Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON), 10 Jan 1857, p. 3

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aE peer tet Balsam eee tio L. ag From the Editor uA the Vt Journal, June 29, 18565] EP Wisrin's Basan oF Winn: Currey Ve be- _eome one of-the-established institutions of the | 'count PAP UCAS ten years Dr Fowl has oid 5 pote Persons 'pesonally known to ws have used it with signal . results, althought we ~ thave ourself had no occasion to try its medicinal Virtues, we do not hesitate, trom what. we know. the experience of others te pronounce this" Bem one of the most. efficacious. of remedies the Asthma and Affections of the Lungs. OP PSysicians--many of the Best of them--are in the _habit of usingit. © ~ «= © "None genuine unless eigeed I BUTTS on the 'Wrapper. - Fer 'saleby eke? oo Supe Chatham, Cc. W .MARKETS. _ Seen Markets--Prices in York oe eo 86 AR Vaeean Orrice, Jan. 10th, 1856. WOW sD s D W ool, per | dh. 2 0.4 6 0 . Wheat, per Rod 8 8-4 9 0. Oats, per bushel, -- 3°64 0 @ Barley per bushel, sla Oc c8 9 @ Rye per bushel, ig Ue 8 06 Potatoes. per bushel,, 3.9 «@ 4 0 ses Gorn, per bushel, . 3. 0. 24a 4 0 Beef, per 100 lb, 40 0 a 4@ © Pork; per1001b, © . 480 @ 50 0 Mutton, per 100 lb, 48 0 «@ 66 0 Butter; perio). cl Daw 2.0 Tallow, per. 100 1b, 2 des Oe 19 0 Chickens, per pair, IES 8 a 3 6 "an "os per ton, 2764 4.0. .a 86 6 ieipe = ce A Se ee C6 Joun Smiru, Market Clerk. actinic Fy Adver tisements. ~~ PLP DIDI Oe - LECTURE. - "aE, J. 3. WE s sto announce that he will Deliver a a = 435 "On the iy Ee oe CHARACTER OF SHY LOCK, - Interspersed with Readings from SHAKESSPEARE's ef "MERCHANT OF VENICE! rca AD PAL _ TOWN HALL, CHATHAM, (On THURSDAY, 15th January,1 instant, at 8 * @'elock, precisely. - TICKETS, Twerty-five cents each. Notice. z » 6b& : PP eek TX 3 Returns by Ministers of Religion. Y the Aér 10 and If 'Vict., chap. 14 sec 4 and as amended by {2 Via chap. 99 sec. I, returns ot Bap'isms, Marriages, anl penile tor this county, are to be made to me within five davs of January in each yeat by every clergyman teach 'E oF-ninister. No. Frescan be. demandel from ministers of religion by-clerks of peace for reception of mar- gaining ground. in the ae had at. any hour. _esehiag- returns. Compare sec. 2 of 12 Vie cha « we with di, Geo. chap. 36. On- returns & ? p. of Baptisms and Deaths, there never were any for * their, ppeppuien. > e? Met gai? ee Clerk of Peace. Clerk Pp. sace eas County of Perth 9 Stratford, December 15th, 1856. =<Nors.--Ministers should read and make the _ © Seélyes well acquainted with the Acts 2, Geo. 4¢ 26-10 and IL Vic. c..14, see, ol ys ae and 11. Vic cap, _ eap. 90 3 'HIB v3-n21 JOHN J. E. LINTON, m 16 and 'following 18, and 12 Vic. "fa Ghiiavai's Paper PUBLISHED AE 7ORONLO PRLSOHS SOUS. 4 ERMS. --12 copies' monthly, per annum-- one doilar, eighty. ceuts. 100 copies, month % out the British Provinces. ly pera annuntift én dollars, Sent post 'free thr ough- No subscriptions 'for Ss iy than, tweive copies receive 1.--Is issued in "Toronto on' tht first of each month, payable ia advance. Post Cffice orders pay able to 'T.. Nelson _& Sons. eis ~ _ (Mesers, Nelson's Works and "Children's Pap r' are weil known in Britain, and in Canada, and: ree »mmend ted as faithiul and pure.) Stratford, Dc, 10th 1856. v3-n21 2 ibe 5 (Nonce Nev 35.) "ABOMIN. ABLE DISHONESTY, "hic MY POCAY, AND imposiTion!! American Tract Society and Sla- ee ty a 8. School Union. i * Duar ABOMINABLE -'Erapve.'--(Speech. lately by Lord 1 Palatine at Manchester, Eing- land. ) OTE--WE HAD SUPPOSED. THA LN <the true cause and prosperity, and pure i = "@uetrination.