Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON), 9 Sep 1854, p. 4

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oS Port rp. | From the Detroit Free Democrat. a" a 'a To-Day and To-Morrow- - [The London correspondent of the Spirit of the _ Times, in speaking of Gerald Massey, a new _ poet who has just come into favour in that city, 'Another Burns has arisen in the person of Gerald _Massey--the poet of labor--one who endeavors to raise the class he sprung from to the enjoyment of the amenities eg a roatonce and right--softens it to the enjoyment of domestic comfort ; he is full of hope for the people. He should be given to the world in a cheap form, that every : may read him." : ne following poem is from the pen of the riter :]} _ _High hopes that burn'd like stars sublime, __ Go down i' the heavens of freedom ; _ And true hearts. perish in the time We bitterliest need em! _ never sit we down and say _ There's nothing left but sorrow : We walk the wilderness to-day, 'Fhe promised land to-morrow. ur birds of song are silent now, 'There are no flowers blooming! _ fet life bears in the frozen bough, _ And freedom's spring is coming ! nd freedom's tide come up alway, Though we may strand in sorrow: d our good bark, aground to-day, Shall float again to-morrow. Through all the tong, dark night of years, = _ The people's ery ascendeth, And earth is wet with blood and tears: 3 But our meck sufferance endeth! 1e few shall not forever sway, 1e Many toil in sorrow, The powers of hell are strong to-day, But Christ shall rise to-morrow. Though hearts brood o'er the past, our eyes "With smiling future glisten! For, lo! our day bursts up the skies ; __ Lean out your souls and listen! _ The world rolls freedom's radiant way, __. And ripens with her sorrow: Keep heart! who bear the cross to-day, Shall wear the crown to-morrow. ~~ Oyouth! flame earnest, still aspire, With energies immortal! To many a heaven of desire _ Our yearning opes a portal! _ And though age wearies by the way, And hearts break in the furrow, ~--"We'tl-scw-the golden grain to-day-- _ The Harvest comes to-ravrrow. _ Build up heroic lives, and all Be like a sheathen sabre, Ready to flash out at God's call, OQ, chivalry of labor! _ Triumph and toil are twins: and aye . ~ Joy suns the cloud of SOrroW ; And 'tis the martyrdom to-day, = Brings victory to-morrow. Gemperance. DPD LPDLDLI_L_LOPOP™OPLOPPOILIIIaam™s _* Temperance Fete, On Monday the south side of the Thames _ Was in a commotion in consequence of an _ invasion by the whole of the Temperance League, headed by Mr. G. Cruikshank, Mr. __ Gough, and the other le:ders of the move- ment. The procession was upwards of a mile in length, and included every variety of : ehicle, from the smart barouche and. four to the humble market cart. Bands of music, banners, &c., were present in abundance, and the destination of the whole was the _ Surrey Gardens, where the annual fete was to take place. On the arrival of the pro- cession at the gardens the members were addressed at some length by Mr. Gough, ___ the principal topic being the new Tempe- _ rance Crystal Palace, the prospectus of _ which has just been issued. Mr. Gough _ eloquently impressed upon his hearers the expediency of taking shares in the new un- - dertaking, and argued for its success an im- _ mence accession of strength to the tempe- -rance cause. At the conclusion of the ad- dress, which was tremendously cheered, the company separated to enjoy the other amusements of the place, which went off _ with great eciat, especially the pyrotechnic prece de curconstance which had been espe- cially got up for the occasion-- British Banner. Rum and War. a The advent of British soldiers and sailors in Constantinople, has introduced some new features in the quaint streets of that oriental _eity. Among other things, English signs __ are constantly going up, not a few of which are amusingly Anglican. For instance, the sign " Grog Shop," actually painted out in full, may be seen over many doors. A correspondent of the Z'raveller thus refers to another curious sign in Galata: I was most amused, however, with a some- __-what ambitious looking sign I saw in Galata, upon which was written, verbatim et litera- tim, "Wines and spirits sold here, and divers kinds of Trunks." At first | wondered what connection there might be between the sale --___ of ' trunks' and that of spirits, but soon my __ mind'was enlightened on that point. The man ___who wrote the sentence was no Englishman, but probably a German, and it was intended tobe " Divers kinds of drunks," (of course for 'drinks.') But how indisputably true ! Wherever wines and spirits are sold, there are also sold ' divers kinds of drunks '-- Would that such miserable establishments might | not follow in the train of British 'soldiers and sailors! The well known opensities.of many of this class, however, hold out every inducement to the rum- seller to be always within eall--Ex. Paper. EEE OE es * i Social Reform. mene > | Parliament. the New Liquor Law in Operation of vy Li Connecticut. 'Two or three arrests under the new Li- quor Law have been made in this city for drunkenness. - One man, arrested last night, was put over the road to the tune of twenty dollars and costs. A Mrs. Lisbon was ar- rested yesterday for dealing the beverage to her customers, and in consequence of failure to deposit $20 in the Town Treasury, stands committed. Two seizures of liquor occurred yesterday. One Hugh Goodwin, an Irish- man, and a Mrs. Andrew Mead, were the former proprietors of the " erathur," which now safely reposes under the argus eye of thelaw. When some forty bottles of porter were being taken from the premises of Good- win, corner of Morocco Street and Congress Avenue, he very innocently remarked, that they were stored for the use of a sick child just wained, and that it was cruel to remove it under the circumstances !