Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON), 30 May 1857, p. 3

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Bato K AGREE Ra ee i Oe OOOO sition to give the colored people, the beni- ft' of his talent, and attainments, we are certainly glad of it. We look however froma differrent Stand point.--n. F. D. Lonpon, C. W. May 18th, 1857. Mr. Dovciass;--By the courtesy of a friend I have had the opporiunity of seeing copy of the "Provincial Freeman" of the date of May 16th. In. your leader for that week (an article headed, Anti-Slavery Lecturing--Our suc- eess-in' Canada,)----among other matters, you speak of your visit here, and of the "re- miniscences" thus "brought back," of the "Buckey-State.. Thus far you are very complimentary, (whether deserved or not deserved,) but ou makean'additional remark, about which some of us here desire to make a request. And that is--that you will explain to us just what you mean by the following: -- «Weare sorry that Mr. Day has: not put himselfin a proper position to. give the colored people the benefit of his classical education and fine leterary attainments" PROVINCIAL FREEMAN AND WEEKLY ADV COMBINATION CO'S COLUMN, es Concuesrer, New Lepanon, May 18ih, 1857. The slaveholders say that we are uo! created of God to be free, and if we were fice we cat States that-call themselves our frienvs say w* are created equal with thems-lves, and can ge! our living being tree, but they deny it by their deeds. If we can get our living, what do they send their ciothes here to us for? why,to degrade us, that they may sell our names in the States and get money to make themselves rich, 'This shows that they are not our frien s, but the friends of slaveholders. Their sending their old clothes here to prove what the slaveholders say of us to be the truth, for they w tness what the slaveholders say of us. But wecan get our living being free, and that without their old clothes.. I have on hind now 1500 weight of as good pork as there isin Canada West tor sale. This shows that the colored people can get their living here if they try. Ifthe white people wish to be the friends of the colored people, they will e their friends by helping the slaves to Canada, and when they get here let then goto work and g t their living ordie. We have the same rights in law here that white men have and we can get our living without the old clothes, like they do. The agents, ministers, and the old clothes that are sent hereto us by thuse in the States that call themselves our friends area curse to us and to the free land of Canada. Mr. Ed tor--Please give this place in your pa- per, and oblige your friend, WILLIAM FISHER, | ERD st What is the position "Mr Day" is occupying. ? 2, Wow might he have "put himself in a different one. ? And 3d, What that "proper position would be.? Having devoted years of Jabor for "'the benefit of "the colored people" both in the United States and Canada, and having shown nodesire to abate one jot of that labor, I would be surprised to find myself obnoxious Les to sch a charge as is broadly imphed in. our article' J have writen, {have lectur- ed, I have taught, I have given money to the extent of my ability. Nay more. sacrificed to this cause probably more than any other colored man in eitther Canada or the United States' Jam_ sacrificing more. What more 1 could have done or can do to "pat" myself 'in a proper position to give the Seolored people the benehit," etc., you will probably tell us. Remember, you are Speaking of an "old and cherish friend." Yours Re-pecttfully, WILLIAM H DAY. I have | oe CONVENTIONAL AND REAL FAME | Pierce has just vacated the Presidency, | | . 