- vob in Cauada, would, viehéen the heart's delight of os every Christian. g CRIME, THE SLAVE 1 n- Of Christianity with loval princi- by this time, have Lit a facts arecany guide 'tous, it does auf so app-ar. Are any, and whoare they, in Canada. our Ministers -of Religion, ohppriaties: 'Colporteurs, &e, and of our Religzio oF Religious Tract us apers, who yee support the American Tract Society or American Sunday School Union? See the Advertisement, dated 28th November. "ofthe "Childs Paper," and American Messeng for 1857. of said Tract Society, inthe Montre Cy: al Witness of 29th November, and compare such _. with the following article of the Streetsvil le Review. C. W., ol same date, asto said " Ameri- can Messenger." Shy Johan Dougall, its proprietor,< &c. Will the Montreal Witness never he cured sof hypucrisyor "dealing unfairly in -religious maatiers!---forghere is an article in his said pa- per on the 'disloyalty of the Roman Catholics, when he. knows he ought to know, as the .con- "datetor ofa public and religious jouryal--that "the foundation of the "American Tract Society is 'ank republicantsn, besides spurious printing and ro-slavery abasement! The publications of these Us aaies fie has 'previously reviewed and recom- _. mended, without any remonstranee. (See (hrough- oul. "Home. Evangelisation," p.p. 171 , published by "American. Tract So¢iety, with its 'reflections against the Irish' &c, and which, book, and others _of that Society *s books, and A. 8. 8. Union, for Vshame! are sold by the Upper Canada Tract 'Society Toronto,--and said advertisement in the - « Witness is signed "James Milne," as Depositary -- ef the Montreal Union Tract society. For shame!) The American Sunday S Union dare not pub- Pe lish a & Bide in fayour 'of the freedom of the eG a ade tothe subject of slavery, and Iso aha republican! The sighs and tears, bloodstains and groans, of » slave-humanity, are extorted for the support of "the issues. of -books of the Presbyterian Board ef Publication, (old school,) at Philadelphia. Hear | that, ye. Free Presbyterians of Canada. owho- colporteur their books! The Wesleyan. Methodists.of Canada are:duped by their prea- -ehers- for a similar support: of a more dismal, direct, and fraternal kind, as to their system! The "Facts, far Baptist Churches" speak in un- -mistakeable) language 'as to thuse the Regular Baptists of Canada fraternize with, -) Let our own home and Birtish reliable religious ~'Titerature be put in our children' s hands, such as The. Children's paper," published by T. Nelson ""@ Sons at. Toronto, &¢, and so worthily re- ended by a Canadian press. » ge The article from the Streetsville Reviw is ~fn'a séperate pee strat gee 3 JE: LINTON. Pd, C C Ww. Dec. B, 1856. Bee. 'NOT ICE, HE Merabet of J ONES? SAXHORN BAND, are ae to play for CON- RTS, BALLS, CELEBRATIONS, Sos S, &c., on 'reasonable terms. © For Ay "inforataaisy ¥pply *6 WS ese ed, g. JONES, Leader. Chatham, Dec. 26th. 1856. -- v3-n 19. > NORTH STARS SALOON. No. 40, Jefferson. Avenue. - up his splendid DINING SALOGN, ; where all kinds"of Clio'ce Natables can be | Superior drinks always | on hand. Friends give acall and full satis- |.faction will be given, JOHN WILLIAMS. ~ Detroit, dan. 10th, 1857... v3-n21-Ly. 