2h » Teieres SERIES Os EERIE SS a Se as BPR LGPL wT The Nottigia Rovers states th rat tps are being taken to erecta monument in that { tewa-to:the: 'memory of the late Fearous O'» Conor in the form of a-atatue, whieh "will be ouigme Fes repreentation of Mr, ©' Connor, as appeared in the plate of O' Conerville. The Quebec. Mereury says, that_a bw al days '2 ago some bucks in that city undertook toveat eighteem dozen aud'a half of New York Oysters, | and.thatvafter some tour hours hard work they a the SE -deate. sss Londons on pevias tyrany. MARKETS. 7 " Chatham Markets--Prices in York Cy. ' E'ReeMAN Orvicn, Jan, 3ist, 1856. -- a s D Wool, per Ib a Or =a, 070 Wheat, per bushel, BOL a De) Oats, per bushel, sO 0 0 Barley per: bushel, 8 Qa: =39 0 -- per bushel, Or at 8 0 9 Potatues. per, bushel, BAD a A 0: 'Corn, per bushel, = 026 4 0 Beef, per 100\1b, 400-4 40 0 Pork, per-L00 lb, 48.0. @. 560 0 Muition, per 100 Ib, 218-0 a 56. 0 Butter, per 1b, DEO MGS. 2 0. 'Tallow, per 1001b, . 95. <@ a... 409 0 Chickens, per pair, od. 3 8; SaHay, *per-ton; 64 S a ey * erdvs: Lo r3.. ek } eon i u "Tous Surri, Market Clerk. SSS em es Nm Adore fisements. 'Ne ew Arrangements ! ES SUBSCRIBERS having made NEW ARRANGEMEN rs" to con- tinue the Business hitherto carried on under the name of aia TING & THOMAS, ona more: extended scale, beg to thank the people of "Chatham, ad surrounding Districts, for the liberal support aceorded-to the late firm of | Whiting & Thomas, and' wotrld -invite special calls now, to inspect their Stock of DRY- GOOJS: ani GROCERIUS,: which, they arc Cdetermined to dispose of, prior to the reevipt of be NORTH STAR 'SALOON. Ww "| whéré all kinds-of Chotce Eatables can be Felix pases ao as saan Was lecturing in F No. 40, Tefferson Avenue. R. JOHN WILLLA MS has just fitted | up_his splendid DINING SALOON, had at any hour. Superior drinks always on hand, Friends given gal Nand full satis- faétion Will be given. JOHN Ww [LLIAMS. ~ Detroit, Jan. 10th; 1857. y8-n2t-ly "THE ADAMS HOUSE. S NOW OPEN at No. 38 Jefferson Avenue, for the accommodation of Cul« ored Visitors to this City. C. W. ELLIS & ADAMS will do all in their power to-make Boarders comforta- ble, and give g general satisfaction. G2 WW. , 1857. ELLIS. Detroit jen 10th v8n2h-ly CHATHAM CLOTHING HALL Is SUPPLIED in every DEPARTMENT WITH NEW PALL AND WINTER Ready-made Clothing | AND : Goods. Genilemen's Murnishiag CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER ON THE NOTIER, Cheap for Cash, is our Motto. SPRING. IMPORTATIONS, AT COST & CHARGES!! oh Le The CASH .-PRINCIPLE -will continue, to be our system. LOW PRICES sand QUICK RE TURNS, our Motto. WHITING & CO. Avex. Surru, Agent. Chatham, Jan. 23rd, 1857. v3-n22-1m, NOTICE. pe PHI bss; ans ANNY JACKSON, of Bialeteed, Can- Sada West, having Bost that her sister -Mary Jennings, of Berks County, near Read- ing, 'Pennsylvania, is dead, Wishes her 'brother-in-law, David James Jennings, bring the children to Brantford, C. XV, anaary, Oo ABT €4 "Division Courts for 1857. 1 to 2-tf. ve-n2 TOTICE is hereby given that the Division Courts for the County of Kent, for the year 1457, will be held atthe following places and limes ---g@ let Division, Chatham, Satiriey ith Janry. * lo 'Saturday, ith February. ie Abn 86 Saturday, Tih March. do do Saturday, 4i April. do du Bae day, Qu May. ve ,efadlo qt dt Saturday, Gt June. | do do Satu: day,' 4.0 July. do: do Saturday, ist August: "doy du Siturday, 5th § -ptember. qu do Saturday, 3rd Qetober. de do Monday, 2nd November. do do Sattirday, 5th December. Gad Division, rorpatl 1, Fhursday, 26th March. do do Thursday, 23rd July, do do Tuesday, 2fh Noy. do Ridgetown, 'Ea asday, 27th January. do dn: Tuesday; 261h May. do. Pi 1 dd Thursuay: 24h Sepu 3rd, bir. Tecumseh, Friday, 80th January. do do Afunday, 27th July. ado Dawn Mills, Monday, 30th March. do do Monday, 281b September. do Dresden Briday, 20h May. hey = « do Briday, 27th Do qaager 4th Division, Harwich, Poaursday. 