Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON), 30 May 1857, p. 2

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sebancts willbe sen until 'Phe terms of the Freeman arc ®** Specimen numbers will be ovappleation. _for the common blessiugs of life ; slavery man of the United States SS SR TSE REN eS a PROVING AL FREEMAN, P ~ PNG OO SRI NED CHEVTHAM, SATELPAY, MAY 16. 1867, PRADA tar Mr. William sil, of Phifaielphia PB. A. heerpptions for this OSS ie iad ee RO OO IS RAR AAA 1S Auth 7 oe ESS naper, and give Receipts for the same. kg Mr. Isaac Cary, Front sire.t Toronto, § authorized to act as agent for this paper. SPRGIAL NUTMEG ES. SUBSCRIBERS, EDI ORS, eo eae ERs and Tis ACERS, are invited igo. ain subs¢riberstothe PROVINCIA LEREEMAN, fer which twenty per cent will be aoe' No the cash is recelved. | payment im _aivance, apd bo paper will be sent ionger than "paid for. * . sent gratis upon Apniess IsiDs STIABD. Chatham, C. W. REMITTANCES. All subscription monies for this journal enclosed in Jettersand daly reulstered,-- which can be done at any Post Oilice on payment of two cents in addition to the post- age--are at the risk of the Publisher. Sub- scribers will obli_e us and relieve us from many diificulties by forwarding their sub- | ' seription money by mail, as the trouble and | expense of collectiong through the country is very great.--l. D. s. Bilis! BILLS!! BUGLS*!! We have sent a large number of bills, to Subscribers and hope they will remitt to us at the earliest possible moment, as our sub- scriptions are our only dependence. Se SS OUT CANVASSING. Messrs. I. D. Shadd & LI. F. Douglass, both of this office, will visit many of the towns and cities in Westera and [astern 7 Canada, immediately, for the purpose of pro- moting the interest and prospects of this pa- per, andthe cause of humanity generally. - Mr. Shadd will act as canvasser &c., while Mr. Douglass, who bas just returned from a tour in the Western states, where he has spoken with great acceptance, will Lecture extensively as well as canvass, and we know satistactorily. Both are young men, and are labouring, in the cause of human rights, and for the spread of intell:gence among Canadi an refugees. We hope the Liberty-loving people of *. these Provinces, will give them aid in their ~ work.--M,. A.S. C. MORE BEGGING! ELDER PIPER, FREE MISSION BAPTIST MISSIONARY AT CHATHAM !! CLOTHES FOR FUGITIVES!! "We can scarcely repress the indignation we feel at the multi- "phed attempts of men, calling _ themselves Missionaries from the United States, to disgrace the peo- _ ple bere by their continual beg- ging for clothes, &c. Another case has just come to light, and true it is, that scarcely is one piece of falsehood of the sort exposed, as in the case of Reverends Henson, Foote, & Co., when some new mischief comes to light , the worst of the whole matter Is, that the actors can always com-. mand the colums of some paper in the States to back their wicked pretensions. Here is a Baptist preacher claiming to be Anti-Sla- very, aS will be seen by reading | the article Canada Mission, on Ist i page, taken from the Amer'n Bap-| tist, in whose church a collection | of fifteen dollars was taken at. one Anti-Slavery meeting recent- ly by these same people, who, to accredit the Elder, are "suffering the collection having been freely given by these poverty stricken ones to Mr. Hull, a worthy anti- out ef compliment for his excel- lent lecture. The Colored Metho- dist Chureh too, under the charge of "native preachers," took up, not a month since $200 on one and | day for building purposes, and a few days,afteward; when one of OTRO REY BIE 2 Menlo RN heir members lost bis household effects by fire, the same congre- zation volunteered $44 to him as .beir quota of the very liberal do- mations to the same end by the citizens generally, so that lis pe- vunlary state is better than before, yet these people too, want the comforts of life. Pla. oe Klder Piper is sent to the Bap- list, why not minister to them then? By what authority does he axsume the guardianship of the people of this field 7 Certainlynot by appoinment of God, however much "thebrethren," who are not likely to be injured by his publica- ions, had to do with it. No i . ; is the same old whine and cant about God and his providence : ? and bere are the same adroitly written statements about separate churches and schools. If the Free eo Mission Baptists are going to strike hands with the Vj ES VLiSOUS, | Rices, Footes, Hensons, and others through their new missionaries. | the sooner we know it the beter. | Mr. Piper complains of separate | churches and schools, and yet this osame Elder Piper preaches iON ,courages and begs for separate | churches and schools, and really stands in the way of a school | without distinction to be taught by a Mr, Metzger. But his color- (ed school may have some pick- ings from the other side. Why did not Mr. Piper say that the | claims of Mr. Metzger was so i clear, that according to bis own public assertion, Here, he would stand aside? = © "Phat would not | have suited his purpose, when | asking for a chureh, school house | and clothes for the colored people 'through the American Baptist.