Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON), 6 Jun 1857, p. 4

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ges IL Sear U iSakgentoas WALES 160 | OOO LN PET EE GIS LOL NI OO fella nO OO fr st Ba ha? tte « oO 4 ab "andersi¢ned begsto inform the public generally, that he is prepared to furnish the following articlss by Wholesaleand Retail : AXE HANDLES, PICK AX HANDLES, ADZE HANDLES, BUCK SAW FRAMES, and SAW-HORSES, &c., Made in the best manner. SO, BY RETA, a Al Yew BUCK SAWS. of the best quality, in complete er for serviee. "Also, Axes ready Handled. Also, fae Butinto Axes. anc other Tools. F T. SMALLWOOD?'S Saw Factory. : ; York Street. No. 88. edt te boone eres ee ene 'The Children's Paper." PO SPUBLISHED AT TORONTO BY T. HELSOUS SOE FINER MS.--l2 copies monthly, per annum-- one dollar.eighty, cents, 100 copies, monthly per anbimfifteen dollars, Sent post free through- outthe British Provinces, No subseripiious for less than twelve copies received.--lIs issued in Toronto on tht first of each month, payable ta advance. Post Cffice orders payable to T. Nelson & Sons, oe (Mesers, Nelson's Works and "Children's Paper' are weil known in Britain, and itn Canada, and recommended as faithful and pure.) *Stratford, Dec, 10th 1856. v3-n2! NOVICE, Lote JACKSON, of Brantford, Can- L' ada West, having heard that her sister Mary Jennings, of Berks County, near Read- ings* Pennsylvania, is dead. Wishes her brother-in-law, David James Jennings, to bring the children to Brantford C. W. January, 23rd, 1857. yo-n22-tt, boone eh THES NAHE SUBSCRIBER: having received his -' SPRING STOCK, is prepared to offer to the publie, thes LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST 6 ASSORTMENT OF GA, BID WY A. 2 evér brought to Chatham, at "Wholesale or Retail! Cossisting in part as follows, viz:--Iron and Stee] of all kinds; Blacksmtth's Bellows. Anvils, Screw Plates; Dicsand Taps; Carpenter's Tools, Shoemaker's Tools, Nals of all kinds and sizes ; Spades, Shovels, Scoups, Hoes, Forks, Garden Rakes, Hay Rakes, Scythes, Snaths, Brush Hooks! @hains of all kinds; Harrow Teeth. Cultivator Teeth, Patent Pumps,-Pump chain and Gearing ; Pots. Pans and Kettles ; os Tinware and Tinsmith's Tools. SADDLER'S HARDWARE! Tames, Loeks, Bolts, Butts, Screws, Hinges of rallekindss Knives, Forks ana Spoons of every «leseription ;» Brushes of all kinds ; eS a *"MULLY MILL SAWS. Cirenlar Saws, Crosseut and Pitt Saws, Files. .¥.PAINTS, O1LS8 AND COLORS, With other articles quite too numerous to men tiott! He will also, in a few days, have a large quantity of MACHINE BELTING, ofall avidths, "Allof which he wilisell at prices) that defy competition. = , A. CURRIE. Next.door to D.R. Van Allen,s Ming Street, Chatham, C. W. Chatham, June 13th, 1856. © iis PROSPECTUS. be Be re - F ee S ee A ay RS is LIPS TLLUSTSATao, eg A NDW., FIRST CLASS Waaemalsy Neg SPAPSYy Devoted to: News, Literature, Science, and the Arts to Entertainment, Improvement and Progress. .oePusiisned WREKLY, at $2 a4 YRar. BY FOWLERS & WELLS, 308, Broadway, New York. 6m {tis our purpose to furnish a journal, which, bound "tor nos party, sect, or theory, embracing everyhutaan interest, an d furnisbing food for all thejiaculties of the mind, shall merita world-wide circulation. eS G@BaAsnsO LITERATURE, in the form of Original Essays, Historical, Bio- graphical -and Descriptive Sketches of Travel and Adventure. Poetry, Painting, Music, ana Sculpture, etc., from the pens of our best writers, waith:ehoice selections from the leading periodi- cals of Europe, will form a prominent feature. 