: 26--Apertments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent |27--Rooms for Rent 30--Automobiles for Sale |36--Legal 76 'THE OSHAWA, TIMES, Tuesdey, August 23, 1966 22--Lote for Sale - APARTMENT TO subiel, two ;|FURNISHEO bedroom, coniral, gentie-|"42. OLOSMOBILE lwo - «or hardion, ? nee hal fee Silo 12 Large ots Tastee Turon "laoohy Ta Oledsiene 'er con 7am [Phone nasankee" Trek tnd rede. NOTICE 20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Reol Estate 2 miles from sty. 2 Pople naal presenting SHELDIAN TWO ROOM sperimeni privale BatR{FURNISHED room for reni. Suit 7@ PONTIAC Laurention, tour > door] 2" 5 'i tive area. 'and entrance. Parking, Telephone ad booby rym s. any Bits leges, aeden. te leage, one owner.. Tele- The BOARD of BOLAHOOD school new "han ioe ye MANSIONS APART or tor "two or three people. |LARGE front housek with| @RICLS, radiators: all car "parts. Uae TRUSTEES of the eeping Private bath and entrance. ys place |large windows, private, in Wilson-otlv models specialty. : OL a BROTHERS LIMITED PRICED TO SELL B85 OXFORD STREET [shee te iuin carers! Moers Yehotone| aren, Avalanis Aveo Bh, Telenene Ea SEPARATE SCHOOLS COvnevieyy: . Phone 728-5579 bi ihc ys eas fen ete og ea ana (Cae athena girpe, TuTlahed | reama|new tires, S165 or bes! otter. "Telephone for the CITY of OSHAWA 1 year old 7 room back spl je -- se ACRES Pan PARKLIKE LAND, clear CONTESA | Meultiess Grivewey.. Avaliable, September iciossts. Private. bathroom, Seine Waa MERCURY MERCURY sara AT coat rg TAKE orice that Th ene ™ 'ates Fe clea tard and hae with : AlA A. a a TWO ROOM Adarimant. Camaiatals tar. |WHitay a = = are ie is late 1° derful. acres, ir " @ -Rln damane dAanancii : came ie Gwcntehad todenna ee reece cette neem wide trout sireem. . Froniege, = > 72" "TF >o** [nished. Apply 482 Cromwell Avenue. jone person, kitchen privi = caavaccsy Pane Perle SNP = Geet SSL Stepan creer oo oe Close to Oshawa. Ask for tre aaa et requirea atte FWA BR RBRAIAS V2-o- cece 3) 668-8492 after 5 o.m. ips chided i gl ans Separaie Gining. Fo9T, YOO jioiger. J. 4. ; eet Sos living room. 4 pe, bath, private PLEASANT comfortably shed "room, |A-1 condition, "Telephone Perl Ferre the 10th a of ie ze living room, 3 bad Oshawa, 723-4471. immi Stove, f asher, dryer. Parki iness . CET i gry et grag ay size living @ Swimming Pool central Mt nor of Srapeinn Conteh lie ag oteagig to LIENS PAID OFF, We trade up, sown.! ust, 1966 passed By-Law & ' 4 piece and 2 piece bath, |LARGE afiractive lots for sale. a distinctive downtown, | croose down pa Whi Ontario castle and ares, only 5, minutes on "01 . Sept. Ist possession. Phone 724-1905 etter private, te entrance, Telephone 725-2010, . os 1. Nuniber 28 to outhories tee toy, large family | room. Home |irom dawte i180 and'yp, Wil il apartment @ Two bathrooms in js FURNISHED bedroom with Kitchen priv-|'we'r gees wrown. Motors Lid roe. borrowing of voher th the chased other home. Open to | financing ; : - residence furnished ropms with bath. New Jux-|home, no child : 7-4245. Westview Heights, New- : ' bay , 668-5868 offers, Call Roy Yeo. Even- | Homes 97-4245. Wes ie @ Free Parking Ury duplex on Simece North near A and | 725-0782, Must ce, Soy Sanction. | Bast offer:| of the said Board in the prin- (OOM unfurnished apariment |Call 424 tier sp. 5 p.m. 1 CHEVBDLEY Bel Aly Va cohol @ Free Hydro near south GM, Phone 728-2102, fae oe ew SGM Toor BDRTIOR SEAT | eee POLST: Bel Air V-8, automatic! 4 7, for whi ee j spore [Tate REE room apartment com-| four-door, whitewalls, radio. $1,100. Tel » The purpose for which the 50 ACRE HIDE-A-WAY ONE YEAR OLD north of) Prestige 1 and 2 bedroom two bedroom' apari- [pletely furnished. Dishes, linens pols end|fnene vub-20e) ations ref "| money is to be borrowed is Port Hope, bedrooms, 5 rooms, large kit- Individual room 'heat con- ares 6125. General Motors, Phone ators aat eahane. cident: fey oe mee home partly built chen, modern 4 pc. bath, clean 23--Real Estate Wanted trol, Pressurized corridors, C MYRTLE, six oom Apariimant's Svitabie| CARGE FURNISHED Naam room prs top. eared jr Nees bias wm, Porc Staal any tear King Street East. | be ' ith kite Wilson's' Futaiture: § TWO ROOM compie saa ance apart: Phone 7239 ie 1963 PONTIAC Parisienne, Telephone 623- "needs. siding and windows. Avenue ot ig Recreation room wi ilson'« Furniture. Store SINGLE F oamneneD 7 Toom --for- light |9; z ith Only $17,300 with $4,000 . mi ph vide tan RAR AE A PEP | SE SREY " we nee es bs 7 duh, tna BG %6 mort Sell-ective chen facilities. Swimming frigerator, stove, television supplied, Uti- Fehrs Gesired, close to hospital. 