Ss Pe Ss se a they have @ newspaper there, re- presenting telr interests truthfully, con- ducted by free colared emigrants [not fual tives] from Pennsylvania, who are respecta: ble and well educated, I mean Mrs. M. A. S. Cary and her Broan Mr. 1. D. Shadd, with help of others, let me note the circum- stance, so asa venerous and a humane pub- lie will extend their support and encourage- nent tloitw-----ft is named the Provincial Iveeman, published weekly, price one dollar anda halfin advance. Tere is a_periodi- cal which has tried to keep afloat, under difficulties, and amongst and for [chiefly] a ee who «re industrious, sober and anxl-. eople-wl dustrious, sol) | 1 ous to do we.l--only, not. willing to be im- - posed upon.-- At the Buxton settlement Tin Ra'eigh, C/ Way there is a considerable number settled--~and the Rev. Mr. King, [Presby terian] deserves every praise far his unostentatious m: anagement. The um- positions practised on the humang at a dis- ta ce, as to the trials, &., of the fugitives in Cai.daand the begging system so shame- ful y practiced also, out of Canada, fin! a co-plete exposure in the Freeman, and there is something yet to be reviewed as to St. Catherines, as to Dawn, [British insti- tute!] in. Canada, and some other things -- But truthful information can beobtained' at Chatham, As yonr piper circulates' in Britain, may the humane hearts there, re- eollect, that on Britash sotl, at Chatham, "C.W,, there is a centre for usefulness,----as well as at London, C. W., and donations, '&e, in that direction, on British ground are required, if needed at all. And there are good men in this Province, who ean appre- elate the intention of this referenee, Finally, ona review of the question' of fellowship, there is no wonder then, that the good men and the true, of the United States, who advocate the slives and the colered meé.i's rights, hold up their hands in surprise and in sorrow, and exclaim, " here "indeed in Canada is the free soil, but itis "'trod by ministers of relision, who worship "by look, by support, and by act, the sla- "very vermin of the South!' Tam, Dear Sir, ke, PO SETH. LINTON. Nore. Bra! books, &c. on the question, see lists in the vice of the Bondsman, No, 1 and 2, copies of which can be seen at the Pilot Office, forwarded by me, for the pur- pose, and to be given away. J.J. 20 1. Stratford, C W. March 19, 1857. 4 § PROVINCI AL Fr 2EEMAN, RRA RARER RAR RA RRR FRNA RRR CHATHAM, SAT. RDAY, APRIL Ul, 1897. RRR RR EE "fSP Mr. William Still, of Philadelphia P. A. is authorized to receive subscriptions for this paper, and give-Receipts for the same. SPaSIAL NOTIGES. SUBSCRIBERS, EDLE EDLFORS, POSTMAST- ERS and TEACHERS, are invited to obtain subscriberstothe PROVINCIAL FREEMAN, tor which twenty per cent will be allowed. No papers will be sent-until the cash is received. 'The terms of the Freeman are payment in advance, and no paper will be sent longer than paid for. ®Sprécimen numbers will be sent gratis upon application. Appress I. D. SHADD, Chatham, C, W. 8-0 &- i - REMITTANCES. AT subscription monies for this journa enclosed i in lettersand_ duly. registered,-- which: ean be done at any Post-Office. on pryment of two cents in addition to the-post- age--are at the risk of the Publisher. Sub- scribers will oblize usand relieve us from many difficulties by forwarding their sub- scription money by mail, as the trouble and expense of collectiong through the country is very great.--t. D.S. BILLS! BILLS!! BILLS!!! "We have sent a Jarge number of bills, to Subscribers and hope they will remitt to us at the earliest possible moment, as our sub- seriptions are our only dependence. te ss Ss OUT. CANVASS ING, Messrs. I. D. Shadd & MH. FI. Douglass, both of this office, towns and cities in Western and Eastern Canada, immediately, for the purpose of pro- moting the interest and prospects of this pa= per, and the cause of humanity generally. Mr. Shadd will act as eanvasser &c., while Mr. Douglass, who has just returned from a tour in the Western states, where he has spoken with great acceptance, will Lecture extensively as well as canvass, and we know satisfactorily. Both are young men, and are labouring, in the cause of human rights, and for'the spread of intell:gence among Canadi- will visit many of the an refugees, We hope the Liberty-loving people of these Provinces, will give them aid in their work.--M. A.S. C. > Let my People go that they may serve me, These words were souaded in the ears of nrelentless despot of antiquity, who had { 'read it, and ¢re the chapter is finished, eves PROVINCIAL FREEMAN AND WEEKLY ADVERTISER, for four hundred years, in vivlation of that eternal and unchanging law of right, held i cruel bondage the er idved of Israel; thus sat Pharioh | in pride upon his gilded theene, mocking the impending judgment of an ou.