'The great field ot LAs * SCIENCE, in all its. departments, will be explored, and all new discoveries. laid before our readers in a popularttoem.. 'Tue Arts, particularly in the departments of Agriculture, Mechanical Industry, and : Manufactures; will receive attention, and no invention of improved process will escape our HOVCC AGRICULTURE § HORTICULTURE, in whieh so large-a portion of our people are en- gaged; will demand at our hands special con- silepations "We shall endeavor lo elevate still more the standard of Mecaanica Inpusrry, and to develop and bring to light the latent talent and skill of our intelligent and worthy artisans. = PHYSIOLOGY and.the Laws of Lite, in their application to phy- sieal- development and the promotion of health will have a prominent place in our columns, EDUCATION, in its broadest: sense wil! be encouraged, and, aided by*centributors, engaged in teaching in col- lege, school, and shop, we snall try to reader the pursuit of knowledge easy and attractive, 1-810 NEW BOOKS will be carefully and candidly noticed, and where their importance seeins to demand it, eritically reviewed. In the department of GENERAL NEWS, ae we shall be prompt, authentic, and tull, giving a rarefully prepared summary of passing events. both foreign-and domestic, and recording all sign> af. progress in every departinent of lite, 'l'un Marxers will be carefully reported, and suci: general, commercial, and financial intormatiou given as the interests of our ~zaders demand, sete? THE FAMILY CIRCLE. We shall make our paper a welcgme and valued -yisitonatevery irxside, Tur an,pgsn will find, in 'achnumber,: sug cornel 3¢ef apart for their am *sement and' 4.) truction, a ed GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY GF GANADA, 9 ee _ ALTERATION OF TIME. ON and AFTER WEDNESDAY next, the Ist APRIL, Trains will run as follows :-- GOING EAST. : QB : 5 zi ps 3 e fe STATIONS E : x x = i 5 © 3 2 a é S m g e S) me a z Zi S S = ae ee ee A.M. A.M, P.M. P.M. P.M. Windsor, deparll as.3 ot os as 6.00 10.30 P2620) 7.45 9.30 Puce. Sr SS aes Cans ees Sees Lee Belle Revere eet Soro 6.35 11.05 1.40 8.20 10.05 Dapuste Oreck... so ya oo ee 1.50 ees es Chath O40. Sse, oo 403) PO 2.40 9.20 Sees Thamesvlle: 2% 2. 3S. aS 8.09 ee 8.55 see 12. 10 Deuiwers oases oo 8.28 Se 4.30 10.08 Ac NeWDO ys ccS ass eo. 8.40 La3 5.05 10.25 canes Glondor 7.542 ee A aovteke 8.55 sies Died 0) O00 are ote Wkitd: = 5-5 Sor 9.17 1.51 6.20 Sah os ie NE Dry ves. 83 aaa 9.29 2.00 6.40 esee A.M. Momigke do, sic27 i te, 9.40 216 7.00 11.22 P67 London | Arrive Pacejnee ace 10.05 Das 7.30 11.47 1.32 Dosa... 6.00 | 40. te 2585 swan | 2600,. | ai 40 Edwardsburgh....... 6.20 Snes S55 1653 uke. A.M. aon Wig@ersolle. 3 oh. es. B40 > 4410.55 3.35 os 12.40 2.20 Beecwwileioi5 2< 4 | 6.50 [05 3445 pa ere Uae See Wonedstock 2... 1. 2.00 Tas RE 3. 57 Sous 1.05 2.45 LAStWOGU sn «e656 oon a7 = 10 126 4.05 Soe. Sct isk Prupecton =. aoe 7 29 11.50 AD Rae Se eS 3°10 Paris | ee Gal orecs P.M. 4,42 cae ees See Depart 5... de 1210 Boos ie 1.50 3.36 P.M. Preston, depart! .