8 pane SBE ¥ progr ess as to the lines. of s¢ English 'bpints ae vancing to the Seach. Their officer behaved very well, He remained for an hour with- in'rangeof a minié rifle, and when the High: flyer stood in close to shore, while he was. coolly making a sketch in, his portfolio of our | appearance, we allexpected that they were | going'to drop a' shell over himself and his fttle party. We were glad his expectations were not realized, if it wer+ only on the chance of the sketch being tolerably g good, so that the Czar might neally see what our armada: was. like. ' . The Russian goutitued his sketching. Suddenly a Cossack, crouched down and pointed. with his lance to the ascent of the | cliff: Phe officer turned and looked in the direction." We looked too, and lo! a cocked hat rose above the horizon. Another figure, with a similar head-dress, came also in view. The first wes Sir George Brown, on foot; the second was made out td be Quarter. master- General Airey. The scene was ex- citing. It was'evident the Russian and the Cossacks saw Sir George, but that he did not see them. A 'picket. of fusiliers and riflemen followed the General at a consider- able interval. The Russian got on 'his horse, the Cossacks followed his example, and one. of them caitered to 'the left to see that the French were not cutting off their retreat, while the others stooped down over their saddle bows and rode stealthily, with lower- ed. lances, towards the Englishmen. Sir George was. in. danger, but he did not know it. Neither did the Russians see the picket advancing toward the brow of the hill. Sir George * was busy scanning the country, and pointing out the various spots _ to the 'Quarter-master- General. Suddenly they turn and slowly descend the hill; the gold. sash disappears; the cocked. hat is eclipsed; Cossacks and officers dismount and 'steal along by the side of their horses, They, too, are hid from sight for. a. short. time, and on. the brow of: the cliffs appears. a string of native carts. In about five minutes: two or three puffs of, smoke rose over the'cliff, and /pre- sently the faint cracks of a rifle are audible to the men in the nearest ships. In a few minutes. more the Cossacks are visible, fly- ing like the wind on the road to Sebastopol, | aud crossing close to the left of the French line of. skirmishers. When we landed we heard that Sir George Brown had a narrow escape from being taken prisoner. It appeared he had heen the first. to land and pushed on with- out sending videttes, although he fortunate: ly took the precaution to bring a few soldiers with him. The. Cossacks, who had been dodging among the rocks, made a dash at him when within a hundred' yards. 'The general had to run, and was only saved by avolley from the fusileers, which browen! the pursuers toa stand. The rest of the disembarkation' was ef- fected without any incident worthy of 'no- tice. Each officer carried. in his haversack 4+ pounds' of salt' meat and 44 pounds. of biscuit as his rations for three days. . Be- sides this he carried his great-coat strapped around his body, a wooden keg for water, a small ration. of spirits, a change or two of linen, a forage cap, and in. most instances a Colt's revolver. Each private man carried the same as the officers, and in addition a portion of the mess cooking apparatus, fire- lock and. bayonet, parianel- box, and 50 rounds of 'ball cartridge . Both officers and. men were in capital spirits. 'THES VERY: "LATEST THR.' FALL! OF SEBASTOPOL. ~ Liverpoot, Oct. pee 0 roldike a. TH. Monaway) Oct, 3.--Several private. des- patches received here to- -day, confirm the intelligence received from various quarters relative to the, fall of Sebastopol. No offi- cial confirmation, however, has reached us, but an official despatch from St.: Petersburg, dated the Ist inst., statino that advices fot Prince "Menschikoff of the 26th, make no mention of disastrous eyents, causes some anxiety here. | VIENNA, Tuesday, Oct. 3.--Prince Mens-, chikoff's despatch to St. Petersburgh is doubtless dated the '20th, not the 26th, for his last despatch was eleven days en route. "The local papers publish the following Five hours' after the bombardment, Fort. Constantine blew up: 'Ten thousand Rus-. sians were buried in its ruins. Prince Mens- chikoff fled to Fort Alexander, where 18,000 Russians surrendered. The. allied fleets simultaneously destroyed the out harbor' forts and vanquished - the Russian fleet. Prince Mensehikoff . is reported to have un- conditionally surrendered on the' 26th. - Constantinople advices of the 7th enable me to give you some further account of Schamyl's movements. Between the 26th of August and the Ist of September the Circassian chief sentered the northern part of Georgia with 18,000 men, and advanced in the Kour. The centre, which he 'com- manded in person, was at Achalgori on the 28th of August; the right wing, under the Emir Hassan Emin, was at Gori, on the Kour, at the same date; and the left wing, under Emir Chupli Emin, was at Mycht, a little to the north of Tiflis. The Russians were taken completely by surprise, and, re- treated after a very feeble resistance into the mountains. Schamy] carried off @ great quantity of booty and made some prisoners of high rank, An important result of the raZzia was, that the Russians were immedi- ately obliged to relinquish all idea of con- quest