ETI aE Sr PROVINCIAL FREEMAN AND WEEKLY ADVERTISER. a a) - £ ~ = Me ° 7 are} We 2 'OR DELANY, 1856 CHATH AM 1 GREAT WESTERN RAIL WAY, ene J HALL Pececs| PHYSICIAN & SURGEON,| NEW SPRING GOODS. roux Ee | tly located his Office and Re- } ay OLD FO) Fr er © GARAND she H As permanehy RE AY ge First We take pleasure in announcing to our friends ; OLKS, LISTEN a BO Ee door East~of> the =-eerner gh DEL DE THAT THE FIRST LARGE STOCK OF "ONE THOUSAND PIECES OF SHEET Misi, STREET, si A is ALTERATION OF TIME. . | ee ee a ish axedtvas, JE practices in "Chronic Diseases, and the Were brought into this market by AT § i H 'Diseases of Women and Children, in' par- ( : j peers Eee ee See Maoie § MUSIE€ HALL, . 3 : sy i : T OF TH ON and AFTER WEDNESDAY next, the Ist APRIL, Trains will run as follows:-- | Heular RRs . MONTGOMERY & Co., se EROS OFRIRR, o hs Je PB. Ga2nam; Hisq, M&D.; SUCCESSORS TO : et Hehe : ae ieee Siplemads : ; GOING EAS r. Georce M. Coox, Te M. 'D;, + " Gl BAA Late Prof. of Sur ger y in the Washington ee BROOKE & MONTGCGMERY, In Morocco and Gold Saba 8 fit <u TAN = 2 : College, Baltimore; Md. epinsbur gh," a And they are determined 'that extra inducements ELEGA Ni OTICE 2 re si gf Chatham March Ist, 1857. 41-t | shall be offered to their Customers in all the de- NT ANNUALS, I S i ea 2 rs ty partments of Or New Year's Pr 'Patiat he's prepared torn spate pecllescrs : s 2 A 3 é i : én esent Books, . that he is prepared tofurnish the following artic 3 = fa] s 7 every variety of style, fi as Melee and Heal: STATIONS S s A F cS i Montreal Bool & Shoe Store. STABLES AND, BAING Nios oe] Mag SEP Ate ae 82 Se ani) AXE HANDLES, 3 Z c a = : DRY OODS $2 LE> 1 &> a 3 PICK AXE 'HANDLES z. io S H G From $2 to $1u. "jADZE. HANDLES, -- ae 2 2 a > 7, Some One 1 Gome All! iE ; : iW) 9 oil dade BUCK SAW FRAMES, and x bed 5 : ws A wae 5 Wo ees * PSA W-IORSES, &c., iTS. 2 of. 3 ACU TON IR Te, ae er er mek By : Made in the best manner. aioe: . 3 if a CA oe nplste | Windsor, d eho) leaps Maan elcog: geeate wens CORNELIUS H. CHARITY GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &¢,, 3D Wy =, soe New BEEK SAWS. the best quality, in cor ndsor > - 3( 2.2 ; : i feb gio. fer service. Pe | nixed han weigt rAlgo, Phiée} » Gepart was. yoy 6 AN 0.30 ! 0 Hao OULD respectfully announce to his nu- ae ee fos in rae Trim, and ue Hi; From $2 te $20, be ndlos Put irpeg A geod antl olfer Wools | Foeea Wee a GS ee me Be Sears. Bae lies ee merous Customers, and the Public gene- | can show the Handsomest, the Cheapest, and the te s. f.SMALLW 00g sPeldechahed Bellegtiver,. 4:5 2 j NRE ee 6.35 11.05 ® 8.20 10.05 tally, that he has bought out the extensive enon most Complete Stock ever brought into this Towa. arps, Guitars, Tambor nes, - ork § Baptiste Ci Soe SS ge76t 1.50 ee See EsraBLISHMENY of ioe Brother, J: H. Cuarrry, | lt is our determination that our piece shall be Banjos, Flutes, Fifes, Pwcales, NOTICE. Chatham ¢.4:.. ee ae rans 4735 12.10 2.40 9.20 eS ® here he -has OPENED, with an unrivalled me als : a Lf Flageolets, Clarin it Thamesville 8.09 3.55 12.10 assortment of baN UROL D a 4 3) Proli newts ; Bot ee eee Ak wa cs dowel Ouse be a BOOTS, SHOES; AND RUBBERS | Andif our friends from the Country and; 20den "and Guitar Str ings, YERSONS afflicted a ne PVER ape 'Newbury... PAR: oe 8. 40 1. 