Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON), 22 Sep 1855, p. 3

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Se ey From the Herald of Freedom, "CIRCULAR, : The Book Committee of the African Me- thodist Episcopal Church Book Concern, have according to the authority given them by the last General Conference secured an act of incorporation from the State of Penn- sylvama, by which the same has become a body politic in law. The said Committee have agreed to cele- brate that event in the city of Philadelphia, commenting on the third Tuesday in Sep- tember, 1855, to continue for several days. You are hereby most respectfully invited to be present on that occasion, and to take part in the exercises. We request of every Minister having a charge, that he will take up a collection, as a free-will offering, on the occasion, for the benefit of the Concern, from the good peo- ple--which shall be called "The Lord's _ Free Will Offering, for the benefit of the ™% 'General Book Concern of the African Me- thodist Episcopal Chnrch;" and that he will _ attend the celebration and present the same, |° or else send it to us, to be presented in his name, and the name of his charge. _ Yours, in behalf of the Committee of the African Methodist Episcopal Book Concern. COMMITTEE : J. P. Campbell, Stephen Smith, Richard Robinson, William Moore, Abraham C. Crippen, Jeremiah G. Beulah, Joshua Woodlyn, Philadelphia, Aug. 10, 1855. A Canadian Legion. The British Government have finally de- elded.on raising a legion from among the sturdy population of the North American Co- lonies. 'The thing can be easily done if the right men are set about the business, and a reasonable good bounty be offered for re- eruits.. The appointment of the Duke of Cambridge, the hero of Inkermann, to the command will be highly complimentary to the country. We find the following state- ment in reference to the subject from the London Morning Post. From the London Morning Post. " It gives us much satisfaction to announce that the failure of the attempts which have been,made to raise a foreign Legion in Bri- tish North America, has at length induced Her Majesty's Government to give a cordial response to the Joyal offers of the Canadian people. It is intended to raise two battalions in Canada--a force consisting of two thou- sand eight hundred men. We believe that the regiment will bear the name of the " Royal British North American Regiment," and that the colonelcy in chief will be given to His Royal Highness the Duke of Cam- bridge. 'I'he commissions will be conferred upon Canadian gentlemen, or officers set- tled in the province, and the corps therefore will be national. It will be composed of men of British and French orgin, and it will be a_representative of the two great Powers who are now battling side by side in the Crimea. The numerical strength of sucha corps is nothing in comparison with the moral effect which its embodiment will naturally produce. It is only due to the gallant gentleman who_ now so worthily fills the office of Prime Mi- nister in Canada, to say that he has brought toa satisfactory termination the negotations with the Imperial Government on the'subject, in spite of official routine and that vapid ignorance which hitherto have ignored the loyalty and devotion of the colonists of Bri- tish North America." x Equinoctial Storm. 'There was a tremendous gale from the North East with rain yesterday. We fear that many vessels will have suffered from its violence. 'Che Propeller St. Lawrence, from Chicago, bound to Montreal, laden with wheat, was driven ashore about 9 o'clock a.m, at Niagara, just below Fort Mississauoua. Assistance was promptly ren- dered te the crew by the inhabitants, and by the Life Boat from Fort Niagara, which was ut out to assist them, and they were all landed safely ashore.. The vessel does not appear to be damaged, but is full of water. Niagara Mail. 'Heartless Villiany. We are again under the necessity of ad- ding the perpetration of another robbery to the long list of burglaries which have been committed in this city within the past ten days, notwithstanding the vigilance of the police and, it is to be presumed, the increas- ed watchfulness of housekeepers, which re- sulted fromour frequent warnings. A bro- ther and sister named Harris (both deaf and dumb) reside on Talbot Street, and through unwearied industry and sobriety they ma- nage to earn a comfortable livelihood by tail- oring, On Saturday night about 11 oclock one'of the bedroom windows was forced open while they were asleep and their boxes were rifled of their contents. A purse containing $12 was taken away--the result of many months' frugality -- London Free Press. @--- fi 'The Submarine Cables rays > * ' The submarine cable lost off Nowfound- land, cost $75,000, delivered at Port au Basque, including insurance, freight, &e. It was fully insured in England. Forty miles had been paid out, and when it was cut the vessel was within twelve miles of St. Paul's. It is thought that a part, if not the whole of it may be recovered. 