in 'Turkish Armenia. The Turkish Minister who has left Persia is said " to hava received leave of absence," but at such a moment this is not probable. Ferhad Pasha (Stein) has been definitely _ appointed Quartermaster-General in Anasolia, instead of, Koutchid Pasha Nacloe ' Gay Parliament : 'In Parliament there is nothing of feationt ance transpiring. Below is a synopsis. of scar a , HOUSE | OF. "ASSEMBLY. QueEBEC, October 16. Mr. Dorion. of Montreal introduced a Bill to amend the law in. relation to Tavern Licenses, and more. effectually to, suppress intemperance. Mr. Bureau introduce a' Bil" to avoid doubts in respect to the charter of the Mon- treal and New York RailroadCompany. Mr. Dorion. of Montreal introduced a Bill to incorporate the British American Friendly. Society of Canada: ceaiisehi At! 'Sir A. McNas' said, in answer to Mr.' Farrie, that the government had not yet Made any arrangement with reference to the establishment of Deaf and Dumb In- fiantons but a had the subject ee consideration.» es 'On motion. of Mr. © svall an hddcded was ordered relative to the affairs of the Elgin Association. ~~ Mr. Bowss introduced a bill to confer on the city of Toronto the possession of the Is- land opposite to it. : Mr, Cavzry said, in answer to Mr. Hotton, that the government did not intend for the present. to alter the system of depositing money in, the Bank of Upper Canada, but they did not pledge themselves not to make any alterations. QuersBec, Oct. 17. 'The following Bills were read a second time: Whitby Inéorporation Bill; Public Officers, Seizures Bill; Quebec F riendly | Scciety Bill; Canada Ocean Steam Naviga- tion Company? s 'Bill; and Mason College Bill was passed through Committee. To- night Mr. Attorney-General } McDonald introduced the. Clegry Reserves. bill, and it was ordered to'be readthe second time on Tuesday next. He explained that the bill creates two funds--one for Lower and the other for Upper Canada--all the assets of the Clergy Reserves accrued or to accrue, are transferred to them. The stipends now paid to the Clergy are secured to them dur- ing their lives, and sums now paid to Catho- lic and. Methodist churches, are \to be se- cured to them for such a term of years as the House may determine. Government at its option may commute the stipends by 'agreement with the Church bodies, not with the incumbents. | When the' principal amounts to a sum sufficient to pay commu- 'tations and secure a revenue adequate to. defraying stipends not commuted, the balance ts to be divided from year to year among the municipalities, according fo popu- lation. . "On motion of Sir Allan McNab, the House adjourned over til to-morrow, to mark its sense of, the great. victory gained, by the allies over the Russians. The motion was: carried amid Joud cheers, clapping of paide, and shouts of " hurrah." > Go FE The Great Canadian "Counterfeit Gang. A month or two since we announced the arrest, In Canada, of a gang of seven per- sons engaged in the manufacture: of coun- terfeit bank plates:and dies'on the most ex- tensive scale. Fora long period this gang has been quite successful 1 in circulating their counterfeits upon the banks of the United States, and in some. instances men have grown grey headed and wealthy in the busi- ness. We learn from a gentleman from Montreal that, the gang arrested are to have their trial there on the 15th of the month. Among the number is True F. Young, who several years since was in custody in, this city on a similar charge ; there is also one of the Boney family ; an old man of 60, named Heard, possessed of considerable wealth whose daughters signed the bills; also three men, named Bowers, Wilson and Gleason-- the latter being an excellent engraver. The | spoil obtained from them, is probably the most extensive ever secured to the United States. There was no less than forty- seven bank plates, nearly 'all for counterfeits on banks. in the United States. At the time of the arrest of these counterfeiters, an at- tempt. was made by the officer and his'posse to arrest a man by the name of Phelps | charged with a number of daring bank for- geries, Phelps g got the alarm and stationed himself in an upper room, to which there was but a narrow passageway. He was armed with two double barrelled guns, two revolvers, a bowie knife and a slung shot, and kept the officer at bay for six hours, when he was finally arrested; but on the way to prison, in the custody of three men he made his escape, and has not since been seen. Sheriff Clark arrested at Portland a day or two since, a man named Dunn, who had' been sentenced to fourteen years im- prisonment for counterfeiting, "but who managed to break jail and escape.. He was taken back to his old quarters at Sherbrooke, Canada. It is to be hoped that by the breaking up of. this great band, who, with others, for the last twenty or thirty years, from the Canada side, 'have flooded the United States with enormous quantities of counterfeit, money, a blow has been given which will finally put an end to the' business, -- Boston, Traveller, Oct. 4. Norman ann Monet Scuoouts.