----S o CHATHAM reece teres "CHRISTMAS. Is. "COMING! YOUNG FOLKS, OLD FOLKS, LISTEN! ee anes sew TBARS GLERS, TO BE FOUND ! at ALFRED MOORE'S MUSIC HALL, : TWO DOORS HAST OF THE POST OFFICE, IN GREAT ABUNDANCE. SEN @Qplemaia Albuume, In Morocco and Gold Bindings. ELEGANT ANNUALS, Or New Year's Present Books, ' In every variety of style, from $1 to $6 each. oe eS eS <> G2 te) i 2 NT Soa "From $2 to $10. é "VWtomisrs, From, $3 to $20. : Wwe wea, 'From $2 to $20. ee Guitars, Tamborines,. aes Flutes, Fifes, Piccalos: Flageolets, Clarionetts ; "Poin "and Guitar Str ings, Music Books, Note Books, Music Paper, Sheet Music, and all kinds of Musical Merchandize, always on hand, Oil Paintings, in Gold Frames, ie . School Books & Stationery. BCS TCU) BOARD. er Novels and Miscellaneous Wo ks, Ballous Pictor ial; Ballous' Dollar Monthly, © | Flag of our Union, Brother Jonathan, _ Illustrated American Newspaper, #F ank 'Sisler's Gazette of Fashion, Frank Sisler's New York Journal, New vert Picayune, Boston International Journal, "Yankee Notions, Godey's Lady's Book, Harper's Magazine, §:¢., §¢., ... RECEIVED AS SOON AS PUBLISHED. 'Catholic and Protestant Books. Ent AND FRENCH coe, Framed and Glazed. ; - Vliewomws | BOOUS.s - ALMANACS FOR 1856. BRADY TAS CLOTHIN 16, _ CASSIMERES, VELVETEENS, SATTINETTS, JEANS, TWEEDS, _ &o., &e., &c. é HARD WARE, AND TREA CLE. God Save a8 Queen! "December, 1855. : 33.tf far A GOOD CHANCE £7] 'FOR A SNUG HOME ! BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE! IN THE 'Village of East Buxton, : IN THE CENT RE OF THE FPL OURISHING Pow anelntipo yy Aaulesatis = EITHER IN ~ Five, Three, or One Acre Lots, With IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. rps Land is dry and rich, and mostly cleared ; the situation, pleasant and healthy, with the great advantage of having a Church and School close by, and "both under uhe judicious -and fostering care of the Reverend Wm. King, "which fact alone would be considered by many 'to be the greatest inducement this. locality pos- SESSES 5 also, anew Saw Mill, in fall operation. eae of these Lots are moderate, and terms easy. TITL iNDISPUTABLE. : All doubts in regard to which, can be:satisfied oh application to WaLrar McCrea, Esquire, Barnister-at-Law, Phanix Block, King Street, Chatham. '§o@" Wor further particulars, as to price of Lots, and Terms, apply to Mr. A. H. Wesr, Royal Exchange, Buxton, who will show the Property ; 5 -or, to the Proprietor, ic i CHARLES WOOD, Oe ocer,, Founth Street, Chatham. _ October 19th, 1855. 26- 6m NEW LIVERY "STABLE. rpuE Subscriber would infor m the citizens of Chatham, that he has opened a LIVERY SLABLE, in the premises lately as by Thos. L. Parr, at the Corner of King & Forsyth Streets, "i, 'the Rear of the " Chatham Arms" Hotel, _.. where will be found, at all times, g Open and Covered epee tadee GOOD HORSES, - And Steady DRIVERS, if necessary. Charges will be as moderate, as the times will admit. Persons are requested. to call and examine the Turnouts+ fog ~ ABRAHAM RAYNO. Chatham, Dee: 8, 1855. ite MON TUBER, oli ench Boot and Shoemaker, YONGE STREET, | - Third Door below Elm, West Side, - EGS leave to inform the Ladies and Gentle- » men of 'Toronto prepared to execute all orders in the above line, to their satisfaction, He also keeps constantly on hand, a supply of BooTs and SHOES, o every. variety. 