Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Dec 1965, p. 37

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"THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 9, 1965 99 STOCK MARKET VD Waming On Poster [Natural Trees Popular ie -- ma ame A.M. STOCKS 10 97 «10 + 1) ing he northern Bmp nd yy CHELMSFORD, Eng'and ' 'TORONTO 10:40 | bd bd will be done for vidual use.| (CP)--Thomas Izard of this Es- Distributed by CP TM $35% 3644 36% 'Toronto Stock Exchange--Dec. 9 24) 'Be C ll t It m | B t Pl t G F t In southern Manitoba, a forest)sex town was not too pleased Quotations in conte h uote mareed, ©. 00 Mg a ye 3 came 0 ec or e | u as 1CSs qin as area on the Trans-Canada High-| when police found his stolen car Odd lot, xd--Ex-d ve fro: fon arcs Bewrtiat coin te FM 'as #s ~10| VANCOUVER (CP) -- Jean|worked for a year in Saskat-, By JOHN LeBLANC Actually, this year the export;whose total output dropped Inst Wisnipes yuan benioeee we prs -- whan & _|,|Andre has the dubious distinc-|chewan, then two years in the) Canadian Press Staff Writer jof trees from Nova Scotia--tra-|year to 2,030,000 trees worth| APS epoca gee 1. th hy 3% ~\tion of painting a venereal dis-jbush near Prince George, B-C.| 'Technology is gaining on one|dilionally the largest shipper--|$1,315,000 from 2,139,000 worth|29 cents a customer, complete pee ag 8a eae ts 20 -- S\ease warning poster that be-| "I lived in a log cabin, yoUigr the age-old symbols of thelis expected to rise by about 90,-|$1,642,000 in 1963, jwith picnic tables, and between/shift, the driver's sea : 5 te 4 famili it id from . the 25 325 'came a ae Pose o soy = nageenagee ver oA gs holiday season--the Christmas|000 fo 2,880,000 worth $2,000,000. "It will be hard to tell if Rigel Bere pow 8 appa pein and the door Nantes a 244--%| The 33-year-ol ictoria art-)kind o| ing. you vis tree. Most of these go to the New|business will be zp or down this e $6 8% i de [ist and commercial designer Canada when you're in Europe.| 'Though the natural-tree busi-|England states, but some travel year," said a enenan for Altes nat" v2 19) om' 25's {painted a red-haired girl lean-|I think every immigrant should ness js sy no means dying or|as far as. Europe. ithe B.C. Forest Service, He said nm on tou 10! ling against a lamp post with algo through this before settling|eyen ailing, its artificial com-| The other big Maritime ship-|last year's decline did not rep- ae NG OPT t ns" 2 25% + vei warning against VD beside her.|into the soft life in the city. It petitor is starting to elbow its|per -- New Brunswick with|resent a trend--"the orders just 167 ' The poster brought protests|is the Canada as it should be. way into Canadian living rooms/|!,286,000 trees exported last/didn't come in.' im, elun '\from redheads, 'the Voice of) Speaking of his exhibition of|i, significant numbers. One|year -- reported bad weather! Quebec jron Bay + 1! Women and a member of the|nudes in Vancouver, Andre said major manufacturer estimates slowed cutting but, given aj 9g ee 4 ' | 4(British Columbia legislature,|he could not have shown thelone of five trees in Canadian|break, the business was ex- Jeiex 500. 3 1% + "\among others. collection in Victoria. homes this year will be of Scud pected to do as well as in 1964. 0! , which accounted for one - quarter of Canadian ex- ports last Christmas, figures to : iship about the same number #2 Health Minister Eric Martin, The pictures bic i fo tic. | LAUNCH RESEARCH this, year. #0 + 10lwho commissioned the poster,|five minutes and the red lights) with some of the new ones,| : id 100 ar a4 4 ve Said many put up in public wash-| |would be flashing. You'd have|ne claims, the kids will scalcaly| In New Brunswick, the fed- In Ontario, Dr. William Bres- ri dll rg we m 62 14-- %lrooms throughout the province |to have a little draw curtain for |e able to tell them from the|@a! forestry department|tin, managing director of the| OMPLETE 320 $13 «1313 | 32\a each one.' | n nd this year for the|!4s begun a research project! cp;ic P , é eae ie tue mL 1 Vie + Ve owe "escape rg alpha tie eo, vee --|real werina yoo ih ag Bien be|aimed at bushier and _better-- pote pier pootinnd en LE VISION Soe hs Bs = ie ' _; |$8 each ade to smell genuine with|Shaped balsam fir. Results will : | m : | 2 as ee DA Os ' rag } T 5 pa ated : |be assessed next fall. that "generally export figures| | ' ; ¢ wo a a a |squirt cans of pine scent. t B54 1514. 