-- /And_ how does he better affairs here by soliciting for colored | schools and churches, at the same time that he complains about | them? We lose our respect for the clerical office when we see 'such evident venality promoted .and fostered by preachers almost Invariably. Elder Piper has seen 'fit to reflect injuriously upon the: | ihesitatingly deny! and shall con-! whites of Chatham and one or ,two other localities where exclu- | sive institutions exist: that is no doubt anv easy matter, and much more easy than to write the whole truth, as his admission that they are "oppoesd to the law of the pro vince" proves. Why did not Elder Piper tell the fact, that in every | case where these exceptions to the law of the Province may be found, an American Missionary or Missionaries have had a hand in the work, Elder Piper with his colored school and church making no exception. No good reader, a few of the colored peo- Fad 7 ple aidedby their missionaries from the United States, petitioned to the Canadian government that their children might have the s¢ep- arate school privilege, then desired by them, and granted. their prayer was Free Mission Baptists, Congrega- | tionalists, and Anti-Slavery Wes- leyan preachers, so called in the States, who have come to Cana- da and built up or encourage col- ored churches have helped one way or another, and Elder Piper is doing the same, asking for funds to build up what he pretends to be opposed to. - If this man is God appointed, he will not mis- represent the condition of the colored people here, that he may get funds, neither the white peo- ple of Chatham, that he may get funds: neither will he remain dumb in Chatham upon these PROVINCIAL PREEMAN A NIN et el NLL el OD OL Vas 'good things of the occasion and i cusable. eR a ae Bt ~ sins of the whites, and virtues of the blacks: (how is it sinful for white mento grant to colored men separate schools and churches but E1- der Piper at their head, to send abroad for fands to build up the same?) No he will put the horse before the cart--he will reason to) these white Greeks--not away off in some little colored Baptist Church--not up at 'Chamesville | with its one or two colored fami- lies only--not at the Rond Eau, witli less thana dozen. Neither will he make a "cat's paw" of J. J. ©. Brown to distribute bis clothes. | Mr, Brown has told us a virtue in colored men with that be defied any one to sav he' ever sent for old clothesor wanted them. clothes for naked and hungry Bap- pusts, only, why not say so; if not by what authority does a commit- tee of Baptists assume to be al- monors for the entire people 1-- When did the tivo thousand col- ored people here abouts autho- rized them ? Mr. Hull an intelligent and de- serving anti-slavery man, said lectured, and seen the great wrong Mr. Piper the pro- moter of colvrcd Baptist Church- es, Who has travelled from here to the Rond Hau 16 miles, and to 'Thamesville 15 miles, and who has not seen what may be seen ii pleaty; in bis towns of 7000. on the other side, that must some boxes and some money.-- to strengthen this comes to the conclusion lie have. case, some Inan who very naturally wants, to buy his family, declares the. same, and $1800 in large fizures swells the necessity. | Mr. Piper says: the consequence of the existing state of feeling here is this--if anything is done to bless the colored peorle here, | either inte lectually or niorally, | it must be a mission sustained by the friends of the colored mau." yige ; IS very wrferested conclusion of t te the Reverend gentieinan we un- until the preachers in Chatham say openly. }or by implication colored people tinue to British ' | \ Christian consideration --M. a. §.c. The Queens Birth Day cele- bration was an imposing affair. There was a fine display by the firemen, Military Muster, & Rifle Brigade, parade during the day, concert at Eberts building ; very little drunkedness, the result. of was a equaily boisterous, but more ex- The fireman looked ex- gly trim, and although on principle opposed to exclusive companies based on complexion, whether whiteor black the Victoria No. 3, colored, who by the way have done better service with the Engine in her old days, than was ever done when she was young, looked not a white behind the Chiefest.