'and finish, Dec. Ist, 1855. js 31 SHAKSPEARE RESTAURANT. ONTARIO STREET, 'STRATFORD. HE above ESTABLISHMENT being : now in proper order, the Proprietor. is al- ways prepared to accommodate any number of Lge and Gentlemen with | REPRESENTS, whiel will consist of the best Viands to be found in Buffalo, Hamilton, or Toronto Market, during the season. He will have a constant supply of 'the best Oysters, and Game, of all kinds in season. SARDINES, es, Saumon, &c., &c., always on hand. © a: can be had from Six o'clock in the Morning asl - till Midnight. WINES, L QUORS, and CIGARS, ¢ the best quabity. Dinner and other Parties can be supplied, with everything suitable, on very moderate terms. Private Families can also be served with GAME, OYSTERS, &c., prepured tn the best style. » 32-ly LUNCHEONS supplied, &c.; can be had atthe Restaurant in a Private Room. ¥37" The Proprietor will always endeavour so to cater to the wants of his Customers, as to merit | - ih fi suppor and patronage. CLARK 'THOMAS, 'October 26, 1855, | aly a 2 ES opp PBELOWS § SUPPER | and Vicinity, that he is | 'e- . y) : \ e sy Se UIE IT: The G. Uv. O.. N OF Gdd Fellows WILL GIVE THEIR { ANRMUVERSARY. 'SUPPER, | ON NEW YEAR'S NIGHT, i IN THE Wow UstaDns: Ticxers-- One 'Dollar each, or One Dollar Pifty pee Cents, per Cowples 9 _F. G. JONES, WV. G. A. WHIPPER, Ae. S, | ice" 'Fickets to be had at the Stores of Andrew - Smith, oe W.. Hill. Chatliam, Dec. 8, 185 "OawD: MRS. BURLEY, (DATE MRS. JACKSON,) ] Ge EEPS constantly on hand, at her Residence, 2, South Ninth Street, Delon Cee, a sity "ot crore = ; Herb Medicines, Ointments, Pills, &es, which she will, warrant to give satisfaction. Among which are the NERVINE CORDIAL, for the cure of Diseases depending on Nervous | Debility; the ALTERATIVE, for Purifying the + 82:41 'Blood, Serofula, Scurvy, &¢.; and the INDIAN SPECIFIC. OINTMENT, for Piles, Old Sores,, __| Sprains, '| Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Frosted Limbs, Bruises, Chilblains, Chapped Skin, &e. "Give them a trial. PutLapeLuputa, Nov. 20, 1855, INFO RMATION WANTED. HE Undersigned takes this pathod of ascer- taining the: whereabouts of -his. Brother, JOHN W. HINES, of Bowling Green, 'Warren. "30. ly '| County, Kentucky, 'from whom he received a: letter, stating his arrival in Canada. Any pcr, son having a knowledge of Mr. Hines, wat please inform him, and oblige "GEORGE Te SMITH, - Chatham c W. December 8, 1855. ; 22h FF BSED Ate, rp SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale, a} choice selection of -- Heavy and Shelf Hardware, AMONGSI, WHICH WILL, BE FOUND, -- [RON, of every description, Cast, Blister, and Sleigh Shoe STEEL. Cut, Wrought, and Horse NAILS... Coil, Trace, and Plough CHAINS. © -ANVILS, VICES, and BELLOWS. An excellent assor rtment of TABLE AND POCKET..CUTLERY. Carpenters', Joiners' §- Cabinetmakers' Tools, AXES, of the best descriptions, Warranted. "With an assortment of SHELF HARDWARE, which is not to be surpassed i in Town, and which 'is offered for Sale " Cheaper than ever" for Casu | ie. Buyers will find it to their advantage to call before purchasing elsewhere. GEORGE KERR. Chathain: Nov. 22, 1855. "30 Ay BUXTON EROCERY SPORE HE Salaivere would mete io their Friends, that they are receiving, and opening out, an Extensive Assortment of ~ Sop ud | Sroeeriess | é of superior. quality, suitable for Country 'Trade, which they will sell at the. lowest remunerative prices. Produce will oe 'aan in exchange for Groceries. (<> Call and see our Stock. R. o WARREN & Co. Buxton, Gs W,, Dee. 1,. 1855: pith ay HOUSE AND ie & OR SALE. AX that ticleny part of Lot 24, leipanted on McGregor's Creek, being sixty by thirty- nine feet. Also, a Two Story" Frame Hovss, consisting of Two Tenements, having each Four Rooms and a Closet. There is an excellent W ell 'of water in the yard.., Ser For Terms, apply to ry "MRS: M. STEWARD, Bk the Premises, & Nor th of King Street, between William and 'Princess Street, Chatham, C. W. 'Dee. Ist, 1855. 