154 Interviewed here during an T But the tree growers are aot) The prospects were not fully|@re up and there is a great de-| co 220 eae eins, despite a gradual down- clear for another major pro-|mand for Canadian Scotch Pine, | 50 $24%~ 24% 24% n 400 400 (600 s sket of is, An- M | $e Gite Ue tee) vn a ings and sketches nudes, n r 27 Ye rs ward trend that set in about ducer ons British Columbia-- }much greater than last year.' '55 $43% 43% 43% | 125 125 125 ' 2 dre says the furore over the lateht Veiie aad A CromCan & 7 ; | i s SSN , " . 3 ' ee ss-Can- 61¥2 ,|poster was ridiculous. "It was ada Survey by The Canadian| He said U.S. buyers, were try- $21'4 214 2) 25 208 208 -- 4\the dullest, most unimaginative) NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. zep) N ] T i i " "ier Wer Bee NIAGARA ALLS, 5 3 sype ing vainly to get trees in quan- ; ' arc ums ms 144 -- 3poster." He added that he|A man who for 18 years was hye oe -- ops ationa rust ane up into December : 5 345 + i ae bia thought so little of it that he/ missing and presumed dead has,!" ie EEPOKL BAT RE Fre TD i : ing up well almost everywhere) Prices were hitting a high of) a ae didn't even bother to sign the been reunited with his wife and| Fi ] Pi t : / 1 ioe io 9| Oe two children, after 27 years of|>y Comparison with last year 1SCa icture uae Srinaee eae Hote te $4 495 795 a vy 4 +" 'The only answer for getting |Separation. bein SOLD OUT National 'Trust 8 s aaieen CASE oO 60 of ) Company, liwenn $3.50 and $5. 4 t| Abram Martens, who arrived p 160 160 160 away from complaints abou é In some areas, demand is out Limited reported record earn: em 3 the color of the hair is to give in Niagara Falls from Russia jstripping supply. Many large jing. profits, assets' and |DENIES INROADS WITH FRAME the girl striped hair in November, was separated | Ontario growers were sold out) ocits for the fiscal year fe While the tree growers and) 5 AR 2 _ | "She had to be beautiful soj/from his family in 1938 wheNliong ago, and disappointed| October 31, 1965 ; r the 'urtificialtres manutactar| LENSES AND 1 it would show the danger. If his daughter Margaret 'WaS|United States buyers already Net fit ie ers are in a stiff battle in On-| 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND \ ) ie 8 18 \had painted a prostitute like an/Seven and son Henry Peg SiX./have been putting in orders for| totalled Pr682, ned the year|tario, Dr. Breslin denied the| Coa me bh Raa old hag without any teeth there|They and their ie te Te-|next year. leith: $1488 461 f Page oe 4 factory product was making COLORS TO 'CHOOSE FROM tl tee : 1s 75 = 2iwould: be no danger. Nobody mained on the family Taga Graded trees from New Bruns-| ihe decal Pei he preced-| major inroads and said "they| rae a ee , sh 33 would go to see her so what) the Ps ee age (28 | wick, a big exporter, have been ae eo a regs earn-/haven't been successful." He DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS THAN NATIONAL BRANDS ee oe 1d% ldia-- ve} N $00 174 174 179-1 the . worry about| When bi ey ; cA the R cae sold out since September. sarad wills 77 cent nis, COM-| said the fact that manufactur-| BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIT Con Gas -- 10 $109%9 103% 10; N Senator ie 0'2 +24 | spreading disease." ae peahe " ited 'vag