HER £183 »sGultivator Teeth, FIVE. SUBSCRIBER . lion. SMEG, 15e a ee PROVINCIAL Fi FREEMAN A ND WE REKLY "ADVERTISER. : we oh Ret" lic-veirerally que andes Aicll begs td uifor im the public general < inat he is prepared | ofurnish the tals owing articlss Dy Whoelesaleand Retail: AXE HANDLES ; HANDL fs, PICK AKT ADZE- TAR DLS, BUCK SAW PRAMES, ana ; SAW-lHORSES, &e., & - 'Bade in the bast manner. = ; Alse, BY Reval, w BY@K SAWS. of the best quality, in complete ice for service. Also, Axes realy iandled. Also. andles put inte ae 2a. and other Pools. F SMALLWOOD S Saw Factory. York Street. No. 88. = The Children's Paper." 3p Elen GEDA TORONTO ¥. HELS FFAERMS.--I2 copies 1 mol ont ly, per annum-- eee >dollar. eighty ceuts. 100 copics, mol al Per annum-fitteen doilars, i postir. e throu a dutthe British Provine F9 stecriplious fol Jess than iwelve Liples reeeived.--Iis issacidl 1b Toronto on tht first of ea: it advance. Past Giice orders Nels SO} & Sons. : se acMosers, Melson's Works ve Paper" are weil kuown ib Canada, and recommended as DUTE 10th 1858 Stratford. Dec, ie O't aE n (ls Wani- her sister ANNY d A nN a Bri: aniford, ida West, having heard nee Mary Jenning : Count ing, Pennsylvania, ts ee Wishes David James oe srantford C. : oS oft | {t } Berks J bear Head- her to brother-in-law, bring the on ren to January ae) 3rd, ecived hi having re is to offer to SPRING ST is prepared the public, fe ~LARGES 3] Oe CHEAPEST AN Dab ipod ASSOR IMENT OF at ever brought to Ch ses Wholesale or Retail! _ Consisting in patl as follows, viz:--Iron and Steel of all kinds : Blacksmith's Bellows. Anvils, _ Berew Plates, Dies and Taps; Carpenter's Tools, Shoemaker's Tools, Nails cf all kinds and sizes, Spades, Shovels, Scoups, EToes, Forks, Garden Rakes, Hay Rakes, Scythes, Snaths, Brush Hooks; Chains of all kinds; Tfarrow 'Teeth. Patent Pumps, Pump. chain Pots. Pans and Kettles; mith's Tools. my a5 sD) ee) en A sand Gearing , Tinware and Tins my . WAR EY SADDLER'S HARDWARE *"Fames, Locks, Bolts, Bulls, Screws, Hinges of all kinds; Knives, Foiks and & poons of every description ; Brushes of all kinds : MU J EaGyv MILA SA WS. Circular Saws, Crosscut and Pitt Saws, Files. PAINTS, OLLS AND COLORS, ~ With other acticles qnite toa numerous to men Ele will also, iu a few days, have a large quantity of ; MACHINE BELTING, ofall widths. Ajlofwhich be will sell at prices that defy competition. ee A. CURRIE. » _ Of Next door to D. Rk. & Chatham, BSS 185¢ Van <Allen,s King Street, Chatham, C. W. 6m SPE OTUS RIFE Nila FRATE Ayia A NEW FIRST CLASS Craenemily New SIPs Dh Sire PRO "Devoted to News, Literature, Svience, and the Arts to Enterlainment, Inprovenent and Progress. Pusnisuap Wren uy, et 2 ANDAR. BY FOWLERS & WELLS, 308, Broadway, New York. Ifiseur purpose to furnish a journal, which, bund to no party, sect, or theory, embracing human interest, an d furnishing lood for all efa culties of the mind, shall merita world-wide eirculation. LITERATORE, in the form of Original iissays, Llistorical, Bib- __ graphical, and Descriptive Sketches of Travel "and Adventure. Poetry, Painting, Music, anu Scuipture, etc., from the pens of our best writers, with choice selections from the leading perio. li: cals of Isurope, will form a prominent teature "Tie great field of SCIENCE, i in all its departme ents, will be explored, and all new. discoveries laid - fore. our readers inia popular form. Tur Ax umele ularly in the departments of iS cattre, vhlec hanical a IStty, and Manufactures, wW! ill receive attent ion, abd no invention or improved process W ill ese ape our Motice. "AGRICULTURE §° HO8 TICE, TUR Fe, fn which so large a portion of our people are dn. gaged, will demand at our hands special coil- siteration. We shali endeavor lo elevate still more the standard of Mecnanican INDus?Ry, and to 'devslop and bring to light the latent talent "and skill of our intelligent an: { worthy artisans. PHYSIOLOG Y and the Laws of Lite, in their application to phy- sical development and the promotion of health will have a 'prominent place in our columus, EDUCATION, in Als broadest sense wil! be encouraged, and, aided by contributors, engaged in teaching in col- lege, school, and shop, we s! nall try to render the _ pursuit of knowledge easy and aliraclive, NEW BOOKS will be careful ly and candidly notic zed oe whare their im »ortance seeins to demand it, critically reviewed. In the department of GENERAL NEWS, we shall be prompt, authentic, and full, giving a iarefully prepared summary of passing events. poth foreign and domestic, and reeordi ing "all signs of progress in every department of lite. 'Pie Markers will be carefully reported, at nd such general, commercial, and fine ancial information given as the interests of our ~eaders demand. THE FAMILY CIRCLE. We shall make our paper a W >lcome and valued vis 'oratevery ig side. Vas 7HILDREN Wl ill find ja cachnuviber,: g 1ug corner 3e% apart for their am 'sener' ant' 3 sruction, Pe Bey Katt] Evatt ALT in * A whewd S Cea <p a N N OF TIMES es LTTO y ON and AFTER WEDNESDA WY exe the Ist APRIL, Trains will rin as follows: =e OING EWSH Een eters SuRe RET. 'EON, sidence' on MURRAY SEREET?) First door aéast- of =the. corner. of. ADELAIDE S BREE. He practices in 'Chronic Diseases, and the # Discases'of Women and Children; in par- ticular. REFERENCES: J. P. Gazzam, Esq. M.D., Grorce M. Coor, Esq., M. Ds Late Prof. of Surgery in the Washington Medica] College, Baltimore, Md. --Pittsburgh, de Chatham, March tst,. 1857, Montreal Boot & Shoe Store. me All! 4\1-t Some Cne soe CORNELIUS H, CHARITY OULD respectfully announce to his nu- V merous Customers, and the Public gene- rally, that he has baught ©at the exte nsive SHOE EsraBLisaMent of his Brother, J."E. Cuariry, where he has OPENED, with an unrivall ed assortment of BOOTS, ES, AND RULBEERS of every description, and of the latest style, suit_ able for Spring and Summer wae He.will keep constantly on hasd, a large stock of bis own Manufacture, of ee de 'scription. ITT, SiL0 Measures will be taken, and work made to order. AY TP HO CS g ATR AY TE ALP Se WPS A will be kept im endless varieties, and of the lates fashicnabke ES VIZ. ES 200 Is, Gaiters, Buskouis, Shoes, Fy, 2 e slippers cae ee Lre8, 8G: Having a iRordbed and practical knowledge o « ~e business, he feels prepared torender satisfac- 4 ion to all who may iver him witha call. ap IR Je : 7 SOUR Pas 2d Oe vishing to ase 32, re ywuolesale, will fod il c¢ their advantage to call, as he can supply them sheaper han any otaer léstablishment in this part of the Province. Repairing done with neatness and despatch, ie Gal Vat Cornentus LH. Caarrey's,jast four the Royal Lachange Hotel, King St. 400 ES below C. J. BRYDGES, Managing