31 1m EATING G SALOON. - MRS. REY! REYN Ox yETURNS her thanks to the avis and Gentlemen of Chatham, for the ir patronage dinag the past Summer. © She is now prepared call, and hopes to have a continuance of their visits, Ox C3 a tha Ss Can be had-at all Hours, on Reasonable Tern mS. OYSTERS, PIGS FEET & SARDINES, AND OTHER REFRESHMENTS, Served in the latest style, Call at William Street, North of King, Next to. Holmes' Mull, Chathum., C. W. 40-ly So 22, 1859." CHEAP. CASH STORE, NEXT: DOOR TO THE. POST. OFFICE, Le CHATHAM, Co. Wa, "PRANGIS MARTIN "HAS ON HAND; A. GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF. DIZ GOODS. -- MEN'S, WOMEN'S & CHILDREN'S, Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers, TEAS, COFFERS, "TEES, SUGARS, | AND OTHER 'Sen ce oe es i im So OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, ; faite MODNRAT i PRICES. The following are some of the 'the Articles Sold by | - FRANCIS MARTIN, - NAMELY, LUE, Red, and White Flannels, upw ards, Blankets and Horse Rugs, | Woollen Shawls, all sizes, from 50 cts. upwards. Pantaloon Stuff, from 2s, upwards. Under Shirts, and Drawers, cotton and wool. Ladies', Gentlemen' s, and Children's Wool and Cotton Hosiery. | Tickings, Linens, Cottons, Plaids, Canton Flan- nels, Hickory ; Over- -Alls, and Red Flan- nel Shirts. Umbrellas, Carpet Bags, and Satchells; and from Qs. {and $50 for the apprehension and conviction of | Lever; number not given on bill--cost $80.; one '| ver back, number 6612, er 6641; one Gold French 'on the stone; to accommodate all who may favour her with a} TERMS --Strictly Cash, and One Price! | CAL AND SB Tee N. ZL: HARRISON | . 7 VV OULD. respectfully inform the Citizens of CHATHAM, that he has. OPENED a \\|Public Hlouse in Detroit, ON THE CORNER OF | Jefferson Avenue and Front Streets, where he will be happy to accommodate those Who may favour him with a call. Detroit, November 9, 1855. NEW BOARDING HOUSE. WILLIAM. STILL EGS to announce that he has Opsnep a BOARDING HOUSE, at No, 374 SOUTH STREET, below Ninth, PHILADELPHIA, where he will accommodate respectable persons, perma- 28+ ly their patronage. The House is Commodious and in good order, and the location Central and Recspe thle, Ses .No pains will be spaired therefore to give every Satisfaction. Q7-ly. Eiuleselphie., ee 29th, 1855.. SAVE YOUR MONEY !! "THE SUBSCRIBER (Successor ro JAMES BEATTY) Offersito, the Public of Cuarnam, and Vicinity, at the Old Stand of CROW & BEATTY A FULL ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, "COMPRISING, STAPLE DRY GOODS, (GROG! By 2 en 9 HARDWARE, REO G ORS 5 Srockerys, and Glasse The Public are requested to call and prove the principle of Casu 'TRaps. _ LOW PRICHS will convince them that the way to wealth is to pay when they purchase. 'ONLY Terms: Cash or Country Produce. JOS. S. BEATTY. "Chatham Nov. 2, 1855. « vii3m-27 INFORMATION WANTED. LLEN NETTLETON wants to find her 4. husband, GEORGE NETTLETON. She got parted from him at one of the Stations west of Hamilton, and don't know the place he his gone tv. He had two young children with him. 'She is in. Chatham, a, stranger and without money. Exchanges, will serve the cause of humanity by | making the above known. Commercial Hote], Chatham. BU Ci DEEN One Hundred 'Dollars Reward! "HEREAS, my Store on St. Paul Street, St.. Catharines, was feloniously entered on Tuesday Night last, and WATCHES and: JEWELLERY toa lar ge amount stolen there- from; this.is to give Notice, thatthe above Reward will be paid for the recovery of the Goods, and the conviction of the Thief; or $50 for the Goods, the Thiet, Description of the Articles Stolen: "New Watches-One Gold full Jewelled English English Hunting Lever, $29, number 45 or 55; three Silver 'English Levers ; one Silver Hunting Anchor, double silver back, somewhat shopworn, $16; two double-backed Silver Le epines, numbers 4965 and 5694 ; one.silver Lepine, number 5072 ; one do. number 