Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON), 2 May 1857, p. 3

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Tne GREAT EARTHQUAKE AT MaAtta.-- A correspancent of the Boston: Traveller ways "The island of Malta "did not escape the terrible vissitation, which on the night of October 12, laid city and villages of Rhodes in ruins; raking as: ite did, the: Toftiest moun- tains to their. very summits, as well as the sea coast and plains which surround. the grea ed of the Mediterranvai. 'The shocks care long 'and violent at Malta, under which the rok ofa hand as pécictless as invisi- ble. Thex-armour, rattling in the palace where it had been so Jong suspended. as though instinet with the bravery of the hes roes tho... once: wore _ it, seemed ready to fight again on their own hook, unless the old sleepers | awoke whose bodies reposed under 'thd Church of St John. The affright- ed population fled from their houses, aie betaking themselves to the churches, or standing half petrified in the street, either Joaded the air with screeciies in the one, or Jifted up their prayers in the other. How helpless if man in sncha moment, when the wholeaisland Seems ready to be eng ulphed iin the profo: ind abyss from hice. it orig- nally was uplifted. Happily. though ma- ny buildings were cracked, and se verely in- jured, the city was saved and noslives were lost. Lhe whole of Exypt felt the sane shock hundred and sixty houses fell in the vicinity of Cairo. _ It was also violent at Alexandria. Remains oF A Mastriopon.--The Wil- liamsburg (Va.) Gazelle says, that last week 'discovered, | sinated in New York, by one Iowa, 'did with myself, oe PROVINCIAL FREEMAN AND WEEKLY ADVERTIS OND NP ot me COMBINATION CO'S COLUMN. | ALL THE GOODS PALI R&S On the morning of tho 15th instant, a policeman named Hurnebrooke was assas- of two burg- lars whom he had arrested. special Notices. MORE EVIDENCE IN FAVOR OF THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. From Hon. Geo. W. Jones, Surveyor General of _Scurveyor Generan's OFricr. Dosuaue, Iwao.' September 18, ; Docloy Gregory B Green. Dear Doctor:--l in- tended, before leaving Washington City last spring, to say to you in black and white, as I have frequently done viva voce, how highly I es- teemed your Ovygenaled Billers,and that I have no doubt but that they wll act as a certain. spee- dy, and egreable cure of Dyspepsia, in any case it matters not how obstinate. Your Bitters acted asa charm with my trienls, Hon. A, +'. Dodge M. L. Martin, H: D. Foster, and others, as they Your obedient servant, Gio. W JONES SETEL.W. FOWLE & CO.,138 Washington Street, Boston,-Proprietors. 3S. u by their agents every where. For sale by Pegley & Cross, Chatham ©, W. Read the certificate of a Rigular Practioner ! This may certify that [ have used Perry Da- | vis' Vegelable Pain Killer in numerolts cases, and believe it to be a very valu I have prescribed it extensively in bowel complaint able medicine. (particularly for children,) and it isin my opin two sailors about a mic west! ion superior to any preparation I have ever used from that place, the tusks of some huge an- ie r the relief of those diseases. When given to imal, which. were five feet elyht laches dn i children, [ have always co ndined it with gum- ae 2 ty ais oS = % eds 2 aaron = | dunyth. Chre2 joints of the backbone were | arabic. say ten drops to a teaspoonful of the syr- also found, each measuring two feet seven inches iu diameter, These specimens are te be removed tothe Putladelphia Masem. up, w ll mixed.