'Thirty four miles of cable were left on board the vessel, the weight of which was 190 tons. CURRENCY TABLE, CTS. IN CANADA. WAGES § s. Bricklayers, = = = = to 11 Masons, Se = 10 Stone-cutters, - - = 53 10 Joiners - - Rm Carpenters, - 2 Tinsmiths, -- - S = Painters, - : S Hatters, - = < Printers, (Compositors) - = Power-Pressmen, Tailors, Male, e Female, Shoemakers, - Upholsterers - Coopers, Farm Laborers, with board Day Laborers = Boys and Girls, (12 to 14) Dressmakers, with board Railway Laborers, Needlewomen, with board Servant Maids, per month, Servant Men, Servant Boys, Carters, per load, hice 5s. currency is equal to De HLT ee ie _ we) SPSOBVRWRSOOCOWAARWARARWODOOWS SMR MoH OSDODCOSCOoOoOOCoOOoOCSoOSCS: Sa BRE AU IC COB Ge Rac! pate pot BTN @itaege 6 BUH ging see ' ime) On BOSD ONW DWH HWW NM W-F-3243 DOO 1 1U.S. mone -- '< A ~<- > Qo Cash ARE now receiving their FALL AND WINTE Latest Fashionable Styles of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Delaines, Merinos meres, Orlea Plaid Dress Silks ; Laces, Trimmings, Frock Bodies, Che Gloves, Habits, Tickings, Denin STONE w@ TUE ns, Alpacas, French Merines, Brocha Cloths, Gala and Wool Plaid a choice lot of Plaid and other Long and Square Shawls, Ribbon Cambric and Book Muslin Undersleeves, Sewed Muslin Bands, Vests, and Polkas; Ladies' and Children's Boots and Shoes gs, Drillings, Sheetings, and other Domestic Goods. > na S ae . R GOODS, consisting in part of the , Cobourgs, s, Plain and s, Muslins, Sy | Collars, Caps, misettes, Linen and Cambric Handkerchiefs; a good assortment of Hosiery and ; Flannels, And for the convenience of Cloakings, New 'Advertisements. a ae ~ MRS. M. A. STERRITT, FASHIONABLE DRERS CLOAK MAIER, Corner of James & Murray Streets, ga ons solicits the patronage of the Ladies of Cuaruam, and Vicinity. She is prepared to execute the orders of those whe may favour her with a call, with neatness and despatch, (je The latest patterns for Ladies' Dresses, Cloaks, Mantillas, Talmas, Sacks, &-c. Children's Clothing made to order, im the latest styles. Chatham, Sept. 21, 1855. 22-tf HOUSE AND LOT IPOD Satan, 344 4 208, ; ON WiELLELPGCON SLARBBe, | CHATHAM. foe «Enquire of F. G. JONES, King Street, near the Royal Exchange. 21, 1855. 22-tf NOTING LIKE LEATHER. IF YOU WOULD BE RICH, Read tas, and save yeur Penny. Sept. OOD morrow, friend---I'm a stranger in your borough, can you inform me where I can get a pair of good boots made?" "a Yes; Sir,.L cans. just go to T.. WoWi1L- SON'S, King St. East, Chatham, rear of Smith's Grocery ; that's the place; he'll accommodate you most satisfactorily." 'Well, how is your judgment in regard to the quality of boots and shoes?" " Most excellent--l'm an old boot and shoe maker; many are the days that I've drawn the cords. 2 "Where did you say I could find him?' " Why, in the rear of Smith's Grocery, King Street Hast; any person can tell you." " Will you conduct me there?" ~ "T will with pleasure; for know him to be, from-experience, one of the best manufacturers of BOOTS AND SHOES in town. His stock is of his own maunfacture, and he has always on hand a superior quality for gentlemen's wear. He's also very particular in getting up his work; so.I'm confident he can't fail to give reasonable satisfaction to those who favor him with their patronage." "There are some bout makers whose werk is beautiful to the eye, but plaguy pinching to the feet; and I have lumps upon each instep, which in foul weather give me excruciating pain." "" Ab, yes, too much have I suffered by fetters from the boot moulders hands ; but he's not one of them; he endeavours to make a sys'ematic fit, measuring from joint to heel, and from lump to toe--closely observing the nrost minute protuber- ance, if there be any upon the feet; and he sel- dom fails to make his boots set as easy thereon as a glove upon a lady's tender finger. Besides, he always keeps a superior stock on hand; perhaps you might obtain a pair upon the instant, that would fit your feet and please the eye." : "Then I must try him." "Try him, of course, and you'll save at each end of your bargain. First--you'll buy cheaper --secondly, your boots will wear you longer." " Come, let's go." "Ym ready--Are you a cash man?" - 'Yam; for he who pays cash clips the dis- count of credit, and secures it in his own pocket." "Then that's the place, for his motto reads'-- Ask of me no trust, when you come to buy; Ask of me no-trnst, for you T must deny ; Ask of me no trust, it hath destroyed many; Ask of me no trust, I cannot grant you any; Ask of me no trust, but with your cash rally ; Ask of me no trust, nor with my pocket dally. TT. W. WILSON. 