'THE ADAMS HOUSE, ored_ Visitors to this Cig = C; W. ELLIS & ADAMS ¥ill do all ble, and give general satisfaction. "C. W.. ELLIS. Detroit, Jan. 10th, 1857, v3n21-ly CHATHAM. "CLOTHING HALL Is SUPPLIED in every DEPARTMENT WITH NEW PALL AND WINTER Ready-made Clothing Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER ON THE SHORTEST ROTIEE. Cheap for Cash, is our Motto. STON= & TURNBULL. v3-n18-tf LARGES'LT In Chatham, PURCHASED 'for CASH, and OFFERED BOR CASE or Produce only, at prices as low as such terms demand, far BELOW COMPETITION . of those who buy or sell on any other terms. The Old Store, JOSEPH 8. BEATTY! STAPLE DRY-GOODS, GROCKERY, BLASS, GROCERIES & LIQUORS, PAINTS & OILS, 2000 Ibs. ASSORTED SILOT, 100 KEGS GUN POWDER, YHE Sole Agent for BURNING FLUID. JOS. 8S. BEATTY, Chatham, Dec. 12th, 1855. v3-n18-tf. HE SUBSCRIBERS beg most respectfally to inform their Customers and the Public grnerally, that they are about to leave their pre sent place of bnsiness, for the more commotioqus and ext-npsive Premises in Messrs. BAREFOOT & MILLERS' Bloek, Corner of King ant Fifth amie And being desirous of having litte to move, are now selling off their: webote Stock of DRY-GOODS, &C., at greatly reduced prices, oa Panties favouring them with a CALL may rely on getting decided BARGAINS. WHITING & THOMAS, Opposite the Post Office, KKing Street. v3-ni6-tf. 1856 - Chatham. Nov. 24th, 1856: 13856 RS ERT ™%! ne a) PALL AND WIMTER " L Ee @ IN DOLSEN & PRATT'S BRICK BLOCK, King Street, Chatham, C. W. HE Subscriber is daily expecting ex Amity, Peerless. and G. W.R.R., from Montreal, his Fall and Winter Goods, embracing a ceim- plete assortment of Dry Goods, 'Groceries, Crockery end Hardware. This Stock has the a:vantage of being com- posed of entirely New Goods, and, as the snb- scriber is determined tu dispose efthem at LOW PRICES, for Cash or Ready Pay only, great bargains may be expected. The Public's Obd' . Servant, _P, LAIRD. TO THE LADIES. ILL be opencd on or about the fst of November, next, in Dolsen. & Pratt's Brick Block King Street, Chatham, a splended assortment of Capes, Circulars, German Plaids Dresses, Yelvets Trimmings, &c., of the ~ latest styles, direct trom Europe, and will be sold so low as to perfectly astonish you. Don't forget to save your ersh for these Bargains. . PVLAIRD: BERLIN WOOL GOODS, HE most magnificent Stock ever brought to this Market, Gatest Styles and low prices. Cc. P, LAIRD. READY-MADE 'ADE CLOTHING. HE best and cheapest assortment ever of fered] in Chatham, G. P, LAIRD CROCKERY. ETS of China. Pearl Mulberry, &c., very ene Cc. P, LAIRD, Granite 100. v3-nl6 4in., TR. JOHN WILLTA Ms has just futed 'TS NOW OPEN at No. 38 .Jieffetsin bei. Avenue, for the acconimodation of Col- in their power to make - Boarders comforta: "ICOMBINATION os $ COLUMN. SKL) Ak neo: TN 5 ous: 2. eeu THE Farmers' and Mechanics' Comb ination Store ! Have Now Arrived! e@erm= ber, when, and until NOW, not. ONE HAL CROWDED ever since. Thesales have ave aged about $200 PER DAY! REMEMBER, old fogy ays: of doing business is.reversed ! THE COMBIN ATION CONSISTING OF Forty-Five Farmers 2nd Meehanies. All large buyers themselves, have establis! = _'ed.this Store inorder to -- re SAVE MONEY establishing it to MAKE MONEY, =shere] Stores. Store self-supporting, the Small Advance of Fifteen Per Cent, bination, sothat the RULE IS One Price to ALL! The Combination are determined to make thei will be supplied. in he rear of the Store, is found to be a grea convenience by the Customers, an Englishman will find a Countryman ts dea (with, so will a Scotchman, an Irishman, a Dutchman, a Canadian or a Frenchman. AND To enumerate items would swell this Adver ALL THA LD GOODS! THIS STORE was oemwrahy on the 15th ef Octo- the Groods 'had arrived, and it has. been perfectly The CAUSE of this GREAT RUSEL is, --The in buying their own necessaries, --instead of consists the