BLE ON IMporTs INTO CANADA, UNDER THE 53, AnD Decemper, 1854. he bth of April, 1855. imported for the improve- k, Free; Anatomical Preparations, ; Pot, Pear! and Soda, do. tric and oxalic, two anda half per fluid, do; Alum, do. welve and a half per cent. printed, free. -- Pies oI s, reprints of British copyright works, -and a half per cent; Books, Blanks, do. Drawings of an immoral or inde- character, prohibited. = s aud Shoes, twelve and a half-per cent. hree shillings per gallon. . welve and a half percent; Brushes do. oots and Trees, free. s, wrought, twelve and a half per ad Casts of Marble, Bronze, Alabaster, Paris, free. sowders, two anda half per cent, and paste, do; Borax, do; ne, do. Se) Medals, or Gems, and other > y, free. Fi Reh oP ez ' ee > and a half per cent. x Cloves, three-pence half- da halfperccemt.. =. orts, two anda half per cent, nda half per sent; Clocks, do. nny per pound, -- hree pence per pound. rohibited, ngs per gallon. Vi free. ne : ifactures, twelve and a half per two anda half per cent; Copperas, Cotton Batting, twelve and a half per cent. Cotton Warp and Wick, twoanda half per cent "Drugs, twelve and a half per cent; Earth- enwatce do. at dp. : Engravings, Etchings and Drawings, free. Feathers, twelve and a half per cent. Fruits, dried, one penny per pound. Irs, twelve and a half per cent; Furniture do; Felts, all kinds, two and a half per cent. Fisheries, the following articies for the use of, - Seines, Fishing Nets and Hooks, Twines, and Lines, Buat Sails and Hawsers, Fishermen's Boots, Tarred Rope and Rigging, do. - Gin, two and sixpence per gallon. Ginger, three pence per pound. Glass, and Manufactures of, twelve and a half , per cent; Glue, do; Hair, and Manufactures of, do; darness, co; Hardware, do; Hats, do; Honey, do; Indian Corn. free. or Indian Rubber, and Manufactures, twelve an ahalf per cent; Ink, do. oy 'Tron, when imported to bé used in the manu- facture of Locomotive Engines, two and a half ~pper cent; Bar and Rod, do; Sheet, do; Hoop, not " over two inches broad, do; Hoop or Tire for driy- -ing Wheels, bent and welded, do; Connecting Rods, in pieces, do; Frames and Pedestals, rough from the forge, do; Brass or Copper Tubes do; Boiler Plates, do; Railroad Bars, do; Scrap, do, Rolled Plate froma quarter to half an inch thick, do; Round and Square, four inch and upwards, do; fron Cranks, wrought, six cwt. and upwards; da. : fron Manufactures, twelve and a half per cent; Jewelry, do; Lamps, do; Lead Manufactures, do; Leather, and Manufactures of, do; Lemon Syrup, do; Linen, and Manufactures of, do. Liquors, four shillings per gallon. Maecaroni, one penny per pound. des rere pence half penny per pound. - Machinery, all kinds, twelve and a half per cent; _Mahcgany, do. : : is ~~ Manures, all kinds, free; Maps do. _ Marble, twelve anda half perct; Medicines, do. * ~ Models of Machinery, and other inventions and "im provemenis in the Arts, free. sro OlneSes two pence per gallon. __ usical Instruments, twelve and a half per cent; Nails, do. ' - Nutmegs, seven pence half penny per pound. "Nitre, two and a half per cent. _ Oil, twelve. anda half per cent; Oysters, do; *kages containing free goods, or goods_rated welve and a half per cent, do; Packages, other, charged the same as the ad valorem rate on teireenneed. Paints, do. ' Paintings, free. Paper and Paper Manufactares, twelve and a half per cent; Perfumery, do. BEORWS 3 . Philosophical Instruments & Apparatus, free. © Pickles and Sauces, twelve and a half per cent. Pimento, Pepper and Alspice, one penny per |b »- Pipes, smoking, twelve and a half per cent; Pork, mess, do: op Preserved Fruits, -- 12210 per cent. Phosphorous, two and a half per cent; Potash, prussiate of,do. > Quills, twelve and a half per cent. *» Quinces, thirty per cent. "Raisins, one penny per pound, - Rice, twelve and a half per cent. Rope, old, two anda half per cent. "Rum, at proof by Sykes' Hydrometer, one shilling and eight pence per gallon. » Sail Croth, two anda half per cent. ~ Salaratus, twelve and a half per cent, Salt, free; Seeds, do. Segars, two shillings per pound. « Snuiy, four pence per pound. - Soap, twelve and a half per cent. _ Specimens of Natural Elistory, Mineralogy and Botany, free, ; » Spices, unenumerated, three pence per pound. » Spikes, twelve and a half per cent. Spirits, except Rum and» Whiskey at proof, two shillings. and sixpence per gallon. Spirits or Cordials, sweetened so that the strength cannot be found by the Hydrometer, four shillings per gallon. » Spirits of Purpentine, twelve and a half per cnt. Steel, two and a half per cent. . Steel Manufactures. twelve anda half percent. Sugar, Refined, in Loaves, Crushed, or Candy or other Sugars rendered equal thereto by any process, twelve shillings per ewt - White and Brown, Clayed or Yellow Bastard Sugars, or other Sugars rendered by any process equal in quality therete, eight shillings and six- _ ence per cwt . Sugar, Raw, and other kinds not being equal to White or Brown, Clayed or Yellow. Bastard GS eeeacis shillings and six pence per cwt Syrups, twelve and a half per cent. Do Sttgar, two pence per gallon and, do,. » Sal Ammoniac, two and a half per cent; Seed, ustard, do; Shellac, do; Slate, do; Straps for alking Beams, do; Sulphur, roll, do. 'Sulphur, flour, twelve and a half per cent. - «Tea, two pence per pound, . 'Fin, two and a half per cent 2 ates Manufactured, or Unmanufactured, Toys, twelVe and a half per cent Telegraph Wire, two and a half per cent Varnish, twelve and a half per cent " Vermicelli, one penny per pound * Vinegar, three pence per gallon ; ~Vitriol, two and a half per cent _ Watches, twelve anda half per cent; Wax, do; Bene, GO re 2 ea - Wheat, free. ; Wh sey at proof, five pence per gallon Vine of all kinds in Wood or other vessels not . being Bottles, nct exceeding in value £15 the pipe of 126 gallons, one shilling per gallon, and if ex- ceeding £15 the Pipein value one shilling and ixpence per gallon | Wine oF alr kinds in Bottles per dozen Quarts, seven shillings and six pence ee. - Wine of all kinds in Bottles per dozen Pints, three shillings and nine pence. Woollen Yarn, twelve anda half per cent; Wool Manufactures, do __ All Goods, Wares and Merchandise not enu- 'merated, twelve and a half per cent. a2 FREE GOODS... Phe following articles, in' addition to those marked '" free" in the columns above, are now made free--subject to the exception, that if the "Governor of this Province shall at any time de- # "ghe said Act. © €lare the suspension of the Treaty between Her Majesty and the United States of