Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON), 10 May 1856, p. 3

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SHRYSTALATYPRS AMBROTYPES --AND BOTY PES: ---- Stes ' he seen, and he cordially irvites the public to an » examination of them at his rooms in Mrs. _Smith's Block, King Street. "+ 'Phese beautiful impressions are taken in about one-sixth of the time required to produce a Da- "guerreotype--hence its superiority in getting the » dikenesses of children. They can be taken equally as well in cloudy as in clear weather. Sas: Prices, same as for Daguerreuty pes. Beckwith and get one. None butthe very best pictures will be per- mitted tobe taken from his Rooms, fae" Daguerreotypes taken as usual. 'Cka ham, 25th April, 1856. LOST. ON Nonpay the 28th inst., on King Street, asmall POCKET BOOK, containing a small sam of mouey and other papers. Any person returning the same to the Provincial Freeman Office, will be liberally rewarded. INFORMATION WANTED. Cailon 2-tf. J DAVIS in company with his ' brothers Moses and Lewis, left Loudon County . Virginia, about eleven vears ago in search of freedom, bat on their way they was attacked by siave-catchers, at which time a bat- tle ensued, resulting in the capture of Jefferson, while the other two Moses and Lewis effected "their escape; bu®since Jefferson has purchased himself and caine te Canada. Any one knowing any of the abeve named ersons, will receive a reward of $5, by making . the same known to the Rev. H. J. Yonng, Elder - of the M.E. Church, Chatham, C. W. ~» Chatham, May 2nd, 1856. 3 (Advertisement, No.9.) AMERICAN TRACT S°CIETY, fee - SHAVERY. OR a very complete exposure of the sinful and unchristian course of the American Tract Society, and its direct Slavery proclivities ia iis management, expungings {n its publications Ge., and of the conduct of the Rev. Nehemiah "Adams, (Congregationalist) one of its managers, ef " South-side-view" notoriety, see the New Werk Tridune of Saturday, April 5th, 1856.--1 have been advised of the reliableness of the state- 'ments therein made. In the Independent of New Yerk, repeated proofs against said. society, to a gyeater extent, have appeared at various times from January 1855, to April 10, 1856.--* What "book ertract against Slavery and its system, "have you published,--and is your circulation 'tof the Bible to every person, bond or free,'-- should be the touchstone question asked of the tcieties, and let proof be given, as the public ].as been already deceived--in Canada as a free 6.nentry,---no money support or fraternal fellow- a¢ip, should be extended in the upholding of Pro- siavery institutions and societies. For the mwmes of all Pro-slavery societies, I teter to the Abolition society, 48 Beekman Street, New York (Rev. W. Goodell.)--It is expected a fall list of them witl soon be published in Canada hee ; J.J. E! LINTON. Stiatford,C. W., April 17, 1356. - Giving up Business Immediately. AMES SMITH, & Co., are now selling _ without reserve, their whole Stock of Dry pods and Ready-Made Clothing, at a Tremen- deus Sacrifice, fur CASH only. Tre whole must be cleared by the 15th of May. P. S.--Immediate payment of all Accounts and Notes, due J.S.& Co., is respectfully re- qaested--as all unsetil-d Accounts and Notes, at the Ist day of May next, will be then givea to the Clerk ef the Division Court, for collection. ; JAMES SMITH & Co., "Chatham, April 11th, 1856. 48-tf. N-OJL LC E. f° HE ANNUAL CONFERFNCE of the British Zion Wesleyan Church, will meet in Amherstburg, on the first Saturday in July, 1856. Allthe Ministers o. the connection are requested to attend. Strange ministers or others ace respectfully invited te attend. J. W. JONES, Sceretarw 2 Chatham , March tith, 1835. Important to <iousekeepers. J offer for sale 35 different recipes for $1, many e@f which have been sold the past year for $5 a piece.- Nohousekeeper will grudge $1 for one ef those recipes alone after trying it once. Address Wa. Brumsack,; Point Pleasant Pa. aad the whole number of recipes will be forward- ed by mail. VILLA MANSION. Mr. Abram Reyno. Mrs. KE. A. Reyno- RATR, and MRS. REYNO, have purchased, "and are now the Residents ana Active Proprietars, of the pleasant and commodious MANSION on the corner of King and William Streets. Having refitted the house in a neat and elegant manner, they have giyen it the permanent Neorg ee | VELLA MAWSON: where they will be pleased to receive and accom- __ medate all genteel and respectable persons of any raee; and none but respectable persons need ap- ply at this house, as the strictest deportment is 1€- quired in all of its departments. ; An excellent LIVERY STABLE is a part of the adlacke of this Mansion, where the | ° Citizens, Boarders, and Strafrgers generally, cali, be accommodated on the shortest notice, with good Horses and fine Vehicles. RE SEREN CES. Mr, Aznam D. Swapp, 'Mr. Assatom W. Swapp, Kent County, C. W. Messrs. Bropie & STERRITT, Dr. M. R. Devany. Chatham, C. W. Chatham, March Ast, 1856. 