¢1 07) P15 11.35 4.19 8.00 eas ees Galt do. weeeee! g230) 12.00 And Sane Sees Ss bcs Gall arige 2.3... | 11200 3.10 7.85 8.20 a eee Preston; 00:2... TE 20 o50) 7.50 scade. § See poe Harrisburg. 0c. sc] 8.20 12.35 5.07 ra wee 00 Lynden 2.4 2 | 818 ove 5.15 "=e -- Bae Copetown 2.4.05 6.1-- 8.28 Scale LBs Ae PGs ee Flam Ora. . ooo. ne ep a ee Goes mee Soe ea Dundas... cece oe vee 889 1.00 5235 ese oe ee ps AUTIVe ssc 9.00 P20 Dd. D0 Saas 3.05 4.52 onion Dept «| 9,20 1,40 6.00 as 3.15 5.00 Ontarid ce et 9.45 one 6.25 anes ---- Cea Grimsby. bea. «sisi 10-00 Jee) 6.386 es S285 Pads Bedmeville <.s.c cect £0.15 sibse 6.47 ee Se ee JOrdah' se. i eects ces} 10.80 ar 1.05 Seis sees a P.M. } St. Catharines vse.0031 10:52 DAs (ers cee 4,20 6.10 (DMroroMst. nis eines cl- 11.08 2.55 GBD setae 4.30 6.20 Niagara Falls, arrive ..| 11.25 3.20 8.00 Seg 4.50 6.50 NN IID TINEA RATA AS ES aS BIRLA LEI I GOING WEST. F4 - 2 ee ee 8 : . A s z STATIONS. e ss 4 8 2 & = = = S = ; Z, < ) S a: ee Sa x < Ne: Ms A,M. AGM. P.M. fe Niagara Valls, depart..; 6.00 | 7.15 11.30 3.45 8.30 Th .45 Phoroldi. aes Wav 6.30 | 7.38 Pol 4.07 B.52 2) 12.09 mi. Cutharines:=... 5, | 6-40 TAS 12.00 BS ye 8.59 | TOs DOlUAN «66 aistes Geb ce 7.02 ee Pos 4 32 Se os WeaneGleis osss es el 70d Sees Nee 4.45 ed mois GiOSOY eve sei. +s es| 7,49 eai6* a 5.00 Aree ios ON AlGns 6 oc pete = 809 ees +>: 5.17 ne 35> oi AMrive= sai) 8.40 1-8. 50 1.05 5.40 10.00 1%. 20 Hamilton Doe eon} Gala he 9.00 1.30 '| 5.50 | 10.t0 1.30 Iyndas 2. (65 SP 9.32 prceeee 6.10 he nee Net AMDO) 0-4 a6 es oes 3 seen | 9248 ees 6.20 AOS freee Copetawh sc... 54 esc cee | ee Sooo 6.30 BS ee AG Lynden. 25 sae. oes ee; | 10.05 Sk 6.43 Biss Ses Harvisburg.. ....-.++. seer | 10.17 RS 6.05 Ree 2.52 { Preston, depart. «<2. << |s 1 3" G15 11.35 4.10 = 8.00 Galt Cre Se eae 6.30 7.30 12.00 Ar ake ees Galle slarrive ssi ieneie Saree 11.00 310 530 ee §.20 Preston, do, 6245401062150 11.20 3.80 7.50 ee hess = A.M. apis =. ee ee ee 10.44 2.50 eee 11.35 Te Wri eelON se. os se ae Hes Oz: stewie 1, 40 oe ests WaStWOOG. 3-5 ce ha we 1.26 -: 7.58 oe ens VGH SOCK 8s <5 5c ek | oh s 11.34 3430 8.08 {2-23 350 IBeuChvVilles ve oe of sora xe 6 11.48 ee 8.20 Vesa S85 Ingersoll.........6-- soon | 11.54 3.55 §.30 12.43 4.12 Hdwardsburo...eid.,2 7.02." | 12514 ee 8.50 'ee iis. NUTIVGs «so A.M. 12.34 4230 9.10 1.25 4 London | Benwt cc 8.00 | 1.00 ; 4-45 a. PBN 5.05 Komolkas. 72. 5. 251 6.50 1.28 5.09 ees 2.00 roe) Mt. Brydges.........| 8.53 | 1.40° 5.20 eke aes ees Bicfiids #26. . os eee 7 | 0-18) 4 9.58 5.30 Poe oo -- Pipncoe . 9. 3 ns | 20.00 | Page 50 Ss a Se IN OWDULY. weve ees oe (al 0.08d 2.26 6.05 ache 3.02 6.32 OUNWEL. 65065 u% oa 010.50 Doct - Ferree coe cee eee Ashamesvillé vs... -%s | 21.90 eae cos cece cae. eeee P.M. pe Ciwatham sc esse eo 1.00 3.30 7.10 eee 4.05 1.37 Baptiste Creek: ......) 1.45 Sees Fe ele ee es Bello "Riv ely casera (30.35 4,.35 Soe soe 5.10 8.45 ERG) 2 ro er ee bess 4 tase tees | sess aoc Windsor, arrive.....