<< 5 PE EE IC Brea Cpe EOS a SN ET ea ES TO NPR OOS Se es PROVINGIAL FREEMAN, BS SILO NIN IS CHATHAM, SAT. RDAY, MAY 9 1857. 2 REAR So SAAN RRR EN OIRO NN leer" Mr. William Still, of Philadelphia P. A. is authorized to, receive subscriptions flor this paper, and give Receipts for the same. AN be whe, aierver te ---- SPRSIAL NOTIGaAS. SUBSCRIBERS, EDLYORS, POSTMAST- FERS and TEACHERS, are invited to obtain ssubscriberstothe PROVINCIAL FREEMAN. tor whieh twenty per cent will be allowed. No papers will be sent untilthe cash is recived. : The 'terms Of the Freeman are payment In adyauceyand no paper' will be sent longet than paidofor: : Specimen numbers willbe sent gratis, Upon application. s Konress f.'D. SHADD, Chatham. C. W. REMITTANCES. All. subscription monies for this journal enclosed iin 'Jettersand duly registered,-- whiéh cai be done at any Post Office on piymeat of two cents in addition to the post- age--re atthe risk of the Publisher. Sub- seribers will oblise usand relieve us from moanyediieulties by forwarding their sub- seription money by mail, as the trouble and expense of collectiong through the country is very great.--I.D..s. BLLLS!. BILLS?! BILLS!!! We have sent a Jarge number of bills, to SubScribers: and hope they will remitt to us at the edfliest possible moment, as our sub- scriptions are our only dependence. i <3 © Ee OUT CANVASSING. Messrs. 1.) D. Shadd & JI. PF. Douglass, both of this office, 'will visit many of the towns and, cilies in Westera and Eastern Canada, immeiliately, for the purpose of pro- moting theinterest amd prospects of this pa- per, and'tlie 'cause' of humanity generally. Mr.*Shadd wilfact as canvasser &c., while Mr. Douglass, who has just returned from a tour in the Western states, where he has spokemwith greatsaéceptance, will Lecture extensively as well as canvass, and we know satislactorily. Both are young men, and are labouring, in the cause of human rights, and for the-spread of intell:gence among Canadi- an refugees. Wee hope the Liberty-loving people of theserProvinees, will give them aid in their work--M. A. S.C. Parties opposed to colored settlers were trying ito solicit names from colored men for Jandsin'the plains above named; they repre- sented that thereby cheap lands may be obtaifieds »We-hdpe sincerely that the eol: ored people and whites, who intend to: lo- cate, -and: who. have: already located, may get a heariii@ on 'their' petition as well as our worthy land agents, &c. It is fresh in the memory of many that scores of signa- tures weré obtained by gentlemen of this town, a few years since, and we learn from several of the deluded colored pecple, that after the land was granted, not a foot could they get except as the private property of parties: in office... We trust that the right man wnay-get the land next time--namely the scores asking for it on their own account. A sale of lands took place a few cays since, and yet, not one..man ,in. twenty of those who locate knew there was any government lands to'séll'until the advertisement of the same by tre Honorable Commissioner. Let the right,preyail i Ae Ge oe The Preachers and the Press. Brother Wm. Jones, a colored Preacher, gave for peroration to his.sermon two Seb- baths since, tho Provincial Freeman. Brother Jones who once said to us he would preach down the. "falsehood" he told about that lanyp oil, when with his "pamoram" in Windsor,---brother Jones told his congrega- tion not to-take our paper; that the church was paper enough for them. Brother Jones stated that he intends to read from the freeman occasionally; whereupon, some in the congregation said Amen! We are under obligations to. the brother, as we may confidéntly look not only for an in- crease to our. list from that quarter, but for a veto upon his ignorant assertion that the church ig.the only paper needed. No wonder the Planet-forgot-him.----M. A- A. §. <Q Ge Waere are the Colored Ministers of Chatham. -- Our neighbor the Planet when enume- raling the ministers of Chatham not long citizens of Chatham and vicinity, that Mad since, failed;to-call attention to the colored | ame Sharpe, the renowned Clairvoyant and A few | Doctress, who has astonished thousands clergy.