a Buy-Schrether News, Wednesday, May 30, 1984, page 11 [classified marketplace 7 DEADLINE: . FRIDAY NOON' . Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday 9:00-}2:00 1:00-5:00 aera i] Mail your advertisement to P.O. Box 579, Terrace Bay, or. bring it to our office at-Simcoe Plaza | Barvinok Vocal Ensemble continued from page 3 previous director of the Kiev Opera. The Barvinok En-' semble has taken part in many local events such as concerts, festivals and performances at, many multicultural ev- ents. In the past 5 years, the Ensemble has tra- velled throughout On- tario with the Veselka Ukrainian Dancers. Each girl in the Barvin- ok Vocal Ensemble also dances with Veselka. The girls are well known for their lively performances including a wide selection of love songs, patriotic songs, lively folk songs and religious songs. Financial assist- ance was obtained from the Taras Shevchenko Foundation of Winni- peg for the purchase of costumes worn by the Barvinok Ensemble. We'd like to take this opportunity to thank them for their assistance in funding. _CAMPERS 15 ft. camper trailer. $1000 firm. Phone 825-9091 after 5:30 p.m. J-6 REAL ESTATE For sale: 4 bedroom large modern kitchen, -built in dishwasher, large living 'room, insulated basement, detached garage approx. 60 X 130 lot, fenced in yard. Paved driveway. Phone 824-2421. J-6 For sale: three bedroom house with upstairs-' and small cottage house in rear, providing good monthly in- come. For more informa- tion call 824-2605 after 5:00 - p.m. Serious inquiriés pee Walker Lake - Clean, fresh- ly' painted cabin and ga- rage. Good swimming. Birch trees on grounds. Trout fishing excellent. Forester's cabin. Originally the Walker Camp. Call 623- 0084 for viewing appoint- ment, anytime. M-29 Apartment required: one or two bedroom in Terrace Bay. Single female. Call 825-3542. M-30 WANTED ~ One Used paddling canoe wanted, 16 or 17 ft. length. Contact Cathy at 886-2247 or write Box 595, Red Rock POT 2P0. J-6 PERSONAL Free estimates: we repair cameras, projectors, flash- es, calculators. For free estimates send your equip- ment to Nortown Photo Service, 1945 Dundas Street E Mississauga, On- tario L4X 278 (416) 624- 0163. M-29 Meet your match. For all ages and unattached. Thou- sands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances. Call toll free 1-800-263-9103. Hours: noon to8 p.m. M-29 'after 5 p.m. Help Wanted | For "sale: female yellow labrador; three years old. Very good with children. Phone 825-9321 psoas p.m.) Cars/Trucks 1-1977 Datsun Sportruck with camper top. Phone' Marathon 229-0402 after 5 p.m. M-30 1980 Chev Citation, 47,000 miles, excellent condition. Asking price $4700. Call Terry Bryson, or 8 ft. Explorer truck topper. Panelled, insulated 12 volt light system, cupboards, roof vent, rack good condi- tion. $550. Call 824-2587 M-30 Trucking career. Become a professional Transport Dri- ver. Contact Merv Orr's Kingston (613) 549-3914; Toronto (416) 251-9073; Ot tawa (613) 523-3489; Lon- don (519) 432-1726; North 'Bay (705) 472-2910; Thun- der Bay (807) 623-8686; Sault Ste. Marie (705) 759- 0177; Cambridge oo 623- 2430; Sudbury (705) 560- 3351. Member B. a eee h Trucking career. Be- come a_ professional Transport Driver. Con- tact Merv Orr's Kingston (613) 549-3914; Toronte (416) 251-9073; Ottawa (613). 523-3489; London (519) 432-1726; North Bay (705) 472-2910: Thunder Bay (807) 623-8686; Sault Ste. Marie (705) 759-0177; Cambridge (519) 623- 2430; Sudbury (705) 560- 3351; Member B.B.B. _M-29 Pateilivastock Help Wanted Babysitter needed: Mon.- Fri. nights. Phone 825- 9076 for details. M-30 ANNOUNCEMENTS | 'For all dog grooming needs 'call 825- 5-900. J-6 Haliburton School of Fine Arts offers one week Sum- mer Courses for families with some of Canada's top: artists/craftsmen. For bro- chure: Box 339, Halibur- ton, Ontario KOM 1S0 (705) 457-1680. M-29 Need your rugs shampoo- ed? Have your rugs clean- ed properly and thoroughly by experts and at a reason- able rate. For a free esti- mate call Lise at 825-9182. Business Opportunities For sale: well established cash business, can be easily worked into your present business. Amusement ma- chines (juke boxes, video games, etc.) Only bona- ide inquiries. Write Box 23, Geraldton, Ont. POT 1M0. Jadson --- és Ltd. J-27 Electrolux Canada sales and service of vacuum cleaners, shampooers and supplies. Will consider trade ins. Call Jacques Roy 825-9182. Used vacuums available. Terrace Sa 8 stb. 000 second income. Be rt time representative sal ing and renting our line of high quality distillers for maieing drinking water in the home, office and fac- tory. Contact us today for more information. Water Purity Systems, 537 Brant Street, Burlington, On- tario L7R 2G6 (416) 639- 0503. M-29 Business | Opportunities Free 128 page Career Guide shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full and part time jobs. Gran- ton Institute 265 A. Ade- laide Street West Toronto. Call (416) 977-3929 way. Free 128 page Career Guide shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full and part time jobs: Grant- "on Institute 265 A. Ade- laide Street West Toron- to. Call (416) 977-3929 to- day. M-29 $10,000 second income. Be a part time representative