18-ly NSEw sTtToORze. GROCERIES § PROVISIONS, &. ANDREW SMITH \ Vi OULD respectfully announce that he has establisheda NEW STORE in this Town, on the Corner of King and William.Streets, where he will be happy to receive the calls of all wish- ing to purchase GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. A. 5S. is prepared to keep constantly on hand, the best assortment of SUGARS, TEAS, COF- FEE, FLOUR, TOBACCO, &c. &¢. Chatham, Aug. 20, 1855. Chatham, August 20. 18-ly BOOTS AND SHOES pikes pO) EOE ceP EC EUS BBE KENT. Ray CORNELIUS H. CHARITY \ R T OULD respectfully. eal] the attention of his Friends, and the Publie generally, to his large assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, of every description, constantly on hand, at his Establishment on King, between Fourth and Fifth Streets, which he will sell for Casu, at cheaper rates than can be afforded at any other Store inthe Town. From the Farmers of Kent he would invite an examination of his Stock. From his long experience in this branch of Busi- ness, he feels confident of being able to execute all orders with which he may be favoured ; and he will guarantee neatness and promptness on his s- Ys ReeD: ES part for the work he may be entrusted with. 0 03 equal to OF} 1 0 equal to 20 C. H. CG. would also return thanks to his old 0 1 Aas Tey te es 212 | customers for the patronage heretofore extended 0 14 ge Eo 231] to him, and hopes to merit the continuance of their favours. : es ee na : : es Bas 'Chatham, July 29, 1854. 19-ly 2232 OB ; z L 6 = eeee . 5 e@eese 3 0. 3 a eeee =o 1 Ad 2 9. 6..@ IFA O Se oe ET 8 7 GROCERIES, &c. 0 a cece z 1 6 2 ofeay herr 1 T sO B. LOTT 0 9 ees se T EGS leave to call the attention of the Citizens 02 52-. OL 1-8 of Chatham and of the surrounding country Oo 4" page oe 10° 1 9 to his extensive assortment of O° 2 jeer 0 Groceries, Wooden Ware, + 5 eees : 5 mn OF cewek k JO? Boots and Shoes, &c., 0- are' PEE So 194 1 11 kept by him constantly on hand, at his Store on 08 8 er eeg a1 80 KING STREET, 0 8h beings 142 ares ONE DOOR FROM THE CORNER OF WILLIAM, 05-9 2, 15 8 where he is ever ready to wait upon those who" 0 = 94 2} 15213 p} may favor him with their patronage. 0 10 eS 62 ee The Farmers of Kent would especially find es "ie a a pe ee | it totheir interest to call at his Establishment, 0 10. reo | where all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE is 0 4 6 in exchange or for Casu. 215 0 Chatham, Feb. 3, 1895 Abe bee our customers, we keep on hand a choice lot of TEAS, COFFEE, TOBACCO, &:., gc, MERCHANT GOODS, which, u market, consistin Deerskins, Doeskins, Canada, Whitney, Mixed Beaver, Superior Grey, anda great va PANTS; TROWSERINGS; Worsted and Silk Plush, sell, as Cuzap as any House in the Disurict. Chatham, Nov. 3, 1855. Jacquard, Twist and other Tweeds, Black and Fancy Doeskins, French Trowser Patterns, Napolean Tufted ditto, P. S--FIVE OR SIX GOOD JOURNE YMEN ~~ TAILORING, We have now received a complete assortment of Faun & WinTER pon inspection, our customers will find superior to anything"ever offered in 'this g of fine Black and Fancy Cloths, Venetian and Mixed Milton Reverseable, Beaver, Whitney, Milton, and other OVER-COATINGS. Omar Pasha, Napier, Danubian, Petersham, : on Cloths, Cassimeres, Lasco, Lionskin, Silistria, Siberian, riety of other COATINGS; Plain and Bordered Odessa and Striped Does for Woollen Cord, and a host of other Rich Velvet and Satin Vestings, Silk and Satin Vest Shapes, and other VESTINGS. We keep constantly on hand, a complete assortment of G2 TAA LD ero NG ATi Sls Otcpreriare, Well Cut and well Made, suitable for FALL and WINTER wear, all of which we can and will STONE & TURNBULL. TAILORS WANTED. 20-tf PROPERTY FOR SALE. THAT Two Story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, situated on Adelaide Street, with the Out-Howses, Garden, and Yard, attached thereto. --ALSO,-- A newly finished Two Story DWELLING HOUSE, in a healthy part of the Town, consist- ing of Three excellent. Tenements, having each commodious Yards, Wood-House,and Wells, with Chain Pumps. Apply to CYRUS MERRIAM. Corner of Adelaide and Murry Streets. Chatham, 6th Sept., 1855. - 20-tf STRANGE'S HOTEL, FIFTH STREET, Between King and Wellington Streets, CHATHAM, C. W. TRANGERS visiting this place will find it to their advantage to call at this HOTEL, bieng one of the largest, and in the most central position inthe town. 