--The ex- amination of the Normal and Model Schools, closiag the last Session, came off during the last week, Tesulting, as they always: 'do in higher appreciation "of the benefits of the in- stitution; the efficacy of the course'of study, '| and the zeal.and energy of the teachers. At the public examination on Thursday, gentle- men from the Sister Provinces were present, and' expressed the great satisfaction it afforded - them to see the result of the sessions study. The Governor General's: Prize, a munificent donation; was awarded to Miss Robin on, the amiable and accomplished daughter of Rev. J. H, Robinson, of this city. The Model School examination was attended by a large number. of delighted citizens. The sickness in the city during the last session, caused the opera- tions of the school to be suspended for a con- siderable time, but notwithstanding that, the children answered promptly nearly every question put to them, exhibiting as the fruits of the labours of the past session, an amount of knowledge Farely paseeeee' by persons so young. New Counterrerts.--The Cleveland Plain Dealer, of Tuesday, says;-- Ones, on the. Niagara District Bank, Canada, have made their appearance in our city this 'morning :--~. fac-similes of-genuine notes, coarser, a shade darker, and engraved signatures. Force or Sap.--Braddjick, a British physiologist, cut off the stem of a grape, five years old, and covered the wound with a piece of ladder secured by cement and twine. The bladder, although at first drawn very close to the top of the shoot, soon be- gan to. stretch,. and to raise a_ ball over the wound,; feeling : as hard as a_cricket ball. In about 48 hours afterwards the force of the sap burst the bladder. ONO Ow Orme Sale of Crown Lands. -- Crown Lanps DeparRTMENT, Quebec, 4th August, 1854. Notice is hereby given, that the undermention+ ed Lands in the Township of Minto, in the County of Wexuncton, U. C., will be open for sale to' actual settlers, upon application to. Anprew Gxppes, Esqr, at Elora, on and after the TENTH of NEXT MONTH, on the following terms : The price to be Seven Shillings and Sixpence, 'per acre, payable in Ten equal. Annual 'Instal- ments, with interest: the first instalment to be paid upon receiving authority to enter upon the land, Actual occupation to be immediate and continuous: the land tobe cleared at the rate of two acres annually for each hundred acres dur- ing the first five years: a dwelling house, at least 'sixteen feet by eighteen, to be erected ; the tim- ber to be feserved aa ie deed has been paid t for in full aha maleated, an to be soeet to any general timber duty thereafter ; a License of Oc- cupation, not assignable without permission ; the Sale and' License' of Occupation to become' null and void in case of neglect or violation of any of the conditions; the. Settler to be entitled. obtain a Patent upon complying with all the conditions ; not more than two hundred acres to be sold to any, one person on,these terms, Ist Con.1 (127); 78 (80); 8 (146); 9..to 42. ince. about 100 acres each. 2nd Con 1 (113); 2 (59); 9 (85); 10. to 42, ine. about 100 each. 3rd Con. 1 (118); 2'(99); 10 (24); 11 (66); 12 tel 13 (146); 14 to 421 inc. about 100 : each 4th Con. 1 (113);, 2 (100); 3 (170); 4 (129); 5 (88); 6 ipa) 14 (86); 15 to 42 ine. about (43100 éach, 5th Con. 1 (113); 8 to 6 inc. (100 each); 7 (98); 15 (24); 16 (66); ti Ne i8 [146] 19 to 42 inc. about 100 each 6th Con. | (113); 2 to 7 ine. (100 each); 8 (168); 9 (130); 10 (82); 11 (62); 19 (85); 20. to 42, inc. about 100 each. 7th Con 1 (113); 2 to9 ine. (100 each), 10 (90); V1 [100]; 12 (99];.20 [25]; 21 [67]; 22 Let 93 [147]; 24 to 42 ine. about 100 each 8th Con 4 to 9 ine. [100 each], 10 [91]; 11. and 12 [100 each]; 13 [171]; 14 [180]; 15 baal 16 vee 24 [86]; 25 to 42 ine. about | 0 each 9th: Con a to 9 ine. [100 neh) 10 [91]; 11 to 14 inc: {100 each], 15 [105]; 16 [100]; 17 {98}; 25 [25]; 26 [66]; 27 [108];,28 [148]; 29 to 42 ine. about 100. each, 10th Con 4 to 17 inc. [about 100 each, 18 [167;] 19 [126]; 20 [84]; 21 sh; 29 (87), 30 to 42 inc. about 100 each 11th Con 4 to 22 ine [about 100 each], 30 [28] 31 [70]; 32 [110]; 33 [151]: 34 to 42 ine about 100 each. 12th Con 4 to 22 inc [about 100 each]; 23 [163]; 24 [123]; 25 [82]; 26 Aine 34 [89]; 35 io 42 ine about 100 each 13th Con 4 [100]; 5 and 6 [each 80] 7 and 8 [each 85]; 9 to 27 ine (about 100 each); 35 [31]; 36 [72]; 37 [112]; 38 [152]; 39 to 42 inc about 100 each. 14th Con 4 to 7 ine [100 each]; 8 [66]; 9 [61]; 10. rsa | 11 to 27 ine [100 each]; 28 [162]; i [121]; 30 [78]; 31 [40]; 39 [90]; 40 to 42 ine 100 each. 15th Con 12 to 32 ine fabout 100 each]; 40 [33]; 41.(74]; 42 [115]. 16th Con 12 to 32 inc [about 100 rach 33 [158]; 34 [118]; 35 [79]; 36 [40]. 17th Con 12 to 87 ine abuut 100 each. 18th Con 12 to 37-inc [about 100 each], 38 [165]; 39 [125]; 40 [84]; 41 [53]. Con Al to 16 ine [about 125 each]; 17 [186]. Con C 55 [12]; 56 [58]; 57 to 115 ine [about 100 © each], 116 [75]. Con D 58 [39]; 59 [75]; 60 to 110 inc [about 100 Tot 111 [53]; 112 [98]; 113 [100]; 114 Crown Lanbs DEPARTMENT, Quebec, 4th August 1854. Notice i is hereby given that the undermentioned lands [set apart for School purposes under the Statute 12. Vict ch 200]. in the Township of EuMa, in the county of Perra, U.C. will be open for. sale to actual settlers, upon application to Joun Suarman, Esquire at Stratford, on and af- |. ter the TENTH of NEXT MONTH, on the fol- lowing terms, viz: The price to be Ten Shallacs per acre, paya- ble in Ten equal Annual Instalments, with inter- est: the first snstalment to be-paid upon receiving authority