selling and renting our line of high quality dis- tillers for purifying drink- ing water in the home, of- fice and factory. Contact us today for more informa- tion. Water Purity Syst- ems, 537 Brant Street, Bur- lington, Ontario L7R 2G6 (416) 639-0503. M-29 Extra income. Distributors needed for a proven health food product new in Canada no experience and no in- vestment necessary no door to door selling. Write for information. Nutrihealth Misc. For Sale The oe: wine and beer ' crafts. stm HG! pack- ages for making beer and wine. Liqueurs and root beer. For more information phone 807-344-2234. M-30 Video discs for sale. All in good condition, most have been watched only once. Titles available: Flash Gordon, MASH Final Epi- sode, Coming Home ne disc), Dr. Zhivago double disc), The Postman Always Rings Twice, Melissa Manchester In Concert, the Godfather double disc), Paul Mc- artney and Wings Rock Show. Best offer accept- ed, can be purchased separately. Please call Thunder Bay 344-3145 ai a time. | Misc. For Sale Hotpoint portable humi- difier, automatic humidi- stat and heated "Hi Com=- fort" with water fill indica-. tor. Used once. $80. 825- 3238 during day, 825- 9301 after 5:00. J-6 'All steel quonset Manu- facturer clearing out sur- plus inventory. Featuring buildings with no end wall. For example 35 x 46 $4,448 and 40 x 58 $5,522. Other 'fabric selection. Misc. For Sale Steel buildings, buy factory direct prices at lowest ever due to inventory clearance. Act now and save many dollars. Call' our tollfree line 1-800-461-7689. _M-29 Home sewers broaden your fabric selection and save money. Sterling collection offers world-wide fashion Info: send $3.00 to P.O. Box 1072, Postal Station A, sizes available call (416) Delta, B.C. V4M 3T2. 663-5323. M-29 M-29 aT naa Maxell L-II-S- 5.99, 12/ $59.99. TDK SA-90 $4.99 YOUR 10/$39.99 postpaid. Add | INSURANCE seven per cent tax, cheque ALTERNATIVE | or money order: Star-Gift Enterprises, 41 Pine, ey aS Ontario P5N M-29 | *Multi Car Discount Inglis Sterling electric, range, almond with black' glass door, 2 years old, like new. Available end of July. $375. 825-3238 during day, 825-9301 after 5. J-6 Exotic and domestic hard- woods, softwoods, ven- eers, burl veneers, inlays, aircraft, cabinet, marine plywoods, carving and sculpting tools, European hand tools, books. Exotic Woods Inc., 2483 Industrial Bt Meg nnn alg St., Burlington, L7P 1A6 ranville St, (416) 335-8066. M-29 B.C. V6C 1V5. M-29 { ------ : : Beautiful Victoria, B.C. | gucceed With Sunrider based lucrative taxi firm. Weil established with large growth potential, Expo etc. 8 sealed licences will full 'dispatch, excellent oppor- tunity at $89,000. Write P.O. Box. 7021, Depot D, Victoria, B.C. M-29 Misc. For Sale Household furniture for sale. Phone 824-2155. M-30 Bunk beds for sale. 824- 2284. NOW THERE'S A GENERATOR THAT PACKS A PUNCH BUT -- ALOTOF WEIGHT. POWER INDICATOR An Hz meter verifies that the generator is operating at 60 Hz. & EFFICIENT FOUR-STROKE ENGINE The 59.8 cc four-stroke Honda engine is so efficient it will run for up to four hours on only 2 litres (0.44 Imp. gal.) of gasoline. And that' straight gasoline -- there's no messy oil mixing. SIMPLE POWER CONTROL A conven- ient knob- type throttle lets you quickly and easily adjust engine speed to power demands. ioc AC ORDC, TAKE YOUR PICK Equipped with both AC and /~ DC outlets. the EM600 can power a portable colour TV as easily as it can charge your car battery, A DC charging cord is provided. RECOIL STARTER asa @ | The easy-pull recoil starter en) OCS tucks out of the way when not in use. I Ae AUTOMATIC CHOKE AGIi5SV DG ia) The Honda's automatic choke helps make starting Crea a fuss-free affair. (HONDA ) SPORTS 623-2635 939 TUNGSTEN ST., THUNDER BAY New to Canada Natural Chinese Herbs for Total Health : Opportunity of a Lifetime : Dr. Tei-Fu Chen, renowned herbalist, pharmacist & resource scientist combines modern technology with formulas from Ancient Chinese manuscript over 5,000 years old. . Herbal concentrated formulas 8- 10 times stronger than most. * Formulas work to strengthen body systems giving lasting energy-from weight control to athletic endurance. Financially we will help you to 'succeed like you never have before. Need Key People To Distribute 1-677-6014 1-767-6184 1-683-5868 HELP WANTED Villa Bianca Cooks Drop in or phone 824-2174 Waitresses | *Retired Person Discount *New Home Discount SHOP & COMPARE | No-Charge Dial [| . 1-800-465-3911 | Lambert, Jones * & Associates Insurance Agencies Thunder Bay, Ont. ta' HELP WANTED Student required to work approximately 3 days per week for the summer. Apply in person' to Churchley's Jewellers . Plata & Morrill | Chartered Accountants Bookkeeping, accounting, auditing, con- sulting and taxation services. 596 Squier Thunder Bay, Ont. P7B 4A8 Telephone: | (807) 344-6684 St Please Contact The Rossport Inn requires: Waiters / Waitresses Colleen at 824-3213 /2025 _ to arrange for an interview. Terrace Bay Recreation Centre" | SUMMERHOURS "2 (Office and Recreational Facilities Only) June 1st-August 31st, 1984 Monday to Friday 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 1-9 p.m. _ (Please Note that the only change is on Saturdays)