--Others have mixed it with mille and molasses, equal parts. Aj-ELUN NI MED. wo "e snp. --A dreadful fire, re : : : Marys aS \ - ul fire, resulting Piray. Davis' Pain Kiuner, as an internay | in the less of thirteen lives ans $500 000 SS es Sree oes | remeiv has no equal. [9 eas-sof Cholic, Sam | wortheof property oceurred at Balt nore on ny ee mer Gomplaint, Dyspopsia, Dysentery, aud Asth es uesday, 14th inst. [t cauht. in tie five- Se ne ae okays | ipa, it will curein one night, by taking it. inter- | story warehouse on C var les Steet owned by ; = a TRS 2 | nally, and bathing with it freely, it is the best | Eigas Lewis, and. consumed that and the warehouse of HK. L. Parker & Co,on Lom- Liniment in America. Its action is like magic when externally applied to hadsores. burns sealds bard Street, besiies otver buildings. By : 5 ; the filling ofthe Gale Bisa AO UAlseS an.l sprains. For ae sick head ache and the | were Jos too h ache, dont fail totry it. In short it is a | Pain Killer | Arocious Act or 'rik Cuinsk.--The Lyons | or sale by Pegley & Cross, Chatham, GW journals say, --'Graet sensdjon was cuused | in that city on Saturday by the appearance in the streets of a priest. who had his nose, ears, * quwasssrmen, MARKE El ead right teed, cut olf. On, iaqiitss, i ap-| ~ 2 Ee koe eae Sey veated What ke Was tie Abbe Beloc, missiona-| oy sone av3 eS wie ee 2 to Ghina. and that he lied aftived at Lyons Shatha* Markets--Prices in York C'y from Marseilles, on his way to Rennes, wirere Freeman Orricr, April 25, 1857. his family resides. also,--that the frightful Se SED. mamtilations he displayed nid bee tithered by Wool, per It hel, 2 0 4 ° 0 ihe savave Sac vpittatid of Reuans o Kieu, whieh Weal, per brs! ne i U . J 8 is al fhe maui Ore K piles PeLPHSnG 2 en 4 eu is al eet 7 Pehou Kine, at the LBarl y per bushel 80 4a 9 0 extre ay ol 4 Os wa is # GRE Uiissionarie@s, hiss aye Ae bushel, See) 8 0 colleagues, wete, ke says, iutilated in the | Potatoes. per bushel, 5.0 3 5 6 same uaaruer, as him-ees, .and Were then de- | Coin, per bushel, Be earn 5 6 capitured. "He "alse wt tolave 'been pat to | Beef, per 100 tb 40 0 @ 40 0 death. 'bat Wa eeued byacsome (Eno hish aero', per 100 Hb, Se OF 2 60 0 on ae are ac (00 |b, 48 56 0 6$e23 : Butter, perth, 1 2 <0. Epvést re Your Daucurmrs.--A writer says Datlow, per 100 1b, Wo.) a ee NV hen L lived amenyz the Caoc.iaw Julians CHER R ee Pars Gs a mie 1 held, it consultation With ene of Useir cNae | Hay tee Be 0 . Bu iiges. per doz, ELH f=3 respecting, the suecessivé stages of their pro- | Jonun Smiru, Market Clerk gie- "sin the arts of civilized 'Tiler and among other, thistes he informed me, that at their first start they foll inte a great mistake= they on- ly sent their boys te school. "These boys be- came intelfivent nen, Pat they atried un- educated wend uncivilized Wives, and thé wni- New Advertisements PIO TO FA PR PIII .RMERS | we fort result Was, that the children were all ANI fike the mothers' 'Thos the father soon lost ND all his intere<t in both wife and children. Breeders of Horses. * And now," sad bey if we would educate but one class ot dur children, we should choose the girls; would educate their sons." . This is to the | pointy and itis ture, No nation can become fully and pérmanently enlightened, when the Rothers are uot in a good deyree qualified to disc hage the-daties of the home work of edu- Cation : =Aivestigatar. tent Jndges, tobe the best lrorse for Agricultural | purposes ever introdue-d into the counties of Ls Hssex and [ont, and. his services have proved | oy Ree lortoleetn ci >. a re | Comore | Orriaensitir, Paul Caffe, tte | that his stock cannot be exceiled by any horse in | son mus a native Africin, refuse] ine 1771 to | Western Canada | HH 3 ¢ al nese ip % her ie zy : 'Nea py" yi "Miss: teh setts 6 ieétir aparsoril tax Che horse Prince Albert is kind "in, harness edie né . coe ee : ; hol and suitable for all ki: ds of farm work, he is Wat 2 , tyia bs tf ey ; . ' ' ere ailwe yenjyy tae WAwWe | centle b fore the carnage and under the saddle, riglis of citizenship. Tou matter reached the Levislature, and declaration went forth previous ty the adopudn of the C oustitution Securing to 'black men' ail the privilexes be- longing. ¢ to other clig-ts, and they have en- ad them ever since * pa The Louse of assem rly is. .te eon- sider! the! question of a federal unton of the British: possessions of North -Ameriea,. Mr. Rankin having given notice of resolution in favor.of the scheme. THEFAMINE tN FLINCAND.-- eee Joseph atid Charles Stur oe, of Birmingham, have @ich@6ntribated £500 law ards the fands now being raised for the relief of the suffers fromthe above calamity. Members of the Society of Friends genérally are subscribing ao to the Senay bade Suave.--Mr. J. &. Martin, a fuvitive from slavery, was In fis office yes- terday a short Gime, and at our suggestion and not his request, we give a few particu lars'of his histor y. le is' well educated in the ordinary branches, and converses very flusntly and correctly. He is-of of rather a warm drab, er pate yellow, genteely formed and tastefully dressed. He isa barber by trade, and his owner, Mr. J. F Cady, of New Orleans, has been in the habit of let- ting him out to work at nis trade, upon the | river- the master receiving so much per month for his services, and allowing hjim clothes' Not having road Judye Panes *s opinion, he imbibed "the impression that he Yor when they becoine mothers they | FYNEHE Enelish Coach Stallion PRINCE AL- BERT in colour is a dapple Bay, and | stands sixteen and half hands high, has gaod bune and sinew, will be muved this season for Moires in the County of Kent. On thearrival of the horse this part ofthe country, a and in regard to trotting. walling, endurance | and mildness of "dispoxi itlon cannot be surpassed by any horse in the county, the desirable qualifications a horse can possess, his stoek resemoles him in every particular, his for the yveung Volunteer, sired Pricne Albert, for to procecd tothe States. The horse Prince Albert has r ety eight of whieh were in the neigh! hour- hood of Toronto, and two in th: county of Kent, and was propose: the first priz> at Port 3: arnia, by the #gricultaral Society in the sp ing ot 1853, which was rejected on account of his be- ing at the time cone nel to the county of Kent. Many persons are unter a.] large horse require a greater amonut of feed and attendance than small hors 's, which is the ense generally; bat not with the horse Prince Albert or his stock, Y, instance, a colt belonging to Mir... 1 Hillier, o Tilbery East, in the and at the iime ar ee strayed into the Western 'ceived ten made, and was supposed to have been stolen, when inthe following spring the colt was found in the woods where it had wintered with others, not having been fed once during the winter, and would produce a stabted or to any person who grain fed, bourhood, eolt in better condition, otherwise. The horse PRINCE ALBERT was sired sired by an imported L horse, See hand bills in few days: If any persons doubt bis str meth, might: make more money by working forhij™m- self-heis ncw aware that jadicialy Fe [ede ed he hasan» self. Mr. Mirtin allowe "yead tw» very touching letters from itt ter, pathetically urging him to leay clement North-and "obthe to New sagain where all is sunshine. | Marti it as all moonshine, and prop oses to "tour through the State, showing up tie jo and. moral condition of slay ery.J uses his master of