*< Why that oversight? PROVINCIAL FREEMAN A NaN cD a here, the Péianet was eager to buy all the _derful revelations of the mysterious and slaves at once; we hope for the sake of the the unknown, will visit Chatham in a few OR TISER. without leading to loss, as is frequently evi- denced in~ the destruction of hfe' and pro- perty. It bas been our privilege to set forth pow- CT a ee a Ed a St OE SB RE ES ae tee well as moral law, which cannot be broken = arene Slavery inthe U.S." The lecture was an able expose of "the sum of all villainies Mr. H. intends going to England to lecture ----Stratford Beacon. : cause, that all of the philanthropy did not then ooze out at our neighbor's fingers ends Whynot mention our clerical hosts, we again i days, Where all who may desire to bear from absent friends, whereyer scattered | Found the Globe, on Gcean's wave or in ask ? The Joneses, Coxes, Yorks, Staffurds, : Earth's-secret place, whether dead or alive, Johnsons and other colored preachers, make | c80 do so to their entire satisfaction.--H.F.D. just as much noise -as any of those named. Why did not the Planct's colored corres- fee" The Clarendon, Dallas Treaty has Gvod! --Eps. gland, : 5 been rejected by En pondent put in a reminder ?--M.A.8.c. J 2 FREEMAN. ee The Proposed High School. This may certify that 1 have used Perry A-tencher- of- superior attainments, a Davis' Pain Killer-in numerous cases, and é G se ? ° . ° ° . . believe it to be a very valuable medicine. I gentleman practically acquainted with the re svcd Hwa languages, and an excellent English sehol- pave preseriie 2 extgngy ely ep ee. bas = plaints,--particularly for children,--and it is ar, of German descent, visited Chatham by |° ee : : -------- in my opinion superior to any preparation | solicitation, Jast week; to take preparatory have used for the relief of those diseases. A. HUNTING, M.D. steps' for establishing a superior boarding and day school. There is not a first class seminary. 1 is unty, and never has ; ; ee ys re Witp Curry Bark anp Tar, by an in- been; therefore, we consider the visit of Mr. genious combination. with a few other Metzger opportune. In a p pulation of simples, afford us. the surest antidotes twenty thousand, a school such as propos-d, | ons : : ) ' cae known for consumption of the lungs. Dr., Wistar, in-his Balsam of Wild Cherry, has produced a remcey of untold value- conducted by qualified teachers, affording as it would thorough instruc.ion to those who speak English, Ge:man and French, in their respective languages, the sciences, &c., should be taken Into consideration at o:.ce. Corresponoenece. + SSI SIN =--M. A. S. Ce [ee _--_ <2 -32-ea- Land Agents Caught Napping. A few days since, about twenty colored men were' loading staves at the wharf in thistown, wien their employer, a Crown Lands agent, and an ex-official of the same department, presented a petition for the | men to sign, refusing to explain the con- tents, but contented themselves with saying it was for lands, and would be for the good of colored men; doubts. existing © in the minds of some, the employer brought forth a bucket of whisky, and treated the company. One of the party,.too, "wide awake,' took ab Opportunity to communicate his suspi- clons, enforcing his convictions of foul play by certain emphatic. expressions. The petition was soon after, presented] when one feigning intoxication, deliverec the fullowing speech: "Look bere gentle men! What is this paper for any-how ? W¢ don't understand it, and will not sign! you white men are so often trying to cheat u: ---we cannot trust you now. We ar not going to. s2gn----not. a man." The proprictor an] two agents left with the bucket, saying: "'you_can't do anything with nigvers." May such | ma- neuvres always' be thus frustrated. <A respectable man who suffered some parties to use his name a few years since,. for two hundred acres, had the honor of an arm- in-arm promenade with one of our Land Lords "to sign the bond," as he was told after the government grant, which he did, as did others without examination, tuinkiag all was right, when by tbe very act he un knowingly transferred the land to the o'l- cious gentlemen, That man is now land- less, and the very familiar geatlemaa has thousands.of acres. i of heaven, and pour you out a blessing <2... Tv the editor of the Bradford = Slavery. occasions ,-why-we should eontend earnestly for Sabbath Rights. Suffice it now to say, liberty--to our personal, domestic, and so- cial happiness,--to the eternal interests ot our never-dying souls] This is the age of money making and reck- less speculation. Many are in haste to be rieh; buttet those who are so, and~ who barter Sabbaths for filthy lucre,--remem- ber, that money acquired in this way--whe- ther by- posting letters, keeping accounts, trafficking in railways or canals, or receiving | hire for unnecessary labor of any kind on the Lord's Day--will prove a curse to them instead of a blessing. and if unrepented of be a source of never-ending remorse. 