= aoe Ge 2 a ~ Be MONTIBE, French Boot and Shoemaker, SAL SNS BORE" PDL SG SIGSTOP REG I IIE SEER OE ETE CCE EAA D l eae yg Rng ak) Anchors, chain cables.hay, veneers, pig aes & oy os ¥ RONT NG Oe HAG r. ay il al Ss eo. Tariff of Duties, green fruits,bark berries, nuts. vegetables, woods PayaBLr ON IMports INTO CaNaPa, UNDER THE and: drugs used. solely in edyeing, and indigo, Act 12 Vicroria, CaP 1, aND THE ACTS AMEND- | bristles, -bur-stones unwrougnt, eval and coke, THE CANADA -- l EAT WESTERN RAILWAY | proa %So9eaom CIRCGULATI #8079 "YONGE SST REES ysis: A Third Door below Elm, West Side, 5 leave to inform the Ladies and Gentle- ee of Toronto, and Vicinity, that he is pre] ared to execnte all-orders in the above line, @ their satisfaction. . fle also keeps constantly en hand, asupply of BOOTS and SHOES, of $l "every variety and finish, . Jee. Ist; 1855. pe GR : _ OF GANADA. ON and AFTER WEDNESDAY next, the 98th NOVEMBER, Trains will rua as fellows :-- GOING EAST. | INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT CAPITAL $200,000. 'HUGH C. BAKER, Esq., President. JOHN YOUNG, Esq., Vice-President. A amay...be effected in this (&. Company on single or joint lives, or on the ING same OF APRIL, 1853, anD Dacemper, 1854. To take effect on the 5th of April, 1855, a ey Bs Pee oP Ror ee ae Animals, specially' imported for the improve- ment of Stock, Free; Anatomical Preparations, do; Ashes, Pot, Pearl and Soda, do... rg Acids, nitric and oxalic, two anda half per cent; Strong fluid, do; Alum, de. : ; Biscuit, twelve and a half per cent. Books, printed, free. : Books, reprints of British copyright works, grease and scraps, hemp, flax, and tow undressed, hides, junk and oakum, lard; lead (pig or sheet), marble in blocks unpolished, oil, cocoanut; pine and palm only, ores of all kinds of metals, pipe- clay, resin and rosin; saw logs, ships' water- casks in use, teazles, broom. corn, wood used in making carpenters' or jginers' tools, tallow, tar and piteh, type metal in. block or pigs, wool, caoutchouc;, cordage of all kinds, sail cloth, cop- per in bars, rods. or in sheets,yellow metal in bars of in sheets, bright or black Varnish, marine cement, trenails, bunting, felt sheeting, printing FANCY GO And Stationary Sto, Ne. 16; KING beads zee - Me™ HIGGINS informs her friends. sau public that she has opened 'the hy brary, containing over 2000 vol, beh Gigieat Works in History, Biography, Bellé Lei Ne mower | contingency or one life surviving another ; for the | twelve and a half per cent; Books, Blanks, do. Novets : hd Bo ee ; . a sie! whole term of life, or for a iimited poriod; bya} Books and Sawing 'of an immoral or inde- | presses, printing types, printers' ink, printing | new. eine Works ae ". ke Bie Addition ¢, 5 a a. ; p> | singly yen a limited number of pay- | cent character, prohibited: aot s implements of all kinds, bookbinders' tools and | issne from the Press. diel as they E H 3 = a) << ments jcror; annual _payments only easing at Boots and Shoes, twelve anda half percent. | presses and implements of all kinds, old nets and One Year . eect gy ar 7 A x fa os a m™ sf death; 'to Secure'a 'sum at-any given age, or at| Brandy, three shillings per gallon. : ropes, cotton and flax waste, rags, fire-clay, and Six Months oer j STATIONS g 3 3 aM i b death, should death» oceur before:the attainment | Brooms, twelve and a half per cent; Brushesdo. | Russian hemp yarn. ~ 8 oe et "Three Month b ipgt = . oe a 2g a 3 _of that ages. Endowments. for-children,imme- | Bulbs, Roots and Trees, free. das EE LN rn es **-- One Month ~~ UV eas 3 s 4 rs oe + seer pe oe a eeeereey Sed Burr Stones, wrought;-twelve and a half per kk! ' ORDERS IN COUNCIL. -- Entitling the Subseriber to + Siok Bote: ~*~ 3 i sa codtingent on the value and duration| cent. = 1¢ following articles are admitted at the to be kept no longer than on, "Weel Room, < ; Ba he tad 2 ioc te eae 2 __. | of life, magebewiecied.in this Company. » Busts and Casts of Marble, Bronze, Alabaster | rates set after thea y orders in Council, viz.:-- One Your ao longer than 'oue w : A.M. AM. P.M. P.M. | Among the advantages offered by this, the only | or Plaster of Paris, free. Ships' sails, prepared rigging, tin, zinc, hoop | .~ Six Months -- SETA at Windsor, depart (seek eters i Se 10.25 12.20 7.45 Life Assuraéce. Company ever established in Bleach ng powders, two and a half per cent; | iron, candle wick, and spelter, at.2% per cent--| _.Three Months. . _ i we Puce GO Pee a= a ee Be ee ea & she oq, pe oh ao British North America, may. be enumerated mo- Blue, 'ultra "marine -and paste, do; Borax, do Order of 4th Ju ne, 1853, : eae EN TE Ay paid sf the time * aay sO ee erooecesesee| cove | -eeee | wees | ceee | eeee =? derate ratesand small expenditures; local manage- | Brick; fite, do ;Brimstonesdo... . > Brass in pigs or sheets, magnetic telegraph in- | the terms will be 10s. 9d. for tee. Rocheste 1.15 t and. settlement of claims ; liberal condi Ast Ns ae RA Vh not Fea h Z 1 pigs OF snecis, magnetic telegrapn ill be 10s. 3d. for two sets Secduhoes + Yr, - eee : + eee ecce ° 2 : eevee econ ° 2 aes e ; ment a sspeccyset emeabah ign liberal cond u- Re Cabinets of Coins, Medals, or Gems, and other sulators, relay magnets, registers and 'batteries, 3d. for threesets for every th , r and 6, ; 'Baptiste 'Creek. He Fe vst? he ess @ece. : eooe € eee. 'a 2. 