Y Oo S A Ok Ne Sf NI SS be (SF G << oO n = CN Bie a ca > OC 606 = see OR CS CH | Th Sei sss Sar | oO a 3 5 S| Te 8k OelOrEE) 12 A i 17 19° 24 26:2 Pee. . Dee = Paes 7) 85 9 14315216 & 21§ 22023 o Dire ay a | BS fey 13 15.9 20. $21) 22 § o7 29 & Aad oe c 3) 5 & 10 UES Ly 19,6 yy Son & BA GRE IES 17a 843 a 8 dw 105 neg TO a7 & \ ne : 2 | 4 < 5 oy g : ee 12 14 Sh Io 26 227 ).28 & { re ae 6 | iS 10 129 te 17 19 ¢ ie 24, 26 i 3] S a Wo De 6507 9a io BS 9013214515316 © us bn0 mt 93 Sl § 5 a g iS ses ee e 8 S 72 53 11: co ic 16 186 BS 23 DS 5 30 28 a Se as eee 46 50 6 gq Bt 194 IS FAs 5S A516. 19 ) 20 Qa B10: 26 3.27 9g ae 30 z ee ee oe eo x ' 6) 7 9 $1011 13 © a} 14 165175 18 20 ¢ -8)91? 93 224) 25 rs os § 28.529 130§31$..$..4.. 2 QODICWODICLOD)/I CIE JICICOOC(OQ!9 ClO an inl : NN NY NOTICE. "ANE undersigned begs to inform the public generally, " that he is prépared to furnish the following articles by Wholesale and Retail : : i AXE HANDLES, . PICK AXE HANDLES, | ADZE HANDLES, BUCK SAW FRAMES, and SAW-HORSES, &c., wee Made in the best manner, ALSO, BY RETAIL, : New BUCK SAWS, of the best quality, in complete order for service. "Also, Axes ready Handled, 'Also, Handles put into Axes. and other Tools. ged T. SMALLWOOD'S Saw Factory, Secs See : York Street, No. 88. "W\HE undersigned begs leave to call the atten- a tion of the Travelling Public and Citizens of Hamilton, to his present commodious and comfortable quarters, fitted up, as they have been, especially for their convenience, and which were formerly under the management of Mr. W.C. Cropp. i Boarding, Lodging, and Meals, may be had on the most reasonable terms, and every attention requisite to make their stay agree- 'able, is gratefuily and promptly given. DANIEL LANE, King William Street, Hamilton, C.W N.B.--Leweu at all hours; also a line of Cans ai the service of the Public, at the most reason- | amie charge. Z Bis ke 26 September, 1854, BOOTS AND SHOES v= ewe ~ FOR CORNELIUS H. CHARITY OULD respectfully call the attention of his \ ¥ Friends, and the.Public generally, to his large assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, of every description, constantly on hand, at his Hstablishment on King, between "Fourth and Mifth Streets, which he will sell for Casn, at cheaper rates than can be afforded at any other Store inthe Town. From the Farmérs of Kent he would invite an examination of his Stock. 'rom his long experience in this branch of Busi- nass, he feels confident of being able to execute all orders with which he may be favoured; and he will guarantee neatness and promptness on his nart for the work he may be entrusted with. * @. HL GC. would also return thanks to his old sastomers' for the patronage heretofore extended to him, and hopes to merit the continuance of ipein favours. <4, ' ' Chatham, July 29, 1854. =" REMOVAL. = ashionable Hair Cutting ! 19-ly as ce patrons, and the public. generally, for their favors, would respectfully invite them to him ai the CITY BALHS, Front. Street, Kast-of Church Street, to which place, he has lacely removed, where he will take great pleasure in wanitg on all who may favor him with their paironase inthe dine of HAIR CUTTING, woke HAIR CURLING, or SHAM- ~ ARM and Corp BATHS at all hours. 27] te 'Toronto, August '12, 1854, 1 Si1H A SUB@CRIBER sritefal-to i his: old| GOING GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY (OF CANADA, ALTERATION OF TIME. --_---? © ON and AFTER WEDNESDAY next, the 28th NOVEMBER, Trains will run as follows -- EAST. DOPOD" GOING MQ oe 2 : : ae PI : a ae 8 B ie 8 § ay 4 ES ise ieee ee Pa AM. | A. Mp i Witeeor, denies... sce ot O00 | eee, LO. 20) POC te ie eas Shas es) seks ose ROGRCROT 6k soc ca st clk (ao te sees sone cee 1.15 * ves Baptiste Creek... 7.7 5s pees see nee 2.00 sees Obathani... cs. 50. vee eek 7.40 is. Wutay id 20 08 2.50 9.25 Sane seg 6 oe ag sacl os cn S08. e. - 3.30 | seve Bothwell, 6 65 ta ee, 8333 os es lee PERL. %.0R 2, Woardsvillo-.. i cee. sua eee 8.45 oP 1.05 4.30 | 10.25 MOSe ieee ee ee 0 beim: ee 2.55 at TUK Se coos oso o eS 9.4.28 on 1.40. bit eae Mt: Brydges.. s-ssees| 25 <s 9.385 eas 1. 52 PIROWIORN oes kao Gael eee 9.48 pes 2.04 London | Attive «++++| Aat 10.18 || 4-4. 2.30 7 oe Depart os 00 10.05 oe. | Bobo ay Edwardsburgh...ss.|9°%-20 ib. ess. ceed 3.44.45 3 Ingersollis. os (s6e gn -| gu 43 J 11.05: eee 5.00 Begebville;: eos 02.5). b109 11.14 set 3.45 Woodstock. «+ <s ees. | 8.10 11.25 ee 4.00 'Hastwood ..cessece-|) Bn 2O tte on hee ach PHInCCEOD Ws a os so bee PEO cee eee oe ace 4.265, Patis | Doha os whe slic 4s +s P.M. avis ion. wees Depart «..es+|\.. 9-05. | 19,10 Shwe 45 sees 1.45 P.M. se Preston, depart......, 8.380 uses 1.05 Peres coe Lee | Galt dO. «ses ssla 6540 --s 20 ey ee ie ee Gal OINV es ss cvs v accel anes cle se 6.50 a9 a Preston, do, ....-....| 11.50 oe ieee 7.10 ee ae ot Fairchild's Creek...../. 9.30 12.35 O10 5.10 eet een Vansickles. shits. e. st OT S0 wuts B25 Petts wae eae Copetown ..seee---) 9.51 eae 2045 Pare BSS oS MORO... cs ee tee el cs 255 Nee es eee Dundase se 55. ave 10508 Soe 3.05 5.40 coe wees Hautes Peet 10.30 h. 15 8.202 |* 6.00 Gee, 192.55 Depart ...