1856. Rees PALS 'The Municipality of the TOWN FUND ACCOUNT. Deer. 20 To cash pd. S. Hadley, in full of contract and extras for building Ade- Dr. | 1856. TOWN FUND ACCOUNT. Cr. By balance at credit Town Fund peract. rend. £14400 15 6 : Decr. 20 By cash from H. Chrysler, on act. taxes 354 1 3 4 aide ereet PAE, 212 2. 2 24 do County Treasurer, 23 per cent } ee qbure ase re hats for for collecting of Asylum rates 22°56 = ; - < pany, : 10 0 0 31 do H. Chrysler on account taxes 165 4 1 ot) seat renee, fur County ae 31 do Hon. J. H. Cameron, for Octr. $ : 0 " < é ; ' Stee FOF . a alte Tamas (elas instalment and inte. est 1585 19 0 Rate 1856 91 3 9 , 27 do Thess. Lark, bonus for best con- a ducted Hotel in Town 50 30 do Receiver General, for 6 months 1856. MARKET ACCOUNT. Cr. interest on £25,000 1000 0 O : Balance at credit Town Fund acct. 31st Dec. 1856 14648 19 5 Doce 3 Gti sus from BL Ohi pines collected by him L27F 0-0 £16508 5 4 By balance at debit Market account 293, 1234 1856. To balance at debit per account rendered Town Hall 29 do No. 4 coupon en do. MARKET ACCOUN'L. Decr. 23 Toeasi, pd. D. Forsyth, for candles for A. Steven, Debenture No 4cand £517 12 4 Dr. £301 16 9| L856. FINES ACCOUNT. Cr. 315-7 By balanee at credit per account rendered £16 1 =O aig 8?) 1856: LICENSE ACCOUNT. Cr. £51712. -4 By balance at credit per account rendered £700 O O 1856. STATUTE LABOR ACCOUNT. Dr. > 1856. STATUTE LABOR ACCOUNT. Cr. To balance at debit per account rendered £2580 5 9 B i 5 : KE oe By balance at debit Statute Labor ¢ 2665 Deer. 20 To cash pd. H. Chrysler, for Statute Labor - es oe purposes 25 0 0 20 do Jas. Baxter, in full of contract for 1856. BALANCE SHEE'. Dr. Scantling for side-walks 60.10 TS. : Decr. 31 To balance at debit Market account £29342. 4 Balance at debit Statute Labor account £2665 15 10 To oo Statute Labor 2665 15 10 Pare eee Pridge account 103. 14, 2 ee . = Spas Chatham & Camden Plank 1856. BRIDGE ACCOUN'E. Dr. Road Company 2923 11° 2 To balance at debit per account rendered £103 14 2 oe St. Clair & Rond Kau " " 7047 4° 0 F ca « -- & credit Municipality 31 Dee. '56 2361 2 11 CHATHAM AND CAMDEN PLANK £15,395 0 5 1856. ROAD COMPANY. Dr. js 3 fe ° TUNY eee he ke A 22Ta balance at debit per account rendered £2923. 11 2 L556. BALANCHK SHEET. Cr. Deer. 31 By balance at credit Town Fund acct. £14,648 19 5 ST. CLAIR & ROND EAU PLANK BO zee se uecouee oe 1856 ROAD COMPANY Dr 31 de a lines account 46 1 0O To balance at debit per account rendered £7047 4 =O 25,390 0. 5 @aamore and ar cae & a h T e e e e s e e 1856. SCHOO FUND: Dr. |Liabilities of the Municipality Deer. 23 To cash pd David Pratt, fur school expenses £10 0 0 $ seen « Cornelia Pratt, on acct. salary 12 10 0O Town of Chatham, 3 I st De- 2X ated "Mary Atkinson' s 12 10-0 cember, 1 B56. a4. ss June McCrae, . " ae ap. 0.0 pS Sere «Thos. Cross, salary as super. 1856 oO 20 : a = 29 « "A. Whipper, on acet. salary 55-00 Consolidated Municipal Loan Fund bor.@ 8 per cent £25000 0 0 'le balance at credit School Fund 3lst Dec. 1856 317 1 6 l'uwn Debentures issued and sold 1,900 0 0 ___ | :« Hon. J. H. Cameron, borrowed at 6 per cent 186 13 4 £412 1 6| A. Steven, Esq, e at 6 per cent 200° 0-0 Interest on Debentures, 69.0 OQ F t N SY F at: a eas s¢" "Teqy y Unpaid stock of St. Clair & Rond Kau P. Road C'y. 960 0 O 1856. SCHOOL FUND. Cr. do salaries to Municipal Officers 483 0 0 By cash at credit per account rendered £345 11 9 Deer. 20 " received frora H. Chrysler, collector for LVS 198-13..4 Public Schools 66 9 9 ee . ----_--_---- ASSETS EXCLUSIVE OF REAL PRO- £412 1. 