earefully prepared summary of passing events, poth foreign and domestic, and recording all signs of progress in every department of life. Tae 'Markets will be carefully reported, and such general, commercial, and financial intormation THE FAMILY CIRCLE. visitor at every icsside. Tue Cuiupren will fin and trusts, by strict attention to his business, to The Proprietor, or acompetent Assistant, always | PROVINCI A GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY ALTERATION OF TIME. ON and AFTER MONDAY next, the GOING lst JUNE, Trains will ran as fellows EASE. * Flag Stations. PA ALA PLL PPD PPP LPP mM Z : : | : STATIONS e : a a he es z % x ee B = % ES " o es Qa re <q Ss es Be A.M. A.M. P.M. PM. P.M. Windsor, depart .....|- «ss. 6.00, 11500 fits) 4.06 7.30 PUCEn tae she nd Sey exttate pisiecs Sane cea coos Behe Rivetsrs. 733% 1) 0,05 6.85 | 11.35 | 12.35 ee 8.05 Baptiste Creek.'......{ ose. ce PM. 1.15 igss ef e6 CHAT IB sok von 5's cole es i 7.35 | 12.40 2.05 5.20 $.05 Dhamesville..o sone cel ioceas 8.08 sso 2.50 cece cece Bothwell s55.... | 2 3 8.25 a5a5 3200 Seles cece NOWOUTE. 65 oun os Bool 1.45 4,00 6.15 10.05 Glenevec... =. ieee 8.52 aos 4.25 Se ke eee Tikttd 5s ca Sees 9.14 2.30 5.00 Sars ecoe Mis Brydges.. 65.3 icles 9.24 Pap a) Ae) ES cree Komokiss «os | 9.34 2.48 5.55 oe 11.02 London (AmNve -.-+.[ aM. 10.04 3.10 6.15 7.25 | 11227 { Depart.....| 6.00 | 10.10 3.25 oe 130 11.40 Wr ubundes fee | 614 Sete es Seeks aoe ccc. i digardsburgh.......| 6.20 aoe 3.43 vee. eae A. M. LOSersOllsiys see Sak sc 6240 10.46 4.01 Las. BOO. e120 Beaghvitle =. nic A. ¥.4>06.50 10.55 4.14 Sia cece is si WV OgdsiOclke. 7. oe. 7 00 1 BL 07 A, 26 ee Cae 12.41 Eastwood O50 OO ee "51 e cee 4.35 2 eeve ee oe eoee ABNOR (aes coed [oS In Ok es sets oes oe Ses Princeton. «5... 29 11.40 4.52 Sieore 8.45 "bes Paris) Bone Se soak Sie P.M. Sees sce Saas ees Deva, o.c.5-| 7.41 7 12.00 be ee 1.50 1.31 P.M. Preston, depatt= +. .s.| 7e15. 111.90 4.30 8.15 a vee. Galt do. 1230 IE SO) 4.55 orbceke Sas cece Galt, arnve <5.) | 11 200 3.10 7.50 8.30 as ese. Preston--do<....<.. | 41.90 3.8 8.05 Re Gace cece Hapisburys. sc... | 8510 | 12,95 58s ne he 1254 bynden ss. ee. 8.18 ees 5.45 setae suas a0 50 Copetown 2... 6.2. et 898 ss SERS. Sens etetscs ies HlambOr0,. coc ea cc 8.33 SS ss Sos pe eee 6 WUIIAS <5 caches 8.39 12.50 6.03 ecce PO OG ecee Sas Arrive.... 9.00 1.10 6.28 Ee 10.00 2.40 Hacnlion a bic soro0. 2 1540 | 6530 |... 10-08 2.50 Ontario. soe. 5 02 45 eres 6.55 oe eck Ge oye Guishy $.-........1-10.00 AND 7.06 AS oie Setass Beamsville a. os ce «| 10.15 See ie il Spe eas os ae JOPddM tes scso es. | 10,80 (i w2 ee {.35 saves Seis Res St, Catharines 2.37.1 10.52 2.45 DO Poss ee 3.55 ENOVGlG=s 220-233... 1102 | De OF 8.05 See Sree 4.05 Port Dalhousie Junction} .... 5S 8.10 esiele sie aenste Niagara Falls, arrive | lee 25, | 3.20 8.30 eeeee 11.30 4.30 GOING WEST. oF : mR ° ee a 5 eu Bs 2 5 STATIONS. iy 3s A << S 3 a 4 pb Fe < a ' a 5 S = ees Aw | ae A.M. P.M. P. Me Save Niagara Falls, depart..| +++* 7.380 11.30 2.00 4.00 9.45 Port Dalhousie Junction} .... 1) <== sees cee eee PROTO oes bocce cet AA 7.54 P. M, 250 4.22 10.14 Dt Catharines 4... 560.1 5 oc 8°01 12.00 2.40 4.202 ee J ORGAN a8 a5 sono <0 oe Sia es 3.00 4.47 aes Beamsvillé 4252002. Sane 8.25 Sek See 5.00 Se GHMSOV s5 5 so hea Seno coe 3200 Dea Pare Onno. 8.4 Sees os Da30 1120 . ASTIVG>. eal acc 9.10 1.05 4.15 Be o0 11.30 dtamilion ee te, 9-25) | 1.800 5200 16.00 HUGE te ee et eS 9.47 Coes Scie 6.30 See FANT DONO: pecan eee. cic O.. 51: ae wees 6.40 ae Copetowa aise Ts | fice ss 10.07 ae 5.45 6.50 ee liyndens 2 oe ties oso | O'S wee 10.18 Sees eS 7.03 ws Ge TarusbOre css. esse l* 35 es 10.30 2505 6.20 (as) Sek Preston; depatt. «<<<. | 2ss'4 7.15 | 11.80 cone 4.30 8.15 'Galt UO; ees eet | 6530 7.30 11.50 ae 4-59 _ See Gale arrive ©... 