to enter upon the land. Actual oecu- pation to be immediate and continuous; the land to be cleared at the rate of two acres annually for each hundred acres during the first five years; a dwelling house, at least sixteen feet by eighteen, to be erected; the timber to. be reserved until the land has been paid for in full and patented, and to be subject to any general timber duty thereat- ter; a License of Occupation, not assignable with- out permission ; the Sale and License of Occupa- tion to beeume null and void in ease of neglect or violation of any of the conditions; the Settler to be entitled to obtain a. Patent upon complying with all the conditions; not more:than two hun- dred acres to be sold to any one person on these terms. Ist' Con 1 to 7f ine 100 acres each, 72 [51]. Qd do 1 to 5 ine 8 to'86 ine about 100 each. 3d do 1 to 5 ine 8 to 36 ine about 100 each. 4th do 1 to 36 ine about 100 acres each. 5th do 1 to 36 ine. do 6th do 1 to 35 ine. do 36, 114. ith do? hte 35.1ne; 3" >=\de 36, 123. 8th do 11035 ine. do 36, 119. 9th do 1 to 35 ine. do 36, 129. 10th do 1 to 35 ine. do 36, 129. Atso The undermentioned CROWN LANDS in the same Township, subject to the same conditions of actual settlement and termof payment, at '7s 6d per acre: 11th:Con 1 to 35 inc about 100 acres each, 36, 137 12h. do 1 to 35 ine do 36, 140 {3th do 1 to 35 inc do 36, 146 '14th do 11035 ine | do 36, 146 15th do 1lto35 ine do 36, 151 16th do If to 35 ine a 36, 150 17th do 1 to 35 ine 35) 157 18th do 1 to 35 inc from oy m 80 acres 36, 123 Crown Lanps DeparTMenn, Quebec, 27th July, 1854. Notice is hereby given, that the undéermention ed land [set apart for School purposes under the Statute 12 Vic ch 200] in the County of Huron, will be open for sale to actual settlers, upon' ap- | plication to the, Resident. Agent, Jon' CLARKE, Esquire, at Goderich, on and after the thirty- first of next month, on the following terms, viz: The price to be Ten Shillings per acre, paya- ble in Ten equal Annual Instalments, with inter- est: the first instalment to be paid upon receiving" authority to enterupon the land. Actual occupa- tion to be immediate and continuous ; the land to. be'¢leared at the rate of two 'acres annually: for each hundred acres during the first five years; a dwelling house, at least sixteen teet by eighteen, to be erected ; the timber to. be reserved until the land has been paid for in full and. patented, and ta be subject to any general timber duty thereaf- ter;a License of Occupation, not assignable with- out permission; the Sale and License of Occupa- tion to become null and void in case of neglect or violation of any of the conditions; the Settler to be entitled to-oblaiu a Patent upon complying with all the conditions ; not more than two hun- dred acres to be sold to 'any one person, on these terms, TOWNSHIP OF GREY. ist Con 1 to 70 inclusive, 100 acres each. 2d do 1to 35 do about do 3d do 1to35 do do do' 4th do 1to35- do do do Sth' dg 1 toab "do 'do do 6th do 1 to35 do do do 7th do 1 to35 do do do 8th do 1 to35 do do?3" do 9th do "1 to 35 do do do 10th do 11035 do do" do 11th dolto10 16 to 35 do do do 12th do 1 to 35 ~~ do do': do 13th do 1to 35 do do do 14th do 1to 35 do do + 'do TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY. Concession A 1 to 10 inclusive, 100 en each, do B11to 40 do do C 1 Sea dv about 90 2 76 1st.Con 11 to. 60 inclucige: 100 acres each © 2d: do 1, 290; 2, 254; 3, 21754, 180; 5, 147, 6, 106; ve '59; 8,3 36; 3d Bon 1 to 8 ine faboat 100 acres each, 9, 95. 4th Con 1 to 9 inc about 100 acres each, 10, 160 11,122; 12°85; 13,.49;14; 18, ; 5th Con 1 to 14 ine about 100 acres each 6th Con 1 to 14 ine do ~~ 15, 182; 16, 139;.17, 103; 18,67; 19, 33 7th Con. f to 194 iue about 100 acres each, 20, 95; 8th Con 1 to 20 ine G0 oi gs he 10S} 99) 122; 23, 86;24,;65 < 9th Con'1 to 25 inc about 100 acres each 10th Conl to 25 ine ~ do 26, 178; 27, 143; 28, 107; 29, 71; 30, 35 11th Con 1 to 301 inc about 100 acres: each |... 12th Con 1 to 30 ine dor et - * Ok, 190s oe, 163; 33, 128; 34, 92; 35, 48 TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK. Concession C. 11 to 40 inclusive, 100. acres each LONDON. (Corrected from: the Prototyye. 2 Fall Wheat, per bushel, 5s Td to 0s 0d. Spring do. 5s 0d Os Od. Ae 3s 9d to Os Od. Oats per bushel, 2s Od to 0s Od. per ton, 60s 0d to '70s Od. Potatoes per: bushel, aes 9d to 5s Od. Beet ér 100, 20s 0d to 25s Od. Pork per 100, 25s to 7s Od. Butter 'per Ib. Is Od to Os Od. Eggs . doz., 0s 0d to 10d. Apples per bushel, 7s Os Od. Chickens per pair, 1s 3d to 18 1034. Pur- keys each; 389d to 0s ae | Fresh. Butter--per 1b | Eggs--per dozen = + Si) QvetiSsi % Grain--wheat per bus. - - 6 0 a0 0 QOats:berbus. = ° = = = 3) Ba 0 0 | Oorm# doe 1 5 OE a0. 0 Barley do = --" s9 ¢s 5 0 a0 0: Hay, perton+- - «+ +80 0 a0 0 Provisions--Potatoes per bus. 3 3. a0. 0 Beef per 1001b, <5 - 0 0 a0 0 Pork: AO 8 ne nen Sheth Oem aol 0 Batter.per ib - ¢ >. = a- 1.0 78:0 0 Eggs per doz" - 7 s 8 0100 a 00 TABLE For Calculating the Difference between Sterling Money and Currency. POUNDS. PENCE. Currency. Sterling. | Currency. Sarg: Liss. od: 87: Gal: £8 0.0 +14 equal tod 1 14 4 equal to od 0 0 23 0.2 Ohesale hee 9 G20 sete SO 8 8 Sots) Ue sess 3 00 5 ee Oe AT, Ae 4 0 0 64 & 18 x 5 pO nike 88 OG en ee) 6 6 Peo N00 FS ee 0. 0 10 bee iste, S14 8 0 20 Tie te 07 Se ct 9 Girl Obes O10) Wee ee 8 Oalisitis 01 |. 