29th Janvary. a US Thursday, 2381p May.., epaeeigtl oe do Saturday, 2uth Sept. : Le pean eo} Se6einiy el _ ship B'rw'h & tloward) ali lay, 36th March. 68 do Saturitay, 23th July. do ag Thursday, 26th Nov. 5th Div. Deal ToRy Monday, 20th J: anuary, de) do >: Monday, 2ath'May, do -Wadnesday, 23rd Sep. Se audioe ss oa arty Midule Road Wednesd ay, 20th Warcie BGG FP sede W alpesiay 220d July. de do Moi: day, J3rd Novemb'r. 6th Diy. W. alaveburg Tuesday, 34st March. beidos 'dow =~" Tuesday, 29ih September. isda do" Satardaye2eih Nov. do y at t Oungah P.Oifice Saturday, 3st January. -. do. do Saturday, 30rh. May. do _do.., Tuesday, 23th Fatty. Th Division, Clearyil le, Friday, 27th March, *d0* "doe Priday, 22th July. do do Weednusday, 25th Nov, _.do oe nock, Wednesday, 23th Jan. -- > doy Wed nesday, 27th May T Udy & £ ih 2 2 Briday, 250 Sept. By arder of WiutaM Benuamiyy We is, Esq gq Judge of the County of Kent. GEORGE DUC Je, Clerk of the Peace, Gounty of Kent. | Qiice of the Glerk of the, Peace, = Chatham. 9th Dee. 1355. "=~ Notice, y8n2biky 'a ey Returns by Mimisters of Religion. XY uthe Act bY and tl. Viet., chap: 14 sec 16, BS as amended. by 12 Via chap. 99 see. 1, returns. et Baptisms, Marriages, ant Deaths, for this county, are to be made to me within five days of January in each yea: by every clergyman teacher or minister. No Fens can be demanded from ministers of relig op b clerks . of peace for regeption of mar- riag ms. Comparesec..2 of 12 Vic ehap." oe abit Il, Geo. chap. 36...On returns of Baptisms and Deaths, there never were any for theif' rie & JOHN J? EI NeDON, Clerk of Peace. Clerk PyaceOiice, Countyot Perth j Stratford, December 15th, 1856. t Note.--Ministers should read and make them selves well 'acquainted with the Acts 2, Géo. 4 c. 26--10 and IL Vie. c. 14, sec, 16 anil following sections --10 and, Ll. Vie cap,<18, and 42 Vie. cap. 90. oe es Die Ea lets "The 'Children' 's. ec PUBLISHED: AT "TQRONTO FFE A vie. BY v3-n2 Le tS es ou ERMS.--12 copies' monthly, "per annum one dollar, eighty cents. 100 copies, monthly T or gn ta Reh, dollars, Seat pyst froe through- > out des titish Provinces, No subse fess'th mm twelve ¢ copies re e¢eived.- Tordito on 'tht first - : advahée, Pi '& 5S aes 'tor S issued. 'of, each moath, payable a € orders yable to.' Nelson- eter Senge DP Works and "Children' 5 | ¥ Papers; n |. RULE Menibers of JONES" SAX HORN: dn Bi 'ain, and in detail 'and pure.) | STON: & TURNBULL. v5-n18-tf. THE LARGEST In' Chatham, PURCHASED 'or CASH, and OPFERED re) Os GaAs El or Produce only, at prices as low as such terms demand, far BELOW COMPETITION of those who buy ar sell on any other terms, he Old Store, JOSEPH -S.--BHATYTY | STAPLE DRY-GOODS, GSOEMERY, GLASS, GROCERIES & LIQUORS, PAINTS & OILS, 2000 Ibs. ASSORTED SHOT, 100 KEGS' GUN POWDER, Sole Agent for: BURNING FLUID. 1OS 5. DEALT Y, Chatham, Dee. P2th, 1855. v3-n18-tf. 15.) 'ABOMINABLE DISHONESTY, HYPOCRISY, AND LMPOS!TION!! (Notice No: The American Tract Society and Sla- very--A. §. School Union, 'THAT ABOMINABLE CoG, JHE SLAVE Trappe.' --(Speech. lately by Lord Palmerston, at Manchester, Ling- land.) OTE.