13 5.05 10.25 oe of every eseriplion, and of the latest style, suit; Town, will bear in mind that there is Music Books, LVoie Books, ; AGUE or the CHILL ME an pe cece esses DEES) Cas ' 2 e rents eee able for S ring and Summer wear. 66 ' speedily cured by applying toJOHN HA' TON, Clehcoes .ee<3 & Sites ooo. 8.55 eee 5.30 sre Le steee He wi eee constantly on hand, a large stock Hove UN made Ope gabing it, tam these Music Paper, Sheet Music, Shoemaker, Bronce, lewpynip ot, Pratalear,| Rktids. ow 22.4555 cade wees 9.17 1 6.20 7t% Ga we of his own Manufacture, of every description. (8 tn earning it. And all kinds of Musical Merchandize, always on hang, Malton County, Canada West. Price ten. shil | My rydecss. 9.29 0,00 6.40 oe Measures wiil be taken, and work made to No doubt our Store will be crowded by Oil Paintings, j Gold F : lings currency. kK i . 5 is order. SS, In Ge rames. JOHN HATTON. rs ect CE Eas este Br rare Aare oe 9.40 2.10 7.00 17.29 1.07 RADE LS? WAR those wishing to Sel € ¢ Aa oud" ee) Sted eed 5 : is ' Bronte, July 17h, 1856. 14! | London nee yrs ie 6 | ee oar) £20 ae -- will be em ae endless varieties, and of the lates Make the most ef a DoMar!! choot Books § Stationen ys = epart ween. : | eto 2.09 cece . fashicnable style, viz.-- ae CARD BOARD '"'The Children's Paper." | Edwardsb 9 We advi ly call I | es 26 ® ards OPO Sora 6. 20 ApS Sel es A.M. ee cs 5 ny oft hoe 1dvise an early . as those who . 7 2 Gt ny fax . AD qt woes SP G y ae PUBLISHED AT TORONTO Ingensallias 4.2224...) 6.40 | 10.55 3 (35 BAS lpg 290 ae: ee ge pe i > | come first, will get the first Bargains! LVovels and Miscellaneous Fvovle. : 5 SOSe LUPPers, ATVENCHL £0C5, OC. : ! peas pia ee WaT. ley Oe OD. 11.05 Oe 45 eee : eee / « Lo asalt C. MONTGOMERY & CO. a Pictorial, Ballous' Dollar Monthly Fy PN] ae Code. 4 UU) Tea 3657 cece 1.05 2.45 Having' a thorough and practical knowlec ge Opposite the Royal Exchange ws of our Union, Brother Jonathan , NS, Eastwood 7.10 FT 36 4.05 'e business, he fecls prepared to render satisfac = Ta © 4 #2 Mlustrated American Newspaper, Pitseeion COGS R60 Got is 5 1 ° = 138 el cree ae 6 a i tion to all who'way favor him witha call. KING ST.; CHATHAM, C. W. Frank Leslie's Gazette of Fashion, o Ce x et te Sy ee e Berd vay eee. eee o Qs cy aa ep Fr pazey « an Tw nap ee Chatl m. Mz 2n¢ 855 Frank & FINERMS.--12 copies' monthly, per annum-- = Mies aA ae } COUP LR. CBBCGRAR eS nhatham, May 2nd, 1855, liye gl Mtoipeisd a oe yar Journal, edollar, eighty cents 0 copies, monthly.| Paris Pa ed a See oe ' soos eae eee shine rchase, by w hblekale, will and it! --- ES me oston Eniernational i. wnal, onedoilar, eighty cents. 100 copies, mc y Depart 47 12.10 1.50 24 wishing to puicha y Fe AY Soe LAL Pg Yankee Nolions, Godey's Lady's Book, per anou m-fifieeu duilars, Sent post tree through- Parl ¢ ee eeee : =e Bees ee ; ae c their advantage to call, as he can suj ay them aro TON us 12 » Barger Ma He Se 00. outthe British Provinces. No subscriptious for S| ee ee = P.M. sheaper than any other Establishment in this part French Boot and ' sue niaker GEWVED 46 a60% me aes less than, iwelve copies received.