no eruelty or unk® butionly of the injustice of ch ar ging & for what oaly) eostohim: about $1 ~ liberty. Dt: 'out 'A doertiser, 10Lo, a, ae Ge ej durability or speed, they can have the opportu- nity of testing it, after the season is out, by a triendly competition of $400, against any e eutire horse: which has been moved for mares in the Ceunty of Kent. GEORGE CHURCH, Propri-tor. Romney, 20th ans 1857. YOUNG VOLUNTEER. E will be our years o'd in June next, he l_ stands sixteen and a half hands hgh, eood action, bone and sinew, he was sired by thi orse Prince Albert, he is allowed by good judges to be a very promising colt, he will walk and carry 200 cwr. 20 miles, likewise draw trom | 25 to 30 hundred, 25, 50 or 100 miles, trot from wo to six miles in or out of harness, on a friend- } \y competition, against any entire colt of his age Hthat has been yaised in the County of Kent, for Hythe sum of $200. See his pedigree in his 'bills ina few days. GEORGE CHURCH. ] _v3-n36-3in. Prince Albert in | he was said by compe- | he has, in fact all | colts atone vear old are selling for $70 and $80 | per colt. $500 has heen offered to the snoseriber | by the horse | the impression that |. fall | woods and several unsuscessful searches were | 50 was offered in different parts of the neigh- | by a horse imported from Hugland. his dam was a New Spring Goods Ses EE Cr AT HAM CLOTHING HALL. STOND & eae BNBOL AVE to intimate the arrival of their NEW GOODS tor the present season, inclad- ing an extensive and carefully selevted Stock of LADIES' DRESSES, bel a SHAWLS. MANTLES, BONNETS, PAR ASOLS, RIBBONS, S FLOWERS, TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, HOSIERY PAPER HANGINGS, DOMESTIC: GOODS, King's Sehool, ina perfectly temperance ake bourhood. w here spiritons liqnors are not t allow- ed to he sold. ane on the line of the proposed new Souther Persons wishing to pure | chase, will not fail to be present as such rare chances seldoin offer. R= r . 4 ivct fro ia. Trems oF Saum:--One half-Cash, and bal- lance in one and {wo years. TEOMAS W.SERINGSER, Buxton, Mareh 6th, 1857. v3-n28-td Se ee 5 ra) ans Division Courts for 1857. | \TOTICE is hereby given that the Division LN) Courts for the Gonnty of Kent, for the year | 1857, will be held at the following places s and times :-- Ist Division, Chatham, Saturday, -- 10th Jan'y. 2nd Division, Morpeth, T! varsday. 26th March. 02 | do do 'Saturday. 7 7th February. uo do Saturday, ath March. | co do Saturday, 4ih April. do do Saturday, 2i May. | do do Saturday, 6th June. | do do Satuiday, 4th July. | do do Saturday, Ist August | do do Sitarday, 5th S ptember. do do Saturday, 3rd October. | do do Monday, Qnd November. | do do S; alntday, 5th December. | do do Thursday, 23rd July. da do Tuesday, 24th Nov. | do Ridgetown, Tuesd: ay, 27th January. do do Tuesday, 26th May. ge do do Thursaay. 24th Sept. 3rd Div. Tecumseth, Friday, 30th January. | do do Monday, 27th July. do Dawn Mills, Monday. 30th March, do do Monday. 88th September. | do Dresden Prid ay, 29th May. do do Friday, 27th November. | 4th Division, Harwich, Thursday. 29th January. do do Thursday, 28th May. | do do Saturday, 26th Sept. | do (Wellington | Inu, Towp- | ship D'rw'h & Howar |) Saturday, 28th March. | do do Saturday, 25th July. do ao Thursday. ¢ ole Nov. i 5th Div Deal PToRn Monday Q6th . January. | du Go Monday, 2ath May. do do Wednesday, 23rd Sep. | Pardo's Inn, do Middle Road We Inesday. Brin March. do do W cdnesday. 22nd July. | do do Monday. ao Novemb'r. 6th Div. Wallaceburg Tuesday, 3tst March. do. do Tuesday, 29th September. do do Saturday. 