'Your them will be a witness against you, shall eat your flesh as it were fire.'--James,v, 3. Let Fthis be our call.--Quit at once such a des- Fperate pursuit, lest your hearts be hardened, sand your consciences become seared, by the pdeceitfulness of sin, and ye 'be suddently destroyed, and that without remedy."-- Prov. xxix. 1. Railway trains conveying intelligence with a speed unknown in past ages, now form lines of communication be- tween the remote parts of the country, and where greater speed is required, the electric telegraph supplies the means. Whit sha- dow of éxcuse then can there be for the bus- iness of this world encroaching upon God,s own time? Besides what base ingratitude will it betoken, if men persist in robbing their fellow-man, and themselves, of that precious day, which God has reserved for His own honor, when He has so graciously provided them with such remarkable facilities during the week for serving their own interests! prize our Sabbath rights and privileges, and konw how to use them for God's glory,-- Jet us, we say, spare no pains to have the Lord's Day brought back to the standard of Holy Writ,--be careful to set a good ex- imple to those who undervalue it and treat it as an ordinary day. Let us "set our faces ike a flinv" against every form of Sabbath lesecration, and prove by our practice that t is to us 'the pearl of days ?--'"'a delight." Let us be consistent, and, by the grace of 70d, "abstain from. all appearance of evil'! Lastly, let us not forget our ralers iand egislators, but pray, that Lle who has their erful and irrefragable arguments on former Let us, as Christian People, who duly | The Brampton Times Says that a young lad named Newel, near Orangeville was f ; : accidental]; sw daveao that if.we are indfferent about. these. right; ie = a SHO} : bee days ago by the dis. we are indifferent to our civil and_ religious 8 gun which he was in the act of examining. THE SHIP CANAL, We are happy to inform our readers that the Bill for the chartering of the projected Canal from the River St. Clair-to-the Rond Hau, isin a fair way to pass both Houses It is already throughits second reading anid it isstated by those » well acquainted with members of Parliament that the third read- ing will be carried without doubt.--Planet, MurpEer'--A murder of a most aggravated character was committed inthe Parish of St gold and silver is cankered, and the rust of | 40uis d¢ Gonzaque, County of Beatharnois, the 14th instant, on the person of an aged and much respected Scotzh farmer named John Simpson, who,on that day, was induced by one Kusebe Parent to accompany. h im into the woods where the deed was perpetrated, Parent breaking Simpson's skull with an axe, ~The Coroner proceeded, on Tusday last, to St. Louis to hold an ingest, the jurors on whieh rendered a verdict of wilful murder eeainst the above named Ensebe Parent, who had prior to the inquest, disppeared. We trast the Executive will use such measures as will jlead to the arrest of Parent.--Montreal Herald, Sari rm ARRIVAL OF THE ~NDIAY." Quebec, May 4, 1857. The Indian arrived at} o'clock without having been aunounced below. GREAT BRITAIN. Mr. Uavter, the Treaurer's Secratary, hag issued a notice tothe Liberal members asking them to be in their places tr parliament on the dtu of May tovote for Mr. Evelyn Dennis, the Ministeral caudidate for the Speakership, There are speculations in endless veriety as to the Ministerial programme for the pare ilament. The Observer says that many important measures of social polity will be at once pre- ceeded with. Among ihe matters mapped cut as likely to occupy the s2ssion. sre a bill for the continuanee of the Goverament Board: .of Health; che reforms in tbe Courts of Law reaits in Lis band, may be graciously plea- red to turn them, that they may cheerfuily brant our reasonable and Seriptural request That all public labor ia Government works nd oflices, andall.other modes of Sabbath esecration, which the law can restrain. shall aud Chane rvs a measure in reference to the rights of married woman as -revards their ows property. A bilk regulating the whole systenol local taxationgand @ medical reform bill. [tis more than hinted that the Opposition will commence an odstractive policy at onees "Mos, likely," says the Press "the fir-t ease forever upon the Lard's Day, within his Provinces | "Prove me now herewith saith the Lord | Pf Hoss, If I will not open you the windows And ail nations sball call you blesssed: for ye shall be a belightsome Jand, saitu Lord | of Hosts.'