00 a lite 2 ans : ee ts eee reference to apsed policies. = 'collections of antiquity, freé:-: Hf as eee at 25 per cent-- Order of 4th Nov., 1853. : 13} a ome ie on ie ' : i 9025 : rospe uses, forms of propesal, and full an- | ~Candles, twelve-and a half -per cent... : Locomotive, passenger, baggage, and freight es EE e 7.40 eeoo8e 12.05. : 2.50 3 - rs a '= ix fi a ay idole ae Chat n eeoceueeceve eee . : : A a F. Pt re, 2 : * : ; ' : Soe A thtarelned bege to inform the public generally, ham eeccce eee formation :as to. the prosperous condition of the| Cassia, Cinnamon, Cloves, three-pence half- carsy running: upon any-line ofsrailroad crossing To deposit the value of the Book, and ty fet | © ?HE LIVES OF THE PEOPLE IN DANGER. . llsl4 eevee ie 3.45. £ e@eee q seth Sins 7 ; A ee : peaepersag ss 6 . is 11625 | lees | 4000. | sees | 1,00 | PTVETE public tie eautionéd against purchasing impart or.bring, or whiely may be imported er}... comps brought by the principal or other Officer or Offi- ~ American Tract So fe t) 5 ge Ay that he is prepared to turniah the following arucltedy | 'Thamesville & Be 8.13 aean eas 3.30° esee Cc ny, mav be had from. Gcanitiie bet wc nadae - ee ing] or fiut dave & MEME garckh ecussides Gis kee SPP CRURA RT aie pam osy Seeerceull o¢ dea ttl oid x tie gree 8 aerate oe GL ee Ae penny per pound, ---... the frontier between Canada. the United | 2 Single volume Ad. for four days foy AXE i es: : Bothwell. eeeeeeseree| cove: |. 833 | owen eee yr tes | AMUEL 8. MACDONELL, ~ Castings; twelve anda half percent... --__ | States, free.--Order of 13th Jan.,1854. | (WO or thtee volumes" 6d: for' Ohe we tiles <ihace> to MCR AMRB-HANDLES. 0 1 opcio0 1 Wardiville oscda .6aXi TT AGS: 8.45 eee 4.30 | 10.25 Soh shalt seer wlger. Iron Chains of all sorts, two anda half percent, |" ron wheels and axles, imported expressly for | WO" in four or more v. lumies, at the rate of 9g z= Het esoitey ARP EES NA SAW FRAMES and MORES SATS OA Pees age 4 e090 ky 4.55 re A. Cosaratn, for Sandwich and |. Cider, twelve and a half per sent; Clocks, do. | railroad purposes, 24 per cent.--Order of 13th | Pet volume. eee we SAWATORSES, ey 'Ekfrid.. So if 9.23 ae Ys ae eS al Reterées <------ Coffee, green, one half-penny per pound. Woh, lt a onic oF sie esnem tisFR For conditions see-Ticke: : - gostespe) so: Made inthe best manner, 0 M ist SP OEP pie Tae raft ret eh 8.00 Vee oOwyT Coffee, other than green, three pence per pound. Printing paper, draining tiles, and vi] cake, 2} Mrs. H furt : RSA So of the best Gi ality, im Complete | 7 it. Brydges... PEPE OE) 2? RO MLS 9.35 i) o Ys = ow 6. ache ft $7 Coin-and Bullion, free... : per cent.--Order of 6th Dec., 1854. sorted stock of Fancy service. Aiss, Aves Tosdy Tlandied: Also, Komoka .. Rae rey conejo scene | 9-48 | coos | 2. Ekin * ee -- or comme tients alpen teag qo 0Gue ae which she invit iit Into Axes and.other Boole: 2 0 Se Ee Powe ade. 2). 1S |] ee kL. g.é 50 ek ee eg Cordials, four shillings: per gallon. 4 "EXEMPTIONS TPorgnio' Mas 16" es = -- ) Si FF ' ane . ace eee et BER a ie a Sis fis ss x se = * i 5 r Pag toe oe ae Fag ai : v ' aVad. ; . 1 . = PGS = = : = Work greet, No. 88. London f Jepart.. #4 ic 7. 00- 10.25 ; eoo3e 2.55 ' 12.00 a ay Relief sis wing ---- D basa ia aL kes twelve and a half per i. peep Caitle, Provisions: and stores = z ' 2 rn a I Edwardsburgh 9-603 & = 3.14 AM. _ ay sester in Van . + pets 7 of every description. which. any Commissary or ' ; Neca Seis Boe WA Beep | Edwardsburgh.......) 7-20 | veee | meee fo Bald | vere | aM cent. eet ) yates Cusintue ae Coates A MORE" IMPORTANT Not S08 SOUS acct BNA 2 L906) | Beachvilin a evils caw ies 85) eeemanenes Cotton Batting, twelve and a half per cent. Cotton Warp and Wick, two anda half per cent cers of Her Majesty's Ordnance into'the Province WU V' : eh eae dis Bee ahs SoS Salt Bed : ie cette 8 ene : the Travelling Public and Citizens |p» | a counterfeit of Radway's Ready Relief, 'mgs for the use of her Majesty's: Arnsy er Navy, or es : --* & ' a his present commodious and Eastwood cvccevceee! 8220 | coo eos. | eons nie "°** | which is now circulating through the Canadas.-- Drugs, twelve and a half per cent; Earth- for thease of the Indign Nero LS ae eed f | VHE. Independent. of New York, inian : ble qt ers, fitted up, as they have been, | Princeton ee recceccece 8.42 oove sree , 4925 | wees eeee | We are informed that parties at Hamilton, C.W. | enWware de. ees ius Sed § provided the duty otherwise payable theréon | = #8 that paper, of the 15th March, being ang 4 ially for their have been selling a spurious article of our Rea- | __Engravings, Etchings and Drawings, free. | woud be defrayed or borne by the Treaswzer of | Of @ Continvation ofarticlesrc garding the"Ame. pew oy, : 'convenience, geht py Paris ; Arrive" Evi bb ed 6: Bowie P.M. = eeee eoeo eoo08 eo ee feat Th Feathers. twelve and a half per cent 5 T t 0h foely 'ander the: gavin Ae WG \Gatek re iG a Beg «lat ' er a ar ee ine ip dealers: is is not ers, it. : ae thie Beta rican Tract So+icty,"-has this. se "tt F et PARES. PS, Management of af, vv Departs... 2. ct 9.05 12.10 soos" | 4.45 weoe | 1.45 | dy Relies, for the genuine to deale Fruits, dried, one penny per pound. the United Kingdom of this Provinces -Orlcty, has this. sentence :--" Fy, B oei TS : Se ee ; im- BI, ext cs ae Bes ied ay hirty s, one of th etna Li ro gas - only a fraud upon us, but isa most wicked im be : Horses and carriages of travellers, and horses | tv years, one of the greatest institutiens ek) ae Lodging, and Meals, : ene Oe La osition on ie 'public. The wretch thai will! Furs, twelve anda half per cent; Furniture do; cattle and-carriages and other vehicles when-em- | E¥40gelical Christendom, has been testifying A ri a Shaye, deeds ats agree Rea sca! Preston, depart... oh S86 as 1.05 | See eae Enowingty fem hinieelf to so vile and treacherous it all ee ee Ser Seeeee of, | Ployed in carrying "merchandise, together with bei hee ee of Slavery, the 'baying ; eee ined he, cna Ree Re arr th SPE trick, for the gain'of afew extra sixpences, is Ishe\res, Beat ies ; sSary harness and iacklé. sol as and selling 61 human beings, and the prof Bediewienignirequisiers make their stay agree- Galt d0.