4 | eG 11.00 3.10 cee. 7.50 8.30 Bicep do, a2 <2 -| 8-00 9711-20 | 8.380 | --e- | BOD ee G A.M. PATIS@ ook so . ore sees ee eee 10.55 2.50 7.00 EEG) 12.52 PrincetOtsics ocesc eee Fee os EE-1o cae. 7.25 8.00 eee ATHOIUSS oes co ce tee lo we we Set cee. «eas 8.06 ee Eastwood ous ss oss het aA 11.37 suelo sees 8.20 A.M. NV ODUSLOCKs ccc aeecce) "eer s 11.47 3.30 8.00 8.40 1.40 Beachytlles «oc p3 se bacwcs | 11.56 ote. eee. 8.50 pore Ingersoll...sevseceee| cooe® | 12.06 3.55 8.45 9.02 2.02 dwardsburge..«<..0s) 5... 12.24 coos soe 9.22 Sesess NV alibln0. «sess ss ce Ee Se coos coe. 9.28 sie ATHIVG cc «as | ACM: 12.44 4.40 9.35 9.42 2) London | Honmt scc 8.60.1 1.05 | 4.50 | 10.10 wees me Komoka.s.....<.0s.s) 8-00 1.380 5.14 1210.50 ake 9.59 Misery dGes... 7006 | 8253 1.40* 5.24 cee soe 535 HO Wiktid £. ts. toe cre| 9218 F.50 5.34* | 11.35 cece joes Glendon 5 oss ose osc) 10-00 ae 555 BD P.M. ae Sos Newbuty..0---s.-5.1 10.35 925 6.10 19720 Ae A) POUNWCl les 66 es sss OD 2) BS whet seca RAG Ee AhaMnesvile-.2 ss. 1 SO 2593 eee ee rs cee P.M. cece Cat DAI oan cc wrccie oae he 0 3.2) [10 1.50 eae 5.25 Baptiste Creek s....51. 4.20 esis cee 2.30 ee Sooo Belle Rivers... <. --- 2.10 4.25 8.10 oelO eres 6.25 PUCEH ieee ee lS eee ce peas oars cee. Satie Windsor, arrives s<..|. 3.10 5.20 8.50 4.10 ieee 20 OO EEN On? {=a The Company's Time Tables can be obtained on application at any of the Stations. C. J. BRYDGES, Managing Director. NEW DRUG STORE. | CENTRAL MEDICAL HALL. A. T. AUGUSTA EGS to announce to his Friends and the Public generally, that he has OPENED the Store on Youge Street, one door south of Elm Street, with a New and Choice Selection of DRUGS, MEDICINES, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, DYE-STUFES, &c., merit a share of their patronage. Physicians' Prescriptions, accu ately prepared. LEECHES APPLIED. Cupping, Bleeding, and Teeth extracted, in attendance. n each number, siug corner set apart for theiy amusement and ins ruction Toronto March 20, 1°* * 6-ly G. W. BRODIE, REAL ESTATE AGENT AND General Intelligence Office. eS a general acquaintance, and punctual |. attendance to business, we hope to merit a liberal share of patronage, Corner of King and William Streets, CHATHAM, C.W. ce" Please Call before you Buy. £4 15th August, 1855. 18-tf COTTAGE FOR SALE. NEAT COTTAGE for Sale. For parti- culars apply to D. LEONARD, at the oifice of J. B. WILLIAMS, Esq., L FREEMAN AND WEEKLY A DOCTOR DELANY, PLYVSICIAN SURGEON, AS permanently located his Office and Re- sidence on MURRAY STREET. First door Hast of the eorner of ADELAIDE STREET. Hé practices in Chronic Diseases, and the Diseases of Women and Children, in par- ticular. REFERENCES? J. P. Gazzam, Esq. M.D., Georce M. Cook, Esq., M. D., Late Prof. of Surgery in the Washington Medical College, Baltimore, Md.--Pittsburgh, Pa. Chatham, March Ist, 1857, . 7 Al-t Nontreal Boot & Shoe Store. Come One "Gonieé All! ! rr! CORNELIUS H. CHARITY W OULD respectfully announce to his nu- merous Ctistomers, and the Public gene- rally, that he has bought out the extensive Suog EsTaBLIsHMeNnt of his Brother, J. H. Cuariry, where he has OPENED, with an unrivalled assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, AND RUBBERS of every description, and of the latest style, suit able for Spring and Summer wear. He will keep constantly on hand, a large stock of his own Manufacture, of every description. Measures wil! be taken, and work made to order. will be kept in endless varieties, and of the lates fashionable