13808 i il O41 438 £ 10% IE 125 On eo 9 10 36 4 SAB OV pkeia te POP 0 oe. oat 0.32 sda 9°50) 18 26.0 yt 15 Od ublor 8 8 A UP ee a6 0 4 103 . 4°0| 20:13.°8 se 17 Ob ek Fe ten Pl 18 fe, ie 0 4 38 (a3 6 0 93, 4 (a3 19 0 (8 64s 7 Ue 6 fs SE ee 0:29 329 8 0 dt yy ee TOG O10 Lia, 88 99 04 7249 8228. & | 200 619.0. * 10, O1236p 0. 6 © = 300 Gis ade, © TE OT 48618) 4 400 O15 sik fe oO. OCR. Oe. B00 0 15 104 13 01° 7307.0. 8 ae 600 Ola et «ye l ol satis 2° ©. 800 018 3 we 1501 973, Bb, SB %, B00 O19 645. (> 16.0 11008 0 Us 900 1 0 8} " 17 0/1216 13 4 * 1000 {2 Fig 4! 18612433 G23. 2000 L'3 " 19 0|4866 13 4 4000 14 4 £1 -0--018305.6 8 §000 WAGES IN CANADA. : s Gi 8. id. Bricklayers, 4+ +. +. 40 Oto IL. 3 Masons, = - oo Oe 10 0 'Stone-cutters,- - - - 00 #10 0 Joiners. - - - - 0.90 8.9 Carpenters, - - - Oe: B95, Tinsmiths, - - - - 0.0 6 3 Painters, - 2s - 0 0 7 6: Hatters, - - ee 0 0 7 6 Printers, (Compositors)- -,.0 0 7.6 Power-Pressmen, -'0 0: 8 4 Tailors, Male, = " 00 "63 ee Female, -° *- 9 «- 0.0 2 6 Shoemakers, - - =. = @ 0 Flea) Upholsterers - =) = ss 0 0.5 .726 Coopers, Z - 0 0 6:,,3.. Farm Laborers, with board - 0. 90 39 Day Laborers - - 0 0 5° 0 Boys and Girls, (12 to 14) - 1 6 1 10 Dressmakers, with board eee se 2G Railway Laborers, - - 6 0 6 3) .Needlewomen, with board - 1 3 26 Servant Maids, per month, wiBO Os 55 Os 'Servant Men, - - - 70 0 0.0. Servant Boys, - « - 39 0 0.0. Carters, per load, syihoes: teak ge 1, 104 MARKETS, | Pekanto! a 19; 1854." Us.ae Flour--Millers' ex. sup. per bri. as a 36° 3 'e. Barmers', per 196 lbs a33 9 Wheat--Fall, per bus 60. lbs « a 6 8 i Spring - - -. 0 a 0 0 bale on brl of 196 Ibs - 38 a 40 Buckwheat Flour--per 196 lbs 50 a 0 Indian Corn Meal--per 200 lbs 24 @ 26 Rye--per bnshel of 56 lbs - 0 Barley--per bushel of 48lbs- 4 Oats--per bushel of 341lbs - 2 Peas--(small) per bus. 60lbs 3 " Marrowiats - = 0 Timothy Seed--per bus 48 Ibs 0 Clover Seed--per bus, 60 lbs - 33 3 Hay--perton - - - = - 80 9 Straw--per ton - - = -' -' 60 6 Cordwood--per cord' -- "== 27 3 Beef--per 100: lbs .= + =: 0 Pork--in the hog, per 100 Ibs 0 Bacon--per 100 lbs-. - - 55 6 Mutton--per lb, by the quarter 0 Veal--per |b, by the sao seas Lard--per lb - Tub Butter--per 1 a RRAARRAHSARARHSRARHRSARRAKRHEKRKRSARHARARSRA Turkeys--each,.- - Geese--each'-, - - Ducks--per couple. - Fowls--per pair - - Potatoes--per bushel Turhips--per bushel Onions--per bushel - Wool--per lb = = Sheep Skins - - Coal--per ton: . -. Hops--per lb - Bread--4lb loaf - SSHCOMHHRASCSSONSSCHSOHWOSSSSSCORWHS. oocoroco: bent, * a RAD SCwWwWdOHKAOH ww oo SNUOMWHSSUVHYNSTOSSHSSOONSCSSHUSUSCOKANWAS ap reer Were ak ae Seed Gian er Senay DET Yawn hen oe are SI ae | $8 as Ea oe Ea a ae ie Oe Ves, Gmc Sa ik RE Soe Soaes aS, Wee a SOM Dae ate bag ier! 1eeet (ere | CHATHAM, Highest Prices given in York Gy. New Advertisements. PARAL PRPDLDDINA ATKINSON'S UNRIVALLED PARTS TA N TOOTH: PASTE, | A UNIQUE PREPARATION, producing a delightful odor to the Breath, and- 1 ruby color 'to the' Gums and Lips, | WaATHOUT ACID, aa OR OTHER HURTFUL INGREDIENTS TO THE | Enamel or outer Covering of the Teeth. || : TS celebrity in fae fashionable circles of Paris I and London, and the continual recommenda- tiuns of eminent Dentists, and those 'who have been using it for years, establish its superiority: : overall dentrifices in use, while its miraculous has been considerable neglect, proves it. merits all the eulogium bestowed t upon it. ; Sole Proprietors, W. T. ATKINSON & Co. CGuemists & PaerrumMers,: - 48, King Street West. And ab by their Agents in Lower and Upper Vide Circulars. .29-3m Canada and the United States. 'Toronto, October 3, 1854. A DELECTABLE. AND ROSEATE eit Is| Quickly Cleansing the TEE TH, arresting: sdb. : ; " Foronto. Savings Bank, Established under,the authority of the Aho and under the patronage of his Lordship the pie Rey. A. F..M. DeCHarBonnenn, Honorary 7. Directors : : Hon. J. Elmsley, Dr. Hayes, Dr. King, Dr. | Trenor, Messrs. M. Scollard, Chas. Donlevy, Albert Fumiss, Francis O'Dea, M. P: Hayes, Jas. Halliman, John "McGee, 'T. J. O'Neil, J: O'Donohoe, P. J. O'Neil, D. Kohoe, Jas. Stocly, PER Gy; W.d. Maédonald, John Shea, M. Macnamara, 8. G. Lynn, J. Wallis, Robertson, Angus Macdonell, J. P. DeLaHaye. . Trustees. and Directors Elected to serve during the present year :-- W. J. MACDONELL,--Presipent, P.J. ONEILL,--Vice-Presipent, | Messrs. §. G. LYNN; P.FOY, & Dr. HAYES, BANKERS--BANK OF UPPER CANADA, SOLICITOR--JAS. HALLINAN, Esa. This Institution is now opened for the trans- action of business on every day--Sundays and Holidays excepted,--from 10 o'clock a. m. to 3" p. m., when sums from One Shilling upwards | will be received on deposit, and Interest allowed according to its Rules and Regulations, which May be seen at any time by "applying at the Bank, 'The Toronto Savings Bank has been founded | solely with a view towards encouraging habits | of econdmy amongst the operative "classes, by offering them a place for the secure deposit of their savings, and the' most liberal terms of in- terest for the money they pay in--to ac-° complish these ends, and to ensure public' con- |) fidence in the Institution, the Rules provide-- 1. That there shall always be a numerous directory, : 2. That ample securities be given by the Off- cers,and that both Officers and Trustees be sworn to the.taithful discharge ot their duties. 