difference between this and the other In order to make the Farmers & Mechatics is charged on Cost, and the whole public placed on an equal footing with Members of the Com- |. . Whether Members of the Combination or not. I I Pe} G1) ;? ayy 5 > uy Storeas POPULAR AS POSSIBLE, +so that emember the Cun ner Store lit ey as fastas its deticiences are ascertained, they jg The Large Yard and Comfortable Shed |» National predilictious are gratified. here also, ALLare HERE REPRESENTED ALL WILL Bi WELCOME! WILLIAM STILL" BOARDING:H@O TREET, bcivw Ninth their: patronage, and the location Central and Respectables + ----s every satisfdetion: Philadelphia Oet. 29th, 1855. Q7-ly. NE W GO ODS. Ee JUST RECE VED AT r-| WH. H. NELSON'S STORE, At the cofner of Binge and: Fifth Streets, and ail joining the Royal Exchange Hot cl, Chatham, C. Wt, thes LARGEST AND MOST COMPETE | STOCK HARDWARH, €ROUBRID Bas inst, TT eeeos, Glass and C orkery-ware, Sc. "Thermometer ni. divators, Ploughs, &c.,. Sc. ; Floes,. Spaies, Cradles, Snaths, Scythes, Forks, "Rakes, Pre. OC. PAINTS! browght into Chatham ateone time. will be sold Cheap for Gash, WM. HH. NELSON. teith Gaz. : a Chatham, June 18th, 1835 9-tf COTTAGE FOR SALE. NEAT COTTAGE for Sale. t Bor part culats apply to D. LEONARD, at the office of J. B.. WILLIAMS, Esq., -Rankin's Building. ole A. Mi STERRITT, & ADAMS. FASHIONABLE | The House is Co: oe a ani in good onter, far) No pains will be oa ed therefore - give' | "Wana LD Lead in Oil, "Raw, and' Boiled oy: &ec., ever Adlof whiclr|* * VERTISER ee ne ee OE. oy 83 EGS to announce that he has OpeNen a] USK,a! Nop374 SOU + a Barth. ADEL PHM, where he } * a accommodate respectable persons, perma |. neatly or Eas who pay favour him with Chiirns, Corn Cul-| | putation he» has already gained; -of 'having not | only the most pleasant.location, but the best ac- Chatham, vine 6th, 1855, ae : | shortest notice. tisetaont to several columns; it must therefore | suffice to say thatthe Assortments cf the follow- ing different kinds of Goeds to be found in the FARMERS -& MitCHANIEsS-STUORE, are very COM2LETE, VIZ: STAPLE % | -ANCY [GOODS DRY-G CLOT EIVG, Boots and chuemed ame and Caps, Trunks, Valises, &c., Stationery. and School-Books Oil Painted:& Paper Window- Shades & Self-Adjusting Rollers, Wail Paner, Wooden & Willow- ware, Cordage, GLASS XSTONEWARE, CROCKERY, WINDOWGLASS, (all sizes, Chimpagnes, Wines, Ales, Porters, Brandies, AND. ALL OTHER LIQUORS Warranted Genuine! PICKLES & SAUCES Honeigh and Domest tic Fruits, Groceries and Provisions, Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine & Paints, Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs, &e., d&c., &e. ¥ Bear. in. Mind, kind. Reader, only FIFLEEN PER CENT is charged on the cost ef any Article in all the above numerous clas- ses of Goods, UNIFORMLY, therefore, if you happen to find some particular Article as Gheap in some other Store, you must not imagine fiat every thing is so, because about FIFTY PER CENT is the CUST OMARY ADVANCE. -Itis claimed for the Farmers é& Mechanics Store, thatits Customers SA VId, all round, Fully 39 'Per Cent, and HUNDREDS who have bonght ee sag there will willingly certify to the JUSTICE of the CLAIM. os Te2 '§ Te DRESS & GLOAR., WARERS, North side King Street, Nearly opposite the Town all. ESPECTFULLY solicits the patronage of the Ladies of Cuataam, ani Vicinity. They afe prepared to execute the orders of those who lespatch. ie The latest patterns Stor Ladies'" Dresses, © Cloaks, Mantillas, Valmas, Sacks, §<. Children's Clothing made, to order, an the latest ae Chatham, Sept. 2 21, 1855. fea ae FOR SALE OR TO_LET, TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE and East half of Lot No, 43, the house is newly finished and'situated on St. John Street, in the flourishing village of Dresden. For particulars apply to Wim. H. Wilson of Dresden, or at the office of the #rceman. = Dresden, July 10th, 1856. . eee? (Noricr No. 14.) 