--ls issued in Preston, Hee ee 11.35. AD 2 B00 of the Province. wo ee S PUBLISHER, ble ia CLOut es sss 2 =09 ° : sees eee ring dene with neatness and despatch, YONGE: STREE' Toronto on tht first of each month, payable Galt 7 } af eee Lot tes a Bhi ic and P; 'olestant Booke advanee. Post Cifice orders payable to I'. Nelson | 78 do. sees: #0 12.00 £.25 wee of Se ee ee 7~ Call atCounguius ee CuaRiry's, just four Lhird Door below Elm, West Side, 4 ve, ; -----. ee 5 a & Sons. ee Galt arrive. = #1 13-06 3.10 7.35 8.20 Se ee ee below the Royal Exchange Hotel; King St F> EGS leave to inform the Ladies mid Crentia ISff! AND FRENCH Bese (Mesers, Nelson's Works and "Children's Prensa: 11.9¢ 5 80 en | GC. HL. CHARITY. sk} mien 'ot Torotito, and Vicinity, that he Framed and Glazed, Paper" are weil |nown in Britain, and iu Serene teen eee ese' es OO eee® te is : See ee ee ene ones Chaitkan March hh tsb 43.if | prepared to execute all orders in the above ling. elles LBeOo@ke. Canada, and recommended as faithiul and pure.) | PEs = a BEI p90 us ey f tle also REC ps constant] g. ALMANAcs For 1856, vl Stratford, Dee, 10th 1856 bz] Harr isbure. a ee Sal 2.35 5.07 ae ee a) [fo IS Eg SUG seta ce Stepp hand, asupply of BOOTS and SHOES Se = 5 eg oe ee | : : es Bgl? | PROSPE OPUS F OR "1956 Ev Cis variety and finish. é ny Des - ot try ais fiulnecs LEAs 8) den eopoeceeove eee 8.18 eooee a5 6) e@ecee eecee i eceece is a dec ist, (855. Dive Hae [B'S GLOT RIS Bh) BIN -- Cn See ee A ce ee tad e ' 0 Sewgeh SS PELOwnD eee ec eon eee 8.28 ecoee eoece e@oee eoeee eeee ¢ oe ee Es SO eee eee ASSIMERE manta nuaints Ss ty 3 VER STA i oe ee eg re THE NEW GROCERY. SATHINEDTE TEASE WEEDS Ee ft or i . "ur Pe A. et cf: CN FEN 4 = z ' MAINS, 4 Ba AP iS g NEW tl RY ABLE seenrenes| 8689 [2000 | 5.85 | .... | sees | sees (CATURDAY EVENING: POST Be) eG ae 28 ; 2 | Be ie > -» 6C., ec. ju Seas © ta ee 3 4 ( Arrive. 9.00 1s20 5.50 3.05: (4.52 f : ee RG eae ; IS isWaeceiioe ee eee ee : --e eet Pe A &e fy Ss > Esai a ee ee is ME ee would inform the citizens si Depart os. 9.220 1:40 6-00 ooo Ot lo 1 os 00 . : = PLL D WARE, AND TREACLE, OX, "2 Q es PANTY 4 > WY Qr Ax 6 2 as of Chatham, that he has removed his LiV- Ontario ccc se Sibide § Petts osho | Soc | 6.25 Gee: Se ESTABLISHED AUGUST 4ru, 1821. VHE Subscriber having openeda GROCER God Save the Queen! ERY SLABLE, to the Grimsbiyra «e200 vs. costal Oe 2. 12 | 6.36 PEGA ERS ne hear Weekly Edition between 80,000 and 90,000 |_-& «and PROVISION STORE, on leas eee wgiil «3 Corner of King & William Stre ets, Beamseine Yt 8 2 ot 10s ey re: 6.47 fo ae ee | QUEEN STRERT: eee 7 a 3 where wil ba found, at all times, Jordan e@eoo S20 oeeecee 180)= - i eaeee (EOS eevee eecece | e@vo5e IN issuing rneie Dy adaon dd: 1856, the propri- Ww ' Id ( AE bird d oor East of D: uimier =) Oo ae 5S sly) i) O : Pe Cees B igies P.M. | L etors of the Posr take it foi granted, that the ae eS ae Solicit a Be of public ; UPen GAC Gu Mile e st, Catharines :2.. 7/1052 2 2.45 7625 erat 4.20 | 6.10 | public are aiready tolcrably well acquainted with E ee is withendeavor, by sethigg. Cheap, | Mi nS S BU nt LEVY. GOOD HORSES, Thorold 1126224 55 bh 35 HEIN ts of) tbe character of a paper thatobas grown strong as ae e mal ve inducemel tto pure hasers I a es, see ee 7 5 evecoseereseecaes ° } ene Ae rss out meus my yr ron al , } 3 =a A C : And Steady DRIVERS, if necessary Niagara Role anive 11.95 | 0 Es 50 | 4.50 | 6.50 ape the storms ae sunshine ot TE ae ane al Hea ae ples as a None busi- | yes ae ts nae Kee, d ¢ are oe € 3.2 cae poets prerne! +2 | red OURYEARS "ir obseet- always has-been | >> 2 Plc. ian on hand, at her Residebe Charges will be as moderate, as the times will| Sl al envase sivGde pee SLE OL Ee, MeL TE WO slit vemains to be-to publish a weekly paper a sete ed POM UP