- raged God, until the dark and dreadful hour of retribution came, and with it, the total overthrow of Pharaoh and his hosts in the Red Sea. Reading on in_ history, we see the Jews led captive by Nebuchadnez- aar, and held in bondage in the Asyian em- | pire, but in the very hour of triumph, in the midst of his drunken feast, came the hand Only a slave could old bloody Babylon sleeps in ruins upon the Rome writing on the wall. banks of the Euphrates. learnt a similar lesson; her eagles that had been carried by her conquering arm in triamph through the world, was struck duwn by Sparticus, at the head vf tes thousand slaves in. Italy. Nature combining with the Helot's valor made the Spartan master In Santo Domingo, sla up the ghost amid the erics of Will sons as these be lust upon the despots of Will Republican America re- give up slavery. very gave slaughtered slaveholders. sucii les- our times? gardless of the warning voice of history. continue in her downward tendency to des- potism and crime, until she fall head-long into the "pil fall" of nations, to come out no more for ever? Yes it seems so! Every paper that reaches us, tells of some fresh bleeding race, by these heartless tyrants; or where a sublime outrage upon our poor will, struggling against this high handed villainy, with suicidal bands shatters this earthly tenement and seeks in the bosom of its God, that liberty which by men on earth. was denied We copy from the last number of the Frederick Donglass paper with its comments, an account taken from the Nashville Bun- er, of March 19th, of the slave Levi, whose love of liberty and hatred of slavery. as evinced in his untimely end, deserves to live in immortal story. Some one has said that the heroism of the hour is amone the fugitive sl.ves; itis not in the Saxon race of America, for they have suffered their dearest rights to be wrested from them, ley the slave power. Slayery ts no longer ¢ n- fined to the colored the U. States. White men are slaves; they have lost free race In speech, there is only a step between this and absolute bondage. The extension of slavery over the entire North by a recent decision, its fillibustering spirit, and repeat- ed agressio:s upon. freedom everywhere, has made it-a continental question. What security have we here in Canada, that our liberties will be perpetual, if this infernal The overthrow of slavery inthe United States, has at last become a British questiun, be- cause our peace here as' British subjects is endangered by its continuance; already its influence has been felt here. We would therefore warn our colored fellow citizens to be careful in the exercise of the right of barbarism is allowed longer to exist. suffrage; be argus eyed in guardiny your interest, in sustaining the honor and dignity of the British Empire, Let us be strietly Conservative until the great battle between Liberty and Slavery is decided on this Continent This reform party | is nothing more nor less, than the old Locu- | foc» party of the United States galvanized, Toronto, a Rank-vn its tail in Essex, pro- fessing so much love for the "dear prople." We have seen enough of democracy and slavery in the United States, without. wish- ing to see it introduced here. Clear Grit, Reform and Radical, are words that belong to the vocabulary of Yankeedom, they act like an em-ticon us to mention them. Let us under the banner of that Conservatism, that has offered the only asylum for the colored man on this Continent, renew our vows of hostility to slavery, and devotions to its principles. We believe in non-interven- tion; but thisis a vital question, that not only disturbs the peace of nations, but secks to enthrone itself upon the liberties of very man mankind. Jt respects not color, clime, nor condition, but lets its blows fall just as heavy upon the uncovered head of a prostrate Senator, as jt does upon the body of weak and defenceless woman, driven to unpaid and thankless toil. We profess to be lovers of peace; but it myst be an honorable peace. We believe "that resistance to tyrants is obedience to God:" that the slaves of the South have an undoubted moral right to break their chains, even if in the act, they were compelled to break eyery slaveholders neck; with us it would be a clear moral duty. Rights such as life and liberty are not conferred upon man, neither can they be taken away, be- cause they are inalienable; a part of man's as essential to his existence as an accountable being, to the faithful perform- ance of the duties and obligations of life, as the powers of respiration; and the intelli- gent being, who understands bis divine origion, and immortal destiny, that suomits to slavery rather then death, eommits a -- | | fatuated by a fine yoke of cattle beluaging : sss eeag Scott decision, that he could not resist them, wrapped in a lion's skin, a Brown head at | i passing down King Street, from our - walk. ject of Human