-| 8.30 ee to ig The Company's Time Tables can be obtained on application at any of the Stations. C. J. BRYDGES, Managing Director. * Flag Stations. NEW DRUG STORE. | CENTRAL MEDICAL HALL. G. W. BRODIE, REAL ESTATE AGENT A. T. AUGUSTA General Intelligence Office. EGS to announce to his Friends and the Public generally, that he has OPENED the Store on Yotge Street, one door south of 'Elm Street, with a New and Choice Selection of DRUGS, MEDICINES, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, DYE-STUFES, &c., and trusts, by strict attention to his business, to merit a share of their patronage. Physicians' Prescriptions, accurately prepared, LEECHES APPLIED. Cupping, Bleeding, and Teeth extracted. The Proprietor, or acompetent Assistant, always in attendance, F ROM a general acquaintance, and punctual attendance to business, we hope to merit a liberal share of patronage, Corner of King and William Streets, CHATHAM, C.W. ice" Please Call before you Buy, £4 15th August, 1855. 18-tf COTTAGE FOR SALE. NEAT COTTAGE for Sale. For parti- iz culars apply to D. LEQNARD, at the office of J. B. WILLIAMS, Esq., Rankin's Building. hatham, June 6th, 1856, tf 6-ly { Toronto March 30, 1855. PROVINCIAL FREEMAN AND WEEKLY A DOCTOR DELANY, PHYSIGIAN & SURGEON, | Hq AS permanently located his Office and Re- i gf sidence on MURRAY STREET. First idoor East of the corner of ADELAIDE ; STREET. | FE practices in Chronic Diseases, and the Diseases of Women and Children, in par- , ticular, REFRRENCRS: J. P. Gazzam, Esq. M.D., | Grorer M.Coox, Esq., M. D., | Late Prof. of Surgery in the Washington Medical College, Baltimore, Md.--Pittsburgh, Pa. Chatham, March Ist, 1857. 41- KNontreal Boot & Shoe Store. Some One!--Come All!! CORNELIUS H. CHARITY OULD respectfully announce to his nu- merous Customers, and the Public gene- rally, that he has bought out the extensive Suon EsTaBLIsuMENt of his Brother, J. H. Cuariry, where he has OPENED, with an unrivalled assortment of BOOTS, SHOHS, AND RUBBERS of every description, and of the latest style, suit, able for Spring and Summer wear. He will keep constantly on haved, a large stock o DVERTISER PGES ES ESR | 1856 NEW SRING GOODS. We tale pleasure Te ch gnneind to oar ee THAT THE FIRx? LARGE STOCK OF New Spring Goods Were broughtnto this market by C, MONTG(MERY & Co., SUCCBSORS TO BROOKE & ZONTGGMERY, And they are determibd that extra inducements shall be offered to the Customers in all the de- partments of STAPLEAND FANCY DRY GOODS, AVIGISIOPIFIGNDESREORYG GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &¢., Our Stock is now first-rate Trim, and we can show the Handsmest, the Gheapest, and the f most Complete Stock ver brought into this Towu. It is our determinatia that our prices shall be And if our friend. from the Cov ntry and Town, will beatin mind that there is of his own Manufacture, of every description. Measures will be taken, and work made to order. = BADPLE? Wea will be kept in endless varieties, and of the lates fashionable style, viz.:.-- Boots, Garters, Buskins, Shoes, ns as ray Shppers, Hrench Tres, &c. Tlaving a thorough and practical knowledge 0+ t e business, he feels prepared to render satisfac- t ion to.all who inay favor him with a call. COUNUIRAG BS aACEEA wes vishing to purchase, by wholesale, will find it c their advantage to call, as he can supply them theaper than any other Kstablishment in this part wf the Province. Repairing done with neatness and despatch. fg" Callat Cornenius H. Caariry's, just four doors below the Royal Exchange Hotel, King St. Cou. CHARTER Chatham, March 7th. 1856. 