se Only in Manitoba, where the 7 nts. lers had turned to making imi-| a ur RL Me Nick Rim 1 3 : 3 advance, they travelle output is relatively small any-| Total assets under admini-|tation Scotch pine (which they, We fill ell P.S.1., Oculists' and Optometrists' prescriptions at Crush int 35 138 - we} Nisto 3500 15 + % REDHEADS INSULTED many. They came to Canadajway is a drop from last year|stration rose to a record|claim is virtually indistinguish- some low price. €ygnus A ) bebeeyg a0 401+ 10 Redheads complained that the|in 1947 sponsored by relatives !peing predicted. The demand/$1,400,000,000 from $1,279,000,000/able from the real thing) only Sil seco : -- | Norlex 7000 18 1 poster was an insult to them; jin Virgil, Ont was all right, but snow hit the; --an increase of 18 per cent.|proves they have failed with Dom Elect 1 PB cebe) y +1 lthe VoW said it gave the im-| Mrs. Martens says she never|woods before the ground froze|Estates, trusts .and - agencies|other decorative trees. Dofesco Northgat 25 770 770 7 pression women are the mainidespaired of seeing her hus-|in the swampy southeast tree|accounted for $1,113,000,000 of But in Alberta, the provincial| Dot: 5 Bum see c 4. 3 or 210 - reason for spread of VD; and band and in 1956 he was lIo- jarea and cutters had to wade/the 1965 total, compared with, ; emco. 1 13 O'Brien » 0 1 9) Lois Haggen, an MLA, said the cated. Since then, with the as-|in water up to their knees $1.016,000.000 in 1964. lands and forests department Falcon 108 O'Leary 5 4 ; poster was disgraceful sistance of the Red Cross and The only all-Canada figures) Savings deposits rose to said the rising popularity of ar-| ll 200 Fd a : Opemska . +15 Andre has completed a sec-|the Canadian government = available are those for exports, |$196,843,000 from $171,078,000|tificial trees is largely respon-| Gen Bak gy 7 se ee. a sais gob ee ov Mr. and these last year amounted to,and = Guaranteed Investment sinle for a steady decline there Glove A 100 $11 es. ;-Gax int | 2550 2 2 2 2 jbrunette with a man in e seeking permission or & slightly ver 8,000,000 trees|Certificates increased to " ' & Baheme a, Bee Expl 20m We 17 Yl |nackground Martens to enter Canada orth $5,822,000, according to|416.000 from $29,710,000 in demand for natural trees. 17 Bond St. East . ee dis ON Cap ile Tie fot ¢ Jen 15 A native of France Andre. Also present to are their} lfederal government officials. In a joint statement, Mr, J In Alberta and on the tree-| ¢.m. te p.m, ily Gr Woo G Va + 'al Preston a5 $1 + .wcame to Canada in 1951 and al eee aie psd rete | individual forecasts made MF Nae we " reir Bey eau: = toaalion Bye 2nd Floor Closed All Day Wed. Were Crea red ee Be ley FF ded inda laround the country for the CP| Mr. Harry ilson, President pln ag 112 | Ges Lh 0 31 310 ton a i d M t A : Ehlert, the children of his) vey say this year should be|reported that the Company had| cutting their own Yule tree per-| Oshawa, Ont. Phone: 728-1261 Boe Man. 8 25 et Inda Meets AGENT daughter. ' _jright up with these figures opened 6 new branch offices,|Sists. All three provinces have Rediere go a vi hag ad However, there has been alincreasing the total number of|SPecial arrangements for this. | Reglar 500 193 193 193 | | Gets Movie PLEDGE MILLIONS modest but steady fall-off in re-|offices to 36. The Company now! In Alberta, cutting may be| ae tae pigs a on ITRE >) -- Gana-icent years, and federal authori-|/has more than 155,000 savings|done at 25 cents a tree from 1422 $53% 4+ | Rio Algom 320 $19 19 19 --W MONTREAL (CP) Jana ties attribute it to three factors. | depositors three areas designated by the} --ew ewe ee ie ine ie ae ---- 425 $23 | Reckwin 70-70 «670 HOLLYWOOD (AP) --Linda 235 . $10 M4 Romar 20.755 750 750 ~ §&iEvans, like Lana Turner, is a -- a dian companies have com- 1 1 1 1 tte themselves to a total) Int Oni "150 $3008 ome Se Sherritt" 1300 $68. son. soo. 9 PFOduct of Hollywood High seem ure of $44,799,000. on| CONTROL QUALITY intpr, PL 224 $84. y | Sigma 525 525 825 + 15, School but, unlike Lana, she articipation in the 1967 Mont-| These are the increasing in int Si Some | Silvrtias 365 360 360 |didn't get discovered in a malt ity cael d's fair, Commis.