ELY. * OUR Xe ae South Ninth Street, below Catharena, a admit. GOING WE ) ce for the family circle, which shall not only amuse EP EEE Es ees ee | SUPPy of choice Porsens are requested to call and examine the Turnouts but ae me uct anc - Pee Ge tai a a a ; Herb Medicines, Gintments, Pills, Klos RARARRAAAR PALIN OIA | read it, 'To accor plish this objectythe best artiy | (Naw Novica --1856--N } i : ABRAHA\ { RAYNO. Q f =a SE Pe oo en (NEW. NOTICE 5 INO. 0.) ; Which she will warrant to. give satisfactie = n . : cles are selected orecondensed from foreign and- g atisfa | eee 32-1 3 2 Zi a : ees Seen eee nn Ome 3 e a * | Among which ' NEC Ghathamhy Deo. 8, 1955 ely 2 é 3 e109) domestic periplicals, anLoriginal anicheotam: Slavery --Republicanism..sor ihecort iu Diseases ilejenumk on Nered GW. BRODIE ; 3 f4 > 5 | 2 instructive character, procured when possible. | Debility; the AL'PERAVIVE : : eran i K AY: P d x ' a] z = ------ | YE ¢ : : ee = ? STATIONS. a i i a A a Letters from Bee Lands ; the most interest- lhidscbaasont Sumanity Piakethig | Blood, Scrofula, Searvy, &e.; ad. oe INDIAS.... REAL : ESTATE AGENT Es S S 2 ing poruions of the Weekly News of tlre World; A pie AO DpH wet Ls PECTE ic OIN MEN T, Pop Piles. Old Sere, AND z S 2 a o = Skeivhes of Life, Adventure and Character; Se- | + MES AIS eRe eS Seu Spr hs, "Bruises, Chilblains. Chappra Skip sa a 5 Z ea lected and Original Articles upon Agriculiure ; nee Ge tracts, Ly mn Books, Period- | petey. Salt Rhes sin Scald Herd, Frosted Limbs, = = Account of the Produce and Stoek Markets; and ica , &¢., &e., (some of them incorrect copies) ee General Intelligence Office. == oie < --~---- =---- | a Bank Note List are included among the 'solid of the Societies and Religious bodies in- the} : me Give them atrial. ee : A. M- A.M A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. mio to be constantly found in the Posy, | Univen Srares, which are named below, are Puinapenupnia, Nov. 20, 1835. 36-17 Be Bi ROM a eenéeal acquaintance, and punetual Niagara Falls, depart..|. 6.00 dey TE230 3.45 8.30 11.45 Lthe mind requires @ wider range--it bas ot revlated and sold in Canada, by colportcurs | > ae - attendance to' business; we hope to merit a} Thorold .....eee++++! 6.30 1.38 P.M. 4.07 8.54 12508 icatite s which delightin the humorous.and lively, oon ka coe ree site pus laes oe ee |. > liberal share a ee eore ae Dt. WatbATnes-2 ncn och 640 AD 12.00 A177 8.59 | 125 14, the imaginative and poctical, Thgee ees) remittingly foursome tiie pasl, publicly seiguaes. < & Le D vy A F2 Corner of King and William Streets, | Jordan............+| 7.02 bee cee 4.32 an cece ane nen ae ae ea oo oy hey | ed and proved. as Pao-Snavery or Siren, and. a HY a : a : ee Zz : become enfeebled, and,-as a consequence,;the in~4 ot nA [Ta SG a ee ae 2 : CHA EAAU is CW. Beamsville SES eee RIES 7.24 SES Seo 4.45 eae FO0.9 telleet becomes narrow and one-sided, and is not | Sees ae ee specia |) ae = ue oo XK Oli SALE AND RETany @ ig" Please Call before you Buy. £4 Gms by <. os Hew isies 02 | Fe 49 SibG* Sans 5200 sees EGGC ableto take an enlarged and generous view of ear " prinedp! aus sae ay EES hildae j Soe : d J Saas ) tte dactiny Mi catiafy Reto } as ( uF SREUEPES sfituttons. ; {5th August, 1855. Tete ORATION << 5.0. ass 6.) 2 OA00 oso) oe Slt: he: a human nature and pS Lgsatissy these | Though many - these Societies, &e, have been | , i j EH mplanted eravines of our mental being. | D aN a SDT Dan : : Arrive ... 