73, 2 Plate; one Silver Anchor, number 13276 or 53774; one Lepine. double sil- (second- hand) Gingerbread face, winds. in the back, number not known; one Gold Lepine, gilt back, number not known; one enamelled Lepine (se cond- handed) number not know n; one small Silver Hunting Cylinder, no bezel for glass in- side; one Go] d- Hunting Lever, name, J. ° Marsh, number poles about one d doz. Customers' WwW atches: one Silver Cylinder, plated edges, 2 Plate (out of order), the remainder English "Verges and Quuar- tiers, numbers not known. LWENEN: SE VEN GOLD RINGS including two large plain Rings, 18 caret, and one Gents: Gold Ring Wire; with a twig worked six Gold and three Plated. Lockets. D. T. WILLIAMSON. Sf. Catharines, Sept. 26, 1855. 23 New Tailoring B Establishment. (ey W. LAWRENCE, PASHIONABLE TAILOR, --c: KING STREET, HAST, AVING recently REMOVED his Taior- inc Estapuisument to the Building now oceupied by Mr. T. W. Wunson, Boot and. Shoe Maker, respectiully solicits a continuation of that liberal suppovs wiich he has formerly received at his old stand, from the citizens of Chatham, and surrounding country. G. W.L. having the most thorough and prac- tical understanding of the Trade, in all its Branches, he is now prepared to CUT, FIT, and FINISH MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING | in the most approved and durable 'manner, and at the lowest rates. . ae Repairing and Sore done on the most Feeasonable Terms. Chatham, Aug gust. 20,1855. MRS. A. M. 'STERRITT, |. FASHIONABLE jones & GLOAM WANE, C.-rner of James & Murray Str eets, | daca awe solicits: the patronage of the Ladies of Cuaraam, and Vicinity. She is, prepared to execute the orders of those whe _18-ly despatch. tg The latest patterns for Ladies Dresses, Cloaks; Mantillas, Talmas, Sacks, &¢. .. Children's Clothing made to order, in the latest styles. : Chatham, Sept. 21, 1855. (Clothes Made, Repaired, & Cleaned, Wali "HUMBURT OULD respectfully announce to the Citi- "zens of Windsor, and surrounding coun- try, that he is prepared to MAKE, REPAIR, or CLEAN CLOTHING, at the shortest notice, and in the 'most satisfactory manner. Having had ample experience in his line ot business in the Cities of Charleston, 8. C.,and Boston, Mass., he flatters himself that, by diligence and strict attention to business, he will be able to please. 22-tf Windsor,C. WV.3, BEDLaG, 1854. 25 | GROCERIES, &e. SOUR Ba WOowewe EGS leave to call the attention of the Citizens -of Chatham and of the surrounding country to his extensive assortment of Groceries, Wooden Ware, Boots and Shoes, &c., kept by him constantly on hand, at his 'Store on __. KING STREET, 'ONE DOOR FROM THE CORNER OF WILLIAM, where he is ever. ready to wait upon those who may favor hin) with their patronage. The Farmers, of Kent. would especially find it to their interest to call at his Establishment, where all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE is taken in exchange for GOODS, or for Casu. hundreds. of other Aiticles belonging to a - General Store. nently or transiently, who may favour him with' PROPERTY FOR SALE. . ust Two Story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, situated on Adelaide Street, with the Oudt- ee Garden, and Yard, attached thereto, --ALSO,-- A newly finished Two Story DWELLING ' HOUSE, fel 2) utes part of the Town, consist- ing of Three excellent T'enements, having each comm odious Yards, Wood- House, and Wells, with Chain Pumps. Apply to CYRUS MERRIAM. Corner of Adelaide and Murry Streets. Chatham, 6th Sept. 1855. 