Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON), 20 Jun 1857, p. 3

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| PROVINCIAL FREEMAN AND WEEKLY ADVERTISER. 167 his investment. 'The single man, able and willing to work, needs little capital, besides his own arm aod. axe--he, can devote a por~ tion of the year to clearing his land, and in the numerous lumbering establishments, he can, at other seasons, obtajn a liberal re- numeration for his labor. The Sections of Country opened by these roads The in and to the Southern part of the Great Ottawa Region, stretching from and beyond them to the-shores of Lake Huron, Lake Nipissing, and to the Ottawa River-- animmense extent of country whose re- sources are now seeking and will rapidly tain development. as Dusen Country, lying south of Lake Nepissing and of the great River Ottawa, and embracing a large portion of the land offered for settlement, is capable of sustain- ing a poptilation of Eight Millions of People and it is now attracting general attention, asthe more western portionsof Canada are being more filled up. $= ARRIVAL : OF . THE STEAMSHIP THanrrax, June 16. 'ThelRoyal MailSteamship Europa Captain Teeiteh arrived at this port at-an this foreanva. She lefi Riverpool on Satra- eday the 6th instant. She tiys Titer thin by the Vandernilt. Parliament which at the date of the ac counts by the Vaiderhilt, was nat in session consequence of the Whitsuntide holiday had azain assembled, liad not, up to the de §parture of 'the Europe. despatched any business of partigalar note, The debates had been ruther tame. The United State steamship. Niagra, Captain Hudson' having been inspected by the Anei¢an Minster has proceeded to Portsmouth to receive the mecessary alterations preparatory to taking won bord her portion of the Atlantic cable at uiverpool. The British Government hand readily loaned the use'of the dock yard at thet plate. -------- Eo "Nae (Couston iv Onto.--'Lhe case of the State egainstthe United States authorities came up im the District Court, ab Cin- clip (ti en Wednesday morning. Mr Mason for the @eferce read several affidavits, the general bm porcof which was that ae first fire came strom the U.S. Marshal's party, ant shat they 'were very vlulent In their manner, treating the prisoners they had mn elated very-harshly. The depositions of Ssoweraldadies, aoreeing with the foregoing weret nse vead----Sherill Layton's fanuily iihiysicias deposed that he was lying very merioasty Wand that probably he never po Oy A ee: atould fully recover. Anodier affidavit stated that the Marshal's men were generatly armed, Tire cise was canun ued ' usterdiy se ~Wesiyan = WISSIONER OF CROWN LANDS. Cow Wea aaderstand, says the Lueatier of Wed- mesday last, that the fon. Col. 'Vache has f&een swora in Commissioner of Crown Tands) the place of AMIr. Cauchon, who revently vacated that post---The office has then provisionally lield by Col. 'Tache since the wacadioa of it by ws late occupant.-- Pianet. QOS BP E---------------- PROBOGATION OF PARLIAMENT. ' 3: ; A Wessage from his [sxclleency was com- municated to beth Houses of the Legislature yesterday, announcing. that His Ixcellency would come down to day at 4 o clock to prorogue | arlinment. " 'This will ewd.a session, which, if not prolife. of good aneasures, has certainly been ewarkable for fhe amount of business done and fer the absence of much of that strife and bitteraess which but too often disting- wish out legislation. 'The session opeaed on the 26th February 1s therefore, Jasted full fifteen weeks. [Daliy Colnist.J Col. Titus, of savory memory both in Iansas and Niear@ua, has published a let- ter, in which hecalls Walker a tyrant and Lockridsse "a coward, and advises young men at the South to wait ull Walker's men pet home and teli their story before enlist ing In, another campaign. "IURRAH FOR CANADA ! The New York Cronica says that the scar- city of Tubacco in all the American markets is such that prices bave r¥a up to exhorbi- tant rates. At Petersburg, Virginia, on the 4th inst.,good tobaceo sold at public sale at 455°a houshead, equal to 38 cents per pound, a higher price than it ever obtained before in Virginia. By the way why does not,our avricultural department do some- thing towards encouraying the cultivation of tobaeco in Canada? 