Ruiguts. NINE ND high crime against God's 1 moral government. If the three hundred thousand slavehold- ers, Shall continue to held on with a death like grip to that gigantic fraud, by which ing complaint by 'the use of the Wild Cherry as combined by Dr. Wistar, in his famous tough Balsam, which medicine has achiev- ed a world wide reputation. four miljon men are deprived of their libersy ty, then we pray God to hasten on the} day of retribution, and speedily usher in the glorious period, when the slaves in the South-shall rise in thelr manhood, couraye of a Roman Sparticus, and the de- termination of a Desaline, and compell t icir oppressor to bite the dust, and achieve their natural rights, if they have as Theodore Parker says, to "cut down a despot at every step, and walk blood red from Texas to Canada.'--n. F. De with the oe God made the Country--Man made the Town, This was an old Spanish Proverb, but never more clearly demonstrated than now. Such Upon popu lation in the brought to bear that all the higher feelings and aspirations of one's are the influences aggreaate, nature is wholly destroyed, when packed away in one of these large ese Houses of humanity. This is true, not only | here in Chatham, but all Wherever over the world. commerce and trade have con- centrated, man in his physical and moral | nature, ceases to march on to the fulfilment of his high destiny. ivirite:| of as. strange as it These thoughts were suggested ce last Saturday a may seem to our sober, fter noon 5 industrious, quict fellow citizens out in the country--in the we niet not less than nine | | { |: { ! | rural districts: | drunken mea; we offer our hat to any one | : | as a premium, that can beat this in a popu- lation of only six thousand. friend, to take We were induced by a notes, in order to find out the countries re- | presented in this drunken carnival; -- the following is the result of our observations: Eneland, four; just able to nayigate g ) iJ Scotland, one; though carrying a con- | siderable sized "brick in his hat,' was as | proud in mien and look 'As ifa Baron's crest be wore, | And sheathed in. armortrod the shore," | . : : | America, one; "bg Indian," perfectly | | oblivious of everything gy pertaining to this 3 ot PH ball, lyi ing lusely over tne side- Ireland, one; very indacent in the selec- tion of words, to express what he called idars; but what to us, scemed to be the strangest Jargon we ever listened to, Aftica, ably represented ia the person of two of her salle sons; one was over anxious >? tu get a "lhrashig," to which some friend his accommodated him*late in the evening. The other, after having been strangely in- to some country man, was lust and we thought very appropriately too, delivering a Reform Speech. We shall ascertain his name if possible, for the benefit of our "Clear Grit" neighbor of Advertiser. He may yet in the way of polities du "the the state some service."--H. F. D. ~ Enquiry No. 2. Why is it 'that if F. D., left Rochester, un- /in Canady? | John Desmond, | John Williams, and dér presring invitations to speak, which had | ' become so numerous since the recent-Dred that when he arrived at certain places no meetings were appointel? Bah! Talk about the American people being indignant at the recent owlrage; the truth is they are just like the colured people, there is no out- | rage that they are not prepared to submit to. Dissolve the Union at once! Put an end ty that boxus Government and Consti- tution, for all the eloquence of F. D., aided by the logic and rhetorie of his accomplished assistant, W.J. W., can't make it pass cur- rent any longer.--un. F. D. ANTI-SLAVERY et oe M. R. Hull Esq., an old-time anti-sla- -- , a native of Virginia, will lecture inthe Town Hall ris Evening on the sud- We hope there will be a large attendance of citizens gen- eraly, as in addition to his well known rep- utation of a first class orator, and the ad- vantage of birth in the old Dominion, he has had over twenty years experience among anti-slavery men. M. A. S. G. (- KR, H. Brett, Esq., of Toronto, will please accept our thanks for £2 10s. gen- erously donated by him to this pier Eps. FRseman. A Preasanr Traverying Companion, and one that no traveller should be without is Perry Davis' Pain Killer, A sudden at- tack of diarrhea, dysentry or cholera mor- bus can be effectually and instantaneously relieved by it. It is equally effectual in curing scalds, burns, &c. Sold.every where. Ce yp Al Cure for Asthma.----There are many | well attested cuses of cures of this distress- Newsparerpom.