. Slavery, Emigration, Tempera = a = TISER. RATED oe "VOLUME Hi. CHATHAM, CANADA WEST, SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1857. ee meee ae "SELF-RELIANCE I§ THE TRUE ROAD TO INDEPENDENCE." ai at ----s a oS > ae 8 See yaa TErms: , Si PY ra ae ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF. INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. a 2 nb T; - : ea ree ifs | : =. . iL i 7 = 93 #3 PROSPECTUS GEORGE iCERR, - MILLER, ORTON & MULLIGAN, and sent for distribution to loyal Canada, to | slave State to help to forward Bibles and | I would ask, would the tidings receive of the or THE be circulated amongst the rising generation action of the Wesleyan Methodist Chureli 'pROVINCIAL FREEMAN And Weekly Advertiser. MWary A. S. CARY, -@ F. DOUGLASS, _ Editors. Te Provincial Freeman with xte yerance and General beiterature. [t will opeu its columus to the views ef men af. different political opinions, reserving Yaa right,as an independent Journal, of ty 1 ex- pression on al] questions or projects affecting the people in a political way; and reserving, also, the right to express emphatic condemnation o. all projeets, having for their object in a great or remete degree, the subversion of the principles ef the British Constitution, or of British rule in the Previnces. Net committed to-the views of any religious sect exclusively. it will carefully observe the rights of every sect, at the same time that a reser- yation shall be made in favor of an existing cif- ference of e@pinion, as to the views or actions o! he sects respectively. As an advertising medium, asa vehicle of in- fermatien on Agriculture,--and as an cnemy Ic vyiee in any and every conceivable form, anda premoter ef gead morals, it shall be made worth of the patronage ef the public. duc Larrers, to receive attention whether for publicativi. or on Business, mist be adiressed, est-paia, {. D. Swapp, Chatham, C. W. wmnnennees ie sseaeaeneeeer os ee se s=s<S 0 05ers THE PROVINCIAL FREEMAN And Weekly Advertiser, IS PUBLISHED EYSRY SATURDAY MORNING. : AT THK @OFFICK OF THR PAPRR, King St Wes!, Opposite the Marke. CHATILAM, C. W : Pintle ©" @NE DOLLAR AND A HALF. INVARIABLY 1M ADVANCE. Rates oF ADVERTISING, D. _ix.tetentines, first insertion, - - 4 Bach subsequent insertion, - = 10 Over ten linzs,; first insertion, perline - 0 4 Rach subsequent insertion, psrline,. - 0 | ta" A discount allowed wien advertisoments re continued ever three months. te Merchants, ani others, contracting for pace can advertise on advantageous terms. = All divertisements, without instruction as telength of time,f {I be inserted until forbid, aad charged accordinsly. 8. 3 - 0 tt ~<i -@- let § Bp us aor oj a mito 'PRINTING OFFICE, King Street West, Orposile the Markel, CHATHAM, C. W. THs PRO2@kLECORS : OF THE PROVINCIAL FREEMAN ealdinferm their Friends and the Publie, that their @ffice is supplied with all the Requisites for the aby execution of every description of ROR & TOE PRU LTS, INCLUDING PAMPHLETS, SLbl HEADS, CARDS, FUNERAL LETTERS. INVITATION CARDS, STEAMBOAT BILLS, STAGE BILLS, CONCERT BLLLS, PROGRAMMES, CIRCULARS. LABELS, ¥ " PesriNG BILLS, : HAND BILLS, = DEEDS LAW BLANKS, BANK CHECQUES, PROMISSORY NOTES, MORTGAGES, MEMORIALS, des &e.' &ey4 &e, And evory description of LET PER-PRESS PRINTING in the best and handsomest style, with : accttracy aud despatch. {PRINTING IN COLORS AND BRONZES. £9 LAW RESPECTING NEWSPAPERS Bubscribers who do not give express notice te the eontrary, are considered as wishing to con- Ninue their subscriptions. If Subscribers order the discontinuance oi their papers, the publishers may continue to senc them till all arrears are paid up. If Subscribers neglect or refuse to take thei' papers from the oilice to which they are diretea, they are held responsible till they have settlec aeir bills, and ordered th:ir papers to be disvon- tinued. : if Subscribers remove to other places, withou: mforming the Publishers, and the paper is ser! , te the formerdirection, they are held responsible. Business Directory. FIRA NP RIN RIR DN I RNIN IND ND ION IRD II II STONE & TURNBULL, CHATHAM CLOTHING: WALL e DENG GOODS, Grocery Establishment, KING, STREET, : CHATHAM, C. W. September(th, 1855. Clothes Made, Repaired, & Cleaned. ; W. L. HUMBURT X7 OULD respectfully announce to. the Citi- zens of Windsor, and surrounding coun- try,:that he is prepared to MAK, REPAIR, or CLEAN CLOTHING, at the shortest notice, and in the most satisfactory manner. Having had ample experience in his line of business in he Cities of Charleston, S.C.,and Boston, Mass., he flatters himself that, by diligence and strict attention to business, he will be able to please. Windsor, C. W., Sept. 9, 1854. 