America, sign- ed on the 5th day of June, 1854, then, whilesuch 'suspension shall continue, the several articles | mentione?r in the schedule to the Act last afore- _ aid, being the'growth and produce of the said - -Uxited States, shall be subject to the duties to which they are now subject ; and no such article shall then be admiiteed free of duty, unless it was. _ gO admitted immediately before the passing. of | | are - 5 8 99 9 | whatever substance they may be distilled or pre- pared; but nothing in this Section shall be con- | 'Animals of all kinds, meats of all kinds (except pork), butter, cheese, flour, barley, buck- | me - wheat, bear and bigg, oats, rye, beans and. peas, | hee idk sthe-ave suuinpanc wheps: wok boud,. bran in shorts, and hops, = © (7 = 5! yo be 8, AP 1, aND THE ACTS AMEND- PEO NS aa A ia te Anchors, chain cables, veneers, hay, pig iron, green fruits, bark berries,;nuts, vegetables, woods }and drugs uséd solely in dyeing, and indigo, bristles, bur-stones« unwrought, cval and coke, grease and scraps; hemp, flax, and tow undressed, hides, junk and oakum, lard, lead (pig or sheet), marble in blocks unpolished, oil, cocoanut, pine and palm only, ores of all kinds of metals, pipe- clay, resin and rosin, saw logs, ships' water- casks in use, teazles, broom corn, wood used in making carpenters' or joiners' tools, tallow, tar and pitch, type metal in block or pigs, wool, caoutchoue, cordage of all kinds, sail cloth, cop- per in~bars, rods or in sheets, yellow metal in bars or in sheets, bright or black varnish, marine cement, trenails, bunting, felt sheeting, printing presses, printing types, printers' ink, printing implements of. all kinds, bookbinders' tools and presses and implements of all kinds, old nets and ropes, cotton and flax waste, rags, fire-clay, and MVuswien hemp years. .-- * 3: (= 2. = | ORDERS IN COUNCIL. The following articles are admitted at the rates set after them, by orders in Council, viz.:-- _ Ships' sails, prepared rigging, tin, zine; hoop iron, candle wick, and spelter, at 2 per cent.-- Orderof 4th June, 1853. Brass in pigs or sheets, magnetic telegraph in- sulators, relay.magnets, registers and_ batteries, vat 23 per cent.--Order of 4th Nov., 1853. ; Locomotive, passenger, baggage, and freight cars, running wpon any line of railroad crossing the frontier between Canada and the United States, free.--Order. of 13th Jan., 1854. fron wheels and axles, imported expressly for railroad purposes, 24 per cent.--Order of 13th Nov., 1854 ' s age Printing paper, draining tiles, and oil cake, 24 per cent.--Order of 6th Dec., 1654. SSE 3? EXEMPTIONS. Arms, Clothing, Cattle, Provisions and stores of every description. which any Commissary or '+-Commissaries, Contractor or Contractors shall impart or bring, or which may be imported or brought by the principal or other Officer or Offi- cers of Her Majesty's Ordnance into the Province for the use of her Majesty's Army or Navy, or for the use of the Indian Nations in this Province; provided the duty otherwise payable thereon would be defrayed or borne by the Treasurer of the United Kingdom of this Province. ~ Horses and carriages of travellers, and horses cattle and carriages and other vehicles when em- ployed in carrying merchandise, tegether with the necessary harness and tackle, so long as the same shall be dona fide in use for that purpose, except the horses, cattle, carriages, vehicles and harness, of persons hawking goods, wares and merchandise through the Province, for the pur- pose of retailing the same, and the horses, cattle, carriages, and harness of any circus cr equestrian troops for exhibition ; the-horses, cattle, carriages and harness of any Menagerie to be free. Donations of clothing especially imported for the use of or to be distributed gratuitously by any charitable seciety in this Province. ~ Seeds of all kinds, farming utensils and imple- 'ments of husbandry, when specially imported in good faith by any society incorporated or e&tab- 'lished for the encouragement of agriculture. Salt for the use of the fisheries, military cloth- ing and-wine for the use of regimental messes. The following Articles in the occupation or employment of persons coming into the Province for the purpose of actual settling therein, viz:-- Wearing Apparel in actual use, and other per- sonal effects not merchandise ; horses and cattle ; implementsand tools of trade of handy-crafismen. The personal household effects, not merchan- dize, of inhabitants of this province, being sub- jects of Her Majesty and dying abroad. And the following articles, when imported di- rectly from the United Kingdom, the British North American Provinces, the Island of Prince Edward and Newfoundland, and being the growth produce, or manufacture of the said United King- dom, or of such Province respectively, viz:-- Animals,- beef, pork, biscuit, bread, butter, cocoa paste, corn or grain of all kinds, flour, fish, fresh or salted, dried or pickled, fish oil, furs or skins, the produce of fish or creatures living in the sea, gypsuin, horns, mess poultry, plants, - shrubs and trees, potatoes and vegetables of all kinds. Seeds of all kinds, pelts, skins, furs or tails undressed. Wood, viz: boards, planks, Staves, timber and firewood. ~ And the following articles when imported di- rect from the Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward's Island, and being the growth, produce, or manufacture of said Provinces respectively, viz: Grain and Breadstuffs of all kinds, vegetables, fruits, seeds, hay and straw, hops, animals, salted and fresh meats, buiter, cheese, 'chocolate, and other preparations of cocoa, lard, talluw, hides, horns, wool, undressed skins, and furs of all kinds, ores.of all kinds, iron in pigs.and blooms, copper, lead in pigs, grindstones and_stones of all kinds. earth, coals, lime, ochres, gypsum ground or unground, rock-salt, wood, bark, timber and lumber of all kinds, firewood, ashes, fish, fish oil, viz: train oil, spermaceti oil, head matter and blubber, fins and skins, the produce of. fish or creatures living in the sea. : REMARKS. Goods to be entered at the fair market value, in the principal Markets of the Country, from whence they are imported directly into this Prov- ince ; but the Governor, by a Departmental Order, may permit Goods dona fide imported from one country through another, into the Province, to be valued 'for Duty as if imported direct. I. G. 0 --Customs Deparrment. Quebec, 28th April, 1853. In virtue of the authority of the Third Section of an Act of the-Provincial Parliament, passed the sixteenth year of her Majesty's reign, and chaptered eighty-five, it is ordered that Goods bona fide exportea to this Province from any country, but passing in transitw through another country, and under Bonds, shal) be, until it shall be otherwise ordered, valued for Duty as if such Goods were imported directly trom such first- mentioned country into this Province. By command, R.S. M. Boucuerte, C.C. (CIRCULAR.) I. G. O0.