96 --SoveRe sagan bled red In| 2-,. The amount to be borrow ponds. Ideal for lodge or gage. Call now. Jack Apple- ind livery to every suite. Closed * Whit -sanderd, ne| curity of the said Debenture Hunt Camp. Asking $25,000. by. Evenings 723-3398, " circuit T.V. controlled en- BEAUTIFUL on Tana eo plat ibs dca dab a i wonrine, & Le. ox Sian| Which shall. bore charge upon Call Ivan Kellestine for port- SPECIAL Sell Your Home trance for your protection. 728. Jo4s or for and. stove. ND SEOROOM Sunabie For | 3020" "res Apply 137 Harmony "Rous the schoolhouse property and Large dining area in all 723-8361 Phone 725-6576. gentenian. wary central, near Fittings, | PONTIAC Parisienne; Wwodoor hara| Premises and ony other real 4 top, 'o ic. 4 BEDROOMS 5 room brick bungalow in shopping and rg gorvaad : teal "hyde, supplied "elaphone 7.4300 | [FARCE sir 'conditioned, "completely for ance of of new car warranty. Phone 723-| the said Board ond upon the family. This view. Owner anxious to sell. designed. Beautiful ceiling St. E. Heat and hot water includ home reeds $14,500. only $17,400 with $2 L Auile_preerrad. Telephone 728338). Inala, 7 live Ave.Telophone Tas |; GAR PARTES ahaa Te poake| 3, 7h, Debenture is. to be d right at ing only , i 'a ' EEE ES SERENE res, hae War tae Rajotina 500 down. Call Roy Yeo. 723-8144 APARTMENTS private entrance. No children. Telephone ELOIN STREET BAST 23 --Woriahed| ast, ater 4 ravaa bear 'interest et the rate of APARTMENT SITE ' 14. A limited number of care- |/*?. MONTHLY. Lisa Tincacaine lebete "hieeen. top, 6 cylinder automatic, good clean| semi-annually on January 1} Chikes endtin Wi Kaot Si. 101 Simcoe Street North B BY'S UNDER fille Wannen ote ch ae co 47 gun, roams and, beth Including peat Roa A rooms with retriger: (Sar; Pest offer. Telephone Hampton 263: nd July 1 in each year of trent Pia sone Ovirat, 0m ° |e Sat @ eee ee all Z bedroom suites |THREE BEDROOM spariment also Thres|ileges oerileran pertionternint, wis lv.e, American motor, automatic, altel issue and sale of o Debenture ¢ Telephone 723-7620, ipal it of $295,000. ings 725-2217. ONE lo-scre Taf, northeast, 7h conces FEATURING "e we 2 CLEAN single rooms :_Ceniral, parking. | p.m. cipol amount of $295,000. ir In the beautiful holga Brick modern bungalow, 3 |K-marh Apply 114 Gerrard Rood. suites Electric Heating. @ FM Music and Inter ment in central area, Telephone 723-|ans Included. 5 minute Wak from SOU ae "eo RG canvartinns. Maal' pal tom| the 'eonistructioh. and sealek {roof on) with o fireplace, home, located on Keewatin Free Hydro and parking. @ Model 'suite furnished by {for elderly couple. quiet heme. Central, Suit gentleman. | Telephone chats of Seal cee. edsitting room and kitchen, Re pool. Saura bath, Mail de- MODEL SUITE OPEN ie fold. nr entrance, 231 Palace rho eM ie a -camng [terior Very good shape. Phone 723-2573. ed is $295,000 on the se- main floor int Bowmenvilia." Tian iculars. 0 WN ; $2,500 DO thru kitchens. Convenient to THREE" ROOM uniurnished apartment Mery echees, "Bat| OF personal property vested in 2-storey stucco home on spotless condition. Located --. m Transportation at : FOUR EXTRA LARGE Sha teat pital, yelepnone' 7289908. Fe rea cine tnnreneine| © SOpAPGtE schoo! 'rates. collect- Green St., Whitby. A good on Olive Avenue near Grond- GRIFEWN= Landscaping architecturally ground fioor, large lawn, parking, King | FWo" ROOMS for rent In nice clean 1, CHEVROLET, (V4. auiomatic. Bar. ible by the said Board, home needs ¢ little work but Immediate possession. Ask- Real Estate Ltd. to floor drapes. i SELF CONTAINED furnished apartment | 7910. trailers, niso used tires 50? Bloor Street} dated July 1, 1966, is to Evenings 725-2217. SORRY, oe CHILDREN $80 MONTHLY. Downtown, 2nd fioor|vileges, 'dese to" sowntown. Apply at|1942 PONTIAC Laurentian, 2-door hard| 572% per annum payable in Whitby, Zoned R5 and Member O.D.R.E.B. bedroom suites now available suitable fcr small children, 725-6342 ator, heavy duly stove, Private bath for -----7----~-------------------|_ the currency of the Deben- ij ; 'S7 PLYMOUTH 2-doo? . Body in i r for 14 suites. All serv- 728-5123 for immediate occupancy or |TWO BEDROOM apartment with stove,|good wean couple, Further Information phan 7206423 ture and is to be repayable hig _--__ from 1-8:30 p.m. in instalments of principal on in. Locati id be 7 RENTAL INFORMATION reservation refrigerator or without, Telephone 723-|apply 214 Arthur Street 900d shape, automatic. aus 'tae' Gauey