'Ihe Western Dis trict -has. been proved capable of raising vood tobaeco, and among the colored pop- ulation so numerous in that quarter, there are thousands well acquatated with the cul- tivation and cutting of it. £6 It will be seen that the Canadian steamer North jAmerica, and the famed New York Commodor crackboat, the Vandertill, saijed from Enelaud on the same day--the 3rd instant-and that the Worth American won fhe race by. nearly a day, having anchored in the River on Saturday night the 13th inst,while the Vanderbwt did not. arrive till the fullewing afternoon.-- Mail brings. three. | Special Notices. LOD LARA APL LILIES CHOLERA, A Gertain Cure for this Disease may be found in the use of PERRY DAVIS' VEGETA- BLE PAIN KILLER. Duncaur, lowa, May 5, 1855. GentLemen:--l! teel under obligation to you fo: the benefit I have received from your invaluable Pain Killer, A few davs since I assisted in lay- ingout oazof ow citizens why was sup - posed to have died with the Cholera. The next morning | was taken with severe vomiting, accompanied with coldnc.s of the extremities. Warm covering and hot avplications failed to restore warmth; My wife's family whe had used the Pain Killer with success during the Cholera season in Buffalo, in 1849 advised me o take it. [ took two doses at intervals of fifteen minutes; a fine persr!rstion ensued, and the next day barring a 'i: and have been sir ze, weakness, 1 was weil Since my recovery I find that several of our citizens have used the Pain Killer asa remedy for Cholera, pronouncing it good. T therefore tale pleasure in recommendin it to a still more exten sive uotice. WM. CROZIUBR, Aity at Law. ANOTHER GREAT CURE OF oS SPEPSTA. Astonishing Success of the Oxygenat:d Bitters. New Haven, November 28th' 1851. Gentlemen: | feel that no sense of pride-or deli eacy should deter me from expressing publicly my gratitude for the efficacy of your O.rygenated L Bilters, in restoring me to health, after sufferin more than six years from Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, during which time 1 had the best medi cal advice, with no benefit exeept temporary re- early bour | lief. My case became more hopeless, from an at tack of diarrhoea, which confined me te my bed lor eight weeks, causing great prostration of the whole s\stem. Abvat two months ago, | was sv much reduced, hat [ could eat searcely any food whatever, aud Was obliged to take my bed. in despair of ever | gelling any better. [ read some of th e-rtifleates of remarkable cures by the O aygenuled Bitters, and obtained a bottle of the medicine., Howeve surprising, itispuevertheless true, that 1 was a 'most immediately relieved 'of every symptom ol My various complaints, Tam sow in better health thab I have enjoyed for many years, and attiibute my 'restoration, by the grace of God, to your invaluable medicine. diespectfully yours. MARY f IIANOVER, No. 28 Fair Street. SETH W.FOWLE & CO., 138 Washington Sireet, Boston, Proprietors Sold by their agents everywhere. Lied, Ditp,; Elm Dale moroing, the Ltth Barn, Kaleigh on Monday instant, Mr, WwW Th: deceased was an es" Absalom Shad-t, aged 42 years. tinable cilizen and his loss is severely telt by his family and alarge cirele of fiiends and ac. queintance, we A RD Te DUES /§ @ &4 84 We cB PDEA DT EOS. Ap NaN NEN aN EN NI Chatham Muvkets--Prices im VYork Cy Freeman Orrick, May 16, 1857. oD S24) Weaot, per Ib Ue 0 0 Wheat, per bushel, SU. a, v0 Oats, per bushel, Be tw oo Barley per bushel, LOU Loe 20) Rye per bushel, Pea Se) Potatues. per bushel, G0 a hdl Cem, per baste, Son 0) Dr Beef, per LOU 1b. 40 0 «a 40 0 Pork, per LOU th, DD. 0. @ 60° 0 Mutou, per 100 1b, 430-4 Be 3) Butter, per Ih, a a v 0 | Tallow, per 100 1b, NBS i) a6 95-50 Chickens, per pair, 1223. a, ot) Elay, per ton, 205 0 & 120 0 Eiges, per doz, Ve hey, Oe 20) Joan Smiri. Harket Clerk. WANTED ee TOLATELY. A smart, active and intelligent boy about L% fourteen years of ave. Apply at this Olfice. One able to read and wrirs pre- ferred. - CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE. SY la agin ws om, N t-2 Lot No 1, in 5th Concession, on Plank Road, 100 acres, per acre, B20. 