--New Haven Palladium. Gerrit Smith. In his address to consituents, on resign- ing his seat in Congress, Gerrit Smith says: 1. Some members of Congress are, either from age or other causes, too feeble to be compelled, unless in a case of absolute ne- cessity, to leave their beds at such an un- usual hour for leaving them.--2. At this sleepy hour few persons are in a_ state for the wise and safe transaction of important business. 3. As the friend of temperance, both my lips and example shall ever testify against any nieht-session of Congress, that is not called for by the clearest necessity. What if the majority had appointed the taking of the vote on the Nebraska question inadram shop? Would you have had me present? TI trust not. But, are you yet to learn that the scenes of Congress do not differ always in all respects from the scenes of a dram shop! I was present a part of the night-session, in which the final vote on the Nebraska Bill was taken; and I was con- vinced that Congress should avoid all unne- cessary night-session, until Congress loves temperance more, and rum less. Never did I witness more gross drunkenness than I did on that occasion. J had to remain until 11 o'clock--for I had to remain and record my vote against the Pro-Slavery Bill. After that I hurried away, full of shame and sor- row. It so happened that Lord Elgin, the Governor of Canada, sat by my side for an hour or more, during that evening of sad recollections. The drunkenness was_per- 'ceived by him as well as by myself. I might rather say, it glared upon his observation, as well as upon my own. It was certainly, /very polite and kind in him to tell me, as he did, in the course of our conversation re- i specting this disgraceful scene, that he had witnessed shameful disorder in the British Nevertheless, his politeness and kindness did not relieve me'of my deep mortification. " A Governor Caucutr.--Gov. Gorman is ex-officio Indian Agent for the Minnesota Indians. Ata recent council with the Chip- pewas, the Governor threatened the Indians with the loss of their annuity if found drunk, and any Indian's portion thus forfeit- ed was to be divided equally among the sober. Hole-in-the-dark, a distinguished orator remarked in reply, that it was just, but that the same rule ought to be applied to the agent, who was a great man, and had a great annuity. It ought tobe taken from him and divided, like the others, for he got drunk very often. The Governor must have felt rather streaked about that time--QJn- dianapolis Journal. Constitution of the Provincial Unien. ARTICLE I. We, the undersigned, associate for the purpose of carrying ov the following Pledge :-- BE ieEvinG in the necessity of measures to further promote literature, general intelli- gence, active benevolence, the principles of universal freedom, and a British union not based on complexional considerations, and in the imperative duty now resting upon us to thwart the plans now maturing to array one class of Her Majesty's subjects against another, and increasing class, on the grounds of the complexional characteristics and origin of the latter, we pledge ourselves to do all in our power in our associated capa- city, as Members of this Union, and in our private capacity, as citizens--I1st: To pro- mote a healthy harmony, and to diffuse a loyal 'spirit among those of Her Majesty's subjects with whom we may associate, or come in contact. 2nd. To encourage and support a Press, or those Presses, im Ca- nada, which will stand on the watch-tower to notify the citizens of this country against the unjust imputations, reflections and designs of many in the United States and this coun- try, who would carve out a policy for emi- | grants, formeriy bond, and free, different from white emigrants who may and do settle herein, by counselling the former to be a" good pea- santry" for the latter as their highest ambi- tion ; or to aggregate themselves into exclu- sive communities, or to look upon the West Indies as the home for the mass, in prefer- ence to the free soil of Canada ; thereby pro- mulgating the dangerous doctrine that God's children, of different complexions, cannot live together under the protection of the British Lion, in British America, unless The Edinburgh Review, for July, has an article on T'eetotalism and the Maine Liquor Law, principally occupied with the history of the legislative proceedings relating to the liquor trade in different States of the American Union, and the evidence which has been collected of the effect of this legislation upon the community. 'The writer is favorable to the suppression of intem- _perance by the law, but he remarks : 'One caution, however, we will add. The working classes are now attracted to the tip- __ pling house by finding there (what they never - find at home) both comfort and amusement; in the shape of well lighted rooms, news- _ papers, and social intercourse. Now all --_ these things might be supplied without ale or gin. 'We would, therefore, urge upon the benevolent agitators who seek to suppress 'the ale-house and the gin places, the neces- sity of providing the poor with public reading ~ yooms and coffee-houses, free libraries and "museums, cheap concerts and exhibitons for winter seasons ; and open parks, zoological gardens, and cricket grounds for summer. If, in the petitions for restrictive legislation, which they are now preparing, they would incorporate proposals for innocent recreation _ to the people, they would obtain a far more extensive support from those whom they 'desire to benefit, but who now too often regard all enactments tending to the pro- motion of publie morality as the tyrannical -interference of the rich with the amuse- those of darker hue, become " hewers of wood and drawers of water"? to those of white complexion. 