43-t PROSPECTUS FOR 1856, THE SATURDAY EVENING POST ESTABLISHED AUGUST 4ru, 1821. Weekly Edition between 80,000 aud 90,000 JN issuine their Prosnectus for 1856, the propri EL oetors of the Posr take it for granted, that th public are aiready tolerably well acquaint d wit the character of a pap:r that has grown stron" during the storms and sunshine of THIRTY FOUR YEARS. Their object always has been | as it remvins to be, to publish a weekly paper for the family circle, which shal] not only amuse but also instruct and improve, those who mae, read it. To accomplish this o}ject, the best artiy | cles are xelected orcondensed from foreign and- domestic periodicals, and original articles of an | | instructive character, procured when possible. Letters from Foreign Lan Is; the most interest- ing portions of the Weekly News of the World; Sketches of Life, Adventure and Character; Se- lecied and Original Articles upon Agriculwure ; Acecunt of the Produce and Steck Markets; and a Bank Note List are inclujed among the solid informetion to-be--constantly found in the Post, But the mind requires a wider range--it has faculties which delight in the humorous and lively the imaginative and poctical. These taculties also must have their appropriate food, else they become enfeebled, and, as a conseqrence, the in- telleet becomes narrow and one-sided, and is not ableto take an enlarged and generous view o human netureand its destiny. To-satisfy thes Heaven-implented cravings of our mental being "we devote a fair proportion of the Posr to FIC TION, POETRY, and HUMOR. Among our contributors ip the first two of the above departments, are several of the most gilted writers in the land. We also draw freely for Hiction and Poetry upon the best periodicals in | this country and Great Britain. . We design com- | | ' and actions, of Agricultural and other new In ven mencing a New Story by Yrs. Souraworra author of " The Deserted Wife,' " Miviain," &¢ in.our firstpaper for January next. Eneravings--ill ustrative efiinportant pace tions, with others of a Humorons, though refined | character, are also freely given. The Postage on the Post to any part of the , United States, paid quarterly or yearly in advance | at the office where it is reeetved, ts only 25 cents | a year. Terirs.--The Terms of the Post are Two Dollars, i-patd invadvance; Phree Dollars, if not paid in advance. Mord ive Dollars, in advance, one copy is sent three years. We continue the following low terms for Clubs, to be sent, in the city, to ene address, and, in the country, to one Post Office. 4 Copies, - - - - erannum 8 5 8 do (and I to the getter np of the Club) $10 13. do (and 1 tothe getter np.of the Club) $15; 90 do (and {to the getter up of the Clab) $20 Persons residing in British North America nis remit dwwenty-five cents in addition to the subserip- tion price, as we have to prepay the Uniied States | postage. LiGioNs TO Chuss.--Any person having sen | the money avd names for a Club, may add new. names to it at the same rate. provided the latier will allow their subscriptions to end at the same time those of the main listd»., We will willing- ly supply the back numbers, if we have them. Our object is to have all the subscriptions in each Ciub end atthe same time, and thus prevent confusion. The money for Clubs must always be sent in advance, Whenthesum is large,a draft should be procured it possible--the cost of which may be deducted from the amount. Post-Masters or others sending for Clubs, would confer a favor by having them sent to one address, when they can >) conveniently. The papers to Clubs are invariably stopped at the expiration of the period for which they have subscribed. A New ArraNGEMENT.