00 ID © YY @ r i=) 3 tg N 1-4 Lot No. 24. in Sth Concession, also on Plank Road, 50 acre, Per acre, B20. OU Sam acm b< Lot No8 Frouting on River Thames, a most de hehtfal Farm, within three miles of! Vbames- Fille Station, of the Great Western Rea ay 'The old London Stage Roa passes through it. Oiaeres cleared.-Inall 240. acres pcr acre, $350.00 60.No pb Ist ConcessicnExecllent hard woo! land 200 acr g per acie, te U No Jin Ist Coneession excellent hard weod land 200 acres per acre, $12. OO PHRMIS LTBI A To Ivor further particulars enqnire, (iC by letter post paid) at this office. June 20th, 1856. A RABE CHANCE FOR A GOO. FAR. Lot Noe 18 in 3rd, Consession, Township of Moore County of Lambton, 2U0 acres will be sold low for cash at the present time or for two months tocome. 'Lhe land (i dt Gs ap! is good and elieiby situated, being abeut 5 miles irom River St. Clair and the same distanee fiom the thrivnug Pown o! Moore For particulars enquire at the-" Provincial Freeman,' Office. June 5 1857. 41\--1f; FOR SALE. NEAT COTTAGE, with Garden attached; for Sale ou easy terms. For particulars -apply atthis Office. Juned3th, 1857. LAMPS! LAMPS! Al, Lamps of a superior kind and patent on hand, end for sall at this office --Also fluid or the same at the low price of ¢1. per gallon.--Please Call. New Advertisements. Aw Rca R. RARRADARAA ew Goods! New Goods ! DIY va x T a AT Na 1Gae Aa v4 : FENE, Subscriber begs to inform his Custom- & ers avd the Pablie generally that he has rcicv done of the largest and best assortments vw FARMING IMPLEMETS, HARDWARE WOODEN & GLASS WARE, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &e., &c.,ever imported into Chat- ham. is goods consists of The Best Elard ware. The Best Cradles. The Best Sneaths. The Best Sev thes. The Best Rakes. The Best Spades. The Best Shovels . The Best t oes. The Best Forks. The Best Saltivators. The Best Grindstones. The Best Pump Fixings. The Best Carpenters Touls "Lbe Most Giassware. The Best The Cheapest Hardware, The Chcapest Cradles, The Cheapest Sneaths, 'The Cheapest Scythes The Cheapest Rakes, The Cheapest Spades, The Cheapest Shovels, 'The Cheapest Hoes, The Cheapest Forks, The Cheapest Cultivators, The Cheapest Grindstones, The Cheapest Pump Fixings, The Cheapest Carpenters Tools, The Cheapest Giaxssware, The Cheapest Liquors, Liquors, The Best Teas, Vhe Bes: Sugar. the Best Coffee. The Cheapest Teas, The Cheapest Sugar. The Cheapes! Cotice, Twe Cheaper Spices, The Best Spices The Cheapest Extracts, The best Extracts &e., dc. ce, We, &e., &c., ce., &e,. Allthe aboye Goods will be sold Cheaper than ever have been sold for in Chatham belore, Wholesal> and Retail. Remember the 2nd and 3rd door from the cor- rer King and Bifth Streets. apposite John Smith's hq, Sad.e and Harness Store and in Millet's and Barfocts New Brick Storcs. W. H. NELSON, N.B. Calland see the Variety of goods, you will find accommodating Clerks to show them free of Charg e. : AWW, TEE IN if Vol 3 40tf Chatham, June 6th (857. y New Gocds, At THE Ladies 7y Palen} \ , NE) « =), WEISS Glue EGS TOINFORM THE LADIES THAT Be has received her New Goods, which she bax carefully selected, to stutthe wants of ber patrous, fiom the BEST BRITISH AND AMERICAN MARKET S$! Consistiny of the most Fashionable Dress Graal BONNETS-- MANTLES-- SHAW LS-- RIBBONS-- FLOWERS-- SILKS-- SA tio Se he, de. ey = 3 LAUJIES' underclothing !! To all ol which, she respeetfully invites atten- tion, at ber, SHOW ROOM, osposite the 'Roy- al exchange" Hotel, King Street, . hatham; foe" Paris, London, and New York Fashions just received for the Spring of 1847. Nov 2ist, 1856; v3-n16-1y PALMERSTON HOUSE. Oulario Street, West of the Albi m Hotel. ise) BS CD PEND LS LED, FYVE LE above house combines all the gadvanta- ges and vonveniences of a to Lae Boy MR ROR, Paste iO AND PUBLIC cr RESTAURANT, and will be found faily equal (if not