toe REAL ESTATE LTD. 7023, 6 to 7.15 p.m, of 728-076) days. |iaRGm Bed Silting room with felevision. vii ROG nea : et ee a | ACSLINT AE | sarge rane | 725-1481 |" evTURING | labey er et gem h RA TBS re c a ma| Te on Wa wens at ie hes tan pia fle: git a for A-C-T-1-O-N call 140 NONQUON RD The utmost in modern living |jaysaq, nn' MVNA. SIN. Telephone) et Boord Telephone 725230, / ; parte i . . tes. e : " , Ld ae yep ee ay he este. Ss meee presih oat | Sheri Rackien Tae dete ct moderate renol rete. wana = sg. wah Tr laont noone bre BWM TOMTIG cas Pa S| Prin Dmhave § Sinest districts, ANd vain igo ise ; OVERLOOKING GREEN PARK and Danforth, Toronto, Telephone 725: Division Sire -- Verdun Road. JUST LISTED : with an extra lot ot the rear Nick Siblock 725-5701 Located on South Side 5008 or 723-2905 | ROOM AND b -|1986 PONTIAC 6 cylinder, automatic, 1967 $ 8,000.00 Modern three bedroom home, | to be sold at a future date. | Anthony Siblock 725-4362 NOW' RENTING 119 Nongucs Road THREE-ROOM apartment for reni Tele-|"78), lauaday, done, hans Med | oy Pg 9,000.00 large family style kitchen, This home consists of three Jerry Coady 723-6356 : WYNBROOK ie anahia' ties abit? bai jpnene 723-992) for any further particu: aa Femi. | offer, 725-3274, 1969 9,000.00 ; neh be | é te isda tn a A at OS ceed wedi eestor "4- with Poet athe separate dir $$$ $ $ $ APARTMENTS Lies pair af ao [FURNISHED iworaom upstairs flat for Rie cage sere, Soere $15" Coption prone MSS" g00d condition, Tele- Hi eee: a + hs 4 . . ° 'ent, completely private, central loca ce ' a ; ill handle. Ask ing room, large modern kit- Homes, farms urgent- 97 Colborne Street , . tien.' WC pavale Manas hol ROOM ae BOARD, Willing to share, |1999 VAUXHALL adoor Sega ronining 1972 11,000.00 ag lorag le chen, recreational room, 4 ly required for cash Corner of Colborne Street ond After 6 pm. 57972, PM Nore privileges, lamar privileges, | condition, 873. Pho 1973 12,000.00 pc. and 2 pc. baths. Land- buyers. Mary St. Only 2 minutes walk WELL FURNISHED jhree-room apart. |Stvendey week. Will consider child. |i BonriAC sedan, Sama radio, 1974 12,000.00 RA g BON f Mary Street ond Ki t, broadloomed throughout, private| Blair Park Plaza, 668-6816, t speaker. $150, 1957 Chevrolet, RESTAU a pr hap bt Sit -- yd SY eee 2 Sagan all be C AV ALIER baths" washing "mechine' in" apertments|ROOM AND BOARD tor gantiomen, slxc|2asoc nera teen redler Site. Telephone 1975 13,000.00 Tis business is completely - Street. ; tral, TV outlet, $105 th, | k, lunches packed. Telephone| 725-0649, 1976 14,000.00 self-contained. Large lot for ike ye Bt Seae"-e-Aker 63 King W. 723-4651 FEATURES: Renting September 1, call 2253817. 3904. id _| 1959 VOLKSWAGEN bus A' condition. 1977 15,000.00 imited 'a = customer parking with plenty gee th ee aS 2. Eh heating, 3 Bieter i Baio, EE is 'Sh EXCEPTIONALLY NICE low, 1lanva trance, ectric heating, 3. ment, In triplex on main floor, $145ihpme cooking, lunches packed. 1964 PONTIAC automatic power steering, § oF 100 al Alay ag Nonqu vd Road; eight" oh tg oA Mitts. theeceedresmn Tevate 1°] Private balconies, 4, Refriger- monthly. Telephone 725-6253. sil sn AOE PROS RE ae MP eae Tean 2" Fs washers, very '00d 'condition. vat Hd pi M4 vate out . basement), very be 44 nicely sues Bal mediately. Would trade executive type} ator and stove iri each oport- FOUR-ROOM, self-contained apariment,|ROOM AND BOARD available for single|phone 728-5620. 1981 1800000 floor is well equipped with ap- [65 frontage by 191. feet. J. Van : fully equipped, private entrance, Close to|giris, mother and child or_ children. , pliances and furniture to |Herwerden, Realtor, Oshawa, etane Appl or Teal, Bins antares gr. ment. 5 eo Mesh st DIPLOMAT Dus. service, two minutes. 10 Courtice clephone Whitby Blair Park Plaze, 668- SIMPLE 'MONEY TALK: Ciassitiod. ne 1982 19,000.00 handle the good turnover now | GLIDDON AVENUE -- seven-room brick,|Benstead, Dunsford, Ont., 8-Ring-22. aportment. "TV eee. wited High pence Ne. eniidren, Telephena| 6616. Ag RR io Ait gg ho AE 1983 20,000.00 realized working only 5 days |1% storey home with private drive a 3 ene bedropm phenioben ROOM "AND BOARD, five-day "week, | oy); 1984 21,000.0 k; 7 to 7. Upstairs there | 92/89". Good for income home, it has 24--Stores, Offices, Storage) 7. Living room and bedroom One and two. bedroom opart- |THREE BEDROOM apartment, baicony| lunches packed, Scotch home, near south 1985 22'000.0 @ week, / to /. Ups two. kitchens, home in good \ cwited: @. tate i jand electric heating. Good location, Phone|GM and shopping centre. Free parking. le 7000. is a family size 3-bedroom |Full asking price only $15,600. Sibby's| TORE -- 600 aq. ft. Suitable for any| 'e/ePhone A wire ia i = ments. Stove, gical 668-3023 atier 6 p.m. 5$.Park Road South. ee 31--Compact Cars for Sa 1986 23,000.00 apartment with inside ond | Real Estale Lid, 46 King Street West,|type of business at 182 Simcoe S. 778-1901.