Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON), 6 Jun 1857, p. 2

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ET yp the world ae only"in relaton to colored pe 0 V1 ATV] \ eal Ee nh Ml A x Baptists here, but the peopie of all denomi- ms y Aen es tae ie es Gas Gwe Coe SE PN ee = nations, ae those ef no chureh, for the S : ff dimes" gelpery hike, J udas'esthitkyspieees oh, (fe ; - a ; : ; Shee silver el ' to thé con and & c : -- . ae a | stine Yana & ny, "How sury. ory title n= Vj Sill of Phitatelphia PB. A. = : > \ir, Willian ! a at horiged to receive subscriptions for this of the article conscience Missionaries to the Liss 4 Q } = a na ver pewndeos veslwece Wistar tie Sane. colored people cf Canada have had for_ the iS Mr. dsaag Cary pdspont sitet Toronto, As last tweaty years. cs} mee Me | : : ¢ - QUT dot ah she pet Before*he came, all parties here abouts, the begging and protest- author izcds re) ack felt scandalized by UES. EAN ed publicly anc otherwise, not only against A Oo 2 pl Vee : ee. if 5 old clothes, but new clothes,»and against @STMAST- invited to obtain Fs bar a MaNs a ter which twenty per cer it wilt be allowed. No papars will be scat wu til be gush ismeecived. : albes terms of the. "ee 2g: are pivnent in any alms giving that compfom 'sed ihe nfo ehood of the people--=now- we-have-theepain=: ful. fact to that. forthe first openly, Mire da @) record time, Brown, so well Knewns in te and no piper x will be reed eae bilitic AWdLrnitate aa! iy gv ihBanbrwedebeale? Pence hahars an bes<ent grails Upon ing--as having wrilten apaiiist ittelis, US we o1 a sil \Dp. Eh yatham, c. oily that hej is In fava: of, it. W. 1 we would ogeerds - = elnost lose: fattly in: humanity did we notae-| that' Mr i mities uf 'mind and body should' be his ex- nvember! Brown's age "ands infirit =< Te " REMIT TANS Hee Subseiip ion monies for bat is jie Kk euse., Sending for clothes in warm. weat h- EPs oo encly sedi in, wile iN can, be dowe at any Post _Oilice on. Feu ters sand. duly. registe red,-- | ep.toa; is amovel idea and ean bly: belaixe plained by the fact that Mit Piper's youive! patomcatof two ceirs,imaduition to, the post: Hi the Publisher. -Sub-) "alievelus front in the Dusiiess, and brother Brown 'is Very PEs tape MAE the lrisk of re Id it ObTE scribers SW y tus and' is =a; any, gidieulues es seniption: aaoney by. mail, as the, trouble 'and, expense offcelivetiony tavoky h. the-country, It ing ther sub:' WAP oie for ing to thise'd fuped by the betour as 'Hdl = wailing for clothes, instead 9 working, for | the same,» Adreadycis thé eréaeiac), D. S! ' : eae : Ue Scomm nity! compromised sbeeause: Of iL ee) Hives itis EL their 'Stipposed hard-hear tec dness "and cruel nevleal i) the j poor azound. Already , are ong é have sent a laroe "nuiiver Of Bills s0" | pe) jit] 1e, Chrisan ministers: ahditheir flocks-beui ing, ubscribers and-hope they a Ww lil. crerhitt, 10 US regawed'as wanting ne cbmnbI sym pat hy: at blac easiest asst e moment, as our sub 'Phese" hiags ale oily Bao we nie Hed by only depend nee, a ai sl eaetaas orf 6c Gir ain mats ws eH i WoAs BLING [ste da ; . D. shat 10, ni Douigtass, "ass SION YRY? Et Te vPS" AMON G 0 Se eo will visit many "of ihe /COLORE NATIVES Olt FORE q EIGN, Eh Hh i WV; 'eslertl and "Eastern 5 oiLANDS. Canada, in diedinte! ys forthe puxpose of, phox . Methodists and Baptists. mothiy tlre' ii! revvebt and prospects: of this pa+ : Ses is a = oe net, avdthe Buse of hemp ity generally. | 'We ) Inbvehio boviunst question iomecinadl Mr S "Shoda wal lact as camvasser e¢., while | re Peachers of Christian uty in'-Canhda: MreiDouglassjwho: haéljust returned from a is this? or in (he Wester states, vat acceptance, will 'Lecture There being no Church 'of the in "where hé*has' | j ing God i iy this: Province, butisy iaat., recom: : . eens Missionary