8.40 8.59 1.05 540 10.00 12.0) eaven sn plot Shee Bera Doce te DTG. }SHa MED. ay it-were, (since religious: humane and | "@<tLE SUBSCRIBER offers for Bale, a OTTAGE FOR SALE Tamilton . ee we-devote a fair propo:tion of the Post to FIC- (a7 A alietbié eivetaptatiis ieee > A clipe tone Go j Cc = Depart... ri Fae? 9.10 1.30 O00 10.10 130 TION, POETRY: and HUMOR. Pier talk ; to is mash inter. dir Surat ana Fn im ae . Kt if H ( ee el gS rac Dundas 9.32 6.10 Se ee et er : : se = ayy oar p domly : : é eee eeeete® is 2 Boe : is Eee Sees Ainong ou contributors in the first two. of the | humane practices, inca Tren end a Britisa Proe-1 - | Cay dil SOG a} Ware NEAT COTTAGE for Sale. For parti-| Flamboro' .........-. Poa: 9.43 as oe 6.20 ee 0k Se above depattments, are several of ihe most giited | vince yet iam eisleccbeliextannnt clandestinely | y Gr ae paced Se eo Copetown 9.53 6.30 writers in the land. We also draw freely" for | or otherwise, sach evil practices are continued | geet ee eiftice of - 7 at Stes he © tu 10.05 : 6.43 Yes et Fiction and Poet try upon the best periodicals in | and eucdtiraged, | . TRON, of every dese fiption. s ; Ab B. WILLIAMS, Esq. oe yn en eee eeereee eae elakele ~Vo eeeoe e e@ecene ee 7] e this country and Great Bi iti Lin. W e design com- i theretore APPARAT to all Toc MEN in Canada ae Cast, Basate Fj and Sleig hy Shoe STEIsé 1 Bee Rankin's Building. Harrisburg. Vee ns eae ozs ere 10.17 25 6.59 sea? 263 mencing a New Story by Mrs. Souraw ORTH, | to all men and woinen of Humyniry who are op= baw ee rongbt, 2 a Hise NAILS, CaeS June 6th, 1856. 'if author of" Phe Deserted Wife," " Miriam,' &e. | posed to. the siuand curse of Stavery. ane whol Coil, q meee A lough CHAINS. Dradton depart 7-15 11.35 4.10 cits wae 8 00 in our first paper for January next. | hail our noble: Provinee as aland and an asylum ANVILS;» VICES, ant BELLOWS, oT areal ots POMEL subeeid F ' : 4 ETS z | og --illustrative ofimportant places | for the free,--ior the oppressed, --and: for rhe Pua!" AnvexecHont assortment of ' Engravines--i ofimport. ces | ee 2 : ' "PROS SPECTUS Galt G04 (sis sat 46-30 7.30 12.00 4.25 vee eeteuh | and qCions, Of Apiied fe 4iand othe newtaven- | gitive trom American: Chrvstian slavery,--to aid DABLE 1D POCKET -CUTHERY. } oF i 5 30 12 i tions, with others of a Humorous, though refined | in déscountenancing in our free Provinee of Can=) Carnenters > Joiners' lab LIFE fLLUST. e ATE a ao a an ae : a0 i - aE ae he ok fe also freely given, a | ada, the.cireulation of such books, tracts, &e., } ! E a o 2 we Tools, A a ae CL oe heer estid Ss Oot ee 0s sas aioe S choses oP aa The Postage on dee Post to any part of the (and having any fellowship with snch societies } AXES, of the best descriptions, Warranted. GMa xm ils IWS vera ~DaAp er, : AM. United States, paid quarterly or yearly in advance | 218 Societies referred OLEING ETS ES ~~ With an assortinent of Devoted to News, Literature, Science, and the Arts seas "eee eS oc 10.44 2.50 2? Ee Peas at the oftice where it is received, is only 25 cents | - Ig oe ican 'Tract Suciely--New Yous | to EsieGaniment: Improvement and Progress, Princetofi 42s Se. stores 11.04 eoee 7.40 cooe oeee yee ac ae ee La weve es I -S SHELF H ARDWARE, PousLisHED WEEKLY, av $2 a YRAR, | Eastwood 11.26 7.58 Terms,--The Terms of the Post-are Two | © 5 'ay4.2 =t ee ee i BOO