--Our subscribers will take notice that we now have no collecting agents out ot this State. They will therefore please remit to us direct. All persons addressing letters to us should be careful to give the name of the State, as well as of the town, in which they live, Add letters must be post-paid. Subscribers wishing their paper changed, will please give the name of the Post-Office to be changed from, as well as the Post-Office they wish it hereafter sent to. We trust that such of our old friends, the Pos Masters, as do not feel inclined to take advantage of our liberal offers themselves, will show our Prospectus to other influential and responsible persons who will be willing to raise Clubs, &e. DEACON & PETERSON, No. 66, South Third Street, Philadelphia pe" N.B.--Any Person desirous of recewing copy of the POST, as @ sample, can be accomm dated by notifying te Fublishers by letter, (po paid ; on hand, asupply of BOOTS and SHOES | tist,] and the American Bible | Nassan and Broome streets, N "« {Move money male by gabing tt, than here is in arning it." °° °° No doubt our Stce will be crowded those wishing to Make the myst of a pollar!? Ages. by We advise an erly call,.as those who come first, will get tie first Bargains!! C. MONTGOMERY & CoO. Opposite the Loyal Exchange. KING ST., CHATHAM, C. W. Chatham, May 2nd, '856. ly. en , | lo MONTINI, | DY: ' french Boot and Sve maker, YONGE STREET, ae Third Door below Elm, West Sides 12 EGS leave to inform the Ladies and G s 4 men of Toronto, and Vicinity, that prepared to execnte all orders in the above o their satisfaction. He also keeps consta . . 2 3 evers' variety and finish. : Dee Est, 1855: 31 NEW GROCERY _ AND PROVISION PVE Subscriber having openeda GROCERY | a and PROVISION STORE, on QUEER Ne: SPREE T. «| (Third door East of Dummer,) Would respectfully solicit a share of public | patronage. He willendeavor, by selling Cheap, | tor Cash, to make it an indncemer tto purchasers to give him a call, and by strict.a'ention te busi- | ness, to merit the confidence of th public. JOH" MURPHY | Toronto £ 2¢, 23 7854 ! (New Norice--1856--No. 10.) Slavery--Republi Seemed i In the name of Humanity [ make tis | APprgeau to Cananrans! Various Books, Tracts, Hymn Books, Perioc icals, &c., &c., (some of them ineorreet copies) of the Societies and Religious bodies in thi Unreen Spares. which are named below, ar circulated and sold in Canada, by entporteur: (book carriers) by Tract Societies and by others, These American societies and bodies { have un- remittingly forsome time past, publicly denonne- | ed and proved, as Pro-Snavery or Siren, and | some (if not all) formed speciaily on a REPUBLI- : can Basis, or foundation, and opposed even on | sneh principles to our Brrrsn instisations. | Thovgh many of these Societies, &¢ , have b-en : SHAMED as it were, (since religious humane, and | Godwise principles are apparentiy trampled ane | der foot,) to discontinue their sinful and in-: humane practices, ina Free ant a Brrrisn Pro- | vince, vet Lam ledito believe that clandestinely { _or otherwise, such evil practices are continued | and encouraged, I therefore aprirarn to all Laymen in Canada.