efforts, at-home or in fort alt O88 6 svell, 68S, CADVASS 5/5 and, we, know, pore glare, = ave' eer = andare elgne Jutiés mee what colér of comple Non are thése tho. are in foreign yn lands e | tiv es th ercof We ask st ie without, hav- - JING. reference to. the emigrants toy: Ors: COMS an nee ; ESM querors. or these foreign' hinds, whovare stip- We hope: ie) rhb ty-lovang? people of Bose: tv bE 'of Saxon and Bite opedy Origin. These Provinces, Wiil-give them aid in then 7 We have Sefere: CQ; psolely and enurely to those aie are mativese: = anes: as. white | Cliristianseehll them, (frome the he yee | cdr) 4 vit Ott God. apd: without hopé iy t! "ase gis Hie ; 3 c : ELDAR: R AEM TR. rope "MISSION world.' 'The merest. tyro, or schioolbay in Be MISSTOS V eye Ay Deca ae ical :-and: histericabdeantingys) will iN 4 x tell that thé-eolor ahd complexi6éi of 'these rehab Tigh 4 bel = b, bagitasl « doysral 2 r natives "are nol wale, but Llack, and ¢ iL Lad Ld VE ESM eo e100 OF oe sbades of color varying » accor di g to the Cake cut oem: 24 country they, inhabit. "Ws are pot aware, q# esiich i i) ud sexoiieoi! | that there 1s one in. in this world to | oQtatilic ed. to. de: va) 'that thie | ep: 4 | purelycavhile nativeinhabitauts. of a foreign a) syle. ob sogtgol poe ee |) is als Mr iper published, i ia Abe | hope ve in this" Ww orld. % his wifit-ean. be imavoined that 'suclt-would eee one "drop- To a stranger to earth fied 3. eish basatiaeih es 8 states and implicition of Baptists::incthe US ! > 7 "-- : sal, daw ment, pi ng 'dow n from the clouds "amongst ; bUSiiveEss Of de oradiny' thumselves, and: 'the and putting into, his hands, sup posit tog that. heé-could read.our Janguage,-- Clade son's EHistory of the accursed Slave: Trade, or Goodell's Slavery and Anti*Slavery, with W Kor ai cc "not dfithat pursua= on = Only. one person: of "all our popul: te fion, auidea' Hie, man.w ho. ae used. OUT, Cols nafs pealigags he eel ath 69 Beevinoy has told . Phe anes end other books showing thz facts and the arlious gent of asprofessedly Christian people as; tél" Shiveiy,;--and atthe vsamie tine give pe nkashe Age 'preach ng, eee ti hime 'Néwman's "History of* Missions" with duded not. approvingly to" the stSubdand 1106 recently publis hed bok, "Life Scenes gay duye of diess Dy t bese's:me people: whose fromeMissign Fields,' the latter a buok.of "faets; incidents and results; the most ma: éehildren Have net, 6° beliéve 'him, clwthes 49, x ear lo "schoul., | SLr, Piper: may have | terial and remarkable in Misstotiary 'experi: PS ee fxs te e) di Fe ; , = 8) : i Sy ax) : 5 ence, 4 by ihe hey. g.D.. Moore' G.-C. Senicaeiahe vad eliiidten ia Chatham; <but | eo: , OU Guikie,;.l'o:onto,)---In. such a, case, .avith we doubt > certainly not! In "Hes it very! 'mueh's such ar'stranger" asa judge, what is:'to-be fs) a Fie dag sense Oat whit te 'hit en are ragged i ty N es eg hil supposed would: be 'his 'dedision-as 'to the Mork 'and, Pb. ladelphia, : not more, of ealor- Christian' nations proceedings regarding daebrl tncinsp ropertion than whiel @hilds | tied pate f ; ety aes Slavery and Missions? He would undoubt- ren in Canada éither--and the school ¢hilds | 7° : va lyi be obliged to! sayj--that, the . Christians, | re Ofall classes and" people, go remarka- : andto aicertdin exten- |- as'such, have been, are, the vilest ind 'most despicable hypocrites EU, foF WILMESSP EO"! Which!.w 9 & flys well 'di re hi ve" "ouly (refer Hider Pipers' pu nl ju : and pretenders under, the sun! We defy a timony, 'hind the freq: rent expr éssions, since A contradiction.of jthe;,justness of .this infer- fie 'e, by thé pinemiburs of his faraily t6 mMem- é : SOMMON and its | Of a just: end an 'All- sec ny T ' the. descendants in imericaof the Lnd i | Aamenrican | | i ! i viMrendy are ct: sillaw 'townernent! Is points | dame of the