} 10.45 1.40 3.40 O.45 ssa, BO Ontario .. «ese se soa PEE oa 4.17 ree: eee os WG aghast ee ee bc ed eee 28, 5 | hdd conc e ahve ie Beamsville .....e.e.-| 11.40 Scavals 5.05 aieace aa <<a SOLON 6a ares ne es a Lo 'ee 6.27 oa ae pee: pers & a ae s P.M. ~ : i ' ah 3 oe: Stuflagbarings #0. .2.142)20 [22.58 © 5283 97,15 @ 2. el ee Pidroi oss. e. ee 1F-OG IF 8.05: hes. Fo. oF Ie eR Niagara Falls, arrive ..| 1.00 3.30 7.10 7,50 es. 4.50 SLL LA DP PPL PIII ISIS LDR APPR ALP AL DREADS ALAS LR IRPRA AS SPRL LRRD RSPR PN 2 Dic be t * Tlag Stations. i nA a 3 fa A g 3 e py fan} [= eH S rg a a A S STATIONS. 2 os 4 e a = i 2G8 ey s s 4 2 = 5 r fa a oO zy (e) oO a 4 Fe A.M. AM. P.M. a ee Niagara Falls, depart..; .... ao dee ales 2.40 wae 11.20 World ce ee ceexe 8.07 oe 305 Ane seers St, Catharinesieg.6 sec &. G. 8.17 11.50 3220 tis 11.55 Meee ec ee S35" aoe 3.42 Fer eee Beapsville eee eae e| cece 8.48 P.M. 3255 ee eos GR... gee ee + | Lge 9.03 24 19323 4.07 . ie. CHAOe ae ss sexe], Bras 9 To" ire 4.20 ee ene ; SATENES coche ones | 9.40 12.50 4.50 P.M. 1.05 EON Dept wat... | 9-50 | 1.15 - | 8.00 teios | Pais VUNG AS 9% ators, 0 < nies ao | sees 10.10 a 520 4.45 mete he AO ak wn | os 10.20 Ae O50 5.00 = Copetown .2...s.e020| eee 10.380 rarer 5.45 ps U5) ex WaAnsi@kleS. 2. oe5+ oes le ot af 10.42 <a Dee. 5.50 Wide Fairchild's. Creek. a3 6h %< 2' 10253 2«10 6.09 6.02 ie. Preston, depart. .esee+| wees 8.30 Lad) see Sees bee Cale dere Fock ee. 8.45 1.20 2. nate Hag Gill ative 2.0, 40014 <5 en [11.85 ale 6.50 6.50 oe Presigty die see coal fan wa: Hb Ade 0 less 7.10 (ees) ae ees PANS acs oble se Sel Ie 11.25 2.35 6.387 De ee 2.45 PUCCIO . sc woe cc ce el eo as Pl 45 een. 6.52 or ELS PACIWOOC. <5 cess 01> op ss P.M. RSs Todd eg ies Woodstock... dens Geb % cee 12318 3.15 feo Yes wis 593 DeACAVile soe ses cesl? sea 12225 naa 7.40 eee ae Ta@ereglt, Hy duis. Gui SGT Ae, 35 8.85% ba TOO4 wows av tel 358 Edwardsburg....0...4)) see." | 12.55" ata Hes 8.15 sgl ¢ LEAN DUTIVEs oc cee NM, jee Bs 4.15 8.35 EBs oe 4.40 . London 4 Tyonart occa, Bee tO a rene see iy Kigmoka 36 sy eek oe ded 59207 2.05 4.55 woe aay 5.15 Mt. Brydges.........] 9.30 9.18" 5.10 eas ha ale able BMGs rents stoner ei 10.00 2.0263 |) Oat eee. ooo. Gates Wigs acetic co aeons ce Fah. DO Loe 5.007 aces coe: prety! _Wardaville . .o.«+ +++, 11,20 3.07 6.10 <<: as 6.30 Bothwell... ...6 eS ese oi, 1h. 40), 8 3215 Sols Ae Sy % <a Phamesville. «6 orev id 2220 sees wane Hegre Sirs cca P.M. Chathtthy 2.84. AVE. |. 4.07 (eas pees ager VEE Baptiste Creek +. .+%+|,. 2410 » "pee cee eee foopere a] eee Rochester ....+e-+2-| 2.55 oe cece eeee es os eran 'Windsor, arrive......| 8.50 5.45 1 9-0 eee posers | 9.20 : {eg The Company's Time Tables can be obtained on application at any of the Stations C. J. BRYDGES, Managing Director. 4 A DELECTABLE AND ROSEATE. COMPOUND IS 'ATKINSON'S --- UNRIVALLED PARISIAN . TOOTH PASTE, ie ee A UNIQUE PREPARATION, Quickly Cleansing the TEETH, arresting decay, producing a deightful odor to the Breath, and ruby color to the Gums and Lips, WITHOUT ACID, OR OTHER HURTFUL INGREDIENTS TO THE Enamel or outer Covering of the Teeth. ny TS celebrity in the fashionable circles of Paris I and London, and the continual recommerda- tions of eminent Dentists, and those who have been using it for years, establish its superiority 'over all dentrifices in use, while its miraculous effects upon the Teeth and Gums, even where there has been considerable neglect, proves it merits all the eulogium bestowed upon it, . '. Sole Proprietors, i W. T. ATKINSON & Co, : Cuemists & PERFUMERS. Ex 48, King Street West. And sold by their Agents in Lower and Upper Canada and the United States. . Vide Circulars. (c@" Two Shillings and Sixpence per dozen, allowed for empty Tooth Paste Pots. Toronto, October 3,.1854, 29-3m. 'NEW GROCERY. AND : ELE Subseriber having openeda GROCERY A. and PROVISION STORE, on QUEEN STRICE T. (Third door East of Dummer,) "Would respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. Ge willendeavor, by selling Cheap, tor Cash, to make itan inducement lo purchasers to give him a call, and by strict attention to busi- ness, to merit the confidence oft 2 public. THOS. F. CARY, | JOH MURPHY, | CENTRAL MEDICAL HALL. A. T. AUGUSTA EGS to announce to his Friends and the Public generally, that he has OPENED the Store on Yonge Street, one door south of Elm Street, with a New and Choice Selection of DRUGS, MEDICINES, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, 5 DYE-STUFFS, &c., and trusts, by strict attention to his business, to merit a share of their patronage. Physicians' Prescriptions, accurately prepared. LEECHES APPLIED. © : Cupping, Bleeding, and Teeth extracted. The Proprietor, or a competent Assistant, always in attendance. ~ * Toronto, March 30, 1855. ' Ras SS ; sage at: S Sy SRA | 2 08 BOOTS AND SHOES, AT Les The English House, No. 80, Yonge Street, One Door North of Adelaide Street, : BOE HAWKE begs to apprize the Citizens of 'Toronte, and