7 . GAU'ELON! SLAVERY FELLOWSHIP AND DIS Se D METHO- ist. Ehe eda Episcopal ana (north) of the United States, has. courtenanced and still coutinues by its discipline' to countenance, the iniquitous system of SLavery! Of the holding, uying and 'selling of human beings--seuls and bodies of men, women and children. Their Class-leaders, Mivisters and members, buy, hold and-sell slaves- Ministers of religion, with |) authorily and license to preaéh the blessed Gos- pel of Christ, being slaves, have been sold in the public market as goods and. chattles--as a pig or a horse! "Théir chiet pee cs place is at No. 200 Mulberry Street, New Yorle=(See title} pages oftheir books, &c.,/ and as referred to in the Christian Guardian, of Toronto,-C: W. Qnd. The Canada Wesley an Methodist Chureh Rev. Enoch "Wood, of Toronto, President of Conference, : 'fellowships with; countenances and receives, the aboye Me thodist Episcapa] Church (north) asa Por) equally as one with them- gélvés. They sell and circulate their books, &e. in Canada; nay, 'more, got their Canada 'Sunday. Advacate, prinied at No» 200 Mulberry Street, publication printed and circulated from New York by the M. E. Church (north.). They also eall it "Our Church" and ont Mother Church." They demit,-or-send ministers of their churches, in Canada, to preach and baer in the U, States | "| unde sr said church. They had delegates [Revds. John' Ryerson and Richard Jones] at the Quad- rennial General Conference of the Methodist ES Church (north) at Indianapolis (Indiana,) in May, '56, at whichithese Rev. gentlemen deliv- | ered speeches, which contained . not .a_word. of nORerrhde or advice as'to -thé sin and evil of Slavery--so existing in their midst. And they may faveur them with a call, with neatness and |. the best Oysters, and- always on hand? first jnstabt: «nch Accounts to he duesand. rendered on: th First of Jaunary. ATTENTION is directed to the following Resolution of the Combination, .passed at a Mectiing of its Membvrs, held on Saturday, the proceedings are insmmy possession. pay & per cent on the emountof their Account, to. cover expense of kreping such Account. All also. preached. The cditor of the Christian Gnardian was there also.. Reliable copies of the °3. The British laws declare Slavery, and all "Resoiven, That it is not at all times convenient traffic and partictpation, in the same, as F'riony! fur many of the Members of this Combination |sAre:we, Canadians, "under the humane and gen- to pay duwn for their nece ssaries; and in order to | eyal government of the British Ene we, ineet the case of such particss iis the wish ofa loy ral people, to be supporters by aid, advice or mnajority of this meeting thatthe Manager do mo ney, of any such Body or. Bodies, whieh coun- openaccounts with Members + qviring ibis same, | fenanc2 and fellowship w 'ith: pro- -slavery 'Bodies ! as also with Ali. responsible Persons: upon i Are wel Whilst the highest» and noblest in such Members or other Persons consenttng to | Britain's. land, as well-as she lowest, who sup- port and traitic or have property in slavery, are liable tothe pains and «penalties: off that British see" " ai Shall we preferrepub- | -- First of April; irstoof ay lican maxims, religious