Director. * Flag Stations. NI AW DRUG STORE. | AL HALL. "AUGUSTA nnounece ta his Friends G. W. BRODIE REAL ESTATE AGENT General Intelligence Office, FROM a general acquaintance, and punctual CENTRAL M MEDIO A. EGS to fi a and the li Inhlic @enerally e has IRIN Gt a : es £ uplte pny that he has OPENED J" attendance to business, we hope to merit a ihe Store on Youge Street, one door south ot ; gee : _ | liberal share of patronage Kilm Street, with a New and Choice Selection of } ede Corner of King and William Streets, DRUGS, MEDICINES, chi ae = CHATHAM, C.W. Patent Medicines, Perfumery, [EF Please Call before you Buy. 21 DYE-STUFEFS, &c., retib August, 1855. 18-tf and trusts, by strict attention to his business, to merit a share of their patronage. COTTAGE FOR SALE. A NEAT COTTAGE Physicians' Prescriptions, accu ately prepared. LEECHES APPLIED. for Sale. For parti- é : as culars apply to D. LEONARD, at the Cupping, Bleeding, and Teeth extracted. flice of The Proprietor, or acompetent Assistant, always J. B. WILLIAMS, Esq., in attendance. Toronto March 30, 1855 Rankin's Building. 1856, uf aly = | Chatham, June 6th, | cles la Bank & > ee A: < 2 Ba aci HE = Ss ie eI a. ie STATIONS a 5 a ss H c 2 e A SS 1 5s 5 deny x Ee 5 es | eft) CS <ae : : ALM. a P.M. P. 2M. P.M. Windsor, CEpare'. Hee 6.00 103 30« 12.20 ; 7445 9.30 PUCOe cece ee ce. Se PRES Heke oo ee See: BEHRRIvert © So Sass 6.35 11205 1.10 8.20 10.03 Baptisté "Creeks 8. ..t EYES 4% ESE. «£2 % 12 50 5 ee cS Ciena = ee 13.) 12.10 2.40 9.20 -.. ENaMCSVIHE ae 5 Fe Se. 8.09 = 8355 Rares 2 10 BOMIWaAES A Sie aan c. wre G28 See 4,30 10.08 SoS Newbury. a ans 8.40 leas 5.05 10.25 ee Glee netc, 98 ar 8.55 ise e 5.30 es ee Pals se tg eed Ee ate Ne OE 17 abl G26 ei 2a RAK: Mit. Brydoesso....08 . aoe 9.29 -00 6.40 ILS AoM. omOk | 9.40 o 10 POO P1129 1207 Po Ne ss oa | A 10, 05 SS E34) eet deo 2 fou Deptt .grhaigaial | 10.15 2.55 oe OU Eayardsburehy......| . 6.2C Seon 3.15 coee A.M, see seimoersoll 35... 6.40 | 10.55 | BS = 2) peeps Beige =.) 6 Ope dd 05 8.45 ae tig: Brie Wood. oc 00 | 3.5% oe 1-05 2.45 PriStAOG@:.=5. <5 a 1210) Fle 26 4205 = Ss Sr cike ta poscscs PARC CLOMe A 6.5 a soos 4229 ES 0) a2 Sak> BG 38°10 oe BIG | ee P.M. | 4.42 ae ans oo 2 -¢ Depart if. <ednbaodi 44 ey 1 aoe = Petes 1.50 3.36 | P.M Preston, one oN D IBS aS | HESS 8.00 ab sitat) qog 43 Galt dG: 2LLGG)) oa 2 . OC 4.25 cree st es ee OMT anise. 2 | 100 3.10 oe onde a se Pe VCSON U0. Soa os oe siy | ble eG 3.43 ( if ieee Sige Gee: ae Pee ISDUI se ee O10 (2ao5 5 at eee ee | 13s Bane (aidan een ears nee or arg en toes Us. oan 5. 16 a heh sie ae CONCOW Na. sca os) 2-2 seSer aces a5 ee igi IAM DOLO as eeetiak «1 ob. 33 ee i ee an Dundase..< 506 .. | 08: 39 1.00 DESI Rpt: | BesoS | aia TL ee aie 00 le 5.50 Bore ey 4 2 OU Dee | 28.20 1.40 sie 600 = 2. Fosaale 4d of Ointaviok <s. wees cece. . | GW. 45 pe | S020 | ee ee eee Grimsby 7.051 .. 1 18). 00 2-12 (26-38 sas eee er eae IS@NONS UNG 5 er oc on | Oe ED | See ie eee ees | Sr et ee POEUN tee > cis cre By wee ee antes | e205 abe 18 GRE ody Sey, | P.M. | | | St Catharmessasy s...| 20.52 Dede & 75.25 <li 4,20 | 6.105 | Thorold aes nr | 11 202 DEON Sasien HO ene oe | Niagara. Falls, arrive Sc 11.25 3.20 | 8.00 | Se scsce 4.50 | 6.50 aR Oe ee pea eg ea ee enn | GOING W TS 2 a 6 3 a B 2 i 5 os STATIONS. cal 5 4 g : Ts a | a aI S s 2 Le A 8 z z | =< epee = eee Soni AL Me Mo A.M. P.M. P. "M. | POM. Niagara Falls, depart..; 6.00 (at) eau, 3.45 8.30 ie 11.45 AUINO ROM eseeee cs ae teers 5s 6250 4 08 Pi M. 4.07 8 det ede 09 Sec Abedrineseshost.