28th Nov. do at Oungah P.Oifice Saturday, 3tst January. do do Saturday, 30th May. do do Tuesday, 23th July. "th Division Clearville, Friday, 27th March. do do Friday, Bae Jniy. | do do Wednesday, 25th Nov. | do iXilmarnocn, Wednesday, 28th Jan. do do W = dnestay, 27th May. do do Bridav, 25th Sept. ; Heq By order of f Winntam BENIIMIN Wetts Ju: lee of the County of Kent, Shin +EOV GE DUCK, Jr... THIS STORE a opened on the 15th of Octo- the Gsols had Shieh and-it has been perfectly CROWDED ever since. The CAUSE of this GREAT RUSEI is,--The OF THE Farmers' and Mechanics' Combination Store! Eiave Now Arrived! ----== 9590 er, when, and und! NOW, not ONE HALF The sales have aver- | about $200 PER DAY! REMEMBER, ged | | ld fogy system of doing business is reversed ! THE COMBINATION CONSISTING OF Bere cae 25 urmers amd Mechanics. NS | | | rT. A . - : = ¢ Ready IMade Clothing, ic. All large buyers themselves, have establi l- ed this Store in onder to 1 vot >. : ae > Wa Ta A First-Rate Stock of re SAVE MONEY | wee Trane OWNTT ET. |p 'no their own necessaries,--insterd | o! CLOTHS, VESTINGS, & GENTLE- | in buying 'their owh neces aries,--inste : | MENS' GOODS. establishing. it to .MAK IE MONEY,--hereln 4 | consists tue difference between this and | the other CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER Stores. In order fo make the Farmers & Mechanies < TS el f-s r e Small Advance of XS usual Store self-supporting, He Small # ey a; pe Dap he CHES FOR re SH. Fificen Pei Citi, Se : is charged on Cost, and the whole public placed ; i - > <a 5 Chatham, May Ist, 1857. v3-n36 tf on an equal footing with Me mites of the Com- bination, sothat the RB ULE, ES bt, = ae aes eee E: ge a ae 3 = «a an One Price to ALL! » a q WV Auction I de uch Hi} ft Auction loeo Whether Members of the Cor! bination or not. ---- 'The Combination are determined to male thei! eee a Store ¢ PULAR AS POSSIBLE, so that ey lee ee PU ee ceoricd thet FA SPAS rp ; astastas its deficientés are ascertained, they ge lhe at BUXTON, on the 23rd, 24th | i) be supplied. and ae of MAY next, at eleven o'clock on The Large Yard and Comfortable Shed | each day. "The lots es from one-fifth to a | in the rear of the ue is found to be a great | has rae re each and are very ee le to those | egnvenience by the Customers. Wis "hing oto paichase a "handsom residence. ee National predilictions are gratified here also. | lots arto sied in the vicinity of the Rey W an Englishmen will find a Countryman to deal | with, so will a Scotchman, an Irishman, a | Dutchinan,a Canadian or a Frenchman. | WN | ALE ae HERE REPRESENTED 1 AND | LOOM! Wi ALL WILL Bh To enumerate items aaa swell this Adver- tisement toseveral columns; it must therefore suffice to say that the Assortménts ct the follow- ine different kinds of Gocds to be found in the FARMERS & MECHANICS STURE, are very COMPLETE, tis TABLE & PANSY Di v:G00DS | GE, iO Gs 9 Boots and Shoes,--Hats and Caps, Trunks, Walis &C., Stationery and ea Oil Painted & Paper Window- Shades & Scit Adjusting Rollers, Wall Paner, Wooden & Willow- roe Cordage, iL, 8 8 J roma wry 7 ' CTOYE | : a 8 H re f ny | si Bs i& 'IN at i be | CROCKER u VW SN IWGLASS, co SUZES, | Champagnes, | Wines, Ales, Borers Reandics AND ALL OTHER-LIQUORS Warranted Genuine! PICKLES & SAUCES, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, NU ES, ie, Groceries and Provisions, Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine & Paints, Dye Woods, Dye Stufis, &e., &e., &e. QC., ia Be ar in Mind, kind~~ Reader. only EiP VEEN PER-CENT is charged on the cost | of any Article in allthe above ve rous clas- ees of Goods, UNIFORMLY, therefore, if you | happen to find some particular Articleas Cl yeap in some otber Store, you must not imagine that every thing is so, because about FIFTY PER CENT is the CUSTOMARY ADVANCE: lt is claimed for the Farmers & Mechanics Storé, that its Customers SAV4, all round, Fully SO Per Cent, and HUNDREDS who have bought Goods there will willingly certify to the JUSTICE of the CLAIM, i ee ATTENTION is directed lo the following Resolution of Combination, passed at a the Clerk of the Peace, Goun'y of Kent. Office of the Clerk of the Peaee, Ghatham. 