-m. a. s. c: oe Tae AmMeniGan ANTI-SLAVERY Sociery;--held its twenty-fourth anniversty in New York, City, on 'Thursday 14th, cf the present month, the attendance was good and the speeches on the occasion wer of a high order, Among the u ceedin worthy of especial perusal, were speeches by Messrs Phillips, If Mr. Brown is to receives. erly. frankly, after having visited and_ colored | people, that the beeving was a_ _was held in Detroit on the 16th, to _funds to purcnase provisions to cality $5000, was determened to be raise: -in Detroit to purchase food and 1,000 was -subseribed at the mveting, duce sufficient crops to supply the wants of 'her ~bundance for the supply of home and foreign i will a Ol are not within the pale of our and inthe evening a fair for the colored Methodist Church, and | ' another serious conflagation, which resulted spirits was observable, but their | J | : : : 5 5 demonstration of loyalty A special Election of the Kate Payers of | | Friday of the present week, when the vote ND WEEKLY ADVERTISER, w and Mr. Brown. Our small space forbid their publication entire, which otherwise we would be most happy to do. We propose however to give extracts in future. It is from their perusal plane that no one anti- slavery party on the other side can honestly claim all the talent, and earnestness among colored or white abolitionist: but the Ameri- can society, may with propriety boast a fair quota from the pro- scribed classes --mM. A. s. Cc. . Tue 'Toronro ANTI-SLAVEY Socrery--held a general meet- ing one the 29th, of April; two years having elapsed since their annual meeting previous. 'The at- -tendance was smaller than for- 'The action against pro-slavery religious bodies, inaugarated and prosecuted by Mr Linton of Strat- ford was we perceive fully urged and endorsed by the meeting. 'Phe remarks by Messrs. Brett & Dick were particularly forcinle and appropriate, but the compensation theory of Elihu Buritt introduced iby Mr. Bans was bardly in barmony with the general radical cand earnest tone of the meeting. Mo Ate es We see by an exchange that the suffering among the peovle of Northern Michigan, for the want of food is very great. A meeting raise supply their wants. A man was present from Gra- tiat County, whoes wile & three children had died from starva:ton,and who gave a sad statement of the present suffering in that lo It is to be regretted that the boasted ag ricultural State of Michigan, will not pro- Citizens. while the frozen fields of Canada,reputed by yankees, as uiproductive, and settled only by ignorant «Cannucks run- away negroes, & Indians produces a supera- 'the matter we so represented was ue7 1D Cc markets.-- S. ret 2-9 (4= Our subscribes who feel at all inter- ested in the business being done on the U.G | R. Road, will be gratified to read the Re ports that have appeared in our two last look for ful and interesting ones to appear. | As the names of the persons escaping, and their State & county from which they came, | invariably be given, an opportunity - will thus be prescnted to many, who have | left the south, of once more perhaps em- bracing the friends & relations whom they left in slavery.--tI. D. s. = A mob hung two colored | = ; | men, and cut the throat of another | ,at Louisville Kentucky, on the| _ 13th, the poor victims were tried | on a charge of murder, but found | innocent by the court, previously | : (> Toronto has again ben visited with | in the foss of scine 60,000 dailars worth of | property, particulars in another colum.--s si << 6 Oe Ee ( this municipality, was held on Thursday and of Messers. McKeller & Smith, Reeve and Deputy Reeve, upon the appropriation for a Bridge at Thamesville, was disapproved of by a Vote of 274 to 10. to be now the only, course of those officers, resignation seems according totheir own terms.--I. D. §, f= Vavuaswe tors in the Township of Dover, are nuw offered at Private sale, on favorale terms; also a town lot Nu. 55 of the old survey in this town. Do nct fail to eall upon Mr. Thomas Mclean, at Mr. Larke's Hotel, who is now up from Toronto disposing of the same, as a rare opportuni y to secure cheap and good {ands is thus offered. 