ant political, to our free and First of October; on Ww hich days, tobe clos.d ; € | law, are ze free from it? - --monaichical instirtions 2% | BOUGHT. and interest charged till paid.' ee All kinds of Farin, Produce willalways be | aud FOUND FOR SALE at the "FARMERS & MECHANICS STORE" her THOSE who have NOT YET visited the Farmers and Mechanics Store, are politely re- quested to do so; those who have, know too well where their true interest lies, not to repeat and , continne their visits KIND & OBLIGING TREA TMENT will be extended to all who visit the Store. te Toe Parcels of Customers will. be delivered | ; .4. 'Ehe inhabitants-of Stratford, and its viei- "nity [wherein also. dive, the purehased human flesh and blood of Slavery,-yes, bought with our cash]--we ,are- called-apony by public large intealle to contribute on Sanday, the.2urd No- -yeniber, iustant, and following days: -by ~our money. to the support of the said Canada Wes- Jeyan Methodist Church! The names of. said er. Enoch Wood,--also Rev. Robert Cooney, D. D., of Guelph, and Rev: Lewis Warner, Dis- triet Ghairman, are stated in these bandbills, as to-be-present at the meetings !- 5. The Subscriber will ID Me POntinMe: as | at their Hotels, oF Residences (if in. town, FREE of CHARG By ae of the Manager, JOHN D. McLEOD, Cashier. v3-nl6-! I Chatham, Nor. 21th, 1856. COMMODIOUS OFFICES "OVER THE Farmers and Mechanics Store. S the above Store is doing more business than | piece. any ether in Chatham. Professional Men | ef those recipes alone after trying it once. would find this a good locaition. further patticalars, Apply at the offee of the Farmers and Mechanies Store for heretotore, to takecevéry means in his power, which time, influence and money, ministers "of religion, in Canada. peer rial Oh LINTON, Stratford, C. W., Nov. 7th, 1856 ») (while the evils of said fellowship, &e,, exist) ceive 'him, with the aid 'of humane people, to endeavour to extripate and do away with every kind of pra- Slavery Erutowsmp; and religious imposition thereby, whieh has hitherto beet, and egntiiues y | to be; (for shame!) practiced on a Canadian 'and a yoyal people; by &: 'sveral-of our religious Tract "and Book and other Societies, Charches, oe vo-nl7. "Important to Housekeepers. Address Wa. Brumpack, Point Pleasant Pa. ad by mail, Loffer for-sale 35 different recipes for $1, many of which have been sold:the: past year for $5 a No bousekeeper will grudge $f fer ene and the whole number of recipes will be fo rward- |. ; ig ga psp Fe Se Bist as el Giose---- -R. SMITH'S OLD F eager Chatham, December 14, 1855. oe = =F ae - a Ee ee ee PROVINCIAL HOUSE. | THE, Subscriber begs. to peer he has. recently OPENED. his New. and commodions House, oh FOURTH STREET, near the DEPOT, - CHATHAM, C. W, and} -he trusts) that 'his experience in Hotel Keeping will enable him te give satisfaction to the travel- ing community, and public generally ; and he will spare vd effort to deserve and retain the re- commodations that can be obtained. Persons stopping at the Provincial House, can be accommodated with CARRIA GES, on the ae oe BRODIE, AND General Intelligence Office. F ROM a general acquaintanee, and punetual attendance td business, we pepe to merit a liberal share.of patronage; Corner-of- King and- Wilham Streets, CHA HAM, CW. Rog" «Please Cail before ate Buy LY. 2) 15th August, 1855." 