Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON), 22 Aug 1857, p. 3

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in or without this Province, and either in "eurrency Or sterling as the Warden of the of -ed, dulv subscribed with the signatures of chalf yearly interest thereon, there shall be ie ine eee Bad. That the Warden of the sail C im fy, for the time bei, Shall have power and heads hereby authorised and required from time to time to i-sue debentures to the ameunt of fifiy thousand~pounds currency in pa:ment of tiie said Stoek in sums not fess than five pounds. each. Provided, howe. er, that the calls to be nade on. the « said Stock, shall be made and the same payable j2 the same proportions and at the same tin.cs as the cails upon-the Stoekshall be made payable, and provided further, that no de- benture shall be issued, 'until the ten per cent, less-the ten percent, to'be paid by the said>Gounty of Kent as provided by the S atute,shall be paid into some one of: the eharte:e banks of the Provinee. _ 3d. That the said debentures shall bear inte-est from the first day of.January in the year of our Lord, one-thousand eight hun- dre! and fifty-eizht, at the -rate of 6 per eent per annum, and: with the said interest, shail be payable at such places either with- said County of Kent may appoint, the snid debentures-being signed by the Warden and eountersigned by the Treasurer of the sail County to ne payable in the manner and at the times following, that is tosay: the sum £10.000 on the first day of January, 1874 10,000 S 1875 10,000 a 1876 10,000 & 1877 10,000 ee 1878 ~And the said interest thereon to be paya ble half-yearly on the first day of Januay and July im each year, and for which said interest payable as aforesaid, the said deben tures respectively shall have coupons attach the Warder and Treasurer of the said Coun ty. 4th That for the payment of the said_de- debentures so issued as aforesaid, and the assessed and Jevied upon the whole rateable property, both real and personal within the said County, a spectal rate in each year, over and above, and tn addition te all viher rates whatever, as follows that is to say: In the year 18523 a rate of Id in the £ do 1859 as ce do 12360 ae be do 1861 s oe. do 1862 " 6 do 1863 "7 6. ars ada 184 = do 1865 GS ae do 1265 ss " do L867 "6 "6 do 1868 = ee d» 1869 x be > oa) 1870 £é "6 deo 17 "¢ cs . do 1872 f sé «a 1873 °2 dand 1 farthing " * da 1S74& as " dr 18:5 " " te 1376 s af do Tai7 a! Ce _.. Sth. That the Connell shall not at any time before. the said debentures are fully sa i-fied sell or dispose of the said | 4 é payment thereof. theopening of Polls in the several Manic- palities. composing the County of Ikent, and) in the places herein named, that is to say: Rods 4 Be éhare-, or any portion thereof ezeept for the | purpose of buying on-or liquidating the said cebeniures, or otherwise. securine the due { | ' 6th, That the consent of the qualifi: d Electors of the said County of Went to the | subserption by the said County Council of two thousand shares in the Capital Stock. of | tiesaid St. Clair, Chatham & Rond Eau | Ship Canal Company, shall be ascertaind by "Township of Romney, in School liouse Secnion No. 2. Tibury East, in Town Tall. ti Raleigh, at John. Pardo's 'Vavern, Middie edfarwich, in School Tlouse, Sec. No. 9. Howard, in Town UHall, at Rideetowa., "Orford, in School (louse Kilnarnock. Camden, in the School Llouse, tills > Chitham. in School House Louisville. & Dawn ve Dover least & West. in School House at *Pancout. » = Zone. in School Woure. at Bothwell -- « town of Chatham, iu "Lown Ha-l on Fri- day, tbe ninth day of October, in the year of -- our Lord, one thonsand eight and fity-seven at twelve o'clock, novn of that day; at whic! "hour the Reeves of the above-named «.cipalities, or inthe eb-ence of any of them, Munt- the Deputy Reeves, and in the absence of any ofthe latter, one of the Councilors re spectively of such Manicipalities; and, in the 3 Town af Chatham, the Miyor, Reeve or "Deputy Reeve, or some one Cotncillor, as _above.proveded, shall open and _ preside at snch polls; the Clerk: of the several Munici- _, the opening of such polls theeloctors of such Pe Pan *slndl give their votes, disapprove of the same. Municipalities respectively, shall then pre- sent themselves in turn at such polls, and to be recorded for or against the said. by-law, Yea or Nay; the word "Yea" meanins that they approve of tlie proposed by-law, and "Nay" that they And all Muniet pal. electors posessed of the necessary pro so prty qualification to vote for a Municipal "'the day of the meeting until 10 o'clockin the Councillor, in their respective Municipalities shall be-entitled to vote. "th. That the person presiding at such poll shall adjoure the poll at four o'clock on forenoon of the following day. not being a Sunday ora statutory holiday, when the "poll shall be. continued as on the first day i = | _Palities acting as poll Clerks; and that on! but shall be finally clos)d at 4 o'clock of 'sue second day prorided. that ~if onthe se- cond day one half-hour shall elapse without _.a-vote being recorded, the said poll shall be 'he is et &% & socloseds > © Sth. That at the close of the polls the persons. presiding. respectively, shall eount the Yeas and Nays as ent-red on their poll books respectively, and ascertain and ceriify for the information of the said County Coun- cil, whether a major-ty is for the approval or disappoval of the said. by-law, and such certificates shall be countersigned by the 3 DW ea 3 Pie oes = z Poll Clerks," respectively, and. be kept_by | P! he a 'his. opinion wh ttrade or Protession is best ca- them with the poll lists, among the records of their offices respectively: and the Clerks of the saveral mun'eipalities in the. Coun- ty.. of Kent. shal send erti icates,. as sivned as above, to the County Cierk, on of before the sixteenth day of October next: and the majority for or against the: said by- law 'shall "be taken to have been expressed by a majority of "Yeas" or "Nays" as polled throughout "all the ~ Municipalities in the | County. 9th. This by-law shall be published four times in each of the newspapers, of the County of Kent: before the ninth day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, and further shalitake effect from and after the first day of January, in the year of our Lord. one thousand eiyht hundred and fifty-eight. The above ica true copy of a proposed by-law to be taken into consideration be the Municipal Council of the County of Kent, in | lary and delicate bivease, Self-abuse, &¢; and shows Council assembled. in the Town of Chatham on ths fourteenth day af December, in the year of our Lord, 1857, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, a1 which time and place the Reeves and Deputy Reeves are requested to attend for the purpose aforesaid. JAMES SMITH. Warden Wau. COSGRAVE, Clerk. CY AULA LTD. M RS BURLEY, (late Mrs. Jackson,) is now J prepared to supply the public with ber CUUGH SYRUP, an invaluable remedy for coughs and consumption. It has wona wide reputation for its great curative powers, having eff cted cures when all other remedies bave failed. Mrs. B. would alsc recommend her ALTE RA- TIVE, an excellent remedy for S-rofula, Impu- r tics of the Blood, scurvy, Eraptions, and all Diseases of the Glands and Skin. It has cured ja cates of many years standing. To be had of Mrs. Maria Burley, No. 816 South Ninth St,. below Catharine, Philadelphia August 15, 1857--1 y : 47 DAT . C.WATSON, M.D S e / ~ | ) M. ee HOMOEQOAPATHIC PHYSICIAN AME! Swe seams ATRINGER'S BUILDINGS, Former' Sy Chari y'>» -KING &'., Ch.tham East August, 8th, 1557. No. 47 _ tfi LAND FOR SALE. pwa HE Nth half of lot lin the Gth concession of the Township of Rateigh. Apply to 8. S. Maedonnel. Exq., Windso or J. B. Williams, Esq., Chatham. Chatham, August 8h, 1857. v3 np7 tf WANTED IMMEDIATELY. smart, active and intelligent boy abou. _ fourteen years of ave. Apply at thi Office, One uble to read and write pre erred, SRR ERA Niw AND SECONHAND CLOTHING STORE TIT subse: iber hereby intorms the inhabitants of CLLATHAM. and the surroinding County that he has justop2nel a stors for the pu rpose of ~uppiying persons in all kinds of Clothing at the lowest