25 20t- HARSWARS MERCHANT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ZHALER IN Heavy and Shelf Hardware, CUTLERY, &§¢., §-t., Pratt's Block, Chatham, C..w. November 22, 1855. 30-ly ANDREW HENDERSON, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, No. 32, Yonge Srreet, Toronto. References--T homas Clarkson, Esq., President of the Board of Trade; John Robertson, Esquire, Messrs. A, Ogilvie & Co.; Messrs. Howard & Fitch; Messrs. D. Crawford & Co. CHARLES FLETCHER, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, No. 54, YONGE STREET, TORONTO. British and American Works imported and for sale at the smallest possible advance upon the wholesale prices. ; CHARLES MARCH, House, Sign, and Ornamental Painter, Grainer, Glazier, and Paper Haneer, CARVER, GILDER AND GLASS STAINER. No, 29, Kine Srreet West. Mixed Paints, Putty, Enamelled and Plain Win- dew Glass andLooking Glass; for Sale, at the lowest Cash prices. Toronto, 10th April 1854. Stereotypers, Printers, and Winders, PUBLISHERS & BOOKSELLERS, No. 5, PARK ROW, Opposite Astor Howse, New York, And 107, Genesee Street, Auburn, N. Y C.N MILLER.--WM. ORTON,--Ev MULLIGAN: Be mes EN Rliscellancons Adverttsenrents. \ R. JOHN WILLIAMS has just fitted 4 up his splendid DINING SALOON, where all kinds of Choice Eatables can be had at any hour. Superior drinks always on hand. Friends give a call and full satis- faction will be given. JOHN WILLIAMS. Detroit, Jan. 10th, 1857. v3-n21-ly ADAMS HOUSE. S NOW OPEN at No. 38 Jefferson Avenue, for the accommodation of Col- ored Visitors to this City. C. W. ELLIS & ADAMS will do all in their power to make Boarders comforta- ble, and give general satisfaction. C. W. ELLIS. Detroit, Jan. 10th, 1857. v3n21-ly NORTH STAI No. 40, Jefferson Avenue. RA PUNCTUALILIiY!22 R. BROWN, (LATE OF PHILADELPHIA,) Nee : J ow Mashionable Boot and Shoe Maker, No. 63, KING STREET WEST. \ll work warranted to be done ina superior style Repairing done with neatness und despatch. "ge eet measured on anetomical principles. 29 Torouto, March 18th, 1854. 2 J. D. FARRAR & Co., IMPORTERS AAD OLE S AUR DEALENES IN Grocerws, Wines, Liyuors, §c., No, 15, DUNDAS STREET, LONDON, C. W. Missrs. R. E & ADAM CROOKS, Barristers-at- Lavo, ATTORNEYS AND SOLICITORS, WELLINGTON STREET, TORONTO, A. B. JONES, - PEALER IN Groceries and Crockery Ware, No. 314, DUNDAS STKEET, LONDON, ©. W, CAYLEY & CAMERON, Barristers, §c , §e., Ofice--CHURCH Srreet, next door to the Court House TORONTO. WILLIAM CAYLEY, MATTILEW CROOKS CAMERON. VANKOUGIUNET & BROTHER, Barristers, Alturneys,; §c., Office--CrurcH STREET, Qver 'The City Bank" Agency, two dvorSouth of St. Audrew's Church, TURONTO. ANDREW CURRIE, DEALER IN TR? A RID Uy AUR ie, IRON, NAILS, TIN-WARE, CARPENTERS TOOLS, BLACKSULTHS BELLOWS Anvils, Paint-, Oils, 'iurpentine and Colors. NEXE DOOR TO D. RL. VAN ALEENS, KING STREET, CHATITAM, C. W, Chatham, June 13th; 1856. 6m. MRs...8.. WILIGENS, BOARDING HOUSE, No. 1608 - VINE Site, PHILADHLPHIA. November 1855. PNY SoOLia IN THE COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, SOUTH SIDE OF DUNDAS STREET, OPPOSITE 'THE MARKET, | And lately erected by Messrs. Moore G> [olph, OMI Osta - FANHE SUBSCRIBitR would inform his old and numerous Customers and Friends, that he has again Dipemedl Wwumstmess, With.a Large and entire New Stock ef DRY GOODS & GROCERILS! He thanks them for past favors, and hopes to receive of them and the Public at large, a LIBERAL SHARE, OF, PATRONAGE. The Subscriber is determined to Sell as Low as possible. A. B. JONES. ; 36 NEW CABINET SHOP, ON COLBORNE STREET, Adjoining Charteris §- Baxter's Saw Mill. 30 London, Jan. 7, 1856. LL kinds of FURNITURE, such as BED- STEADS, TABLES, CUPBOARDS, STANDS, &c., &c., can be had on the most reasonable terms. CHARLES H. RAMSEY. Chatham, C. W, Feb. [3th 1856. 40-ly NO'TICE, HE Members of JONES' SAXHORN BAND, are prepared to play for CON- CERTS, BALLS, CELEBRATIONS, FAIRS, &c., on reasonable terins. For information apply to. F..'