--Customs DeprarTMENT. Quebec, 29th April, 1853. Sir,--I am directed by the Inspector General to instruct you to allow the importers of goods in every casé to deduct either the discount actually allowed for cash, or that which according to the custom of trade is allowed for cash, thus, putting all importers on the same footing and charging all the duty on the market cash value. {have the honor to be, Sir, your obedt. servant, Bi aag R.S.M. Boucuerre. The Collector of Customs. 16TH VIC. CAP. 8. DEPARTMENTAL _ ORDER, No. 2. ~ 1. G.O0.--Cusroms Department, -- Re Vea Qmebec, 12th May, 1853. In virtue of the authority of the third Section of an Act of the Provincial Parliament, passed inthe sixteenth year of Her Majesty's Reign, and» chaptered eighty-five, intituled, " An Act further to amend the Laws relating to Duties of Customs, " it is ordered that the following packages be chargeable with duty, viz: all pack- ages containing Spirits, Wines, Cordials or Liquids of any kind in wood, Bottles, Flasks, and all Packages of Glass Ware or Earthen Ware, the Sugar, Molasses, Syrups, Treacle, Coffee, Rice, Tobacco, Flour, Provisions, and no deduction to be allowed fer the weight or value of the paper cr string, covering Sugar, &c. All packages, con- taining Soap, Candles, Pipes, Nails, Chains, Paints, Spices, Nuts, Vermiceli, Macaroni, Glass Tin, Canada Plates, 'Vins, Tranks and Jars con- taining Merchandise, and all other packages in which the goods are usually exposed for sale, or which necessarily or generally accompany the goods when sold. And that the following Pack. ages are to be exempl from payment of Duty, viz: Bales, Trusses, Cases covering Casks of Wines or Brandy in Wood, Cases and Casks containing Dry Goods, Hardware or Cutlery, Crates and Casls containing Glassware and Earthenware, Cases containing Bottled Wine or Bottled Spirits, and all other packages in which: the goods are not usually exposed for sale, or which do not ne- _cessarily or generally accompany the guods when sold. By Command, bats: * F. Hincxs, Inspector Gen. » IV. And be it enacted, That spirits and strong waters having the flavour of any kind of spirits or strong waters higher duty than that imposed on Whiskey, shall be liable to the duty, imposed on*the kind of spirits or'strong waters of. which they have. the flavor as. aforesaid, from structed as a declaration that spiritsand Strong waters so oot were or-wele not. before. the cateabe passing of thisActsubject tothe duty imposed on | hho Of WEE iesfigeetuahowan? aocer | "person on these terms. SENS, POPES ee RL SE as Crown Lands for Sale. 4° Crown Lanps DeparTMent, Quebec, 4th August 1854. lands [set apart for School purposes under the Statute 12 Vict ch 200]. in the Township of Eva, in the county of Perra, U.C. will be open for sale to actual settlers, upon application to Joun Suarman, Esquire at Stratford, on and af- ter the TENTH of NEXT MONTH, on the fol- lowing terms, viz: The price to be Ten Shillings per acre, paya- ble in Ten equal Annual Instalments, with inter- est : the first snstalment to be paid upon receiving authority to enter upon the land. Actual occu- pation to be immediate and continuous; the land to be cleared at the rate of two acres annually for each hundred acres*during the first five years; a dwelling house, at least sixteen feet by eighteen, lo be erected; the timber to be reserved until the land has been paid for in full and patented, and to be subject to any general timber duty thereaf- ter;a License of Occupation, not assignable with- out permission ; the Sale and License of Cecupa- tion to become null and void in case of neglect or violation of any of the conditions; the Settler to be entitled to obtain a Patent upon complying with all the conditions; not more than 200 acres to be sold to any one person on these terms. Ist Con 1 to 7 inc 100 acres each, 72 [51]. 2d do ft to 5 inc 8 to 36 ine about 100 each. © 3d. do 1 to 5 inc 8 to 36 inc about 100 each. , 4th do 1 to 36 ine about 100 acres each. 5th do 1 to 36 ine. do 6th do 1 to 35 ine. do. 36, 114, 7th do 1 to 35 inc. do 36, 123. 8th do ito 35 ioc. do 36, 119, 9th do 1 to 35 ince. do 36, 129, 10th do do 36, 129. 'l to 35 inc. ALSO, - The undermentioned CROWN LANDS in the same Township, subject to the same conditions of actual settlement and term of payment, at 7s 6d per dete: 2 Per rae 11th Con 1 to 35 ine about 100 aeres each, 36, 137 12ih do 1 to 35 ine do 36, 140 13th do 1 to 35 inc do 36, 146 14th do 1 to 35 inc do 36, 146 15th do 1 to 35 inc do 36, 151 16th do 1 to 35 inc do 36, 150 17th do 1 to 35 ine do 36, 157 18th do 1 to 35 inc from 67 to 80 acres 36, 123 Crown Lands DEPARTMENT, Quebec, 21th, July, 1854. Notice is hereby given, that the undermention ed land [set apart for School purposes under the Statute 12 Vic ch 200] in the County of Huron, will be open for sale to actual settlers, upon ap- plication to the Resident Agent, Joun Cuarxe, Esquire, at Goderich, on and after the thirty-first of next month, en the following terms, viz: _ The price to be Ten Shillings per acre, paya- ble in Ten equal Annual Instalments, with inter- est: the first instalment to be paid upon receiving authority toenteruponthe land. Actual occupa- tion to be immediate and continuous; the land to be cleared at the rate of two acres annually for each hundred acres during the first five years; a dwelling house, at least sixteen teet by eighteen, to be erected; the timber to be reserved until the land has been paid for in full and patented, and to be subject to any general timber duty thereaf- ter; a License of Occupation not assignable with- out permission; the Sale and License of Occupa- tion to become null and void in case of neglect.or violation of any of the conditions; the Settler to be entitled to obtaiu a Patent: upon complying with all the conditions ; not more than 200 acres to be sold to any one person on these terms, : - TOWNSHIP OF GREY. Ist Con 1 to 70inclusive, 100 acres each. 8d do 1to35-°-do about do 3d do 1to35 do do do 4th do 1 to35 do do do; 5th do 1to35 do do do 6th do 1to35 do do do 7th do 1 to35 do do de 8th do 1 to35 do do do 9th do 1to 35 do do do 10th do 11035 ~-- do do