'The best accomodations, on reasonable terms. JOHN STRANGE. Chatham, Aug. 22, 1855. 18-ly New Tailoring Establishment. -G. W. LAWRENCE, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, AVING recently commenced Business in the Building formerly known as Mr. H. Day's Boarding House, on William Street, three Doors North of King Strect, East Side, solicit a share of patronage from the citizens of Chatham, and surrounding country.- Having the most thorough and practical understanding of the trade, in all its Branches, he is now prepared to CUT, FIT, and FINISH MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING, in the most approved and durable manner, and at the lowest rates. {se Repairing and Scouring done on the most -. Reasonable Terms. . Chatham, August 20, 1855. -- 18-ly UNION BOARDING HOUSE, MR. 'THOMAS BELL, CORNER OF KING AND WILLIAM STREETS, CHATHAM, C. W.,, EF now prepared to receive THIRTY or FORTY BOARDERS, Single or. with Families, on the most Reasonable Terms. His House is large and commodious; and no pains will be spared to make Guest's comfortable. Chatham, Aug. 20, 1855. 18-ly Produce, Provision & Grocery Store, G W. BRODIE & T. STERRITT, AKES this method of informing a generous public, that we have bought the well known and reputable Pork, Bacon and Grocery Store, OF MR. H. BLUE. We will continue to keep constantly on hand the the best quality, all in the above line of our busi- ness, and hope to give satisfaction to all who may favor us with a call, _ ; FOURTH STREET, THREE DOORS EAST OF KING STREET, CHATHAM, C. W. August 15th, 1855. 18-t New Grocery and Provision Store. ANDREW SMITH, N returning thanks to the people, fer the very liberal support he has received, begs to an- nounce to his Friends, Customers, and the Public generally, that he is receiving and opening out a large assortment of Groceries and Provisions, AT HIS NEW STORE, On the Corner of King and William Streets, CONSISTING OF Sugars, Molasses, Coffee, Teas, Flour, Meal, Butter, Eggs, Candles, Tobacco, Snuff, Sc... HC; A LARGE QUANTITY OF PICKLED PORK AND BACON Constantly on hand. fog Persons in the Town and surrounding country will find it to their advantage to call, as they will be accommodated on the most reason- able terms, for Cash. Chatham, August 20, 1855. 18-ly Groceries! Groceries !! ATWOOD & JACKSON, HANKFUL for the patronage they have received from the Citizens of Chatham, and environs, beg to say that they still continue in the Grocery Business, ON KING STREET, - _ A few Doors of the Market House, Chatham, Where they have constantly on hand, a large assortment of GRoemrRema, of the first quality, which will besold on the most reasonable terms. Come and examine for yourselves, before purchasing elsewhere. Salt Provisions always on hand, such as G. W. BRODIE, REAL ESTATE AGENT AND General Intelligence Office. ROM a general acquaintance, and punctual attendance to business, we hope to merit a liberal share of patronage, FOURTH STREET, THREE DOORS EAST OF KING STREET, CHATHAM, C.W. ize" Please Call before you Buy. £4 15th August, 1855. 18-tf NEW BOARDING ROUSE. BENJAMIN TOLBERT ESPECTFULLY announces to the citizens of DETROIT, and the Public generally, that he has recently fitted up the commodious house formerly known as Wilson's Boarding Fiouse, 'Corner of Jefferson Avenue and First Streets, DETROIT, where he will endeavour to give satisfaction to those who may favour him with their patronage. Detroit, August 21, 1855. 18-ly . 2 PROVINCIAL HOUSE. PPE Subscriber begs to announce, that ~~ he has recently OPENED his New and commodious House, on FOURTH STREET, near the DEPOT, CHATHAM, C. W,, and he trusts that his experience in Hotel Keeping will enable him to give satisfaction to the travel- ling community, and public generally; and he will spare no effort to deserveand retain the re- putation he has already gained, of having not only the most pleasant location, but the best ac- commodations that can be obtained, Persons stopping at the Provincial House, can be accommodated with CARRIAGES, on the shortest notice. Persons arriving at Chatham, will remember the Provincial House, in sight of the Depot, a large and beautiful Cottage building, sign of the British Flag. Tis DAY Chatham, August 21, 1855. 18-ly Dissolution of Co-Partnership. HE CQ-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between J. B. LOTT and J. W. HILL, is this NINTH day of March, 1855, DISSOLVED, by mutual consent. fe All Debts due the Establishment, and all claims against the same, will be settled by J. B. Lorr. J, B. LOTT, J. W. HILL. Chatham, March 9th, 1855. 