--WE, HAD SUPPOSED THAT the true cause and prosperity, and pure in- doctrination,.. Of Christianity with loyal princi- ples, in Canada, would, by this time, have been the heart's delight of every Christian. If fucis are any guide tous, it does net so appear,é Are any. and whoare they,in Canada. of our Ministers of Religion, Religious Tract Societies, Colporteurs, &c, and of our Religious who yef support the American Tract Society or Ainerican Sunday School Union? See the Advertisement, dated 28th Novenrber ofthe "Childjs Paper," and American Messenger for 1857. of said. Pract. Society, in the Montreal Witness of 29th November, and compare such with the following article of the Streetsville Review, ©. W., of same date, as to said "Ameri- can Messenger," &c. Will the Montreal Iitness by John Doug zal], its proprietor, vever be cured of hypocrisy. or dealing unfairly in religions matters?--for there is an article in his saul pa- per on the disloyally of the Roman Catholics, when he knows he ought to know, as the eon- duetor of a. public and religious jourval--that the foundation of the American Tract Society is rank republicanism, besides spurious printing and pro- ae abasement! The publications ofthese Societies he has previously reviewed and rccom- mended, without any remonstrance. (See through- out "Home Eyangeljsation," p.p. 171, publishe d by American Tract es 'ty, with its reflections against the [rish'&&¢, and which rae and athers of that Society's soou8 and A. S. Uasion. for shame! are sold by the Upper G: auada Tract Society Poronto. --and said advertisement inthe | Witness is signed "James Milne," as Pe. of the Monirea! Union Tract soci ty. For shane!) | The American Sunday S Union dare nat pnb | lish a sentence in favour of the freedom ofthe slave, of allude to the subject of slaveiy, atid is also strictiy repudlicant! The sighs and tears, bloolstains and groans, of slave-humanity, are extorted fur the support of the issues of bools of the Presbyterian Board 'of Publication, (old school,) at Philadelphia fear that, ye Eree Presbyterians of Canada, who colporteur their books! The Wesleyan ne 'thodists of Canada areduped by their prea- ers for asimilar support of a more dismal, ies and frateraal kind, asto their 'The "Facts fur Baptist C hurcbes" speals in un- mistakeable language as to,those the Regular Baptists of Canada fraternize witb, Let our own home and Bir tinh reliagl e religious literature bs put in our chil: aren's hands, sack ag "The Ghitdren's paper,' ee 1ed by T. Nelson & Sons at Toronto, &e, and: so avortiily re- commended by a Canadian press, a The article from the Streetsville Reriw is in a seperate Extra JJ: LINTON. 5 2) 856. voynl9. = Stratford; G. W. Dee. NOTICE ------ -- BAND, are eevee play for CQN- system! +> ALL TH |e GOODS QO as L u i Farmers' aud Mechanics' : 5 Re een 35 | Combination Store Have Now Arrived ! 2 THIS STORE was opened on the 15th of Octo- ber, when, and.until NOW, not ONE HALF the Goods had arrived, and it has been perfectly CROW DED ever.since. The sales have aver- aged asout $200 BiaR DAY i REME MBE Re The CAUSE of this GREAT, RUSE is oe old togy oRao of doing business is rev 7 THE COMBLN. ATION. CONSISTING OF Forty=Five Farmers and Mechanics. All large buyers themselves; have establish- ed this Store in-order to re SAVE MONEY in buying their own necessaries,--instead_ of establishing it to MAKE MONEY,--hereln consists the difference between this and the other Stores. 