superior) lo any similar place west of Toronto. Breakfasts, Refreshments, Suppers, Dinners, on the shortest notice. An Ordinary every day at I o'clock. Balls, Parties, Pic-Nics, &e, catered for on reasonable terms. Oysters, Lobsters, Sardines, served up in a variety of styles, Wines Liquors, of the very best brands. &e. Cigars, Summer heverages, Sala Water; Mint Juleps. Shery Cobblers, 'Old Pam" Chir ese smash, lce Cream, &c. Draught Ale and Porter. TRAVELLERS. And casual boarders will find eveay eccom oda- fion at the above house, witheut the noise and disoumfont so common at public hotels. '3 Se oe : . cara and luc ing, For a Limited number of gentlemen. Also Board [without Lodgings], by the day or week, ou rea- sonable terus., gl gy wh bi) C. THOMAS, Proprie lor. Sratford, May 30, 1857. 39-1f- ee ee Notice to Weachers. PFANHE Board Puoblie Instrretion for the County of Kent will weet for the examina- tion of School Veachers in the Grammar School Beilding of this Town, on the frst Mridays of June and September next, wh-n all those tachers who have not obiained cortifieates of qualification for the preseut year aie reqiired 1 attend; otherwise they will forfeit to their resp c¢- tive School Sections the public School Pund.-- Teachers who hold certificates during the plea- sure of the Board ave al-o required fi Ot 1 to attend and produce testiiponials of zoo l moral character either from their esp ctive Clergyimen, or frou Boards of Trusices by whom they have been engaged, otherwise their certificates will be can- celled. No certificates herealter will be granted fora longer period than ONE ybRaR, By order of the Board THOMAS CROSS, Sec'y B. P. J. County of Kent. Chatham, May 4th, 1857. 3m \ FOR SALE OR 'TO LET, TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE and ay Kast halt ot Lot No. 43, the house is newly finish d and situaied on St. John Street, in the flourishing village of Dresuen, or particulars apply to Win. Li. Wilson of Dresden, or at the ottce of the Freeman. Dresden, July 1@:h, 1856. Tate | | | | OF THE Farmers' & Mechanics' Store, NOW | SIX MONTHS IN OPERATION. sales in that time Beinga larger amount of business by thou- sands of dollars, then was ever betore done in Chatham, by any one store. Showing conclusively, that the great mass of the people caw and co discriminate and appre- ciate, and consequently, will patronize the store in which they can find THE LARGEST ASSORT- MENT OF THE CHEAP- HST AND BEST GOODS. Those who have contributed during the last six months to swell our Sales to such an unpre- eedented amount, are very sincerely thanked, and respectiully informed that the Manager iu January, ordered through an European Com- mercial Traveller, nearly all our Spring Goods; which with others ordered from New York and Montreal, are now daily arriving; so that very shortly our assoriments in every department will be full and complete, Filled too, with Goads of the best deseriptions, not two months from the place of Manufacture, and purchased of first hands, Herein consists the secret of the extensive busiuess we are doing, No two profits to pay on our Goods. Those who have never visited the Farmers' and Mechanics' Store. Will find on doiug so, that its stock embraces full assortments of DRY-GOODS! FB ARNIS WY < aA Ne TS PATGY & STAPLES poem TBR (exafaws fax CLOT AIM, Seasonable and Fashionable BOOTS AND SHOKS, From the celebrated Manufactory of Messrs. Brown & Childs, Montreal, CARPE'TINGS, And other house furnishings, WALL, & WINDOW PAPER, SOAPS, PPR: cia ) aR A) FPS. TT) ED G a POLL SOAL ISU MTIBIRW, Oo Of the most approved, English, French, Italian and Bohemian Manufacture. Hats §& Caps, fiosiery & Gloves, Staiwnary §& School Books, Hall & Window Paper, Truuks, & Valises, Crockery §& Glass Ware, Cordage, Pickles & Sauces, Pruus & Nuts, Groceries & Provisions, Cutlery §& Spoons, Nails, Glass & Putty, Oil. and Paints, Wines and Liquors, INCLUDING Pikes' "Magnota, Champagnes, Alts, Porters, S6., &¢. Being the Farmers' & Mechanies' Store its stocks are laid in with a vicw to the supplying their every want----and as Farmers' & Mechan- ics', like