OCOACHOO Cano o2 cece ° eee. eres are tra en = Che Presivterian Board: of Publicawé ' Fick: not to be surpassed in Town, and whieh BY FOWLERS & WELLS, : ; 5 : z Dollars, if paid mm advanes; Three Dollars, if not Sheer P : : i I ; : 808s Broadwiy; New York: Woodstock. Ap Soscens sees Lio 3.30 8.08 L253) B70) patie i a tecrnene ee ie Dollars, in advance, | chy pie yee' A Iphia. = ae . - e is offered for Sale " Cheaper than ever" for Cac} = a he cece ee eee] esee ld see Boe 8.20 ape: es one Copy : sent Nee oie ats. ae continue the | poo concern. 200 Walt REAR oe a By ers oe find it ig their advantage te : ' ollowing low terms f VLUWOS; t sent, in f : Cal asing clsew B It is oar purpose to furnish.a journal, which, ngersol see e cee cees Se tik 11.54 200 8.30 L2sa3 AR UY ing lox ae u : '. oe shah he ce pee Pubheation Gea ae | lil before purcuasip er cane weand lo no pay, sect, or theory, embracing Edwardsburg roteesee, ooeet | 12.14 ee 8.50 aes ae 2 Bee Othe eee "dy 1O:0ne --Philadelphia,--and American Baptist Mi sion- | Now 99 -- Bla every human interest, an d furnishing food for all AUTHIVEs es ceet AGM, eo: 4.35 9.10 1.25 4.52 ey » | ary Union, Boston.--fAl: Baptists "of ~Unitec J pon Now 22 ee ~~ wae ey eee thewnind; shathaneriva world- wide London Depart 8.00 1.00 4.45 1.35 505 4 Copies, - ge - perannum 35 | States, except ihe oMpee Val" and: (ie oe - eirculalion. 2° LM ite de Hee omc P Bee 8.30 1.98 5.09 2.00 15 . do oe : re: x ans up pt pat b aie Baptists, 7 ares-ertheg pro J"t or silent -- OE OR Gi ROGERY STORB.s. E i : oo oe eee : : : Pe. : : Se GO, Celi. 2 LO tO Bee OPO) re Coe oe bade for Baptists Churches.," pps 408. | fn the form of Or igiital Hiss ys, [istorical, Bio- Met. Bry dges. see eeeee 8.53 1 e4-0* 5.20 e610 eevee ener ore PAY} do (and 1 to the gette 'TY Up of the Club) $20 | 6. American and ore ign Bib ae Svoer LY, [Ba ; 77 S na = ' bens wield indiecnae ia their graphical; and Descripuve Siete hes of Travel Ekfrid. ete Didbia. 6 Coote 0 se 9.3 1 ~o0 5.30 eooe eoece a eee Persons res iding in British North Ainerica igus | tist, | and the American Bible Union, [B: aplis t 139) WOscr - : a d ¢ and Adventure. £ oetry, Painting, Music, ana Glencoe. 10.00 a 5.50% & Fake a ate remit wendy-five cenis in addition to the sibserip- | oe and Broome streets, N. Y. a : iends, that they are pean ke ,and @periag Sculpture, elc,, from. the pens of our best writers, Se gee : ' ee tion piice,as we have to prepay the United States . American Bible Society, Astor Place, Net p Extensive Assortment 0 Jenks: Newb 10.3 228 6.05 3.02 82 P oe ag with choice selections from the leading periudi- 2 USE Aa oy 5 : canes eae : oslage. Vora with many others,--of whose pro-slavet Geroesrie@ss 3 9) p '2 : aie E * . < - Fs) eals of Hurope, will form a prominent feature.| Bothwell............; 10.55 2.34 cove vee EOuo siele« siGtoNs 'To Cruss.--Any person having sen | ahd sient character, reliable information. cant erior quality, suitable for Country "Trade, The great field of a3 Phamesvine . 2 =. . 