| com in each apartment. 9. drapes, broadigom corridors, | soum-noom_aperimenl" wih bah Us|iT GOLBORNE ET. RL Team ant. Boer' outside entrances, If you can Broadioom in halls. 10. Hard- intercom, FM, Immediate oc- | furnished, Parking space. All newly deco-|for gentleman willing to share. Close to SABYAN cook 'you. should investigate | LARGE. 'MANSION fifteen rooms, beau-|25----Houses for Rent wood and vinyl tile in apart- cupancy. rated. Adults only. Phone 725-5396. north GM, Central to downtown, MOTOR SALES LTD LB ogc lr 4 ment. 11. Vanity in bath- BASEMENT APARTMENT in new home,|ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen ° od pe tows at ed Seer gerese very corre suitable tore HOUSE TO RENT rooms. 12. Sliding patie Apt. 111 very clean, dry. Suitable for couple,| in private home with home cooked meals.| - Voikswagen Sales and Service clinic. Perry Real-Estate 723-8123. \ doors. 13. Bachelor, 1 ond 2 340 Marland pte a AE yy th agri Partly fur-|iunches packed. Telephone 723-0115. New ond Used Cors inufaAue uAN en id lo South Peet WHITBY WEST SIDE |!NCOME Home we Spariments. 2 bedroom frame bungalow bedroom apartments. 14, or Houdaille Facto 0 a0 | LARS ae Beg log ty od 334 a as » Close to shopping "and schools. "Owne: : s fl Riedioewow 2 hei i just east of City and-close to Elevator service to each floor. o TWO (LARGE) R sd, |able for gentleman. Apply 708 Carnegie a cig bedroom home = | anx contous to et. Make ano offer. Call 723- hod: Metiy arated 15. Next. door to North Gen- 728 4283 [furnished apartment, close fo. bus. stop. Avenue. ae 4 Open Evenin: Whitby "icatio $15, 900. YEAR-OLD custom built bungaiow.| and broadioom. $125 month- eral Motors Plant and office. bl lito parking. Apply 708 Carnegie ROOM AND BOARD for tw Pp os ; riba 1,200 square ft. of spacious living. mech: ly. S. D, HYMAN Real Estote 16. Mail service to each sib willing to share, lunches packed: B parking with terms, Ask for Ivan Kel- jen 15/2. x 2212 ff. Large bath with van. ' ' ; NOW RENTING |THREE-ROOM apartment, furnished. | space. 7. 723-1 %* VOLVO & PEUGOT THE TI or ity, 4 . Limited, 728-6286. apartment Private bath, refrigerator and stove. No lestine. hua oe mee mips Begg ne A yea Be Sure of on Appointment. ROSS LYNN ARMS |r Also two-room and kitchen with Fee ent gaa * MERCEDES BENZ THE CITY OF OSHAWA many extras. my held: asia and stove. Share bath. Phone ROOM ONLY er room and board In sf- 5or Apeemniment fo see call Murray 12 ROOM HOUSE PHONE NOW 01 668-5868 st nal ana °* | 723-8771 or 723-2132 | APARTMENTS _ |ruenisaie-iworeon-smerman--nor|tetuge sihmicter ty | _Autolectr Seven TENDER FOR FUEL OIL CENTRAL, six-room, two-storey home. FOR Only bill you pay is your tele- room and kitchen. Suitable for couple,| Telephone 723-2481. Jake and Bill's Garage Sealed Tenders, ly mark ' tian concen : " ' ) Plainly mark ' Mosern y talcuons Were Sion bas ot SALE OR RENT phone bill. All other costs 745 Stevenson Rd. N. trally located, Apply Nat carey birsote ROOM AND BOARD 90 00d locatio r 449 Ritson Rd., South , ed as to content will be re- You'll Love the -- furnace. Full price only $12,000. Try your absorbed by owner. 728-9724 WHITBY -- one-bedroom apartment in|." Oshawa 728-0921 ceived ot the Office of the Beautiful Homes in downpayment. Call Jerry Coady now at APPLY ONE MONTH RENT FREE . madern six-plex. Avaliable September 18.12. Wanted to Rent : City Clerk, Civie Adrinitra- 6. Sibby's Real Estate Lid. 162 LBORNE ST. E FOR A TWO YEAR LEASE $90._monthly. Telephone 668-2660. ZOLTAN AND NICK'S! tion Bui Oshawa, CITY AND COUNTRY -- We have a COLBO het * CENTRAL -- furnished, private entrance, ; oO" FOREST GLEN number of four-room for sale. bed-sitting room, dinette, kitchen, electri- Your Authorized Datsun - tario, up until 17 Clock TAT ~ [Some in country. Call today. for more | MODER! es condition. rie CLOSED FOR cally equipped, tiled bathroom. Laundry and Fiat Deoler A.M, (E.D.S.T.) Friday, Sep- ES ES information. Perry's Real Estate, 723-/heme In spotless condition. Carport and haa ie HOLIDAYS facilities. Parking. No children. Apply Specieliving dre Velkononen tember 16th, 1966 for the Oshowe's newest ii RANCH STYLE bungeiow with meni, Ca a Apo UNTIL ADELAIDE WEST -- Lede ~twobed: / Repair and Service yrs ik y . atat garage, natural stone fireplace. AUGUST 23rd room apartment. Refrigerator and stove, a \N '160 Simcoe South " community of elegance |Resuilfuly | landscaped. | spacious" let.