Cann pric's. Call ant examine for your- selves, at his Store on King Street, second door Wesetof \W ]liainoStreet See N. B -- Whe hizhest prices paid for -New and Second Hand Clo hing MchiMMEY ARMSTRONG. July 25th 1857.3-_ in, AG N. B. Scour ne neatly done. CRAIN RN AIRS PAAR TRA AA AAA AAAS POS LISAL LSGTURS. AS =e Esky TOWN HALL: ON MONDA Y EVENING, lib fost. Admission lL shilling. Jo cture 10 comavrener at 7 £ o'clock.» A .G.C HURCHILL PALMERSTOWN HOOSHE. Ontario Street, West of the Albin Hotel. G9 C PU? AX 4 UTEP oD U2 TED, EiE above house combines all the fadvanta- ves and econvenientes of a at Pay ARS CORA WotR Ua nt Oi AND PUBLIC RES TAURAWN T., and will he found fully eqnal (if not superior) lo any similar place west ol Toronto. Refreshments, Dinners, on the shortest notice. Breakfasts, Suppers, An Ordinary every day at-1 o'clock. Balls, Parties, -PicaNics, <- cc, catered for on reasonatle terms, Oysters, Lobsters, Sardines, &e. served up in a variety of styles. Wines of the very best brands. Liquors, Cigars, Summer beverages, Sada Water; Min Juleps. Shery Cobblers, "Old Pam' Chinese smash, !ce Cream, &e. GOOD em VV ae NEWS FOR ALL. HRENOLOGICAL © EXAMI- NATIONS, Clairvoyant con- sultations, and adviee given daily, Sundays exeepted. Magneto-Hlec- tricity applied to the cure of Diseases. It is an tofallible eure for Weakness, Debility, Indiseretions of youth, and MAS all nervous complaints. CLAIVOYANCE enables us to see more clearly the cause of all our sufferings and infirmi- ties. Jt enables us to reeommend and advice those means that will effect a pertect and certain eure, when. all other remedies have failed. It also enables us to see the most innocent, safe, and certain means to be employed. All who are in trouble, all who have been unfortunate, de- eeived and -trifled with, all whoce fond hopes have been crushed and blasted, all whose minds and health are suflering and declining ; go to the never-failing CLAIRVOYANT AND PORENOLOGIST, For advice and guidance, All laboring under melancholy tho bts and depression of spirits, distress and anguish of mind, from- whatever causc, all laboring under bad and delicate health ; go to him for relief and:comfort. ~All Ladies who have suffered under those complaints and diseases incidcnt to females, consult him with the greatest confidence. Previous to mar- riage, all in delicate health should consnit him. hose who have suffered trom the secret follies ad habits of youth, copstlt him privately ana éonfidentially. Al! who have had bad luck; 'unnatural solitary habits. "PROVINCIAL FREEMAN AND WEEKLY who have tried their best to get on in the world and cannot; go to him for advice how to im- piove their cireginstances. Parents shotild get lulated to ensure their childrer.'s success in life. en love aff:irs, the principles cf the above Sei ence guid' you toa happy Marriage, and Do mestic Felicity. He shows the LIKENESS OF FUTURE HUSBAND OR WIFE. Call; consult him, and judge for yourself, how | truly he ean tell you. GRA is: ice AFFLICTED READ !2q DR RAPHAEL'S MARRIAGE ALMANAC. Further particulars sent Tiis.a work of staruidy yet very instuctiv e | interest. It is designed to show the feaiful con- sequences of excessive sexual indulgence and Jt is written ina chaste style, and may be read without detriment to the morals of ianocence and youth, It is the very book so Jong needed as a warning to those guilty of all manner of secret and criminal in- | dulgence. The unerring laws of nature are plainly revealed, andthe road to purity and peace pointed Gut. Let no young man enter the secret obligations of married life without reading every page of Dx. RapHaei's marriage Almanac, It discloses secrets that every one should be acquainted with. It contains a number of ex- traordinary Cures, and the treatment of secret that cases which were pronounced incurable have been radically cured, and the parties are now Married and happy. Every one, especially young persons and these contemplating marriage, should read the Doc- tors MARRIAI ALMANAC. -- It contains piactical ubservations on the cause of premature decay, weakness, debility, nervous