22. | 1130 fe a ous oie Shoe seen 5500 the money and names for a Club, may add new | Obtained at48 Beekman street, New York. they will sell at the lowest remunrratire SCTENCTE, sto it at the s: , SORiedEHOm Ata? Let the touchstone question be put: " Whe in all its departments, will be explored d P.M. names to it at the Same rate, provided the latter |, "S508 | : Sy are Fe i : p : 5 ptored, and al Rcthan 1.00 3.30 7.10 4.05 737 will allow their subscriptions to end at the same books, tracts, é&c.,do you publish, cireulate, PP duce will be taken in exchange for Groceries, new discoveries jaid before our readers in : ; se Cee 6 66 ere ee ° ° : euees? : : i we th { the main listds. We willwilline. | 'Sell, against Slavery--and are the Bibles circus Call and-see our Stock lar form, Tue Arrs, particularly in the} Baptiste Cree! be45 oeee a us Cee See? : UBS | cea: setthe hola and ie Goee a e (4 Call and-see our Stock. popu »?P y inthe p NOCK = ss ss 045 coee oe St oe econ ly supply the back numbers, 'if we have them, | "lated amongst the bond and the free" --and let Ro VANBRANKEN & G departments of Agriculture, Mecnanical Industry,] Belle River... eee 2.35 4.35 87 ise 5.10 8.45 Our object is to have all ihe subscriptions in proof be produced on the spot, as Canadians have ee ee and CoS eS) receive gen ban, and Pace ne each Ciub end atthe same time, and thus prevent been deceived. As a resident Scotch emigrant of Buxton, ©. W., Dee ls 1850: 3i-ly ne invention or improved process willescapeour| ,,7.,°°° °° 7° 88 ft tt Sete sss oe ae 2 Sake Beas ¢ 23 years in Canada, I have been deceived--sin- ; notice. Windsor "arrives... 3'. 30 5.10 9.00 ees 5.50 9.30 contusion. ee So io The money for Clubs must always be sent in | MHY S80. AN OOO ON OO On) OUSE AND LOT Sy oe ae (VALUABLE BOOK ) Al LL that Easterly part of Lot 24, sitnated | on McGregor's Creek, being sixty by thirty- J.J, EK. LINTON. advance. Whenthesum is large,a draft should : d : Stratford, C. W., July 8, 1856. be procured if possible--the cost 'of which may be deducted from the amount, Post-Masters or others sending for' Clubs, would confer a favor by having them sent to one AGRICULTURE & HORTICULTURE in which so large a portion of our people are en gaged, will. démand at our hands special con- si'{eration, We shall endeavor to elevate sui more the standard of Mecuanicat Inpus' rey, and i-@ The Company's Time Tables can be obtained on application at any of the Stations. C. J. BRYDGES, Managing Director. * Flag Stations. @ g g = ' DIN | I Ae ieee Beis aes ae | ae aS address, when they can¢**o conveniently. FACTS FOR BAPT.ST CHURCHES, nine feet. Also, a Two Story Frame House, --- PHYSIOLOGY NE W DRUG STORE awh BA Ry The papers to Clubs are invariably stopped at OLLECTED, as and reviewed by conkisting of Iwo Tenements, having each Four and the Laws of Life, in their application to phy- : es the expiration of the period for which they have | \/ Revds. A. T. Be pat E. Marnews. [Free Rodms anda Closet. There is an excellent Well sical development and the promotion of nealth OF subscribed. ho ee eee Y. Bab | of Water in the yare. snec \4 2 € 2Gasn S A New Arrancemenr.--Our subscribers will will have a prominent place in our columns, take notice that we now have no collecting agents CENTRAL MEDIC SAL HALL. oo a8 Sas 3 ite For Terms, apply to BOOTS AND SHOES, Seal hs M. STEWARD, Society-- [with portrait. | EDUCATION, in its broadest sense will be encouraged, anu, AT out of this State. 'They will therefore' please This is a book which no Peis in Canada, On the Premises, aided by contributors, engaged in teaemiue in col A. T. AUGUSTA The English H N : 7 remit to us direct. --lay .or clerical.