ens, aid" ha | band' wir iare "without' God atid withowt | bt SN ED oa br Bhs , FRI EEMAN- AND. WE Il | ehitreh wil not allow the sigma to a ay people on the American Conlrvnent ! "Missions to the. Fleathen" is a term so |} i lor ners On their Wesleyan body, churehavamed-after the pious. man ®ho de- or ona ly Tirat the descendants.of the sane used with: professing Christians, "sam of all villanies: a cee whey Oye wa ee Lleath* chired 8 ae: as the (2) Amongst them, amd who are. tranvp'ed So again, 'is the ikegular Baptists of Cee upon and denied the common rights of | da--for their monies go into the funds of then white beethren, are passed by and ne: | Sucieties in the States, which are made up --- because these descendants are from "bloodstained"' collections and pro ? . a a . . 2 } rs} olonred ernie! And pray who are the slavery support,--and the " fellows! Lipping of the Northern R porular Bi ip- 'sts, with the Southern Regular' Baptists , "Heat then? so prominently put before us ? processes"' Who are the Inhabitants of Hindoostin, fastern Peninsula,--of Himalaya of South Sea Islands ? of the Tartaric coun- res" Or Persia 7 Ol Purkey 7 ork ue Suniner of Africa ? of China ? : of a Malay an and are well revealed in the small pamphlet vallies 2 the: Atstatian? Wéséits aid (pabished yam New York) tied The shame and Glory of-the~A mertesn--Baptists"&e, by---Rev. Hdwaid Matthews--and Siam coast ? of South' America, and who books Pe as oy 'Baptist Cl F Mr. Mathews Bapust, now Jaboring for thetine,; mustbenencially in the valuable purehes?" is a iy an are th 1c SeG men" "and the mae wn chiefs" sa Free Mission and led) of Nort th Amcrica ? The curse . (so cal] ee page ead Lumavely; amongst€hristian people in y v Hovland, and:may..God. speed -his missi vah will assuredly rest, and. be conspicuous: = OS ee fae Re DEP Gast gee 0 Ve have :some, hopes, that. the Regular ly developed upon thé radessofmenyiehurch |, B pusts of Cauada, wilk see "their errors, ij with the Nurtheri. Regular "Baptists, es' and° ministers' of the dae: tolk Conti- : eo in nent, (Canada included) who will-deay lo sand vive up every kind of "fellows pping till the--latter refarm, and "witle a will" de- audthe-African, the same nvhts, ode ORD, 2° +f po pe il de NOUNER- Dlavers an every "anprouch tu and franchises, which are now and have been J ee al orn pre sy hye cic} "chattel boudage," which: that church has extended to (he ancestors «and co relatives gee i tan nol yrt done? The mockery bf one small i of.there, people, In the foreign lands to syhich. | cue ; coneresation, or a. sinole chureh, which and:.Canadian Missionaries-are: eee , ; perhaps, may; denounce. slavery,-- sents) : rapa ; Liwusands of cliusches:wirith-do 'not, being ee 1 a aia +igg? Missionaries fromthe Southern Sta'es of | held P asa genera denne ition Favainst itheeneig hboring Republie--from the Bayi that; 1s tuo palpably absurd to Waste a mo Vethodist Churches, } L tist, Pres sbyterian and ? ment 'pon. \ t Christian, wan! and Ly. mixed societies of. c yurchies,--aie Vat. the And 'libing vould @prearas*a" Blessing ora a, to. the benign at thissevery moment while We penlthese re fyparke: taac nw Cb erty Ft j ® hee "yy et - é i ' rears, teaching -Christianity<in-* Hath ei | ciyyge Toy. the éxertidns uf? the Wes! ley ap and foi eign | binds) tual the Book aud font Methouist and the Regular, Baptists, in ( ; : Sing 3 : fe ee the moy bh -- and alsy teach sing, all hinds Gt Gunadae:. 'Povay Clyistan in' deedjto 'one Louew le es ] Sf yw is 800 ha ab- know le loeLapdoof doa wd. aecialsbabs | wirectines avsinderlaadifir G ts purposes, ipssatuthe! eee reople or these heather | with a heart responding 'for the' success 'of -- ters Add lay- ee: 3 1p? mega mrdisters Aad Tay bof Onp S5Vir 4 Missipi 0. pale THE CUBSE men, who sep "i these an sS10! 