|'02ds of artificial trees, expan-| 6 $9 é gyre! 0 RS A 4 ita | he Christmas tree plan- | James St! 16 $9% Sil Miller 3 19 18% 19 ~~ i General Pierre Dupuy| jsion of t Pp ge ey ae pity ye 15% + Val a Soe te Linda, one of the most beauti- |p Bene 67 said Wednesday ed tation industry in the U.S | Yockey € 225 $5 | A ey oe ee 5 ful of the young actresses, never! 4°17 ; ? | (which takes 95 per cent of Can-| 91 i : S15 505 S15) + told 178 delegates attending an} d t d % id} eis Pe 30 sir | 0 128 128 128 -- j/had any ambitions for the mo Expo conference of Canadian |® la's exports) and more rigid) Cass Me Sime 7 too 42 642 «642 «6+2 | vies or television ig 8 quality control of exports, | 1 135135 ue business and industry that 634 hich holds down the numbers toes m | 10 15¥a_15 *+% "But one day,-one of my companies are taking part in _ ic b n S| LOnt Com . om } 253 282282 ~ 2 friends asked me to go along| the fair, 70 of them on an in- shippe | LOCem, A | i 252 254 25% |with her to see her agent about) 4: 4.01 basis Lioyd Hawboldt extension di- tay Fi 12 $10% 1 H oe ) 260 260 260 + 2/some business. I went along for noeiae ~jrector for the Nov@ Scotia Ueland r 200 ig | ger ure 2 Soe _\the ride llands and forests. department tac. lee 8 lA] Un Keno. & os os" "The agent signed me and 1 SCOUTS WILL MEET admits that the artificial tree is Lobe $104 10% 1012 + Vv} a os § | | $10% 10% 10% + Ve! 1600 515 505 si5 } \glwas working in a movie the) At least 40 Canadian troops,|a factor but.says the emphasis} $30 $339 38v beled | Vio next day.' numbering 1,440 boy scouts, are/on quality control is the major 2110 815% 15% 15) » yi ae us % THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE: MONTREAL Linda is currently a regular|expected to attend the world/reason for any decrease. He 750 $26 26m 2644 + 0 6 60 ee ; a 210 $282 2812 22 i 005358 8 (on television's The Big Valley.|scout jamboree in 1967 at Far-|says "'less junk" now is being 700 199 80 =) y 54 i RaererT a aerTTstS§Srreu0--Sr- - +% 100 $16% 16% 16% "Tm getting my acting les-| jragut State Park, Idaho. Ishipped out than in the past 100 $31Ve 31% 31a--I¥4| White Star 4000 1 fi ray] be | mie a eS we Bet (ete oe ot | Condensed Annual Statement 144 Yukon ¢ 53 32 | WN Cont 1000 22 27% He Oshawa a cy | ; Am Leduc 21 x 2 - Provo Gas 1720 2 + ROGER' g : : Roc Pete. 22 $ii¥2 10h 3s pea abel ms im M100 2s 246 ab Cash on hand and due from banks (including items in transit) . $ 927,694,157 -- $1,103,669,387 a tena | c Ex'Gas Dy 30). Wess yan 1 i aad WHERE PRICES CAN'T 100 415 415 Charter O | 200 325 325 32 Sales fo 11:00 a.m.: Other securities, not-exceeding market value 578,697,850 687,529,959 100 $19% 19% Mill City $83 Coch Wil 500 rion Pete J 35 Opemiska 46 Mortgages and hypothecs insured under N.H.A. 216,748,235 232,780,658 348 $18% 18% 18% zm $14 3% 13% $21%4 21% Pay er te Aik at Pe es DRYER LIABILITIES $5,921,644,810 $5,655,229,787 Transair 1465 435 430 430 H & 4 OFFER 110 $344 Mie 34 + %| 2000 13% a t vlsons nowadays from Barbara} ---------------------- msi oo i West Mine + 5\Stanwyck, instead of going to isis | Young HO | ae my eee ico Se | | October 31, 1965 : bie +24 | Cc Olt 800 | , trae me pees) mri Mines' | SHOP Pe. : es dard face. 0 100 178 ; OCTOBER 31, ". NOVEMBER $0, Give" i sin tae tea ponders He | ASSETS - Pac Pet w mer ? - 200 gas] a tee oe cs Pete 00 2 260 r 1800.3 Government of Canada and provincial government securities, : } 520 $13.13 | © Homestd 179 7 200 625 625 625 + 35| atanrortived Value et 896,866,701 964,187,336 Be i ee yl Gi Ot tent] Sime te SA we BE BEAT! ' Dynami ' 135 129 «1 a ' Shop brand lity ot the lowest prices . . ; Rama ee 1a Pench Pt ay aah Jan FOREIGN TRADING | Gb, Paes, Galvispner, dtetiory-tooy, Plestouen Call loans, fully secured... 