3rd. To do all in our power to remove the stain of Slavery from the face of the earth, and particularly, as subjects of Great Britain, to check its pro- gress in America by all legitimate means ; and, 5th. 'T'o encourage the rising generation in literary, scientific, and mechanical efforts. 6th. As a nucleus of operations, to support the" Provincial Freeman," as our organ, so long as it may be found to advocate sound principles, and to use our ability to promote objects in connexion with it, to further honest endeavours in this direction. _ ApRiicie 1. For the better success of the above mea- sures, the Parent Society shall consist of a Corresponding Secretaries, Treasurer, and a Committee as extensive as the number o signatures to the Pledge. Articite LIT. The annual fee of each male member shall be 2s. 6d. c'y. Arricrm. IV. The Female Members shall organize a Committee, with a Moderator, Secretary and 'Preasurer; and the annual contribution for each member, shall be Is. 3d. ARTICLE V. The object of the Ladies' Committee shall be to prepare articles for an Annual Fair, to be held in 'Toronto, Hamilton, London, ments of the poor.--Olive Branch. President, a Vice-President, Recording and } Chatham and other large cities and towns, at which auxiliaries may be formed; also, t devise other measures for promoting the specific object ; namely, the support of the people's organ, the Provincial Freeman. Articie VI. Auxiliary Societies may be formed in each town, city, or village, in which parties may be found to take as their basis the Constitu- tion of this Society, provided that they, at their option, make such local arrangements as the peculiarities of the case require. ARTICLE VII. The officers of this Society shall be elect- ed annually, and at each annual meeting, one or more persons shall be empowered to as- sist in forming auxiliaries, and in whatever way the interests of the Society may de- mand. Articte VIII. The Ladies' Committee shall meet every Monday evening, for the purpose of making up articles, useful and elegant ; and to them shall be entrusted the details of their plans. ARTICLE IX. A monthly meeting of members, both male and female, shall be assembled for the purpose of promoting the literary objects specified by recitations of original' pieces, reading, debates, &e. 'Twice in the year at the semi-annual and annual meetings par- ties shall be solicited to address the Society. ARTICLE X. This Constitution can be altered at the Annual Meeting, by a vote of a majority of members present, and the addition of the votes from each auxiliary society, through delegates from the same, provided, that at whatever place the Annual Fair may be held, the Annual Meeting shall be held for the time being. FUGITIVE SLAVES IN CANADA. A degree of attention has of late been directed to the condition of the Fugitive Slaves resident in Canada, but comparatively little information concerning them has reached the public. The presence in this country of the Rev. Samuel Ringold Ward, who has been delegated by the Anti-Slavery Society of Canada to make the case of these Refugees more generally known, has caused a number of Gentlemen to form a Com- mittee, for the purpose of raising a fund to afford them temporary relief, on their arrival in Canada, from the scene of their bondage. The entire number of Fugitives in Canada may be estimated at from thirty thousand to thirty-five thousand, of whom from three to five thousand have annually escaped since the passing of the Fugitive Slave Law. On their arrival at Toronto, and other places along the Canadian frontier, that is, along a boundary of some seven hundred miles, they are usually destitute of every thing, having generally fled stealthily, and with- out making mach preparation for flight. They undergo numerous privations on their painful and wearisome journey, being in constant peril by the way, not only through the Slave States, but through the Northern, or nominally free. At any point, if overtaken, or discovered, or even suspected, they may be dragged before the Courts, and, upon a most Summary process, sent back to endure a bondage of which the ord nary rigours are always increased in the case of Fugitives, to operate as a warning to others. Hence, during their: flight, they are ina constant state of sus- pense, fear, and excitement; and when they reach the Canadian frontier, usually fall into a condi- tion of bodily and mental prostration, which renders them incapable of immediate effurts, and makes them objects of compassionate interest. Being strangers, destitute of the commonest necessaries, and in some instances, suffering from temporary illness and over fatigue, they require a helping hand. The Anti-Slavery Society of Canada, and a Ladies' Society at Toronto, pro- vide these Refugees witb food, clothing, tools, or whatever they require, until they procure em- ployment and can support themselves. This necessarily entails a very considerable expendi- ture, which these Societies are not in a position to meet to the extent to which their aid is needed. It is not only an interesting fact, but one which should be emphatically dwelt upon, that the Re- fugee Fugitives require only temporary assistance. Labour of every kind is in great demand, and the Society being kept duly informed of the parties who are in want of labourers, they sel- dom fail to procure employment on advantageous terms. Jn no instance wi-hin the last year and a half has the Society been called upon to extend re- lief for more than six days, except in cases of sick- ness. The fund sought to be raised is therefore not intended to be set aside to maintain able- bodied men in idleness for an indefinite period, but to enable the Canadian Society to respond to the large claims made upon it, to supply the more immediate and pressing demands of the Fugitives on their arrival, and unti] they have sufficiently recovered from fatigue ta avail themselves of the advantages of abundant