9th Dee. 1850. § von2i-Lly FOR SALE OR T O LET, Cg ; TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE and - East half of Lot No. 43, the house is aewly | Gnished and situated on St. John Street, in the flourishing village of Dresden. For particulars apply to Wim. EH. Wilsen of Drescen, or at the | othee of the £reeman. Dresden, July Luria. 1Baf {1855 Crown eaten Depar Torovro, 18th Pepevary, 1857 NI OFICE is hercby given, thit aly persons LN who have payments to make an account of Public Lands in Ciunada West. must, in fuiure, depusit the amount to the credit, of the Rererver Ge Leva on @ oun of the Creiea Land Depart- ment, iv the Bank of Upper Canada ot its Agon- cies The g.vernment will pot recognize any pay- -meuts on account of Public Lanus in Ganada | | West that are rot made in accurdaance with the | | foregoing netice, é h JOSEPH CAUCHON, Commissioner. Crown Land Department. Toronto, 24th Fresecary, 1857. OTICE is hereby given, that in accordanee with the Novice of the 18th instant, all per- sons making Deposits inthe Bank of Upper Canada, or its Agencies. on account of Publie Lands in Canada West, will receive a Cerificate of Deposit tm triplicare 'from the Bank, ore of waich they will retain, the other two they must transmit to the Local Crown Land Agent. JOSEPH CAUCHON, COMNISSIONER, Meetiing of its Members, held-on Saturday, the first instant: . "ResoLveD, That it is net at all times convenien for many of the Members of this Combination to pay down for their necessaries; and in order to meet the case of such parties, it-is the wish of a inajority of this. meeting thatthe Manager do open accounts with Members re a liring t the. same, as aiso with ALL responsible Persons: upon such Members or other Persons eonsenttne to pay 5 per cent "on the amountof their Account, to cover expense of keeping such Account. All / sueh Accounts to be due and rendered on Mirst of January, First of April; First of July and First of October; on which days, to be closed | and interest charged till paid." : pe All kkinds of Farm Produce will always be BOUGHT, and FOUND FOR. SALE at the -RARMERS & MECHANICS STORE" toa@e THOSE w hohave NOT YET visited the { KD tu Farmers and Mechanics Store, are politely re- rested tO 'hose who have, know too well where their truednterest Hes, not to repeat and continuc th ir visits KIND Sc OBLIGING TREAT VENT will be extended to'all who visit t peg Tne Parcels of Customers will al ek ip felons. Or FREE of CHARGE. By Order of the Manager, JOHN D. McLEOD, Cashier. v3-nl6-ly QO 80; ! he Store. be delivered Residences (if in town,) | | | Chatham, Nov. 24th, 1856. COMMODIOUS OFFICES TO LE! OVER LHE. Farmers and Mechanics Store. S the above Store is doing more business than 4% any other in Chatham. Professional Men would find this a good locaition. Apply atthe office of tae Farmers and Mechanies Store for further particulars, MAHOGANY mee the public, the brother-in-law, | bring the chil ce to Brantford C. W. the | Tae LPNS ALLEN IONE Ne GOS et ct SO OI OO, EO OL AA WALITOL and surroundivg Country that he has taken R. SMITH'S OLD ESTABLISHED I SUBSCRIBER. takes this opportunity of informing the people of CHATHAM; STAND; WITH A LARGE STOCK OF SEASONED LUMBER, BESIDES, A LARGE