courplaints' and joss of health. It contains a Father's advice on the indiscretions and follies of youth, of both sexes, and points otit clearly its remedies and certain care, Enclose Turce Postage Stamps, and will se sentio aay aun? or abitress. #& Liberal allowance given to all Travelling Booksellers, Book Agents, and Pedlars. AH Letters, Communications, and Interviews. strictly Private and Confidential. Ih order to gaim attention, the postage of all Letters must be pre-paid, and have Postage Stamps enclosed for the answer. Address, W. RAPHAEL, Box 568, Post Office. ours of Consultation, from 9 to 11 1-2, A. M., and trom 2 to ie, Me. at the ze 3 CORNER OF NELSON AND DUCHESS STREETS TORORTO r begs to inform his CGustom- ers and the Publie generally that he has reeteved one of the largest and best assortments of FARMING IMPLEMETS, HARDWARE WOODEN & GLASS WARE. GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &c., &¢., ever imported into Chal- ham. His goods consists of ae ALLE Subscribe he Best Elardware. The Best Cradles. The Best Sneaths. The Best Sevthes. The Cheapest [lardware, The Chi apest Cradles, 'Lhe Cheapest Sneaths, Vhe Cheapest seythes The Cheapest Rakes, The Best Rakes, The Cheapest Spades, The Best Spades. The Best Shovels. The Best }-oes. The Best Forks: The Best Cultivators. The Bost Grindstones. The Best Pump Fixings. The Best Carpenters Touls The Most G.assware. Toe Best The Cheapest Shovels, "Che Cheapest Hoes, The Cheapest Forks, The Cheapest Cultivators, The Cheanest Grindstones, The Cheapest Pump Fixings, The Cheapest Carpenters Tools, The Cheapest Gaassware, The Cheapest Liquors, Liquors, GROCER ES! The Best Teas, The Bes. Sugar, "Lhe Best Coffee. 'The Best Spices The best Extracts The Cheen-st Teas, The Cher «st Sugar. The Chea,» si Cotiee, 'hwe Cheapes¢ Spiecs, The Cheapest Uxuacis, &e., &e., &e , &e., &e., &e., &e, &e. Allthe above Goals will be sold Cheaper than ever bave been sold for in Chatham betore, Wholesale and Retail. Remember the 2nd and 3rd door from the cor- rer King and Fitih Stieets, opposite John Smith's isq., Sadie and Larbess Store and in Millet's and Barfocis uvew Brick Stores. W. H. NELSON, N.B. Calland see the Variety of goods, you will find accommodating Clerks. to show them tree of Charge, WEEN Viol 2 4eté Chatham, June 6th 1857. FIRST OF AUGUST CELEBRATION. THE CLTIZENS of Amherstburg, will cele- brate the Anniversary of the Emancipation of Slavery in the British West Lndies on the First of August. Byzoricns = S..B. WILLIAMS, ee ADE EDS N. McCURDY. CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE, cp Ue can G tava Hg N 1-2 Lot Nol, in 5th Concession, on Plank Road, 100 acres, per acre, $20..00 Ow SP aS Op N 1-4 Lot No. 24. in 5th Concession, also on Plank Road, 50 acre, per acre, $20. 00 Samm Gems, Lot No8. Fronting on River Thames, a most de lightful Farm, within three miles of Thames- ville Station, of the Great Western Railway. -- The old London Stage Road passes through it. 20 acres cleaied. Inall 240. acres per acre, $30.00 No 60 in Ist ConcessicnExecellent hard wood land 200 acres per acre, $12, 00 No 7 in Ist Concession excellent hard weod land 200 acres per acre, $12. 00 For farther particulars enquire, (if by letler post paid) at this office June 20th, 1856- Na a Wotice to Teachers. HE Board of Public Instruction for the County of Kent will meet for the examina- tion of School 'Teachers in the Grammar School Building of this 'Town, on the first Fridays of June and September next, when all those teachers who have not obtained eertificates of qualification for the present year are required to attend; otherwise they will forfeit fo their respec- tive School Sections the public School Fund.