'LTTTLE ANNIE ROONEY ~ | Bee, 1965. Work rights wemmewell, S AND MU Til FHen Mayr FILL IT OUT FOR ANY LITTLE THING YOU NEED, SON 17--- CHLUCKLES~ IF A DAD CAN'T HIS OWN BOY WELL MOSTLY, YES - BUT THERE ARE Lg tl Qing Pomme Srnctcatn, THEY/RE HAVING A CHRISTMAS DANCE TONIGHT. I DON'T, ROZALINPA, '4 A F-YEAR-OLO 'IN THE FIELDS NEAR ALLIST: ONT, WITH A PRETTY LITTL@® TOMBOY. Le ] 1} DismounT! une THE iy 7 Weres wiere WELL WDE Vou, | ae ee THE GSHAWA Timm, 2 Marndax: Racombay $7. 166 5 SL SO aie A CUM BL A BEAUTIFUL eee INTO THD CAVES / ia C a QUESTION STOOD | oncy A FEW pear AWAY. «2+ IN THE GHAPE OF THAT LITTLE Po iT-- ARpEsT/ SHE Cee Ve Oe ad eee THE LONE RANGER > PLACE IS SWARMING WITH BUERRILLAS 4 SECRET AGENT X9 Sn! GO ON, MISTER! SINCE CLAY /SN'CARRESTING HOLD ONS [dt STILL THE LAW MERE! [LL TAKE 2M INTO L/ DONALD DUCK YOUR HEALTH Heart Ailments Encourage Fear By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD MICKEY MOUSE oe GOLLY, RIGHT INTO THE MIXING BOWL / 5 THIS HAS THE QUALITY I'VE BEEN WRITING ENOLESS MEMOS ABOUT, FT HAS YOUTH, VITALITY AN UNSPOILED BEALITY... & a#VOULD MIND TELLING DELMONICO. TAKING ME WHAT IM IIT OREISA PreTTy Yesterday we discussed a man-who for 10-years has been| afraid of dying because of pal-| pitation of the heart---neriods of! rapid beating which, he has| been told, do not indicate any-| thing wrong with the organ. | Heart. flutters, or. heart. ail ments whether real or imagi- nary, seem to have a special tendency to incite fear of death, although many people acquire the same fear from other sources: They fear cancer, or! lung disease, or strokes, or} some people torture themselves | with fear of death without any particular cause in mind. Other common fears are of height, of confinement, of being robbed, of being lost, of being sick, and a host of others. | Fear is a natural enough emotion, but it can be con-| quered, either by becoming! more familiar with unknown elements of it, or becoming more confident of being able to} meet the situation. | A structural steel worker,| sure of step and balance, over-| comes fear of height, A person afraid of hospitals (common | enough!) loses that fear after} being in a hospital, discovering! that after all it is a place where people are cared for. Although it isn't natural te want to die, critically ill patients) do not necessarily fear death. I/ recall, also, a fellow physician who had a serious heart attack. He knew what had happened. thing a bit different from con- fronting the fact itself. I know one man who, as a teen-ager, harhored a morhid féar of dying, and the simplest symptoms of ordinary ailments could put him. in a cold sweat, He finally stumbled onto a formula which worked. It did for him, anyway. He told him- self, 'If I ean live until I am 40, I'll have had a good deal of life. Anything after that will be so much velvet." He is now long past 40, and it has been many decades since he last feared. death, At a medical meeting, dealing with this very problem, one striking story was about an el- derly woman, dying of cancer and very apprehensive and ner- vous, despite all efforts to soothe her and keep the truth from her. One day she fixed a young house doctor with a demanding glance and asked flatly, "Young man, am I dying?" "Yes," he said, 'Thank you," she said. "It's time somebody told me the truth.' Her nerves calmed down. She became, for her remaining time, a happier, relaxed patient. It wasn't death she feared. It was not knowing. - Dear Dr. Molner: I used to pare oranges because the inner peel contains rutin, which works with vitamin C te telp the capillary blood vessels. Re- }cently I heard that rutin may {have cancer-producing proper- ties, so I've discontinued paring He was thoroughly aware of his peril. Yet fear of death did not occur to him. Afterward (he recovered and is back in active) organges. Is there anything def- practice) he confided, "I just) ' y A inite about this assertion?-- got mad at having it happen to C.Vv.T. me!"' Beit | I am familiar with the rutin FEAR ABSTRACT |content of orange peel, but am Young people quite often have| aware of no evidence concern- (and try to conceal) fear of|ing the cancer factor. I strongly death, but usually the fear is/doubt that there is any. Some abstract; that is, they have no/eye specialists recommend bility of death, become recon-| | ciled, and die bravely and easily when the time comes.) It is, perhaps, doubt and fear| fear of death itself which dis- and children, at the moment of | | death, rarely are afraid. The|but there is no dependable evi- at danth enthae ta eama.|danan ta eommnrt immediate known danger.| grinding the entire orange in'a (Even youngsters, confronted|blender to provide the rutin- with the nearness and inevita-|vitamin C factor for patients with fragile eye capillaries. It iseems to me have definite facts, not a of the unknown, rather than} usefulness of rutin. turbs us. The truth is that it Is| beneficial to health or in treat- as natural to die as to be born.|ing or preventing certain dis- So why fear it? Men, women! eases?