--From a lengthy com- munication signed J. J. E. Linton, in the Pilot of a late date, we observe' that the Rev. gentlemad speaks upon the conduct of the colored people in refernce to the support they do nol extend toward the raEMAN, of this Town. Mr. Linton says:-- In Western Canada, at Chatham, C. W., and its neighborhood, there is a large set- tlement of colored people--and they havea nespaper there, representing their interests truthfully, conducted by free colored emi- grants not fugitives from Pennsylvania, who are respectable and well educated; I mean Mrs M.A.S. Carey, and her brother, Mr I. D. Shadd, with help of others. Let me note the circumstance, so as a generous anc humane public will extend support and en couragement to it. It is named the Pro- VINCIAL EF rReEemMAN, publised weekly, price one dollar anda half, in advance.--LHlere is a periodical which has tried to keep afloat, under difficulties, and amonyst and for chief ly a people who are industrious, sober, and anxious to do well--only, not willing to be NIppse' upch. * » ~ Lhe impositions prac- tised on the humane at a distance, as to the trials, &e , of the fugitives in Canada and the begging system, so shamelessly practised also out of Canada, find a complete exposure in the Freeman: and there is something yet to _be reviewed as to St. Catherines, as to Daws , British Institute! in Canada, and some other things." 'Phat is correct--the first part is there yet to be reviewed as erines and as to the Dawn British Institutes Let us hear it all Who has played traitor in the camp? Let us have more light. Willour contemporary give it? a Menipyte 3ut what to St. Cath- Tn due time light will be given.--TIips.- I'ReEMAN, rt 2-0 THE ASSIZES The Court of Assizges for the County of Kent was opened yesterday at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Court House in this Lown. the 'Hon. Wm. Bueil Richards, of the Qacen's Bench presiding---- Associates, Judge Wells, Thomas McCrae, George Dack, John Wade | dell, and Kdwin Larwill, Esquires. Foreman. J. 5S. Beatty, Thos. Crow, Ste, Win. A. Everitt, Alexander Miller, A..B. Melntosh, Henry Ridley, Thos, W. Smith, Mathew Scoti, H. Winter, ----Kent Advertiser, April 8. net ©: Ope Samuel Arnold, Kdward Baby, William Chambers, Fhomas Jackson, Hueh Morrison, William Ncrthwood, John Stone, John South, Miss Greenfield's seeond concert at. the Mechanites' Hall last evening was quite as successful as her first one, 'the hall being crowded... She was frequently encored, and as the assemblage broke, every face seemed to beam with Baur ICH. and 'delight, as if its owner would say €1 feel it was. worth while coming here." The playing of Pro- i fessor Laurence was fully equal to his re- f ag full jual to | putation as a planist, nor must we forget to mention the Sirakosch Grand Piano, which was made expressly for Miss Greenfield, which ts qu; ea feature in the concert. The "Biack Swan" sings in Quebee on ane evening, It is cher dutention to give another concert in this city on. Tues- day eventing next.----Movtreal Pilot. Miss Greenfield will be i when our citizeas wil have the in Chathana ina few weeks, pleasure of iste sing to, by far the greatest female vocalist on this cortinent.----M.A.s.c. ee (> The brig © David) Smart," Captain Poelps, was wrecked on the 31st ultimo at Chicavo. Captain and erew all lost. A crew uf seven brave youns men who went to their rescue were also lost. The latter were strangers and leave only their coats as mementos of themselves and their deplora- ble fate, ee ee fe The Ice boat euployed to carry passengars from Kinyston to Wolfe Island, was swainped April Qad., nine persons, the mail and some luggayve were saved; but the fullowing are supposed to have been drown- ed:--James McDonald, James Mitchell, both velonging to the Island; Wm. Demp- sey, staye driver on Long Island; William Saunders, shipwright, and John Buggy, sailor. Three bodies have been found, up to half past 7, viz:--Jas. McDonald, James Mitchell, and William Dempsey. \! a ae ae) (GV ha Ga YOR GLY Revie DEATH." RUNAWAY SLAVES CaUGHT--SUICIDE. ----The-particulars of one of the most unac- countable suicides have just come to our knowledge. 'Two servants of Mr. Jones proprietor of Union Hall, in this city--one a yellow man named Leyi, and the black, named Allen---ran away on Sunday night last- It appears that they intended to get on the night train for Chatanooga and ar- rived a moment too late. 'They took the track on foot and proceeded a few miles, se- creted themselves until Monday night in a thicket. They then appeared at Antioch, when the nignt train came along, and the yellow man purchased the tickets for himself aud servant for Ckattanooga. The trick was not detected--Levi passed as a white man, and took his supper at the same table | with the other passengers, ordering food for his servant ata side table. The attention of Mr. Charles Fox, merchan} of this city, who was on board, on his way to New York. was attracted to Levi,and after a little seru- at Esqrs. - tiny, he recognized him. though disguized in a fine suit of clothes. © Mr. Pox on Tuesday morning, before reaching Chattanooga, questioned Levi, and becoming satisfied that he was runing away, collared him and jutima- ted that he wasa prisoner. Levi was wraped in a blanket,and he managed to draw a pis- tol from his breast without being noticed, and turning the muzzle upon his adomen, fired and fell on his seat. Mr. Fox and other passengers fled in an opposite direction, under | the impression that be was firing at them. and when they turned back he had drawa a bow- ie-knife and cut his throat, and wasa corpse. --Nashville Banner, March 19. A Corpse! Well, poor fellow, he could not have died ina better cause. He died struggling to be free! "BETTER" as Our own eloquent GARNET says, "DIZ FREEMEN, THAN LIVE AS SLAVES." "Would that the whole slave population would adopt the mot- to!