+. JONES, Leader. Chatham, Dee. 26th. 1856, v3-n19 Slavery and Slavery Fellowship. Montreal YouxG Men's Curistian As- SOCIATION. TO THE EDITOR OF THE PILOT. Dear Sir:--lI observe in the Pilot of the 14th instant (sent me by some kind friend, and received to-day, for I get the weekly ed:tion only,) an extract from the Montreal Witness as to the Montreal Young Men's Christian Association, in connection with slavery. The question referred to was the very proper refusal of the young men of Muntreal to consent to hold an Association meeting at Richmond, Virginia, U. S.,in a noted Slave sta'e;--but the impropriety, the inhumanity, the [wickedness,] (for I can use no other term justly, and | refrain from such which might properly be used,) of As- sociations in: Canada, churches, and con- gregations, ministers of religion, tract soc'e- ties, and prominent religious men, therein, that wickedness is every day digplayed to thinking and observing Canadians, in the [fellowshipping] with pro-slavery and silent ('dumb dogs') religious organizations of the Uniied States. 'These in Canada may, as they do, proclaim against " slavery" as slavery,--tor it is brutish aud heathenish,-- but what avails that proclamatiun, that re- solution, that action of discipline, that any- thing, in our religious organizations, while the resolvers, proclaimers, &e., encourage in Canada the actions and doings of such despicably base (0.1 this question) Societies as the American Lract Society ot 150 Nas- sau Street, New York,--the American Sunday School Unton of Piiladelphia,--the Assogiitions and Societies of the Regular Baptists oi the Northern, and hypoeritically styied Free, Siates--ihe Old School Pre - byierians of Pailadeiphia (will the Rev. D. Fraser of Montreal and his colleague think of this in their colportage for the Free Presby:erians of Canada ?)---the mean and hypocritical acuon and workings of the Pro- slavery Mechocist B. Church (north) of 200 Mulberry street, New York,--so grossly homologated and added to by the Wesleyan Methodists of Canadas, in the fraudulent and cheat ng process pracused on a Canadian people mn the issue of the "Casada Sunday School advocate," which purports to be a Canadian production, issued from 'Toronto, C. W., (at the Book--oom, by G. R. San- derson,) while it is a copy, excepting some short editorials, and mol always Unis excep tion even,--the "Sunday Sechvo! advocate," issued by said Pro-slavery body at 200 Mul- berry Suicet, New York, and this statement Li dare any Wesieyan Minister, P:eacher or Lay nian tn Canada with truth to deny. Be- sides its republican virtues! its open repub- lican sentimei ts, its treasonable statements, ---in a British Province!! The Methodists may, as they do, swallow the deception, and get along with such, and with Canadian money collections: but an "honest man," with the Bible in his hand, and its precepts in his heart, cannot. Let your readers turn up the number. of that deceptive "Canada Sunday Schoel A.dvo- cate" of 8th November, 1856, and judge for themselves---and the leading article therein, under date Toronto, C. W., which denounces Kings, Queens, and all monar- chical governments, was written in republi- can New York, printed there, (as said is) of boys and girls, and was so circulated. I write what I can prove; and my proof, print- ed and written, is now before me, and, when authoritatively denied, am ready. In the meantime, the statements and facts in the "Voice of tne Bondsman," No. 2, (second edition,) can be digested and pondered up- on! Tsend you some additional copies. What avails it, then,all such resolutions, &c., whether of the Montreal Young Men's Chrisiian Association, or of others. The whole is humbug; pure quasi religious de- ception. When shall the truthful spirit be shown in Canada, in religious matters? When will the (Protestant) Montreal Witness, with "good" John Dougall as its proprietor at its head, begin to write articles against fellow- shipping with slavery, slave agents, and pro-slavery things, selling and colporting 'their bocks and tracts, and not "gull" a Ca- nadian people by inserting articles on/y, against slavery! Why, dear Sir, if the very brutes of the earth were endowed with the faculty of speech, so as to make ws under- stand, they would proclaim not only against slavery itself, but against the avoiding of the question of fellowship, which, from John Dougall downwards, in all religious period- icals, (with the exception, I recollect of, of the New Connexion Methodists organ, the Evangelical Witness,) has been,in Canada, avoided and eschewed, likely for a very good reason, that such professing relivionists were themselves guilty! [For list of rell- gious periodicals in Canada see said "Voice" No. 2] There is no mincing the matter with the writer of