employment and food, good wages, cheap land, equal liberty, and im- partial laws, and the privileges and rights. which are common to other classes of Canadians. Canada being the nearest of the British Colonies to the United States, (the stronghold of Slavery) it is of no small importance to encourage the 1m- provement and elevation of these negro refugees, because of the influence, direct and reflex, which would thereby be brought to bear upon American Slavery. The black settlers of Canada are nearly all of them fugitives from slavery. heir im- provement would be a triumphant rebuke to those who once held them as chattles, and to those who hold that the slave requires to be prepared for freedom; for they would exhibit the spectacle of a people just escaped from the galling yoke com- peting as free men, successfully and honourably with other labour. Further, as there' exist in Canada some of the prejudices against colour, and as the progressive inprovement of the coloured population is gradually undermining and destroy- ing this feeling, their improvement affords a prac- tical demonstration, not only of the equal capacity of the negro for self-advancement where he has a proper incentive to labour, but of the unreason- ableness of the prejudice against him Lastly, his social elevation by his own industry and enter- prise, is even now trimuphantly proving the fitness of the slave for freedom, the righteous- ness and the practicability of immediate emanci- pation, (in so far as the slaves themselves are concerned ) and the perfect capability of the negra to live and to advance under the same government and upon terms of political and social equality with the Anglo-Saxon raise, or any other of the one great humrn family. At a large and respectable meeting held in Free- mason's Hall the Right Hon. the Ear] of Shat- tesbury in the Chair,--after an Address from Rev. S. R. Warp, showing the condition of the Fugi- tive Slaves in Canada and stating their need of temporary aid immediately upon their arrival in that Colony.--it was proposed by the Rev. C. B Grissie, of St. Pauls East Smithfield, and secconded by the Rev, Tuomas Jamas, Secretary to the Colonial Missionary Society, and adopted: " That having heard the statement of the Rev. Samuet Rinco.p Warp, respecting the destitu- tion of the Fugitive Slaves on thier arrival in Canada afteraffecting their escape from the United States; and, jeeling that under such circumstances they have aclaim on our sympathy, and need temporary assistance, this Meeting cordially ap- proves of the object of the mission, and pledges itself to promote it; and that for carrying out of the same the following Gentlemen be the Officers and Committee, with power to add to their number: PRESIDENT, THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF SHAFTESBURY. TREASURER. GEORGE WILLIAM ALEXANDER, Esa. HON. SECRETARIES, REV. JAMES SHERMAN, AND SAMUEL HORMAN-FISHER, Esa. COMMITTEE. APSLEY PELVATT, ESQ), M. PG. F) WHITE, ESQ., REV. T. JAMES, REV. J. C. GALLAWAY, A. M., JAMES SPICER, ESQ., REV. GEORGE SMITH, REV. THOS. BINNEY, ROBERT FORSTER, ESQ., E, N. FOWLER, ESQ., JOSEPH SOUL, ESQ... L. A. CHAMEROVZOW, ESQ., W. JONES, HSQ., J. TALBOT TYLER, ESQ, ~ It was moved by the Rev. J. Wemberley, Rec- tor of Dorrington, seconded by the Rev. George Wilkins, and adopted :- '"' That the best thanks of this Meeting be. pre- sented to the Earl of Shaftesbury, for his kin¢ ness in presiding on the present occasion." received :-- His Grace the 'Duke of Sutherland Her Grace the Duchess of Sutherland 10 lis Grace the Duke of Argyle - £ 10 10 The Most Noble the Marchioness of . Kildare Se The Right Hon. the Earl of Shaftesbury 10 The Right Hon. the Ear} of Harrowby 10 The Right Hon. the Earl Waldegrave The Hon. Arthur Kinnaird, M.P. Sir Edward North Buxton, Bart. The Viscount Ebrington, M.P. The Lord R. Grosvenor, M.-P. The Lord Mayor of London, M. The Lord Calthorpe & = Dowager Lady Gray a : Lady Acland Sele as z P. Lady Macdonald = - - 2 Rev. James Sherman 2 Rev. Thomas Binney * Mr. 8S. Berry - " Mrs. W. Cook - - G.T - - - = Miss Copley - Hd. Spicer, Esq. S W. R. Spicer, Esq. = S-Horman-Fisher, Esq = Ernest Bunsen, Esq. = R. Forster, Esq. - = Collection at Islington 2 G. F. White, Esq., and Family Joab ylerHsge - 2 Mr. J. Fitzgerald - - James Spicer, Esq. - © Samuel Morley, Esq. < George Hitchcock, Esq. c Je Debary, Esq. = - Joseph Sturge, Esq. - Messrs. Clarke, Beeton & Co. Mr. Smithers S = Samuel Sturge, Esq., and Friend James Cunliffe, Esq. - Miss Sophia Portal - - Collection at Freemasons' Hall -- J. Cheetham, Esq., M.P. - C. Hindley, Esq.. M.P. - A. Pellatt, Esq., M.P. - E. Ball, Esq., M.-P. - Sir George Goodman, M.P. Sir James K. Shuttleworth - J. Talbot Tyler, Esq., (2nd donat Rev. W. Brock - - -- Rev. J. Hamilton, D.D. - Mr. Hunter - - - W. Cook, Esq., M.D. Mr. E. Hall - - Rev. George Smith - - Collection at Brighton - - Mrs. Casterton - - - C Nisbet, Esq. - - J.. Gray, Esq. - - - T. G. Stapleton, Esq. - - 8 - ion) Mr. W. Purvis - = = T. Waterman, Esq. - - D. Beeman, Esq. - S F Rice Hopkins, Esq. - . Joseph Tritton, Esq. - Edward Edwards, Esq. - Jacob Post, Esq. - - - James Dawson, Esq. - W. Flanders, Esq. - William Edwards, Esq. - W. Churchill, Esq = = Rev. Thomas James - = R. C. L Bevan, Esq. 5 Mrs. Faulkener - es Miss Jane Grant - 2 e J. Brown, Esq. - pee Sac KE. Viney, Esq. - - - R. N. Fowler, Esq. > < FW Con bsg ee Joseph Cooper, Esq. - = W. Janson, Esq. - = Messrs. McIntosh & Gordon Mr. Geldart - Collection at Cavend gate - - 3 = G. Putley, Esq. - - = Sundry small sums. 5 = Sir E. Armitage - - Z. Arn.itage, Esq., 5 Z Wilson Armistead, Esq., - Sir James Anderson, & Mr. Thomas Alexander, - C. Anderson, .Esq = - Anonymous = - E. Ball, Esq., M. P. - - Samuel Brooks, Esq., - The Misses Bridge, Charles Buxton, Esq., - Mr. Thomas Burley, - J. Bain, Esq. - S S W. Bickham, Esq. = = Hugh Browne, Esq, - J. D. Bryce, Esq. - = W. Baxter, Esq. - - E. Baxter, Esq. - © The Misses Baxter, - G. Beaumont, Esq. - - C. L. Braithwaite, Esq. - J.T. Barry, Esq. - - Provost Beverage, - Clarke, Beeton, & Co, - Rev. George Clayton, - John Cassell, Esq., - - James Cunliffe, Esq., = J. Cheetham, Esq., M. P. - Messrs. J. & D. Campbell, Mr. Alderman Challis, M. P., Mr. Crofton, - - - H. Christian, Esq. - - JohnCropper, Esq., - Edward Cropper, Esq., - William Crossfield, Esq, Mrs... Crossfield, - - James Dunn, Esq., - W. Duncan, Esq. - - J. Dunlop, Esq. - - John Fitzgerald, Esq., - S. Fletcher, Esq. - - J.