19 -D. 'T. WILLIAMSON, Watchmaker, Jeweller, &c., ST. PAUL STREET, ST. CATHARINES, N returning thanks to the Ladies and Gentle- men of St. Catherines, and the adjacent 'Towns, and Villages, would say, that he is still doing business in his Old Stand, in the premises afew doors West of Mr. Wm. Barr's Store. He has just received a large stock of CLOCKS AND WATCHES, of different styles, and of superior quality. Also, a large quantity of JEWELRY, such as, Gold Bracelets, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Medallions, Breast Pins, Cuff Pins. Chains, Pencils, Opera Gilasses, Spectacles. and various other articles, and trusts by strict integ- rity, moderate charges, and close attention to busi- hess, to merit a share of public patronage. A few of Sera Tuomas' very superior Clocks and Watches on hand, to which the attention of the public is directed. ice All articles sold by D.T. Williamson, warranted to be what represented. f= Particular attention paid to Repairing, in all its branches, and work done with neatness and despatch and WarrRaNnTED. : foe Please call and see my Goods. _£73] D. T. WILLIAMSON. St. Catharines, 22. 18-ly TAKE NOTICE. NY person or persons acquainted with A THOMAS WILLIAMS, of Louisville, K'y., would render satisfaction to his Father, by writing to the Provincial Freeman Office, Chat- ham, C. W. Thomas Williams, some years past, lived with Chapman Coleman, of Louis- ville, and after leaving Mr. Coleman, went to Pittsburg, Pa.; but after the passage of the Fugi- tive Slave Act, he came to Canada, since which time I have not been able to learn his where- abouts, i WILSON WILLIAMS. Chatham, C. W., August 29th, 1855. -- 19 JOHN SPARKS, Clock and Watch Maker. WILLIAM STREET, CHATHAM, C. W., PPSAKES this method of announcing to the Citizens of Chatham, and Kent County gen- erally, that he has opened the CLOCK AND WATCH MAKING Business, and is prepared to wait on all who may favor him with a call, and hopes by strict attention to. business to share a portion of the public patronage. He has just received a variety of CLOCKS & WATCHES, of a superior class; also, a beaniiful stock of JEWELRY, to which the attention of the Ladies and Gentlemen are especially directed. SS All kinds of CLOCKS, WATCHES, Hams, Shoniders, Pickled Porh, Fish, Gc. &¢. August 29th, 1855, ee SORES IIIS OY Se AND JEWELRY Cleaned and Repaired, on the | most reasonable terms, for cash. < Chatham Aug. 22. 18-ly PROVINCIAL FREEMAN AND WEEKLY ADVERTISER. NEW DRUG STORE. CENTRAL MEDICAL HALL. A. T. AUGUSTA EGS to announce to his Friends and the Publie generally, that he has OPENED the Store on Yonge Street, one door south of E]m Street, with a New and Choice Selection of DRUGS, MEDICINES, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, DYE-STUFPFS, &c.,. and trusts, by strict attention to his business, to merit a share of their patronage. Physicians' Prescriptions, accus ately prepared. LEECHES APPLIED. Cupping, Bleeding, and Teeth extracted. The Proprietor, or acompetent Assistant, always in attendance. Toronto, March 30, 1855. 6-ly A DELECTABLE AND ROSEATE COMPOUND IS ATKINSON'S | UNRIVALLED PARISIAN TOOTH PASTH, A UNIQUE PREPARATION, Quickly Cleansing the TEETH, arresting decay, producing a delightful odor to the Breath, and ruby color*to the Gums and Lips, WITHOUT ACID, OR OTHER HURTFUL INGREDIENTS TO THE Enamel or outer Covering of the Teeth. TS celebrity in the fashionable circles of Paris and London, and the continual recommenda- tions of eminelyjg,D entists, and those who have been using it for years, establish its superiority over all dentrifices in use, while its miraculous effects upon the Teeth and Gums, even where there has been considerable neglect, proves it merits all the eulogium bestowed upon it. Sole Proprietors, W. T. ATKINSON & Co. Cuemists & Perrumers. 48, King Street West. And sold by their Agents in Lower and Uppe Canada and the United States. Vide Circulars. jz" Two Shillings and Sixpence per dozen, allowed for empty Tooth Paste Pots. Toronto, October 3, 1854. 