3 In order to: make the Farmers & Mechanics Store self-supporting, 7" Small Advance of Fifteen SC Cis. is chargd on Cost, and the whole public placed on aneqial {voting with Members of the Com- bination, sothat the RULE IS One Price to ALL! Whether Members of the Cambination or not. The Combination are determined fo make their Storeas POPULAR AS POSSIBLE, so that as tastas its deficiences are ascertained, they will be supplied. ia The Large Yard and Camfortable Shed in the rear ef the Store, is fonnd te be a great convenience by the Customers. National predilictions are gratified here also, an Englishman will finda Countryman t+ deal with, so will a Scotchman, an [rishman, a Dutchman, a Canadian or a Frenchman. AlfiireHeRE WEPRESEN TE D LADD : UA Ts. ALL WILL BE WELCOME! To enumerate iieéms would swell this Adver- tisement to several coluinns; it must therefore suffice to say thatthe Assortments cf the follow- ing different kinds ot Goeds to be found in the FARMERS & MECHANICS STORE, are Very-COM®?LETE, VIZ : ¥ STaAraR @ FAM DRY-GOODS! GLOT ATG, Boots and Shoes,--Hats and Caps, Trunks, Valises, &c., Stationery and School-Books Oil Painted d& Paper Window- Shades «& Self-Adjusting Rollers, Wall Paner, Wooden & Willow- wate, Cordage, GLASS X STONEWARE, CROCKERY, WINDOWGLASS, (all sizes, Champacnes, Wines, ses Porter Brandies, AND ALL OTHER LIQUORS, Warranted Genuine! PICKLES & SAUCES Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Ay Bo & Ce § Groceries and Provisions, Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine & Paints, Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs, &e., &e.; &e. poe Bear in. Mind, kind Reade} only Pl CEIGN PER CENT is charged on the cost of any Article in all the above numerous clas- ses of Gvods, UNIFORMLY, therefore, if you happen to find some particular Article as Cheap in some other. Store, you must not imagine that every thing is so, because about FIFE TY PER CENT is the CUSTOMARY ADVANCE. lt is claimed: for: the Farmers & Mechanifes Store, that its Customers SA Vis, all round, Fully GO Per Cent, an 1 HUNDREDS who have bought Goods there will willingly certify lo the JUSTICE of the CLAIM, ATTENTION is directed to the following Resolution of the Combination, passed ata Mectiing of its Members, held on Saturday, the first instant: : "Reso.yebd. Phat it is not at afl times convenient for many of the Members of this Combination: to pay down for ae ir need SSA TICS; and in order to meet thecase of sdeh parties, it is the wish ofa majolity of this i <'ctine® that the Manager 'do open accounts with Meinbeis re quirtny tte same, as also with ALL responsible Persous: upon such. Members or other Persons consenttne to pay 5 per cent on the amount of their Account, to cover expense of keeping such Account. All <ueh Acevunts too bedue and rendered on the first of January, First of April; First-of July | apd Pirst of Ovctaber; on which da hd interest charged til paid." ys, to be clos: 4 Rag" All kin /s of Farin Produce will always be BOUGHT. and FOUND FOR SALE satthe "FARMERS & MECHANICS STORB" eg THOSE who have NOT YET visited the peers and Mechanics Store, are politely re- quested to do so; these who have, know too well where their true interesi Ges, not to repeat and continne their visits KIND & OBLIGING TREATMENT will be-extended to all who visit the Store. iS The Parcels of Customers will be del livered a their Hotels. or Residences (if in town,) FREE of CHARGE. By Order ofthe Manager, JOHN Q..McLEOD, Cashier. Chatham, Nov, Qith, 1856. y3- plG- ly COMMODIOUS OFFICES OVER THE » Farmers and Mechanics Store. a CERES BALES! CAREY ?EATTONS, 'PATRS, Reo. on. reasonabh alee apply. to.