90-tf JOHN SPAR aKS, Clock and Watch Maker, "WILLIAM STREET, , CHATHAM, 0. W., r[VAKES this method of announcing to the Citizens of Chatham, and Kent County gen- erally, that he has opened the CLOCK AND WATCH MAKING Business, and is prepared to wait on all who may favor 'him with a call, and hopes by strict attention to business to share a portion of the public patronage. He has just received a variety of CLOCKS & WATCHES, of asuperior class; also, a beauiiful stock of JEWELRY, to which the attention of the Ladies and Gentlemen are especially directed. ice Al kinds of CLOCKS, WATCHES, AND JEWELRY Cleaned and Repaired, on the most reasonable terms, for cash. Chatham Aug. 22. 18-ly PROVINCIAL HOUSE. PPE Subscriber begs to announce, that he has recently OPENED his New and commodious House,on FOURTH STREET, near thee DEPOT, CHATHAM, C. W., and he trusts. that his experience in Hotel Keeping will enable him to give satisfaction to the travel- ling community, and public generally; and he will spare no effort to deserve and retain the re- putation he has already gained, of having not only the most pleasant location, but the best ac- commodations that can be obtained. Persons stopping at the Provinsial Howse, can be accommodated with CARRIAGES, on the shortest notice. Persons arriving at Chatham, will remember the Provincial House, in sight of the Depot, a large and beautiful Cottage building, sign of the British Flag. H. DAY. 18-1y Chatham, August 21, 1255. - Dissolution of Co-Partnership. HE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between J. B. LOTT and J. W. may favour her with a call, with neatness and | HILL, is this NINTH day of March, 1855, DISSOLVED, by mutual consent. i All Debts due the Establishment, and all : claims against the same, will be settled by J. B. Lorn: J, Bb LOL, J. WHILE. Chatham, March 9th, 1855. 19 G. W. BRODIE, REAL ESTATE AGENT AND General Int (elligence Office, ROM a general Te aos and punctual attendance to business, we hope to merit a liberal share of patronage, FOURTH STREET, THREE DOORS EAST OF KING STREET, CHATHAM, C.W. tse Please Cail before you Buy. ©) 15th August, 1855. 18-tf Groceries! Groceries !! ATWOOD & JACKSON, re HANKFUL for the patronage e they aus received from the Citizens of Chatham, and environs, beg to say that they:still continue in the Grocery Business, ON KING STREET{ A few Doors of the Market House, Chatham, Where they have constantly on hand, a large assortment 'of B93 G@ROCGBRES of the first quality, w hic if will be sold on the most réasonable terms, Come and examine for yourselves, before purchasing elsewhere. ice Salt Provisions always on hand, such as Hams, Shoulders, Pickled Porh, Fish, Gee. Gc. August 29th, 1855. 19-ly New Grocery and Provision Store. ANDREW SMITH, 7 returning thanks to the people, for ie very liberal support he has received, begs to an- eae to his Friends, Customers, and the Publie generally, that he is receiving and opening out a large assortment of Groceries and Provisions, AT HIS NEW STORE, On the Corner of King and William Sireeis, CONSISTING OF Teas, Sugars, Molasses, Coffee, Flour, Meal, Butter, Lges, "Canilles, Tobacco, Snuff, Sc. Sc, 'A LARGE QUANTITY OF ¢ PICKLED PORK AND BACON Constantly on hand. , n= Persons in the Town and surrounding country will fiod it to their advantage to call, as they will be accommodated on the most reason- able terms, for Cash. Chatham, August 20, 1855. Produce, Provision & Grocery Store, ----_--_-- 18-ly G W. BRODIE & T. STERRITT, AKES this method of informing a generous public, that we have bought the w ell known and reputable Pork, Bacon and Grocery Store, OF MR. H. BLUE. We will continue to keep constantly on hand the the best quality, all in the above line of our busi- ness, and hope to give satisfaction to all who may favor us witha call, FOURTH STREET, THREE DOORS BAST OF KING STRELT, CHATHAM, C. W. August 15th, 1855. 