the inhabitants of the sur- rounding neigbourhood, that he has on hand a choice and well-selected stock of Ladies' Gen- 'tlemen's and Children's BOOTS and SHOES, which will be sold at the lowest possible prices for Cash. BOOTS AND SHOES OF £VERY DESCRIPTION - MADE TO ORDER, © By superior Workmen, from, the best materials and at th : : the shortest notice, 3 Purchasers are invited to call and inspect the ee above Stock. ie Remember the 'English Boot and Shoe _ No, 86, Yorge Street, 6-ly Store," 4 = _ Toronto, Dec. 23, 1854. a THE-CANADA. IPB ASSURANOR -- "COMPANY. INCORPORATED aoe OF PARLIAMENT 'CAPITAL $200,000. HUGH C. BAKER, Esq., President. JOHN YOUNG, Esq., Vice-President. SSURANCES may be effected in tbis Company on single or joint lives, or on the contingency of one life surviving another ; for the whole term of life, or for a iimited poriod; by a single payment, or a limited number of pay- ments; or annual payments only ceasing at death ; to secure a sum at any given age, or al death, should death occur-before the attainment of that age. Endowments for children, imme- diate or deferred: annuities, and generally any transaction Codtingent on the value and duration of life, may be effected in this Company. Among the advantages offered by this, the only Life Assurance Company: ever: established in British North America, may be enumerated mo- derate ratesand small expenditures ; local manage- ment and speedy setilenvent of claims ; liberal condi- tons, especially in reference to lapsed policies. _ Prospectuses, forms of proposal, and full in- formation as to the prosperous condition of the Company, may be had from SAMUEL S. MACDONELL, Agent. D.Cuartes A, Cosarain, for Sandwich and Windsor, Medical Referee. FORGERY. ------ 'The Counterfeit Radway's Réa-| __ ay Relief in Canada. | THE LIVES OF THE PEOPLE IN DANGER. fe ee Rea are cautioned against purchasing / a counterfeit of Radway's Ready Relief, which is now circulating through the Canadas.-- We are informed that parties at Hamilton,;C.W. have been selling a spurious article of our Rea- dy Relief, for the genuinetodealers. This isnot only a fraud upon us, but isa most wicked im- position on the public. The wretch that will knowingly lend himself to so vile and treacherous a trick, for the gain of a few extra sixpences, is unsafe to deal with, and should be shunned by all respectable dealers, for ifa few sixpences will induce him to rob the distressed sufferer of hope and health and to place the invalid's life in dan- ger, he would not scruple to deceive his - best customers, Dealers who wish the genuine, purchase only of established credit, not of irresponsible pedlais or traveling adventurers and impostors. Dealers who have R. R. R. offered to them be- low our regular price, may rely upon the same being a counterfeit preparation. We never sell R.R. Rein large quantities for less than 10 per cent. from our regular gross price. Dealers who purchase the counterfeit and offer the same for sale, render themselves liable to prosecution. All of our travellers and authorized Agents have a power of Attorney signed by us, authorizing them in our name, to transact our business. The following are our only Agents in Hamil- ton, C. W. -T..BICKLE & SON; HAMIL- TON, KNEESHAW & CO., In Toronto, LY- MAN. BROTHERS, & CO., are our general agents--we also;sell to SIMPSON & CO. eee aR A DW AY & CO. Toronto, April 24th, 154." PROSPECTUS FOR 1856, --= oS ------ THE SATURDAY EVENING POST. ESTABLISHED AUGUST 4rn, 1821. Weekly Edition between 80,000 and 90,000 N_ issuing their Prospectus for 1856, the propri- etors of the Post take it for granted, that the public are already tolerably well acquainted with the character of a paper that has grown strong during the storms and sunshine of THIRTY- FOUR YEARS. Their object always has been as it remains to be, to publish a weekly paper | for the family circle, which shall notonly amuse, but also instruct and improve, those who may read it. To accomplish this object, the best arti- domestic periodicals, and original articles of an instructive character, procured whenfpossible. Letters from Foreign Lands; the most interest- 'ing portions of the Weekly News of the World; Sketches of Life, Adventure and Character; Se- lected and Original Articles upon Agriculuire; Account of the Produce and Stock Markets; and a Bank Note List are included among the solid information to be constantly found in the Posr. But the mind requires a wider range--it has faculties which delightin the humorous and lively the imaginative and poetical. 