29-3m | PHCENIX FOUNDRY, Machine and Stove Works, &c., &c. JOHN McGEE ESPECTFULLY announces that he is ma- Yonge Street, GRIST and SAW MILL AND Machinery Castings and Forgings, Ofevery description; also, plain and ornamental __ CAST TRON COLUMNS, Pilasters, Window Caps, Sills, AND GRA TES, BARK MILLS, Oven Mouths & Cayldrons SUGAR KETTLES, : SLEIGH SHOES, DOG*IRONS PLOUGH CASTINGS, &c., on the most improved principles; and neither la- bor nor expense will be spared to turn out work, which for strength and durability cannot be sur- passed. He is extensively manufacturing improved plain and ornamenlal Coal and Wood, Air-tight, COOKING, PARLOR ano BOX STOVES, of various sizes and patterns; HoLLow-Ware, &c., which he offers to the Trade on as easy terms and at as low rates as any other establish- ment in Canada. ~ Orders from the country promptly fulfilled. BRASS FITTINGS Ofevery description made and finished. A large supply of Tin, Sueer-Iron and Copper Ware, kept constantly on hand. Toronto, May 6th, 1854. NEW GROCERY ~ AND PROVISION STORE. E Subscriber having opened a GROCERY H AP and PROVISION STORE, on QULEN STREE TT. (Third door East of Dummer,) Would respectfully solicit a share\of public patronage. He will endeavor, by selling Cheap, for Cash, to make it an inducement to purchasers MpPue undersigned begs to inform the public generally, that he is prepared to furnish the following articles by Wholesale and Retail : AXE HANDLES, PICK AXE& HANDLES, ADZE HANDLES, BUCK SAW FRAMES, and "SAW-HORSES, &c., Made in the best manner. ALSo, BY RETAIL, New BUCK SAWS, of the best quality, in complete order for service. Also, Axes ready Handled. Also, Handles put into Axes. and other Tools. T. SMALLWOOD'S Saw Factory, York Street, No. 88. REMOVAL. Fashionable Hair Cutting ! HE SUBSCRIBER grateful to his old patrons, and the public generaily, for their: past favors, would respectfully invite them to visithim atthe CITY BATHS, Front Street, East of Church Street, to which place he has lately removed, where he will take great pleasure in waiting on all who may favor him with their patronage in the line of HAIR CUTTING, SHAVING, HAIR CURLING, or SHAM- POOING. fag" Warn and Comp BATHS at all hours. 2] "7. HOS? fF. CARY. Toronto, August 12, 1854. : Wanted Immediately, r(\WO first rate hands at HAIR CUTTING and SHAVING, to whom good wages will be given. ig Apply at the Crry Barus, Front Street. Toronto, June 18, 1855. 16 OF BOOTS AND SHOES, AT The English House, No. 80, Yonge Street, One Door North of Adelaide Street. eee, OHN HAWKE begs to apprize the Citizens of 'Toronte, and the inhabitants of the sur- rounding neigbourhood, that he has on hand a choice and well-selected stock of Ladies' Gen- tlemen's and Children's BOOTS and SHOES, which will be sold at the lowest possible prices for Cash. BOOTS AND SHOES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION MADE TO ORDER, By superior Workmen, from the best materials and at the the shortest notice. Purchasers are invited to call andi above Stock. ice" Remember the "English Boot and Shoe Store," No. 86, Yor ge Street. nspect the JUST CALL AT THE RAILROAD HOUSE, No. 33, KING STREET EAST, TORONTO, For Rare Bargains in Spring and Summer Mewn's and Boys' Reapy-MApE CLOT HI Ne, HATS, CAPS, &c., Staple and Fancy Bry Goods, MILLINERY, &c. &c. fees LAWSON'S Stock is unusually large ; and as it must be cleared out during the next few weeks, to make room for large Fall {mportations, he will give Great Bargains to Purchasers at Wholesale or Retaii, Clothing made to measure in the first style. enaaship ond fit warranted. T. LAWSON. NOTICE. JACQUES & HAY EG to intimate to their friends and the pub- lic generally, that they have commenced to rebuild their F'actory, and meantime, having pre- cured temporary accommodation, are prepared to execute orders as formerly. They have a large Stock of all kinds of Fur- niture on hand, and also a varied assortment of Damasks and Curtain Trimmings imported by themselves from England and France, which they offer at low prices. They solicita continuance of the liberal patro- nage hitherto received. Toronto, January 16, 1855. Work- 43. Important to Housekeepers. I offer for sale 35 different recipes for $1, many of which have been sold the past year for $5 a piece. No housekeeper will grudge $1 for one of those recipes alone after trying it once. Address Wa. Brumzack, Point Pleasant Pa., and the whole number of recipes will be forward- ed by mail. -- & brary, containing over 2000 volumes of Standar. to give him a call, and by strict attention to busi- ness, to merit the confidence of the public. JOHN MURPHY. Toronto, Dec. 23, 1854. THE TORONTO CIRCULATING LIBRARY, . AND Fancy Goods and Stationery Store, No. 16, KING STREET EAST. RS. HIGGINS informs her friends and the public that she has opened the above Li- Works in History, Biography, Belle Lettres anc Novels, which will be kept up by the addition o. new Standard Works and Periodicals as they issue from the Press. One Year : 3 - £1 °0 0 Six Months ° - 015 0 Three Months. . ' = 20 2820 One Month : j <0 379 Entitling the Subscriber to Three Sets of Books, to be kept no longer than one week : One Year 5 £110 0 Six Months