- : ee "JONS 2 ie iF ap SF S & § the above e Store i isdoing more business than. =v other in Chatham. Professional Men. ree "<a zood leeaition. Apply at the 4 Mechanies Store for ee ilaw, EGS to announce, that_he has. Oa BOARDING. EL USE at STREET, below Ninth, oe me where he will accommodate respectable persons, perma- nently or tr ransiently, who. may; favour him with their patronage. 2 The House is Commodious ape in and the loeation Central and Re ckpettatiie b dene De OaPidi Us Wil bebe spar aaa {a give. every satisfaction. ag Philo Iphia Oecer. Bn 855. NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT WM. He NE LSON'S STORE, "At the corner of Kine and Fifth Streets, and ad- ipiing the "Royal Be Me Le dl, Chatham, G W., , LARGEST: AND MOST COMPETE oe: STOCK | Age Fae = HARDWARE, 2B CCaRIEa 5 3 zs .LESVOS, "Glass rnd Crockery- ware, §c. Mer noometer Churns, Corn. Cul- ' tivators,. -Ploughs, Se. He: 5 Foes, "Spades; Cradles, Sniaths, Scythes, Forks, Rakes, &c., §. PAINTS! 'Lead in Oil, : Raw, and Boiled vil, &a., brought into Chatham at ene time. All ef which will. be sald Cheap for Cash. WM. H. NELSON. Remember the rete Store ht up with Ga. Chatham, June.13th, 1855 COTTAGE FOR SALE. NEAT COTTAGE for Sale eo Fe he Tey 9-tf Far. parti- office of B. WILLIAMS, Esq., _Rankin's Building. Chath 1am, June 6th, 1856. ° tf MRS. A.-M. STERRITT, & ADAMS. FASHIONABLE S en North side King Street, Ses Nearly opposite the Town Hall. ESPECTFULLY solicits the patronage of the Ladies of Cuatuam,and Vicinity. They are prepared to execute the orders of thease who may faveur them with a call, with neatness and lespatch. = fia" The latest patterns for Ladies' Dresses, Cloaks, Mantillas, Talmas, Sacks, qc. Thildren's Clothing made to "order, styles. 1855.3 an the latest @hatham, Sent sd , » R2-1f FOR SALE OR-TO LET. "Two STORY FRAME HOUSE and Kast half of Lot No. 43, the houseis newly | ane and situated on Sti: 'John Street, in 'the flourishing village of Dresden. . For particulars apply to Wm. H. Wilson of, Dresden, or at the otfice of the Freeman. Dresden, July 10th, 1858.0 13-tf (Notrer No. 14) * CAUT FON! SLAVERY FELLOWSHIP .AND METHO- . DISM--1MPOSITION, Ist. The Methodist Episcopal' Church; (north) of the. United States, has couttenanced and: still continues by its diseipline to countenance, the iniquitous system af Suavery! Of the holding, buying. and selliag-of human 'beings--souls and bodies of men, women and children. > Their Class-leaders, Ministers and-members, buy, bold and sell' slaves: 'Ministers.of- religion, with authority and license to preach the blessed 'Gos- pel of. Christ, being slaves, have 'been sold in'the public market as "gyads and chattles--as a pig ora horse! Their chier publishing place is at No. 200 Mulberry Street, New York. --(See title pages of their books, &c., and ds referred to in the Christian Guardian, of Teronto, C: W.y 2nd; The Canada W esley an, Methodist Church Rev. Enoch Wood, ot Toronto, President. of | Conference, felloéships with; countenances and receives, the above Methodist Episcopal Church (north) .as a church -equally-as- one with them- selves. They sell and circulate.their books, &c. in Canada; nay, more, gai their Canada Sunday Advocate, printed' at' No. 200 "Mulberry Street, being a-copy next *to*one, of the same kind of | publication printed and 'circulated from New York by the M. E, Church (north.) eas also call it "Our Church" and our "Mother Charch." They demit, or send ministers of their churches in Canada, to preachand labor 'in the U- States under said church... .T