3 . | and James Buchanan is freshly endued with | its honors and fits authority, Its resources | of patronaye and its claims upon syeophaner. | Sa | But what is the one but an Out and the luther but an Inas the political world goes | --the one retirng to be disregarded and | 'forgoiten, the other ent ring upon the 'highest office in the cou.try, to be toadied and bored ia turn, and then, tke his Stllus- sume 'curl seyuestered way of lie," bls seuling bays completly eclipsed by the vlory of a newly arteusun, or wholly obscured vulsion which may toliow his yotag down ? What is a bivaive atier the lsh is extrac- ted? What ts ap orange which bas been, squeezed? What is the shoal when the cernel is eaten? 'Trash, mereat trash. | What is an ex-Pres:dent (we speak ac cording to the matenalsue tGea of lie time but an em: ty oysier sbell, a se ueezed ir) ) tes wange, # kernetess nut 2 Vw Orleans 'D.- lta. BIRTHDAY. The anniversary of the Queen's Birt blay is always a day rejoicing in loronto. Her her dominions seize on the opportunity tu testify their love aud loyalty to the sover- eign and institutious of Great Britanin. All places of business were closed Monday, and the peopre give themse ves up Lo pleasure of every kid sutable io the day. Elundreds nent not get our living, but the white people in th® |, of your invaluable medicine. trivus predecessor" to pass usregretted into - by the biack harbingers vi stun and cud=_| |. CELEBRTION OF TILE QUEEN'S | Majesty's loyal subjrets in this portion of flecked by the didcreut lines of railway to vartous syivan retreats in different parts of be countiy, in search of he lth and enjoy- 'Phe return trains. on the ofber band, DAVIS' PAIN KILLER. Broostyn, Conn, June 15, 1854. Fiievp Davis:--Although a stranger to you, | ak the iberiy of addresing a few lines to you, for the purpose of saying a few words in favor I have used your Pain Killer for a numbei of years, for bowel com plaint :nd burns, and in fact for pains of all kind>, | think it pre-eminent.--I have had seve- ral attacks of dysentery, one very violent,--I was attacked at three o'clock in the morning, and at suprise | was not able to gt outof my bed, } sent and got a twenty-five cent bottle of your Pain Killer, which | commenced taking accord- ing to directions, and at 6o'clock inthe evning my bowels were regular, and I was up and moving about, although somewhat weak. [ would re- commend all similarly afflicted to avail them- selves of your invaluable medicine. ELMER WILLIAMS. Sold by Druggists, Grocers and Medicine Dealers everywhere. For sale by Pegtey & Cross, Chatham © MARKETS. NN NN NN Oe a a in York C'y W. Chatham Markets--Prices BreemMan Orrick, May 16, 1857. s D s D Wool, per Ib 2 0 @ 0 0 Wheat, per bushel, 8 0 a 9 0 Oats, per bushel, SOs 4 6 Barley per bushel, 1 12 0 Rye per bt shel, 106 8 0 Potatoes. per bushel, 6 0 a 7 0 Corn, per bushel, Beeb O. 5 6 Beet, per 100 ib, 40 U0 @ 40 0 Pork, per 100) Ib, 55 O a 60 0 Maton, per 100 Ib, 48 0 «@ 56 0 Sutter, per by, 2 0 @ 0 0 Tallow, per 100 Jb, 95. 0 a 95 0 Chiekens, per pair, oe a) 3.0 Hay, per ton, 9 0 «4 120 0 Kees, per doz, 1 0 @ 0 0 Jonn Smiru, Market Clerk. tS. ~ ARAN AAS New Advertisemen Ladies' New Goods, At THE a Wa aa AU am STORE | MILLIAERY AVP Melee (anise =) EGS 'LOLNPORM PHit WADLes THAT she fia~ received bor New Gowds, which she | has carefully selected, to suitthe wants of her patrous, from th Blo T BRITISH AND AMERICAN MARKETS! Consisting of the mst Fashionable Heres Grood=s3 BONNETS-- MANTLES-- SHAW LS-- RKIBBONS-- FLOWERS-- SILKS-- SATINS-- we. &e., Ge. LAJIES' underclothing !! SPRING ADVERTISEMEM Farmers & Mechanics' NOW SIX MONTHS IN OPERATION. Store, Sales in that time Being a larger amount of business by thou- sands ef dollars, then was ever before cone in Chatham, by any one store. Shewing conclusively, that the great mass of the people can and co discriminate and appre- ciate, and consequently will patronize the store in which they can find