style, viz.:-- Boots, Gaiters, Buskins, Shoes, Shppers, Mrench Tres, &c. Having a thorough and practical knowledge 0) t "e business, he feels prepared to render satisfae- tion to all who may favor him with a eall. COUNTAT MBRCRANTS vishing to puichase, by wholesale, will find it c their advantage to call, as he can supply them zheaper than any other Hstablishment in this part of the Province. Repairing done with neatness and despatch. fice" Callat Counenius H. Cuarrry's, just four doors below the Royal Exchange Hotel, King St Ch. CHARI Y_ Chatham. March 7th, 1856. 43-t PROSPECTUS FOR 1856, THE SATURDAY EVENING POST ESTABLISHED AUGUST 4ru, 1821. Weekly Edition between 80,000 and 90,000 N issuing their Prospectus for 1856, the propri etors of the Post take it for granted, that th public are already tolerably well acquainted wit the character of a paper that has grown stron during the storms and sunshine of THIRT Y FOUR YEARS. Their object always has bee as it remeins to be, to publish a weekly y;ape for the family circle, which shall not only amuse but also instruct and improve, those who mae, read it. T'o accomplish this object, the best artiy eles are selected orcondensed from foreign and- domestic periodicals, and original articles of an instructive character, procured when possible. Letters from Foreign Lands; the most interest- ing portions of the Weekly News of the World; Sketches of Life, Adventure and Character; Se- lected and Original Articles upon Agriculture; Account of the Produce and Stock Markets; and a Bank Note List are included among the solid information to be constantly found in the Post. But the mind requires a wider range--it has faculties which delight in the humorous and lively the imaginative and povtical. These faecultics also must have their appropriate food, else they become enfeebled, and, as a consequence, the in telleet becomes narrow and one-sided, and is noi able to take an enlarged and generous view o human nature and its destiny. Tosatisfy thes Heaven-implanted cravings of our mental being we devote a fair proportion of the Posr to FIC TION, POETRY, and HUMOR. Among our contributors in the first two of the above departments, are several of the most gifted writers in the land. We also draw freely for Fiction and Poetry upon the best periodicals in this country and Great Britain. We design com- mencing a New Story by Mrs. Sourrworrs author of The Deserted Wife," " Miriam," &c in our first paper for January next. Engravines--illustrative ofimportant paces and actions, of Agricultural and other newIn en tions, with others of a Humorous, though refined character, are also freely given. The Postage on the Post to any part of the United States, paid quarterly or yearly inadvance at the ofiice where it is received, is only 26 cents a year. ¥Fermg.--The Terms of the Post are Two Dollars, if paid in advance; Three Dollars, if not paid in advance. For Five Dollars, in advance, one copy is sent three years. We continue the following low terms for Clubs, to be sent, in the city, to one address, and, in the country, to one Post Office. 4 Copies, - - - - per annum $ 5 8 do (and I to the getter up of the Club) $10 13 do (and 1 to the getter up of the Club) $15 20 do (and I to the getter up of the Club) $20 Persons residing in British North America mus remit twenty-five cents in addition to the su bserip- tion price, as we have to prepay the United States postage. Liaions To CLuss.