45-tf. Kontreal Bool & Shoe Store. Come One!--Come AIL!! ------ CORNELIUS H, CHARITY \ Vi OULD respectfully announce to his nu- merous Customers, and the Publie gene- rally, that he has bought out the extensive Sor EsrancisumMent of his Brother, J. H. Cuariry, where he has OPENED, with an unrivalled assortment of : BOOTS, SHOES, AND RUBBERS of every description, and of the latest style, suit- able for Spring and Summer wear. He will keep constantly on hand, a large stock of his own Manufacture, of every description. Measures will be taken, ahd work made to order. : , s ee RADE SS? WEAR will be kept 1n endless varieties, and of the lates ~~ fashionable style, viz.:-- Boots, Gaiters, Buskins, Shoes, * 'Shppers, French Tres, §c. Having a thorough and practical knowledge of Ye business, he feels prepared to render satisfae- 8 to all who may favor him witha call. LOULLRE MERCMANTS wishing to purchase, by wholesale, will find it 39 their advantage to call, as he can supply them yheaper than any other Establishment in this part: of the Pro rin ea ee: z See aS: ith neatness and despatch. -- H. Caaairy's, just four 'achange Hotel, MEDICAL NOTICE. DOCTOR A. ARBAT [7 OULD respectfully announce to the Citi- zens of this Vicinity, that he has" Opened an Office in Chatham, where he is prepared to attend ta the | TREATMENT OF DISEASES OF ALL KINDS. He proposes not only to Treat, but to Cure Diseases. DOCTOR ARATY, In his practice, does nut confine himself to any particular system, but makes free use of all such means as he finds available in the treatment of disease, from whatever School of Medicine it may have eminated. He wishes it distinctly understood, that he is directly opposed to the use of certain agents, such as Mercury, Arsenic, Antimony, &c., in the poi- sonous forms in which they have been, and still are being administered by many Physicians. Special attention will be given to Disease of a Chronie character, andto Diseases of Children. No charge made for Consultation at his Office, at which time he will give all information in his power, as to the natnre of the cases presenting themselves, and in explanation of the rationale of his mode oftreatment. - Chatham, March 7th, 1856, TAVERN STAND. 2 OI, SAGE _ BRP SGEEATERARE POMPE, Corner of Chatham and Thames Streets 43-tf fINHE SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale, the TAVERN STAND in Chatham North, knewn as the ah ELDORADO HOUSE, (being Lot 9, and part of 10.) The House is a large two Story Brick, and in good repair, with Kitchens and Out-Houses at- tached, and is in every respect well calculated for a Hotel. There is on the premises anew Barn, 34 4 46. Any person wishing to procure a Stand for a Public House, could not do better, as the House is situated near the terminus of the Chatham and Camden Plank Road, the travel over which alone secures a good run of Custom. The Proprictor would say to intending pur- chasers, that the House will at any time bring one hundred pounds rent, per annum. Terms made known on application to the Proprietor, on the premises, or to W. H. Thomp- son, at the Kent Advertiser Office--if by letter, post paid. ; J.M. JOSLIN, Proprietor. Chatham, Feb. 29th, 1856. 42-tf. DOCTOR DELANY, PRYSIGIAN & SURGRON, WILL, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, Have his Office in the front Private Parlor of tHe VILLA MANSION. Entrance on William Street, East of King. i ae practices in Chronic Diseases, and the Diseases of Women and Children, in par- tieular. REFERENCES? J.P. Gazgam, Esq. M.D., Georce M. Coox, Esq., M. D., Late Prof. of Surgery in the Washington Medical College, Baltimore, Md.--Pittsburgh, Pa. Chatham, February 22nd, 1856. Al-t NEW CABINET SHOP, ON COLBORNE STREET, Adjoining Charteris § Baxter's Sar Mull. LL kinds of FURNITURE, such as BED- STEADS, TABLES, CUPBOARDS, STANDS, &c., &c., can be had on the most reasonable terms. CHARLES H. RAMSEY. Chatham, C. W., Feb. 13th, 1856. 