- vesaren -- 8.45 eevee 1.20 eeee eeee ecee oe rt teal Labs 'and sltould be pte a by al] | Seines, Fishing Nets and Hooks, Twines, and De nee a Ly Deiat ihren see of the slave-trader, are tee offensive to : ee ae =~ govy destaperien on yh Galt, arrive 5 oss Tis Ges a rs 6.50 | .. ove respectable dealers, for ifa few sixpences will Lines, Buat Sails sie ger renigh Fishermen's except the horses, cattle, carriages, vehicles ake contary to the Gospel, less perilous to the souls ' NE MS i pho 'AS : NE ez 7 2 i See | wolt : * net p exe ge: ©. " é z igving. S Se Baa Be ge Boe tee, e : pores : Pepe! Se TT Vseiik st Kihe-Wiliidn Street; Fis eiitew CV PrestohS G0"... . ss. ea ee Bede eee oe 7,10 Z.4 eee. | induce him to rob the distressed sufferer of hope -- Tarred ope oe pass iol Bie " harness, of persons hawking goods, wares and Wel Ta oe the Practice of _dancing. It has at. : : : v g = = ---_- | and health and to place the invalid's life in dan- in gtwo and Sixpence pers ' merchandise through the Province, for the pur- | (C™Pted to exhibitand authenticate, on the wide Ginger, three pence per pound. = NeB.=Loekcu at all hours; also a line of Cans a Glass, and Manufactures ot, twelve and a half ger, he would not. scruple to deceive his best pose of retailing the same, and the horses, cattle |,°°! scale, an administration of Christianity, in 3.10 customers. - which there shall be no: more syllable 'of' 9.30 | 12.35 | 2.10 a 'service of- tie. ic, atithe: most reason- ee --- : i i Riictidicey vided 6i-tiie ¥avint _, -- Fairchild's: Creeks. ...| 9.3 a cape i eons f do: | Catriages, and harness of any circus or equestrian : ! ne co chal Lice Dats, \oiiidcds OG. eo ks oees ee ah re Dealers. who wish the genuine, purchase only | per cent; Stier! ae Coe of, do; troops for exhibition ; the borses. cattle, carriages for crimes that shock the morals sense of ( | ice 4 te sera |Copetown.crecveessip=OU6L | ill | aeas FILL | IT POSTE | eet ratio iregpot ips | Harned areyare dos Hat do Hoves de | and bamcan ut any Menagerie eee tanlm, Ths itunes of the ad Sep . Peg 8 e 4 e@resecencne! awe eo e - e000 eocee eeee 'ellin: niurers an i ostors, Li : « D ti f whi es ie ry ~ sapel ¢ ake the ou Tn chure ] 7 4 eal Serre or travelling adventa OP Indian Rubber, and Manufactures, twelve and onations of clething especially inyported for timid and cowed in the presence of the inapariaie | the use of or to be distributed gratuitously by any Sites charitable society in this Province. © Slave-trading interest. As a consequence of this ~ Beptember, 1 : Oo Flamboro'..... oreeee) 9.59 #98 of on 20 BS coe oeee cows Dealers who have R. R. R. offered to them be- Seeds of all kinds, farming utensils and imple- policy--paitly, bet 'Dot-exehsively-- eee HO | Parteterse rnc anssg AME cl: BF goodie OSes SAR AuotS20 ok Gideys | Sie cektaeeseaomrboee We never sel irony ich BINGE 40 eased ihe ee ee MEP TI -@9 & > . aS ph an : : RES . ) £ f 5 rer s 2 Wot 3 = 2 8: a o825H sce geese ts Hamil Arrive... .| 10.30 1.15 3.30 6.00 ees 2655" s en Pisa ss than 10 per | facture of Locomotive Engines, two and @ half |; has Ee cm aaaraoh ther 4 : jn | DOUTHERN AposTacy!" ay Wisten 5. od 3 Ree amliton D 10.45 1.40 R. R. R.in lévge q@antities for le p ments of husbandry, when specially imported in | Fo Beers : oS <2 epart ame Bae EASE 3.40 6.15 coce 3.05 cent. from our regular gross price. Dealers yho | per cent, Bar and Rod, do; Sheet, do; Hoop, not good faith by any society incorperated or estab- In Deeember 1844, a any ag ee ek Ontario. géfeds Ge. AETMAZII GALA 4047 eee. eee ccee purehase the counterfeit and offer the same for | over two inches broad, do; Hoop or Tire for driv- | }ished for the encouragement of agriculture. miltce of the Synod of N w York and New Jee wk OR. =- Grimsby eccoceeavdee! 11526 Qld 4.43 6.47 Seis ee Sale, render'themselves liable:to prosecution. ing wheels, bent and welded, do; Connecting Salt for the use of the fisheries, military cloth- | sey, on the subject of the motilations ef books } Ags ete 20s Beamsville .....-.e.-! 11.40 oS 5 05 'All ofour travellers and authorized Agentshav | Rods, in preces, do; Frames and Pedestals, rough ing and wine for the use of regimental messes, the American Tract Society," was published < . % Jack Serer: 11 "55 ROMER * Rasy: ae $s eres pees a power of Attorney signed by us, authorizing | from the forge, do; Brass or Copper Tubes do; The following Articles in the occupation" er |'@nd jn that report, the mutilations and om 4 Sie se edt eniead -- cleans ae ae gies x | ius af de ee as 5.27 7 eee them in our name, te transact our business. Boiler Plates, do; Railroad Bars, do; Scrap, do; | employment of persons coming into the Province | inthe editions published, by that Society, » Betas Sa Medal ie asa ae eee (io) pg C3 = I The following are our only Agents in Hamil- | Rolled Plate from a quarter to piri ate yat tor the purpose of actual settling therein, viz: , D'Aubigne's History of the Great Reteianan . > -GORNELIUS ¥. CHARITY St. Catharines . veces -| 12. 20 Bs 2.55 5.58 TS | wees 4.15 Se. eee NL - soardsl Sle tae eee sede om Sate and upwadis' Wearing Apparel in acinal useand other per | STE pointed out--besites,-there are the «@ ni -¥T OULD respectfully call the attention of his | Thorold 12.3 3.0 TON, KNEESHAW & CO.," In Toronto, LY- | do; Iron Cranks, wrought, six cwl. bs | sonal effects not merchandise; horses and-cattte | 3¢BS and expurgations in other books publish OULD respectfully call the attention of his Horo ee ee 30 5 6.25 eee eevee eoee MAN. BROTHERS co d ' Ex € : sy te As ra 2 see 7 AN. ERS, & CO.. are our general | do. implements and tools of trade of handy-crafismen | #8 $0 the vile sin of Slavery, and the substitutios fron Manufactures, twelve and a half per ecnt; Jewelry, do; Lamps, do; Lead Manufactures, do; Sue ? RADWAY & CO. GOING WEST. ' Toronto, Aprif@4th, 1854, © : Leather, and Manufactures of, do; Lemon Syrup, fF. = = AK 4 FF % eng me - do; Linen, and Manufactures of, do. -- p 'PROS PECTUS: FOR 1856, Liquors, four shillings per gallon. Friends, and the Public generally, to his Niagara Falls, arrive ..|. 