-P. Roster, aHisq. a FrancisFynlayson, Esq., A Friend, - - Two Friends, per Mr. T. Tyler, A Friend, per Mr. Sawyes, Messrs. Fletcher and Tubbs, J. Goodwin, Esq. - - HS = Miss Hulme, - - - G. Hall, Esq. - - S. Horman-Fisher, Esq. - George Hitchcock, Esq., Alexander Hastie, Esq., M. P., Isaac Hudson, jun., Esq. C. Hindley, Esq., M. P. - Mr. Johnsen, - . -- Johnson, Esq. - 8 Mr. Jackson, - < Mr. Inglis, - ° a J. Kershaw, Esq., M. P. J.B. Lillington, Esq. * E. Lewis, Esq. - - A. Livingston, Esq. Ladies' Emancipation Soc'y, Edinburgh Ditto ditto Du Samuel Morley, Esq., Messrs, MeIntosh and Gordon, Messrs. A. and J. McKeand, John MeDuall, Esq. bs Rev. -- McCullen, - C. Makins, Esq. 3 = Mr. Mollison, 2 2 R. A. Macfie, Esq. : 3 J. Nisbet, Esq: = W. Nickson, Esq. : a Dr. Proudfoot, = be Miss Portal, 3 x = Apsley Pellatt, Esq., M. P. J. Playfair, Esq. : s S. M. Peto, Esq. M. P. = W. R. Paton, Esq. e : I'. Rayner, Esq. = i Dr. Roberton, : = Mr. Russell, - 2 = Mr. Smithers, = z James Spicer, Esq., '3 Messrs. George Smith and-Sons James Sidebottom, Esq., Messrs. J. and S. Sheldon, - H. Sheldon, Esgq., = 5 W. Scholefield, Esq., = z George, Esther, Samuel and Th Sturge, = - = JeSturve, Hey. - s Joseph Sturge, Esq., - s Philip Sewell, Esq., a Messrs. D. and J. Smith, - W. C. Shaw, jun., Esq., Mrs. Spittae, - Mrs. 'Thompson, = J. B. Tod, Esq., - = Miss 'Taylor, - = We 'Parner eBisgs <= = Frederick Tuckett, Esq., ALsG: - - J. Unitt, Ksq., e 2 -- Wilcocks, Esq., - = Mr. B. Wilson, - - Mrs. Wright, Liverpool, scholars, - = - Small Sums, - - - 5. Ewing, Esq., 2S 3 Mr. Bignole, - - - e ndee omas 2 10 10 me CU eet SUE ON OU OU OUT et et BD OV OU OV DD © OVO) i= -- i=) (oon om) -- ish Chapel, Rams- 1 -- -- aod feed aed. WAM W SST HHH WH OROM ENON HOH UE EO WE ONS SH BUMS UV RUN BOW SUE OH EU ee ROUND ~ i BNO ANASR RS MONO HK NOR OR toe -- (2) et ee ee QD St OO Ot -- eoown Ss. a _ coccoomoooSco Sooo SC SCOSOCOHHK ONC H OSS OS OSC CSCS OS OS SOS OS OSC SS OS OST BE OSCSSO OOH SOO SCOCOOSOMOSCSSSCOSCS (==) (easy) Ss et iy --_ na } SootcoseSSoosoouMmSSoSOSCCOMOC SS OOO CSC OMOCSO SOS SOS SCOMHG -- -- fot coomoocococoooumcocooroucoseocoecoooooeorwooanoooooeooocosrecoceoocosoo -- joes Or-orocoooooo=-cooooo -- me ooo _ The following contributions have been already | Sooo o oo OS OSS OC OSCC OS OSS OSCOC SOC OH SCC C OOO OS OCC OOS SoS OOO S OSS SOS SOORSOS OOS OOOO O OOS OOOO SO SOS SCSCO oook coocoecoooooscoceosSocososeoososcesososooocescoseoeoescoeooesoosesoocoecsesecoecescescsesooescoseoseoooessesoooosescooooeoe ee eo eoeoon, Sooooqgqoocooocoqoooo] oon eet) Mrs. Delwyn, - - - 010 O Messrs. S. ad J. Watts, - 2 0 0 J. Wigham, Esq., - - - =1-0 0 J. G. Barclay, Esq., - - 10-20. 0 W. Woodward, Esq., - oO J. Young, Esq., - - - 2 6 6 Collection at Lewes, -. - = ft 10) ws Sandwich, -- - 60-0 ef Seaford, - = 2 707.0 ie Kimbolton, - 3.3 44 af Manchester, = - 14 18 43 fg Pendleton, - 1955 O ce Hull, _ - - ease i) a i Birmingham, - 14 2-6 i Ashton-under-Lyne, - 4 4 0 " Birkenhead, - (Ee) ae Liverpool, - - 2613 0 es Glasgow, - - 10 0 0 & Ditto, - - - 13 0 6 ie Ditto, - - 2216-4 i Free Church, Rutherglen, 14 12 10 a Upper Clapton, = 21 5 03 g Stroud, - = a al OE i Dalkeith, - = 52-8 6 u Ryde, - - 1.0 0 oe Needs 18, ito 56 4) Oy f Edinburgh, - 13 0 0 " Dunferlime, -- - oe sl 19 el eS Dundee, - - Qaiee 7. i Montrose, - - 5 6 63 sf Kendal, - - Vy @ 4s « Stowmarket, - : 816 0 OS Dr. Roxburgh's Church, 2 - Glasgow, ah i 50 0 0 © ehe---- Constitution of the National Council. For the purpose of improving the char- acter, developing the intelligence, maintain- ing the rights and organizing a Union of the Colored People of the Free States, the Na- tional Convention does hereby ordain and institute the "NATIONAL COUNCIL OF THE PEOPLE." Art. 1. This Council shall consist of two members from each State, represented in this Convention, to be elected by this Con- vention, and two other members from each State to be elected as follows: On the 15th day of November next, and biennially there- after, there shall be held in each State, a Poll, at which each colored inhabitant may vote who pays ten cents as_ poll-tax, and each State shall elect, at such election, such delegates to State Lsgislatures, twenty in number from each State, at large. The election to be held at such places and under such conditions as the public meetings in such localities may determine. The mem- bers of the National Council ineach State, shall receive, canvass, and declare the result of such vote. The State Council, thus elect- ed, shall meet on the first Monday in Janu- ary, 1854, and elect additional members to the National Council. in proportion of one to five thousand of the colored population of such State; and the members of council thus elected, to take office on the sixth day of July next, and all to hold office during two years from that date; at the end of which time another general election by State council shall take place of members to con- stitute their successors in office, in the same numbers as above. 