| moots, bunselow for rent. Apply Tata : Serer e weeee nm cel. teren 728-0051 ee y boners : OLDER TWO BEDROOM house. Central. "S$ ASSOCIATION | THREE-ROOM apariment, private bath, o cation, Separate School ' i ane split Keri For-perlcolars phone See Crew. pga A mony Iredlate pos ee 's =n eens parking Yacities. Apply 291" mitchell yi Say * 2 ive ae Chevy A ag Public 'Utilities Commission, ' enue or : after mM. itt ler automatic, BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN OME, ic aae nese MANOR ASE se lian eed Ge | COMPLETELY FURNISHED. Tire roon a aU eee oe api lpg "é rive! entrance. les supp! O . a * 21_ models under scm veer genni ra, noe eerie, gum, | 275 Wentworth St. |i. Waa Sra! Wes, |Sec" ES at kgi™™ © "| Department of Highways (Me AUPUN Retg.M Rr] Grup 1. Apmrox 667,000 $20 call 723-4651. Don' Stradeski, Realtor freeme, 'rugs and curtains inctuded. $125) Oshawa 025. TWO-ROOM, 'urished_eparimen Fai Ontario BMC radio. New peiri lob, sgyererive Gations No. 5A Bunker Oil, if SPOTLESS THREM-DEDROOM sonssion en" TWO LARGE ROOMS on main floors! Shone 7 rene se 00d condiion, telephone |725- edownpayments ci beeutifully Gece: |PIVE-ROOM modern brick | bungalow: You: will enjoy living. in |fiste entrance, stove ,and refrigerator oopaen . ee ta ee ROOM AND Sey tae ale a9 paral ag a nobbit ap rt landscaped, 3 - | ROOMS "FOR RENT. Gentlemen ore: ion, radio, % as low os... Tas, Don Sede, Reatlon' lie' schesle 'ane shopping. "Avetania tee i gl Ny those [ROOMS FOR RENT. Adults' only, $105. Telephone 640-3991. Ieest offer" over. $600. Richard 'Mahler le 5 215 Ritson S. after 6 pm. GM extension 2026. Gi 3. Approx, 2,000 Gal- ANYONE CAN MAKE MONEY win| Mediately. Coll 723-7268 , ferred. Apply eae ! roup 3. ; $1,850 thi four-velt: care' hanes Shee den | Fue ampaoas hauls cea who work in and around |guRNISHED basement apartment) 21 27--Rooms for Rent BOARD 1958 VOLKSWAGEN, good condilion.|- lons Stove Oil, and priced right to show good return enjcated, large living room with fireplace, Oshawa. Within easy walk- rooms, semi-private. Central. Dry. Well ATTRACTIVELY (Pale blue), Telephone 728-3779. (Not at built end backed by lervestment, lease ask for Marilynisi3s, Available Sept, 1. Telephone 728- ing distonce of stores and Ferrapret egal Msgr reaeer eter: Require rooms with Board, jae end Tender Forms ond Specifica- A Fitzgerald, 668-S313 or 728-5103. W. 0.! 3349, Sahosls, full stove. One 9 : : FURNISHED ROOM or rooms only, geely * a 1 Vue good "condition. Tele! tions may be secured at the $2000 MOVES Yi i NEW THREE BEDROOM esata Yo : BOWMANVILLE -- Furnished apariment.| Available in private home. five day weekly bosis, for {- peties Office of the undersigned. rmstr ong rachael WOR snechad pareat, Spacious! monthly, avaliable September 1. RENT INCLUDES: Three rooms and bath. Available. imme: Call bet Sake F construction field stoff. f-ing becsigg En dc & : the time to enioy the bea 58707. Panwnegatoce a Reaitor "andiey. _ @ Drapes diately, Adults only. Telephone 623-3591. 'ween 9 an p.m. won kee Fath srephene Lowest or any Tender not ne- Oshawo's largest builder Please ank for Walter Mittier, 728-7089 or | 72°7377._Josen @ Heat and hydro 7 BYRON STREET NORTH, Whitby. | '82 PARK RD. N. Replies should be mailed con- |e oT P| eessorily accepted. ertin Realtor. THREE (LARGE) BEDROOM house @ Stove and refrigerator Five-room apériment with bath. Available taining details of accommo- bd ie i Ne 000 NOM ain, agg oY arg x "7 PE aes $150. 2997 after GOOD HOME with extra 4 duplex jot injextra large livingroom, broadioom ; June 1, 4 ? Open every day excellent rental ares. You will make|throughout, finished recreation room. © Parking 1, 2 AND § bedroom apartments te | 728- 867] dation to the: ae 34ki biceea ee ce CITY. punéeadinad NT until dark « jmoney here if you act now and call|Large backyard, northwest erea, $175. A few choice 2 and 3 bed- | retrigerator, stove. cuartorn Controlled |TWO FURNISHED x it : : oH ER 1961 Renavit, new motor AGE Marilyn Fitzgerald, 668-5313 or 728-8103.