6 PERTY Stock in St. Clair & Rond Eau P. R. Cy. £3000 0 0 « in Chatham & Camden P. R. Cy. S000 0-0 2 per ct Lequidating Municipal Ln. Fund 770 11 0 Balance of Assessments for 1856 not col. 908 6 7 Cash on hand 9361. 2 11-15,040 0 6 #43758 12:10 M. WEIR, "Preasurer, M. 'ER. C. Cnatuam, 2nd Feby. Lso7. We hereby beg leave to report, that we have care- fully examined and audited the above accounts of the Vreasurer of the Municipalty of the Town of Cha- tham, for the year ending the 3lst December, 1856. Vouchers have been produced for all payments and the Books are kept in a clear and satisfactory man- ner. Row.ey PrGLEY, SS ditece Wn. Mclrougeu. eee March 6th, 1857. ROMNEY. W 1-29. N W124 PUBLIC NOTICE. Qnd concession, Lot 6; 150 acres Ske 1-2 16, 100 acres e; 3rd jee Lots N W 1-215, S E | Sth i Lots NW 1-21, NW 1-2 P t 1-217, N W 1-2 20; 100 3, N W 1-2 4, NW 1-2 Crown Lanps Department, s ac each; 22, 24, 200 ac 8, 109 acres each; Ze Toronto, J4th March, 1857 pach 6th " Lots 2.7, 200 acres ¢; 2 tioned Crown Lands will be | 4th " Lots N part 16, 56 ac. | 7th " Lots NW 1-23, SE 1-2 acs. puthe Auction at the Court N W 1-218,N W 1-2 20, 100 acres; 23, 200 a; 'House in the Town of Chatham, on Friday the | 19, 100 acres each. 21, 8th of Lots 19, 20, 23, 200 ac. First of May next, at the hour of Noon, atan up- | 93, 24, 25,27, 200 acres dh " Lots 18, 20, 21, 23, 200 set price of eight shillings peracre, payable ones | each; 30 150 acres; ¢ eres each; fith down and the remainder by 4 equal annual | 5th " Lots N part 13, 65 acres 10th Lots SE 1-2 12, 100 ac. instalments with interest on each as they become 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20 200 16, 17, 19, 20, 200 acres JOSEPH CAUCHON, ©C.C©. Lh. 4, 45 acres; 26 50 acres ots ptl0, 100 acres 27, 30 acres; 28, 5 acres 12, 13, 15. 17, 28 200 MERSEA. 6th "s ie 14, 46 acres; 16, 18, acres each; ee 8th Conceseion, Lot E 1-2 1; 100 aeres 19, 200 acres each; 21, 12th as Lots 9, 11, 12, 16, 200 9th e Lot 8 1-220; ae 96 acres; ac each. 17, 185 acres; 10th 4 Lots N 1-22, 5 1-2 3,N "th " Lots 17, 120 acres; 18, | 13th is Lots SE pt 7, 100 acres; 1-2 6, N 1-220, N 1-2 24 145 acres; 19, 45 acres, 8, 10, 12, 13, 200 acres N i-2 22, 100 acres each 90, 5 acres; each; N W pt 15, 100 a. Lith Lots 20, 22, 168.acres each TILBURY EAST. 14th «6 Lots NW 1-27, 100 ac | NV part 23, 68 acres: N (5.4 Concesrion Lot 12, 200 acres; 11, 12, 200 acres each; 1-2 24; 95 acres. | fee ont 6 ' Lois 2 "4, 200 He eN 15th i Lat NW pt 6, 100 ac. | &t BUS a) Cres €; 4 : : PROVINCIAL FREEMAN AND WEEKLY ADV COMBINATION CO'S COLUMN. ALL THE GOODS Or LHe Farmers' and Mechanics' Combination Store! Have Now Arrived! COO THIS STORE was opened on the 15th of Octo- ber, when, and until NOW, not ONE HALF the Gools had arrived, and it has been perfectly CROWDED ever since The sales have aver- aged about $200 PER DAY! REMEMBER, The CAUSE of this GREAT RUSH is,--The eld fogy system of doing business is reversed ! | if AE THE COMBINATION CONSISTING OF Forty=-Five Farmers and Mechanics. All large buyers themselves, have establish- ed this Store in order to . T= SAVE MONEY in buying their own necessarics,--instead