do 11th doitoi0,16to35do do do 12th do 1 to35 do do do 13th do ito 35 do do do 14th do 1to35 do do do TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY. Concession A 1 to 10 inclusive, 100 acres each. do B i1to40 do do do Cc 1 to 33 do about 90 do 34, 76. Ist Con 11 to 60 inclusive, 100 acres each 2d do 1, 290; 2, 254; 3, 217; 4, 180; 5, 147, 6, 106; 7,:09: 6; 30; (> s 3d Con 1 to 8 inc about 100 acres each, 9, 95 4th Con 1 to 9 ine about 100 acres each, 10, 160 11; 122; 12, 85; 13, 49; 14, 13, 5th Con 1 to 14 inc about 100 acres each 6th Con 1 to 14 inc do 15, 182; 16, 139; 17, 103; 18, 67; 19, 33 7th Con 1 to 19 iuc about 100 acres each, 20, 95; 8th Con I to 20 inc do, 21, 158; 22, 122; 23, 86; 24, 65 9th Con | to 25 inc about 100 acres each 10th Con1 to 25 ine do 26, 1'78; 27, 143; 28, 107; 29, 71; 30, 35 11th Con 1 to 30 ine about 100 acres each 12th Con 1 to 30 ine do 31, 199; 32, 163; 33, 128; 34, 92; 35, 48 TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK. Concession C11 to'40 inclusive, 100 acres each Crown Lanps DepartTMenr, Quebec, 24th November, 1854. Notice is hereby given that the undermention- ed |Lands (set apart for School purposes under the Statute 12) Vict. ch. 200), in the County of Grey, U. C., will be open for sale to actual Set- tlers, upon application to Wo.1am Jacxson, Esquire, at Durham, in the Township of Ben- tinck, onand after the FOURTH of JANUARY, on the following terms: The price to be Ten Shillings per acre, pay- able in Teun equal Annual Instalments, with in- terest: the first Instalment to be paid upon receiv-- ing authority to enter upon the land. Actual occupation to be immediate and continuous; the Jand to be cleared at the rate of two acres annu- ally for each hundred acres, during the first five years; a dwelling house, at least sixteen feet by eighteen, to be errected ; the timber to be reserved until the land has heen paid for in fall and pa- tented, and to be subject to any general timber duty thereafter ; a License of Occupation, not as- signable without» permission; the Sale and License of Occupation to become null and void in case of neglect or violation of any of the con- ditions ; the Settler to be entitled to obtain a Patent upon complying with all the conditions; not more than two hundred acres to be sold to any one TOWNSHIP OF NORMANBY., 4th Con. t to 30 inc. about 100 acres each, 31 (57), 5th " 1to30 inc, about 100 each, 31 (59), 6th" "PstosOrine. -<;- * 31 (62), 7th " '1 to 30 ince. a 31 (67), 8th " 1 to 30.ine. ¢ 3f (69), 9th " 1to 13, 17to30 in. about 100 each, 31 (69) 10th " 1to13,17to30 inc. sf 31 (7@) 1ith' *--¥ to 30 ine. about 100 each, 31 (75). 12th " 1t030 inc. « 31 (76). 13th " 1 to 30ine. ee 31 te3, 14th " 1 to 30 inc. "f 31 (74). 15th " 1 to 30 inc. « 31 (74). 16th " 1to 30 ine. be 31 (75). 17th " 1 to 30 ine. a 31 (78). 18th " 1 to 30 ine. about 125 each, 31 (96). ALSo, The undermentioned CROWN LANDS, sub- ject to the same conditions of actua! settlement and term of payment, at 7s. 6d. per acre. TOWNSHIP OF HOLLAND. 4th Con. A (54), 18 (20), 19 (97), 20 to 22 ine. (116 each), 23 to 27jinc. (117 each). Sth " 19, 20 (together 59), 21 (134), 22 (217), 23 (286), 24 (202), 25 to 27 ine. (200 each). ee 6th " 7 (100), 8 (27), 24 (162), 25 (196), 26, 27 (200 each.) 7th . " 7,8 (200 each), 9 (148), 10 (62), 25 (37), 26 (111), 27 (187). : 8th " 7,8 [200 each], 9 [228], 10 [200], 11 [186], 12 [111], 13 [33], 30 [218]. 9th "7,8 ey each], 9 [225], 10:to 13 ine. [200 each], 14 [156], 15 [79]. 10th . " 7,8 [200 each], 9 [221], 10 to 14 ine. forays 15 [202], 16 [200], 17 [122], . \ Ith ' 7,8[200 each], 9 [221], 10 to 18 inc. 22 [200 each], 19 [167]. ~ 0 ; 12th " 7 to 19 ine [from. 179 to 192 acres each, 20 [272], 21.[196], 22 [112], 23 [31]. » East of Toronto and: Sudenham Road, Ist Range, I to 1t inc. [50 acres each]. and: "= -Lipitin ~do de 1c * _ West of Toronto and Sydenham Road. Ist Range, 1 [6], 2 [14], 3 [22], 4 [30], 5 [38], 6. ~~. [46], 7 to 1 ine. [50 each]. ae 2nd 7 [5], 8 [13], 9 [21], 10 [29]. ~ 3rd" 51 to 18 ine. [50 acres each]. ah TOWNSHIP OF GLENELG. -- ' West-of the Toronto and Sydenham Road, 3rd Range,-8:t0 100 inc., 106 to 110 inc. [50 aeres | Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned |: Advertisements. Information Wanted, HE Subscriber, with his wife, Mrs. Emaline Hall, desires to hear from her brother, WILLIAM BUCK, from near Clarksville, | Tennessee. It is known that he was recently in the State of Indiana, on this way to Canada West, andit is presumed that he has reached the Province. Any information from him will be thankfully received at this place. . JOHN HALL = = Information Wante d. NFORMATION is wanted of the where- A abouts of JACOB JACKSON, a colored man,' who left Philadelphia about nine weeks ago, intending to go to to Canada, in search of his brother Ricuarp, It is supposed that he visited Trento, é Any information concerning him will be thank- fully received by his wife. < SARAH JACKSON, 3 Philadelphia, Pa., U.S. information Wanted. Cee MACPIKE, purchased by Ben- jamin Gray, of Pike County, Missouri, and sold by him when about twenty years of age, to Hockens, a Slave-irader, now christened Charles Fisher, is at present living in Canada West. The said Charles Fisher would be thankful to receive any intormation. concerning Maria Macpike, of Bowling Green, and William Mountjoy, of Ramsey Creek, Clarkesville, in Pike Count®, Missouri, United States; also of William, Mary, sarah, and Martha Mackpike, of the same County, on the estate of Widow Cothrine, and of John, his next brother, pur- Catharines, ©, Ww, St. Sept. Ist, 1854. sold by Lighter to James Patterson, in the Coun- ty of Lincoln. Any information concerning the above persons directed to "' Thomas Smallwood, York Street, Toronto, Canada West," will be thankfully re- ceived by ; CHARLES FISHER. Toronto, March 3rd, 1855. 