| monthly. Phone 723-1452. tes still availabl te oes bedrooms, suitable] District Engineer, brakes and fires, $100 or best offer. Te- . W. 0. Martin. Realtor a le teed ie Hebe aaNet SEA aa room suites still available. entrances, elevator service, swimming|for four gentlemen, willing te share. " lephone 723-9574," Directions: Harmony Rood penile athens anand ARR ROO 2 A f R Rental Ofice peol, fenced-in playground, 822 Glen|Use of kitchen. Central. Private en-| Department of Highways, th Vi INCOME TWIN HOMES, Brick 'seven 6-- portments for Rent Street or call 723-2347 trance. Telephone 728-2653 atter § _P.m.! Ontario, North to Vincent Massey rooms each. Four apartments. Rent over ond Mode! Suite a poi atiing 32--Trucks for Sale Public School and Eastdale $300 monthly, at Division realy Call to. Dail TWO - BEDROOM apartment, including|LARGE light housekeeping room, close] District No. 6, Toronto, Col day. Perry's Real Estate, 723-8173, Open Daily stove, refrigerator, weat, hydro, drapes.|to hospital. Suits lady. Running water. Keele St., and Highway 401 1958 GMC Tractor with small equipment i agi NOW AVAILABLE from 1 - 9 P.M. Centrally located at 25 Mill. Street. Tele-| Telephone 725-7091. " Hatt tr das Oat eae ae. TO CREDITO RS INDUSTRIAL LAND -- 180 acres. Leke phone 723-3295. FURNISHED housekeeping ing Foar aable Downsview, Ontario. phone 728-3444, 28-7860. frontage, access fo railway, highway. TELEPHONE TWO BEDROOM aperiment. $75 month-|for one or two girls. Phone 7: 1985 CHEVROLET 214 fon stake, Good . For more eae call 723-4651, Don Stra- ' WAYS ry EDANKICIC VAs 1 tab deski, Rea : y. Heat and hot water included. Maple DEPARTMENT OF HIGH running condition, Telephone 725.9) PERN eter MY Some EENE YS GRIFFIN a "el ( srenfel| Sa vare 723-8701 Grove Road South. iAasatod 623-5221. : Sines 8 BEDROOM hl agen We a ONTARIO ies BESHS wane heavy-duty, fh 'wo wOVEARGLE BRICK bungalow on very comfortably Summerfield Court. Electric -heat and man, South |e TEACHER NEEDS one bedroom side doors, two back doors. Apply 229 ROCHE ESTATE [\PRPnnnan 1. Apartment controlled én- VISCOUNT MODERN THREE BEDROOM apari-| ROOM AND BOARD for gentler en. Gand Call 668-4875 after 5. 1978 15,000.00 pa SS Sa oc caste aa? is = a apari- rat "young coup! z : 728-3014. _| ment with frig and stove before Septem-|C@bot Street. Al eee Gee eueee oe i ble Ms ld = having | claims naw ~ a ' -2196|ber 1, in older home in nice r persons vi Oshawe iZROOM HOMES Whitty -valsaule-ioce:| THE ULTIMATE IN APART. PRINCESS _ oO ariiviait, Samhartine ' area,' Telephone 723-4678. a 33--Automobiles Wanted against the estate of Francis i |tion for commercial site. Call Liltian Tn Gulet adults "only. $95" Telephone" a FURNISHED ROOM, us Kitchen, | THREE BEDROOM home convenient to William' Roche, late of the" 723-6461 ____|€ameron, 723-4651, ull Stradeski,| MENT LIVING IN CENTRAL am, stove and refrigerator. Sa or or dovble| North Oshewe. Young couple with two CARS WANTED City of Oshawa in the Coun- . ------| Realtor. Mi Y # OSHAWA. ANNE Two-Room TEU NiSHED apartment, ephone 725-81 children. Telephone 725-3803. Buying A Naw Car? ty of Ontario, deceased, who HAVE THE HOUSE of y bull tea aceite pscisnleee | ROOIAE Five FURNISHE! riment ii Whitby re 3 uy! HAVE YOU SEEN |% this beautifully lgcated eh size 100 x APARTMENTS ereb ROOM, cnturnished, spe ReMi, rk F ed oe mele. school "teacher. Tele-| gy ae sed car to Ted', | died.on or about the 12th day |150. CMHC approved. 723-950: ae ' E 8 $75 monthly. Located on' 345° Oshewn SINGLE ROOM Yor business gentieman,|Phone 668-4236 after 5 p.m, ur used * of June, 1966, are hereby * |VERY LOW PRICE. Saat five-room Wo UI INQS Bivd. South. ._ Apply 4 ot address. in clean quiet home, Central location. * Talk Cash © the, New notified to send in to the 9 | brick bungalow, best location, well : INDOOR BACHELOR APARTMENT, second floor,|Immediate possession. Apply 227 Chad-|30---Automobiles for Sale Car Dealer and "Save", undersigned on or before the : fenced, deep lot, oversized garage with HEATED steve and refrigerator, self contained. | burn Street. TED CAMPIN MOTORS 31st day of August, 1966 Rol Me . asthenia terms. Arihor Weinberger: Rear" Belera, Immediate YEAR King Esty Oshawar ** APPIY 822) two" seperate bedrooms for rent, sil DOWN--$30 MO,|__723-4494 Res. 725-5574 full particulars of their | 725-8851. RE, able for Pieem tone, willing to share. t hich dote the ARGER LOTS A REAL FIND, This 2-sforey older home ee a a 7 - two: and thr apart. 