'These faculties also must havetheir appropriate food, else they become enfeebled, and, as a consequence, the in- tellect becomes narrow and one-sided, and is not able to take an enlarged and generous view of human nature and its destiny. -To satisfy these Heaven-implanted cravings of our mentat being, _we devote a fair proportion of the Posr to FIC- TION, POETRY, and HUMOR. Among our contributors in the first two of the above departments, are several of the most gifted writers in the land. We also draw freely for Fiction and Poetry upon the best periodicals in this country and Great Britain. "We design com- mencing a New Story by Mrs. Sournworvrn, author of " The Deserted Wife," '* Miriam," &c. in our first paper for January next. Engravin g--illustrative ofimportant places and actions, AP Neciculliatal and other new Inven- tions, with others of a Humorous, though refined character, are also freely given. The Postage on the Post to any part of the United States, paid quarterly or yearly in advance, at the office where it is received, is only 26 cents a year. : Terms.--The Terms of the Post are Two Dollars, if paid in advance; Three Dollars, if not paid in advance. For Five Dollars, in advance, one copy is sent three years, We continue the following low terms for Clubs, to be sent, in the city, to one address, and, in the country, to one Post Office. Hi HS _4 Copies, - - - - per annum $ 5 8 do (and 1 to the getter up of the Club) $10 13 do (and Ito the getter up of the Club) $15 20 do: (and 1 tothe getter wp of the Club) $20 ' Persons residing in British North America must remit twenty-five cen/s in addition to thé subscrip- tion price, as we have to prepay the United States postive; ge : __aLiafons To Ciuss.--Any person having sent the money and names for a Club, may add new names to it at the same rate, provided the latter will allow their subscriptions to end at the same time those of the main listdo. We will willing- ly supply the back numbers, if we have them. Our object is to have all the subscriptions in each Club end atthe same time, and thus prevent confusion. P GPS The money for Clubs must always be-sent in advance. Whenthesum is large,a draft should be procured if possible--the cost of which may be deducted from the amount. Post-Masters or others sending: for Clubs, would confer a favor by having them sent to one address, when they can do so conveniently. The papers to Clubs are invariably stopped at the expiration of the period for which they have subscribed. ss A New ArranGeMent.--Our subscribers will take notice that we now have no collecting agents out ot this State. They will therefore please remit to us direct. careful to give the name of the State, as well! as of the town,'in which they live. Ald letters must be post-paid. Subscribers wishing their paper changed, will please give the name of the Post-Office to be changed from, as well as the Post-Office they wish it hereafter sent to. We trust that such of our old friends, the Post- Masters, as do not feel inclined to take advantage of our liberal offers themselves, will show our Prospectus to other influential and responsible persons who will be willing to raise Clubs, é&c. DEACON & PETERSON, _ No, 66, South Third Street, Philadelphia. {ce N.B.--Any Person desirous'of recewing a copy of the POST, as a sample, can be accommo- | paid). dated by notifying the Fublishers by letter, (post- ~ ge cles are selected orcondensed from foteign and | ty All persons addressing letters to us should be |. "Tariff of Duties, PayaBLe on Imports INTO CaNaDa, UNDER THE Act 12 Vicroria, cap 1, anD THE ACTS AMEND- ING SAME OF APRIL, 1853, AnD DecemBsr, 1854, To take effect on the 5th of April, 1855. Animals, specially imported for the improve- ment of Stock, Free; Anatomical Preparations, do; Ashes, Pot, Pearl and Soda, do. Acids, nitric and oxalic, two anda half per cent; Strong fluid, do; Alum, do. Biscuit, twelve and a half per cent. Books, printed, free. Books, reprints of British copyright works, iwelve and a Half per cent; Books, Blanks, do. Books and Drawings of an immoral or inde- eent. character, prohibited. Boots and Shoes, twelve and a half per cent. Brandy, three shillings per gallon. Brooms, twelve and a half per cent; Brushes do. Bulbs, Roots and 'Trees,. free. Burr Stones, wrought, twelve and a half per cent. Busts and Casts of Marble, Bronze, Alabaster, or Plaster of Paris, free. : Bleach:ng powders, two anda half per cent; Blue, ultra marine and paste, do; Borax, do; Brick, fire, do ; Brimstone, do. Cabinets of Coins, Medals, or Gems, and other collections of antiquity, free. Candles, twelve and a half per cent. Cassia, Cinnamon, Cloves, three-pence half- penny per pound. Castings, twelve and a half per cent. Tron Chains of al] sorts, two anda half per cent, Cider, twelve and a half per sent; Clocks, do. Coffee, green, one half-penny per pound. Coffee, other than green, three pence per pound. Coin and Bullion, free. Coin, base or counterfeit, prohibited. Cordials, four shillings per gallon. Cotton Wool, free. Cotton' Manufactures, twelve and.a half per ;cent, : Cochineal, two anda half per eent; Copperas, lo. : - Cotton Batting, twelve and a half per cent. Cotton Warp and Wick, two anda half per cent Drugs, twelve and a half per cent; Earth- enware do. eS s Engravings, Etchings and Drawings, free. Feathers, twelve and a half per cent. Fruits, dried, one penny per pound. Furs, twelve anda half per cent, Furniture do; | Felts, all kinds, two and a half per cent. Fisheries, the following