-- | to all men and women of HumManiry who are op posed to the sin and eurse of Siavery, and who hail our noble Provinee asa land and an 2sylum for the free,--tor the oppressed,--and_ for the Fu- | git've trom American Christian slavery,--to aid: in discountenancing in our free Province of Can- ada, the circulation of sneh books, tracts, &e., | and having any fellowsbip with sneh societies | vin & 6 { Phe Societies referred to are :-- 1. The American Pract Society--New York. | 2. The Ainérican Sanday School Union, Phil-! adelphia. 3. Che Preshvterian Board of Publicatio Chesnut street, Philad elphia. 4. The Methotist: Episeopal Chnreh. [north] Book concern, 200 Mutberry stre t New York. | 5. The American Bantist Publication Society, | --Philadelpaia.--anrd American Baptist Mision. | ary. Union, Boston.--[All Baptists ot United i States, except the "Free Will" and. the " free Baptists," are cither pro-slavery or s//ent--see | " Facts for Baptists Churches.,' pp: 403] | 6. American and Forcien Bible Soeisty, [Bap- i i | i | | | Union, [Baptist,]], 7. American Bible Society, Astor Place, New|, York,---with many others,--of whose pro-slavery and silent character, reliable information can be obtained at48 Boekuian street, New York. Let the touctstone question be pnt: " What 'books, traets, &e., do you publish, circulate, o "sell, against Slavery--and are the Bibles cireu "Jated amongst the bond and. the tree'--and le proof be produced on the spot, as Canadians have been deceived. As a resident Scotch emigrant of 23 years in Canada, I have been deceived--sin tully so. Jzt. &. LENTON. Stratford, C. W., July 8, 1856. (VALUABLE BOOK ) FACTS FOR BAPTiST CHURCHES. OLLECTED, arranged, and reviewed: b Revds. A. T. Fossand E. Matuews. [Prée Mission Baptists,] pp. 408--Utica, N.Y. Pul, lished by the American Baptist Free: Missiun Society--[with portrait. | " This is a book which no Baptist in Canad --lay or clerical.--should be with ut. Itshew, the support give to Slavery by the Americaly Baptists. The " Free Will Baptists"? and Frée Catholic and Protestant Books. is STORE. | + December, 1855. ; 'uppty of choice Soar / Among which are the NER VINE CORDIAL, Ccanism., i for the cure of Diseases depending on Nervous - | Debility; the ALTERATIVE, tor Purifying the = Blood, Scrofula, Scurvy, &@: and the INDIAN )PPECIFIC OINTMEN'L, for Piles, Old Sotess Sprains, Bruises, Chilblains, Chapped) Shin, aes Sali Rheum, Scald Head, Frosted Linubs, :. &e, CHATHAM MUSIC HALL, YOUNG FOLKS, OLD FOLKS, LISTEN ONE THOUSAND PIECES OF SHEET Musi JUST RECEIVED, {AT ALFRED MOORE'S MUSIC HAL ; TWO DOORS EAST OF THE post OFFICR, CHATHAM. SBpwlemeidi aAliowome In Morocco and Gold Bindings. ELEGANT ANNUALS, | Or New Year's Present Boc.z 'In every variety of style, from $1 to $6 each, |, 4 +4 ; AGS@PORDMoNn From. $2 to $10. pes. WFrOmiune, _ From #3 to $20, eet OUTS, From $2 to $20. ; Harps, Guitars, Tambor Banjos, Flutes, Pifes, Pais, IMageolets, Clarionetts gral A Poolin and Guitar Strings, et Music Books, Note Books, Music Paper, Sheet Music, And all kinds of Musical Merchandize, always on hand, . Oil Paintings, in Gold Frames, School Books § Stationery. { } oy i ae 38 sap i CARD BOARD, = 5 Novels and Miscellancous Works," Ballous' Pictorial, Ballous' Dullar Monthiys Fla of our Union, Brother Jonathan Ulustrated American