this letter; and, though placed far West, in what was so lately the wilderness of Canada, (as it was when we pitched onr 14x 12 shanty in thetrees,) I hope to be spared to keep the gualt of John Dougall, of the Montreal Witness, and all others con- 'cerned, before a Canadian people, till they confess their bad acts, bad management, de- ceptive and hypocritical conduct---and re- publican propavandism | I am, dear Sir, &c., Je Bs LINTON: Stratford, March 17, 1857. -- [Letter No. 2.] SLAVERY AND SLAVERY FELLOWSHIP TO THE EDITOR OE THé PILOT. Dear Sir,--I may be permitted to add a few words in continuation and by way of addition (through an omission) to my letter dated the 17 th to the P2dol, on the impor- taut matter embraced in the heading viz, Sk.very:and Slavery Fellowsuip. While a humane press, secular and reli- gious, of the United States, has been pro- claiming for years, within our very reach, against the iniquitous system of chattel sla- very in that Republic, and against the hav- ing fellowship with slaveholders,--with sla- very supporters --and against all silent and neutral bodies 'on that all important question to the common human freedom of mankind, --hblack, white, or of any color,--while ¢hey, so many on the other side of our border, have on this question even divided their chur- ches, and caused separations, (never to be united,) and established special societies and issued Jibraries of books and tracts, (as done by the Cincinnati Reform 'Tract Society, &c.,) and also periodicls--what have we in Canada been doing, in a land so justly and truly held up to the gaze of an admiring world for its free though wisely monarehical gov- ernment, ina Province the very foremost of Britain's Colonies--in a Colony which con- tains so many sons and duaghters of our fatherland,--and to which the poor benighted slave and colored fugitive flies for that lib- erty dearer to fhim than life and finds in Canada rest for the sole of his foot, and where no bloody cries follow or bloodhounds bunt him, as a beast of the forest? What have we been doing? Shall I tell? For over fifty years, till the time I write, (with how many exceptions?) the religious organizations of Canada, the very Christiani- ty we love to boast of, have all combined fo fellowship, hold intercourse and fraternization with, receive Canadian monies and pay the saine to, the various exceptional slavery and silent bodies in the United States. 1. Look at the Regular Baptist Grand Ligne Mission on the Richelieu, in the Coun- ties of St., Johns an Iberville, C. I., which felluwships with'and receives' aid from. and extends and gives help fo, the pro-slavery Bapusts of the Northern States, whose So- cietiés, including the American and Foreign Bible Society and others. are, so far, upheld by the blood-stained monies of slayeholders and their supporters and their fellowship! 2. Look at the French Canadian Mis- sionary Society itself for years byegone, re- ceiving darge very large, sums from the American and Foreign Christain Union of New York, which latter Society is upheld in its potency by slaveholders and their sup- porters,and by the same blood-stained monies and through the means of which the other year (in 1853?) collections were made ina Testaments to Tuscany, (and it was done; ) --while in that slave State, at the same time there was imprisoned a lady, and her daugh- ter also, (if we recollect aright,) for teac h- ing free colored persons to read the Bible, at the same time that the Duke of Tuscany held the Medaii in a Tuscan prison for read- ing the Bible! But that fact isa mere baga- telle in comparison to other inconsistencies and grievous evils, done in the slave and the free States, (now no longer free, as witnessed the other day in the case of Dred Scott.) What, has that French Canadian Missionary Society been doing, as the Ligne Mission, but arling with and for slaveholders, slave breeders, and all their variations? 'There, then, are cases of fellowship. 