<.) 16.40.) 1-40 2900 BN Ie eB) | ae POG: os sen es PO? ee See bt Biv Beers £7} SCAMS VC rac. cree et owe see 4.45 | cece cee Giiiisby ge 7 an 140) 8 1G" |e. 5.00 late tes ae Onvariane ose ace 61058 bien. | GS by 17 vm ae BE Apmve s..|/668.40 «) 8.50 1.05 5.40 10.00 1.20 Hereliton ere e010 | 18 550651010 5] 1.30 ican ge ae ek ete Ge10- aakc et IRIRVINOIO? amar aa eee ee | 9.48 ben 6.20 eas 5 ac Copetowns. 7 a2. ws ove uaF EID S was 6.30 Arc Sees Cys bur ee eg Ser ae eee Oe eee 6.43 eas aes Harrisburg... «4s sare eqs wa tt | 10.17 2520 6.55 Hees Deo | See \ ite | Gecmesaties saa oe | Préston, depart... -- eee 11.389 4410 § one 8.00 | Galt] =2do;. - 2 <7aj,5 0500.4. 740 8 | 12-00 4.25 OMe ae Gal) Arve! SBOA 7. | 11.08 3.10 1485 is 8.20 Prostonidex cork fi te J6up0- | 11.20 3.30 7.50 Soe ee cee Eo AeM aris | 1 4 2 sbi Lito ala d gels 2H eeCCWON ss ee | lS ces 7.40 see | cee. AFAStWOOC . < oW GSA Foe coe ot FAFA ee 7 58 ee \WOOUSOCK. 665s a sl as ee a Oe 3.30 8.08 12.23 | 3.50 | IBXouvelnViGs canste sos occ 11.48 ep | OD) See ee, EpGerce les 0c ee 11.54 an 55 8.30 reeds | 4.12 Edwardsburg. é..5%2 64 L2. #A.* | eae ee 8.50 #46 & vees PAM IW. 2 ocae oss) = ae MN 4.35 9.10 1.25 4,52 bole Depart ,.s.s': -8.00 ley 1 - 00 4.45 sees 1,35 | 5.05 | Kombka .£i.. 4: $ F..51) $83 50 | ¥.28 5.09 see DAU cota else: Mt. Brydges.......--| 8.53 140> 5.20 watts SoG a ets 1 0. 5.30 Se EOE ee Glencoes, -.. <. 2. | 10.00 els SOU, Seon rea ae ou rer se ae 10.35 226 6.05 tee 3.02 6.32 IDO Walia on Gam Bom ore nore) 284 eco sees S064 Sat SOE MIO oo bso 5ans] IIR Se = ae 5000 SoU6 enn POG P.M. @lathani. 36 soe ce a 00 33) f= a0) . ae. A. 0D! oor: Baptiste Creek ......| 4:45 So eae Sas ae EES Belle River. .......ccis! 2.785 435 8.17 aoe 5210 8.45 Windsor, arrives. ..ee! 8.50 = 1) POO ind coer bo Pe 50 AF 9.30 | hae The Company's Time Tables can be obtained on application at any of the Stations. (Ce CREA IE: Chathame: March The 1856. 43-t IAC YD HOMO RYDp OnE: ROSPHCHRES LOI soo, = § aS I50B: \-2-FAS Fy HAY Pen Wiel Po ea | TAN POST * r 4 ¥ . ; iS "a, SATURD 1 RP RAL Us) DS PABEISLD AUGUST 44, 162k W. eekly . idition between 80,000 and 90,000 JN issuing tir ir Prospeci us for 1856, the propri 4d etors of the Post tate 4t*fot eradied, that th pu tolerably will acquaintcd wit the charagier of a_paper that has grown stron yublie avecalready durive-the sfovms and stinsbive of "PAIR' ry FOUR YEARS. 'Their object always has been as it remeins to be, to publigh fa wach paper for the family cire le, which shal} not only amuse but also instruct and improve, those who mae, read it. To accomplish this ooject, the best artiy are selecied orcondensed 'trom foreign and- domestic periodicals, and original artiches of an instructive character, procured when possible. Letters from Foreign Lan. Is; the most interest- B porions ofthe Weekly Ne ws of the W orld'; si elnae of Life Adventure and Character lecied aii Original Articies upon yarns Acccunt of the Proiuce and Stock Markets; and Note List are included among the solid ntly found in the Post. Se- information to he consia Dat the Ui requires a Wider range--it has ich dehehtin the humoro: is and lively portical.