'aries forth, wuld or Gop cGaNNoT Chinese BUT BE ON fo: } ANNO LR W ESB } } nol so act lo and teach.the natives and their}. : ae h i | SUCH CHU Rr AEs wirether in Canada ar Th a { e lyeca . S whi je- ®. des scendants, of these f rele rn dands, wlio re the Unite S lates, 1) hich recog mize in their side in America and who have been reared = m4 Je ae 'i bat 0O) 93 rep ; discipline, and in therr fi liowship, the hold- FAMeNESL CRG . ING UL Les datbisleas ATBas So) Seu cr eee 2 i & fee 6 HAH el oS : : ; Py in, élie boy 2,0] aid the sching ch thea _tahdeluaymen, will aet su ehoisg ONStANW | tan' brethren. W ether. "bund or free, F demoniacs, ee fet P prattling bave bl ck or white, "as both Are embri aced In ij Gites ; 5 me : ai Z . fiyia 1 s;mother's Su pa as and sell as Amerie ce iveny: PAG hinced and fee (ena eymmtSeY, ply en ca horse, both, the lowshlpped Ic oy tle Sa d W esleyan Metho- babe and' mother! | Aad thisiatithe seme | ge yd ree Bepusts 1 ta Canada ! tinve that they Lesh thibiikh money foAnd send |. Sa iady 20°07, Some POST forth Mis ionanies under @ Cheer garb, to Gein anize athe nativeseuf tie countries £2 9 = 'To all who suffer-from Weakness and "CU mate d Bit- wheres the 'forefathers und mothe/s of lhe olen And abducted mother aud babl, Wete'st /Debillity, We sas thy the Oxa} from,,, to be uscd as slanes, avons t and turssraduedieine whieh cuutains no-Aleobol undery,ang, for Christians! Eoghand's | and has caredtae worst. cases of Dyspepsia, poets Cow perinas justly stamped the. rans') Astpma-ansl all deranvements:of the:stem- actor. " A Crristran Rrorer: ix aap ache TR ADE OF Bio. Dd. ae and our "fair aut huo- | eee Se ee mane Lea ae ait! eta bles sey Bo Stuive, | ECT ey eves ctable Paty bil wsdoieve has.emOrelimed the spositioi dfs these Ae | Uneelet Dvraicat seu eee sais any eee us "tia Prndersy? wWeiishers ips tesnrthiie ef | OMS of coldsiand coughs;andiatsochad the hapiness to sce imy-sont a. relieved Preis Seep gs ee i i lg Gat, Oe Ww ritten, Gai be spoken, ean | { { i \ j & 321 fF of distr oedina: clea fer' on inmletoale ai be cgnce ive d, tBal eg "uals the By eh ful Ree Of GIstre SStng ds sentery, and Gotalete ive Cul : - oy errors vee by an allbye pf. Scenes daily and hourly 6 ACAI 2 ih ed ma few CE se WARD &. COPE aD, Fal pier, the U nitedsSt ases,o benedth the: shadow of | | } American Aw a! nt ule shi rd oOsv of the ¢ Cross = OR ee i VED AA a Yt pol Cl htis tt Pm kk 9 G rT 2 NO 4 Ne) I 4a nals i EULER a he Ga tae LINSS OF ) the'Methodist'E piséopal Clrireh (orth aes : godt neler inte ROAD. } and south in e PresbytertuyCharch {old a3 idee NOW AN-.COURSE.OF~ COMPLELION- ARE | Sohogt).and the Repular, Ba plists, ure iu OPA z ' im 5 y ' ; ae q ko OR volved in thei abaveseross and heathcnish OP Paw conduct. '"Thesé! three eluvebes nelinow L: edye and recognize Slavery ? aallify each LH. ADDINGTON ROAD, of theaa, send sucii, Missionasies aS.We have THE TASPENGS ROAD, described, to furelun and heathen lands, to e (RP OWN Ce lrab- eo LONGO teaeh Christianity and ¢ivtlized social Ti OP LA WsATA ND is fe tne e colored nalivesof these hae Commences ata point on the? Ottawa while at ihe, same Lime, thelr Bucks of Dis. | Hiver, knoWwacas *iarreil's, a inthe above ae : ,, | ee mouth of thu Bonchere River, and runs cipline cand church, .government, a » che / ie ; in a Westerly direction, passing .throush dey dey Z ° : F + Tee Unite Slates, condemn the descendants of the Northerly part of the »county of Ren- these natives; to abje sot chattel slavery Ty hew, fe cea ig! Re segs aCe ye sie ee ees W hat, more «mog,strous thiag Sn be. cou. 1 it Is inteaded to eynnect tils road witha prejucced Hue vt road known as "Bell's ceived than: this,;--owhat.facé 'of! historie i! ae i tortie "Likes Muskuokas and braneh which ma ee iC id ing Lake flujo; by' 22 Tel Ge eee: towards @tvilized men and a just