a ee a LOL --s 'Ee also tenders his sincere thanks to the Public generally, for strict attention to business, to retain their FOLLOWING AR Maho ose and pat ronage ASSORTMENT OF IRN their liberal support ; a hopes, by His STOCK is composed of 'the in future. PiCL ESS Vise MAHOGANY AND Ee 'T VENEERED BUREAUS ee Walnut Sofas, & be oa A ak Tae. a7 / fe FE PDF 17 /; e a CANE AND SPRING SEAT PARLOR CHAIRS, Lom wel Bite aan Dining, ne stand Kitchen Tables, FRENCH, COTTAGE, SERPENTINE, ANL PLAIN BEDSTEADS, TOILET WORK AND WASH STANDS. ALSO, A SPLENDID AS SORTMENT OF > . Ua NE Nw eh ge ig Roe hee : Rocking, Windsox_and Children's Chaire, THE BEST MANUFACTURED EN CANADA. --_--_=a rr 9S = = @Seohtms ae Wothece ALL ORDERS PROMT! FPersons wishing to bay ae NITURE, will -- it to th eit advantage to call and examiné "elon purchasing fe whicre. I Chatham, December 14, 1855. Dp having received his HE SUBSCRIBER SPRING STOCK, is S prepared to off-r to LARGEST, CHEAPEST * AND BES? ASSORTMENT OF GARD WARE | ever brought to Chatham, at Wholesale or Retail! Consisting in part as follows, viz:--Iron and Steel -of all kinds; Blacksmith's Bellows. Anvils, Screw -Plates, Diesand ave Carpenter's Tools, Shoemaker's Tools, Nails cf 'all in: ds and sizes; Spades, Shovels, Scoups, Toes, Forks, Garden Rakes, Hay Rakes, Scythes, Snaths, Brush Hooks; Chains. of all kinds; Harrow "Teeth. Patent Pumps, Pump chain and Gearing , Pots. Pans and Kettles ; Tinware and Tinsmith's Tools. SADDLER'S HARDWARE! Flames, Dogs Bolts, Butts, Serews, Hinges of all kinds; Knives, Forks and Spoons of every prep Brushes of all kinds ; MULLY MILL SAWS. Cireular Saws, Crosscut and Pitt Saws, Kites. PAINYS, OILS AND COLORS, With other articles quite too numerous to men- tion. He will also, in a few days, have a large quantity of MACHINE BELTING, ofall widths. A'jlof which he wilisell at prices that defy competition. ie -CURI REE. Next door to D.R. Van "Allen,s -King Street, Chatham, C. W. Chatham. June 13th, NO! a Cultivator Teeth, 185! 6. 6m H Mary Jennings, of f Berks ( ing, Pennsylvania, is dead, David James Jennings, CE. ANNY JACKSON, of Brantford, Can- ada West, having heard that her sister County, near Read- Wishes her to Vern oe tf. D Std. 1801. Important to i:ouselzeepers. vac uAarY, loffer for sale 35 different recipes for $1, ey of which bave been sold the past year for §5 a piece. No housekeeper will: grudge $1 for one of those recipes alone after trying it once. Address WM. Beumpacx, Point Pleasant Pa., and the whole number of recipes will be forward- | formers, Legislators J..0.. SMYTH, PS? Cage? (bor the attention of all Temperance re- , Ministers of religion XC.) (SHORTLY WILL BE PUBLISHED) A Gensus List OF Tho Inhabitants. of Stratford an Cc. Ww. Ro 1857,shewing the religious denominations, --those who use intoxicating. drinks, aud. those wno do bot, with the religious Denomina: & 'and sellersot in- reli de- tions app-nded,--also taverns ligious toxicating drinks, with.also such nomination appen led -Lists ot Distiters'and Brewers, with the same--List of Ministers' of ~ he County of Perth,--(Lists of members &e., O# congregations may be added.) Names .of the Teachers of Schools &c. &c.--Asit is Stated 1 that the Tra@ick and drinking habits, and the drunkenness of our land, are confined. to Presby- terians, Episcopalians, and Roman Catholics, such lists will practically show the truth or un- ie of the statement. 'Flave they not (the trafickers) got noth of our blood?"