18-1f STRANGE'S HOTEL, PIED STREET, : 2 Between King and Wellington Streets, . CHATHAM, C.. W. TRANGERS visiting. this niaae idk fitd it to their advantage to call at this HOTEL, bieng one of the largest, and io the most central position in the town. The best accomodations, on -easunable terms. ee STRANGE. ' Chatham, Aug. 22, 1855 18-ly Se as SUBSCRIBER! takes this opportunity of informing the peop ob curity; and Bunting Country that he has taken ESTABLISHED - STAND, WITH A LARGE STOCK OF _ BESIDES, A' LARGE SEASON ED. LUMBER, ASSORTMENT OF VURNITURE, He also tenders his sincere thanks:to the Public generall strict attention to business, to retain, their patronage in uture. FOLLOWING. ARTICLES, VIZ: MAHOGANY AND: WALNUT. VENEERED 'BUREAUS, | | Mahogany and Walnut Sofas, CANE AND SPRING SEAT PARLOR CHAIRS, Dining, Breakfast and Kitchen. Tables; % (FRENCH, COTTAGE, SERPENTINE, AND PLAIN BEDSTEADS, TOILET WORK AND WASH STR Se "°°" "tlso, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF - "Rocking, 'Windsor and Children's 's Saat » LHE BEST- MANUFACTURED IN CANADA. for their liberal support ; and hopes by His STOCK is ongeel of ue ------ Fy Seas Pitre ak Ad tae mIieiresee Srovise. ' ALL ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. Persons wishing to buy FURNITURE, will find it-to their advanlage to call and. examine before, purchasing: elsewhere. ie O: SMITH. 2 : 'qivieisty «i sida 33 =a _roceries ! "Groceries t ATWOOD & JACKS SON, (THANKFUL forthe patronage they tiny e received from the Citizens of Chatham, and environs, beg, y that: they, still continue in thé Grocery. Business, ON KING STREET, Pa: Jew Doors of the Market House," 'Chatham, Where they have: 'constantly on hand, a large "assortment of GROGBSREBS, of the first quality; 'which will be sold. ou he tnost REAL. ESTATE AGENTD Personsiarriving at Chatham, will remember. ifeasonable-terms.. ihe ¢ a the Provincial House, in sight of the Depot,.a large and beautiful Cottage building, sign of the British Come gad elias lyn raat befor' piltcRasing Blag. ' Y ie Salt Provisions always on hand," stich ae : H. DAY. Hiims, Shoulders, Pickled Porh, Fish, Gee. fie. _Chatham, August 21, 1855... _, 18- ly August 29th, 1855. | "19. a Nene Grooery and and Provision Sir. ANDREW SMITH, N returning thanks to the people, for the very Jiberal support he has received, begs-to an- nounce to his Friends, Castomers, 'and the Publie generally, that he is receiving and" Wega = 'eut a large assortment of Groceries and Pri 'avisians, AT HIS NEW' STORE, On the Corner of King and William Streets "CONSISTING. OF * ns Secne Molasses Coffee, Teas, "Flour, Meal, Bultir, fiz 88, Canilles, Lobaceo, Snuff nfl : bo. Br ene o3 A&A LARGE QUANTITY: OF | PICKLED PORK AND 'BACON: Constantly: on hand, ety g "g Persons in the Town and "surrounding country will find it to their advantage te call, ae they will be accommodated on the most reasen- able terms, for Cash. ai cae Chatham, August 20, 1658. "ay SHAKSPEARE: RESTAURANT, ONTARIO. STREET; SP RALTPORDA rPRHE above ESTABLISHMEN T being. now in proper order, the Proprietor is: al-) ways prepared to accommodate any number of: Ladies and' Géntlemén with REPRESHMEN TS, which will consist of the best Viands to be found 'in Buffalo; Hamilton, or Toronto Market, during' . He will have a constant supply ol ame, of all kinds in Sarbines, LoBsreks, Pee 3 '&e., the season. séaron. Meuls can be had from+Six-u'clock in the Mor ning B64 till Midnigit.. best quality. Dinner and other Parties can be supplied, with '- everything suitable, on very moderate terms. "Private Fumilies can-also' be served-with GAME, OYSTERS, &¢., prepared in the best style. LUNCHEONS supplied, &c.; can be had atthe Restaurant in a Private Room. 