a 426. Three Months . i - 012 6 N.B. If not paid at the time of subscribing, the terms will be 10s. 3d. for two sets, and 16s. 3d, for three sets for every three months. NON-SUBSCRIBERS To deposit the value of the Book, and to pay for a single volume 3d. for four days; for a work in two or three volumes 6d. for one week; fora work in four or more volumes, at the rate of 2d. per volume. For conditions see Tickets. Mrs. Higgins further offers for sale a wel) as sorted stock of Fancy Goods and Stationery, to which shg invites attention. Toronto, May 10, 1854. X THE CANADA iPS ASSURANCD COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT CAPITAL §$200,000.. HUGH C. BAKER, Esq., President. JOHN YOUNG, Esq., Vice-President. SSURANCES may be effected in this Company on single or joint lives, or on the contingency of one life surviving another ; for the whole term of life, or for a limited poriod; by a single payment, or a limited number of pay- ments; or annual payments only ceasing at death; to secure a sum at any given age, or at death, should death occur before the attainment of that age. Endowments for children, imme- diate or deferred annuities, and generally any transaction codtingent on the value and duration of life, may be effected in this Company. " Among the advantages offered by this, the only Life Assurance Company ever established in British North America, may be enumerated mo- derate rates and small expenditures ; local manage- ment and speedy settlement of claims ; liberal condi- tions, especially in reference to lapsed policies. Prospectuses, forms of propesal, and full in- formation as to the prosperous condition of the Company, mav be had from SAMUEL S, MACDONELL, Agent. D. Cuartes A. Cosaratn, for Sandwich and Windsor, Medical Referee. CAUTION. ROM information received from reliable sources, we learn that parties are at present in Toronto, endeavouring to induce colored persons to go to the States in their employ as servants. From the character of the propositions, there is reason to believe that "foul play" is intended. Possibly, that Constable Pope's designs on the fugitives and others are being carried out. Individuals have proposed to women to go to Detroit to live in their service, and another party under circumstances of great suspicion, to a boy to go as far South as Philadelphia. We say to our people, lisen to no flattering proposals of the sort. 'You are in Canada, and let no misplaced confi- dence in this or the other smooth-tongued Yan- kee, or British subject either, who may be mer- cenary enough to ensnare you into bondage by colfusion with kidnappers in the States, deprive you of your liberty. Many free colored persons--men, women, aad children, are annually sold into hopeless slavery from having been kidnapped, or by ar- rangement made with the victims themselves to enter service at a distance from their homes. From travellers South, we hear of kidnapped children from Philadelphia and other cities in the slave pens of Baltimore and other slave-trading towns. Read the captivity of Solomon North- rup, a free man, who entered into just such an arrangementas colored citizens of Toronto are now asked to de, and who has to lament 12 years of captivity, from which his release was more improbable than its continuance; and all the re- sult of listening to fair offers of excellent pay and easy position trom rogues. This everlasting going whining after the flesh pots--this going to the States during the summer to pick up the crumbs that fall from Yankee tables, though ina pecuniary poiut profit :b'e for the time being, possibly, is on the whole most humiliating, if not, as we believe it to be, direct encouragement to those prowlers about of the Pope class to prosecute their nefarious business. Think of it men and women, who eschew a re- spectable life, of toil though it be, under this free government, to gain dollars in the United States at the expense of your and your children's liberties, by encouraging them to enter into a like course of pursuits, and so risk}their freedom. Is there not enough ot the love of liberty, and of manly dignity, to grapple with whatever. difficulties may present themselves here, though toil and care attend your efforts, without forever running such risks for the small return of a few extra dollars ? ~_ We hope that this subject may receive the at- tention its importance demands, and that the people may be warned by preachers and the press nufacturing, at the above establishment, 58. AS ORS Ny H Cambric Prin Sewed ILLIAM POLLEY, -- 66, KING STREET EAST TORONTO RIVALS of ich Filled Fancy, and Straw Bonnets, Bonnet Ribbons, Sule awls, Sh