God ca be "puted" aS equal to that ! °° "= | from the Openvo i widiu the "Powaship of : : 6 R 5 1 lis if a 5 8) i il ) Vi vs, --our-readers, there is. yet .a.thing | Bradenc pal a Cistince « bout 38 in - i from the itiver Our, 4, forming wits 'Bel. more mounstrous. As the schooled: accessory s : a j| Line,' a vreat ede read, a1 base. line f from the 'Ottawa. to. Lake Musko.a, 171 the Wes sleyan, Methodist | mies in length, passing through the 'heart }of the Ottawa atid) Huron Perrtory. and opening up for sett'ement a vast extent of rich and valuable land. with his: previous Knowledge, is worse 'than | the thief, so 1 Church in, Canad: ro-slawerysaad dbeathenislieh urch 2¢ fec/ow - a) e > 1, a8,compared with, the Ships with in: the Uiiited States, the M.S | "is yoad, and the count ry through whiel Church (north) which haste apainhas is | if passes, iow open for setilement, is easily felluwship. with the M..E. Church (Suuth). aceessivle and the Ayeat for tie "granting r ; 2, lof Lands tn this usimcris MioT: Po French Dill the. Wesleyan., Methodist | who resides at Mount Samet "Pattick,' near Renfrew, on the -Opeongo; Koad, a few miles from the Linds which are to be granted. renounces and' gives: up | Chureh: tr Canada; 1 'and also the circu lating of | said feNo wsiiip, eice. °-Let page by page ofthe history of "How! if these people ee the: United' States be examined, comparing hers OPS clititch!' are so poor, can the Reverend gentlenian seem fo: ask; of rhis wing of "the baptist 6f Ch: atbath, 8200 dollars era mm, to be added to the $500" his ewan | "ne: bets. feeely speak, of, as his salary | front abroad:?!s How cancthe Rev. géntle- Pesnee guar de to ctl ihap tye maz and;-of laymen, (noted as. conspicuously fouttyol.c of ON ey ts Ani Sf when forward in these churches i in-the United tte os publ ¢) ly. "expresse A ae paeonne of States--and alas!in Can: ad: i--in monarchi Sor mmanye béing: in the justly Ubnoxious cal and free Canada --; be patiently and | @xchiisive fand? when Ws there" 'is Jalig sady an excel* be, eared already. | in existen ice duct qh an enli ohtened age, "cannot well be at the same time with the books we have re- | ferred tajr-let-the-ezisling history. of Spaii Portugal and Hoktand,(as to their colonies) bé similarly éxdimintd let the dostultiny ministers Ce 'religion, conduct of t churches, chusi, truthtully reviewed, and grosser, greater, tinebristian and*nhumane," action and con- 'Government 'school, ' a y eerent, | priy & iyed, the. aclion towards the olor- WSLS Crs: Buildings, wherein no distine gongeiye than, Le GCLLON olpar COLOT- a * t M. TForeich the section of Country under Mr. French's' charge the settler nrust: go 'from Montrealcup to the: Ouawa Liver tora' place Bonehere Point;yoand thenee iby land soine \wnty-five or thirty miles* westward to the Townashipsof Grattan, Inewhich Mount St.: Patrisi: is: sitwated. the de cepiive bi-monthly "Canada Sunday Sel 3? the :pro-slavery: "Su. day Scaool Advoeate" of -- Mutbe Er Church (north) with its republican neal: Advueat which Js @, repriut...of called ry street, New York, of the tie treasonabl le artigles, 7--copied, bet re? EEE INGTON ROAD. memberad, inter the Canada , Sunday c TiTE ADDINGTO ae i cil cake ae ommencing in -the'LTewnship of Auglésea School! ee till such time as these 5 I ee) ii in the northern part.of the County of Ad: ding'ton, ner the villaoe of Fhnvs' Mills, 1n Ka' adder, runs almost' 'due north to the Riv- er 'Mad awiekal a dist nee of 35 "uriles: aud to be continued thence for 'the Mistaria of 25 miles fill it iitersects the Ottawa and Ope ongo Road. Ve Agent for the granting' of, the Land practit's are given up, we must continue to vive a nameand. a, charader to the. Wesley- an Methodist Church in Canada. Not only viven, up,----but.apublished statement. also made to~Canadians of «the: error, the sin, anid the deception, and a recantation of 'the dngland (andto:-bey got-at: amongst: 5 'ow at ] ROAD ay ag wa sTISER, la iat pt arpose of Flint's MH ships of very. 