18-t UNION BOARDING HOUSE, MR. THOMAS BELL, CORNER OF KING AND WILLIAM STREETS, CHATHAM, 'C. W., S now prepared _ to receive THIRTY or FORTY BOARDERS, Single or with Families, om the most PAL Terms. -Flis House is large and commodious; and no pains will be spared io make Guest's comfortable. _ Chatham, Aug. 20, 1855. 18-ly STRANCE'S HOTEL, FIFTH STREET, Between King and Wellington Strects, CHATHAM, C. W. ae A EPO visiting this place will find it to their advantage to call at this HOTEL, bieng one of the largest, and in the most central position in the town. The best accomodations, on reasonable terms. JOHN STRANGE. Chatham, Feb. 3, 1855. 45-tf- Chatham, Aug. 22, 1855, 'TAKE NO" NOTICE. NY person or persons acquainted with THOMAS: WILLIAMS, of . Lowisville, K'y., would render satisfaction to his Father, by writing to the Provincial Freeman Office, Chat- ham, C. W. Thomas Williams, some years Hest, 'lived with Chapman Coleman, of Louis- ville, and after leaving Mr. Coleman, went to Pittsburg, Pa. but afier the passage of the Fugi- tive Slave 'Act, he came to Canada, since which time I have not been able to learn his where- abouts. WILSON WILLIAMS. Chatham, C. W., August 29th, 1855. 19 D. T. WILLIAMSON, Watchmaker, Jeweller, &c.,. ST. PAUL STREET, ST. CATHARINES, ie returning thanks to the Ladies and Gentle- men of St. Catherines, and the adjacent Towns, and Villages, would say, that he is still doing business in his Old Stand, in the premises afew doors West of Mr. Wm. Barr' s Store. He has just received a large stock of CLOCKS AND WATCHES, of different styles, and of superior quality. 'Also, a large quantity of JEWELRY, such as, Gold Braces Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Medallions, Breast Pins, Cuff Pins. Chains, Pencils, Opera Glasses, Spectacles. and various other articles, and trusts by strict integ- rity, moderate charges, and close attention to busi- ness, to merit a share of public patronage. A few of Sera 'Tomas' very superior Clocks and Watches on hand, to which the attention of ie public is directed. jeg All articles sold by D. T. Williamson, warned to be what represented. j-@ Particular attention paid to Repairing, in all iis branches, and work done with neatness and despatch and Warranrep. {ca Please call and see my Goods. ££} D. T. WILLIAMSON. St. Catharines, Aug. 22, 1855. 18-ly NEW BOARDING HOUSE. BENJAMIN TOLBERT ESPECTFULLY announces to the citizens of DETROIT, and the Public generally, that he has recently fitted up the commodious house formerly known as Wilson's Boarding House, Michigan Avenue, opposite Cass Street, DETROIT, where he will endeavour to give satisfaction to those who may favour him with their ee soe Detroit, August 21, 1855. 18-ly NOTHING LIKE LEATHER. Ik YOU WOULD BE RICH, Read this, and save yeur Penny. OOD morrow, friend---I'm a stranger in your borough, can you inform me where I can get a pair of good boots made?" SON'S, King St. East, Chatham, next to Smith's Grocery ; that's the place; he'll accommodate you most satisfactorily." " Well, how is your judgment in regard tothe quality of boots and shoes?" 'Most excellent--I'm an old boot and shoe maker; many are the days that ve drawn the cords." " Where did you say I could find him?" " Why, the next door toMr. Andrew Smith's Grocery, corner of King and William Streets, East,--any person can tell you." "Will you conduct me there?" "JT will with pleasure; for 1 know him to be, from experience, one of 'the best manufacturers of BOOTS AND SHOES in town. His stock Fis: . his own. maunfacture, and he has always on hand a superior quality for gentlemen's wear. He's also very particular in getting up his work; so I'm confident he can't fail to give reasonable satisfaction. to those who favor 'him with their patronage." " There are some boot makers whose work is beantifui to the eye, but