hey had delegates [Revds. John Rverson and Richard Jones] at the Quad- rennial General Conference of the Methodist E, Church (north) at Indianapolis (Indiana,). in May, '56, at which these Rev. gentlemen deliv- ered speeches, which contained: 'not .a word of remonstrance Or advice a8 to the sin'and evil ol Slavery--so existing in their midst. And they also preached. The editor of the Christian Gnardian was there also, Reliable copies ofthe proceedings are in my possession, 3. The British laws declare Slavery, and all traffic and participation, in the.same, as Friony! eral government of the British Empire,--are we, loyal people, to-be-supporters by aidpadvice or mo ney, of any-such Body or Bodies, which cone | tenance and fellowship w ith pro- slavery Bodies! __ Are wel Whilst the' highest and noblest in |' Britain's land, as 'well as 'the lowest, who sup- port and traffic' or have property in slavery, are liable to the-painS and' penaltics of that British are ie free from it? Shall we prefervepud- Lica wWaAiMs, religious ant political, to our free monarchical institutions ? ~ = 4° Phe'inhabitants of 'Stratford, and its viei- (nity [wherein also "live 'the purchased human uy and blood ef Slavery, yes, bonght with our cash]--we are. called 'upon, 'by pablic large. handhills, 4e contrebute on Sunday, the Qerd No- vember, instant,..and,.following -dayss by. our' money, to the supportof. the said Canada Wes- leyan Methodist Churchl-:'The names of: said -Rev. Enoch Wood,--also Rev. Robert Cooney, D. D., of Guelph, and Rey. Lewis Warner, Dis. trict CHaitman, are stated in these" Pagdbills, as. to he 'present at "the: mectingsT 5. The Subscriber will D. V...continue, as heretotore, to take every(means in his power, (while the evils of said fellowship, &c,, exist) which time, influence and money, give him, with the aid 'of. humane people, to endeavour to extripate and do aw ay with every kind of pro- Slavery F+LLowwsuip; and religious. imposition 'thereby, which has hitherle beon, and .continues | to be, (for shame}) pratticed™ op a Canadian and | 4 loyal people; by several of clir religiqus Tract. and Book and other. Societies, Churches, and, ministers, of religion, in Canada. is Fe 'LINTON, _ Suravfort, C.W... Nov. ity Bb the ae i $5 a. Hal "grudge ai for ene 'piece. No i dsebecte ef those recipes alohe afte? trying it once. 'Address Wo. Brumaacg, Point Pleasant Pa. ood order, 7 eyer culars apply to D. LEONARD pat the | REGS & CLOAK MARKERS, | Are we, Canadians, under. the humane and gen-| v3-n17 Tay '| Halten County, No, 3743 SOUTH. Liz 0 R. SMITH'S OLD CH OLLEE Rocking, V PROVINCIAL, HOUSE. {kh Siehaeriber. begs . ee announce, that T he has recently. QPENED his New: and commodious Heuse, on FOURTH STREET 'near the DEPOT, CHATHAM, C. W,, and he trusts 'that his experience in Hotel Keeping wil] enable him) to give satistaetion to the travel- ling commanity, and public generally; and: he will spare no effart to deserve 'and retain the re- 'putation he has already gained, of having not -only the most pleasant loeation, but the best ac- commodations.that can be abtained » Persons stoppjng at the Provin: an House, can be accommodated, with CARRIAGES, on the shortest notice." ~ ' Persons arriving at Guanine 'will remember he Provincial House,.in sight of the-Depot, a large and beautiful Cottage building, sign of the British Flag i. DAY. See ~ Chatham, August; R590 G. W. BRODIE, REAL ESTATE AGENT AND General Intelligence Office. F ROM a general acquaintance, and punctual attendance to business, .we hope: to merit-a liberal share of patronage, ~~ _ Corner of King and 'William. Streets, CHATHAM, C.W., . 