'supiior land are "Broa Sur veyed and ready hp S 'lement within the | « limits of he Ageniy, \y north of Laike Massanoka, and béween it and "the Ltcér Madawaska The Townships are called res- pectively Abinger, Denbigh, Ashiey, Wiling ham,An: oles i, ned Barri: The direct route to shia Section is by | way of Kingston, Canada West, thence to Napanee, clfher by Ste Faiabot , and thence North to the Lowtship of Ka'adar. and the Village of Flint's Milis where Mr. Perry re- See | Ashi HOS THE HASTINGS ROAD. "Almost parra'lel to the Ad lineton Road, and ata distance West from it of. about an ty-two miles is the Hastings Road: ~ This Road begining at the northern part of the County of Hastings and' rdnning a distance of 74 miles, Llmoetine north, also iaitersects bthe-Ottawa-and.Opeonso Buus anddtsex. tensiuns. The Government Agent; Gs Mr. M. P. / ying south o Nepissing and of the rte OnE and embraciny a large portion of the fant offered for settlement. j 1s capable of sustain- ing a population of Hight Millions of People and it is now attracting general attention, as the more western portions of Canada are being more filled up. hae We clip. ine following from the proceedings of the Council Meeting, on May 30., for this Mr. McKeilar moved the second reading ofa By law toimpose a Ticense™ on 'Billiard, Bagaielle and other table es, and ball alleys. the Coun i : he whol Mr. = lee = Dy -Law was cil nae ane "ae. PYeeetn yo a ty: It was then moved by Mr. Ireland. that the sum of £10 be granted; to: defray the expeuses incurred by Union, CG. No Town. tetas Hay es, who resides at t the Village of Has: tings, Be 'Lye ealled Madoc, "aout 20..miles north of the Town pl Belleville" 'The Rad | between these places isin @ood order--the | land to be granted by the Crown under the Ageney extends trai 15 to 70 miles north. of" the ° Village of Hastings?" The Road through this iarge "exieat' of land is passable for 40, miles, and, is now being capeuged to extend it 30. miles fur- ther, so that Settlers can get in and out. ot dkliculty, and. find a. good . markets, for surplus produce, as well as! convenient tecy may require--abundance of which can be had atthe Villiage of ILastinys, where the Gov eine it Agent residés The direct. way to, reach this S: ction, which is easily accessidle,-is by Kinuston, Canada West, thence by Steamboat ap the Bay'of Qiimte to Bellville 56 nitles--aan de thence by a good miles. In order to eee ie the the Countyy and. provide for keeping it ré- pair the ois thas .opened. the .Govern- ment has authorized Hrees Grants of Land along th se Roads, not to exeeed jnieich ease 'Oire Handred Acres, upon ay pplication A togthe Local Atvedts, aid u on tlie fullow.- in. JON DLEIONS;: That'the Settler be 'eighteen:years ofa ase? : of the: Land aly "and nue Ay That he take possessicn forted to him ine onetmoith, a state of cultivation at least twitve acres: of the, land in the course of. fotir petrgels i puild a house (at least' 20° by, 18 feet) and reside on the lot until the' conditions of set- tlement are duly performed; after which ac= Boyes ouly shall the'.settle have the ribg tof obtaining. a tittle to the property | Ten ies Com pristong several settlérs'en ited to lands: preferring to reside ona stogle lot, will be-exempted trom the obligation of bund- inv atid of enlace (except apon the loton which they, , live). provided that the re- quired eleaing of the Jashme made ou fot 'Che pou-accom, dishmeut, of these coa- difions will cause thre imediaté loss of the eack as assioned Jot- of and, which sold- or siven ten other. The road haviie been cpened by the Gor- repair. the Local Avents, whose names of abode