1-6w. PROSPECTUS. OF THE CANADA FARMER, A New and Splendidly Mlustrated : Monthly Journal, Devorrp To Acricutturr & HorricunTureE. "N presenting to the public a PROSPECTUS of the CANADA FARMER, the Publisher can only promise his best efforts to. render the worl: alike useful to the great Farming Interest and satisfactory toits Readers. The undersigned has been some time connected with the GENE- SEE FARMER, and he is authorized to say that all the EXPERIENCE AND TALENT employ- ed on that Old and Respectable Journal, will also contribute to the Pages of the CANADA FAR- MER, in addition to the assistance of some of the best Agricultural writers in the provinces. By a happy combination of events, the Canadas are now brought into closer relation with the States ; and whatever promotes the prosperity and 'welfare of the one, equally benefits the other. -- The CANADA FARMER will be of the same size and general appearance as the Genesee Farmer ; and in amount of reading matter and variety of illustrations, for the price, will surpass any similar Journal in the world. The undersigned will be supplied with, all the leading Horticultural and Agricultural Publica- tions of this and foreign countries; and the readers of the Canada Farmer may look confidently to its pages for all improvements in Horticulture, Farming, Stock-Breeding, &c.. Each number will contain 32 Royal Octavo Pages, in.double columns. TERMS--Invariably in Advance. One Copy, 2s.6d. Five copies, 10s. "Eight copies 15s; and at the same rate for any larger number. A collection of choice flower seeds, recently imported from Europe, will be distributed to pairons of the paper, and such as get up Clubs of eight or more subscribers for the work. All subscriptions commence with the volume, the first number of which will be issued on the first of January, 1855. : Specimen numbers, showbills, &c., sent free to applicants. B i" Postmasters and all friends of agricultural improvement are respectfully invited to act as Agents for the Farmer. fa" Subscription money, properly mailed and registered, may be sent at my risk. JOHN E. FORCE, Publisher and Proprietor. Hamilton, C. W. CONSTITUTION OF THE Weroewvwimerialh Woieoe ArvIcLE I. We, the undersigned, associate for the purpose of carrying out the following Pledge :-- BELIEVING in the necessity of measures to further pro- mote Literature, General Intelligence, Active Benevolence, the Principles of Universal Freedom, and a British Union, not based on complexional considerations, and in the im- perative duty now resting upon us to thwart the plans now maturing to array one class of Her Maiesty's subjects against another, and increasing class on the grounds of the complexional characteristics and origin of the latter, we pledge ourselves to do all in our power in our associated capacity, as members of this Union, and in our private capacity, as citizens,--Ist: To promote a healthy harmony and to diffuse a loyal spirit among those of Her Majesty's subjects with whom we may associate or come in contact, 2nd. 'To encourage and support a Press, or those Presses in Canada, which will stand on the watch-tower to notify the citizens of this country agaist the unjust imputations reflections and designs of many inthe United States and this country, who would carve out a policy for emigrants, formerly bond, and free, different from white emigrants who inay and do settle herein, by counselling the former to be a " good peasaniry" for the latter, as their highest ambi- tion; or to aggregate themselves into exclusive communities or to look upon the West Indies as the home for the mass in preference to the free soil of Canada ; thereby promni- gating the dangerous doctrine that God's children of diffe- rent complexions, cannot live together under the British Lion in British America, unless those of darker hue become ' hewers of wood and drawers of water'? to those of white complexion. 38rd. To o allin our power to re- move the stain of Slavery from the face of the earth, and particularly, as subjects of Great Britain, to check. its pro- gress in America by all legitimate means; and 5th. To en- courage the rising geweration in literary, scientific, and mechanical efforts. 6th. As a nucleus of operations to support the " Povincial Freeman,' as our -organ, so long as jt may be found to advocate sound principles, and to use our ability to promote objests in connexion with jt, to further honest endeavours in this direction. : Art. II.--For the better Success of the above measures, the Parent Society shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, Recording and Corresponding' Secretaries, Treasurer, and a Committee as.emtensive as the number of :signa- tures to the Pledge. Arr. IIf.--The annual fee of each male mem- ber shall be 2s.6d. cur'y. _ Arr. IV.--The Female Members shall organ- ize a Committee with a Moderator, Secretary and Treasurer ; and the annual contribution for each member, shall be 1s. 3d. Art, V.--The object of the Ladies' Committee shall be to prepare articles for an Annual Fair, to be held -in Toronto, Hamilton, London, Chatham, and other large cities and towns, at which auxiliaries may be formed; also, to devise other measures for promoting the specfic object ; namely, the Support of the people's organ, the Provincial Freeman. ART VI.--Auxiliary Societies may be formed in each town, city, or village, in which parties may be found totake as their basis the Constitu- lion of this Society, provided that they, at their option, make such local arrangements as the peculiarities of the case require. Art. VI1I.--The officers of the Society shall be elected annually, and at each annual meeting, one Or more persons shall be empowered to assist in forming auxiliaries, and in whatever way the interests of the Society may demand. Art. VIIl--The Ladies' Committee shall meet every Monday evening, for the purpose of making up articles, useful and elegant; and to them shall be entrusted the details of their plans. ArT. TX.-- A monthly meeting of members, | both male and female shall be assembled for the purpose of promoting the literary objects specfied, by. recitations of original pieces, reading, debates, é&c. 'Twice in the year, at the semi-annual and annual meetings, parties shall be solicited to ad- dress the Society, : _ Arr. X.