Flowers and Vei. Head Dresses, Ties, $e All this Spring's importation, to which he special attention, being far superior in qi style, and variety, to anything in the lin exhibited in this far-famed Establishment, WILLIAM POLLEY, Third Door West of Chareh Stree Sewed Sewed Habits and Sleeves, Ffosvery and Gloves, Saray AS now to hand his SPRING AR. Parasols Chemisettes, Cottons, ' Sheetings, Shirtings, Hollands, Linens, Diapers, Drills, their branches Trade. fie Buttons Staple Goods. : : SPLENDID VALUE IN' Ginghams, Prints, 'Tickings, Counterpanes, To wellings, Table Damasks, -- 2 Table Cioths, article in the line re Cheekered Wareho Third door from Church Street, Toronto, April 3, 1855. . {<a Small Wares in endless variety. -- , Fringes, Gimps, &c., ine The Stock will be round replete with ev quired for the early Spr The lowest cash price will be named, from which no abatementcan bemade. = WILLIAM 66, Kin use, = POLLEY g Suet, Ea: ) 66m Cropp. able charge. AUSTRALIA HOUSE. FIE undersigned begs leave to call the atten- tion of the Travelling Public and Citizen of Hamilton, to his present commodious an comfortable quarters, fitted up,as they have been, especially for their convenience, and which wer formerly under the management of Mr. 7 Boarding, Lodging, and Meals, may be had on the most reasonable terms, every attention requisite to make their stay agr able, is gratefully and promptly given. ~ _ DANIEL LANE, | King William Street, Hamilton, N.B.--Luncx at all hours; also a line of Cazs at the service of the Public n September, 1854. ? , at the most reaso Dike W Clothes Made, Repaired, & Cleaned W. L. HUMBURT ee OULD respectfully announce to the Citi zens of Windsor, and surrounding coun- try, that he is prepared to MAKE, REPAIR, or CLEAN CLOTHING, at the shortest notice, and in the most satisfactory manner. Hav had ample experience in his line of business - a the Cities of Charleston, S.C.,and Boston, Mass., _ he flatters himself that, by diligence and strict attention to business, he will be able to Windsor, C. W., Sept. 9, 1854. US ee please. 25 Great Western Railwa N and after MONDAY, the 4th Dee., 185: and until further notice, (Sundays excepted) Passenger Trains will run as follows:-- GOING WEST. = Neha = STATIONS. eee Cs a Ra at oo = = < NiAGaRa FALLS ' | a.M. | A.M. | P.M. depart} - - | 7.00/11.30] 1.10} Thorald -..< =} 2°-129.40' eM, C4 S56 St. Catharines- -] - - | 7.55/12.05} 1.45 @rdan = <= =) 4) 2 = 1 BOs 1.58 Beamsville - - -| - - | 8.45 2.10 Grimsby - - - -| - - | 9.15 2.20) Stoney Creek - -j - -; 9.50 2.40 arrive| - - |10.10 ODI a Hamiuton 2 A.M. es depart; 8.45} - - 3.05 Dundas - - - -} 9.10) - - | = - | 3.25} Flamboro' .- - -| 9.251 -- f= = 13.35" -- Fairchild's Creek -|10.00} -- | -- | 4.05 depart! 9.151 - - 3.15) - oss ; arrivell1 40 a2 | 540! Paris = le = 3{1025[-- 5. 4.30) . Princeton --- -|10,45/-- - 4.55} Woodstock - - -}11.30] - - 5.30] Beachville - - -111.50! - - 9.45} P.M. Ingersoll - - - -|12.10] - - Dorchester - - -{19.30| - - arrive/ 12.50; - - Lonpon A.M. depart) - - |10.20 Lobes >. + ne | STO 8S Adelaide Road -| ~ = |11.15 Ekfrid' 2-3 32. pea ry a5 P.M: Masa: => ayy ee Sts 19.05 : Wardsville - - -| - - }12.25] 6.00) Thamesville - -| - - | 1:15 Chatham - - ~- "=| -- | 2.00} 6.50} 9. Winpsor, arrive -) - - } 4.15! 8.30!'1 GOING EAST. of the dangers surrounding them. eee tS Bridge at 5.00 p = : 5 STATIONS. | #2 |-3 | 8 oO B® 4 Py AA Slo WiInpsor A.M. | ALM. depart] 4.00) - - {10.00 - - Chatham - -| 5.40} - - |{140} - - Thamesville-] - - |.- - | p.m, : Wardsville -| 6.35} - - {12.35} - - Mosa ----|--1--|-- = Ekfrid - - -| 7.15] - -|- - = Adelaide road) - - -- = 4 }."= = Lobo - - - -|-7.45} - - | 1.45) =. Lonpon arrive| 8.10] - - | 2.10 depart! 8.20) - - | 2.25 Dorchester -| 8.40] - -'| - - Ingersoll - -| 9.00] - - | 3.00 Beachville | 9 f5|.= - {--2, Woodstock -| 9:30] - - | 3.25, Prineeton - -/10.05; - - 4 --- Paris - - - -|10,25] - - | 4.25 Fairchild's Creek - - -|10.50| - - a depart! 9.15] - - : Garr | eee 11.40] - - | 5.40 Flamboro' - -|11.20} - - | - - Dundas - - -|11.28) - - | - - Hamitton, HERES arrive!11.48; - - | 5.40 BoM, [PM {2 depart} 12.00) 3.30} 5.50 Stoney Creek|12.18) 3.50; Grimsby - - -112.40; 4.20 Beamsville -|12.15| 4.40 Jordan - - - -|} 1.10| 5.00 =! St.Catharines| 1.25] 5.25| '7.00| - - | - ~~ Thorald - - -) 1.35; 5.40 a ee NracarsFatrs | hee | ; | ss arrive] 2.001 6.20! 7.351 - - 1 - = {4-20 Through Freight Trains will leave Suspensiot .m, and Windsor at 5.40 p.m." The Company's Time-Table can be had on plication at any of the Stations. -- | Great Western Railway Offic _ Hamilton, November, 185

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