3. That the utmost publicity shall be given' to the manner in which its affairs shall be conduct- .| ed, by'submitting a statement at every Session of Parliament to each branch of the Legislature, and publishing the same in the city newspapers. 4, All the profits made by investments are to be paid to depositors, and the interest can never be less than FOUR per cent. 5: Interest is paid from the last day in eath month in which the deposit is made, and con- | tinues until the day that the money be with- '| drawn, which may be done at any time. 6. The' services of the 'Trustees - and Ditodtors '| are entirely gratuitous, and it is not: permitted | that they shall derive any: advantage. whatever fromthe funds--even as accommodation. | _ Office on Colborne Street, Corner of the | ' Old Post' Office Lane. D. K, FEEHAN, "Manager. Toronto, Oct. 12; 1854. "30. : | New Weekly Illustrated Periodical, fice 5s. currency is equal to $1 'U,S. money. -} DOUGLAS ER JERROLD'S "NEWS-BAG." ILLUSTRATED BY. BRYCE: SMITH, ILL contain Original and Selected Tales --Poetry--News of the -Week--Town i} Tali Phchnon@ateaees from various Authors --Court Circularsof all Nations--Fine Arts-- Musie, and the Drama--Our Portrait Gallery --Serap' Book--Foreign Gleanings--Glasses of Punch-Receipts, and Miscellaneous Information, 'This Publication is' intended to fill up the vacuum -now existing among'the very excellent papers of both Provinces, and will be' more par- ticularly adapted for Ladies than Gentlemen, and as it will contain matter of an amusing and in- structive class, Party Spirit-and Politices will be; : avoided, 'It will consist of 16 quarto pages, of a similar size to the London " Punch ;" and will be pene: with new type, on good paper. The price will be three pence per: number, or |; | twelve shillings and six pence per annum; paya- ble quarterly in advance. Booksellers and others desirous of acting as | agents, will please send their orders to the pub- lishers at once, as no larger number of copies will be printed 'than are actually required. Payment will be required on receipt 'of 'the first number, whieh will appear about the middle of August. 'Advertisements wall be inserted. on 'the usual terms. : THOMPSON & Cow . ' Publishers. King Street, Toronto, i i. Rs July, 1854. GREAT ATTRACTION ! New Fancy sy Dry Goods, AND DBARSS § MARBL SG: : ESTABLISHMENT, York Street, between Richmond and Adelaide, TORONTO. | MURS> th. Do. AWSUSTA ESPECTEULLY announces to the Citizens of Toronto; 'and vicinity, that 'she has just : OPENED, at the stand formerly occupied' by | Miss Srvies, York Street, a handsome assortment lof FALL GOODS, whieh she will sel] as cheap as can be elsewhere obtained in the City. | The Fashions, Cindh M. O. A. would also invite the attention of the Ladies to the: {| Dress Making. Department, where will at all times be found the LATEST PARIS AND LONDON PATTERNS, Ai For Ladies Dresses, Mantillas, Cloaks, 'Sacks, and: Children's Clothing. All of which will be made to order on the shortest. ~ notice, and by the most competent hands. © ter An early.call is respectfully solicited . pet By A good MiLtiner and, APPRENTICES. wanted _ September 23rd, 185400 a 27 effects upon the Teeth and Gums, even where there | AUSTRALIA. HOUSE. HE undersigned begs joes to call ie atlen- tion of the "Prayelling Public. and Citizens of Hamilton, to his present commodious and comfortable quarters, fitted up,as they have been, especially for their convenience, and: which were | formerly under be management of Mr. Wi Cc. Cropp, Boarding, Lodging, and: Meals, may be had on the most' reasonable: terms, and every attention requisite to make their stay Ber ee able, is gratefully and promptly. given. DANIBL LANE, .. aes King William Street, Hamilton, C. WwW. September, 1854. N.B.--Lounew at all hours; also a line of Gizs! at the service-of the ae 'at the most reason- able charge. ' 26 D. L. 'WANTED, ROM Four to Six WOOD CHOPPERS, to Chop Wood about two miles from Town. Apply to' T. F, Cary, City Baths, Front St Toronto, Sept.{22nd, 1854. 'ge are GREAT WESTERN DAGUERREAN ROOMS,. No. 694, Yonex Srresr, ' ; TeaON : PICTURES. Executed in any kind of weather, equal, if not superior, to any in the city, and WARRANTED TO PLEASTS OR NO CHARGE MADE. LIKENESSES -_ Inserted in Lockets, Reena IDs, _ &e., &e, Sick or Deceased Persons . taken at. their own Residence. 'PLATING WITH GOLD OR SIUVER; most superior manner. Ir Call and judge for yourselves afore going: elsewhere, saci will be to' pee own advantage. colt Remember No. 694 Vena Serdets te | J. P. shear picnonl : route: Sept; 18540 9° | Clothe Made, Repaired, & Cleaned, W..L.. HUMBURE.. \ N 7 OULD respectfully announce to the Citi- zens of Windsor, and surrounding coun- try, that he, is prepared to MAKK,. REPAIR, or CLEAN CLOTHING, at the shortest notice, and in the most 'salisfactory manner, Having had ample experience in. his line of business in the Cities of Charleston, 8.C.,and Boston, Mass., "lhe flatters himself that, by. diligence and strict attention to business, he will be able to please. Windsor, C..-W., Sept. 9,1854... | 25 HATS! HATS! HATS! LIGHT, DURABLE, ELEGANT, AND CHEAP, HE a ee would, aul the attention of the Hatting public, to the extraordinary THREE: DOLLAR HAT, which his manufactory is daily producing in large quantities. These Hats, for durability, 'lightness and 'style, will favorably compare with On all kinds of Metal, done to order, and i in 'the | any Four or Five Dollar Hat in the City. N. B.