1.00 e assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, of | ~~. eee every description, constantly on hand, at his Establishment on King, between Fourth and |. . Fifth Streets, which 'he will sell for Casu, at+ Go 3.30 7.10 2.50 : eeeo 4.50 AAAS LAAN | agents--we also sell to SIMPSON & CO. The personal household effects nov merchan | Of S¢htences other than the original. © =» dize, of inhabitants of this province, being sub' f The notice by me-entitled, " Publications," fe jects of Her Majesty and dying abroad. erable te these matters, has been widely circ And the tu!lowing articles, when imported di- | '€4, avd @ Canasian public are again reminded rectly from the United Kingdom, the. British ofthetr duty." RAR AALY heaper rates than cah be afforded at any other ¢ a F : 1 es ore in the Town. From' the Farmers ot Kent - . a go rs | 5 ialealggdascias Me. evek bende bale byes pour: North American Provinces, the Island of Prince ; JOHN J. E. LINTON.» e¢ would invite an examination of his Stock. 2 Uts ¢ b «06 x is =e = TH Madtiner all kinds, twelve and a half per cent; Edward and Newfoundlanu, and being the grow:h : Stratford, C. W., March 80, 1855. » § From his long experience in this branch of Busi- ST ui : A af i 4 gi pa ; E ; Mahcgany ie mS ' | produce, a manufacture of the said United King- | aie ness, he feels confident of being able to execute | ATIONS, ~~ id a lal a J AN Ts eee ee ec : dom, or of such Province respectively, viz:-- 7 (8 SURRY OER © all orders with which he may be favoured ; and : ao 3 --" - a H = SATU RDAY EVENING POST. SEL auiioand Saal peo Meeiiciaee de. Animals, beef, pork, biseuit, bread, butter Wil pry 8E. TBE 2 esinyt he will guarantee neatness and promptness on his Z i < a 3 Ris bs are | Mod is; f Machinery. and other inventions and | COC paste, corn or grain of all kinds, flour, fish Ther part for the work he may be entrusted with. ms r=) 2 " ESTABLISUED AUGUST 41 F .. Models of Mi : se : ' fresh or salted. dsjed: erostektedfishowdl | Funk idr ' ane :y €.H. C. would also return thanks to his old x : < ies 41H, 1821, hie Po vk nd pera eis ore skins, the produce of fish or creatures living in | Me eee eustomers for the patronage heretofore extended i: to "iM mu PM. ou | Weekly Edition between 80,000 and 90,000 Mu = - Acute ste ib iwe 'and-a half. per | the. sea, gypsum, horns, mess poultry, plants, | No. 33, KING STREET EAST. to him, and hopes to merit the continuance of | ,,. woe Se Poe ep Sects poe : Per | shrubs and trees, potatoes and vegetables of all | SoeS rin dees STE EIT shel Favours, : | : Seen Folissalstaht x on 2: Birds He i qe py aes rN deus ree half d. | kinds. Seeds of all kinds pelts, skins furs or | TORONT ee Se * Chatham, July 29, 1854. : 19-ly Thorold eeeveeececcven eoce 8.07 eevee 3.05 ecdce ecoe N wee ne their Prospectus for 1856, the ropri- eee hahaa ser ae egell pied per pound. tails undressed. Wood, Wis : boards, : planks, For Rare Bargains in Spring and | c i ve : St. Catharines 4 8.17 11.50 3.20 eae 11.55 etors Gf the Powg.tage it for granted, that the mS P staves, timber ahd firewood , nd , } see RE MOVAL J a Petes os See? " 48 : public are aiready tolefably well acquainted with | _ Oil, twelve anda half per cent; Oysters, do;| "and the following articles when imported di- Men's and Boys' Keapy-mapr was eS t= i po Bée QFGAN. ccceceeeernesel sees 8.33 ae aes > ice see | the character of a piper that has grown strong | Packages containing free goods, or goods raied | peor "from the Provinces of Nova cine ee 'FT -T WIM: ee oe bees - ROAMAV UES nce se scas| nae 8.48 | PM. 3.55 ccee eee hes storms and sunshine of THIRTY- | under twelve and a half per cent, do; Packages, | Brunswick and Prince Edward's Island. and C ig O T H ] .. G, anatiia Uair. Lid ase 4 Grimsby ¢ a « ac:0 cc cece Seg: 9.03 12.23 4.07 Pace eee UR ARS. Their object always has been other, charged the same as the ad valorem rate on being the growth, produce, or Wo Gis of ff ee ee wed tail gi fonehie Fair : Cutting. PS aie ag a = 9.16* paris 4.20 Sap ae 2 it remains to be, to publish a weekly paper | their contents, Paints, do. said Provinces reapecrtvely: viz: HATS, CAPS, : &c., , --_ siete: : : : : or the family circle, which shall not only amuse, Paintings, free. : : ' exer ited JJX\HE SUBSCRIBER grateful to his old Hudhiidon.! ArrQR Jee) secs 9.40 12.55 4.50 P.M. 1,05 but also instruct. and improve, those who may| Paper and Paper Manufactures, twelve and a Grain and Breadstuffs of all kinds, vegetables, Staple and Fane : Ir , Goods, ts ern on Wy ghoul hate pies Depart...) ees 9.50 1.15 5.00 4.15 1.15 read it. To accomplish this object, the best arti- | half per cent; Perfumery, do. Sa eee BAS oe ee hops, Aue sae y y istts BME past favors, woul : v_ invite ; ' cles are selected ed fi ferei ilosophical Instruments & Apparatus, free. : eats, buiter, cheese, chocolate, arc N Fi Fie: visithim atthe CITY BATHS, Front Street, Dundas SP ROI Pk Pee aera 7.18 Se -- _-- ese domestic demslicniNekd oridinas aaueler 48 2 Pickles and Sauces, twelve and bhatt si oeht other preparations of cocoa, lard, talluw, hides, | MILLINERY, &e. Sexi. a vast of Uhure reet, to which ce he Nas : co Ce ee ro a . es instructive character, procured when'possible. Pimentu, Pepper and Alspice, one penny per lb | POrns, wool, undressed skins, and furs of a , 2 tock is mnusu. East of Church Street, to which place he has Flamboro * 10.20 5.30 5.00 5 horus. Wool q a ele df f all HOMAS LAWSON'S Stock i és : 2 as ses /p p , Pepp pice, one penny p . Set ee LAN . {Petiperted) viel he will take great pleasure Copetown Cee F-0 dake 6 @ oneere 10 30 ae0oe 5 . 45 8. 