* These taéultics appropriate food, else they become enfeei led, and,-as a-cousequence, the in- tc Teet becomes narrow and one-sided, and not able tot take < generuuss View O faculties wl the ihbaginative an " also mast have tour is ; in -enlargedsand g humagenature and=cits destiny. "Losatisly thes Tleaven-im planted cravings of our 7 geuia| being we devote a fair proponign of the Poar to FLG FLOM OU. Among our conti ibutors inthe firstiwo of the above departments, are several ofthe most etited writers in the land. . We_also_draw freely for Fictiog and Poetry upon. the best perk edicals in this country and Great Britain. We design com- mencing a New. Story by Mes. Souraworra author of © The Deseited Wife," © Miriaur," &e in our firstpaper tor January n xt. Engraving s--ill lustrative ofimportant place | and actions, of Agricult tural and other new Invenu tions, W ihe others of a Leamorous, though refitted vy sN\ AT c ME to ELGIN. OSL ie and character, are alsu freely given. The penile on the Post -to any part of the United Stat S, pada' ian ei OF yearly iD Asvaice S permanently located his Office and Re- /Unitep NEW SPRIA NG GOODS. We take pleasure in announcing to our friends THAT THi PIRST PFARGE S¥OCK OF New Spring Goods Were brought into this market by C. MONTGOMERY & Co., SUCCESSORS TO BROOKE & MONTGOMERY, And they are determined that extra inducements partments of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY . GOODS, MELLIN DRY GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &c, Our Stock is now in. first-rate Trim, and. we can show the Flandsomest, the Cheapest, and the | most Complete. Stock ever brought into this Town. It is our determination that our prices shall.be EXTREMELY Le "And if our friends -from-the Country and Town, will bear in mind that there is '6 Move monep made by gabing tt, than hexe ig tn. earning. it." No doubt our Store' will be those wishing to: Bake the most of a pollar?!? crowded: by We advise an early eall, come first, will get the first Bargains!! Co MONTGOMERY & CO. Opposile the Royal Exchange. KING ST., CHATHAM, C. W. Chatham, May < 1836. ly. ato MON TIER, Lrrench Boot and Sve ueiker YONGE STREET, Third Door below Elin, West Side, { 2 EGS leave to inform the Ladies and Gentle- £> men of Toronto, and Vicinity, that he is prepared to execnte all orders in the above line, o their sutivfaction, , fle also keeps constantly oan hand, a supply.of BOOS and SHOES S;, of every variety and finish. Jec. Ist, 1855. 2nd, 31 WwW GROCERY. AND er FF A RS & Lo ate iS. ay SEES) i LIE Subseriber having oneneéda GROCER and PROVISION STORE mil. ON OO EEN S&S ER fee. (Vhird door Kast of Duimmer,) Would respectfully solicit a share of nib) patronage. He will endea vor, by selling Chra for Cash, to male itan inidarced mies tto parchase to give him a call, and by.strict a' 'ention to. buy ness, to merit the confidence of th public. JOH? MURPELY. 7854 a Toronto FE 32e, 23 (New Norice--1856--No. 10.) slavery--Republicanisu Inthe name of EEumanity I maket AprpgALto Canapians! Various Books, Tracts, Hymn Books, Peri MCAS: Se GUC. (some of them incorrect copi of the Societies and Religions hodies iu ae which are named below, circulated and sold in Canada, by eolporte (hook carriers) by 'Tract Societies and by oth These American societies and bodies L have remittingly for some time past, pabliely denou | CAN Basis, or foundaiion, and opposed even \ | SHAMED ds it svere, | | | an -discou | i at tdie oliee Where 1LAIs reeckye te is ouly 25 cents a year. Tergs.