articles for the use af, Seines, Fishing Nets and Hooks, Twines, and Lines, Boat Sails and Hawsers, Fishermen's Boots, Tarred Rope and Rigging, do. Gin, two.and sixpence per gallon. Ginger, three pence per pound. Glass, and Manufactures of, twelve and a half per cent; Glue, do; Hair, and Manufactures of, do; Flarness, do; Hardware, do; Hats, do; Honey, do; Indian Corn, free. Indian Rubber, and Manufactures, twelve and a half per cent; Ink, do. Iron, when imported to be used in the manu- facture of Locomotive Engines, two and a half per cent; Bar and Rod, do; Sheet, do; Hoop, not over two inches broad, do; Hoop or Tire for driv- ing wheels, bent and welded, do; Connecting Rods, in pieces, do; Frames and Pedestals, rough from the forge, do; Brass or Copper Tubes do; Boiler Plates, do; Railroad Bars, do; Scrap, do; Rolled Plate from a quarter to half an inch thick, do; Round and Square, four inch and upwards, do; Iron Cranks, wrought, six cwt. and upwards, do. Tron Manufactures, twelve and a half per cent; Jewelry, do; Lamps, do; Lead Manufactures, do; Leather, and Manufactures of, do; Lemon Syrup, do; Linen, and Manutactures of, do. Liquors, four shillings per gallon. Maccaroni, one penny per pound. Mace, sevenpence half penny per pound. Machinery, all kinds, twelve and a half percent; Mahcgany, do. Manures, all kinds, free; Maps do. Marble, twelve anda half perct; Medicines, do. Models of Machinery, and other inventions and | improvements in the Arts, free. Molasses, two pence per gallon. Musical Instruments, twelve anda half per cent; Nails, do. Nutmegs, seven pence half penny per pound. WNitre, two and a half per cent. Oil, twelve and a half per cent; Oysters, do; Packages containing free goods, or goods rated nnder twelve and a half per cent, do; Packages, other, charged the same as the ad valorem rate on their contents, Paints, do. Paintings, free. Paper and Paper Manufactures, twelve anda half per cent; Perfumery, do. Philosophical Instruments & Apparatus, free. Pickles and Sauces, twelve and a half per cent. Pimento, Pepper and Alspice, one penny per Ib Pipes, smoking, twelve and a half per cent; Pork, mess, do. Preserved Fruits, 12/10 per cent. Phosphorous, two and a half per cent; Potash, prussiate of, do. Quills, twelve and a half per cent. Quinces, thirty per cent. Raisins, one penny per pound. Rice, twelve and a half per cent. Nope, old, two and a half per cent. Rum, at proof by Sykes' Hydrometer, one shilling and eight pence per gallon. Sail Cloth, two and a half per cent. Salaratus, twelve and a half per cent. Salt, free; Seeds, do. Segars, two shillings per pound, Snuff, four pence per pound. Soap, twelve and a half per cent. Specimens of Natural History, Mineralogy and Botany, free. Spices, unenumerated, three pence per pound. Spikes, twelve and a half per cent. Spirits, except Rum and Whiskey at proof, two shillings and sixpence per gallon. Spirits or Curdials, sweetened so that' the strength cannot be found by the Hydrometer, four shillings per gallon. Spirits of Turpentine, twelve and a halfper cnt. Steel, two and a half per cent. Steel Manufactures, twelve anda half percent. Sugar, Refined, in Loaves, Crushed, or Candy or other Sugars rendered equal thereto by any process, twelve shillings per cwt White and Brown, Clayed orgYellow Bastard Sugars, or other Sugars rendered by any process equal in quality therete, eight shillings and six ence per cwt Sugar, Raw, and other kinds not being equal to White or Brown, Clayed or Yellow Bastard Sugars, six shillings and six pence per cwt Syrups, twelve and a half per cent. Do Sugar, two pence per gallon and, do. Sai Ammoniac, two and a half per cent; Seed, Mustard, do; Shellac, do; Slate, do; Straps for Walking Beams, do; Sulphur, roll, do. 34 i Sulphur, flour, twelve and a half per cent, 'Tea, two pence per pound. Tin, two and a half per cent Tobacco, Manufactured, or Unmanufactured, other than Segars or Snuff, two pence per pound, Toys, twelve and a half per cent ; Telegraph Wire, two and a half per cent Varnish, twelve and a half per cent Vermicelli, one penny per pound Vinegar, three pence per gallon Vitriol, two and a half per cent Watches, twelve anda half per cent; Wax, do; W halebone, do W heat, free. Whiskey at proof, five pence per gallon Wine of all kinds in Wood or other vessels not being Bottles, nct exceeding in value £15 the pipe of 126 gallons, one shilling per gallon, and if ex- ceeding £15 the Pipe in value one shilling and sixpence per gallon Wine.of all kinds in Bottles per dozen Quarts, seven shillings and six pence Wine of all kinds in Bottles per dozen three shillings and nine pence Woollen Yarn, twelve anda half per cent; Wool Manufacturcs, do All Guods, Wares and Merchandise not enu- merated, twelve and a half per cent. Pints, FREE GOODS. | The following articles, in addition to those marked " free" in the columns above, are now made free--subject to the exception, that if the Governor of this Province shall at any time de- clare the suspension of the Treaty between Her Majesty and the United