--should be with at. It shew = f King Street, between William and ' ach col- é Linglisi fiouse, No. 80, Yonge Street, the support givea to Slavery by the American Princess Street, Chatham, C.W* All persons é addressing letters to us should be careful to give the name of the State, as well as of the town, in which they live Al letters must be post-paid. Subscribers wishing their paper changed, will please give the name of the Post-Office to be changed from, aswell as the Post-Office they wish AL hereafter sent to. We trust that such of our old friends, the Post- Masters, as do not feel inclined to take advantage of our liberal offers themselves, will show our lege, school, and shop, We suail try tw reader te EGS to announce to his Friends and the pursuit al knowledge easy and altractive. Nii Ww" BOOKS . Public generally, that he has OPENED sede © | these Yonge Street d t f their imeortauce ann i) demand it, CLrilic: ally he d of Toronto, Al the inhabitants of the sur- reviewed, In ibe deparunens | of DRUGS, MEDICINES, ees neigbous hood, that he has on hand a GENERAL NE IVS, | DD jee se eo FS : eee choice and well-selected stock of Ladies' Gen- we shall bg proipt, autnentic, aad full, givin: pal Patent Medicines, Perfumery, | itemen's and Children's BOOTS and SHOES, raretully prepared summary of eee even: s, | DYE-STUFPRS, &c. which will be sold at the lowest possible prices ae °) nis Baptists. The' Free Will Baptists" and " Free 'Mission Baptists" are. exem pted 'from that charge, as they openly ¢ denounce slavery and receive not its bloody gains.'--J. J. E..L. July 1856. One Door North of Adelaide Street. - ee 'BOARDING HOUSE AMIN FES e€CTFULLY announces to the citizens LTROIT, and the Publie generally, : recently fitted up the commodieus (Notice No. 11.) Upper Canada Tract Society---Slavery. bata foreign and domestic, and tecording ail sizas for Cash. et prog ress in every depart. nent of lle, E Marats will be carefully reported, and such eneral, commercial, ahd linancial inturmation ivan as the interests aE Gur readers demand, ind trusts, 2 strict ajtention® io ee business, to BOOTS AND SHOES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION MADE TO ORDER, By superior Workmen,from the best materials and at the Prospectus to other influential 'and responsible persons who will be willing to raise Clubs, &e., DEACON & PETERSON, trary to all just and honest expectations,--are HE Publie.are notified. that colporteurs from |} this Society, (Yonge street, Toronto,) con- that house formerly known as » Wrilson's Boarding House THE FAMILY CIRCLE. the shortest notice. No. 66, South Third Street, Philadelphia, fre jee Se be euler Michigan Avenue, opposite Cass Street, Ve shall mate our papera welcome and valued acted, Purchasers are invited to call and inspect the ae 7 3 orate very senate" (ag -JHU.bREN will fad, bare above Stack, : : eee oe Why Warsan desirous of? recets ing a| Silent American Tract Society, of Nassau street, DETE OLT, iaGhaWilwer:, Aug cornel 3ef r ae 2 we Se eee | , | copy of the POST, as a sample, can be accommo- | New York, where he will endeavonr to give satisfaction to ye. rel 3ef apart tor ineir endanec i" eememdoer the English Boot and Shee Store, | dated by notifuing? be Fublishers by letter, (pos pees s rhe , fav hi h the t s wement antl : : truction, Toronto March 30, 1855. Me Oe aa : post Dyess, Ge. thosle who may favour him with their patrenage os : ao, BG Yor weasvecek paige Stratford «GC. W. Juiv 17th 1856, '6 Dletroit August 21,1855, I-ly no 2 : Beas"