--Any person having sen the money and names for a Club, may add new names to it at the same rate, provided the latter will allow their subscriptions to end at the same time those of the main listd9. We will willing- ly supply the back numbers, if we have them. Our object is to have all the subscriptions in each Club end atthe same time,-and thus prevent confusion. The money for Clubs must always be sent in advance, Whenthesum js large,a draft should be procured if possible--the cost of which may be deducted from the amount. Post-Masters or others sending for Clubs, would confer a favor by having them sent to one address, when they can é*o conveniently. The papers to Clubs are invariably stopped at the expiration of the period for which they have subscribed. A New AgrRaNnGEMENT.--Our subscribers will Rankin's Building. Chatham, June 6th, 1856, tf take notice that we now have no collecting agents out of this State, They will therefore please remit to us direct. AJl persons addressing letters to us should be careiul to give the name of the State, as well as of the town, in which they live. Ald letters must be post-paid. Subscribers wishing their paper changed, will please give the name of the Post-Office to be changed from, as well as the Post-Office they wish it hereafter sent to. We trust that such of our old friends, the Pos Masters, as do not fee] inclined to take advantag® of our liberal offers themselves, will show our Prospectus to other influential and responsible. persons who will be willing to raisc Clubs, &c. DEACON & PETERSON, No. 66, South Third Street, Philadelphia N.B.--Any Person desirous of recevr g copy of the POST, as a sample. can be accomm dated by notifying ve Fublishers by lette r, (po paid) DVERTISER. 1856 NEW SPRING GOODS. We take pleasure in announcing to our friends THAT THE FIRST LARGE STOCK OF New Spring Goods Were brought into this market by C, MONTGOMERY & Co., SUCCESSORS TO BROOKE & MONTGGMERY, And they are determined that extra inducements shall be offered to their Customers in all the de- partments of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, MILLIN DRY, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &c,, Our Stock is now in first-rate Trim, and we can show the Handsomest, the Cheapest, and the most Complete Stock ever brought into this Towu. It is our determination that our prices shall be SS Ww HS NS SON RS 7 FH GON And if our friends from the Country and ~ Town, will bear in mind that theré is '¢ More money made by gabing tt, than thexe ig tn earning tt." No doubt our Store will be crowded by those wishing to Make the most of a Dollar! ! We advise an early call, as those who come first, will get the first Bargains! ! C. MONTGOMERY & CO. Opposite the Royal Exchange. KING ST., CHATHAM, C. W. Chatham, May 2nd, 1856. ly. LAMPS! LAMPS! Lamps of a superior kind and patent on hand, and for sall at this office--Also fluid orthe samme at the low price of g:1. per --FI ase Call. FOR SALE. NEAT COTTAGE, with Garden attached for Sale ou easy terms. 5° pir tie ar pplyatthis O ffice. NoW GROCERY PROVISION. STORE. TY\HE Subscriber having openeda GROCERY = and PROVISION STORE, on OULD 57h eet (Third deor East of Du mmer,) patronage.' Efe willendeavor, by selling Cheap, ior Cash, to make it an indacemeé: tto purchasers to give him a call, and by strict a'*ention to busi- ness, to merit the confidence ofth public. _ JOH?' MURPHY. Toronto T 2c. 23 7854. (New Norics--1856--No. 10.) Slavery--Republicanism. APPEAL to CAnapbrans! Various Books, Tracts, Hymn Books, Period- icals, &e., &c., (some of them incorreet copies) of the Soeieties and Religious bodies in the Unitep Srates, which are named below, are circulated and sold in Canada, by eolporteurs (book carriers) by Tract Societies and by others. These American societies and bodies {| have un- remittingly forsome time past, publicly denoune- ed and