States of America, sign- ed on the 5th day of June, 1854, then, while such suspension shall continue, the several articles mentione¢ in the schedule to the Act last afore- said, being the growth and produce of the said United States, shall be subject to the duties to which they are now subject ; and no such article shall then be admitted free of duty, unless it was so admitted immediately before the passing of the said Act. Animals of all kinds, meats of all kinds (except mess pork), butter, cheese, flour, barley, buck- wheat, bear and bigg, oats, rye, beans and peas, meal of the above grain, and wheat net bojted, bran in shcrts, and hops, : : i tails undressed. Anchors, chain cables, veneers, hay, pig iron green fruits,bark berries, nuts, vegetables, woods and drugs used solely in dyeing, and indigo, bristles, bur-stones unwrought, coal ard coke, grease and scraps, hemp, flax, and tow undressed, hides, junk and oakum, lard, lead (pig or sheet), marble in blocks unpolished, oil, cocoanut, pine and palm only, ores of all kinds of metals, pipe- clay, resin and rosin, saw logs, ships' water- casks in use, téazles, broom corn, wood used in making carpenters' or joiners' tools, tallow, tar and pitch, type metal in block or pigs, wool, caoutchouc, cordage of all kinds, sail cloth, cop- per in bars, rods or in sheets, yellowmetal in bars or in sheets, bright or black varnish, marine cement, trenails, bunting, felt sheeting, printing presses, printing types, printers' ink, printing implements of all kinds, bookbinders' tools and presses and implements of all kinds, old nets and ropes, cotton and flax waste, rags, fire-clay, and Russian hemp yarn. - ORDERS IN COUNCIL. The following articles are admitted at the rates set after them, by orders in Council, viz:-- Ships' sails, prepared rigging, tin, zinc, hoop iron, candle wick, and spelter, at 23 per cent.-- Order of 4th June, 1853. Brass in pigs or sheets, magnetic telegraph in- sulators, relay magnets, registers and batteries, at 24 per cent.--Order of 4th Nov., 1853... Locomotive, passenger, baggage, and freight ears, running upon any line of railroad crossing the frontier between Canada and the United States, free.--Order. of 13th Jan., 1854. fron wheels and axles, imported expressly for railroad purposes, 24 per cent.--Order of 13th Novy., 1854. Printing paper, draining tiles, and oil cake, 24 per cent.--Order of 6th Dec., 1854. | EXEMPTIONS. Arms, Clothing, Cattle, Provisions and stores Commissaries, Contractor or Contractors shall impart or bring, or which may be imported or brought by the principal or other Officer or Offi- cers of Her Majesty's Ordnance into the Province for the use of her Majesty's Army or Navy, or for the use of the Indian Nations in this Province; provided the duty otherwise payable thereon would be defrayed or borne by the Treasurer of the United Kingdom of this Province. s Horses and carriages of travellers, and horses eattle and carriages and other vehicles when em- ployed in carrying merchandise, together with the necessary harness and tackle, so long as the same shall be bona fide in use for that purpose, except the horses, cattle, carriages, vehicles and harness, of persons hawking goods, wares and merchandise through the Province, for the pur- pose of retailing the same, and the horses, cattle; carriages, and harness of any circus or equestrian troops for exhibition; the horses, cattle, carriages and harness of any Menagerie to be free. Donations of clothing especially imported for the use of or to be distributed gratuitously by any charitable society in this Province. Seeds of all kinds, farming utensils and imple- ments of husbandry, when specially imported in good faith by any society incorporated or estab- lished for the encouragement of agriculture. Salt for the use of the fisheries, military cloth- ing and wine for the use of regimental messes. The following Articles in the occupation. or -eraployment of persons coming into the Province for the purpose of actual settling therein, viz:-- Wearing Apparel in actual use, and other per- sonal effects not merchandise ; horses and cattle; implements and tools of trade of handy-crafismen, 'The personal household effects, not merchan- dize, of inhabitants of this province, being sub- jects of Her Majesty and dying abroad. And the following articles, when imported di- rectly from the United Kingdom, the British North American Provinces, the Island of Prince Edward and Newfoundland, and being the growth | "Mrs. Hivsins further offe of every description, which any Commissary or } oi THE, 10) CIRCULATIN Cp eine AND Fancy Goods and § No. 16, KING \ i RS. HIGGINS informs' er fri public that she has opened brary, containing over 2000 volumes Ado Works in History, Biography, Belle 1, Standay Novels, which will be kept up by the ; CUtres any new Standard Works and Perioa: Addition issue from the Press, NALS as the One Year. 2) ae gal Six Months . Cee e . Ebree Months : One Month. Entitling the Subscriber to to be kept One Year | Six Months . : ee Months. ey 2 _B. Ji not paid ai the teen the terms will iB 10s. 3d, oe Subscribi 3d. for three sets for every three iontie 0 5 8 . : 3% 9 r to Three § i, no longer than one sack i my, "ALIN g 6 if 1 2 Ik | -NON-SUBSCRIBERS ' T'o deposit the value of the Book « ' : : NE Book. ng a single volume 3d. for fourdars' ge 10 pay fy two or three volumes 6d. for oleae Work ip work in four or more volumes, at jh eek fr per volume,» > pi pee © ate ok efor conditions see Tickets, f ye BE dO ei ay Dd rs for sale a «.. p | : sorted stock of Fancy Goods pike Wella) which she invites attention, = OP*1Y, ~ Toronto, May 10, 1854, NOTIcy» oe eee ee SIRE ie American Tract Society--Stavery, Wi A MORE "IMPORTANT ag este fi E y Apa f : : ie by inghat paper, ok ike Gia eat mee Peper, Objine Lot Match bey of a continuation of articles regarding thee" rican Tract Society," has this 'Sentence: ie thirty years, one of the greatest institation : Evangelical Christendom, has been testif joes effect, that the institution of Slavery, the vi and selling of human beings, and the ap of the slave-trader, are less offensive felted te. contary to the{Gospel, less perilous to the iy men, than the practice of dancing. «It has : tempted to,exhibitand authenticate. on the wi est scalé, an administration of Chilstioniy @ which there shall be no more syllable of rebe | for crimes that shock the morals sense of Citi | tendom. The influence of the Tract Socie has tended to make the Southern churches mop timid-and cowed in the presence of the imperiny slave-trading interest. Asa consequence of thy policy--partly, bat not exclusively--behold th SourHern Apostacy?!" oak: In December 1844, a report of "The " Cop mittee of the Synod of New York and New Je, sey, on the subject of the mutilations of books } the American Traet Society," was publishe! and in that report, the mutilations and omission in the editions published, by that Society, D'Aubigne's History of the Great Reformatiy were pointed out--besides, there are the oni. sicns and expurgations in other books publishel as to the vile sin of Slavery, and the substituti of sentences other than the original. The notice by me entitled, " Publications" ferable tc these matters, has been widely circul. | ted, anda Canadian public are again reminde of their duty. JOHN J. E. LINTON, Stratford, C. W., March 20, 1855, 3 ! tion produce, or manufacture of the said United King- dom, or of such Province respectively, viz:-- Animals, beef, pork, biscuit, bread, butter cocoa paste, corn or grain of all kinds, flour, fish fresh or salted, dried or pickled, fish oil, furs or skins, the produce of fish or creatures living in the sea, gypsuin, horns, mess poultry, plants, shrubs and trees, potatoes and vegetables of all kinds. Seeds of all kinds, pelts, skins, furs or Wood, viz: boards, planks, staves, timber and firewood. And the following articles when imported di- rect from theaProvinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince FEidward's Istand, and being the growth, produce, or manufacture of said Provinces respectively, viz: Grain and Breadstuffs of all kinds, vegetables, fruits, seeds, hay and straw, hops, animals, salted and fresh meats, buiter, cheese, chocolate, and other preparations of cocoa, lard, talluw, hides, horns, wool, undressed. skins, and furs of all kinds, ores of all kinds, iron in pigs and blooms, copper, lead in pigs, grindstones and stones of all kinds, earth, coals, lime, ochres, gypsum ground or unground, rock-salt, wood, bark, timber and lumber of all kinds, firewood, ashes, fish, fish oil, viz: train oil, spermaceti oil, head matter and blubber, fins and skins, the produce of fish or creatures living in the sea. REMARKS. Goods to be entered at the fair market value, in the principal Markets of the Country, from whence they are imported directly into this Prov- ince; butthe Governor, by a Departmental Order, may permit Goods bona fide imported from one country through another, into the Province, to be valued for Duty as if imported direct. I. G. O--Customs DEPARTMENT. Quebec, 28th April, 1853. In virtue of the authority of the Third Section ofan Act of the Provincial Parliament, passed the sixteenth year of her Majesty's reign, and chaptered eighty-five, it is ordered that Goods bona fide exported to this Province from any country, but passing im transitw through another country, and under Bonds, shall be, until it shall be otherwise ordered, valued for Duty as if such Goods were imported directly trom such first- mentioned country into this Province. By command, R.S. M. Boucuerrs, C.C. (CIRCULAR.) I. G. O.--Customs Department. Quebec, 29th April, 1853. Sir,--I am directed by the Inspeetor General to instruct you to allow the importers of goods in every case to deduct either the discount actually allowed for cash, or that Which according to the custom of trade is allowed for cash, thus, putting all importers on the same footing and charging all the duty on the market cash value. Lhave the honor to be, Sir, your obedt. servant, . R.S, M, Boucuerrs.. The Collector of Customs, ° eee 16TH VIC. CAP. 85. DEPARTMENTAL . ORDER, No. 2. ee I. G, O.