--This Constitution can be altered-at {the Annual Meeting, bya vote ofa majority of members present and the addition of the votes from - pogecr society, through delegates from | -provided,that at whatever place the q ¢ oe ereach], ™ e@.sami €,. pr 4 " 7 z a Annual Fair may be held, the Annual: Meeting shall be held for the time being) "$2 = 2 > | PROSPECTUS FOR chased by Samuel Lighter of Pike County, and } and influence i | of Humanity, and oud titty URtaPBEe 1855, a 6 THE SATURDAY EVENING POST. ESTABLISHED AUGUST 4ru, 1821. Weekly Edition between 80,000 and 90,000. MPuE long period of over+ Thirty-three Years, during which the Saturday Evening Post has been established, and its present im- mense circulation, are guarantees toall who may subscribe to it, that they will receive a full return for their money. Our arrangements, so far, for the coming year, are such as we trust will be thought worthy of the high reputation of the Post, Positive arrangements already have been made for contributions from the gifted pens of MRS. SOUTHWORTH. GRACE GREENWOOD, MRS. DENISON, MARY IRVING, E. L. SPROAT, MRS. CARLEN, FANNY FERN, and a NEW CONTRIBUTOR, Cwhose name by request is withheld). In the first paper of January next, we design commencing the following novelet:--_ . Six Weeks of Courtshap.. By Mrs. Emilie F. Carlen, author of " One Year of Wedlock," &c., gc. We purpose following this with an original novelet--designed to illustrate, incidentally, the great Evils of Intenperance, entitled--- The Falls of the Wyalusing. By anew and distinguished Contributor. We also have made arrangements for two stories, ete pe entitled sr 7 The Oneida Sisters, The Nabob's Wall. By Grace Greenwood, author of "' Greenwood Leaves," '"' Haps and Mishaps," &c. Also the following additional contributions :-- _ New Series of Sketches. By Fanny Fern, author of " Fern Leaves," &c. Mark, the Sexton. A novelet, by Mrs, Denison, author of *' The Step-Mother," " Home Pictures," &c. + NANCY SELWYN, OR, : The Cloud with a Silver Lining. A novelet, by Mary Irving. And last, but by no means least,--from the fascinating and powerful pen of the Post's own exclusive Contributor :--- VIVIA, A Story of Life's Mystery. By Mrs. Emma D. E. N. Southworth, author of " Miriam," " The Lost. Heizess, &c., &c. In addition to the above proud array of contri- butions, we shall endeavour to keep up our usual variety of Original Sketches and Letters, Pictures of Lafe in our own and foreign lands, Choice Selec- tions from all sources, Agricultural Articles, Ge- neral News, Humourows Anecdotes, View of the Produce and Stock Markets, Bank Note Last, Editorials, &-c., Gc. Our object being to give a complete Record, as far as our limits will admit, of the Great World. Engravings.--In the way of Engravings, we generally present at least two weekly--one of an instructive, and the other of a humorous charac- ter. The Postage on the Post to any part of the United States, paid quarterly or yearly in advance, at the office where: it is received, is only 26 cents .@ year, Terms.--The Terms of the Post are Two Dollars, if paid in advance; Three Dollars, if not paid in advance. For Five Dollars, in advance, one copy is sent three years. We continue the following low terms for Clubs, to be sent, in the city, to one address, and, inthe country, to one Post Office. 4 Copies, = --- - per annum # 5 8 do (and 1 to the getter up of the Club) $10 13° do (and 1 to the getter up of the Club) $15 20 do (and 1 to the getter up of the Club) $20 The money for Clubs always must be sent in advance. Subscriptions may be sent at our risk. When the sum is large, a draft should be procured, if possible--the cost. of which may be deducted from the amount. Address, always post-paid, DEACON & PETERSON, .- No. 66, South Third Street, Philadelphia. N.B.--Any Person desirous of receiving a copy of the POST,. as a sample, can be accommo- dated by notifying the Fublishers by letter, (post- paid). fs" To Evrrors.--Editors who give the above one insertion, or condense the material portions of it, (the notices of new contributions and our terms,) for their @ditorial columns, shall be enti- tled toan exchange, by sending us a marked copy of the paper containing the advertisement or notice. ica" 'Complimentary notices omitted for want of room. PROSPECTUS. LIFE ILLUSTRATED, A NEW FIRST CLASS iMammily Newry SDapmers, Devoted to News, Literature; Science, and the Arts ; to Entertainment, Improvement and Progress. PusiisHep WEEKLY, at $2 4 YEAR, BY FOWLERS: & WELLS, 308, Broadway, New York. It isour purpose to furnish a journal, which, bound to no party, sect, or theory, embracing every human interest, and furnishing food for all the faculties of the mind, shall merit a world-wide circulation. : LITERATURE, in the form of Original Essays, Historical, Bio- graphical, and, Descriptive Sketches of Travel and Adventure. Poetry, Painting, Music, and Sculpture, etc., from the pens of our best writers, with choice selections from the. leading: periodi- cals of Europe, will form a prominent feature. The great field ot SCIENCE, in all its departments, will be explored, and all new. discoveries laid before our readers in a popular form. Tue Arts, particularly in the departments of Agriculture, Mechanical Industry, and Manufactures,. will receive attention, and no invention or improved process will escape our notice. AGRICULTURE §& HORTICULTURE, in which so large a portion of our people are en- gaged, will demand at our hands special con- sideration. We shall endeavor to elevate still more the standard of Mecuanicat INpustry, and to develop and bring to light the latent talent and skill of our intelligent and worthy artisans. PHYSIOLOGY and the Laws of Life, in their application to phy- sical development and the promotion of health will have a prominent place in our columns, EDUCATION, in its broadest sense will be encouraged, and, aided by contributors, engaged in teaching in col- lege, school, and shop, we shatl try to render the pursuit of knowledge easy and attractive. NEW BOOKS will be carefully and candidly noticed, and where their importance seems to demand it, critically reviewed. In the department of _ GENERAL NEWS, we shall be prompt, authentic, and full, giving a carefully prepared summary of passing events, both foreign and domestic, and recording all signs Markers will be carefully reported; and such general, commercial, and financial intormation given as the interests of our readers demand: THE FAMILY CIRCLE, |-- We shall make our paper a welcome and. valued visitor at every fireside. Tue Cuiupren will find, in each number, a snug corner set apart for their et a8 ny oe et 2" pipet _ Kind reader, an outline of our plan. is before you. Do you like it? If so, we shall. be happy to receive your subscription and influence in beh if > of progress in every department of life. Tue | _ bound, . Prepaid by mail, $3 00, [at 3s pee | Universal Phonographer, ORGAN OF THE -- ee American Writing and Printing Reform Association. Edited and Published by Andrew J. Graham, Editor of the Phonetic Department of Life Ilustrated. rps Journal--the oldest American Pho- nographie publication--enters in January, 1855, upon its fourth volume. Its publisher is determined that this volun:e shall add to its for- mer unequaled popularity, circulation, and use- fulness, In addition to sixteen large pages of Phonography, printed from ENGRavED stone, it will contain sixteen pages of correspohding size printed in Phonotypy, Longhand, Phonography, and Common Type. Thus its patrons will be