ol establishing it to MAKE MONEY,--hereln consists the difference between this and the other Stores. In order to make the Farmers & Mechanics Store self-supporting, the Small Advance of Fifteen Per Cent, is charged on Cost, and the whole public placed onan eqnal footing with Members of the Com- bination, so that the RULE IS One Price to ALL! Whether Members of the Combination or not. The Combination are determined to make their Storeas POPULAR AS POSSIBLE, so that as fastas its deticiences are ascertained, they will be supplied. ice" The Large Yard and Comfortable Shed in the rear of the Store, is found to be a great convenience by the Customers, National predilictions are gratified here also, an Englishman will find a Countryman tu deal with, so will a Scotchman, an Irishman, a Dutchman, a Canadian or a Frenchman. ALL aré HERE REPRESENTED AND ALL WILL BE WELCOME! To enumerate items would swell this Adver- tisement to several columns; it must therefore suffice to say thatthe Assortments cf .the follow- ing different kinds of Gocds to be~ found in the FARMERS & MECHANICS STORE, are very COMPLETE, VIZ: STAPLE & FANCY DRY-GOODS! CLOT UN Go Boots and Shoes,--Hats and Caps, Trunks, Valises, &c., Stationery and = School-Books, Oil Painted & Paper Window- Shades & Self-Adjusting Rollers, Wall Paver, Wooden & Willow- ware, Cordage, GLASS X STONEWARE, CROCKERY, WINDOVWGLASS, (all sizes, Champagnes, Wines, Ales, Porters, Brandies, AND. ALL OTHER LIQUORS, Warranted Genuine! PICKLES & SAUCES, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, NUTS,.: &c., Groceries and Provisions, Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine & Paints, Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs, &e., &c., we. ie Bear in Mind, .kind Reader, only FIFTEEN PER CENT is charged on the cost of any Article in all the above numerous clas- ses of Goods, UNIFORMLY, therefore, if you happen to find some particular Articleas Cheap in some other Store, you must not imagine that every thing is so, because about FIFTY PER CENT is the CUSTOMARY ADVANCE. It is claiined' for the Farmers & Mechanics Store, that its Customers SAVE, all round, Fully 30 Per Cent, and HUNDREDS who have bought Goods there will willingly certify to the JUSTICE of the CLAIM. - ATTENTION is directed to the following Resolution' of 'the Combination, passed ata Meetiing of sits Members, held on Saturcay, the first instant: : "Resouven, That it is net at all times convenient for many of the Members of this Combination to pay down for their necessaries; and in order to meet the case of such parties, it is the-wish ofa inajority of this meeting that the Manager do open accounts with Members requiring the same, as also with ALL responsible Persons: upon such Members or other: Persons ec nsenttne to pay 5 per cent on the amountof their Account, to cover expense of keeping such Account. All such Accounts to be due and rendered on the First of January, First of April; First of July and First of October; on which days, to be closed and interest charged till paid." noe All kinds of Farm Produce will always be BOUGHT, and FOUND FOR SALE at the "PARMERS & MECHANICS STORK" r-e> THOSE who have NOT YET visited the Farmers and Mechanics Store, are politely re- qiested fo do $0; those who have, know too well where their true interest lies, not to repeat and continue th