have already been given. Will furnish every information to the intending Settier. PL AS |)N7 Oo PeAL 1 | ? thre G BP he Log-house require? by the Govern ment to be built is of sueh can be put up in four days by 'five men. help a a Che * t generally neighbors arrived cabin for cewly Settlers, 'withont charge, and whon this is done the:cost of the erec tion is small; the root canbe covered with bark, and the spaces 'betiveen the fov's plastered with are and whitewashed. then becomes neat dwelling, and warm asa stove house. The ds thus openied™ip'and offered fir settlement' are in Sections of Canada: West, capable as both to soil, as climate' of pkoe decing abundant crops of wintr wheat of ex- canene quality and full weight, and also crop | of ey ery other description of farm produced) the. best.and longest ciltheweeel hat portion of f the, Province, and 1; aA > a Lan grown I distriéts of ¢ | fully as good, Th ere are; of course, in sucha large ex ten of couutry as that referred to, great varieties In the ct haracter and-quality be land -_--some lots being much superior to others but there is wniabundace, of good land for | farming purdoses. toe Water for domestic use is every where abundant; and there are throughout. numer- ous streams and falls of, water, capable of being used: for Manufacturing. parposas, : as he heavy timber land is "flindst always e best and of it, the ashes,of three 'trees -- we vel taken care of and covered: from wet, -- bal produce a Baarel ol Potash, worth froin £6 to £7 currency... The épital required to manufacture Potash-is very small, and the process is very simple al nd easily . "unllee- stoo d. The. expense of clearing and enclosing heavily timbered lands, v valuing the labor of fhe settler at the highest rate, is about POUT Kk POUNES 'Curpenieys yer Acre, which the first Wheat crop, if an average one; will nearly repay.. 'he. very. best tinber for fencing can be hadin abundance. A. Séttler-on these lands, possessing a eapital of from £29 to £50, according to the num- ber of his family, ai soon aie himself couxtortable, and obtain a rapid return for histavestment. The sitg¢le man, able and willing to work, needs little capital, besides his "own atAi-and axe--he can. devote acpotr tion of the year to clearing his. Jand, and in the numerous lumbering establishments, he can, at other. seasons, 'obtajn a. liberalre- numeration for his labor.- 'The Sections of Country opened by. these roads lie in and to the Southern part o ' Great Ottawa Peeey, stretching from. 'and same. .. We hope that the laymen of this !in this district 1S Mr, E. Perry, who, 'for (acilities' for bringing in whatever supplies" Road to Hastings, 28° Settlement. of e+ emnt, the setilers are req ured to Keep It tn nd place | 'descrip:1on as | to bait the Loy | re | viv ing a-dianer on the 25th, Cartied. Gite T.é sum uf £5 was given to Mr. € Jer for ebaritable' purposes. ' 'he Mayor then read. the result of the two dps. polling r upon 'the appropriation of the 4000. Lt was as follows | against che appropriation 274 for it 10. Mr. McKellar siated thavif he was. satis- | fied that the. majority of all those-:parties: = _ who have votesin'l'own, weae against him, | he would' on next, Hyrid ay evening (eee fa 'Town of Ciathaifn and the County' of Kent, can afford to.keep up and snstain:. two 'Conse rdative Journals, the Planctand:, the Provincial Pre-man, weo-see no good': reason why the Refomers' ofthe same, . lo- | caities, beiug by far the greater _ number may nol sustain two R ae Journals... PROGRESS OF ELULU-BURRIER "e532 me Beth Ve find the followin, x notice of Mr. 'pee att in tie? Pore SGiieon™ (Mississippi) - Lreveslls, eye good, specimen, of the fate» of courpronisers rmoralsquestionsic When thef North has been converted to Mr. Bure' ritt?s doctrine, and has niade his proposition tothe South, aad. bas received in reply 1 the | & ate below to Mr. Bocrit---what isibe next step ?