THE. LARGEST ANSORT- MENT OF THE CHEAP- EST AND BEST GOODS. Those who have contributed during the last six months to swell our Sales to such an unpre- eedented amount, are very sincerely '*hanked, and respectfully informed that the Manager it January, ordered through an Enropean Com- meicial Traveller, nearly all our Spring Goods; which with others ordered from New York and Montreal, are now daily arriving; so that very shortly our assortments in every department will be fall and complete, Filed too, with Goods of the best descriptions, not {wo months from the place of Manufacture, and purchased of first hands. ERTISER. | eee --et @ a pe HE SUBSCRIBER takes this opportunity of informing the people of CHATHAM, and surroundirg Country that he has taken R. SMITH'S OLD ESTABLISHED STAND; WITH A LARGE STOCK OF SEASONED LUMBER; BESIDES, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF eos q Y | @ He also tenders his sincere thanks to the Public generally. for their liberal support; and hopes, by strict attention to business, to retain their patronage in future. His STOCK is composed' of 'the FOLLOWING ARTICLES, VIZ: MAITOGANY AND WALNUT VENEERED BUREAUS Mahogany and Walnut Sofas, CANE AND SPRING SEAT PARLOR CHAIRS, Dining, Breakfast and Kitchen Tables, FRENCH, COTTAGE, SERPENTINE, AND PLAIN BEDSTEADS, TOILET WORK AND WASH STANDS: ALSO, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Rocking, Windsor and Children's Chairs, TILE BEST MANUFACTURED IN CANADA. > 3 SPunremASined ats tine Shortest Novweess ALL CGRDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. Persons wishing to buy FURNITURE, will find it to their advantage to call and examine befure purchasing elsewhere. J. O. SMITH. 33 eee SCSoetrims Chatham, December 14, 1855. Division Courts for 1857. OTICE is hereby given that the Division NN Courts for the County of Kent, for the year 1857, will be held at the following places and times ist Divicion, Chatham, Saturday,--10th Jan'y. Ce ( For the altention of§ all Temperance 76° 8, Legislators, Ministers ef religion soc.) (SHORTLY WILL Bi PUBLISHED) A Census List OF Zhe Inhabitants eT loriites' of Stratford business we are doing. |\INo two profits to pay on | our Goods. Those who have never visited the Farmers' and Mechanics' Store. W ill find on doiug so, that its stock ettibrates full assortments of DRY-GOODS! FANSY & STAPLE GLOVE, Seasonable and Fashionable BOOTS AND SHOES, From the celebrated Manufactory of Messrs. Herein consists the secret of the extensive | do do Saturday, 7th February. do do Saturday, 7th Mareh. GC. WwW: : co do Saturday, 4th April. Vor 1857,shewing the religious denominations; do do Saturday, 2.1 May. pea who use intoxicating drinks ard | do do Saturday, 6th June; those wnodo not, with the religiows Denomina- | do do Saturday, 4th July. tions appended,--also taverns and sellersof in- do do Saturday, Ast August (toxicating drinks, with also such religious de- dy do Saturday, 5th September. | nomination appended -Lists of Distilers and do do Saturday, 3rd October. | Brewers, with the same---List of Ministers of do do Monday, 2nd November. | he County of Perth,--(Lists of members &e., of do do Saturday, 5th December. | congregations may be added.) Names of the 2nd Division, Morpeth, Tharsday, 26th March. | Teachers of Schools &c. &c.--As it is Stated do do Thursday, 23rd Joly. that the Traffick and drinking habits, and the do do Tuesday, 24th Nov. drunkenness of our Jand, are confined to Preshy- do Ridgetown, Tuesday, 27th January. ! terjans, Episcopalians, and Roman Catholics do do Tuesday, 26th May. such lists will practically show the truth: or wn- do, do. Thursaay, 24th Sept. truth of the statement. 3rd Div. Tecumseth, Friday, 30th January. 'Have they not (the trafickers) got enough of do do Monday, 27th July. our blood?"'