proved, as Pro-Suavery or Sinenr, and some (if not all) formed specially on a Repvsti- can Basis, or foundation, and opposed even on such principles to onr Brirish institations. Though many of these Societies, &c , have been SHAMED as it were, (since religions, humane, and God wise principles are apparently trampled un- der foot,) to discontinue their sinful and in- humane practices, in a Free and a Britis Pro- vince, yet 1am led to believe that clandestinely or otherwise, such evi} practices are cont*nued and encouraged. I therefore apparat to all LayMeNn in Canada,-- to all men and women of Humanity who are op- posed to the sin and curse of Suavery, and who hail ournoble Province asa land and an asylom for the free,--for the oppressed,--and for the Fu- gitive from American Christian slavery,--to aid in discountenancing in our free Provinee of Can- ada, the circulation of sueb books, traets, &c., and having any fellowship with snch societies The Societies referred to are:-- 1, The American Tract Sociely--New York. 2. The American Sunday Schovl Union, Phil- adelphia. 3. The Presbyterian Board of Publication Chesnut street, Philadelphia. 4. The Methodist Episcopal Church, [north] Book concern, 200 Mulberry street New York. 5. 'Fhe American Baptist Publication Society, --Philadelphia,--and American Baptist Mi-sion- ary Union, Boston.--[All Baptists of Unitec States, except the 'Free Will" and the " Free Baptists," are either pro-slavery or silent--see " Facts for Baptists Churches,,' pp: 408. ] 6. American and Foreign Bible Society, [ Bap- tist,] and the American Bible Union, [Baptist,] Nassau and Broome streets, N. Y. 7. American Bible Society, Astor Place, New York,---with many others,--of whose pro-slavery and silent character, reliable information can be obtained at 48 Beekman street, New York. Let the touchstone question be put: " What "books, tracts, &c., do you publish, circulate, or '*sell, against Slavery--and are the Bibles circu- "Jated amongst the bond and the free"'--and let proof be produced on the spot, as Canadians have been deceived. As a resident Scotch emigrant of 23 years in Canada, I have been deceived--sin- tully so. J.J. E. LINTON, Stratford, C. W., July 8, 1856. Seamer (VALUABLE BOOK ) FACTS FOR BAPTiST CHURCHES, OLLECTED, arranged, and reviewed by Revds. A. T. Foss and K. Maruews. [i ree Mission Baptists,] pp. 408--Utica, N: Y. Pub- lished by the American Baptist Free Mission Society--[ with portrait. | "This js a book which no Baptist in Canada, --lay or clerical.--should be with it, It shews the support givea to Slavery by the American Baptists. The' Free Will Baptists" and " Free Mission Baptists" are exempted from that charge, as they openly denounce slavery and receive not its bloody gains,""--J. J. B.Tj. July 1856. (Notice No. 11.) Upper Canada Tract, Society---Slavery. eee tratford C W. Julylitiv 1856. A bls Public are notified that colporteurs from this Society, (Yonge street, Toronto,) con: trary to all just and honest expectations,--are perambulating the streets, highways, and side- lines of this county, with books of the pro-slavery Silent American Tract Society, of Nassau street, New York. ; FOF ES . ty Would respectfully solicit a share of public | In the name of Ffumanity I make this | CHATHAM MUSIC HATE: ~ nae Da Ay AT ALFRED MOORE'S MUSIC HA | E of superior _ ey es * ONE THOUSAND PIECES OF SHEET MUsie ° JUST RECEIVED, "G snel ve TWO DOORS EAST OF THE POST OFFICE CHATHAM, ; x DS > Ge SPlSmdidl <ARinwome In Morocco and Gold Bindings. ae ELEGANT ANNUALS, ~ Or N2w Yea's Present Boc veg BIn every variety of style, from $1 to $6 each: A SSO RMia ow From $2 to $10, ba ; S WES mt ae, oS ~ From 83 to $20, UG 1 4gay 12 > UY =, ath From $2 to $20, ise Harps, Guitars, T amboriunes, Banjos, Flutes, Fifes, Preal 03 HMageclets, Clarionetis ; , Violin and Guitar Strings, Music Books, Note Books, Music Paper, Sheet Music, And all kinds of Musical Merchandize, 7ER always on h and Oil Paintings, in Gold Frames, - School Books § Stationery... CARD BOARD. LVovels and Miscellaneous Work Patlous' Pictorial, Ballous' Dollar Monthly flag of our Union, Brother Jonathan Llustrated American Newspaper. ; Frank Leslie's Gazette of Fashion Frank Leslie's New York Journal : New York Picayune, Boston Iiternational ui urn al Yankee Notions, Godey's Lady's Book, : Harper's Magazine, &e., &c., : RECEIVED AS SOON AS PUBLISHED. - Catholic and Protestant Books. ENGLISH AND FRENCH PICTURES, Framed and Glazed. SBlue@onre LBOOR So ALMANACS FoR 1856. READY-MADE CLOTMING CASSIMERES, VELVETEENS, SATTINETTS, JEANS, TWEEDS, &e., &e , ke roe HARDWARE, AND TREA CLE. God Save the Queen 3 December, 1855; : ; 33t G A 12 1D 9 RMIRS. BURLEY (LATE MRS. JACKSON.) EEPS cons:antly on hand, at her 382, South Ninih supply of choice Herb Medicines, Sintments, Pills, eo, which she will warrant 1 give satisfaction. Among which are the NERVENE CORDIAL, for the eure of Diseases depending on Nervous Debility; the ALTERATIVE§, tor Purifying the Blood, Scrofala, Scurvy, &e.; and the INDIAN SPECIFIC OINTMEN'T, for Piles, Old Sores, Sprains, Brbises, Chilblains, Chapped Skin, fetter, Salt Rheum, Seald Head, Frosted Limbs &e. Give them a trial. : PHILADELHPHIa, Nov. 20, 187 5, 3 Residcnee, Street, below Catherine, & 30-ly ARDWAR,, WHOLESALE AND Reng), PTE SUBSCRIBER offers. for Sales choice selection of Heavy and Shelf Hardware, AMONGST WHICH WILL BE FOUND, | IRON, of every deseriprion. Cast, Blister, and Sleigh Shoe STEEL. Cut, Wrought, and Horse NAILS. _ Coil, Trace, and Plough GELAINS. ANVILS, VICES, and BELLOWS. An excelent assortment of TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY. Carpenters', Joiners' § Cabinetmakers' Tools AXES, of the best descriptions, Warranted. With an assortment ot SHELF HARDWARE, which is not to be surpassed in Town, and which is offered tor Sale " Cheaper than ever" for Casal ie" Buyers will find itto their advantage to call before purchasing elsewhere. _ GEORGE KERR, Chatham. Nov. 22, 185A. 30-ly BUICTON CROCERY STORER. 4 pee' Subscribers would intimate to theie Friends, that they are receiving, and opening Out, an Extensive Assortment of SroceerieGsy, quality, suitable for Country Trade, which they will sell at the lowest remuncrative prices. % Produce willbe taken in exchange for Groce tes. (> Call and see our Stock. R. VANBRANKEN & Co. Buxton, C. W., Dec. 1, 1855: 31-ty HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. i Ade that Easterly part of Lot 24, situated A on McGregor's Creek, being sixty by thirty- nine feet. Also, a Two Story Frame House consisting of Two Tenements, having each Four Rooms and a Closet.. There is an excellent Well of water in the yar. ia" For Terms, apply to MRS. M. STEWARD, On the Preinises, North of King Street, between William and Princess Street, Chatham, C.¥W* 31-1m NEW BOARDING HOUSE. BENJAMIN TOLBERT I eee announces to the citizens of DETROIT, .andithe 'Public generally. that he has recently fitted up the commodiov# house formerly known. as .. . 5) | ' Wilson's Boarding House Michigan Avenue, opposite Cass Street, | S19 PT ROO where he will endeavour 'to give satisfaction te Dec. Ist, 1855. hose who may favour him wih "their patronage Detroit August 21 ,1855, I5ES tees eo rear See gee YOUNG FOLKS, OLD FOLKS, LIsTEN, L

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