-- Ob wacor. Ho er Ehbu Poe 'the lcirned blacksmith eG : | fe Bien al ti, eo Notth poe as "with ss at it . The money he proposes to ratsecby. sale of the publié ' ahs tits Jabs yee tuods ttony the natioral treasury lands pp Ln egy histhauds: mtos eure pockets Mor a share olthe funds wi, bwb: ch to purchase our own property, Leestimates the, mum- ber of slaves at three and a halt millions; and values ther at oaly $200. pe" head; and yet this makes the pretty. little sum of S700" 099,000. But suppose we reckon the uani- ber at 4 000 000'and/ value them at' 3500 each, including yourg.-o:d,blinl balt, &e., which is perbaps about.a fair estimate, and and we have-the sum: of 82,000.000,000 in- vestedan tls See les aL property--at least four ties the valire fall the public lands belonging to the ant ied, States. 'Taking sintply' a doludiland cent views of the question we'should Sey if Burritt 'isa "de aried' ian, much learning has made, 'hina nad; . but his 'aefs-and. figures, rather NAO, the cons clusion thatbeis as mueh of an > idiot asta lunatic, ald inore knave 'than tithe® © % SUPPOSED INFATICMDE = On Monday of last week a "farmer Tha: ed 'Gilbert Mathe- Nagin' aoke 'teund in as pannel. oft enece a short distauvestronys lis-ydwelling, house, the dead body of ay ny wily, bo n infant tied ip la a pblow e@asa, covered uver with some rid rags. Mi M. ithe sso Had removed to' LIS present premises only a: yut three weeks susly; and "in fradisyg * thé déad body iin avdiace. y Coroner, - Dy, Be. it, W Lies sume wene fad. iry 'to investizate tb ré thatielt "A pricy sled inquest eisueds ii Saturday pishe last, "when they agreed Upon a ver Hel Aha! thie! 'child found: bad seen bon alive, and: that..faul, means had® betib resorted, thy inorder tu "accomplish its death, and a the' evidence' adduced befave the inquest the Jury were strongly of option that' onevof the W1UIESSES ' lsabella / Cameron was the: moyier of the' child.-- Woodstock Se cuiwcel *) §i+44 S UW prev wiaraie th, tiie | | | | The Mi: ntreal Pilot states, the General HE ¥re was nearly drowned on Sunday, the 16th \its Sty at. ~orel, where he. ig at present stay ing. It ¥py pears that he was out boating in the «Ric! velidu? with his secretary, Major Robiison, and while envaged in paddling, the boat gave a lurch, pitching: him head first. into the water, but by: 'the exertions of Major Rebingan. he was saved from drowning. There was great excitment, the news having spread. that: the' General was inthe water, : south inva Toe time the bank was crowded with peoples ENGLAND' S NAVAL SUPERIORITY, This country ought. never to become a rreat naval powe er.and eee to renounce: I ambition to vie Breland for the. é with nas tery' of the SeaS.y. To maintain such a force 2s. would be regi aired to -di sspute~ "with ner the control of the Mexican Gulf alone, Woul.sand millions vof° American Jaborer's hildren supperiess to bed: and we do yot, hiak he prize worth the cost. No: tus pen lines of communication across the con- inent of our own soil; first, a wagon road, wittlysfoilowed 'by te legraph.tine, ; and, then af us pat thro? a first. class railroad : to be vilowe |, ia' Jue 'season, by another and nother,----then let the Panama, Nicaragua, 'éhuantepec and Honduras routes, with as aany more as speculation may, devise, be nproved ' 'and used. by those: 'who have tiste for such enterprses--our own people of others. ? (Weronly insist thatnot a dollar siiitll be taken:from: the 'Treasury of the: Uni té a States'to buy or conquer routes from sq a to'séea through foreign. countries, until wle shall have, impr oved. at, least .one of 'the routes throagh Noremiaty ® all our: own ae = Limes. ab =! Mio Bai

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