-- Would that they would say to their oppressors, and all others, "away with the. sickly santimentality concerning non-resis- tance; you have too long taught the lesson, "Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God,', and we have learned it well." "He CUT HIS OWN THROAT," and not that ef the villian who would enslave him. Probably, the cowardly scoundrels who 'fled in an opposite direction," were afraid of hav- ing justice meted unto them. But vo! "he cut his own throat" Jt was only the throat of a man most white. Who cares?) What rights-had he "a person of African descent." which men altogether white are bound to re- spect? Is not this a glorious free coun- try? IPfhe had not killed himself, or been killed or captured, might not old Tenessee have 'dissolved ane Union 2? -- Let the white nigger die" will be the response of slaveholding Christendom ? And Want (on this that the Constitution was ordained 2? Was it for this that the the Union was?) Was it for this that Attucks fell? Was it for this that whole coim- panies of black soldiers fought in the revolu- tionary conflict, that their descendants might have the poor p ivilege of cutting their own throats, in order to obtain in death boon denied in life? Answer. ye murderers of Levi, answer. the North. Answer, all who profess to min- ister at God's altar andat the same time | charge Him with this daily brokerage in hu- nan" blood. | | \ ' thou wouldest rend the | down! O that the sighing of the prisoner im iy | led as sheep to the slaughter. We all the day lony. lon! immediately to dissolve =O Fad that cone "Tow long, O Lord, how lon,! heave TES co:meup before the. Our bones lie at grave mouth, as when one cutteth wood. Weae are killed Ifow long, O Lord, how 1". rederick Douglass Pa per. GREAT BRITAIN, London, Saturday Morning. Tt was announced in» Parliament last evening that it was the Queen's intention Parliament in ord -r to ascertain in the most cons itutional man- ner, the sense of the people in the present state of affairs. A despateh from Paris says the King of Prussia had finally agreed. to settle the Neufchatel difficulty, renouncing his rights on condition that the title of esi of Neut- chatel be resumed for the Prussian crown ----that he be allowed for four years the re- venues of bis anclent dumains in the Can- ton, and an amnesty be grated \o his parti- zans there. The final sittings of the Paris conference on Turkish affairs, chiefly concerning the Principalities, will be held in June. The Sardinian Chamber of Deputies have voted 5,000,000f to put the fortifications at Alexandria in an immediate state ofdefence, in view of approaching hostilities with Aus- tria. Full instructions were sent from Cadiz on the 12:h of March, to the Governor General of Havana, respecting the difficulties with Mexico. The Irish Liberals have adopted their electiuneering programme, of which the fol- lowing are the leading points :-- i. Tenant right, as recently modified. 2. Disendowment of all religious sects, and th2 abolition of the Irish Church as a State Establishment. 3. Religious equality, involving the repeal of eclesiastical titles. 4, Involving county franchise. 5. Abolition of property quaiifications. FRANCE A modification of the French Cabinet is again diseussed---the belieye object is to incorporate the Cabinet with the Depart- ment of the State and the Imperial house- hold. DENMARK. The Text of the Sound [dues Treaty is published. Denmark engages not to levy any dues whatever, on vessels passing the Belts or S und, and also maintains lights, buoys, &e., at the approaching of ports and along the coast, &c. CHINA. Private letters to Paris say that four per- sons had been convicted of an attempt to poison the British charge and family at Hong Kong. The Paris correspondent of the Daily News asserts positively that negotiations are progressing betw een 'France and England to send a French army cf 20,000 to China. that | Answer, ye doughfaces of LATEST, ~ Piimet was for mally dis-olved b speech from the Throne cellor acting as proxy The Asia passed off Tuscan Light on the 22nd. The steamship City of Washin <e fon on the same