--Wholesale buyers can get at this es- tablishment, New York Hats, superior in every. way, and at as low prices as they pay in New York, by which they s save 20 per cent 'of duties and charges. se OHN- 'SALT Fashionable } latter. . Hing-st.; "Toronto; June 2, 1854. 21-3 Chas, | 'at the Lowest possible Price. HOUSE. "OF "ALL NATIONS" 40, KING STREET EAST, (oils é _ (OPPOSITE TORONTO STREET, ) NEAR THE (POST: OF FLECH, PORONTO, ©. W. es AMUEL HEAKES again respectfully in vites.public attention t t@one of the best as sorted and cheapest Stocks in the City. ' Elegant Simmer Shawls, _ Of every Description ; BONNETS, Very, Fashionable and very Cheat "named or desired ; From 73d. per yard; BOYLE'S AND ASHTON'S PRINTS; Parasols, Ribbons, Flowers; All offered at the lowest remunerative. palees. An early call is respectfully solicited. ma, 20,--tf. SAMUEL HEAKES, PEOPLE'S © HAT AND FUR WARE HOUSE 84, YoncE STREET, Toronto. W. HO" ASHWORTH - ronto and vicinity that the above: Establish: ment is now open with«a very large and: how assorted stock of. . Hats, Caps, Kossuths, &e. : geen aod under his own immediate mapaciion: from the best. materials. CASH SYSTEM, he can promise those who favour him. with their custom @ First. rate Article Children's Fancy Hats in anak Viielintyre - far NO SECOND sie ay inh | Toronto, May 6th, 1854, °. GREAT BARGAINS BOOTS AND SHOES, (AT. The English House, No. 80, Yonge 'Sire One Door North of Adelaide Street. 43 youn HAWKE begs'to apprize the Citizens of Toronte, and the inhabitants of the sur- _-| rounding neighourbood, that he has on hand a | choice tid well selected stock of Ladies': Gen- |: tlemen's' and Children's BOOTS and SHOES, which will be sold at the lowest possible prices for Cash.. BOOTS AND SHOES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION '. MADE. TO. ORDER, By. superior Workmen, from the best materials' and at the the shortest notice. above Stock. wr Hleneuider the "English Boot and Shoe Ser! No. 86, von ge Bind. JUST CALL AT THE RAILROAD HOUSE, ' No. 33,, KING STREET EAST, | TORONTO, Men's ane Boys' Reapy-MADE HATS, CAPS, &c, "Staple and Fancy: Bry Goods, MILLINERY;, :&e. &eu . : HOMAS LAWSON'S Stock is unusually - large';-and as it must-be cleared out during the next few weeks, to make room for large Fall Importations, he will give: Great Bargains to Purchasers at Wholesale or Retai:. Clothing made to measure in the first abled manship and fit warranted, T. LAWSON. PHCENIX FOUNDRY, Machine and Stove Works, &c., &c. | JOHN McGEE ESPECTEFULLY announces that he is ma- nufacturing, at the above establishment, 58, Yonge Street, GRIST and SAW MILL, AND | Machinery Castings and Forgings, Of every description ; also, plain and ornamental CAST IRON COLUMNS, 9» Pilasters, Window. Caps, Sills, | AND GRATES, BARK MILLS, \ Oven Mouths & Cauldrons _ SUGAR KETTLES, | Wor ie PLOUGH. CASTINGS, &c., on, the most improved principles ; 'id idbirie la- 1 bor nor expense will be spared to turn out work, which for suength and durability cannot be sure passed. He. is senna manufacturing. improved. plain and ornamenlal Coal and Wood, Air-tight, COOKING, PARLOR ano BOX STOVES, of various: sizes and patterns; Hotzow-W ars, &e., which he offers to the Trade, on .as. easy terms and at-as low rates as here einer establish; ment in Canada. , Orders from the country prdtaptly fulfilled,' foe ap tC BBASS oF LITINGS. , oi Of every description made and finished A larg kept constantly on hand. Toronto, May: 6th, '1854. 'IGE! ICE! ICE}! JHE. Wudersidned begs to retwee his best thanks to his Customers for the liberal pa- tronage he has received for the last nine years; and to announce that he has: enlarged and added' to the number of his Ice Houses, having now four, which are filled with pure and. wholesome Springwater Ice, from Yorkville. He is prepared to supply the same to consumers, by contract or otherwise, during the season, commencing from the Ist of June, In consequence of the increased cost of labor and materials, the price. will this year be raised in the same proportion. . The Ice will be conveyed: by waggon, daily, to places within'six miles of Toronto.. All orders sent to T. F. Cary, 68 King Street West, will be Punes Wetped attended to. R. B. RICHARDS. "Toronto, June 1, 1854. STOLEN OR STRAYED, - or 11th of June, "A SMALL GRAY COW, Three years old; short horns, with black lop --ALSO,-- A SMALL. RED HEIFER, About 10 months old; short horns} 'gray aire on her forehead ; red sides ; white on whe 'back and hind legs/: > =a Any person 'giving such information. as willilead to their recovery, to ROBT, LENNOX, No. 16, Victoria Street, or Mr. EDWARD LENNOX, Crown {nn, Francis Street, will be handsomely rewarded. Any to law. "ROBT. LENO, Ps ing y "Toronto, 31st Aveing bs SILK, SATIN, TUSCAN, STRAW, AND FANCY ne Every kind of DRESS GOODS that can og "MUSLINS, (FAST: COLORS) 1] satis WHaMtILSes SBBo CBSIeg ESPECTFULLY informs the public of Po. " As W.H. A. intends to adhere. strictly, to the i} Preach Cashmere DRE SSES, Purchasers are invited to call and inspect the | -Chequered Warehouse, j : For Rare Bargains'in Spring and Suuiner CLO-THING,| | Fe NEW. WORK, by. hy alte pee we of tig, re } SLEIGH SHOES, DOG