furnished each month with a Journal of Tuirty- Two pages, beautifully printed, containing Es- says, Criticisms, Book Reviews, Hints as to Pho- nographic Outlines, Vocalization, and Phrase- Writing, Remarks on Pronunciation and Ortho- graphy, Phonetic Intelligence, Notices to Cor- respondents, Important Items of News, Biogra- phies of Phonographers, " Gems of Expression," '"Glances," Sketches, Eloquent Extracts, eétc., etc., in four different methods of representing our language; Romantic Print, .Phonetic Print, Phonetic Long-hand, and Phonetic Short-hand_ (in both of its styles). And all. for ons DOLLAR. Subscriptions should be prepaid and addressed thus; " Anprew J. Granam, Phonetic Depot, 358, Bleecker Street, New York." Any person desiring to become practi- of the Writing and Printing Reform, cannot bet- ter attain bis of her wish than by sending the publisher $1 5@ (the fifty cents in stamps), for which there will be furnished the necessary in- struction book (pre-paid), Phonographer for one year. GOOD BOOKS BY MAIL. PUBLISHED BY FOWLERS AND WELLS, 308, New York. In order to accommodate "The People" resid- ing in all parts of the United States, the Publish- ers will forward, by return of the Furst Mazl, any book named in the following list. The postage will be prepaid by them at the New York Office. By this arrangement of prepaying postage in advance, fifty per cent. is saved to the purchaser. All letters containing orders should be post-paid, and directed as follows :-- ; FOWLERS AND WELLS, 308, Broadway, New York. Broadway, Constitution of Man. By George Combe. The only authorized American Edi- tion. With tweuty engravings, anda Portrait of the Author. Price, muslin, 87 cents. Defence of Phrenology. Contain- ing an Essay on the Nature and Value of Phre- nological Evidence; also, an able Vindication of Phrenology. By Boardman. Price'87 cts. Domestic Life. Thoughts on its Concord and Discord, with valuable Hints and Suggestions.. By N. Sizer. 15 cts. Education: its Elementary Prin- ciples founded on the Nature of Man, By J. G. Spurzheim, M. D. With an Appendix, containing a description of the Temperaments, and an Analysis of the Phrenological Facul- ties. 87 cents. We regard this volume as one of the most im- portant that has been. offered to the public for | many years.--Boston Med. and Sur. Journal. Lectures on Phrenology. By Geo. Combe. With Notes, an Essay on the Phreno- logical Mode of Investigation, and an Hisiori- cal Sketch. By Dr. Boardman. Illustrated. $1 25 cts. Marriage: its History and Philo- sophy. A Phrenological and Physiological Exposition of the Functions and Qualifications necessary for Happy Marriages. Illustrated. 75 cents. : Memory and Intellectual Improve- ment; applied to Self-EKducation and Juvenile Instruction. Twentieth edition, illustrated, 87 c. Matrimony; or, Phrenology and Physiology applied to the selection of Conge- nial Companions for Life; including Directions to the Married for living together Affectionately and Happily. 30 cents. Phrenology Proved, Illustrated, and Applied; accompanied by a Chart, embra- cing an Analysis of the Primary Mental Pow- ers in their various Degrees of Development, the Phenomena produced by their combined Activity, and the Location of the Phrenological Organs.. Together with a View of the Moral and Theological Bearing of the Science. Price $1 25. - : Phrenological Almanac. Portraits. 6 cts. Phrenology and the Scriptures. An able, though small work, By Rev. John Pierpont. 12 cents. Phrenological Guide. Designed for Students of their own Characters. Price 15 cents. Self-Culture, and Perfection of Character; including the Education and Man- agement of Youth. Price 87 cents. No individual can read a page of it without being improved thereby--Com. School Advo- cate. Self-Instructor in Phrenology and Physiology. Illustrated with One Hundred Engravings ; including a Chart for recording the various Degrees of Development. By O. S. and L. N. Fowler. Price in paper, 30 cents ; Muslin, 50 cents. Accidents and Emergencies: A Guide, containing Directions for Treatment in Bleeding, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Broken- Bones, Dislocations, Railway and Steamboat Accidents, Burns and Sealds, Bites of Mad Dogs, Chalera, Inj ured Eyes, Choking, Poison, Fits, Sun-Stroke, Lightning, Drowning, &c., &ec. Appendix by Dr. Trall. 15 cents. Bulwer, Forbes, and Houghton on the Water-Treatinent. A Compilation of Pa- pers and Lectures on the Subject of Hygiene ~-and Hydropathy. Edited. by Houghton. $1 25. Cure by the Water-Treatment. 'With Advice concerning Hemorrhage of the Lungs, Coughs, _, Colds,. Asthma, Bronchitis, and Sore<Fhroat. By Dr. Shew. 87 cents. Domestic Practice of Hydropathy, with a Form of a report for the Assistance of Patients in consulting their Physicians by Cor- respondence. By Ed. Johnson, M. D. $1 50. Errors of Physicians and others in the Practice of the Water-Cure. By J. H. Rausse. From ihe German. 30 cents. 3 2k 7 e ° e Hydropathi¢ Family Physician. A Ready Prescriber and Hygienic . Adviser, with reference to the Nature, Cause, Preven- tion, and Treatment of Diseases, Accidents, and _ Casualties of every kind; with a Glossary, Table of Contents, and Index. Illustrated with nearly Three Hundred Engravings. By Joel substantially bound. . Price, prepaid by mail, Hydropathic Encyclopedia; a System of Hydropathy and Hygiene. Con- taining Outlines of Anatomy; Physiology of the Human Body ; Hygenic Agencies and the Preservation of Health ; Dietetics, and Hydro- pathic Cookery; Theory and Practice of 'Water-Treatment ; Special Pathology, and Hy- dro-Therapeuties, includitg the Nature, Caus- es, Symptoms, and Treatment of all known Diseases; Application of Hydropathy to Mid- wifery and the Nursery. Designed asa Guide to Families and Students, and a'lext-Book for Physicians. By R.T. Trall, M. D.Mlus- trated with upwards of Three Hundred En- gravings and -Colored» Plates, Substantially : ; | Shee SAE _ This is. the most. comprehensive and: jopular work yet. published on. the subject of pane Of all the publications which have attained. such woe, popularity, ( W eus, laps none are more adapted Sitar ithe S none are more adapted to general arranged Enclopedia,--N. Practice of Water-Cure, Contain. New Hydropathic C ook : Philosophy of Water-Cure. -- Science of Swimming. With cally acquainted with the different departments | and the Universal} With '© SeLF-MADE, OR NEVER MADE, is the motto. Consumption ; its Prevention and | Shew, M. D. . One large volumn of 820 pages, as issued by Fowlers and | * Seat tie ga it pgs 1" ing a detailed account of the varions processes used in the Water-Treatment, &c, By oS and Gully. 