15 ecco Letters from Forei n Lands ' the most interest- Pipes, smoking, twelve and a half per cent; kinds, arSs. of all kinds, HOU BE a at blooms, large ; and as it must be cleared ful Aucine n waiting on all who may favor him with their | Vansickles ..ececceel cace '10.42 + tee 5.57 5.50 5 es ind oortions of the Wo ily News of the World. | Pork, mess, do. copper, lead in pigs, grindstunes and stones of all | the next few weeks, to make room for large Fal atronage in the line of HAIR CUTTING, | J.) 1.4, -- eee : ebeteeen. gulp, Preserved Fruits 122 10 per cent. kinds, earth, coals, lime, ochres, gypsum ground | [mportations, he will give Great Bargainé te a : Fairchild's Creek 10.53 2.10 6.09 6.02 Sketches of Life, Adventure and Character ; Se- P : : & . HAVING, HAIR CURLING, or SHAM- TERR co acece ass )e . eons ena: ao Original Aicleis sian pele Phosphorous, tw and a half per cent; Potash, | °F unground, .rock-salt, wood, bark, timber and | Purchasers at Wholesale or Retai:. fir' bet . es a % 4 POOING. sr Wake and Caco BATHS af all hours, <&4 lumber of all kinds, firewood, ashes, fish, fish Clothing made to. measure in the first style. Work- 4) ceo: i Pee prussiate ct, do. paar! esate roe ------ | Account of the Produce and Stock Markets; and | | : oil, viz: train oil, spermaceti oil, head matter and anstip and fl warranted Z eee : ° i. ieee oa Preston, depart.....0-| sees 8.30 LA, be eas cece wee a Bank Note List are included among the solid Qui « twelve and a half per cent. . THOS F. CARY. : a. : : ; ) : fait Sent blubber, fins and skins, the produce of. fish or a Fe cate, August 12, 1834. Galt fe ee TaGGy hi waa meas hes information to be constantly found in the Posr. Raicide tone ceadt Ger hiGad creatures living in the sea. P T. LAWSON." ee ps [ot ee ae But the mind requires a wider range--it has ; ; -- . ES ae ct careseus, oot =11.35 gree 2 6.50 6.50 SAS ; : bs arises : Rice, twelve and a half per cent. a : a oy Pee AEE RIV AY We 6 Galt, es faculties which delight in the humorous and livel eld NSTITU TION S 5 ae me Nii TE AN i Ss} FOR ph) : Preston, do. "secesasl seve 11.50 weee 7.10 7.10 = Sta the imaginative and poetical. These breuitiee ee ee CONSTITUTION eo OHN SPARKS, Be Ge wires eas also must have their appropriate food, else they Rom, i rest by Gyles» Piscanmeter, ane OF THE wie fig Sete s s : § ne $1 ag ight ; llen. : . a = ' wk Sieg wae become enfeebled, and, as a consequence, the in- Ray erg ite ba tinker cote Wrewimeianal Wo ileoo, Clock and Watch Maker, t-lleect becomes narrow and one-sided, and is not Salaratus, twelve and ahalf per cent. SAESE WILLIAM STREET, oe h 11.25 2.35 6.37 SUigeesl bv Base Paris £4 se eto sarees| eeoee ae oe ge ae ose FMCOUGR o 6 ese cpanas| cess 11.45 cece 6.53 ooee Tanke able-to .take.an, enlarged. and generous view of : 5 ArricL Ss: in r a --se | Ce ae tae Se Gon Boe ao et Soe 8 Salt, free: Seeds, do: RTICLAR J; i ae | ol _ ANDREW SMITH : Eastwood .eccesesccs|. owes P.M. eeve 7.17 wens sees his nature and its'destiny. To satisfythese Segars, twu shillings per pound. We, the undersigned, associate fur the purpose 'Reels Be dicen eee aching | ax -OULD respectfully announce that he has Woodstock. a Roky bis 12 S 15 ; 8. 15 | Dy. > «ens $.33 heaven implapied ABVINES gre pes Pea' Snuff, four pence per pound. of carrying out the following Pledge age : AKES this: method of. announcing tothe # established a NEW STORE in this Town, Beachville. Sane ee ohienh. e we '6 i. 25 i eB PoP 7 -40 se Bes bs ---- TION, PORTR' and HU MOR fol bot : Soap, twelve anda half per cent: . A BSLIEVING in the necessity of measures to further pro eHiitinéhs of Chatham, and Kent County gene F ou the Corner of King and Witham Streets, where In rersoll 12.35 8.35 7 55 : da 59 Ta . torn ' : Specimens of Natural History, Mineralogy and | mote Literature, General Intelligence, Active Benevolence erally, that he has opened the CLOCK: AND he will be. happy to receive: the calls of all wish- |' sg eoeerecerevecee meee : ° <2 : ° ° a9 49 ° Among our contributors in the first two of the Botany, free. ; the Principles uf Universal Freedom, anda British Union WATCH MAKING Business, and is prep- red ne to purchase 1 ok Edwardsburg...sesws 2...% | 12.55 ceee 8.15 cove eee above departments, are several of the most gilteu Spices, unenumerated, three pence per pound, | Rot bases on complexional considerations, and in the im | to.wait en.all who may favor him with a.call 4 p pi ; ; , ; } ' See 1 3 riters'in the land. W : 3 : : : perative duty now resting upon us to thwart the plana now | d hi : + eh og od 5 i nS i : * © @ROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. - London Arrives... 00) AM 1.15 4.15 8.35 cee 4.40. | writersdn the land. ¢ also draw freely for! S pkes, twelve and a half per cent. maturing to array one class of Her Maicaty s subjecte | 44@ hopes by strict atiention to, business to ji Zick iy nd oncoep Depart Pes Me. os 1.40 4,30 - Ses cooper 4.50 Fiction and Poetry upon the best periodicals in S$ pirits, except Rum and Whiskey at proof | against another, and increasing class on the grounds of the | 4 portion of the public~patronage. He has just oe is prepared f pee pyri on pane ; K L 5 oF aes ae + pgs this country and Greai Britain. We designcom- | two' shillings and sixpence per gallon, coenpineines <haees and origin of the latter, we | received a variely of CLOCKS & WATCHES lecaed eeArR TO BACCO. 4: ie COF- Tas - ate aaa Ae seat be cece eee oe meveiue, ealey ipey (hy. Mrs; Souraworra, | Spirits or Cordials, sweetened so that the | Pu Jbiy, asmembers of this tien' ond ridtieesei es. eS a superior -olass: also, a beaniifal stock wt PEE, 2, Ge Fe, Mt. Brydges....++60. 23 ei . eece sees eee author of "The Deserted Wite,"* Miriam," &c. | strength cannot be found by the Hydrometer, | capacity. ascitizens,--Ist: To promote a healthy h: JEW EGRY, to-which the attention of th y ham, Aug. 20; 185 © ahell oan A8-ly Ekfrid.. vc ccc cecceeecst:10.05' | 2699* 6.27 S1GLOH8 UL. 4... in our first paper for January next. four shillings per gallon. : ts a loyal spirit among Rie of Her Majesty kand: Gentlemen-ate especially agen f Sala ; a aa aa ee ae me : . 