day, off Kinsale. - o -- eH 8 Tue Rovat Housenorp. §-Ghre ingient connected with the household management, and coeval with the Queen's accession, will serve to illustrate Her Majesty's ideas of domestic economy, and explain the cause of those attacks to which we have alluded. Tt was, it seems, the usage to z appropriate among the domestics all the wine that was: not used ya , the Lord Chan- to the Queen, oe 'at the royal dinner-table, no matter low much the supply exceded the demand, and whether or not the bottles were 'uncorked, We need not say that, under such circum- stances, there was no scarcity of the best wines on the sideboard and in the coolers, and that the wine merchants' bills were hea- vy The Queen, even though then a girl in her teens, had a due regard to propriety, and being resolved to keep the expenditure of the Court within the assigned income, in- quired into this matter, and took effectual means for putting a stop to the systematised plunder. 'The remedy was as simple as it was judick ;and efficacious. As the ser- vants whe sed: to appropriate the surplus wine to their own use were already-allowed an amply sufficient quantity of port and sher- ry, they were forbidden to touch in future any of the wine that was taken from the cel- lars for the use of the Sovereign and her guests; and any uncorked b. ittles were to be heplaced: while the wines that were broach- ed but not consumed were to be sent to the hospitals.-- Court Circular. George W. Jolinson, one of the largest' sugar planters of the Mississippi, elow New Oreans, who died recently, left an estate valued at not less than $7,000,000. He has by his will manumitted all his slaves, 1,200 innumber. They are all to be sent to Libe* rit, in four years from his death, and each one is to be furnished with $5y, ee Forty students have Icft the Mississippi University at Oxford since the holidays, the m jority having been expelled tor te of- fence of robbing henroosts. . (4 The Massachusetts [louse of Repre- sentatives has adopted the amendment of the Constitution establishing the reading and writing qualification, by a vote of 266 tu 43. This amendment passed the -last--Leges- lature, and has already passed the Senate. It now only 'remains to 'submit. it-to-the people for final ratification. Hurrishurgh, Pa. March 23.--An exciiins debate took place in the State Senate to-day on resolutions condemning the decision of the Supreme Court in the case of Dred Scott. The resolutions were referred to a select committee. Special Wottees. SEGA ee NS A ee A Sure Curr ror a Feiox. --When the-sore ness first commences, oreven when far advanced it can be relieved and entirely cured by holding the finger or part afflicted in Perry Davi's Pain Killer for halfan hour. _[t bas been thorougtily" tested, an provesa valuable remedy. <A felon is a troublesome thing, and we weuld advise! all so troubied to test the remedy. Peray Divi's Pain Krier.--The thousands who have been relieved, as well as the thousands who have the most unbounded cafindence in Per ry Davis' Vegetable Pain Kuler, will read among onr special notiees this week. another of: the: 'ad- ditional evidences. of the - power of the appliea- tion. We are doing anactof humanity, when we urge every family to. possess themselves: of it.-- Buffalo Christian Advnvate. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. For sale by Pegley & Cross, Chatham, C. W® Brookins, Feb. 5. 1851, To Seth W. Fowle,-- My Doar Sir:--Havine® experienced resolis of a satisfactory character from the of WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, in eases of severe colds, during the past two years, lam induced to ex- Use press the full faith I have in its renovating pow- I OlES medicine as an in connection I was first iudaced to try this experiment, about two years ago, with the strong recommendation of a triend, w ho was well nigh gone with consumption, and whose relief from the use of. it satisfied me of its greit value in casesof colds and decline, and most clearly demonstrating, to my mind, its great value as arestorative, that on'y needs a fair trial to insure a grateful demonstration from the public. : Your obedient servant, SAMUEL A. WALKER. None genuine unless Signed I. BUTTS «2 the wrapper. For sale by Pogtey & Cross, Chatham 2, * rn ar New Advertisements 'EALED 'TENDERS will be received hy, . undersigned until noon of the 17th ."° inst., for the enlargement of the TOWN AL, and the erection ofa FIRE ENGINE HOUSE, in this Town, according to Plans and Specifica- tions which may be seen at the Town Council Office between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M., ahd 4 o'clock P.M. Each Tender. must have the names of two good and suflicient sureties, for the due and proper performance of Contract. By order of the Council, DUNCAN MeCOLL, Town Clerk. Council Office, Chatham, 6th April, 1857.