other classes of the community, have not all times the o pay down for their necessaries, a well defined and discriminative, Credit business will be doue,1n order to meet the wants of worthy and responsible persons: Making only 5 per cent differ nee between Cash and Credit. We have a large yard for Customers to diive their Carriages into, and a good tor them to put their Horses under and feed, All kinds of FARM PRODUCE will always be bought, and found FOR SALE. Those who have not paid us a visit are re- quesied todoso All may depend upon bein kindly and obligingly treated. on fo) Parcels delivered at Hotels or rex'dences, in Town, free of charge. By orler of the Manager, JOUN D. McLEOD, Casiiier. April 22nd, 185°, v3-nl6-Ly. COMBINATION CO'S COLUMN. | i A i ey WITH A LARGE STOCK BESIDES, A LARG CHOICK MAHOGANY AND WALN FRENCH, COTTAGE, SERPENT THE BEST MANUPFA( Cottime Wuraremicsihed at Persons wishing to buy FURNITURE, will Chatham, December 14, 1855. Divisicn Courts for 1857. | OTICKH is hereby given that the Division Courts for the County of Kent, for the year 1857, will be held at the following places and limes ;-- Ist Division, Chatham, Saturday,--1l0th Jan'y. do do Saturday, 7th February. Uo do Saturday, 7th March. do do Saturday, 4th April. do clo Saturday, 21 May. do do Saturday, 6th June, do do Saturday, 4th July.' do do Saturday, Ist August. do do Saturday, 5th September. do do Saturday, 3rd October. do do Monday, 2nd November. | do do Saturday, 5th December, | 2nd Division, Morpeth, Thursday, 26th March. do do Thursday, 23rd July. do do Tuesday, 24th Nov. do Ridgetown, 'Tuesday, 27th January. do da Tuesday, 26th May. do do Thursaay, 24th Sept. 3rd Div. Tecumseth, Friday, 30th January. do do Monday, 27th July. do Dawn Mills, Monday, 30th March. do do Monday, 28th September. do Dresden Friday, 29th May. do do Friday, 27h November. 4th Division, Harwich, Thursday, 29th January. do do Thursday, 28th May. do do Saturday, 26th Sept. doy Wellington lin, Town ship EVrw'h & Howard) Saturday, 28th March. do do Saturday, 25th July. do gO Thursday, 26th Nov. 5th Div. Deal ToRn Monday, 26th January. do do Monday, 25th May. do do Wednesday, 23rd Sep. Pardo's Inn, do Middle Road Wednesday, 25th March. do do W ainesday, 22nd July. do do Monday, 23rd Novemb'r. 6th Div. Wallaceburg Tuesday, 3lst March. do. do Tuesday, 29th September. do do Saturday. 28th Nov, do at Oungah P.Office Saturday, 3tst January. do do Saturday, 30th May. do do Tuesday, 23th July. 7th Division Clearville, Friday, 27th March. do do Friday, 24th July. do do Wednesday, 24th Nov. do Kilmarnock, Wednesday, 28th Jan. do do Wednesday, 27th May. do do Priday, 25th Sept. NAT: By order of Wititiam Bensamin Weuts, Esq Judge ofthe County of Kent. GHEORGHE DUCK, Jr, Clerk of the Peace, Gounty of Kent. Office of the Clerk of the Peace, Chatham. 9th Dee. 1855. New v3n2l-ly Goods Spring AE TERE CHATHAM | CLOTHING HALL, | e @& PAAR te SANARTTR -£ THD AE TRIGA TT STONS & DURNBULD E AV Eto intimate the arrival of their NE VW GOODS tor the present season, inclad- Ing an extensive and «arelully selected Stock of LADIES' DRESSES, SHAWLS. MANTLES, BONNETS, PARASOLS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, PAPER HANGINGS, DOMESTIC GOODS, Ready &c. A Rate Stock of CLOTHS, VESTINGS, & GENTLE- MENS' GOODS. CLOTHING MADE "FO ORDER as usual CHEAP FOR CASH. | Chatham, May Ist, 1857. fade Ciothing, | Bae as kK irst- vo-n36-tf. important to .:ouselre Loffer for sale 85 different recipes for $1, many of which have heen sold the past vear for $5 a piece. No housekeeper will gradge $1 for one vf those recipes alone atter irving it once. Aetlies oe Das E eens Address Wo. BuuMBack, Point Pleasant Pay, and the whole number ol recipes will be forward- ed by mail © pers | | | strict attention to business, to retain their patronage in future. before purchasing 'that the Tratlick and drinking arr Ele ga NHE SUBSCRIBER takes this opportunity of inf and surroundirg Country that he has taken R. SMITH'S OLD ESTABLISHED STAND forming the people of CHATHAM, ; OF SEASONED LUMBER, E ASSORTMENT OF FURNITURE, He