30 cents. By. R. T. Trall, M.D. A System o; on Hydropathic Principles, containi position of the True Relations of all A} Substancesto Health, with Plain Ree, prepairing all appropriate Dishes for pathic Establishments, Vegetarian Boards, houses, Private Families, &c., &e. Ibis Cook's Complete Guide for all Who " eat ig | live." Paper, 62. cts.; muslin, 87 cts, Development of the true Principles of Healy _and Longevity. By Balbirnie. 30 cents, -- structions to Learners. Illustrated. 15 cents, . Water-Cure in America. Qyey Three Hundred Cases of Various Disease, treated with.Water, With Cases of Domestic. , Practice. $1 25.- - se We ae Water-Cure applied to eve known Disease. A New Theory. A complele Demonstration of the Advantages of the Hy. dropathic System of Curing Diseases; showing _also the fallacy of the Allopathic Method. an _its utter inability to effect a Permanent ¢ 'With Appendix, containing the. Hydropathi Diet, and Rules for Bathing. By Rausse. 87 cs Water-Cure Manual. A Popular Work, embracing Descriptions of the Various - : ative Modes of Bathing, the Hygienic and Cur. Effects of Air, Exercise, Clothing, Oceu Diet, Water-Drinking, &c. Togethe _ Descriptions of Diseases, and the Hydo Remedies. By Dr. Shew. 87 cents: 7" Water-Cure Almanac. Illustiat. -ed. 6 cents : + Comb's Physiology. Applied 2. the Preservation of Health, and to the Improve. ment of Physical. and Mental Education, With Notes by O.S, Fowler. 87 cents Chronic Diseases: especially the Nervous Diseases of Women. By D. Ros Frem the German. 30 cents, 5 Digestion, Physiology of. Con. . ; , ; iples be ER sidered with!Relation to the Principles of etics. By Combe. Illustrated. Price 30 cents, Food and Diet. With Observa. tions on the Dietetic Regimen suited ts Die, ed States-of the Digestive Organs; and an Ac. count of the Dietaries of some of the Principat Metropolitan .and other Establishments for Paupers, Lunatics, Criminals, Children, the Sick, &c. ByyPeriera. Price $1 25, ee, Kansas: embracing the descrip. tions of Scenery, Climate, Productions, Soil. - _and Resources of' the Territory, interspersed with incidents of Adventure and Anecdotes of Travel. By Max Greene. 30 cents. Hereditary Descent: its Laws _ and Facts applied to Human Improvement, _ By O. 8. Fowler, 87 cents. Lage Maternity; or, the Bearing and Nursing of Children, including Female Edu- cation. By O.S. Fowler. With Illustrations, 87 cents, 6 be Natural Laws of Man. ByJ. G, . Spurzheim, M, D. An important work... Price 30° cents. ~ . 2 ee Physiology, Animal and Mental. ae to the Preservation and Restoration of Health of Body and Power of Mind.' Iilus- trated. 87 cents. ke fogs ant Sober and Temperate Life. Dis- - courses and Letters and Biography, of Louis Cornaro. 30 cents. ee Tobacco. Three Prize Essays by _ Drs. Trall, Shew, and Baldwin. 15 cents, Teeth: their Structure, Disease, and Treatment, with numerous I}Justrations. 15 cents. ae ae Future of Nations: in what con- -- sists its Security. A lecture. By Kossuth. Witha Likeness. 12 cents. Phos © What the Sister Arts Teach asto Farming. An:Address. By Horacy Greeley. « 12 cents. i ae True Basis of American Inde- pendence. An Address. By. Hon. Wm. H, Steward. 12 cents. avec eo. Labor : its History and Prospects. By Robert Dale Owen. 30:¢ents. ited Hints towards Reforms. Consist ing of Lectures, Essays, Addresses, and other Writings, Second Edition, Enlarged. By Ho- race Greeley. $1 25. nition Hopes and Helps for the Young of Both Sexes. Relating to the Formation of Character, Choice of Ayocation, Health, Amusement, Music, Conversation, Cultivation of Intellect, Moral Sentiments, Social Affection, Courtshipand Marriage. By Rev. G.S. Wea- Wer 84,cents.. e.7§ Tangs aoe Human Rights, and their Political Guaranties. By Judge Hurlburt, With Notes, by George Combe. 87cents, Fo Home: for all. A New, Cheap Convenient, and Superior mode of Building, containing full Directions for constructing Gravel Walls. With Views, Plans, and: En- graved Illustrations. New Edition, Revise and Enlarged. 87 cents. ae Theory of Population. Deduced from the General Law of Animal Fertility. Introduction by Dr. Trall. 15 cents.- Woman'; her Education and It fluence. By Mrs. Hugo Reed. With an Intro- -- duction by Mrs. C. M. Kirkiand. With Pot traits. 87 cents. : fi 3 Either of these works may be ordered and re- ceived by return of the first Mail, postage prepai by the Publishers. Please inclose the amount bank notes or postage stamps, and address all or ders, post paid, to ee } Silk ieee FOWLERS AND WELLS, : _. 808 Broadway, New, York. . N.B.--Name, your Post Office, 'County 'and State. : gies ee ek Bee Editors or Publishers copying the above list 4 few times, will be entitled to a coppy of each advertised. » : maar ery FORGERY, 5 The Counterfeit Radway's Real dy Reliefin Canada. | THE LIVES OF THE PEOPLE IN DANGER: ' = F GORE OAS T HE public are cautioned against purcha: . a counterfeit of Radway's Ready Reue which is now circulating through the Canadas. We are informed that parties at Hamilton, €.W. have been selling a'spurious article of our Rea- dy Relief, for the genuine todealers. 'This ispot only a fraud.upon us, but isa most wicked 1: position on the public. 'The 'wretch that" knowingly lend himself to so vile and treachérol! a trick, for the gain of a few -extra sixpe! cee, unsafe to deal with, and should be shunned by 4 respectable dealers, for ifa few. sixpences will F hope SE = : is i. rs, i ie oO induce' him to rob the distressed sufferer of and health and to place the invalid's life in' ger, he would not scruple to deceive 'his: customers. : t toute pth Si Dealers who wislt the genuine, aati? ; of established credit, not of irresponsible pedia! or travelling adventurers and impostors. < Dealers who have R. R. R. offered. them be low our regular price, may rely upon the same being a counterlett preparation, We neve R. R. R. in large. quantities for less than nb cent. from our regular gross price: .. Dealers ' purchase the counterfeit' and offer the same for sale, render themselves liable to proseculi - Allofour travellers and ee eed rts a power of Attorney signed by us, auth iifeeg in our name, tm sel our business: _ The following are our only Agents 1 ton, 6. W. T. BICKLE & SON; TON, KNEESHAW & CO., In Toronto, MAN. BROTHERS, & CO., 'are our genera' agents--we also sell to SIMPSON & ~% co. ateeeie GRO Heese RA tee «Toronto, April 4th, B64 j..3 _-- seh comprceniire and elk | No. Cr OA BL Sn LN Sie Sa eae