2 Do not forget the sale of Lots in Buxton by Thomas W. Stinger. Se <Ad- vertisment. 2 o> ae LAMPS! LAMPS! Lamps of a superior kind and patent on hand, end for sall at this office--Also fluid for the same at the low price of @1. per i show a -and the present issues, and they may still | ; venerated | baif of the Slave. | Mr. Garrett, Se. Purvis, Remond, Miss, Watkins, gallon.--Please Call, is 5 OT Bim last week, direct from New Orleans, by the U. GR Road, Heal thyself.-- We bave nv hesitation in say- ing that Consumption can always be alleviated, and ina great many cases completely cured, simply by the use of Dr. Wistar's Wild Cherry Balsam. Its sootuing aud healing influence o- ver the diseased organs is truly Woncertul. Perry Davis' Pain Killer is a very valu- able article, and oue that it would be well for every householder to have at hand, in case of bruisesscalds, burns, diarrhea, dy- sentery, cholera, fever and ague, and the host of diseases, externa! and internal, which it is adapted to cure or alleviate. --[ Salem Observer. THE EDINBULGH (SCOTLAND) LA- DIES' EMANCIPATION SOCIETY, And the Christians of Canada.-- Slavery. Though we have on sv many occasions during these few years hack endeavored by just, though : PASAT Data ak waim, representattion, to awaken the heiigious bodies of Canada, and the Tract Sucieties there- | in, 10 the Aumilialing sp ctacle of a fellowshipping with-Pro-Slavists, andiwith Pro-Slavery Sucie- ties and Lodieg in the United States, and although anada, still we never despaired of success ultimately We did not consider it as water "spilled on the ground, not to be lifted up again," ora 'casting of pearls before swine." We have had a hope that so many, at least, of the said Religious bod- ies 1D Canada and Svcicties, would see the incon- cistency and even tho dire #ypoertsy in their pro- fessions towaras the cause of a crucified Redeem- er,--when on the one band they passed resolu- tions and declaimed against Slavery areper," but eshook hands" and frateriized with those of the United States who were either si/ené on the sin and curse of that Republic, namely Slavery, or directly fellowshipped with South:rn interests: We were not without the hope that time anda Spiess: " D higher power would show that a 'profi ssion" of Christianity in Canada was net a vain thing or a thing of mere pounds, shillings Ave! GOee Y= Wehave not been deceived. for we percieve thal som kind of awakening has iaken place.--anil poreover we meet not with ihe colporters ot, and : Se ve see nol the nocices. and advertisements of the a ' ; rau 2 ene : ' ged American Sunday School Union ot the * hypo critical" American Praet Society, excepting as '9 the latter, which stares a rroth-loving anda iree people and loyal Canadians in the coluuns of the Evho, one of the religion= papers in Can- ida advocating the interests (and by its eommnns said to be the evangelical interests VE Sot the Church of England. Bat the Upper Cansda Tiact Society must throw olf its bypoermicas covering, and stand by tisdf, end bolas arepre: | sentative, as itis, of slavery bodies. We shill endeavor firmly to remonustrate with- allreligious bodies in Canada; nor shall any in- fluence bere below we kuow of at presert. thwart us in our design, of exposing every approach to a suipportin Canaca of pro-slavery organi zauions of the United States. . We are the. ave wed ene- inies of such support. eredly revercnced, (ip ignorance in such a case) will debar us from publishing to the wide world any association by that pame with pro-slavists We will hesitate not a moment Noneme, however, $6.7 ? | truthind vepert ieross the Aulantig. to the "home of the brave and the flee, of every religions boty and Lact Society in Canada, which will 'donghfaced? Hout. [uis cheering. in these times, to see such an Address as the fullowing one, eminate from true loyal and humane hearts. The Edinburgn ba- dies' Emancipetion Society. wih ihe good and Mrs. Sarah Wigham as President, have for vears labored in the cause of humanity tor the oppressed Afsican, and his dveendants: aud itmust be cheering to them in the capital ol the free patiun of Scotland, to wiintss the res- | ponses given to their prayerful entreaties on be- "Vroly they may huprict, a> the dothese words + «Can we behoid unheecing, Liie's holiest fe lings crash'd ;-- While woman's heart is bleeding, Shall w-manw's voice be hash's 1 The Annual Report of the Soctety is now be- fore us as we pen these lines. Mis for the year ending March 1857. Weshall on an carly oc casion refer more particulary tort glad to notice a lever by Dr. Daniel W ilson- Professor of the University College at Toronto, appended to it, also oue from Mrs. Brett, Secre- tary ol the Toronto Ladies' Anti-Slavery Socie- iv. and Jetters from Mrs. Stowe, Mr. 