40-ly J. WETHERALD'S CHEAP CASH STORE! No. 3, CHEAP ROW, CHATHAM. J. WETHERALD HAS ON HAND, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Dime GOODS. MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers. TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, AND OTHER GRO egemiwSe OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, Av MODERATE PRICES. \ LL the above GOODS were purchased for Casn, which enables him to sell on suoh terms as cannot fail to suit all. As his motto will' be--One Price. Small Profits, and Quick Returns --a merry sixpence will be more thought of than a slow shilling! Chatham, Feb..1, 1856. ABW SWOL ; IN THE COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, SOUTH SIDE OF DUNDAS STREET, OPPOSITE THE MARKET, And lately erected by Messrs. Moore g- Rolph, LOWD ORs Puke SUBSCRIBER would inform his - old and numerous Customers and Friends, that he has again Dipsmen BWuasimessss With a Large and entire New Stock of DRY GOODS & GROCERIES! He thanks them for past favors, and hopes to receive of them and the Public at large, a LIBERAL SHARE OF PATRONAGE. The Subscriber is determined to Sell as Low as possible. A. B. JONES. 36 38-tf London, Jan. 7, 1856. SHAKSPEARE RESTAURANT, ONTARIO STREET, HLERALTIFORDa ue above ESTABLISHMENT being now in proper order, the Proprietor is al- ways prepared to accommodate any number of Ladies and Gentlemen with ROPRESMEN TS, which will consist of the best Viands to be found in Baftalo, Hamilton, or Foronto Market, during the season. He will have a constant supply or the best Oysters, and Game, of all kinds in season. SArpines, Lopsrers, SALMON, &c., &c., always on hand. | Meals can be had from Sia v'clock in the Morning till Mrdmght. WINES, LIQUORS, and CIGARS, of the best quality. Dinner and other Parties can be supplied, with everything suitable, on very moderate terms. Private Families can also be served with GAME, _ OYSTERS, &§c., prepared in the best style. "LUNC Restaurant in a Private Room. re The Proprietor will always endeavour so f el, King St. their steady support and patronage. -- ~ Sratford October 26, 1885, a7-Ly YOUNG FOLKS, OLD FOLKS, LISTEN! -- ONE THOUSAND PIECES OF SHEET MUSIC, (T HEONS supplied, &c.; can be had at the. 'to cater to the wants of his Customers, as tg merit ~~ PROVINCIAL FREEMAN A CHATHAM MUSIC HALL. JUST RECEIVED, AT ALFRED MOORE's MUSIC HALL FWO DOORS EAST OF TILE POST OFFICE, CHATHAM. ---------- nS SPlemdidg' A Viswsas, In Morocco and Goll Bindings. ELEGANT ANNUALS, Or New Year's Present Books, In every variety of style, from $1 to $6 each. OSG ORDiPFBo nw, From $2 to $10. YVoReOmiae, From $3 to $20, ° DW > From $2 to $20. Harps, Guitars, Tamborines, Banjos, Flutes, Fifes, Piccalos, Hageolets, Clarionetts ; Violin and Guitar Strings, Music Books, Note Books, Music Paper, Sheet Music, And all kinds of Musical Merchandize, always on hand. Oil Paintings, in Gold Frames, School Books & Stationer Y. CARD BOARD. LVovels and Miscellaneous Works. Ballous' Pictorial, Ballous' Dellar Monthly, Flag of our Union, Brother Jonathan, Ulustrated American Newspaper, Frank Leslie's Gazette of Fashion, Frank Leslie's New York Journal, New York Picayune. Boston International Journal, Yankee Notions, Godey's Lady's Book, Harper's Magazine, §c., §2c., RECEIVED AS SOON AS PUBLISHED. Catholic and Protestant Books. ENGLISH AND FRENCH PICTURES, Framed and Glazed. igjliaamia TROSOkS. ALMANACS FOR 1856. BRADY-WADR CLOTHING, CASSIMERES, VELVETEENS, SATTINETTS, JEANS, TWEEDS, &c., &c., &C. HARDWARE, AND TREACLE. God Save the Queen! December, 1855. g AiR 1D o MRS. BURLEY, (LATE MRB8, JACKSON,) 2 Kee consiantly on hand, at her Residence, 382, South Ninth Street, below Catherine, a supply of choice ilerb Medicines, Ointments, Pills, &c., which she will warrant to give satisfaction. Among which are the NERVINE CORDIAL, for the cure of Diseases depending on Nervous Debility; the ALTERATIVE, for Purifying the Blood, Scrofula, Scurvy, &c.; and the INDIAN SPECIFIC OLNTMENT, for Piles, Old Sores, Sprains, Bruises, Chilblains, Chapped Skin, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Frosted Limbs, &c. Give them a trial. Puitapetupuia, Nov. 20, 1855. 33-tf 30-ly INFORMATION WANTED. FINHE Undersigned tales this method of ascer- taining the whereabouts of his Brother, JOHN W. HINES, of Bowling Green, Warren County, Kentucky, from whom he received a letter, stating his arrival in Canada. Any per. son having a knowledge of Mr. Hines, will please inform him, and oblige ; GEORGE T. SMITH, Chatham, C. W. 