--the Terms_of the ost are Two. Dollars, vi paid in aivanes; 1 lree Dollars, it not paid in advance. tor ive ist advance, dite copy is scut three .years.... Ve continue the following low terms. for Cliabs, to be sent, in the | cily, to.one address, and, i the country, to one Post Oflice. 4 Copies, : = 2 - per annum. 5 & do sane 1 to the goiter ne he Citb) 10 13 do (and 1 to the get up ol the C hb) bt 290 do (and t to the ge id tp of the Glut De Persons residing in British North America mus remit Lwenty-five cents iy addition io the subserip- | Nassau and Broome streets, N. tion price,as we have to prepay the Uniied States | peslage. TIGiONS To enue 4 mobey and names for a Club, may add new Lames to it ut the same rate, provided the latter will allow their subscript ions to end at the same | pyeIrs on having sen} | } | | lime those of the main listds. We will willing- | ly supply the back numbers, if we have' then. Our opject is to have all the subscriptions In each Clubend atthé same time, and.thus prevent contusion. 'he money for Clubs must always be sent in | advante W ben the suid 1s large, a draft should be procured if possible--the cost ol which may be det icted from the amount. Post- Masters or others sending <for Clubs, would coufer a favor by oes them sent to one address, When they can e- 79 conveniently. The papers to Glabs are invari ably stopped at the expiration of the period for Which they have subseribed. A New AxraNGEMeNT.--Our subscribers will take notice t hat we now have no collecting agents out of this State. They will therefore' please remit to us Ms All persons addressing letlers to us should be carelul to give e the name of ie as as well as of the tuw 2 in which they liv All letlers mast be vost-patd. Subscribers wishing their paper changed, will please giv ethe name of the Post-Ot Ae e to be changed- from, as well as the Post-Olfice they wish it hereafier seat. to: Wee trust that such of our old friends, the Pos Masters, as do not feel inclined to take advantage of our liberal offers themselves, will show our Prospectus to other influential 'and responsible persons who will be willing to raise Clubs, &c. DEACON & PETERSON, No. 66, South Third Street, Philadelphia N.B.--Any Person desirous of recerving copy ae i e POST, as a sample, can be accomm dated by notifying! he Fublishers by lelter, (po paid) hamane practices; ina PRee ant a Brivisn £ | Or otherwise, ed and proved, as PRro-Siavery or Srenr, some. (if not all) formed specially ona Repu such ae eye) £10 principles to our Baritsn Hgh muny of these Societies, INSULT ( &e > have b (since religious humane, j inci ple sate apparomuly tram ple 'd foot,) to discontinue their sinfai and | Goud wise et vince, yet Lam-ledto believe that clandestit such evil practices ara contn eee CHE OUT aL ek fe Lf therefore APPABAL to al] LIAYMEN in Canad to a men.ahd women of HumManiry who are posed to the sin aud. carse.of Susvery anc v hail our noble Province asa land and an asyl| for the free,--tor the oppressed,--an i for th: | gitive trom American Caristan slavery,--to nienancing in our-free Provinee of -C ada, the cireulatton, of such leacis.. ¢ aml having any letlowship with sneb sovielies The Societies referred to are The American=PractSociety--New Yi Pane American, Sunday Sehvol Guiom, P ade! phia. c] "ay books, 2) we 3 Lie eee Board of Publicat Chesnut street, Philid elphia. 