2 : : ie OF Sif tei tien wy echdicgctye Viise Bae Sy Sani a Serine Evalie ahd ot -- "subjects with whom we m: SOCiate € "in-colitac poesia wei of apte atise J PR OSPECTUS Miss ck vcs o cue ven 6.58 cone! FLAMES A Re A repes |: eeees Engravings illustrative of pin" ap 3 agg bn - vie eer ahalf per ent. and. To emeurage sad oe Soe pagtelelteh oe: - ice" Al kinds of CLOCKS, "WATCHES, Nee ie Bp ' - taper ys om, Este are A YR 19 e we PRE Good lol oa and actions, of Agricultural'and other few Inven- eel, a hall . tn Canada, which will stand on the watch-tower to, notify | AND JEWELRY Cleaned and Plepaived, onthe PHI ot ad Wardsyille ESS ess * PPP. i «20 = 3 3.07 6.10 inti Sees 6. tions, with atherd dP x -FRUROroki though refined Steel Manufactures, twelve and a half per cent. | the citizens of this country against the: fist sop tation, | most.reasonable terms, for cash. 5 -- -- & y ee es a teeta wee | DEM ws 05s 4 ons 60} 4240 3.15 cone, ooee. tees eee character, are also freely*given. Sugar, Refined, in Loaves, Crushed, or Candy Hi irene appease cents pelted States and | Chatham Aug.22- 0. =." "iy s 5 ae Ww AA SF re ® ere: | 4 ' é ' : i j ; : pole gent ® apes 3 ba. 3 } Souniry,, arve.out a pelic: r emi = Seas 2 PAS 2 ie : i, BUA SRI . FLLUSTRATED, Thamesville . seccesee| 12,20 eeee eoee cece | geoe | oeec The Pestage on 'the Post to any 'part of the or other sale fectsmadia thereto by any formerly boind. ae tree Fiera ae eed pee ae pied lee eee . 728% BR NEW FIRST CLASS. Mei : "Tatted & Gros : a eee Ace, | Process, LWCIVE SNUNIDES ; who tnay and do settle herein, by counselling the former to MIAh TS. Ate ASeIER cg sisi - . SSvyappapsir : me 4 > "15 prepress oats paid quarterly or yearly in advance White and Brown, Clayed or Yellow Bastard | be a "geod:peasantry" for the latter, as their highest amt NOTEUNG RSE LEEWAY 'HER. Tmannaily woos ere Chathan:. + ses sieseey "1.295 4.07 ol ever | eons. | Ty85. | at the office where it is received, is only MFcents | sugars, or other Sugars rendered by any process | Ri oF o aggregate themselves into exclusive communitica RE ISS gdh ee _Peveted to News; Literature, Science. and the Arts; : j a : a2 S53 a-year.. ~ RY aes bs uga4s, : e "dered Sy any Process | op to look upen the West Indies as the home for : Ty: : heron Pee ( Bapt Creek . 2210 a ey : : ye ' t ier | st Indies as the he the mase IF YOU WOULD B&. RIC ~ entertainment, Improvement and Progress. SPUBLG NVTGER «exes ze: oece ee egies ee cn eer ae ation equal in quality thereto, eight shillings and six | in preference to the free goil of Canada'; thereby promul: | gy op ops ee EPO Ss ned on adrehie W KEKLY, aT $24 YxEar, Rochester ss .6.cee8| 2.655 ene cove cooe eeoe | 'evs Terms, ~The ae Seed of the Past are Two ence per cwt *s gating the dangerous doctrine that God's children of diffe- Read this, and: save yeur Penny. --. Sita avi cas ae vasa ae OTe 4 isl geil 7} . Dollars, it paid in' advarice; Three Dollars, if not Sugar, Raw, and other kinds not being equal | Tent complexions, cannot live together under. the British -. =. ee ee ere 7 Sk oA PUce se veeeccceesees| ioe ele igvaes 9.05 oe Poe ee paid in advance. For Five Dollars, in advance, | to White ot Brown, Clayed or Yellow Bastard ages peated pipes tite nore, cmmnee nue) CT GOD wirra a fac eras ae ingot =o 2) 308, Breaadteay, New York, ij '| do AD» e eda b SETS she" i tt eas ON be oa = . ae : esome ™ J and-drawer rater?' raw, friend--- k BEBE 0) 208; Broa ay, 3 wh ge Windsor. BITIVEs « 0-9. 0) 3,50. . 545) eal ERT babe 9.20 one copy is sent three years. We continue the Sugars, six shillings and six pence per cwt of white complexion. 3rd. To oe. phe ae on oh eee ag tesatsien Si le vows * a ' : Fborough, can you-inform. m where 1.¢a® move the stain of Sl m the face of th; : EE) Saas, Fotki Gan rae Enea stain of Slavery from the face of the earth, and get a pair of good boots made?" = : particularly, as subjects of Great Britain, fo chack: ite pro: : ' q gress in America by all legitimate means; and Sth.Feren, 'Yes, sir, I can; just go te T. W. WIL ) SRL NL | following low terms for Clubs, to be sent, in the Be yee ean wae . "fol g : i Syrups, twelve and a half per cent. fe The Company's Time Tables can be obtained on application at any of the Stations, | city, to one addressy"and, in the country, .to one 1 Do Sugar, two pence per gallon and, do. eee 3 -- _ {tiseur surpose to furnish a journal, which, heund..to ne patty, sect, or..theory,, embracing YT DWpDw : a ' Post Office. LF ae Sal Ammoniac, two'and a half per cent; Seed, | courage the rising generation in literar : SON'S, King'St. East. Cha + ae ith's every hi man i terest, and furnishing food for all ngage, eevee te be J. BRYDGES, : Managing Director. 4 Copies, - + 2° - © \*gperannum $ 5| Mustard, do; Shellac, do; Slate; -do;. Straps for | mechanical efforte. 6th. he's Biclede ok Spetaitter ia ed pay hag A ma ait we . ah the faculties of the mind, shall merita world-wide | * Flag Stations, © Ok 4 et ts + dh ifs i Se 8 do (and 1 to the getter up of the Club) $10} Walking Beams, do; Sulphur, roll, do. Se erat ne aad stl Mrecman. "as our otwan, so long | most satisfactorily oe | Sicha Pia on : atk er a ¥ = : 13 do [3 and. Maat: tier up of the Club) S15 ; y De una to advocate sound principles, and to Soe pte Sulphur, flour, twelve and.a half per cent. use our ability to promote objests in connexion with i, t¢| Well, how is your judgment 'a cepand alee Tea, two pence per pound. ; further honest endeavours in this direction. '| quality of boots. shee? oF" Tin, two and a half per cent Art. I.--For the better Success of the-abore |" Most excellent--I'm an old boot and shes Tobacco, Manufactured, or Unmanufactured, |, measures, the Parent Society shall consist of a maker : many~are the days tHat-I've drawn ihe = etiCOlatO ea TiRE re : a is the form of Original Essays, Historical, Bio- | A DELECTABLE AND ROSEATE COMPOUND IS and Adventure. Poetry, Painting, Music, and NWRIVALL ED PARTS: ; Sculpuure, etcs, f 'om. the-pens-of our best writers, UNRIV ALL ED P ARI ere wilt ¢hoice selections from the leading periodi-| _ . TOOTH PASTE, . O° ndeaohaoy -- ferm ped ine cpa = es 16 11 of "Ae EMQUE PREPARATION, ee *PRe great fie = ; si | Quickly Cleansing the TEE TH, arresting decay, " OE ue ee oe "explored; ae all producing a delightful oder to the Breath, and 20 do (and Yo the getter up of the Club) $20 Persons residing in British. North America must remit twenty-five cents in addition to the subscrip- NEW DRUG STORE. CENTRAL MEDICAL HALL. | pontge ey ser Pray De ated Sate _ oe JIdf0N8 To Crivss.