'Deeember 8, 1855. 32-21 ARDWARR?A, HOLESALE AND epg HE SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale, a choice selection of Heavy and Shelf Hardware, AMONGST WHICH WILL BE FOUND, [RON, of every description. Cast, Blister, and Sleigh Shoe STEEL. Cut, Wrought, and Horse NAILS. Coil, Trace, and Plough CHAINS. ANVILS, VICES, and BELLOWS. An excellent assortment of TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY. Carpenters', Jouners' §- Cabinetmakers' Tools. AXES, of the best descriptions, Warranted. With an assortment of SHELF HARDWARE, which is not to be surpassed in Town, and which is offzred for Sale " Cheaper than ever" for Casu ! i" Buyers will find it to their advantage to eall before purchasing elsewhere. GEORGIE KERR. Chatham, Nov. 22, 1855. 30-1y BUXTON GROGERY STORE. HE Subscribers would intimate to their Friends, that they are receiving, and opening out, an Extensive Assortment of Creve sriess of superior quality, suitable for Country Trade, which they will sell at the lowest remuncrative prices. Produce will be tak-n in exchange for Groceries. (<F Call and see our Stock. R. VANBRANKEN & Co, Buxton, C. W., Dec. 1, 1855" Bi-ly HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. LL that Easterly part of Lot 24, sitwated on McGregor's Creek, being sixty by thirty- nine feet. Also, a Two Story Frame Hove, consisting of Two Tenements, having each Four Rooms and a Clo-et.. There is aa exeelicnt Well of water in the yard. ae For Terms, apply to -- MRS. M. STEWARD, On the Premises, North of King Street, between William and Z Princess Street, Chatham, C.W. 31 im Dec. Ist, 1855. Castes NEW LIVERY STABLE. ue Subscriber would inform the citizens of Chatham, that he has opened a LIVERY SLABLE, in the premises lately occupied by 'Thos. L. Parr, at the Corner of King & Forsyth Streets, In the Rear of the' Chatham Arms" Hotel, where will be found, at all times, Open and Covered Buggies, GOOD HORSES, And Steady DRIVERS, ¥ necessary. moderate, as the times will ae admit. ; Persons are requested to call and examine the Turnouts- Charges will be as CLARK THOMAS, -- = ~ABRAHAM RAYNO. | where he is ever ready to wait upon those who | taken in exchan CALL AND SEB N. Z. HARRISON \ X ] OULD respectfully inform the Citizens of CHATHAM, that he has OPENED a Public House in Detroit, ON THE CORNER OF | JeRerson Avenue and Front Streets, where he will be happy to accommodate those who may favour him with a call, Detroit, November QPS 5: 33-ly NEW BOARDING HoUSR. WILLIAM STILL EGS to announce that he has Openep a BOARDING HOUSE, at No, 374 SOUTH STREET, below Ninth, Pur.apeipuia, where he will accommodate respectable persons, perma- nently or transiently, who may fayour him with their patronage. The House is Commodious and in good order, and the location Central and Respectable. i" No pains will be spaired therefore to give every satisfaction. Philadelphia Oct. 29th, 1855, Q7-ly. Information Wanted. OHN A. MURRY takes this method of ascer- taining the whereabouts of his Father, Alfred Murry, who lived with Colonel Hollensworth of Hagerstown, Maryland, U.S., in the year 1835. and came to Canada, where he is yet living, Any person having a knowledge of the locality of Mr. Murry, will confer a great favor by addres- sing-- JOHN A. MURRY. *; "Sts Catharines, C. W. UNION BOARDING. HOUSE. MR. 'THOMAS BELL, CORNER OF KING AND WILLIAM STREETS, CHATHAM, C. W,, os now prepared to receive THIRTY or FORTY BOARDERS, Single or with Families, on the most Reasonable Terms. His House is large aad commodious; and no pains will be spared to make Guest's conafortable. Chatham, Aug. 20, 1855. 18-Ly HOUSE AND LOT UND SA ows, 344 b 208, ON WiSLELPGUOW SRB, CHATHAM. fe Enquire of F. G. JONES, King Street, near the Royal Exchange. Sept. 21, 1855. 