4. Fhe Me inosist Wes Chirch. [no B. 10K concern, 2U0 Meulbere rect New. Yor The Am.rican tee enaee ation Sci | Phi ladelphia.---and Biverican Baptist Mis ary iaiony Bor ton, --[All Baptisis of Un States, exce pl tbe 2 Perec Wille and the "oh Baptists," are either pro-slavery or silend *Hacts for Baptiats Churches,," pp: 408. | 6. American and Foreign Bible Soci' 'ty, fF tist,j and the American Bible Uniou, {Bapt 7. American Bible Society, Astor Place, York.---with maay others,--of whose pro-sta and silent character, reliable information eal vblained at 48. Beekman street; New York, Let the touehstone question be put: "+ V 'books, tracts, &c., dv you publish, circulate "sell, against Stavery--and-are the Bibles ci "lated amongst the bond and the tree'--ant | proof be produced on the spot, as Canadians been deceived. As a resident Scotch emigra 23 years in Canada, I have been deceived Mu veesO- Je Ee EIN EO Stratford, C..W.; July 8; 1856. (VALUABLE BOOK ) FACTS FOR BAPT.ST CHURCH] NOLLECTED, arranged, and reviewe Revds. A. T. Foss and EH, Maruews. | Mission Baptists,] pp. 408--Utica, N. Y. lished bythe American Baptist Free Mi Society--[with portrait. | "This is a book which no Baptist in Ca --lay orclerical.--should be with at. Its the support givea to Slavery by the Amef Baptists. Vhe'*Free Will Baptists" aad Mission Baptists" are exempted from that ch as they openly denounce slavery and receiv its bloody gains."--J. J. BE. July 1856. (Notice No. 11.) Upper Canada Tract Society---Slav¢ 2a Public are notified that colporteurs this Society, (Yonge street, Toronto,) trary to all just and honest expectations, perambulating the streets, highways, and s lines of this county, with books of the pro-sla Silent American Tract Society, of Nassau st New York. = 18, 4 W. July (7th 1856. : Stratford .C. shall. be offered tu their Customers in all the de-- as those. who. CHATHAM 1 MUSIC HALL: OLD FOLKS, 8, LESTER: ONE: THOUSAND: PIBCES oR SIBET a JUST. REGEIVED,. oe AT ALFRED MOORES MUSIC IL TWO DOORS EAST OF THE POST With colt CHATHAM, |) ea Swlemekal TZAS Wb witiath In "Morecco and Gold Bindings. basil _ ELEGANT ANNUALS' Or New VYear's Present. 'Be eet *£In every variety of ee from $1.to $6 each AOS © 2 imme an oe to 5 8l0, al lea eo ag From $3. to ($29, U3 E> WAY 2» / From $2 to $20, Harps, Guitar 8) Rimborn 1m Barjos, Flittes, Fi Yes," Pir Flageolets, Clari onelis, - Voolin, Sar Gums String, Music hooks, Note Books, Music' Paper, Sheet "Musk, _And .all kinds of Musical } Merchandize, YOUNG FOLKS, OL always on Hb Oil Paintings, in Gold Frames, School Books § S tationer he CARD BOARD. ae Nodels and 'Misce ellaneots We ors, Ballous' Pictorial, Ballous' Dollar Monthly, Flag of our Union, Brother Jonathan, Ulustrated Ameri ican Newspaper, * Frank. Leslie's: Gazette of Fashion, is ee Frank Leslie's New York Journal, New York Picayune. Boston International J. eae Yankee Notions, Godey's Lady's Book, Harper's Mapgidzine, Gergely TB RECEIVED AS SOON AS PUBLISHED. Catholic and P: 'olestant: Books, ENGLISH AND FRENCH. PICTURKS, Framed and Glazed, : WBle.ots HOOKS. = 4 ALMANACS FOR Cae. +i READY-MADE CLoTENG | CASSI IMR ES, VELVETEENS needed te Ta