723-6542 f 4 i Possession ROUND ments, two bathrooms. Available imme-|563 Ritson Road South, sehgeald gf ha tare for erin tial tree oa. estate will be distributed hav- ARGER:HOM ES |Ge"enr aeuene aren baron bo: POOL See OM tlk tienen hr let ROOMS FOR RENT, weekly tales, ApRY ip 3 200 Wentworth East, 725-1181 ing regard only to the claims OWER PRI CES |fage, almost new oll furnace. Nice se- BROADLOOMED SUN DECK punNiENeo 7 seal ee apatairaaparh,|OUts Hotel, 67 Simcoe Street North. BILL roe geet AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars] of which the undersigned | de: M # ; site ' Fe ment Fon, she Gabe wites en FEATURES 1, 2 and 3. bed- Oshawa's largest aportment |ment plus privatc cosh. Newly decor.| PRIVATE HOME -- on Arthur Street MOTORS 1198 "Neltoe' giccee Toate m75.9162| shall then have notice. ; ; furnished bedroom, good tion, gentie- t be Rreueeal fact Dolores Ross, 728-1964 or 728-5103,, room suites. -- building offers the best fea- ated. Suitable for ive girls ere, YoUna| man preferred. 5 PR Ragen 7 484 King W. |sHaw AUTO WRECKING -CO-cen| Dated at Oshawa this Sth doy @ee |W. ©. Martin, Realtor. tures. Sa Steam Bath, 6'x | working oases. No children please. 1966 | auckinenan AVENUE = S140" boys Free Hydro 'ures. Sau m F phone 725-0788, LARGE air conditioned, completely tor 723-0371 bought, parts for sale. Iron and metals} of August, ' q . if je bought. 89 Bloor Str 1? 11. line Winmcelale' terteaaataee: tore Oshawa's largest suites 18" Balconies, 20'x18' com- | huge --peny two-bedroom top floor |nished housekeeping room, close to hos- te ershalarlce Pn'o' RUSSELL DODSLEY storey brick home, situated close to. all services, schools and Alexandra Park Large livingroom with brick ireplace, / separate diningroom, new furnace, deep pital. oll garage and private drive. For fur- F; h i bination Living and Dinin tment, South Oshawa, bef Sep-|Pital. Telephone 725- Double Acs -- Rooms, 4 quick Elevators, I oa ag Be gy aig large|ONE BEDROOM suitable for two willing Cors ought and Sold 34--Automobile Repair HUMPHREYS, Olde English Decor Lobbies. [rere tt Every room, $128 month' terms | for a'r day. week. Telephone "metas gers, 3g loa FR ED STONE Pel semninphel hipbypen! hs 30 inch range, fully B : aa automatic ye hefner Cail TEAS 30. __| ROOM with kitchen privileges for lady. Extra lorge Fridge with Model Suite Furniture by | TWO- ROOM 'apartment, sub-letting,|Close to schools, tise Abeening, eantra 137 KING STREET W. Brooklin Phone 655-3653 36% King St. -E. Freezer Cherney's Furniture World, lights, "heat supplied, $145. |northwest section. Telephone 723-4126 dur- Motor Rebuilding Oshawa, Ontario. mo! OSHAWA Linen dropes Broadloom by Angus-Graydon. Telephone 668-2389 for any fur- ring | day or 723-6407 _atter ¢ 6. Bais 723-6322--723-83 11 Cylinder Reboring e brn at ARES * ' F with = ki « Walk-in closets in bedrooms OPEN 2-9 P.M, DAILY ONE-BEDROOM apariment. Stove and re-|privileges if desired, Central, parking On the Spot Financing e Pinfitting e Resleeving Extra two piece bath in all 1221 SIMCOE ST. N frigerator.. Private home. Avaliable im-/quiet home, no children, @ A ic Trar "' NOTICE 3 bedroom suites. . . pesca Ol oa 52 Drew Street. Tele-|Cali 725-0782. NIE EG Nis) i MORE CASH @ Crankshaft and Valve i Yeh chee AO gS AER ___|THREE DOUBLE bedr » ch t re suites: equipped with 725-9934 THREE - ROOM apartment, furnished|North General Motors geek doontown. * Service caeeeieed TO CREDITORS large balconies -- or unfurnished, adults only. $95 - $125,|Gentlemen only. Apply 340 Athol East. id d Cl C TRANSMISSION specialists. Transmis- Sauna Steam Room and main street, Includes heat, Telephone|extRa LARGE panelled" and com-| ot. °° Good Clean cob sone ere cur only business. 1098 Simcoe} = (N) THE ESTATE OF Health Club 723-9525. __..|pletely furnished bedsitting room in two Trade up or down. Liens pai sebliaht a nade Aid HILDA LOUISE IRWIN i ii % , y bath home. Parking. Cal 5 NORTH GE RLGOR me tee mouse | MODERN fesse mt tase am Se A) GRO MOTOR So |8S--tawt and Fomd_--_| 'oye cry gan IVATE, two lett. See and < elept room, a cou : 6% per cent interest. cat work eneers Outdoor guest parking cen-| frig, ceniral, ine roam, TV, ER oe 723-9421 wth lighter tim bs top. Oshawa 'tee Creditors of the deceased, : ROOM upstairs apartment, ee°e $1,200 down, $130 month. 723-0575. " 'al,. Close to schools, buses, private bath, |6 p.fn-~ 228-2822 or 229 Eulalie. ping Centre area, Finder please call who died at. Oshawa, Febru- PRIVATE SALE -- in good condition, RENTAL heavy duty. $85. Sult coupe with one e A M & Nanests at. i i two-bedroom brick bungalow, recreation 30. a : an 8th, 1964, she gio er child, fenced yard, 728-2086 after 4. OPEN DAILY room, and two-plece bath in basemerr i |well behaved steady-employed gentlemen "Your RAMBLER Dealer' LOST -- Red dachshund, male, three nondi T00 al BEDROOM Breakfast, lunches packed. No supper. years old. Tattoo on right ear, "Geossu'.