22-tf 48. i" A GOOD CHANCE 2% FOR A SNUG HOME! BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE! IN THE Village of Hast Buxton, IN THE CENTRE OF THE FLOURISHING Wowrmesiniporf Gaateitiging EITHER IN : Five, Three, or One Acre Lots, WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. HE Land is dry and rich, and mostly cleared ; the situation, pleasant and healthy, with the great advantage of having a Church and School close by, and both under the judicious and fostering care of the Reverend Wm. King, which fact alone would be considered by many to be the greatest inducement this locality pos- sesses; also, a new Saw Mill, in fall operation. The prices of these Lots are moderate, and terms easy. ; TITLE INDISPUTABLE. All doubts in regard to which, can be satisfied on application to Warrer McCrea, Esquire, Barrister-at-Law, Phenic Block, King Street, Chatham. ter For further particulars, as to price of Lots, and Terms, apply to Mr. A. H. Wesr, Royal Exchange, Buxton, who will show the Property; or, to the Proprietor, CHARLES WOOD, Grocer, Fourth Street, Chatham. October 19th, 1855. 26-6m New Tailoring Establishment. CG. W. LAWRENCE, FASTIONABLS TAILOR, KING STREET, EAST, | ; AVING recently REMOVED his Taitor- inc EstaBLisumenr to the Building now occupied by Mr. T. W. Wiison, Boot and Shoe Maker, respecttully solicits a continuation of that liberal suppor: which he has formerly received at his old stand, from the citizens of Chatham, and surrounding country. G. W. L. having the most thorough and prac- tical understanding of the Trade, in all its Branches, he is now prepared to CUT, FIT, and FINISH MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING in the most approved and durable manner, and at the lowest rates. fics Repairing and Scouring dons on the most Reasonable Terms, Chatham, August 20, 1855, 18-ly MRS. A. M. STERRITT, FASHIONABLE DRESS & GLOAK WARMER, C rner of James & Murray Streets, ESPECTFULLY -solicits the patronage of the Ladies of Cuatitam, and Vicinity. She is prepared to execute the orders of those whe may favour her with a call, with neatness and despatch. f-@" The latest patterns for Ladies' Dresses, Cloaks, Mantillas, Talmas, Sacks, &c. Children's Clothing made to order, in the latest styles. Chatham, Sept. 21, 1855. 22-tf Clothes Made, Repaired, & Cleaned, W. L. HUMBURT OULD respectfully announce to the Citi- \ zens of Windsor, and surrounding coun- try, that he is prepared to MAKE, REPAIR, or CLEAN CLOTHING, at the shortest notice, and ia the most satisfactory manner. Having had ample experience in_his line of business in ihe Cities of Charleston, S.C.,and Boston, Mass., he flatters himself that, by diligence and strict attention to business, he will be able to please. Windsor,C. W., Sept. 9, 1854. 25 GROCERIES, &c. FORRT B. LOU EGS leave to call the attention of the Citizens of Chatham and of the surrounding country to his extensive assortment of Groceries, Wooden Ware, . Boots and Shoes, &c., kept by him constantly on hand, at his Store on KING STREET, ONE DOOR FROM THE CORNER OF WILLIAM, may favor him with their patronage. The Farmers of Kent would especially: find it to their interest to call at his Establishment, e "ZING STREET, CHATHAM. ONE & TUR ABULL ARE now receiving their FALL AND WINTER GOODS, eonsisting in part of the Latest Fashionable Styles of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, D> laines , Merinos, Cobourgs, Cashmeres, Orleans, Alpacas, French Merines, Brocha Cloths, Gala and Wool Plaids, Plain and Plaid Dress Silks; a choice lot of Plaid and other Long and Square Shawls, Ribbons, Muslin Laces, Trimmings, Cambric and Book Muslin Undersleeves, Sewed Muslin Bands, Collars, Cape. Frock Bodies, Chemisettes, Linen and Cambric Handkerchiefs; a good assortment of Gloves, Habits, Vests, and Polkas; Ladies' and Children's Boots and Shoes ; Flannels, C] Tickings, Denings, Drillings, Sheetings, and other Domestic Goods. : our eustomers, we keep on hand a ehoice lot of THAS, COP FER, TOBACCO, ¢«., $ Hosiery and oOakings And for the convenienee of . MERCHANT TAILORING. We have now received.a.complete assortment. of Faru & Winter. GOODS, which, upon inspection, our customers will find superior to anything ever offered in this market, consisting of fine Black and Fancy Cloths, Venetian and Mixed Milton Cloths, Cassimeres Deerskins, Doeskins, Reverseable, Béaver, Whitney, Milton, Lasco, Lionskin, Silistria, Siberian, Canada, Whitney, and other OVER-COA TINGS. Omar Pasha, Napier, Danubian, Petersham, Mixed Beaver, Superior Grey, anda. great variety of other COATINGS; Plain and Bordered Jacquard, Twist and other Tweeds,.Black and Fancy Doeskins, Odessa and Striped Does for PANTS; French Trowser Patterns, Napolean Tufted ditto, Woollen Cord, and a host of other TROWSERINGS; Worsted and Silk Plush, Rich Velvet and Satin Vestings, Silk and Satin Vest: Shapes, and other VESTINGS. We keep constantly on hand, a complete