--Any person having sen A. T. AUGUSTA : themoney and names for a Club, may add new WFEGS to announce to his Friends -and the | 22mes'to it at the same rate, provided the latter other than Segars-or Snuff, two pence per pound, | President, a Vice-President, Recording and | cords." Rae SES i NS Toys, twelve and a half per cent Corresponding Secretaries, Treasurer, and a " Where did-you say I coh find "Wie?" Telegraph Wire, two and a half per cent Committee 'as extensive as the number of signa- | _" Why, the next door to Mr. Andrew Smith's Varnish, twelve and a half per cent tures td thé Pledge: ft cide bre 2h Te Grocery, cumen-of iine- aud: Wal iam ' : Vermicelli, one penny per pound Art. IH.--The annual fee of each male mem- | East,--any person can tell you it fi a ' Vinegar, three pence per gallon ber shall be 2s. Gd. cur'y. | OWN you Be tS de Se Fe | Tit " Ao. Bh ie F mn "T will with pleasure; fer 1 know, hi id 3 tches, twelve anda half per cent; Wa ; | ize'a Com) \derator, § are a whe hears Elm Street, with a New and Choice Selection cf | !¥ sbpply the back numbers, if we have them. | whalebone, do Bs Meni as Ot | crveeaniert bd thaavaet eon onGn meet ow exnerenes, oe a ie est "manna yok DRUGS, MEDICINES, Our object is to have all the subscriptions in Wheat, free. F 4 member, shal! be Is. 3d. ESS, : Spas Verses S aa PG Mouse ees eae eee : mie ot a rention im roved process will escape our PSS EROES Patent: Medicines: Perfumery: er ; inds in We 5 : 1 Pease oe) eo pear aoiG og hep hk ie Fae ai | 18h OE CTO a ARSE oF [tS icetebaityin the fshionablecireles of Paris | ll Tite A pibrety The money for Clubs must always be sent in | peing Bottles, not exceeding in value 215 the pine [0 be bold. Te Paconte ele nal Fait, | Hes also very particular in géuting uphie Woll ae seat ae b 2S Rep ee Oe: on he. ABA Tee oCain MendaL aes ) " Py ee ee oe SIR AS 5 = f : ; : on, | so Pm co ie. fail to ot ' ble oe AGRICULTURE § HORTICULTURE, |* #4 London, and the continual recommenda- | and-trusts;-by-striet attention to.his, business, to | 24vance.. "When thesunr_is large, a draftshould | of 136 gallons, one shilling per gallon, and if ex-! Chatham, and other large cities and' towns. at |equistaction to these who ue We ee a BIURE Gp HORTICULTURE, | | ii cot menivent! Dchtists! -and. those whorhave RE ee tee es 11100 to. his; business, Be & if possibléettie® cast" hich ae at shal ge cities and towns, at | satisfaction to those who favor him with f ae ' Jarge @ portion. of var pédple are en- | O0Ne OS for ceneatarotetate tants ae merit a Share of theit patronage. ~ b procured if possible--the cost' of which may | ceeding £15 the Pipe in value one shilling and | which auxiliaries may be formed; also, to devise Bai onde eS ae: CEES Oreo ee been pips wt 'fe grepeteggen ants supel et Physicians"Prescriptions, accurately prepared, e deducted from~the amount, sixpence per gallon other measures for promoting the specie object I 5 ever all dentrifices in use, while se:strachians LEECHES APPLIED. __ | -- Post-Masters or others sending for' C@lubs,| Wine of all kinds in Bottles per dozen Quarts, | namely, the support of the people's organ. the | beautifni to ¢] : 'inching to the evewoung -efects upon the Teeth and Gums, even wherethere| ay ue oy, Pag : : : ae ' : Joe Support ol the peoples organ, the | beautifui to the eye, but plaguy pinching woustRY, and pies Bebn che tiderieble bod ect! ie 2 & in mere all F Cupping, Bleeding 'and Teeth extracted: 'would confer a favor by having,them sent te one | seven shillings and six pence Provincial Freeman. : pas 3 ee feét; and-I have Jumps: apon each : as been considerable neglect, proves it oe ay Tf gee , eee address, when they can du soconveniently.> « Wine of all kinds in Bottles per dozen Pints, |} Arr. VI.--~Auxiliary Societies may be'formed |-in. foul weather give me ane : in alldts departmen ed; ana eee : / . J Public generally, that he has OPENED will allow their subscriptions to end at the same Vitriol, two and a half percent Art. 1V.--The Female Members sha 4 ew. discoveries laid before our readers in a |' ES = withoes Gee nh the Store on Yo ge 'Street, one door south of | time those of the'main listds. We will willing- , A gph acs ) TH Seep cre in the Sn Ch te "eee a 5 8 Bee -,OR OTHER HURTFUL INGREDIENTS TO THE ents o Agriculture, Mechanical Industry ehe tae tt we (ta arinei ne' tie: Both | will feces attention, and ith Std elor outer vovering of tue Teeth, 'is of his'own maunfacture, and he has always % a poy depa Js f40U aad, each Club end atthe same time, and thus prevent | Whiskey at proof, five penee per gallon Art. V.--The object of the Gadies'\Gommittee | on hand a superior quality for gentlemen's weal siting up his work confusion. ' ae aI © & ne! 4, gaged, will deman at our han 8 special con- siierations "We shall "éndeavor to elevate stiil : aS 5 bec ri pte bees "There are some bout makers whose wk i CF iS SE ia Dadt , a4 oe i ina ss ta develop and bring to. light the latent talent : Ae ave st ee : ium.bestuw it. The Propriet sompetent Assislant, always ai : a etas Seger oo es andl ol.our intelligent and. wer thy. artisans, i ee papa ao a WHE te : ees te betes < » <The papers to Clubs are invariabiy stopped, at three shillings and nine pence ee 7 In each town, 'city, or village, in which parties |-- *"Ab, yes, too much have Psuffered by 'fetter' . SE PRYSOROGY ST [ol bee OP WP ENSON & Cb; Torento, March 30) 1855. Gly | the expiration of the period*for which they have Woollen Yarn, twelve and a half per cent, | may be found to'take as their. basis the Constitu- | from the boot mouldersthands + but Hie'snot oneot oo eoreandete ee oe HG tas Heo Sit Vode ag Gal & Pabeo ine?" i bee : MONE | | subscribe? "st hci ad iliwe groin bij eiiit alunos oad Me chi ndi al, Hen af sel provided that 'they, at*their | them ;-he endeavours to: makexa systematic fit, sical development and the promotion of health}... .. . _.,, GHEMIsts & Perfumers. -- PS slide @ AGEL S1-48 8 es a A, - pte oe ot | All Goods, Wares and Merchandise not enu- | option, make such. local arrai it Rattan alors co te aw th hear, "a pion ihn place in our-columne, | ss 48, King Street" West. § AS RAMRMBA HDs | A New: Agrancement.