'Ce The Proprietor will always endeavonr so to the wants of his Customers, as to merit thetr steady support and p2tronage. CLARK THOMAS. Stratford October 26, 1855. B7-ly ------ | Produce, Peri Store being a copy, Dext to one, of the same kind of WINES, LIQUORS, and CIGARS, of the ' i. G. W. BRODIE & T. & T. STERRITT, AKES: this method of jnforming'a generous _ AL public, that we have bought the well- eee and reputable 3 'Pork, Bacon, and Grocery Store OF MR. THOS. BELL.' We will continue to' keep constantly on hand the the best quality, all in the above line of eur busi- ness, and hopeto'give satisiacaon to det whe ay -- us with a call, - CORNER OF KING AND WILL IAM cetaaers, _CHA THAM, aoe W. August. 15th. 1855. Sige 18-¢f _ TAKE NOTICE. NY person. or. sepersans eniwae with: THOMAS..WILLIA MS, ..of Louisville K'y., would render satisfaction, to his Father, by writing to. the Provincial Freeman Office, Chat- ham, C. W.. Thomas Williams, some yoors past, lived with Chapman C jleman, of Low.s- ville, and after leaving Mr. Goleman, wen te Pittsburg, Pa.; but after the | passage 'of the F i- tive Slave Act, he came ta Canada, sinee v he time I have not been aby. to learn his: v ae "MILLIN ERY STOREL 'Miss. 3 GIBB, Bese respectfully to. acquaint the Ladies of Chatham and vicinity, that she has remov- ed her MILLINERY - and DRESSMAKING ESTABLISMENT to the stand Jately. occupied by Messrs. Brooke & Montgomery directly op- raat ne ROVAL EXCHANGE HOTEL. Where her kinds of LADIES' 'andl CHILDRENS' WEAR, such as: Silks, - ee Shawls, {Bonnetts, -- Satins, Cloaks, Ribbons,] | Plaids, -Mantillas, Plumes, Children' s Clothing and all kinds of Trimmings in great variety. Asher stock is very complete in the above departments,» she respecttully solicits a call from her custcmers, 'and the ladies generally asshe can-assure them that she can supply their every want, her siock being the largest, the best and most varied, of any.-ever before opened for the inspection. of the Ladies in this vieinity, © Nov. 2st, 1856. v3-n16-by. N OTICE. peccoss afflicted er .. .. FEVER and speedily cured by applying to JOHN HATTON, Shuemaker, Bronte, Township of Trafalgar, Halton County, Canada West. Priee ten skil- lings currency. JOHN HATTON. Bronte, July 17th, 1856. t4-4f, : Chatham, C* Ww. Auges 4 a f abouts. "WILSO Nae ILt, uM s rI\HE SUBSCRIBER. having: received -his SPRING STOCK, 1s prepared: ia offer ta | the public, the: LARGEST, CHEAPEST. 'AND: BES? ASSORTMENT. OF... HARDWARE is now -- 2 the Fall Trade, containing all ever brought to Chatham, ato hw Wholesale or 'Retail' hogs Consisting in. part. as. follows, viz; ;---Iren and Steel of.all kinds; Blacksmtth's Bellows, Anvils; Screw-Plates, Dies and 'Taps;, Carpenper's Toals, Shoemaker's Toals, Nails of- all kinds and sizes ; Spades, Shovels, Scoups, Hoes, Forks, Garden Rakes, Hay Rakes, Scythes, Snaths, Brush Hooke; Chains of- all kinds; Harrow Teeth, Cultivator Teeth, Patent. Pumps Pump chain and Gearing , Pots. Pans and Kettles ; Tinware and Tinsmith's Tools. AGUE or-the CHILL FEVER, can be. SADDLER'S HARD WARE! Flames, Locks, Bolts, Butts, Serews, Hinges ef all kinds; Knives, Forks and Spoons of exery description ; Brushes of all, ginds ; ; MULLY MIBL: SAWS. : Circular Saws, Crosscut apd Pitt Saws, Files. "PAINTS, OLLS. AND COLORS, | With other articles quite foo numerous to men" tien, He will also; in 4 few daysy lave ad ~~ quantily of MACHINE, BELTING, of all widths: ihat dety competition; i CURRIE. Next doot to D.B. Van Allen,s King Street; Ghatham, C. W. Ghatham, June 13th, 1836. 6 -Atbof whieh pe: will pst lla vat witet oi) a Nestea St, J eve Rane

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