'Che State council of each State shall have full power over the internal concerns of said State. Art. 2. The members of the first council shall be elected by this convention, which COLORED | shall designate out of the number, a Presi- dent, a Vice-President, Secretary, Treasur- er, corresponding Secretary, and committee of five on Manual Labor--a committee of five on Protective. Unions--of five on Busi- ness Relations--of five on Publications. Art. 3. The committee on Manual Labor School shall procure funds and organize said School in accordance with the plans adopted by this National Convention, wiih such modifications as experience or necessity may dictate to them. The committee shall immediately incorporate itself as an academy under " The General Committee of the State of: »' and shall constitute the Board of Trustees of the Manual Labor School, with full power to select a location in the State designated by the National council, to erect buildings, appoint or dismiss instructers in the literary or mechanical branches. There shall be a farm attached to the School. Art. 4. The committee on Protective Unions sha]l institute a Protective Union for the purchase and sale of articles of domestic consumption, and shall unite and aid in the formation of branches anxiliary to their own. Art. 5, The committee on Business Rela- tions, shall establish an office, in which they shall keep a registry of colored mechanics, arti- zans and business men throughout the Union. They shall keep a registry of all persons will- ing to employ colored men in business, to teach colored boys mechanical trades, liberal and scientific professions, and farming ; and also, a registry of colored men and boys seeking empleyment or instruction. 'They shall also report upon any avenues of business or trade which they deem inviting to colored capital, skill, or labor. Their reports and ad- vertisements to be in papers of the widest circulation. They shall receive for sale or exhibition, products of the skill and labor of colored people. Art. 6. The committee on Publication shall collect all facts, statistics and statements, all laws and historical records and biographies of the colored people, and all books by colored authors. They shall have for the safe keep- ing of these documents, a Library, with a Reading Room and Musenm. The committee shall also publish replies to any assaults, wor- thy of note, made upon the character or con- dition of the colored People. : Art. 7. Each committee shall have abso- lute contro] over its special department ; shall make its own by-laws, and in case of any va- cancy occurring, shall fill up the same forth- with subject to the confirmation of the coun- cil. Hach committee shall meet at least once a month or as often as possible ; shall keep a minute of all its proceedings, executive and financial, and shall submit a full statement of the same, with the accounts audited, at every regular meeting of the National council. Art. 8. The National council shall meet at least once in six months, to receive the reports of the committees, and to consider any new plan for the general good, for which it shall have power, at its option, to appoint a new committee, and shall be empowered to receive and appropriate donations for the carrying out of the objects of the'same. At all such meet- ings, eleven members shall constitute a quo- rum. In case any committee neglect or refuse to send in its report, according to article 8th, then the council shall have power to enter the bureau, examine the books and papers of such committee ; and in case the committee shall persist in its refusal or neglect, then thecoun- cil shall declare their offices vacant, and ap- point others in their stead. ? Art. 9. In all cases of the meetings of the National Council, or the committees, the tra- veling expenses (if any) of the members shall be paid out of the respective funds. Art. 10. The council shall immediately es- tablish a bureau in the place of its meeting : andthe same rooms shall, as far as possible,be used by the several committees for their vari- ous purposes. 'The council shall havea clerk, at a moderate salary, who will keep a record of their transactions, and prepare a condensed report of the committees for publication ; and, also, a registry of the friends of the cause. Art. 11. The expenses of the council shall be defrayed by the fees of membership of sub- societies or councils, to be organised through- out the States. 'I'he membership fee shall be one cent per week, Art. 12. A member of the council shall be mee of only one of the committees tnere- of. Art. 13. All officers holding . funds, shall give security in double the amount likely to be in their hands. 'This security to be given , to thethree first officers of the council. Art. 14: The council shall have power to make such Bye-Laws as arenecessary for their proper governmen +3 ee ; The Cllowise resolutions, having a direct bearing upon the plan of organization were adopted by the Convention and are therefore appended to the Council's Constitution.] _ Resolved That the Council shall be dele- gated to select its various Committees. Resolved, That the Council shall have power to offer a premium for prize essays on different subjects agreed on by Council. Resolved, That the said Council shall hear and grant petitions and be governed by the. rules of legislative bodies, and their decisions shall be final. Resolved, That any State applying for ad- mission into this Union, shall be admitted on such terms, as may hereafter be agreed upon. Resolved, That in establishing a National Council for our own special improvement, and a Manual Labor School for the education of our children in science, literature and me- chanical arts, this Convention do this, not to build ourselves up as a distinct and separate class in this country, but as a means to a great end, viz: the equality in political rights, and in civil and social privileges with the est of the American people. PLAN OF THE AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, The undersigned, the Committee on Man- ual Labour School, appointed by the National Council of the colored people, in offering a plan for the organization of the school, beg leave to state, Ist. That the location of the school, which is to be within one hundred miles of the town of Erie, Pennsylvania, will be selected as soon as three thousand dollars are paid in; the school building and work-shop will be commenced as soon as ten thousand dollars are paid in; and the school commenced as soon as fifteen thousand dollars are paid in; and that in no case will a contract be made beyond the sum of money actually paid in. The site of the school will be at least two hundred acres of land, one hundred and fifty of which shall for ever be used as a farm for agricultural instruction. 