'eS Please Call before you Buy, od 15th August, 1855, _ 18-tf STRANGE'S HOTEL, FIFTH STRUET, EEE Between King and. Wellington CHATHAM, '0. W. Streets, NFRANGIERS* visiting this'place will find i: to their advantage-to call-at this HOTEL, bieng one of the largest, and in the most central position inthetown. The best accomodations, on -easunable terms: ~ = : > JOHN STRANGES © Chatham, Aug. 23, 1855. . 18-ly SHAKSPEARE RESTAURANT, ONTARIO: STREET, ST RALEOR Ds "PSHE a above ESTABLISHMENT being now in proper order; the Proprietor is al. ways prepared to. accommodate. ah number of Ladies and Gentlemen with | WAL FRESHMEN TS, which will consist of the best Viands to be ces in Bufialo, Hamilton, of Toronto Market, during the season. He will have a constant Supply of the best 9 ysters, and .Game, .of.all. kinds in season. Sk 58; Lonsrrrs, Saumon, &c., &¢.}. always on hand. - . ¢ #8 rill Vitintent, WINES, LIQUORS, and CIGARS, 1p the » best quality. Dinner, and other Parties can be supplied, with everything suitable, on very moderate terms. Privale Families can also be served with GAME OYSTERS, &., preprréd in the best style. LUNCHEONS 'supplied, &¢°;'can be had at the Restaurant in a-Privaie Room. Ree" The Proprietor will always endeavour so to cater tothe wants of his' Customers, as to merit | their steady support and patronage. CLARK THOMAS. Stratford October 26, 1854. 37-1y-- ai.) Te» oEED, EGS. sorta ee to ie ta the Ladies ef 4 Chatham.and vicinity, that'she has: remov- ed her. MILLINERY .and. «-DRESSMAKING ESTABLISMEN F to the stand lately 'occupied by Messrs, Brooke. é: Montgomery diréctly op- posite the. ROYALEXCHANGE HOTEL. ra Sct Sony RUBet, is now.open. for the Tall 'Frade, containing all kinds of LADIES. ant L CHILDRE NS' WEAR, such ass =, « , Silks; "Shabvi¥, - fBonnetts, Satins, \" Cloaks, < Ribbons,* Plaids; "Manuillas, Pluites, -- 8 in great variety. _ ca As her stock is very. complete in the above departments, she vespectfally solicits a call from her custcmers, and the ladies generally as she dan assie them thatsbe can supply | their evéry*want, her stock being the largest, the best the iAspection: of pes Ladies in this vicinity. v Nov. 21st, 1856. fs A! ae nib: ly. J ERSONS afflicted with "AGUE or the CHILL EVE rR, ean be le cured by applying to JOHN HATTON, Shoemaker, Bronte, Township of Trafalgar. Canada West. Price ten' shil and the whole number of reel pes will be: forward. | ; | lings currency. rece > AORN BATT Wy. and most varied, 'of anv ever before opened | for | | He also tenders his sineeré' 'thanks to the Public generally, for their liberal support ; strict attention to business; 4a retain their' patronage in future. 'ROLLOWING ARTICLES, V14¢ | MAHOGANY AND. WALNUT : Mahogany and Walnut Sofas, CANE AND SPRING SEAT PARLOR CHAIRS, - : Dining, Breakfast and Kitchen Tables, "FRENCH, COTTAGE, SERPENTINE, AND PLAIN BEDSTEADS, | T WORK AND WASH STANDS, -- poate A SPLENDID SESS ERTS Ok I ea would render satisfaction to his ) ham, | past, lived with Chapman Coleman, of Lovs- | tive Slave ae oPLARGES!, CHEAPEST AND BEST | 4 Steel of all kinds; ' Culiivater Teeth, Patent' Chl dren's, Clothing ant 'all kinds of Trimmings, 4 ; -deser iption ; é: "REVER anal. Sircalar Saws, Grosseut and Pitt Saws, Files. BL | Next door oD. Hk SUBSCRIBER talies this opportunity of informing the pope of CHATHAM, and surrounding Country that he has taken ESTABLISHED STAND, ~ WITH A LARGE STOCK OF 'SEASONED LUMBER, 3 ser 'A 'Lang® 438 ORTMENT OF OICE. 