it visits KIND" & OBIAGING PREATMENT will be extended to all who visit the Store. je Toe Parcels of Customers will be delivered at their Hotels, or Resiuences (if in town,) FREE of CHARGE. By Order of the Manager, JOHN D. McLEOD, Cashier. Chatham, Nov. 2ith, 1856. v3-nl6-Lly COMMODIOUS OFFICES TQ, Leda! OVER THE Farmers and Mechanics Store. S the above Store is doing more business than any other in Chatham. Professional Men would find this a good locaition. Apply atthe affice of the Farmers and Mechanics Store for further particulars. ERTISER. MAHOGANY WAIT OD Chatham, December 14, 1899. rk\GiE SUBSCRIBER having received his SPRING STOCK, is prepared to offer to the public, the LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT. OF re By 4] SU A AP Ee A BID WY A ever brought to Chatham, at Wholesale or Retail! Consisting in part .as. follows, viz:--Iron and Steel of all kinds; Blacksmtth's Bellows. Anvils, Screw Plates. Diesand Taps; Carpenter's Tools, Shoemaker's Tools, Nails ofall kinds and sizes ; Spades, Shovels, Scoups, Hoes; Forks, Garden Rakes, Hay Rakes, Scythes, Snaths, Brush Hooks; Chains of all kinds; Harrow Teeth. Cultivator Teeth, Patent Pumps, Pump chain and Gearing , Pots. Pans and Kettles ; Tinware and Tinsmith's Tools. SADDLER'S HARDWARE! Flames, Locks, Bolts, Butts, Serews, Hinges of all kinds; Knives, Forks and Spoons of every deseription; Brushes of all kinds ; MULLY MILL SAWS. Circular Saws, Crosscut and Pitt Saws, Files. PAINTS, OILS AND COLORS, With other articles quite too numerous to men- tion. te will also, in a few days, have a large quantity of MACHINE: BELTING, fall widths: Atl of which he wili sell at prices that defy competition. 'A. CURRIE. Next door to D.R. Van Allenjs King Street, Chatham, C. W. Chatham, June 13th, 1856. NOTICE. | ANNY JACKSON, of Brantford, Can- ada West, having heard that. her sister Mary Jennings, of Berks County, near Read- ing, Penusylvania, 1s dead, Wishes her brother-in-law, David James Jennings, to bring the children to Brantford. C. W. January, 23rd; 1857. v3-n22-tf. Important to tousekeepers. I offer for sale 35 different recipes for $1, many of which have been sold the past year for $5 a piece. No housekeeper will grudge $1 fer one of those recipes alone after trying it once. Address Wa. Brumpack, Point Pleasant Pa. and the whole number of recipes will be forward- ed by mail. io A AU TERY. STORE| RY PANSDeD (AUER ED SE MESS Gu 2. EGS respectfully to acquaint the Ladies of Chatham and vicinity, that she has remov- edher MILLINERY and DRESSMAKING ESTABLISMENT to the stand lately occupied by Messrs. Brooke & Montgomery directly op- posite the RUYAL EXCHANGE HOTEL. where her Sy WHE : BS isnow open forthe Fall Trade, containing all kinds of LADIES and CHILDRENS' WEAR, such as: Silks, Shawls, FBonnetts, Satins, Cloaks, Ribbons,§ Plaids, Mantillas, Plames, Children's Clothing end all kinds of Trimmings in-great variety. fer As her stock is very. complete in the above departments, she respectfully solicits a call from her custcmers, and the ladies generally as she can assure them that she can supply their every want, her stock being the largest, the best and most varied, of anv ever before opened for the mspection of the Ladies in this vicinity. Nov. 21st, 1856. v3-nl6-ly. NOTICE. | see is to certify that Josiah S. Gates and Thos. W. Stringer, who were