-- Teachers who hold certificates during the plea- sure of the Board are alzxo required to attend and produce testimonials of gool moral character. either from their respective Clergymen, or from Boards of Trustees by whom they have been engaged, otherwise their certificates will be can- celled. No certificates hereafter will be granted fora longer period than ose ¥raR. By order of the Board THOMAS. CROSS, | which with others ordered from New York and Sec'y B. PB. L County of Kent, ChatamMay 4th, 1857, 3m COMBINATION COS COLUMN. Farmers' & Mechanics' Store. NOW SIX MONTHS IN OPERATION. Sales im that time Beinga larger amount of business by thou- sands of dollafs, then was ever before done in Chatham, by any one store. Showing conclusively, that the great mass of the people can and co discriminate and appre- ciate, aud consequently will patronize the store in which they can find Vey A. Daft TAQ | BH L A R >) GEST ASSORT- MENT OF THE CHEAP- EST. AND BEST GOODS. Those Who bave edntributed during the last six months to swell odr Sales to such an unpre- eedented amount, are very sincerely thanked, and respectfully informed that the Manager iu January, ordered through an European Com- mercial Yraveller, nearly all our Spring Goods; Montreal. are now daily arriving; so that very shortly our assorimien's in every department will be fall and complete, Fitted too, with Goods of the best descriptions, not two months from the place of Manufacture, and purchased of first hands. Herein consists the seeret of the extensive business we are doing. FoR Ee = ie AST Wo tvro prolits to pay on "4 mice our Goods. Those who have never visited the Pil y Farmers' and PMiechanics' Store. Will find on doiug so, that its stock embraces full assortments of Te RY-GOODBS! BANE Y ®& SADLE PANSY 2 ST Aras COTE (AYA GLY Pape Go GO DE Ga Seasonable and Fashionable BOOTS AND SHOES, From the celebrated Manufactory of Messrs. Brown & Childs, Montreal, CARPETINGS, And other house furnishings, WALL, & WINDOW PAPER, WOULINY SOAPS, PRs INURE WW, Go Of-the most approved, English, French, Halian aud Bohemian Manutacture, Hats & Caps, floswery Y Glores, Stationary & School Books, Mall & Window Paper, Trunks, & Valises, Crockery & Glass Ware, Cordage, Pickles §& Sauces, Fruits & Nuts, Grocertes §& Provisions, Cutlery § Spoons, Nails, Glass & Putty, Oil and Paints, Wines and Laquors, INCLUDING Pikes' "Magnolia Champagnes, Ales, Porters, -SC., &c. Being the Farmers' & Mechanies' Store its stocks are laid in with a view tothe supplying their every want---and as farmers' & Mechan- ics', like other classes of the community, have not all times the as o pay down for their necessaries, a well defined and diserimipative, Credit business will be done, in order to meet the wants of worthy and responsible persons: Making only 5 per cent difference between Cash and Credit. We have a large yard for Customers to drive their Carriages into, and a good for them tO put their Horses under and feed. _All kinds of FARM PRODUCE will always be bought, and found VOR SALE. ADVERTIS Kh ARARE CHANCE. FOR A GCOCD FARM Lot No 18 in 3rd, Consession, Towuship of Moore Covnty of Lambtor; 200 actes will be so'd low for cash al the present time or for two months to come. The lard is good and eliciby situated. being about 5m les from River St. Clair and the same distance fiom the thrivng Town of | Moore For particulars etiguire at the "Provincial Frecman," Office. N Ladies' New Goods; MEH LEN ERY STORE| DBP (ARAL ay AW 9) MESS GHBIp. ESEGS TOINFORM THE LADIES THAT she has receive her New Goods, whi¢h she June 541857. BOOKS ON SLAVERY---(1O Bin CON- SULTED.) 1 Slavery and. Anti-Slavery, by W. Goodell, New York; p. 605--a complete history, and with reference to the Ghurthes, &e., &e. 2. The Slavery Question. by Rev: John Law- rence, Dayton, (Ohio);- p: 224--(a 'complete mullum In NaI vas 3. Teachings 0 41-tf; f the New Testament, by Rev. Joseph P. Thompson, D: D., New York--1836-- } { p. 52--(mosr valuable) - | ae 4; Scripfural Views of Slavery, by Rev. Al- | bert Barnes ;. p.. 334. unanswerable book.) 8. The North and the South--A_ statistical view, &c. ; book is an authority to silence evéry pro-slavist. | 6. Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin--Jewelt & Co; Boston, (and #e Appendix to"Dred,"----both by | M -s. Stowe.) 7. The Shame and Glory of the American j; Baptists, &c., bybev. Kdward Matthews; p. 23 --Bristol (Eng.) and London--(Why will not Regular Baptists of Canada read, confess and Reform.) 3 Unanimous Renroustrance of the Fourth Congregational Church, Tlartiord, Conn. : as tu American Tract Society; p. 34. 