'FURNITURE, by. and hopes, f the His, STOCK is composed ° VENEERED B UREA US, rit BEST MANDPACTURED IN CANADA. = tae Seto Pumrmioinedl as GhS Sinorsess wretios, ALL ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. Persons wishing to ey FURNITURE, will find it to their advantage to eall and examine - before purchasing elsewhere. J. Q. SMITH, = GHoveries! 1 i. ar Groceries ! A'TWOOD & JACKSON, SPUANKEFUL for the patronage they-have received from the Citizens of Chathain, 'and environs, beg to say that they-still continue in the Grocery Business, pay ON KING STREET, A fei Doors of the Market. House, Chatham, Where they have constanily qn hand, a large *assortment of GROG LR WABwS, of the first quality, which will be sold on Ase Rye reasonable. terms. ee and examine far yourselves, before yosrchasing elsewhere. . hcg Salt Provisions always on hendj stich as . Hams, Shoulders, Pickled Pun, Fish, he ~~ August 29th, 1855. sae TD Ly New Grocery and and Provision ion ANDREW SMITH, No returning thanks to the people, for the acy liberal support he has received, Legs to an: nounce to his Friends, Customers, and the Pubhe generally, that he is receiving and opening . - a large assortment of Groceries and. Provisions, AT HIS NEW STQRE, On the Corner: a. Ki ing On, ies Skigats, ee Molasseg, (e 'ONSISTI NG OF BP lous, Bol Coffee, Meal, Buiter, Conles, Tobacco, Sif 3 Bo. cy : » A LARGE QUANTITY OF © cs _ PICKLED PORK AND BACON" Constantly on hand. F ice Persons in.the Town and surrou nding q eT find it to their advantage tq und : they will be accommodated gn the Rost Teasgn- able terms, for Cash. ii aa oAB-Ly a, , August 20, 1855. Produce, Provision & Grvcery Store, G. W. BRODIE & I. STERRITT, 'decane this method of informing a.generou public, that we have bought the well' kom and reputable - Pork, Bacon, and Gzacer 'Yy Store é OF MR. THOS. BELL. | We will continue to keep constantly on hand a: the best quality, all in the abeve line of our ness, and hope to give satisfaction to a whe favor us with a gall, CORNER OF KING AND WIL LIAM STREETS, CHATHAM, Cf. * August 15th, 1855. _TAKE "NOTICE, N¥ person or "persons ac THOMAS WILLIAMS, siained with ae ther, by writing to:the Provinzial Freeman Office, Chat. Cc. W: "Phomas Williams, some yeard A ville, and ate leaving Mr. Coleman, wen tg Pittsburg, P j but after the passage of the F. a fie he came to Canada, sinee v PA time I have not been aby to de aru his ¥ to abouts. WILSON "RE ALLL M 3, Statham. ©. W., Auges @3% ee 18 HE SUBSCRIBER. having. scecoied hig». SPRING. STOCK, is prepared to offsr by z the public, the ASSORTMENT OF BA 2D WAR ever brought to Chatham, at ner Wholesale or Retail! t @onsisting in part as follows, Blacksmtth's Bellows, Anvils, Screw-Plates, Diesand Taps; a2, epenter' 8 Tools, Shoemaker's Tools, Nails ofall Spades. Shovels, Scoups Hoes, Forks, Garden. : Rakes, Hay Rakes, . SEES 'Snaths, Hooks: Chains of all kinds; Harrow Teeth. umps, Pump chain and Gearing ; Pets. Pans and 'Kettles : Tinware. and Tinsmith's Tools, Hames, Locks, Bolts, Butts, § all kinds ; Knives, Forks anc Br ushes of all Kinds ;. MULLY MILL SAWS. Screws, Hinges. of. ¥ PAINTS, Q1Ls. AND. COLORS, With other. articles yite too. numerous to men* >) tom. He. will' also, ina few. a have ire quantity of ; #89 MACHINE. 'BELPING, of all 'widths, seis A. CURRIE. Re Van agers ees Sen, my Chatham, Ss Ww. AY ass = "s = inds and siz2es. -» 'viz:--Iran ial ¥e & Brush |. SADDLER'S HARDWARE! | 'Spoons of ENE oS siod » ' 28 Py "AM ohstlaatt he wil sell at pricey' ihat dety. competition.