--Customs DepartTMENT, Quebee, 12th May, 1853. In virtue of the authority of the third Section of an Act of the Provincial Parliament, passed in the sixteenth year of Her Majesty's Reign, and chaptered eighty-five, intituled, " An Act further to amend the Laws relating to Duties of Customs, " it is ordered that the following packages be chargeable with duty, viz: all pack- ages containing Spirits, Wines, Cordials or Liquids of any kind in wood, Bottles, Flasks, and all Packages of Glass Ware or Earthen Ware, the Sugar, Molasses, Syrups, Treacle, Coffee, Rice, Tobacco, Flour, Provisions, and no deduction to be allowed for the weight or value of the paper cr string, covering Sugar, &c. All packages, con taining Soap, Candles, Pipes,. Nails, Chains, Paints, Spices, Nuts, Vermiceli, Macaroni, Glass Tin, Canada Plates, 'Tins, Trunks and Jars con- taining Merchandise, and all other packages in which the goods are usually exposed for sale, or which necessarily or generally accompany the goods when sold. And that the following Pack ages are to be exempt from payment of Duty, viz: Bales, Trusses, Cases covering Casks of Wines or Brandy in Wood, Cases and Casks containing Dry Goods, Hardware or Cutlery, Crates and Casts containing Glassware and Harthenware, Cases containing Bottled Wine or Bottled Spirits, and all other packages'in which the goods are not usually exposed for sale, or which do not ne- cessarily or generally accompany the guods when sold. By Command, _ F. Hincxs, Inspeetor Gen. Important to Housekeepers. Cee Toret Ne, JUST GALL AT THEN, | |1) RAILROAD HOUSE No. 33, KING STREET EAST, TORONTO, | For Rare Bargains in Spring and Summa Mzy's and Boys' Reapy-man ae HATS, CAPS, &, || "Staple and Fancy Dry Goody MILLEINERY, ke. Be. HOMAS LAWSON'S Stock is unusually | large ; and as it must be cleared out durmg the next few weeks, to make room for large Fall {mportations, he will give Great Bargains | Purchasers at Wholesale or Retail, Clothing made to measure in the first style. Work oaaship and fit warranted. , T. LAWSON, PROSPECTUS OF THE PROVINCIAL FREEMAN And Weekly Advertiser. The Provincial Freeman will be devoted to Ant Slavery, Emigration, Temperance and Genert Literature. The organ of no particular Poritie Party, it will open its columns to the viewsofme of different political opinions, reserving therigt as an independent Journal. of full expression all questions or projects affecting the people in political way; and reserving, also, the right toe press emphatic condemnation of all projects, hat ing for their object in a great or remote degree, the subversion of the principles of the British Constitution, or of British rule in the Provints Not committed to the views of any religiols sect exclusively, it will carefully observe the rights of every sect, at the same time thata rest vation shall be made in favor of an existing dl: ference of opinion, as to the views or actions? the sects respectively. a As an advertising medium, asa vehicle of i formation on. Agriculture,--and as an enelly 0 vice in any and every conceivable form, am? promoter of good morals, it shall be made worth) of the patronage of the public, © 1. D, SHADD, Publishing Agent espe ye VP eye en Avi Lerrers, whether intended for publicat | or on Business, must be 'addressed, past pah I. DSuapp, Chath am, €. W. vi _--_-- PROVINCIAL FREEMA And Weekly Advertiser, sea) is PUBLISHED a es EVERY SATURDAY MORNING AT THE OFFICE OF THE PAPER) cio Charity's Brick Buildings, King St _ CHATHAM, ©. W. ae, Terms: aie ONE DOLLAR AND A HALE INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. he mild He Raves or ADVERTISING. : : . Six to ten lines, first insertion, - 3 . ; J Each subsequent insertion, -* 7 es Ne ten lines, first insertion, per "Re Ty Hach subsequent insertion, per une; | {§ ica A aidcoun allowed when advertisam are continued over three months. oting )2s" Merchants, and others, contra - space can_advertise on advantageous hina fag" All advertisements, withoutinsi ti to length of time, will be inserted uni" and charged accordingly. of J LAW RESPECTING NEWSPAPERS ie 10 Subscribers who do not give express ies the contrary, are considered as wishing | tinue their subscriptions. ant aoe of If Subseribers order the discontin' to seal their papers, the publishers may conunlé ™ a I offer for sale 35 different recipes for $1, many of which have been sold the past year for $5 a piece. No housekeeper will grudge $1 for one of those recipes alone after trying it once. Address Wm. Brumpacx, Point Pleasant Pa., and the whole number of recipes will be forward- }ed by mail. 'eres to the former direction, they them till all arrears are paid up. Ho theit If Subscribers neglect or refuse 10 ta directed papers from the office to which they af °° ited they are held responsible their bills, and ordered their pap tinued. . . "remove to other ac ill.they have till oS to be disco? ithout If Subscribers wi informing the Publishers, and t are'held >