assormment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Well Cut and well Made, suitable for FALL and WI sell, as Gueap as any House in the District. P.S--FIVE OR SIX GOOD JOURNEYMEN TAILORS WANTED. Chatham, Sept. 3, 1855. NTER wear, all of which we can and wik STONE & TURNBULL. - 20-tf we yo ton ST HOR MRS ata > AEG pe oat: 23 tS ip. re aN ie NG Fis Nae 0K + ? CARE o beph es Recta HN IN ah, ee ¥ ? GERI NIE SOO MAHOGANY WALINOE FE and surrounding Country that he has taken HE SUBSCRIBER takes this opportunity of informing the people of CHATHAM, R:- SMITH'S OLD: ESTABLISHED STAND, ' WITH A LARGE STOCK OF SEASONED LUMBER, _ - BESIDES, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF : CHOICE FURNITURE. | He also tenders his sincere thanks to the Public generally, for their liberal-support ; and hopes, by strict attention to business, to retain their patronage in future. His STOCK is composed of the FOLLOWING ARTICLES, ViZ: MAHOGANY AND WALNUT VENEERED BUREA US Mahogany and Walnut Sofas, CANE AND SPRING SEAT PARLOR CHAIRS, Dining, Breakfast and Kitchen Tables, FRENCH, COTTAGE, SERPENTINE, AND PLAIN BEDSTEADS, TOILET WORK AND WASH STANDS. ALSO, ' Rocking, --==>_ 6. >----_ @oaoGhms furremisihned at' the shortest ALL ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Windsor and Children's Chairs, THE BEST MANUFACTURED IN CANADA. 5 HWlroOviesw. Persons wishing to buy FURNITURE, will find it to their advantage to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Chatham, Deceinber 14, 1855. J. O. SMITH. -- --=» JOHN SPARKS, Clock and Watch Maker. WILLIAM STREET, ; CHATHAM, C. W., AKES this method of announcing to the - Citizens of Chatham, and Kent County gen- erally, that he has. opened the CLOCK AND WATCH MAKING Business, and is prepared to wait on all who may favor him with a call, and hopes by strict attention to business to share a portion of the public patronage. He has just received a variety of CLOCKS & WATCHES, of a superior class; also, a beauiiful stock of JEWELRY, to which the attention of the Ladies and Gentlemen are especially dire¢ted. All kinds of CLOCKS, WATCHES, AND JEWELRY Cleaned and Repaired, on the most.reasonable terms, for cash. Chatham Aug. 22. 18-ly PROVINCIAL HOUSE. HE Subscriber begs to announce, that * he has recently OPENED his New and commodious House, on FOURTH STREET, near the DEPOT, CHATHAM, C. W., and he trusts that his experience in Hotel Keeping will enable him to give satistaction to the travel- ling community,-and public generally; and he will spare no effort to deserve and retain the re- putation he has already gained, of having not only the most pleasant location, but the best ac- commodations that can be obtained. = Persons stopping at the Provinsial House, can be accommodated with CARRIAGES, on the shortest notice. Persons arriving at Chatham, will remember the Provincial House, in sight of the Depot, a large and beautiful Cottage building, sign of the British Flag. Hy: DAY, 18-ly Chatham, August 21,; 1855. Dissolution of Co-Partnership. HE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore ik existing between J. B. LOTT and J. W. HILL, is this NINTH day of March, 1855, DISSOLVED, by mutual consent. ice All Debts due the Establishment, and all claims against the same, will be settled by J. B. Lert. J.B. LOTT, J. W. HILL. 19 Chatham, March 9th, 1855. G. W. BRODIE, REAL ESTATE AGENT General Intelligence Office. ROM a general acquaintance, and punctual attendance to business, we hope to merit a liberal share of patronage, FOURTH STREET, | THREK DOORS EAST OF KING STREET, CHATHAM, C.W. Rca" Please Call before you Buy. £4 15th August, 1855. 18-tf STRANGE'S HOTEL, - "FIFTH STREET, Between King and Wellington Streets, -.- ye CHATHAM):Ce W. GQTRANGERS visiting this place will find it bieng one of the largest, and in ths most central position inthe town. The best accomodations, on where all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCBi: | ge for GO@DS, or for Cas, | Chatham. Feb, 3, 1866, 44 Chatham, Pec. 8 1858. ly "easunable terms. -- JOHN STRANGE, to their advantage to call at this HOTEL, . Groceries! Groceries! ! ATWOOD & JACKSON, 'THANKFUL for the patronage they have received from the Citizens of Chatham, and environs, beg to say that they still continue in the Grocery Business, ON KING STREET, A few Doors of the Market House, Chatham, Where they have constantly on hand, a large assortment of GROCERIEBS, of the first quality, which will besold on the most . reasonable. terms. Come and examine for yourselves, before purchasing | elsewhere. fia@ Salt Provisions always on hand, such as Hams, Shoulders, Pickled Pork, Fish, Gc. Gc. August 29th, 1855. 