| to send particulars of their AND WEEKENDS Tee Dr) Oe Oe Tennent II NFORMAT I YN a epee gee +|Parking 81 Park Rd. South. NICOLS Motors Limited fol h pet, named Rusty. Telephone} claims to the undersigned on ae oy refrigerator, * 'om Jaun- m +6690. be th f August, - THREE-ROOM ~ bungalow --i60--sala ana PRE MIER Gry "tacllities, large locker parking, |ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen ; beat asn a AY BA Saad SRE ERS BPH le or before the 26th of August, ' er ivate new home. Telephone 723-0544 On Highway No. 2 LOST -- Junior boy's bicycle, red and ti hich d th removal, $75. Tele 7: 7 Adults only. Telephone 723-1424. in pr y 1966, after which date the Phone 725-2506 after 5 ELEPHONE La Yor any further information. Just West, of Thickson Rd. white, vicinity Kinsmen Swimming Pool) ooo s will be. distributed. +} PM. mone -- ncneinapetite . 1 Marl c TWO BEDROOM aparimenis, stove, re- rT: ; Whitby, Reward. Telephone 668-3013. x N.. BIRD 914 ACRES MARKET garden with fine Rental Office 321, Marland Ave trigerator and. drapes. No damage de- ig hg sas habia i! Whitby 668-3331 LOST -- Silver grey, part Persian maie| Dated at Oshawa, August REAL ESTATE SF eny irate, Ree. Oaaee ork, hep 723-5111 PHONE 728-6722 [Semin s, Wie "Slee apaaael|Cenire and South: Gomer Motors, tel kitten, thvee'monthe 'lt called "Duny',| 4th, 1966. at the low asking price oF stro. Pee -5 170 Park Road South. 723-8844, phone 725-2614, 1963 PARISIENNE Vicinity of Dunlop Street West and Centre GUARANTY TRUST COM- full particulars call. Mr. John Sandy, or 723-1401 THREE CLEAN unturnished rooms mnira|ROOM AND BOARD in double and Y street South. Reward, Yelena CUSE! : DANY OF CANADA EXECis 723-0321 | 725-8010. W. ©. _ Martin Realtor, 7 ee as os floor, suitable wre} bing quiet business Single | room. Apply 38 Brock Street East WAGON LOST-~ wallet containing large sum of TORS | 200--Sum ob Pideeitiia f - = ~~ }persons, $55 monthly. Apply af 143:Agnes|TWO SINGLE ROOMS, furnished. Gent-| White, maroon interior. 383 Heian Bot 2h pigs Pag At By their Solicitors immer Properties One and two bedroom, Now _ | Street. men. Central fo, Incusiries in Pert! V.8, automotic, radio, fully "/fih. Ssecgag PARKHILL & YANCA- ia REGENT ARMS oom, ; : wi hy PER MONTH For Sale or Rent iwastiaie. Occlsphney available. Broadloom corri- |SENTRAL-- one bedroom self - con-|Whitby 668-4894, after 6.30 call 668-8440.) as clectic back wine --_ 8 'Sinicon': Street' Seuth; ~~ eee @ © @08 &© e808080 her details call Margaret Hall, 723-1358, FULL DOWN _ [ewitieaiert BARGAIN -- sone thousand down, cen- Call 'bare ain All Wad 2 Keltn Peter a 'arle len h 1 Mortgage For. Balance Realty Ltd. Realtor. eas ants bias ) TWO AND ONE HALF STOREY | money @ee maker on Simcoe North. Priced right. Call Stan McCormack 655-4588. Keith Peters Realty Ltd. Realtor. MODELS THREE BEDROOM brick bungalow, 5 five minutes from South General Motors. WILSON RD., 2BLOCKS |anvn' stestn."4e {geuly vere. 60 The cost of thi ---- tained unfurnished apartment, heated, all] HOUSE TO SHARE with one or two per- ad, daily tak cat | HOUSEKEEPING cottages, « electric, in| | 2 bedroom apartments close | dors. Stove, Refrigerator. conveniences, parking, see to appreciate.|sons, ccmpletely furnished, private bed- dow, Immaculate. Apply 291 You are one of | Oshawa, Ontario Tb0 mes facilities, fishing,. skiing and swim-| to Oshawa Shopping Centre. | Drapes. F.M. Controlled en- | Reasonable rent. Suitable for .couple or|room kitchen facilities, television, park-| Elgin West. onli asielbtid pli hg Pita ming. ae 725-2909 or write Malee| Adults oni "| trance. Elevator, Intercom, j0n@ Person. 725-8106. ____.|/ng,, small workshop, complete freedom: |r RORB, station wagon, best offer. °37 Thousands whe read 1 WILL NOT BE responsible for any oc no ie ages, RR 3, Burk's Falls Teleoh ' 723 6455 Balconies and Laundry facili. |SUBLET two bedroom apariment, No| 728-9911 after five. | Plymouth, station wagon, best offer. 60 The Times Want he ee Lae y= Pe a Fg ww FeOding |WEED HELP IN A HURRY? Place elepnone - ties on each floor. Free Hydro. |Nant®®,,deposit needed. $125 monthly. |FOR RENT-- three unfurnished rooms fa "gasinlon" Dies 'Oehene Ads Daily. without 'my written consent) eet 'f y Nea! ing Centre, Talephone 723-|with private bath » Adult: ly, Te | 774 Eastglen Drive, Oshawa Help Wanted ad ¥ by dialing rise Between 6:00 ond 9:30 p.m, ae Sine Centre. Taleph mata ee od : --LE® 8. FROST bd