--Our subscribers will | erated, twelve anda half per cept, eculiarities of the case requi 2. a ee a a soe sos ee ee And sold by their Agents 'in Lower and Upp r Be oA Ad take notice that we now have no collecting agents P require. : toe--clasely observing the most minute protuber Bee es aie inc ods riz « | Camila eindtthe Minne Giatem -AideGitevlare, oivu> totei/ veer corset emer | | Mk eh this Mais. "They. will therefore please JMR YAR Ant Vil Phe officers of the Society shall be | anee, if-there be any. upon the feet; and che-seh 48 its 'broadest' sense will encout ged, and, . Tw -Shilli eg Siz aie may: : S. ee BOOTS ANI Haimeee isting Femit to us direst. SEES Gussie: 4 : FREE GOODS : elected annually, and. at each annual meeting, | dom fails to make his boots set' is easy "Sided by contributors, engaged in teaching in'col- | OT POE RES BPG miepence per dozen, sha, Sa D SHOES, .. SiS Se fos Fy <i soe one or more persons shall be empowered to assist | as a glove upon a lady's tender fingers Besides, warn school, and shop, we snall try to render' the -- ees font ols Peele | | on, E a. oe Be) PES 21DlayG is uz Sieperenns addssaning.letiers 9, iw shoud "5 ° The following danticless, in addition to those | in forming auxiliaries, and.in.whatever way the | he always keeps a superior stock on hand; Gursuit of knowledge easy and'attractive. xd ees Acmecten vom | The English House, No. 80, Yonge Street. Lake! Bere , >| marked 'free" in.the columns above, are now | interests of the Society may demand. _ ob vale ht oblain'a $awes instant oak TSue, St, aT ig W BOOKS 35,8 en eee ae cesseauntens = : : i a $4: | of the tywn, in which they live. Sag letlers must | made free--subject to the exception, that if the pe ee : Arr. VII[.--The Ladies' Committee shall | that d fit.yourfeet a: - Governor of this Province shall at any. time.de- | meet every Monday evening, for the purpose of woul fit. your-fee apd pleage jhe be post-paid, Subscribers wishing their paper changed, will | clare the suspension of the Treaty between He: | making up articles, useful and 'elegant; and to _ One Door North of Adelaide Street: " oe ets RY. aan 9 Liew RA wh nas esd "Then I must try him." wk es LAWKE begs to appri Nears Re : bin, Raped Fig pos as a weey =. "Try him, ot course, and: you'll save at 9 STORE af OBS BAW be toes Sahat hee the foe _please give the name of 'the Post-Office to be | Majesty and the United States of America, sign- | them shall be entrusted the details of their plans. | end or vent rene" aise est cheaper aA Se Wreeeee | ounding neigbouthood. that he ha Kena | changed from, as well as the Post-Otfice they | ed on the 5th day of June, 1854, then, while such |. Ant. IX:---A monthly meeting of members, --sedondly, your boots will' wear ¥. = a eH ZEN ONT Ff Uloicg ane WEI Wleeied pee OF Ladies Sen. wish it hereattersentto. © suspension shall continue, the several articles | both male and female shall_be assembled for the | . " Come, let's go." St aes ponicbperlen emir mee: a GROCERY tlemen's and Children's BOOTS and SH Bes We trust that such of our old friends, the Post- mentioner in the schedule to the Act last afore- | purpose of promoting the literary-objects specfied, | _"Pny ready--Are you a eash ma nv". ibS wand PROVISION STORE; on => = -- bwhieh Wii Gewhi dt dhe dowest-oomible ors im Masters, as do not feél iticlined to take advantage | said, being the growth and produce of the said | by recitations of original pieces; reading, debates, | "am: for he pin -pays cash clips the dis. UB E1 TR EET ?® -- | force eS0ld Mt the lowest possible prices | of our liberal offers themselves, will show our | United States, shall be subject to the duties to] ce... Twice in the year, at the semi-annual and | count of eredit, and secures it in his own pocket." : dL eoare . NR eHAvEe AE TY WEY nieces... | Prospectus to other influential and responsible | which they are now subject; and no such afticle | annual meetings, pa:ties shall be Solicited to ad-| 'Then that's the place, for his motto reads'"-- | BOOTS AND SHORS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION _persons who will be ' raise Clubs, &c, | shall.then be admitted free of duty, unless it'wa- | dressthe Society, 3 Ask of me no trust, when yeu cometobuy; "MADE TO. i RSON, -- | $0. admitted immediately before: the passing of |. Arr<X.--This Constitution can be altered at|. Ask ofeme no trast, for you. | mus 'ee % Act ee | the Annual Meeting, bya vote ofa majority of.|. Ask of me no tru Wo haihda nan} Cae ee 'to bei vie 'it, ctitically reviewed. ye departmentot "we shall be-prompt, authentic, and full, giving a | .eapelally prepared summary: of -passing events, at oe tproign and domestié-andweeording allsigns f 4 partment of difey "lag |" "wil! be carefully and candidly noticed, and where <3 " progress in every de ~ Animals of all kinds, meats: pt | members present and the addition of the votes from | Ask of me no trust, I cannot grant ¢ ig @| mess pork), butter, cheese, flour, barley, buck. 2 ltiaaysedcieayyaheonghs 's from | Ask Stet ur o-| wheat, bear and bi Se ee _peas-| the same, provided, that at whatever place the | Ask of meno ti . 'poe above grain, and wheat not bolted | Annual Fair may be held eAmonal Meeting {| 80) 2% - , ; | shall be held for thetime being, ., Chatham,