--Malachi, iii 10, 12.--On_be- | ialf of the Society, R. V. ROGETS, AM. 'President. JOHN MAIBRY M. De Cor Sccertary. | | _-- et <3 METHODISM AND SLAVERY--AND Chronicle. | session of the new Parliament--short as it must be--will not pass by without ground being broken on both sides," THE ROYAL FAMILY. The Queen aud infayt Princess are both domme well. Fhe Dachess of Gloucester is dying. FRANCK: A number of political arrests have been made but their isa rumor that the ¢ -nepiracy. | wa. a inere trap laid by the goverment ta KINGSTON, (ex W., Ist April, (ESB. feomimit refivees in Loudon to actionable preeeedings. SPAIN. Anattack ocenred at Burgos. It was pre* throne and" re-establish the Inquisition DEN MAGE. | - yea ty? TE. PD AN y | * : CORRESPONUBIET. 1.3% | posed fo place Count Mortemolin on the Srratrorp, C. W. April 26, 1857. Dear Sir,--ln your paper of the Tst | stant, IS an anonymous communication, \ signed "RT. B,"? as to my notice No. 14, | about the Methodist Church in Canad and | : : tA ed i Bae Nee ae TH Ra One Tohace fecuge answering anone | Kugtand in July. 'Phe Prussian Government ( ligious, and the lots are in one of the best (<> Will our readers please read atten tively the Underground Railroad Report ? itis interesting and will be continued in our next. ymous letters, for in my own letters I give my name and adcress.) For te sake of the cause Ladvocaie,[the rights of bnmani- ty and as applicable to the evlored people and refugees In Canada] and tor the intor- mation of your readers, and as my notices, | f various numbers, have been inserted: in your paper, I will reter to said currespon- dent "R.T. Bo? asd his staéemen's, and show that what he has referred to and state is purely untrue, otverwise false; and Lb will eee ee (= No 5. "Voice of the Bondsman ;" the gratuitous and anti-slavery paper circu- lated by Mr. Linton, of Strattord, C. W,, is now in circulation by thousands. The "Voice," 1s as. pungent, pointed, uncom- promising able as ever. Read it ye who | @ necessary nature to be attended t_ pre- CIRCULAR. make long, hollow, meaningless prayers in the synagozues and are too time-serving to think of those in bonds as bound with them.--M. A. 8. €. ADDRESS to the people of Canada from' --as T wish no editor to publish any m itter, We are now called upon, in the Provi-, thorities in the list of "books on slavery --lo dence of God, by an imperative sense of du- | be consulted," which is aypended to jhe ty, to reiterte our earnest appeal to you, to "Voice of the Bondsman" No. 4, sent you; exert yourselves the very utmost, at the and I send you additional copies to be given present crisis, to obtain the aboliton of Post- away, and also to the Post master. I refer fice, Canal, and Railway Labor, of every | also to the book "The Slavery Qnetison" by Mr. T, W. Stringer, of Buxton, a model settlement, will dispose of 'Town Lots on the day preceding, and two days following the Queen's Birthday. 'The village better known as "Kings settlement," is beautifully Againa measure has been brought before; you formerly. I cannot, and will not be at | located Willa Ske hd GROus: Ineral aiid ve Parliament, to secure to the servants of | the expense of publishing books of authori- ocated, villag rious, alee re- o exemption from secular occupation in the | or for such who will neither buy books nor | 7 ublic Departments, and to obtain the en- | read them; bnt I publish lists of books,& c., : actment of a law for closing the Post Offices | sufficient--far more than sufficient,--if consul locations. See advertisement.--M. A. 8. C. eg ge We thank the Banner of Hamilton, for its flattering notice of our humble effort in the Mechanics' Hall. We hope, howeyer, that the Canadian Press will make the proper distinction, as pf mails on the day of sacred rest. accusation I make, Iam not responsible the People of Canada, to aid, by every means in onr power, in the furtherance of these noble objects. Let all immediately set about the work in right earnest. Let Petitions be sent in be- fore the 15th proximo to each Branch of the Legislature, expreessing in strong terms our sympathy in this movement and a firm pur- pose never to desist from urging our just | claims to the possesion of a whole Sabbath-- exempt from every species of secwar labor --till it shall have been made good to us and our children after us, by a Provincial Statue in conformity with the Law of God! It will be wel! for us, also, to remind the Share-holders of Railway Companies, their Managers and Servants, of its being their} Mr. Huru's Lecturn.