2nd. In accordance with a vote of the Rochester Convention, the teachers are to be selected for, and pupils admitted into, the school without reference to sex or complexion. 3d. Special provision will be made to make this, from the beginning, an industrial school for females as well as males; a prom- inent principle of conduct will be to aid in providing for the female sex, methods and means of enjoying an independent and hon- orable livlihood. Freperick Dovuetass, ) Joun D. Peck, | Commattee Amos G. Beman, on Manual JoHN JONES, Labour J.D. Bonner, School. J. McCune Smiru, 1. The title shall be "THe AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL." 2. The foundation fund shall be thirty thousand dollars. 3. 'lwenty thousand dollars shall be in stock of 2000 shares, at ten dollars per share. 4. 'Ten thousand dollars shall be in dona- tions to be solicited from the friends of the cause. 5. 'The shares shall be payable, ¢en per cent. at the time of subscribing, and ten per cent. every first day of July, October, Janu- ary and April thereafter, until the whole is paid in. .6. 'The School shall be organised and conducted entirely by a board of fifteen trus- tees. 7. Six of these trustees shall be the Com- mittee on Manual Labour School, appointed by the National Council of the People of Solor; and nine of the trustees shall be elected by the Stockholders when three thousand dollars shall have been paid in by them, (the stockholders) and annually there- after. Mach share of stock shall count as one vote at all such elections. And stock- holders may vote by proxy, on affidavit made and acknowledged before a Commissioner of - Deeds. 8. In organizing the School the following regulations shall be strictly enforced : a. For every branch of Literature taught, there shall be one branch of handicraft also taught in the School. b. Kach pupil shall occupy one half his time when at School, in work at some handicraft, or ox the farm. c. The handicrafts shall be such that their pro- ducts will be articles saleable for cash, or money's worth, ata market within easy access from the School. The agent appointed by the Committee Frederick Douglass, I'sq., shall be empow- ered to receive donations and take subscrip- tions for stock, giving a receipt for the latter, signed by himself and Rev. Amos G. Beman, the Secretary of the Committee. As soon as, and as often as the Agent aforesaid shall receive two hundred and fifty dollars, either in subscriptions or donations, he shall pay the same over to the 'l'reasurer, John Jones, Esq., of Chicago, who shall deposit the same forthwith, in the Bank of America, Chicago, Ill.: the Treasurer. aforesaid, as soon as he shall receive one thousand dollars, and for every thousand dollars thereafter, shall give bonds with two sureties to the President and Secretary of the National Council of Colored People, for double the amounts aforesaid. For his services, the Agent shall receive five per cent. on all stock instalments paid in by him, and ten per cent. on all donations above two hundred dollars paid in by or through him. 10. 'he members of the Committee on Manual Labor School shall also be empow- ered to receive donations for the same ; and they shall transmit all said donations to the Treasurer, by draft, within ten days after receiving the same. 'They shall also be entitled to five per cent. on all such donations paid in by him. 11. The 'Treasurer shall publish at least once a fortnight a list of all the donations and subscriptions of stock received by him ; and shall transmit to each donor or stock- holder, a copy of the paper, (frederick Doug- lass' Paper or Aliened American,) which shall contain the acknowledgment of their gift or subscription. ~-- anh 'THE GOSP L TRIBUNE. : PROSPECTUS. The first number of a monthly paper, to be known as above indicated, is proposed to be pub- lished in Toronto within a few months, and not later than the First day of July, 1854. The work in size and appearance, to be at least equal to the Missionary Record or Christian Observer ; and as much superior to either in style and execution as the subscripticn list will warrant. DISTINCTIVE OBJECT: To' enlarge the limits of Communion and Church-Membership, among Christians, to the greatest. possible extent; and to cireumscribe hose bounds to the exclusion, if possible, of all other characters, without otherwise disturbing the Membership of existing Churches; till acknow- ledged Christian Character shall constitute the only passport, at any time, and the perfect pi sspor at all times, to every Communion and Church worthy of the Christian name; "that the world may believe" in Christ, even as he prayed. GENERAL OBJECTS: ~~ The promotion of Religious, Moral, Intellect- 'strict accordance with the above genera! ual and social improvement, under the ruida of Divine Revelation, submitting: ey, and measure to the test of Gospel Pri Ls SUPPORTERS : a The distinctive and general objects of the w, are such, as to claim for it the patronage of classes of men, excepting those wedded to other pre-requisites of Communion and Church-mem. bership, than acknowledged Christian Characters and here it is recorded with great pleasure that the encouragements tendered, thus