19-ly New Grocery and Provision Store, ANDREW SMITH, N_ returning thanks to the people, for the very liberal support he has received, begs to an- nounce to his Friends, Customers, and the Public generally, that he is receiving and opening out | a large assortment. of wee Groceries and' Provistons, AT HIS NEW STORE, On the Corner of King and William Streets CONSISTING OF Sugars, Molasses, Coffee, Teas, fo) Flour, Meal, Butter, Eggs, Candles, Tobacco, Snuff, ve. Ge. __A LARGE QUANTITY OF PICKLED PORK AND. BACON Constantly on hand. ica" Persons in the Town and surrounding country will find it to their advantage to call, as they will be accommodated on the most reason- able terms, for Cash. PS Chatham, August 20, 1855. 18-Ly ree G. W. BRODIE & T. STERRITT, AKES this method of informing a generous public, that we have bought the well known and reputable Pork, Bacon, and Grocery Store OF MR. THOS. BELL. We will continue to keep constantly on hand the the best quality, all inthe above line of our busi- ness, and hope to give satisfaction to all who may faver us with a call, CORNER OF KING AND WILLIAM STREETS, © CHATHAM, C. W. August 15th, 1855, © 18-tt | TAKE NOTICE. rh, THOMAS WILLIAMS, of Louisville, K'y., would render satisfaction to his Father, by past, lived with Chapman C:leman, of Lov's- ville, and after leaving Mr. Coleman, wen to tive Slave Act, he came to Canada, since ¥ ich -time I have not been able te learn his wv :re- abouts. x ee -Caatham, Aug. 99, 1835. 18-ty "WILSON WILLU Ns. Chatham, ©. W., Angus BPA Gi bs] Advertisement, N }ous church denominations in Canada and fellowship with the pro-s _leaders, members | gational Ministers of Can {ee See advertisement ot A Minister for Sale". Produce, Provision & Grocery Store. AN person. or persons acquainted with. writing to the Provincial Freeman Office, Chat- ham, C. W.. Thomas Williams, some years | Pittsburg, Pa.; but after the passage of the F. ¢i- 4 Americas Slavery: Ameritan Tract So 4 ; = tie Srsunday Schosl Vaion Canadian Churches and Soet Secon ir addition to the various instanc ings, of which the American Tr: and has been notorious entitling it to be accuse sincerity and falsity, the proofs are offered :-- Z 1. Rev. W. Jay's © eri Te reer ~. Mammon, or Covetousness the sip ef th Christian church, by Rey. Toei ha '4 . Trac ly Known, therel 1; 'of silence, hy poe ine following additional Morning Exereises' see 3. Atonement and Justification. by & Pelle" 12 me, pp. 396. ee. Falter n referenee to the last, (No$) it may be st that the author wasa Gata on the point, are omitted, and " made up of extraets from all parts of his works. ingeniously framed into systematie chapters" --e says the Presbyterian of the Wes6, as quoted and referred to in an article titled " Colportage 'h the Eeclesiastical Record of the (Free) Pr rian church of Canada, published at Tero W., number for January, 1855. Astothe portage" and its aims, of the A. Traet § -- its publication " Home Evangelisation, _ Religious Book and Tract soefeties of including Bible societies, and the ---- fe cad hold tellowship or ¢on pro-slavery churches and sor warned to "Take Herp." -- Methodist church in Ganada, in nection with the church (north) of the U. 8. (so and even min and hold slaves),--the (Free) y teri church of Canada, in its eirculation and co age of and giving credence by its Record te publications of the noted pro-slavery terian church (O. S8.) of the Unite and its "Board of Publication" at P phia, --the Regular Baptists of in an especial manner--and some of the € eres ada, instanced by Re Henry Wilkes, D. D. of "Montreal ge a 1856,) and J.T. Byrne of Whitby, C. ¥ vary, 1855) withthe: Congregational U Canada in its va¢illating fellowship.--sho: now say "Let us Beware" If every educated Minister of religion in Cana da were to peruse the Book,---- The Slavery Question, by John Lawrence." 