5. eee 436,478,003 395,529,305 ona ave 131 he : : patos BE ot a.) Dumont, R Majestic, Ni de and Grundi oe % the ne jo ma zee ee ge Pee. Soke' sud Tile asain: Ghd Hee hoetenene Total quick assets. . $2,839,736,711 $3,150,915,987 25 $100%2 1002 100! Murphy 5 $05 5| Cons Mosher 200 EASY Other loans and discounts .°. . . 1.5.52 3,118,772,614 2,538,404,471 ois Ne kas BR et BE AB TERMS 300 sia 14 | ; AVAILABLE Tea Wk im ie Bank premises... ..-+-> ere 70,775,716 65,485,456 400 70 470 | ! ' P4 Save ie ( ' | Liabilities of customers under acceptances, guarantees and letters 415 $16% 140 i ANA DA | . | of credit. .... cs a. ae 303,918,701 232,816,783 100 31 14% ' : 2616 325% 2506 25 { é ge 4 Other assets 21,103,266 11,194,849 Ce : $6,571,055,243 $6,231,598,204 915 $127 noe 12 neral Electric High Spee Assit nance et esebeas ih ar" PERMANENT Genre Wah See 500 $26 26 | } ra si i oe DEBENTURES : SPECIAL $999 | Deposits oi 6 eae ees f.eredit . . ; 303,918,701 232,816,783 Tr Can Pe. 2270 $374, 37 7 a oe i TR ' 2 FR E EGE. clock RADIO Acceptances, guarantees and letters of.credi a 8 GUARANTEED INVESTMENT ,- With Purchase Other liabilities 5 ee, ak 15,230,142 19,232,018 5 "8 ol . - 4 Soe Be eg 2 x CERTIFICATES FULL SIZE MATTRESS Total liabilities to the public $6,240,793,653 $5,907,278,588 Un fos 30% 20% + Ye Compare at $39. : ' ar h cere : an a | } ¥ OUR PRICE $29 Capital paid up sees 66,528,000 66,528,000 Versatile i i " > Y 3 aul | Walk GW 15% 35% --~ Rest Account ..... 262,000,000 256,000,000 Weldwos" 100 $i0% 10 to -- vl ~ 280 Watt Solid State 4 Westeost 2 Bie | 5 : Undivided profits. ..... : 1,733,590 --_='1,791,616 era Me fh STEREO a $6.571,055,243 $6,231,598,204 "tr & a | -- -- a a t's in our new Stereo Room mee a Here's @ value you will have to see to believe Zenlth 700 24 295 235 | : for any term from lto 5 years | 'A Compare ot $749, OUR PRICE $ ) MINES : FREE 2 imatehing box oscars ae : a Advecete 100 470 ] Issued in amounts from $500 to $50,000 Christmas Gift ¢ ' } Statement of Undivided Profits 1500 125 1 - 4 i ELEVEN MONTHS a an latger amounts subject to negotiation 2 Pce -- : ENDED YEAR ENDED so $2 82 CHESTERFIELD SUITE OCTOBER 31, NOVEMBER 30, ¥ 1 : i 000 «15 Attractive nylon frieze. mst 3 eee at $189. 4 : Profits, after provision for depreciation and *income taxes and ; pore B A 2 fo ee 42 nee a CANADA PERMANENT "= OUR PRICE 129. ; after making transfers to loss reserves out of which full pro- = | de for diminution in value of investments 525375 $70 S70 5 " vision has been made é NOMD.._ ATV ATV AV hy 9-1 4 SAVINGS» TRUST SERVICES - MORTGAGES 40 Watt Solid State : and loans ~ +S -93.930 964 300 290 290 20 BSTABLSHED 1088 ' STER EO "oo Ww 9 | S 210 igs 15% a Federally incorporated end superviesd. EEE $459 $399 Dividends : a : 17,297,280 17,297,280 Please send me an application form and folder for OUR PRICE 5,941,974 6,459,735 Can't mention brand nome, price teo low! f oD pads Parking For 56 Cars Right Next Door | ; Balance of undivided profits at beginning of period 1,791,616 1,331,881 0) Guaranteed Investment Cértificntes R @) G E R . a 7,733,590 7,791,616 + Names : ce 3 : APPLIANCES & FURNITURE q Transferred to Rest Account.» ++ +++s++s 6,000,000 6,000,000 POORER Gene eS may 50 vag vet Page ae wr 2151 Balance of undivided profits at end of period 1,733,590 1,791,616 *Total provision for income taxes $22,350,000 (1964$25, 820,000) ¢ Call W. EARLE McLAUGHLIN, J. H. COLEMAN, all) € Callinan : Oshawa Shopping Centre, 728-9482 € Marken $800 200 190 200 J. W. Froud, MANAGER 3 Chairman and President Chief General Manager

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