'Tappan, \ We shall notice the Report, as we bave said. In the meantime, shall the Christians, that is, those prof.ssivug Ch istianity and by a solemn vow to Almighty God acknowledging the "gold- en rule" of doing to otbers what they shoald wish io be done to them, and also the general precepts ot charity and love enunciated sv humbly by our Savior, shall these Christians pass by as uuheed- ed the appeal made to them. We hope not. Shall they still adhere to the policy of acknowledging the Pro-Slavery and silent bolies of the United States, as they, so many of them have been ac- customed to, or shall they disconnect themselves entirely, and of even every semblance of frater- nization? Will the Congregational church in its individual churches and congiegaticns still countenanee the American Sunday School Union and the American Tract Society? It they do as to the latter, will no rem mslrauce of any kind be put forth as indicative of not approving of the panlering policy lo the Svuth, as practiced for tev and thirty years, and a time previous by that Society ? Will it be shown tothe American Sunday Schoo! Union that they [said society ] only show to the world a concern to give general in- stinetion in Christian doctrines whereas they are altogether sectional, anj only for the wile popt- lation 2 The soothing words of humanity for the oppressed, appear not in their books. The heaven and the hell, a Christ and His Gospel, and every exalted thought and promise all, all, are only for white people! And will not tinese societies (even if retormed,) be eschewed and avoided altogether in Canada as they teach Re- publican doctrines and maxims. They are politi. AAA Owes ee--rere eee rere eee see 6 oe . s iA ave i (~e Five families arrived in 'Toronto, ; " ing of Southern influanee. cal in their tendencies, as well as rankly savour. Bee ou - And how can the ministers of Religion in Canada. who have en- couraged, and still do encourage these socie stand belore a loyal people, with their y truth and godliness 2 ties, ' ow W hy the thing is so Oh posterous, that it must make the very Deist ang Atheist blush for shame for the human family, No greater zausze for infidelity, and "turning KS: back" upon the God of our fathers, can be wien? to a thinking people, than the unblushing and itn pudent bearing of ministers of religion in this maller. But the regular Baptist of Canada, what can he say? And the Wesleyan Methodist of Cana da in all the ramifications of his church in thi, . Province only shows that "hy pocrisy rnles" and that the gol of this world, has displaced the Sy. preme Lawgiver. 'Shame, hide thy blush." Shame, why, our readers will excuse us for inditi.g these words,--that thcugh.the fear of leyan Methodist Church in Canada, ha Deither that fear, apparently, nor aivishab dit ne mat. ter, The God of this world has so evide nily ab- sorbed everything else, and catises Tt8* blazonry of pride to herald a Gospel which , 'n their hands is of the Devil! But we refer our readers to the Address, .which breathes an Apostolic unction, » Pes tiy® SLAVERY ! in sending a | We i e- "mancipation Society tothe Christians of Canada BRETHREN, | We would respectfully address you on the | Present occasiou on a subject: which must be of ceep Importance ty sincere Christians through- out the world. Hi Since the abolition of Slavery in the British Colonies, the eyes of friends of the slave have been turned to the condition of three and a half millions held in bondage by the United States: of America, and we have endeavored to inform our- selves uv: the nature of their position, andthe various citcum=tabces which bear upon ity In this investigation the melancholy couviction has been forced upon us, that there is no influence so powertully at work in rivetting the chains of the slave as.thatof the professedly Chri-tian church of America, Again & again have honest men with tn the church declared this ti uth ang facts on taets arise to substantiate it. Ministe:s and members Vot chriches hola, sell and buy slaves, and min- isters and members apoloziz: tor the system, and mMplousiy twist the Holy Scriptures so as to as Sete a sauelion for that compound crime whieh em.races a Vivlation of every Command of the | D cologne. ana of the spirit of the Go-pel-- pavcarly all the religious assceiatious