also tenders bis sincere thanks to the Public generally, ly, for their liberal support ; liber and hopes, by His STOCK is composed of the FOLLOWING ARTICLES, VIZ: Ul VENEERED BUREAUS Mahogany and Walnut Sofas, CANE AN. D SPRING SEAT PARLOR CHAIRS, Dining, Breakfast and Kitchen Tables, INE, AND PLAIN BEDSTEADS, TOILET WORK AND WASH STANDS. ALSO, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Rocking, Windsor and Children's Chairs, YPURED IN CANADA. --------=-- 8 Gan tlic Sinercesd iT Otudeee ALL ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED Or find it to their advantage to call and examine vlsewhere, § atte J. O. SMITH. on eee Lor the attention of, all Temperance re * formers, Legislators, Ministers of religion Sc.) (SHORTLY WILL BE PUBLISHED) A Census List OF Lhe Inhabitants of Stratford ]. W 1e religious denominations, Jo por 1857,shewing tl --those who use intoxicating drinks aid those wnodo not, with the religioas Denomina, tions appended,--also taverns and sellersof in- toxicating drinks, with also such religious de- nomination appended -Lists of Distilers and Brewers, with the same--List of Ministers of he County of Perth,--(Lists of members &c., of congregations may be added.) Names of the Teachers of Schools &c. &¢.--As it js Stated habits, and the drunkenness of our land, are confined to Presby- terians, Episcopalians, and Roman Catholics such lists will practically show the truth or un- truth of the statement. "TTave they not (the trafickers) got enough of our blood?'--Hon, M. Camoron--"the next best legacy and gift to every woman and child of our land, will be the freedom from tho traftick" L.-- Srratrorp. C, W. By "AMEN!-- 16th. Mareh 1957, ¢ OTE: The attention of all Temperance Associations Sons of Temperance, Leg- Ministers of religion, and others fa- vourable to the putting down of the'CURSE' and the "DISGRACE? of'our and every Christian country,--the public Traffic in Intoxicating Drinks, (the savage, uncivilized and unchristian lands excepted )--that attention is called tu the a- dopting of such a Plan as the above, to show STATISTICALLY and nivore EXACTLY those who, in our several municipalities and communities, countenance the publie evil and disgrace of our day, "the Traffic in Intoxica- ting drinks,'--and also by said plan, to help te purify a British Colony which is the most fore- most of Great Britian's possessions; and make it --Canada--more reliable as a home for the Em- igrant, under a frea, liberal; and loyal govern- ment. ' islators. To make the "Census" complete in its inten- tion generally, a Listshould he subjoined of the names of those RESIDENT inhabitants, who pub- licly use Intoxicating drinks at our Public bars and ""Saloons'--the latter commonly named as the "Eells" ofour cammunity,--Sober farmers mechanles, millers, carpenters, laboures &r, are those, D. J.. who realize a competence and pros- perity in Canada and meet with ready employ- ment.--All those connected with our Railways. must be sober men.-- Ask Mr. Brvdges, the Rail- way manager at Hamilton C. W.--Is the sane sobriety needed as we move through life?-- a" Will papers favourable to the cause please copy. be 1H KE LARGEST FALL STOGK In Chatham, RCEHASED 'or CASH, and OFFERED OB CASH or P | . or Produce only, at prices as low as such terms demand, far BELOW COMPETITION th The beat] of those who buy or sell on any other terms Lhe Old Store, JOSEPH 8. BEATTY! STAPLE DRY-GOODS, CSUTKEBY 'BLASS, GROCERIES & LIQUORS, PAINTS & OILS. 2000 Ibs. ASSORTED SHOT, 100 KEGS GUN POWDER Sole Agent for BURNING FLUID. JOS. S. BEATTY, Chatham, Dec. 12th, 1856. v3-n18-tf. NEW BOARSING HOUSE. WILLIAM STILL ~ -pEGS to announce that he has Ovenrn a SOBOARDING HOUSE, at No, 374SOUTH STREET, below Ninth, PHi.apELpaia, where he will accommodate respectable persons, perma- nently or transiently, who may faveur him with their patronage. The House is Commedious and in good order, andthe location Central and Respectable. ize" No pains will be spaired therefore to give very satistaction, Philade!phia, Oet. 29th, 1835. 27-1

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