--Hon, M. Camoron--'the next best : x 4 "We Saris pve WoAtare tog A cata! do Dawn Mills, Monday, 30th March. legacy and gift to every woman and child of eut to-do Monday, 28th September. | Jand, will be dhe freedom from th. trafiick" L-- Ho Dresden Friday, 29th May. ; By "AMEN. do do Friday, 27h Nov¥ertibet. a. Srrattord. C.W. 9 16th. March 1857, OTE: The attention of all 'Temperance Associations Sons of Temperance, Leg- islaturs, Ministers of religion, and. others fta- 4th Division; Harwich, Thiirscay, 29th January. do do Thursday, 28th May. do _=_db Satitrday, 26th Sept. do (Wellingion Inn, Town= vourable to the putting down of the' CURSE' and the "DISGRACE? of our and every Christian rame in tui. loaded vith people fram the country and the adjacent villages, dressed 'Lo all of which, she resp etfully invites atten- tion, at ber, SHOW ROOM, osposite the 'Roy- sbip H'rwh Brown & Childs, Montreal, & Howard) Saturday, 28th March. vit in their holiday ailre. divery stieet in | Bx hADEe Poe Ss PUreels OURS CA R Pp le f INGS do do Saturday, 25th July. conntry,--the public Traffic in Inloxicating he city was througed by ci:zens and stran |. be Pa ae and re ee Fashioas 9 do co Thursday, 26th Nov. Drinks,(the savage, tintivilized and unchristiatt oe tay Site fie See alat atv. Sr COU 101 ne Paes os Siac | 5th Div. Deal ToR Monday 26th January. | lands excepted)--that aitention is called e a- vers. 'V'he different companies of Military {Jo ie 5 ele Ose "nis oe 5th Div. Deal ToRn Monday, 2 J | is called to the a hod Firemen marched im tee throupb Boy ee Oa, And other house furnishings, | do do Monday, 25th May. dopting of such a Plani as the above, to show a = | Soa NBO | | WALL. & WINDOW PAPER. do do Wednesday, 23rd Sep. STATISTICALLY and 'more EXACTLY lhe streets, and coutributed much to add AS : aan, | ape Tyee whee aes See ies : PALMERSTON HOUSE Pardo's Inn, yse 0, In our several municipalities aud do Middle Road We Inesday, 25th March. | communities, countenance the public evil and Lhe dress of the Fire nterest fo the scene' ARO) ICI A 6) AjDS Dip fomipanies looked brildant and becoming. Outario Sircet, West of the Albi m Hotel. a Oui iB BOLLS, IP it lRe do do Wadn-sday, 22nd July. disgrace of our day, "the Traffic in. Intoxica- ee : = do do Monday, 23rd Novemb'r. | ting drinks,"--and also by said plan, to delp ta pon Le AA CP ian ise iep, i eee er : Secretar ee TRC AE TIS 5 hey appeared anuch to auvanlage, and YO RTIBIR Ws C505 6th Div. Wallaceburg Tuesday, 31st March. purify a British Colony which is the most 'fore- : : : Sie as : (IV HE above house combines all the fadvanta- : 7 . 5 % : FEES licited commendalory remarks {rom many : Beal Se eo ef nla- | Of the most approved, English, French, ltalian do. do Tuesday, 29th September. | most of Great Britian's possessions; and make it Les c é ° & =; res Sg + . a . and Bohemian Manufacture. do do Saturday. 28th Nov. --Canada--more reliablé as a home for theEm- irangers.-- Daily Culomust. de at Oungah P.Office Saturday, dist January. igrant, under a frea, liberal; and loyal govern- PRIVATE HOTEL = <3 @ & fee 13 ae pal Cay ft Fea HRI ae § ey do do Saturday, 30th May. ment. tis asserted that the Cabtiet of the St oseery ¥ OvES do do Tuesday, 23th July. To make the "Census" oe -- : : S, : OT : pe gee ee Z ve "Census" complete in its inten- nited States cannot preserve a neutrality R E S a8 A U R A N T ' Stationary & School Books 7th Pew eas eines ae Maren: tidn generally, a Listshould be cubicbed ol THe n tie Eastern contest; and the Hnglish pa | and will be found fuily equal (if not superior) a7.) a : oS. 2 ee BSUS Vey erg Ye names of those REsIDeNnvt inhabitants, who "pub : : 2 - Wr ner lo Wednesday, 25th Nov. | jiely us Sling ar ed i i a bers assert that Mr. Reed's vilers ot nego- | lo any similar place west of Toronto. Wall § Window Paper, - ee : : ae af ae ha Waly Use Intoxicating drinks dt our Public: bars : : ne ) ' I 5S do Kilmarnock, Wednesday, 28th Jan. | and "Salvons'--the latter commonly jation will be heard amidst the din of war Trunks, & Valises, do do Wednesday, 27th May. | the "Hells" of our community Hoa yenainnd * which will rage in China vy the time he Refieshmonts, Breakfasts, Crockery S Glass Ware | do do Friday, 25th Sept. mechanles, millers, carpentérs, laboures &ieare eaches there. Hugland asserts that sisould Dir ners, Suppers, ; ; By order of WintiaM Bensamin Weuts, Esq. | those, D. J., who realize a cunipétence and pros- perity in Canada and meet with ready employ- ment. --All those connected With out Railways. must be sober men.-- Ask Mr. Brydges, the Rail- Judge of the County of Kent. GEORGE DUCK, Jr., on the shortest notice. An Ordinary every day at 1 o'clock, Cordage, Piikles §& Sauces, effectual block ide of the be resurt to at orts of China, a» neutral flag will be per. oe E alls 'ties :-Nics BC ° 52 Clerk of the Peace, Gownl Kent. hited tu enter. B als; Dares oS eet ©; Fruits S NVuts, as of fs = ee yah ten way manager at Hamilton C, W.--Is the same catered for on reasonable terms. Gr - Prov A Office of the Clerk of the Peace, t sobriety needed as we move through life? SaRaain Pei > Pobacrs Soidiiel ae rocerves §& Provisions, Chatham. 9th Dec. 1856. van2i-ly |" 32%" Will papers favourable oo the Base Dees Phe Gall . Cee ae pal served up in a variety of styles. Cutlery § Spoons, ae eS please copy. : PSS gree Wines Liquors, Cigars, Nails, Gluss & Pity, New Spring Goods THE LARGEST _ ited suicide in that 'Town on the 2ud in- pate ges Hel Urands ; ; 4 LARGEST eb ae i loa bed Gow. He Oil. and Puinis, an r) =) anuIny US oa Leas peo» ° € Sunmvener beverages, Soda W ater; Mint Wi rd Li = AT THE Ave 3 3 5 ras Of intemperate habtts. Juleps. Shery Cobblers, © Old Pam" rtnes alr wquors, F ALA & TOCK Chit ese smash, Ice Cream, &e. INCLUDING Pikes' "Magnolia, | In Chatham, RCUASED 'for CASE, atid OFFERED CHATHAM GREAT FIRE AT NEWBURY. | Draught Ale and Porter. The London Frre Press gives a detailed Champagnes, Ales, LOT [LNG if] Ls -- a oe : TRAVELLERS. Porters, §c., &e. C i HAL ' abt © any G AN S} TEE ecount of the disastrous fire at the New- ury Stati on on the Great Western lail- Vay. We have eniy rou is tu state | hat the whule of the butidinys &., at the Biation were consumed by the devouring lement. Estimated luss from $20,090 10 5,000. The tire occurred on the 25th Lust. And casval boarders wili find eveay aceomoda- tion at the above house, with at the noise and disyo:nfuat so common at public hotels. Board and Lodging, For a limited number of gentlemen. Also Board {without Lodgings], by the day or week, on rea- sonable terms. d. sy, qe Produce only, at prices as low as such terine demand, far BELOW COMPETITION those who buy or sell on any other terms The Old Store, JOSEPH S. BRATIY| STAPLE DRY-GOODS, STONE & TURNBULL AVE to intimate the arrival of their NE hi GOODS for the present season, includ ing an extensive and carefully seleeted Stock o LADIES' DRESSES, SHAWLS, MANTLES, BONNETS, Being the Farmers' & Mechanics' Store its stocks are laid in with a view to the supplying their every want---and as Farmers' & Mechan- ics', like other classes of the community, have not all times the C. THOMAS, Preprietor. Sratford, May 30, 1857. 39-tf. TO rd SD 0 eee #& A Mexican paper stats that on the Oth ult., a Mexican woman of the capital to pay down for their necessaries, a well defined and discriminative, Credit business will be waren eee Notice to Teachers. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. the age, in his "Treatise" on ys--"That Putmonary Consumption acmi LOIN ONIN Ia ON INRIA Sir James Clark, Physician te Queen Victo- A, and one of the most learned and skilful me Cons win puion teachers who have not obtained certificates of qualification for the present year are reqttired to attend; otherwise they will forfeit to their respoc- tive Schoul Sections the public School Fund.-- Teachers who bold certificates during the plea sure of the Board a'e al-o required to attend anu (Ss "a cure, is no longer a matter of doubt; it has produce testimonials of gool moral character | citligr from their resp ctive Clergym: n, or from Boards of 'Trustees by whom they bave becn 'or them to put their Horses under and feed. All kinds of FARM PRODUCE PAPER HANGINGS, DOMESTIC GOODS, Ready Made Clothing, &c. A First-Rate Stock of CLOTHS, VESTINGS, & GENTLE- MENS' GOODS. as delivered of seven male children at one done, in order to meet the wants of worthy and PAB ASOLS rt HE Board of Public [nstrnetion for the | responsible persons: Making only 5 per cent BBONS ; SLY BS 2p W SAY OF : County of Kent will meet for the examina- difference between Cash and Credit. Ree Oo ERS Bo oS) BEY, GLASS, tion of School Teachers in the Grammar School We have a large yard for Customers to drive TRIMMINGS oF Dy Pu pe Special Nott Building of this Town, on the first Fridays of | their Carriages into, and a good Ghee G WOCELRIES & LIQ VORS, = Ae 103. June and Septeinber next, wh-n all those HOSIERY : PAINT S & oO I LS é 2000 Ibs. ASSORTED SHOT, 'LOO KEGS GUN POWDER; Sole Agent for BURNING FLUID. JOS. 8S. BEATTY; Chatham, Dec. 12th, 1856, v3-n18-tf: NEW BOARDING HOUR. WILLIAM STILL EGS to announce that he. has Openep a BOARDING HOUSE, at No; 374SOUTH | STREET, bedow Ninth, PuitaDeLpuia, where he will accommodate respectable persons; perma- nently or transiently, whe may favour hini with their patronage. The [louse is Commodious arid in good order; andthe location Central and Respectable. ioe No pains will bespaired thetefore to give very satisfaction. Philadelphia, Oct. 29th; 1855, sngaged, other Wise their certificates will be can- celled. No certificates hereafter will be granted fora longer period than ONE Year. By order of the Board THCMAS CROSS, See'y B. P. lL. County of Kent. Chatham, May 4th, 1857. ine. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER as usual CHEAP FOR CASH. Chatham, May Ist, 1857. een clearly demonstrated by the researches of PP) will always be bought, and found FOR SALE. Those who have not paid us a visit are re- quested todo so All may depend upon being kindly and obligingly treated. Parcels delivered at Hotels or residences, in | Town, free of charge. By or ler of the Manager, JOHN D. McLEOD, Cashier. v3-nl6-Ly. acnnec and other pathologists. The mere fact that such a disease is ever cura le, attested by such unimpeachable authority ould inspire bope, and reanimate falling cour- ge in the heart of every sufferer from this dis v3-n36-tf. jase. The remedy we offer has cured thousands. ISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY ot only emanates from a iegular physician, but has been well tested in all the complaints for which itis recomended. None genuine unless signed I, BUTTS on mie Wrapper, Important to isouse keepers FOR SALE OR TO LET. Loffer for sale 35 different recipes for $1, many of which have been sold the past year for $5 a piece. Nohousekeeper will grudge $1 for one of those recipes alone after trying it once. Address WM. Brumback, Puint Pleasant Pa., and the whole ntimber of reeipes will be forward- ed by mail: TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE and East half of Lot No. 43, the house is newly finished and situated on St. Jchh Street, in the flourishing village of Dresden. Tor particulars apply to Wm. H. Wilson of Dresden, or at the otfice of the Freenan. Dresden, July 10th, 1856. 13.1 oT-ly April 23nd, 1837)

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