are minute | With regard to Slavery -or openly defendit, -- Che American Board of Mt-sions neglects the heathen at home, and tratemizes with the oppres- sof by Whose flat these heathen ate heid in darke ness. Siuselar is the course of the 'Pract A-se. clanion Which repress-s all condemnation ot the sin. The Sualay School Uion and ethers ful- low tte sume course ae Butitis pnotto dwell on these faets' that we bow address you "Chey are probibly more fa- iniliay to you than us. Oar ohjectis rather to feutreat you lo administer a demedy? for these shortcomings of your peikhbors; for we cannot | but conceive that you have much in your power, Fyou will earnestly reiterate a fatthhal testimony | igainst Slavery, and ftvithtully and strictly ae avoid all commuuion ent fraternization with this is essential for the maintenance of voor owt purity as a church. Ye are she, salt of thé earth," en ; Cinistian Chureh--and. as sueh who candouht | that its presence has acted as a preservative ta. j the naticns wherein it has been placed. How | solemuty Tichmbent is tt then on all whe protess the bame of Chiist. tosce that the salt "lore not ilssavoul," to wateb over this vital principle at i home, and among the brethren abroad. to eschew | ihe slightest cpprcach to CONEPUOL. abe to cares i iutly avotd the contact ef evil, which dims the | moral sense, and gradually Byings to that state faesctibed as "heneejorth gootl! for-nothing bat te be-cas. out and trodden ander footof men." Sueh atevillifluence, we firmly be ieve, is Americar Slavery, which stretches its poison over bot only the chsrches o the Un ted States. but also to these ofour country, and (we are given to f-aryin some degree tochose of Canada also. W- hare land. as We now do to you, to stand on the deténe sive agacnst this snore, and in this> matter to serk hy the help uf God to maintain. the purity fthe Charch in Queen Viectoria's dominions. "Slaves cannot breath there .--ihen would it nvf be a sorrowfnl thing, for the Slaveholder to find apology and shelter in what ought ever to be the vervsanctuary of treedom. aS Your country has the noble privitege offafford= ing an Asylum to thousands ot the poor wictios of oppression; we rejvice in this fact, atidewe fel grat: fol te you. our fellow subject: , tor the kind- ness you have strown-to these o:ucasts from te avisca.led land of trecdom. We hope that your xindness may continue, and that you will, by vour unvarying recognition of them as breth: ren. be enabled to combat the iniquitous prejudice against colore, which prevails toso great an ex- teptinthe Free States of America, and which, we carnestly desire, may not be alloeed among vor.--So we would earnestly hope. that these poor gpeople--under impsoved chenmstances, ney become useltl citizens and noble vindicators of the equality of the Negro race, and of the right of the Negro to his freedom oan his manhood. fn conclusion, pertnit us to express an earnest iesire for. your preservation in every goodwork, and for your maintenance in the purity and ho- liness of the Church of Chii-t. We are, yours for the slave, ¥7 43 SARAH J. WIGELAM, President, AGNES LILLIE. ELIZA WIGHAM ae On behalf of the Edinburgh Ladie's Emancipa- tion Society. : Kdinburgh, Dee 12th, 1856. Secretaries. We the undersigned, know the parties subserb- ing the above docuineut; and that they, and oth- ers associated with them, have for many years manifested a lively sympathy in the cause of slave-emancipation--by their contributions, and prayers, and active efforts. ROBT. BURNS, D. BD. M. WILLIS DD." Toronto, ©. W,, January Qf, 1857, 3[ A reference is also made to Dr. Daniel Wils on, Professor in the University College of Tor onto, who is well known by his jast ap, riecia- ticn of jhe efforts of the Edinburgh Ladies ":nan- ipation Society; and the testimony of Mrs. Stowe, Mr. Tappan, and many others might[be added. | ---- Corresponoence. PS NINN III II I IN #2" We take great pleasur in inser:ing the following letter, from W. H. Day, ad- dressed to "Mr. Douglass" inj reference to our recent visit to London: and we shail on- ly add that if there is any thing in our Editorial notice of Mr. Day, for us to cor- rect, he and his friends may consider it pcor- rected. If Mr. Day, is in a_ proper. Po- the Lerd is the beginning of wisdom, the Wes... i slaveholders and thetrapologints, ft seeins to ue" ix emphetically the vite given ta the . farqueauiy appealed to the Churehes of our own: Address From the Edinburgh (Scotland) Ladies

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