far, are in claims, ORIGIN AND PROGRESS: This movement has long been contemplated, For twenty years the subscriber has maqe the distinctive object of the Gospet Trizune his spe. cial study: examining carefully and personally the denominational aspect of Religions Socié.. ties,--their reciprocal bearings, their mutual relations, and the nature of their combined ip. fluence on the evangelization of the world. Lat. erly, his positiun as Publisher of the Scrirygy Manuat, has probably afforded him the best pos. sible facilities for personally testing the strengy his positions, and for the attainment of certain important infcrmation, but little of which he haq previously been able to obtain. All may rest as. sured, however, that no undue advantage wily ever be taken of the frankness and candor With which Christians of every name, as well as skep. tics of every class, have freely expressed thejr convictions in the presence offthe Travelling Col. porteur ; the capacity in which the Publisher js still extending his observations through Canada and the neighboring States. ee CO-LABORERS : ; Of distinguished worth and of well-khow literary ability, are already secured in the severa sections of Canada, and in the States of the A- merican Union; and arrangements are now progress, to obtain from living responsible writere in Britain, important assistance in the develupe- ment of the Trisuns's Mission. lg TERMS AND NOTICES ; The Terms are One Dollar per Annum in ad- vance,--otherwise Iwo Delars; it being found that one half of the Subscriptions, not paid in ad- vance, are worse than lost. Editors--friendly-- will render assistance by noticing this Prospectus, All parties willing to aid, may ai once commence -- soliciting the names of Subscribers. Two books --the Scripture and Laconic Manuals --fally gilt, a and the Paper one year, will be forwarded to the person who first sends the names of ten Subseri bers ; and one of either of the books, in substantial leather binding, or the Paper one year, to every one who sends ten names. Subseriptions and all other communicalions for the Paper to be Sent, post-paid, marked Money, (if inclosed) and ad- dressed, Ropert Dick, Box 411, TORONTO, Sermons and Lectures, promotive of the Trr BUNE'S object, will be delivered by the Publisher, throughout the Province as frequently as shall be found compatible with his other duties. (Signed) ROBERT DICK, | Toronto, March 25th, 1854. i TABLE For Calculating the Difference between Sterling Money and Currency. PENCE. - POUNDS. 2 Currency. Sterling. | Currency. Sterling, a. & Oh. Srdei= ks Se £8 0 0 13 equalto 0 "1 1 4 0 0 22 H On 2 BS 0:0 -B2 ss 0.32 3 13 0: 205-5 a 0 4 44 0 0 6% 166 0 5 61 0.043 ce 0 6 a0) 0 079 ge Oy 8 10 0-010 F* aj giBle "M14 0 O 113 se Or 9 10 19 GO 1 Cs i 0 10 12,3 0. b. - 12 ee 0 11 P32e7 Qs é¢ £0) 14.12 15 16 0 3125 gS ih) 17420 QO: 2. 58 ff 2. 0) 18 6 GQ) 35 to 2 aie 0) 19-9 0 4 103 ts 4 0 20 13 OO et & by 21-18 0..9,.32 ff Oe= 0 23 2 G86) @ ea otees Oo 9 As 8°. 07) 121-13 0 10 113 of 9 0; 243 6 012 2 10 0) 365. 0 O13. 440° 86> dp O4e 486-43 015 72 cc 12 0 60836 0.15 103- > 13 7030.0 @ iy al u----t4---0 | 81 13 018 3 BEY SIRS O19" 5: {e602 095 =u 1 0} - 8 17 0 elo is 1 obdips owovgs 9 /10d8806 Lo lane << 5192 0) 4B66qI2 1 4 4 £1 0 018305 G6 2° WAGES IN CANADA. 8.0) 6, ee Bricklayers, <5) - = +i - 8 [9-todl.3 = Masons, - - - See Y 10 0 Stone-cutters, - =e LI'G7ES- aueg ne | Joiners - - = 26 30a ees Carpenters, - - - 6 3 7 6 Tinsmiths, = - - sie? 6aiS 6 103 Painters, = - = = 633 76 Hatters, = = = oe @® Ss 8° oo Printers, (Compositors) - - 7° 6 8 4 u Power-Pressmen, 1-6 8-9 Tailors, Male, sire ate (05,09 eee o Female, - - Ss: 2 6 Shéémakers, 2 9+ Se BO a6 Upholsterers - = S =~ 6-3 7 6 Coopers, ~ 2 Se oo Farm Laborers, with board - 2 6.:/ 3 9 -- Day Laborers - - - 3 0 5 0 Boys and Girls, (12 to 14 Tees pean Dressmakers, with board - $d76) ape 58 Railway Laborers, 2 eee 34 Needlewomen, with board - 1 3 3 Oo Servant Maids, permonth, - 7 6 25.0 Servant Men, -,- > 4-50-03. 0 Oe Servant Boys;'9: - 8 202 O85 3579 Carters, per load,., =... -. 7 G8 fce 5s. currency is equal to $1 U.S. money. THE PROVINCIAL FREEMAN, IS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, | AT THE OFFICE OF THE PAPER, 7 No. 5, City Buildings, King Street Eas ' TORONTO, C. W. TERMS: ee #1 50 (7s. 6d.) per annum, invariably in advance. RATES OF ADVERTISING. ; One square (16 lines or less,) one insertion $0,50 a each subsequent insertion, - 0,25 i three months, = 33 is 3G six months, > -. See " one year, oc. -.6e a ae ee 'Two squares, three months, - eae 3,00 - six months, wo ee Half column, one year, Sn One column, one year, - - - Card in the Business Directory, REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS, » The Canadian Contributors are: J. J. Cary, and Ametia C. Swapp, of Ti onto; and A. B. Jones of London. Friends # Chatham, Windsor, Buxton and other places westward,{do also correspond ; whose names will be announced hereafter, if not objectioné ble to the parties. Aut Lerrers, whether intended for publicatio? or on Business, must be addressed,. post-paid, o M. A. Saapp, Toronto, © Wo eo e- <<>> LAW RESPECTING NEWSPAPERS. Subscribers who do not give express notice 1 the contrary, are considered as wishing to ¢® nue their subscriptions. If Subscribers order the discontinuance of th papers, the publishers may continue to send the till all arrears are paid up. "ci 2 »su0te If Subscribers neglect or refuse to ta papers from the office to which they-are direct they are held responsible till they have Se their bills, and ordered their papers to be tinued. -- base Beam If Subscribers remove to other places, informing the Publishers, and the fgever ae to the former direction, they are held respons}? Printed for the Proprietors, at their Office, No. 5 Buildings, King Street East.

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