--Mrs. Y. that we should 'maybe," before sacrificing the Dear Dr. Molner: Is garlic No: That's a popular theory sives to be kept in the hands of her? (CTAIMIE BESIATR [B] (CIA (OM mmole) JEL] me Fae AN FIL AjQ iE Mer iit ATR (SIUIPIE fe ma RIUINISTS j (MAIRIE RBOIS (OTE Ssturday'e Answer 29. Allude (to som 20, Ry birth 38, Gravy 34. Fossil resin 35. Noes andfamily 37. Father, 25, Sea 28. Stevedore, ina way 43, Pronoun G 5 7 Y 23, One kind of YW, i opening 26. Pedestal UY, Y part GAG Y 27. Pony or 'wool {ie 9 20 31, Help "BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER 'Top. record-holder in Masters' indlvidwe! Chempionship Play) . FAMOUS HANDS _ - West dealer. ; | North-south vulnerable, NORTH A104 AEICG 8 &AIO32 EAST errriiy Skates a sotrn : fe 31076 K10 'The bidding: West North East South Pass 1 se 8 - 8 Pass i$ a Pass Dble Redble Opening lead -- ten of hearts. This hand occurred in the match between France and the United States during the World Bridge Olympiad in 1960. it contributed heavily to the ul- timate French vietory. s When Ghestem and Bacherich held the North-South cards for France, the bidding» went as shown, It was certainly tempt- ing for Crawford (playing with Stone) to double four spades, but this turned out te be.a mistake when Ghestem «ré- doubled and Bacherich proceed- ed to make the contract for score of 1,030 points. : Declarer won the heart lead in dummy, played a club to the king, a low spade to the ten, and a diamond which lost to the ace. Back came a club which Bacherich took with the ace, catching the queen. This simplified the play greatly and Bacherich made: four, losing-a diamond and two spades all tod. The bidding at the secdrid table, with Silodor and Rapes holding the North-South cards for the United States, went: West North Kast South Pas if 29 «Pass Pass Pass an This stvengies placid auction resulted in East's going down one--50 points--to produce a net gain for France on the déal of 980 points. ; It is interesting to note the difference between the ng ba who sat South. The French South thought his hand good enough to warrant a bid in the three level, while the American South did not think his hand good enough to warrant coming in at the two level. " This difference of approath proved crucial in the actual hand. It is true that North could have contested East's two heart bid with either three clubs or a double, but it was notat all clear to 'him that a bid would work out better than a pass. From his viewpoint, two hearts played by East might have beet the best contract. . NHL LEADERS' By THE CANADIAN PRESS Standings: Montreal, won 16, lost seven, tied four; points 86. Points: Hull, Chicago, 44. Goals: Hull, 27. ' sists: Rousseau, Monireai; Ullman, Detroit, 21, on Shui: zier, Detroit; 3. Penalties: Brown, New York, 66 minutes. PICK SABAN ie NEW YORK (AP) -- Lou Saban of Buffalo Bills was named Coach of the Year "in the American Football League Thursday ina poll of the league's players. The award marked the second year in 'a row Saban had been honored by the league's players, who picked San Diego's Paul Lowe as Player. of the Year and New York's Joe Namath as Rookie of the Year. ! 32. Sen port : the Ukraine 36. Antecedent of behold 37. Surface 38, Church aroad WO, vessel 'goddess of truth 39. Egyptian Gas 40, Beverage Erhard Would Defend Near Russian Border By CARL HARTMAN BONN (AP) -- Chancellor Ludwig Erhard's government is| trying to figure out how to get West Germans used to the idea that it might permit nuclear mines to be exploded under their own soil if the Soviets tried a massive assault. The greatest part of the Iron Curtain runs along West Ger- many's eastern border. Er- hard's government seeks to de- fend the country as close to that border as possible. Well - informed sources say preparations have been made to lay nuclear mines near it on the western side. The mines have not been planted. That would only be done if the danger of war were acute. One reason for this is that U.S. law requires nuclear explo- tennne Whew heen tn be stocked in advance depots un- til there is a high-level alert. Apparently the mines could be placed quickly in prepared chambers, deep enough to min- imize the' dangers of radiation. If they had to be exploded, ef- forts would be made to get the local population out, WOULDN'T DO It would not do for the U.S. troops to bury the mines and then go away with the secret of how to set them off. An in- formed' source says the mines are small enough for a man to carry. None of this has been widely explained in West Germany. A year. ago, the first reports of "nuclear mine belts" caused in- dignation in the border areas. Many people got the idea that the mines were already in the ground. ? ASG ata e ee entt.. Ghat ste a SALLY'S SALLIES "{ have a wonderful intuition, but I keep from questions." and a legal complaint alleging treason was laid against the re- porter who first wrote the story. It was later quashed. During the fall election ¢am- paign, a member of the social- ist opposition in Parlia- ment claimed to have been de- molition chambers. A govern- ment spokesman told a press conference. that the member had made the statement "against his own better knowl- edge." : Last week, Robert S. McNa- mara, U.S. secretary of 'de- fence, said the United States is increasing by 20 per cent: 'its 5,000 nuclear weapons in West- ern Europe. This did not specify whether some of the inctédse will be in the form of improved