Newspaper Fy ank Leslie's Gazette of Fashion. : Frank Leslie's New Yor: Journal, aE New Yor/; Picayune. Boston International J ual. Yankee Notions, Godey's Lady's Book oe Harper's Magazine, : Ge., &c., : RECEIVED AS SOON AS PUBLISHED. © NGLIS{L_ AND FRENCH PICTURES, - a Framed and Glazed, ' is : lam Weekes. -- ALMANACS FoR 1856, OV-HADE CLOTHING ASSIMERES, VELVETEENS, .._ 3 TTINETTS, JEANS, TWEEDS, oe § ; _ &C., &e, dec ae asia TARDWARE, AND TREACLE. God Save the Queen? O AV 18 1D o Ara es MRS. BURLEY, (LATE MRS, JACKSON.) ; '(pe EEPS consvantly on hand, ather Residence, -- at 382, South Ninth Street, below Catherine, & > oR Herb Medicines, Ointments, Pillsy &ec, which she Will warrant to give 'satisfaction. Give them atrial, Paiapenupats, Nov. 20, 1855. 30-17 -- yARDWARp . \ WSLESALE AND RETap WHE SUBSCRIBER. offers for Sale, a cho: e selection of az 6 w! BY fe : Heavy and Shelf [ardware, AMONGST WHICH WILI, BE FOUND, . IRON, of every description. Cast, Blister, and Sleigh Shoe STEEL, Cat, Wrought, and Lforse NAILS. Coil, Trace, ani Ploneh CHAENS. ANVILS, VICES, ani BELLOWS, ' -. An excellent assortment of ; TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY. Yarpenters', Joiners' \ Cabinetmakers' Tools AXES, of the best descriptions, Warranted. With an assortinent of ; SHELF HARDWARE, | which is not to be Town, and which is offered tor Sale ' Cheaper than ever" tor Casa! foe" Buyers will find it to their advantage te. eall before purehasing elsewhere GEORGE KERR. Chatham. Nov. 22,° !a5hA. 30 ty BUXTON GROSERY STOR. MHE Subscribers would intimate to thei Friencs, that they are receiving, and opening out, an Extensive Assortment of GrOe sri@siy of smperior quality, suitable for Country "Prade, which they will sel} at the lowest remun:ratire. prices, Produce will be tuk-n in exchange for Groceries. 42> (Call-and s r Stock 0 Call-and see our Stock. R. VANBRANKEN & Co, . 3l-ly HOUSE AND LO FOR SALE. : A LL that Easterly part of Lot 24, situated "A on MeGregor's Creek, being sixty by thirty- nine feet. Also, a Two Story Frames House Buxton, C. W., Dee, 1, 1855: Rooms.and a Closet. of water in the yara. ta" For Terms, apply to MRS, M. STEWARD, ~ On the Premises, ; North of King Street, hetween William and 2 rincess Street, Chatham, C. We Mission Baptists" are exempted from that chargL, as they openly denounce slavery and receive not its bloody gains.""--J. J. &. L. July 1856. (Notice No. 11.) Upper Canada Tract Society---Slavery. pee Public are notified that colporteurs from this Society, (Yonge street, Toronto,) con- trary to all just and honest expectations,--are perambulating the streets, highways, and side- lines of this county, with books of the pro-slavery Silent American Tract Society, of Nassau streei, j 4, Deco ets 1355. ESPECTEULLY announces to the citizen? R house formerly known as Michigan Avenue, opposite Cass Street, - DETROIT, New York, SUPSE UE Stratford C. W. Juiv 17th 1856. ae Detroit August 21 ,1855. T consisting of Two Tenements, having each Four, There is an excellent Weil: 3t-Im ~ NEW BOARDING HOUSE. BENJAMIN TOLBERT | of DETROIT, and the Public generally. that he has recently fitted up the commediove. Wilson's Boarding House where he will endeavour to give satisfaction|to hose who may favour him with their. patronage'

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