plaguy. pinching to the feet; and I have lumps upon each instep, which in foul weather give me excruciating pain." "Ab, yes, too much have J suffered. by fetters from the boot moulders hands ; but he's not one of them; he endeavours to make a sys'ematic fit, measuring from joint to heel, and.from lump to toe--closely observing the most minute protuber- ance, if there be any upon the feet; and he sel- dom fails to make his boots set as "easy thereon as a glove ny a lady's tender finger... Besides, he always keeps a superior stock, on hand ; perhaps you might obtain a pair upon the instant, that would fit your feet and please the eye." "Then [ must try him." "Try him, of course, and you'll save at each end. of your paren. Fitst--you. il buy, cheaper --secondly, your boots will wear you longer." "Comey, let's £0.' "Tm ready--Are you a cash man?" "Tam; for he who pays cash: clips the dis- count of credit, and secures it.in his own pocket." "Then that's the place, for his motto reads' -- Ask of me no trust, when you come to buy; Ask of me no trnst, for you | must deny ; Ask of me no trust, it hath destroyed many; Ask of me no trust, I cannot grant you any; Ask of me no trust, but with your cash rally ; Ask of me no trust, "nor with my pocket dally. T. W. WILSON. Chatham, August 20. 18-ly PHCENIX FOUNDRY, Machine and Stove Works, oe io JOHN | McGEE. ESPECTFULLY announces that he is ma- nufacturing, at the above establishment, 58, Onge wlreeh. =. * GRIST and SAW MILL = AND Machinery Castings and Forgings, Of every description; also, plain and ornamental CAST IRON COLUMNS, AND GRATES, BARK MILLS, Oven Mouths & Cauldrons SUGAR KETTLES, SLEIGH SHOES, DOG IRONS PLOUGH CASTINGS, &C., > on the most improved principles ; and neither la- bor nor expense will be spared to turn out work, which for strength and durability cannot be sur- passed. He is extensively manufacturing idiproved plain and ornamenlal Coal and Wood, Air-tight, COOKING, PARLOR anp BOX STOVES, of various sizes and patterns; Hottow: Wane, &c., which he offers to the Trade on as easy terms and at as low rates as any other establish- ment in Canada. Orders from the country promptly fulfilled. BRASS. FITTINGS | Of every description made and finished. A large supply of Tin, Saeer-Iron and Copper Wang, kept constantly on hand. 'LToronto, May 6th, 1854, JUST CALL AT THE RAILROAD HOUSE, 0. 33, KING STREET EAST, TORONTO, For Rare Bargains in Spring and Summer Men's and Boys' Reapy-MApE HATS CAPS, &c., { Dh : Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, MILLINERY, &c. &e. HOMAS LAWSON'S Stock is unusually large ; and as it must. be cl leared out during the next a weeks, to make room for large Fall {mportations, he will give Great Bargains to Purchasers at Wholesale or Retaii. emcuship and fit warranted. T. LAWSON. 18-ly "Yes, sir, 1 can; just go to T. W. WIL- Pilasters, Window Caps, Sills, : Clothing made to measure in the first style. Work e ~ (¢- ONE PRICE IKUIWG St Factory Cottons, - Flannels, all colors, West of England Broad Vestings, Hosiery Y; of every description, made TO EVERY MAN, AND CASH FROM ALL MEN. et JAMES SMITH & Co. EI I ae GOSS RT NO OF THE ARE ONLY FO: BE: FOUND AT THE. Delaines, - - a) Foe, ror Cashmeres, - - mi 10 Gala Plaids, - - - eu oe All Wool Plaids, - a) Cobourgs, mee He 16 French Merinos,_ - - pies To Woollen Shawls, - - i g2 00 'Broche Shawls, - - -. " $6,00 Printed Calicos, See " 8 Shirtmg Cotton, - «7+ -saee 7 Shirting Stripes, - - s 10 < : nid A iy 20 Cloths, DDL LAI A LARGE STOCK OF BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, _ Best quality, from 50 cts. upwards: AND EVERY OTHER THING CONNECTED WITH THE DRY GOODS BUSINESS. WANTED, Good Pantaloon Makers. Caaruam, December, 1855. a a3 on the Premises: JAMES SMITH &. (10,, REBT, CHATHAM, Best Quality, Choieest Descriptions, Lowest Prices, & Largest loads "~roTORIA WAREHOUSE, KING STREET, CHATHAM. C. Wo 8 cts. upwards. " 66 " 43 6¢ ie oc Cassimeres, Doeskins, English and Scotch Tweeds, Beavers, Lionskins, Rever sibles, Sutinetis, Cloves, Ribbons, and Flowers, Two First Rate Salesmen, Six Foiriiyiien Tailors, and Treelve JSS. & ra hee - 32-3m Gloves, TRO WSERINGS: sell, as CHeap as any Tickings, Denings, Drillings, Sheetings, and other Domestic Goods. our customers, we keep on hand a choice lot of TEAS, COFFEE, TOBACCO, ¢..,, fe. Worsted and Silke Plash, | _| Vest Shapes, and other VEESTINGS. We ke READY-MADE CLOTHING, Well Cut and well Made, suitable for FALL and las & wear, all of which we ean att will STONE & TURNBULL. _ P. S--FIVE OR SIX GOOD JOURNEYMEN TAILORS WANTED. Chatham, Sept. 3, 1855. : TN House in the District. MERCHANT TAILORING We have now received a complete assortment of Fatt & WinTER GOODS, which, upon inspection, our customers will find superior to anything ever offered in this market, consisting of fine Black and Fancy Cloths, Venetian and Mixed Milton Cloths, Cassimeres, Deerskins, Doeskins, Reverseable, Beaver, Whitney, Milton, Lasco, Lionskin, Silistria, Siberian, | Canada, Whitney, and other OVER-COATINGS. Omar Pasha, 'Napier, Danubian, 'Petersham, Mixed Beaver, Superior Grey, anda great variety of other COA TINGS; Plain and Bordered_, Jacquard, Twist and other T weeds, Black and Fancy Doeskins, Odessa 'and Striped Does for PANTS; French Trowser Patterns, "Napolean Tutted ditto, Woollen Cord, and a host of other -- Velvet and Satin Vestings, Silk and Satin onstantly on hand, a complete assortment a ARE now recéiving their FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting in part of the Latest Fashionable Styles of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Delaines, Cashmeres, Orleans, Alpacas, French Merines, Brocha Cloths, Gala and Wool Plaids, Plain and Plaid Dress Silks; a'choice lot of Plaid and other Long and Square Shawls, Ribbons, Mauslins, | Laces, Trimmings, Cambrie and Book Muslin Undersleeves, Sewed Muslin Bands, Collars, Caps, Ey ock Bodies, Chemisettes, Linen and Cambric Handkerch hiefs : a good assortment of Hosiery ana Habits, Vests, and Polkas; Ladies' and Children's Boots: and Shoes ; Merinos, Cobourgs, © Flannels, Cloakings, And for the convenience ok: MAHOGANY and surrounding CHO "Chathans Decem WALINOE R. SMITH'S WITH A LARGE STOCK OF SEASONED LUMBER, Country that he has taken OLD ESTABLISHED BESIDES, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ICK: FUR FOLLOWING ARTICLES, V1Z: ALSO, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF © THE BEST MANUFACTURED IN CANADA. ----S ei ALL ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. before purchases elsewhere. ber. '14, 1855. He also tenders his sincere thanks to the Public generally, for their liberal support ; strict attention to business, to retain their patronage in future. AND. pe SUBSCRIBER takes this beni of informing the pope of 'CHATHAM, STAND, : RNITURE. and hopes, by His STOCK is ee of me MAH OGAN Y AND WALNUT VENEERED BUREA US, - Mahogany and Walnut Sofas, CANE AND. SPRING SEAT PARLOR CHAIRS, Dining, Breakfast and Kitchen Tables, FRENCH, COTTAGE, SERPENTINE, AND PLAIN BEDSTEADS, : TOILET WORK AND WASH STANDS. Rocking, Windsor and Children's Chairs, @SBotims PunrmislaSzl - at the anoriess STasle@e Persons wishing to ey, FURNITURE, will find it to their advantage to call and examine J. O. SMITH. i | f { | ! | f t { j } t t { ' 4 STS TRI NORGN SEAS Nit heen ctimpienttesaeliean insite tai Cotsen a aba ba Aeon teeter nee : Asi s a Jey His (ghia Je: Pie cea ict aptamer trig ie deri ies haa SRST Or 1 x Ny » ain oS Oa) Ih ad Ng Cs gob Ml i