3. Look nearer, and you see the Congre- gational Union of Canada recognizing, prais- ing, and recommending the pro-slavery and silent American Tract Society of New York the one year, and the next, or one after, en- deavouring to shew 2s dissatfaction with it | --but, readers of the P/ot--mark these word --still the said Union joins in the eircula- tion and sale of their books, &c. Further, the wholly depraved [on this question] Ame- rican Sunday School Union, whose printed books, papers, tracts, hymn-books, &c., con- tain not one word referable to human and chattel slavery or for its relief; that Society is warmly countenanced and received by the Congregationalists of Canada; and in the Sunday school rooms, and in their churches, the very hymn-books containing political hymns on republicanism, even the anniversary hymn of the fourth of July, such books will be found. In faet, the Congre- gationalists of Canada, leaving aside the Massachusetts Sabbath School Society of Boston, a Congregational institution, and one which publishes pure and exact copies of books, and their Congregational Board of Publication, also at Boston, [and where youths and Sunday School libraries, &c.,&c., can be cheeply and easily obtained ]-- leav- ing these genuinely true Societies, the said Congregationalists of Canada [unless lately there may de a change] run after with speed the books, &c. of the two 'pro-slavery So- cieties referred to--fourth of July bymn and all! But we may be told that only some of their churches in Canada, do as above. Even ifonly confined ¢o some, | which we do not admit,] I take even one church 'of the body as an index of the whole--for if not so, the Congregational Union is a myth,--a nonentity. 4. Look also nearer,--you of Cote Street and St. Gabriel Street, Free Presbyterian Churches of Montreal, also look--and there we see an enlightened body, unexceptionally so, so different. in education.as_ individuals from many others in Canada whose education befits them better for something else,--of which anon, we see that body, with their eyes open, and with the purses of Presby- terians asked to be opened and replenished, with their education and their status in Canada, from the Rey. Michael Willis, D. D., President of the Canada Anti-Slavery Society at Toronto, for shame, Rev Robert Burns, D. D., Revds. Messrs. Irvine of Hamilton,and Scott of London, and Rev. D. Fraser of Moutreal too,--all in fact, al! ---joined to buy, to get carried over, and to colporter and sell, the books, tracts, &c. &e. of the pro-slavery Publication Board at Philadelphia, ot: the noted pro-slavery old school Presbyterian Church of the United States! What matters it tome, that the Free Presbyterian Church 'of Canada has proclaimed against Slavery,--what matters it ifin part mark the words, as they are true they have declined receiving any pro-slavery candidate for the Ministry, though the time of his probation of anti-Slavery sentinent-- was not stated--what matters any thing so long as for some time past, and at this moment I write, 'the most: gross, unlooked for, and miscalculated action is going on in Canada by that ehurch,-- namely, the colportering in Canada, of said books &e. of that Presbyterian board ofa Slavery Church. Iam aware, that in Mon- treal and its Presbytery, in the Counties of: Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry, Precott, Rus- sell,&c., there will be many found who are ig- norant of the above faets--ani likely in some other parts or Canada,--dut 2t rs not my fault, ignorance exists, as I have done my best and at some expense too to arouse at- tention and feeling to such a. marked ir- reconcilable and inconsitent. act, as well as a grossly culpable one,--and humanity now whispers, that in the regions of the damned, such things if known will be hailed with sa- tanic pleasure! 5. Look Montreal readers, at your doors, and there you see the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada, notwithstanding all the pride and show, aud self-righteousness, with the greatly-praised Method:st Church buil- ding in Great St. James Street;--it bears the character as previously stated in my other letter, and as at length to be found in the Colonist of January 12, 1856, and January 24, 1857 tri-weekly, and in the Voice of: the Bondsman No 2 second edition. If we-hu-. man beings, can cenceive of the satanic. re- ception which I alluded to, as to the Free Presbyterian Church conduct, what reception as to Slavery and its fellowship,--a satani¢ "welkin ring'?'?--Jegar Sahaduiha! ; 6. Look, too, at the Anniversaries of Religious Societies,-- Bible, Tract, Mission- ary, &c.&c. Theslavery fellowship ques- tion has been repudiated: the Slavery pro- pagandists from the United States. of all shades meet with ready reception in Monte real at such meetings, and there we see the open arms of men--of ministers of religion --of Montreal receiving, with every frater- nal feeling, the concealed supporter of the trafic in human flesh! 