---Mr. M. R. S bounden duty, to cease from labor on the} Tull. an eloquent Virginian, lectured in the Juord's Day; and that by doing so they will,} School House on Wednesday evening last, in the end, best serve their own worldiy ad-| toa large and respectable audience. 'The vantage--in accordance with a physical as{ subject of the lecture was 'White and Black Yours truly, Ji J. 48. Lawton. | 33 --2-S2 -e- we have nu desire to wear borrowed gar- Lecture on Suavery.---Mr. H. Fordiga ments. Weare ambitious we admit, and shall never disgrace that name s. memora- ble in the annals of old Scot'a; if in our effort to preserve ils clasic brilliancy, we shall lose our personul identity and be swallowed by our illustrious name-sake on the other side of the Lakes, we pray that the fate of Jonah may be ours,-+-H.F.D. of the editors of the Provincial Freeman, a} paper advocating the interests of the color- ed people of Canada----delivered a lecture on Slavery in the School House~ on Monday evning. 'There was a very large attendance --In fact, many could not gain admittance. ------_--_~--=I <2 @ & Important Announcement. as 2-6 aE We take pleasure in announcing to tha vO secks ago, when Mr, Elihu Burritt was both in Kurope and America, by her won- Douglass, from Chatham, C. W.,and oneqaia at BY 10dpy, Fs an The ministerial crisis las resulted ty the | triumph of the Cunstitutional party. PRUSSIA. Tne Prineess and Prinee William visit | have remoustraied with the United: States | Government relative 10 the kiduapping of | Prussian sabjects on board of the American | vessels. i-~* © BIRTH. Ol A PRINCESS, Bucxrenam Parace, April Ie ke seven minutes before two -o'clock this "@#ternoon the Queen was safely delivered of ASS : a Pirincess, : ee her Majesty. or ae es me clo sun ashort time, for various matters of Basi 6, 2 a Majesty's "roon, his Roy Hibibess Prince Albert, Dr. Lowcock, Dr. | tes z : S + Mr ; : | clude me at this time from replying at Jeneth nips ¥, apa Mrs, Lilly, the monthly nurse. But in the meantime I refer you, dear sir, eis ie al 'here were present .on the oc- joining apartinents besides the med- mep, Sir J Clark and Dr. Fergusen, rz: 1 : S ' 5 5 5 are ii ae eS = = 7? 2 he Kingston Sabbath Reformation Soeety: from my pen which is untrue-to the au- Were ie Mistress of the Robes and the Lad y-in- Waiting on™the Queen, and the Toll@wite Officers of State and Lords of the Privy Council, viz: his Royal Highness he {Duke of Cambridge. Lord Chancellor Vistoant Palmerston. Sir George Grey, the Agee of Clarendon, Mr. Secretary Labou- desciption, upon the Lord's Day. | Rev. Mr. Lawrence, of Dayton--Ohio,--sent | cheney sn Charles W ood, the Bishop of ' Lontlon, and the Marquis of Breadaltbane. he Duchess of Kent, accompanied by rovernment the recognition of their right) ty to satisfy those like your corespondent, the Princess of Hohenlohe Landenbarg, ar Sp? ived! at the palace shorly before two 0'~ lock. : 'The Tutkish Ambassador and Madams nod Canals, and preventing the transmission | ted, to prove every word I pen and. every Muses the French Ambassador and Coun- tess Persigny, the Bavarian Mimster and . . . : USS opac c Ss 5e Prussk ini It is plainly the duty and interest of us,; for the "ignorance" of "R. 'I. B.? Bargness de Cetto, the I russian Ministers the Saxon Minister, the Austrian Minister nd (ountess Apponyi, the Russian Minister andiler members of the diplomatic corps, '1 Buckinham Palace. Many of the F and gentry also called to pay their § during the afternoon. Pat ents FISII MAIL STEAMER ROBBED 'PE RUVIAN REVOLUTIONIST € Pacific Steam Navigation Companys nper /Vew Granada, had arived at Hun i The lecturer has an easy and fluent delivery ee Valpariso, on her way to Pa- and seems quite "at home'? in dealing with arial be his subject.--Stratford Ezaminer. he fimaiis from Huanchao were sent Wilh the semi-monthly mails for Europe Homedia boat. The boat was intercepted Been . { es and cargo put on board tne Woe sttamer belonging to the revolntien- aty pfarty. After a remonstrance, the cap tain off tho New Granada proceeded on his yagle. He was by the revolutionary steamer, and at the next port the New Gra