9. American Slavery in connection, &e., em- bracing Dr. Perkin's Valuable Sermon,--Mr Jay's Letters; ard Note as to American Sunday School Union--p. 60--New York: H.B. Knight --AB854. 10. Letter respecting a book "dropped from the Catalogue" of the American Sunday S¢hool Union,--in compliance 'with slave: power;--p. 26--New York, 1848. 11. Inside View of Slavery, by Dr. Parsons Jewett & Co., Boston 1855 --(conta ining facts horrors)--p. 318, 12. Lefters on Philadélshia--1le3o0--(an Slavery, by O. 3. Freeman--p 5 5 p. 134--Jewett & Co., 1856--(This ¢ bas carefully selected, to suit the wants; of her patrons, from the BEST eas BRITISH AND; AMERICAN MAR KE TS! Consisting of the most Fashionable ipbre@s Gocdeg BONNETS-- MANTLES-- SHAWLS RIBRONS-- FLOWERS 3 SsILKS-- SA TINS ge ee &e. &e., &é7 LADIES' underclothing !! _, Fo all of which, she respectfully invites atten- tion, at her, SHOW ROOSL; osposite the "Roy- al Exchange" Hotel, King Street, (*hatham; _ &@ Paris, London, and New York Fashions' just received for the Spring of 1857. Noy. 2ist, 1856. v3-n16-ly: Draught Ale and Poster, TRAVELLERS. And ¢dsual boarders will find eveay atééomodas tion at the above house; without the noise and dissomfoat so common at public hotels. Board and Lodging. For a limited number of gentlemen. Also Board Pw] INC ORREEE COE [without Lodgings, by the day or week, on rea- sonable térms, C. THOMAS Pranictet: Sratford, May 30, 1857. PGF, SS 108. . Boston : B. Marsh--185 =| is. 15. 1b book of principles.) March 1857. Divisien Courts for 1857. TOTICE is hereby given thatthe Division Courts for the County of Kent, for the year 1857, will be held at the following places and times: ---- Ist Division, Chatham, Saterday,--=10th Jan'y. do do Saturday, 7th Eebruary. | do do Saturday, 7th March, do do Saturday, 4th April. | do do Saturday, 21 Muy. | do do Saturday, 6th.Junes | do do Saturday, 4th July: | do do Saturday, Ist August | do do Saturday, Sth S¢plember. | do "0 Saturday, 3rd October. | do do Monday, 2nd November. | do do Saturday, 5th December. | 2nd Division, Morpeth, Tharsday 25h March. | do do 2 Thursday (23nd Jdly.< 7) do do Tuesday, 24th Nov. do Ridgetown, Tresday, 27th January. do do Tuesday, 26th May. do do Thursaay, 24th Sept. 3rd Div. Lectimseth, Friday, 30th January. do do Monday, 27th July. do Dawn Mills, Monday, 30th March. do do Monday, 28th September. do Dresden Friday, 20th May. do do Friday, 27th November. 4th Division; Harwich, Thursday, 29th January. do do Thursday, 28:1h May. do do Saturday, 26th Sept. do (Wellington Inn, Town ship H'rw'h & Woward) Saturday, 28th March. do do - Saturday, 25th: July. CO NO) Thursday, 26th Nov. 5th Div. Deal ToRn Monday 25th January, do do Monday, 25th May. do do Wednesday, 23rd Sep. Pardo's Inn; 2 do Middle Road Wednesday, 25th March. do do W ednesday, 22nd July. do do Monday, 23rd Novemb'r, 6th Div. Wallaceburg Tuesday, 31st March. do. «do Tuesday, 29th September. do do Saturday, 28th Nov. Gungah P.Office Saturday, 3tst January. do. do _- Saturday, 30th May. do do Tuesday, 28h July: ~ Division Clearville, Friday, 27th Match< do do Briday, 24th July. do "do °°? Wednesday, 25 Nov. do Kilmarnock, . Wednesday, 28th-Jan. do do Wednesday, 271 May. do do Friday, 25h Sepf. z . By order of WiniiamM BengamMin Wetis, esq. Judge of the County of Kent. ae GEORGE DUCK, Ja.,. feng, z : z (ea ( For the attention of all Be has prac formers, Legislators, Ministers of r. Clon Bre of Stratford (SHORTLY WILL BE PUBLISHED} OF es : 5 the Inhabitants WW « or 1857,shewing the religious denominations, those wnudo not, with the religions Denomina- tions appended,--also taverns and sellersof in homination appended -Lists of Distilers and B with the same--List of Ministers of. = Ps U . >. * : : be County of Perth,--(Lists of members &e.-of congregations may be added.) Names of the' that the Tratick and drinking habits, and the : te yikes, draukenness of our land, are confined to Presby# such lists will practically show the truth or unz truth of the statement. our blood?"'