7. But, in conclusion, cast a giance al our religious periodicals, from the Montreal Witness to the Christian Guardian of To- ronto, (the latter the organ of the deceptive and slavery fellowshipping Wesleyan Me- thodists of Canada,)--there, in such periodi- vals It might be supposed something would be found to guard Canadians from having anytning to do with slavery-fellowship; sla- very books, &., or giving any cash stips port or any kind of countenance and. sup port, to those from the other side who are so allied to slavery, or to those on this side, --but(excepting the "Evangelical Witness" of London, C. W., a practically pious paper of the New Connection Methodists)----all,-- all--is mute! cor Examine a file of John Dougall's Mon- treal Wainess, Cin its twelfth year,)--of the Christian Guardian, (in its lwenty:eighth year)--of the Christian Messenger [Regu- lar Baptist Brantford, C, W.,] or the Cannas dian Independent, [Congregationalist, To- ronto. C. W.,] or the piously and cautiously written Ecclesiastical Record of the Free Presbyterians [Toronto,] and will we find any article or extract, to guard Canadians and Canadian ministers of religion, from having slavery-fellowship? No,--search, and my statements will be move than proved, for articles from slavery [direct] and fellow- shipping, neutral and silent, church publi- cations, papers, &c., will be found and no remonstrances found, excepting rarely some- thing will be against slavery, I repeat, agaiust slavery !-- Till lately, it was the-habit of John Dougall in the Motreal Waetness, to review the books of the American Tract Society and the American Sunday School Union and insert advertisements, d&c.,-- without any remonstrance--and more than all this, he sold [and perhaps yet sells] their publications, knowing their affinities. --I am not to be told,--a truthful christian publi¢e_ are not to be told,--that other religious: bodies do the same. 'Two blacks do not make a white," isa common and a true maxim--and applicable in his case. These religious publications can only be viewed by human observing eyes as impure® and deceptive 'indoctrinators"' of religion, -- and how viewed by the Most High, can be thought of when the first principles of our common christianity are pondered upon-- namely. first,--Love the Lord thy God,--and second, and the one "like unto it'--thy neighbour as thyself,--the latter illustrated" by such texts of scripture [besides so many others] and of the new Testament especial- ly, as '* He that loveth not his brother whom. he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen!"--[I John. ] Again,--your readers. will recollect the: just anxiety in Montreal to establisha Mis- sionary Society, on a general basis, and. to. have missionary laborers in what is called . amongst us | !] " heathen lands'"--and the many articles [well written too] in the Mon- treal Witness referable thereto--In one of my extras on "Slavery as it is," I appended a sentence, which may not be inappropriate- ly repeated here as an adjunct to what haw been stated herein,--namely : "Mussionartes « from Canada, to non christian lands,----whea they are on the scene of labor and asked if those who sent them, fellowship or frater- nize with pro-siavery or silent societies, what ean they answer? Montreal Witness, please think of this!" For fifty years in Canada, the ministers of religion of Canada, and of the grade tee so many were fifty years ago and no'o are, beginning with the Wesleyan Methodirts who imported themselves from the slave: states along our border. Yes, slave states along our border as New York, and tle- others. as Vermont then were, and alas!- now still are,--for fifty years these mini= ters introduced the system of s/avery-fellows : ship with the vilest traffic under the svn, namely slavery, and are continuing the-s: me_ till this day----so that now in 1857, we see the Wesleyan Methodists, the Regular Pap-* tists, and the Congreyationalists----and. to' the extent mentioned--the Free Presb) teri-. ans [who otherwise are to be praised in this matter as to opposition to slavery, |--we see" them in Canada, upholding 'the slavery laws of the Slavists of the great slave Ree; public of the United States! In sorrow we state it,--but will these daring--nd the more daring of them,--religionists feel any sorrow? . Yes, as to slayery:! The hy pos crits! 8. A word for humanity, Dear Sir, in final conclusion. In Western Canada, at Chatham, C. W., and its neighbourhood there is a large settlement of colored peu