3rd edition -- Dayton (Ohio) 1854, pp. 224,-THE GR SLN of the fellowship of the Canadian ehurehce referred to, would be to clearly seen, and a pre er knowledge of the question of American Shave obtained. See also Traets No. 1 & IS ¢ American Reform Tract Society ai --Cincinnaye (Ohio) The righteous course purswed by the " American Missionary Association," 48 Beele man street, New York, should be a pattern" be: Canadian churehesand Religious societies. The American S.S. Union dare not pubdlick anything against the sin and system of Slavery and, therefore, the youth ef America are net instructed in anything of that iniquity, by its op- erations of publications, Besides the objections otherwise previously advertised--shalf its sinfwd! course be encouraged by Ministers of religiow oe Students in the British Piovinee of Cnana a EN Re ae The Religious Tract Society of London, E land, can furnish by a pure source, every §$ day Library, and every Book and Tract, whi can well be desired for general colportage op ons in disseminating a pure knowledge by man's authority, of Christianity. See catalogue ef { long folio pages, obtained at the U. C, Traet ciety's Rooms, Toronto, ee ee _A want of sterling honesty with humility, ; ligious Teachers and in their profession, deew much mischief to enquiring and truthful minde ----and in the worli--and is a curse to Christiani bn] and tothe Cross of Jesus Christ. ae JOHN J.E. LINTON. Stratford, C. W., March, 1856, aud Lists of Publication, Nov'r 1855. ES ee ys eos! ESTABLISHMENT. >" METROPOLITAN HOUS: JOHN ERSKINE, IMPORTER OF ge British and Foreign Dry Goode ESPECTFULLY announees to the Inhe tants of Chatham, and its vicinity, tha has commenced business in King Street, one a East of J. & W. McKeough's, with a well aes sorted stock of Goods, which ha¥e been impo direct from the M will be sold at a Exceedingly Low Prieese 'Small Profits and Quick{Sales" being hie moms Parties wanting DRY GOODS, would de wa to givehimacall. Chatham, Dec. 8, 1855. sy sg% NEW BOARDING -- mee ~ BENJAMIN TOLBER' ESPECTFULLY announces to the ei of DETROIT, and the Publie gene that he has recently fitted up the eommodi house formerly known ag" = =") "5 * ee © Wilson's Boarding House, Michigan Avenue, opposite Cass Press, ' DETROIT, where he will endeavour to give satisfa those who may favour him with their patron Detroit, August 21,1855... ; NOTHING LIK® LaATa IF YOU WOULD BE RICH, Read this, and save your Penny. ed Sa anufacturers in Englame = OOD morrow, friend---I'm a stranger im: borough, can you inform me where I get a pair of good boots made?" = is "Yes, sir, I can; just go to F. W. SON'S, King St. East, Chatham, next teS Grocery ; that's the plaee; he'll accomurec most satisfactorily." aa "Well, how is vour jndgment im quality of boots and shoes?" Most excellent--l'in an eld beot a maker; many are the days that Pve dra cords." : ae '"' Where did you say [I could find him?" " Why, the next door toMr, Andrew S$ i Grocery, corner of King and William Streem, East,--any person can tell you." ry " Will you conduct me there?? = "T will with pleasure; for [know hina from experience, one of the best manuf of BOOTS AND SHOES in town. is of hisown maunfacture, and he Kae al on hand a superior quality for gentleme He's also very particular in getting up his so I'm confident he can't fail to give rea satisfaction to those who favor him with the patronage." = : " There are some bout makers whose beautifui to the eye, but plaguy pinching to t | feet; and I have lumps upon each instep, whieh -- in foul weather give me excruciating pain" --_---- " Ah, yes, too much: have I suffered by fette1 'from the boot moulders hands; but he's uot on them; he endeavours to make a systematie $t, measuring from joint to heel, and from lump te toe--closely observing the most minute protuber> -- anee, if there be any upon the feet; Be aed. dom fails to make his boots set as easy ther as a glove ae a lady's tender finger. B {he always keeps a superior stock en ha perhaps you might obtain a pair upon the that would fit your feet and please the eye "Then I must try him.) =. .4% 4:9 en eee "Try him, of course, and you'll save at eae end of your bargain. First--you'll buy cheap --secondly, your boots will wear you longer regard t " Come, let's go." = = "Tm ready--Are you a ¢ash man?" 'Tam; for he who pays cash clips the count of credit, and secures it in his own " Then that's the place, for his m Ask of me no trust, when you ¢ Ask of me ne trnst, for you Tr Ask of me no trust, it hath dest Ask of me no trust, I cannot ¢ Ask of me no trust, but with y Ask of me no trust, nor with @hatham, August 28. Nora | =] 4 : + { } a } « } { ef bs Be 4 { } te | : le ies Bi : | i + | i BG iY Za

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