--Hon, M. Camoron--"the nextbest 2 legacy and gift to every woman and child of our land, will be dhe freedom from tho traffick?. Li-s By AME Ae 16th. March et T OTE: -The attention of all Temperancé IN Associations Sons of Vem perance, Leg-.. islators. Ministers of religiongand others fa-~ vourable to the paves down of the'CURSE' and the 'DISGRACE? of our and every Christian' conuniey,--the public Trafic in Intloxicating Drinks (the savage, uncivilized and unchristian lands excepted)--that attention is called to the a= doptine of sach a Plan as the above, to show = Srratrorp. C. W, STATISTICALLY and more EXACTLY,» those who, in our several municipalities and communities, countenance the puablie evil and disgrace of our day, "the Traffie in Intoxica- ting drinks,"--and also by said plan, to help to purify a British Colony which is the most fore- most of Great Britian's possessions; and make it --Canada--more reliable as a home for the Em- igrant, under a frea, liberal; and loves Gopi, ment. bet ee colt ne To make tl Yensus" completein its inten- tion generally, a Listshould be subjoined ot the names of those REstpeNt inhabitants, who' pub- licly use Intoxicating drinks at our Publie bars oS 'Saloons' --the latter commonly named as "Hells" of our community, mechan es millers, carpenters, laboures &e., ate who realize a competence and pros- those: 3D. Ji. perity in C anada and meet with ready employ- ment. --All those connected with our Railways. must be sober men.-- Ask Mr. Brydges, the Rail- way manager at Hamilton C. W. Sets the same sobriety needed as we move through life? Bie 73" Will papers favourable tothe ease, please copy. & .= THE LARGEST od by mail. 'Vial BAY (SB r ae )) i) | | Bc ari fully to acquaint the 'Ladies of vatham avd vic mity, 'that she has re ae ed-her MILLINERY dnd' 'DRESSMAK! fas' FABLISMENT to the stand lately Sune by Messrs. Brooke & Mantgomery directly op- posite the ROYAL EXCHANGE HOTEL. W here her | are 'a VEE SS is now open for cc Ai ae containing all kinds of LADIES and CHILDRENS' WEAR, such as: Silks, Shawls, fBonnetts, Satins, Cloaks, Ribbons, j Plaids, Mantillas, iogmes, Children's Clothing and all kinds of Trimmings in great variety. ge" As her stock is very complete in the -above departments, she Haat ully solicits a call from her custcmers, and the ladies gener ally as she can assure them that she can supply their every want, her stock being the largest, the best and most varied, of any ever héfore opened for the jnspeetion of the Ladics in this vicinity. Nov. 21st, 1856. NOTICE. ATIIS is to certify that Josiah S. Gates and Thos. W. Stringer, who were engaged in the business of Merchandise, in ; Buxton, have this day by mutual consent dis- solved pasinersbip in said business; and the said Thos. W. Stringer, is to collect all the monies due, and pay all the debts of the concern up to this date, November 10th, 1854. : GATES & STRINGER. 73 128-31. vo-nlb- LY: the Village of PAL STOCK In Chatham, |\PURCHASED 'for CASH, and OFFERED oh Be CAS LE or Produce only, at prices as low as' snch terms den rand, far BELOW COMPETITION of those who buy or sell on any other termes rar ihe Old Store, pd a PH S. ae 4 BEATTY DRY eo sy } me OCE (RIES & Bie PAINTS & OILS: 2000 Ibs. ASSORTED SHOT, 100 KEGS GUN POWDER; Sole Agent. for BURNING FLUID. JOS. S. BEATTY, Chatham, Dec. 12th, 1856. v3-n bBsths NEW BO ARDINS nous Be WILLIARE STILL - r ae to announce that he has Oprnep 2 JIBOAALDING HOUSE, at No, 374SOUTH STREET P, bclow Ninth, PHILADELPATA, where he will accommodate respectable persons, perma- nently or transiently, who may favour him with their Ri ORASe: The Lf ouse is Commodious and 'in good' onder, andthe location Central and Respectable. : he No pains will bespaired therefore te sive very satisfaetion, a Philadelphia Oct. 29th, 1855. re Zi-ly-

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