IRONS, supply of Tr, Saiersisen cand CoRRER Woe, * Our Folks at Home. a ROM the Subscriber, on or about the ih | United States and the Canadas" erson detaining. them after this ae wil be prosecued according '8 INEW GOOIST NEW GOOIS | FALL AND © WINTER |DRY GOODS! (( WHOLE SALE&RETAILWAREHOU OE Ee 66, KING STREET EASS,: _ TORONTO, |. | Stock of Rich Cheek and Brocaded SILKS, CR reich Mer"inoes, Cobourgs, bi bt AN-W ool Plaids, DE LAINES, » » Shawls, Wool-Polkas and Vows cs er » Ribbons, Ties, Collars, Veils, Sleeves, Habit- "Shirts, Stays, i With (a splendid assottinent of Gloves and Hosier | Boas; --in all sizes--Wool Sleeves, Ne Toods; Ear Caps, Head-dresses,, 'Me Lamb's Wool Shirts and Drawers, Dress Shireoit m Collars, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Edgings, Laces, Netts, "Muslins, Hair Netts, &c., &e. Excellent value' in Flannels' tons, Shirtings, Ticks, Prints,' 'Ginghams, Blue: 'Drills, Grey, "Cloths, Satinetis, Whitney's -Broad,,, Cloths, Tweeds,, Cassimeres, Vestings, &e., ke. This Stock is replete with every, "article in. the line requisite for the Canadian Fall and Winter Trade, and will be found well worthy the atten- tion of intending: /purehasers, for style, daniel and excellent value is. not surpassed in this. Pesan bar | me abatement from the price named, i TERMS. CASH. WILLIAM POLLEY, Third Door West Church PUN os PENS TS Gh 66, King Street East. eh b by ae, vai i Toronto, Oct: 13) 1854. Gl AOS 30-6W BO oTs. AND. 'SHOES | RH 5 Ate TSanPOmawnd, CORNELIUS H.GHARITY -- ty cee respectfully call the attention of Friends, and, the Public generally, to, to, his. large assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, 0 every description, constantly om hand, at his Establishment on King, between Fourth | wade Fifth Streets. whieh he will-sell for Casn, at. cheaper rates than can be afforded at any. other. Store inthe Town. From the Farmers of 'Kexr he would invite' an examination of 'his Stock)" _. |. From his long experience in this branch of Busi- * ness, he feels. confident.of being: able, tovexecute!; yall orders with which he may be favoured; and. he will guarantee neatness and pr ompiness on his" part for the work he may' be entrusted with. 7" ° C. H.C. would also return thanks to/his old customers for. the patronage heretofore entende to him, and hopes. to merit the continuance | their favours. 'Chatham, ~~ a suis te Le EN poe Sees _Backwoops or Canapa," "Tue €. A Crusors," " Potts Granites," &e., » & The: Female Kinigrants Guile "HINTS ON CANADIAN, TOUSEREERIN ue Mri @.. Pe Trail, | NGG Dedicated, by permission, to His betleney the Earn of ELGin and Kunkarpine, K F Gowst- nor Genéral 6t British North Am ica. fe Wilt! "oN @wo «Parts. 1% Baa Two Shillings and Six Pence E Sent post-paid, to any part. of. British Posen Pal | America. . "THOMAS MACLEAR, & Oo, : _ 4 """"Poronto, GC. We ght wig Printed at the: " Old Countr yan" Offices: ierontés Can Utocie ant bere. . pe the whole:of 'thre Firansaastibappts ae copies has been. subscribed. for. ' Parties, in the, 'United -Kingdom,, British North America, an the States, desirous of atvertising will be' ayant to communicate immediately with! the Editor of © "The Old: Countryman," Toronto, ¢ C..W sspost~!? paid., Only a small. i can be. ile to,this:. Laat : aes Cg gtse yy Lena eu? 0. G. HENDERSON & ©. Oy 'CENTRAL BOOK STOREY mcrae g GOOD BOOK FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. --Now ready--" OUR FOLKS. ae "hogast 10th, "1854. majorite fe *_A new Book for Youth, of super much instruction and useful , 'knowledge to a excellence--Lts "pages: afford' great: a young readers who delight in. the happin Parents who des foster in the hearts of 'their offspring @ genaine Love of Home and its enjoyments, will readily. appreciate the aim of its aOR Allustrated, wi ten fine wood. engravings, from new drawings, richly bound in cloth, g iit price 75. 'cents. "There is scarcely' a boy or git! in'the coun-" try who will not derive. pleasure. and profit from this very -entertaining* and very 'Exephleni RAR. We heartily commend. it to the notice of parents asa work which must exert an 'important 'influ. ence over the minds of the 'young, ' in' giving" thought a right direetion, and 'creating smeorex suggestions of the volume are useful . and wholer.. : some. The little tares are "blended "gracefully, whileeach admits of a separate application, « - though possessing"a "distinct interest. The en- | sravings ate very good, indeed, andsthe getting up. of the volume is . tasteful in. , the. extreme Every family should own a copy aft the w ie 'Sold by the Booksellers generally, i i ne "¢. 'G. HENDERSON & Cu; +P aliichints: ad Suen and Arch Sts,, Philadel afte | 3w. et Lisle pe "Information Wanted: 3 Ble TE Subscriber, wai his wife, Mn a, Eipaiipe Hall, desires to hear from h pk ak WILLIAM BUCK, from" heatltOle sville Tennessee. It is known that he wasrecently ss the State of. Indiana,..on, this way, to, West, and it is presumed that he has reached th 4 Province. Any information from him de thankfully received at this place. ~ aetin ws SOE HALL. Bt. fash csinens C. W.,. " : Sept. Ist, 1854. | WILLIAM POLLEY, ed EGS leave to fall "special sleuth bis . Blankets, Gotti bo Velvet Trimmings, Buttons, &e,, in every § style., Y Ua. 15" Si ais salutary impressions, , All the stories and all.the:, -- ab soir ne oe eke aria