engaged in the business of Merchandise, in the Village of Buxton, have this day by mutual consent dis- solved pastnership in said business; and the said Thos. W. Stringer, is to collect all the monies due, and pay all the debts of the concern up to this date, November 10th, 1854. GATES &-STRINGER. v3-0 28-3in. Fe) E r a ay oie 2 \ | | | | WE: Poe, BEES 8 OFh UTA IO een US DS Le ICAI RHE SUBSCRIBER takes this opporttinity of informing the people of CHATHAM. and surrounding Country that he has taken sy EE R. SMITHS OLD ESTABLISHED WITH A LARGE STOCK OF SEASONED LUMBER, BESIDES, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CHOICE FURNITURE. He also tenders his sincere thanks to the Public generally, for their liberal support ; and hopes, hy strict attention to-business, to retain their patronage in future. His STOCK is composed of the : FOLLOWING ARTICLES, VIZ: . MAHOGANY AND WALNUT VENEERED BUREATS . Mahogany and Walnut Sofas, act CANE AND SPRING SEAT PARLOR CHAIRS, Dining, Breakfast and Kitchen Tables, | FRENCIL, COTTAGE, SERPENTINE, AND PLAIN BEDSTEADS, TOLLET WORK AND WASH STANDS. ace STAND, -* ALSO, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Rocking, Windsor and Children's Chairs, THE BEST MANUFACTURED IN CANADA. 7 Sothimes Purmishedl at the shortest Noteex. ALL ORDERS PROMTLY-ATTENDED TO. j fPersons wishing to buy FURNITURE, will find it to their advantage to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Ao. 3 J. O. SMITH. cal So Soe Se Auction'?! eee teen Auction! Auction! SALE. of TOWN. LOTS .will take place at BUXTON, on the 28rd, 24th and 25th of MAY next, at eleven o'clock on each day. The lots average from one-fifth te a halfacre each, and are very desirable to those wishing to purchase a handsome residence? 'The lots are lo-ated in the vicinity of the Rev. Wim. King's School, in a perfectly temperance neigh- bourhood, where spiritous liquors are not allow- ed to be sold, anc on the dine of the proposed new Southern Railroad. Persons wishing «to pur- chase, will not fail to be present as such rare chances seldoin offer. TO Terms or Saue:--One half Cash, and bal- lance in one and two years. Qa THOMAS W. SPRINGER. Buxton, March 6th, 1857. v3-093-td CHATHAM.- CLOTHING HALL Is SUPPLIED in every DEPARTMENT WITE-NEW «AAS Fi PALL AND WINTER Ready-made Clothing AND Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. CLOTHING. MADE TO OR DER -- BNE? a.oces SHORTEST HOTICE. Cheap for Cash, is our Motto. STONE & TURNBULL y35-n18-tf. : 'LHE LARGEST: FALL STOCK In Chatham, 'PURCHASED 'or CASH, ant OFFERED FOR GASH: or Produce only, at prices as low as such teruts demand, far BELOW COMPETITION of those who buy or sell on any other térms The Old Store, JOSEPH S. BEATTY! STAPLE DRY-GOODS, GROEKESY, SLASB, G ROCERIES & LIQ UORS, PAINTS & OILS, 2000 lbs. ASSORTED SHOT, 100 KEGS GUN POWDER Sole Agent for BURNING FLUID. JOS. S. BEATTY, Chatham, Dec. 12th,.1856. vd-n18-Uf, NEW BOARDING HOUSE. WILLIAM STILL .. EGS to announce that 'he has Oprnip BOARDING HOUSE, at No, 374SOU%! STREET, below Ninth, PHILADELPHIA, where » will accommodate respectable persons, pern: nently or transiently, who may favour hiny 9? their patronage. The House is Commodious and in good ord and the location Central and Respectatle. j=" No pains will bespaired therefore to giz > every satisfaction. Philadelphia, Oct. 29th, 1836. S271