--Efon, M. Cainoron--"the next ber* legacy and gift to every woman and child of off By: SAME N22 16th. Marebh 1857 ; N OTE: The attention of all Temperancé islators, Ministers of religion, and others faz Fvourable to the putting dowu of the CURSE and country,--the public Traffic in ~ Intoxicating' Drinks,the savage, uncivilized and unchristian' doptins of such a Plan as the ab show STATISTICALLY and murs EX AGB, 5 and more EXACTLY, communities, countenance the public evil and disgrace of our day, "the Traffic. in. Intoxica- A. Gensus List Ciex é | --those who use intoxicating drinks aid toxicating drinks, with also such religious de- srewers, Teachers .of Schools &c. &ct.--As it is. Stated: terians, Episcopalians, and Roman Catholics, '"tlave they . > afrelzar tlave they not (the trafickers) got enough of land, will be dhe freedom from th+ traffick" Le Sfrarrorp. C. W. Asso¢iations Sons of Pemperance, Leg- the "DISGRACE? of our and every Christian! « Te Peantip } . lands exepted)--ihat attention is called to the a~ those Who; im our several nunicipalities and: i < . eal srerede : ling drinks,'--and also by said plan, to help te | purify.a British Colony which is the most fore most of Great Britian's possessiotis; and make it } --Canada--more reliable as a home fer theEm- igrant, Undér a frea, liberal; and loyal govera: _Tomake the "Census" complete in its inten- tion gencrally, a Listshould be subjoined of the names of those Resipenr inhabitants, who pub- licly use Intoxicating drinks at otr Public bars and '"Sdoons'--the latter commonly named as the "Hells" of our community,--Sober farmera, mechanles, millers, carpenters, labowres &e. are those,.D. J.. who realize a competeuce and pres- /perity in Canada, and meet with ready empley- -ment.--All those connected with our Railways. | must be sober men.-- Ask Mr. Brydges, the Rail- = ¥ wha Clerk of the Peace, Gownty of Kent. Office of the Clerk of the Peace, : t Chatham. 9th Dec. 1856. v3n2i-ly } way manager at Hamilton C, W.--Is the same sobriety needed as we move through lifet-- i g*" Will papers favourable to the @eesaj please copy. aes New Spring Goods es CHATHAM CLOTHING HALL. 2 SRONE & DURNBULL AVE to intimate the arrival of their NEW GOODS for the-present season, includ- ing an extensive and <arefully selected Stock of LADIES' DRESSES, SHAWLS, MANTLES, BONNETS, PAR ASOLS; RIBBONS? =. FLOWERS, |. TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, PAPER HANGINGS, DOMESTIC GOODS, Ready TIfade Clothing, &c. A First-Rate Stock of CLOTHS, VESTINGS, & GENTLE- MENS' GOODS. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER as usual CHEAP FOR CASH. Those who have not paid us a visit are re- quested todo so, <All may depend upon being kindly and obligingly treated. Parcels delivered at Town, free of charge. Elotels or rex*dences, in | By or ler of the Manager, JOHN D. McLEOD, Cashier. April 22nd, 185~ Sane Chatham; May Ist, 1857. v5-n36-tf. Important to ..ousekeepers Toffer for sale 35 different recipes for $1, many of which have been sold the past year for $5 a piece. No housekeeper will grudge $1 for one of thofe recipes alone after trying it onéé: Address Wt: BroMBaex, Point Pleasant Pa,, and the a hole number of reeipes wilkbe forward- yb i ail. Tit LARGESF FALL STOCK In Chatham, for CASH, and OFFER FOR OAS ; or Produce only, at prices as low as saeh tara demand, far BELOW COMPETITION of those who buy or sell on afy other terme The Old Store, JOSEPH §S. BEATTY | STAPLE DRY-GOODS, GROSKERY -BLASS, G LIQUORS, % C WASED q ROCERIES & PAINTS & OILS, 2000 Ibs. ASSORTED SHOT, 100 KEGS GUN POWDER Sole Agent for | BURNING FLUID... JOS. S BEATTY, u | NEW BOARDING HOU WILLIAM STILL PEGS to announce that he has Oprenen a BOARDING HOUSE, at No, 374 SOU TEE PF STREET, below Ninth, Puitnape.rria, where he' i will aceommiodate respectahle persons, perma aently or transiently, who may favour him wit! their patronage. The House is Contwodious atid tn good order; and the location Central and Respectable. {ce 'No pains will be spaired therefore to givé very satisfaction. Philadelphia Oct. 29th, 1839 S710 hatham, Dec. 12th, 1856. Se

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