yf yy 23-4 No.1002 1296 Sq.Ft. The Building Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario, ( Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book! of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" Mail reauests 10c extra. (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times). AP eeeesoeronseeseeres Address Semen ereereeeeeseesseeeesesee® Serre eeeeeneseeeseresesereeses FIRST AID TO PAINTING NEW WALLS QUESTION: We moved into our newly finished home the early part of last summer, gradually painting the plaster)... dealer can help you with| walls ourselves. Now we are ready to paint the kitchen walls, but these look dirty. What's the proper procedure now? AILING HOUSE poses: shelves, floors; fence, jetc, Is there any place I can iget this information? ANSWER: A reputable lum- lthis type of information, and |supply properly seasoned lum- ber, A excellent leaflet, Select- ing Lumber (No. D7.0), is avail- ANSWER: Before painting the/ahje for 15 cents from Small walls, the grease accumulated/Homes Council, University of on the surface of the plaster/ffinois, Urbana, Ill. This con- from cooking should be washed/tains information as quality, off. Otherwise paint may Nnotitypes, grades, guide for select- adhere or dry satisfactorily./ing lumber. Wash the walls with a warm eolution of one of the detergent) cleaning powders, mixed) according to label instructions. Rinse well with clear water and allow the plaster to dry thor- oughly. Then give the plaster a coat of primer-sealer. When that is dry, follow with enamel undercoater, then finish with a/ good quality enamel. CHOOSING PROPER WOOD QUESTION: We have just in- herited an old house, in fairly condition, with a lot of land around it. This has always been used by the family for vacations. We want to improve and repair it so, we can use it for all-year 'round living, and do most of the work ourselves. CLOSE LOUVERS IN ATTIC? QUESTION: Our newly built home has louvers at both ends of the attic area. But the attic floor has no insulation on it. Should we keep the louvers closed during the winter? ANSWER: Louvers should be kept open all year 'round, to provide the ventilation and air circulation needed to prevent condensation, which can cause serious trouble. I highly recom- mend insulating the attic floor, to save fuel, and keep heat in the rooms below. KNIGHTS HAVE HISTORY The English Order of the Gar- I'm not sure what kind of wood is best to use for various pur- ter was founded by King Ed- ward III in 1348,' : THE HOME Even the lawnmower as well this unit which is only six feet long and less than three deep. Several of these units may be built along a drive or as a boun- dary instead of a fence. Pat- tern 416, which gives dimen sions and shows construction steps, is 50'vents. This pattern also is'in the Gardener's Help- ers Packet No. 27, a big bargain for $1.75. « Postage stamps not able. Home Workshop The Oshawa Times, Ont. accept- Ieditor, Oshawa; WORKSHOP Safe but ready is the motto as smaller equipment will fit in of the huntsman who has either of these gun racks. The three- locked gun rack. even has a drawer at the bottom. Both racks are easy to make with 'simple tools, So don't delay. CLEAR-UP Pattern 405, which gives actual- YOUR size cutting guides and com plete illustrated directions, is 50 TLV. cents, This Pattern also is one * 'of four in the Huntsmen's Pack PICTURE et No. 24 for $1.75. 'With this EXTRA Postage stamps not accept- High Performance able. Home Workshop Editor, TV antenna and be The--Oshawa Oshawa ready for = VIVID Times, Ont. " RUG & UP CLEANING In Your Home. . PHONE 725-99 94 BRUCE STREET . or Our Plant HOLST ERY 61 DIVISION OF OSHAWA 0 CLEANING CONTRACTORS EANERS | 725-6553 RENT-A-CAR DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH $5.00 PER DAY - 725-6553 RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS PLUS LOW MILEAGE CHARGE 14 ALBERT ST. ' Oshawa * By A. R. Buckley - You can enjoy the beauty of summer flowers and autumn fruits all winter long if you fol- 'sw 2 few simple directions for drying and preserving, Not only 'lare the strowflowers and other conventional everlastings easy| to dry, but common garden flowers like delphiniums and d roses can be preserved for use HOME DESIGN NO. 1002 in winter bouquets. Here are a few of the best methods. Note the location of the | Hanging in bunches: The easi- kitchen which has such con- est way to dry the everlasting venient access to the extra |types of flowers and also fruits and pods is by handing them in washroom and basement -- sunches, Cut the flowers in their also the front and rear en- /prime and not when they are trance both of which have fading. Then remove all leaves, protecting porches, Living-din- tie the flowers in small bunches, ing-kitchen area is at en- | lance level. Short. stair leads'ye good, Put them in a garage to rear located bedrooms all rather than a basement. If hung);, of which have ample closet in ~ ee or jee Dae some) = 6 ti éverlastings wi e, space. Construction is brick "Some of the flowers to use-are| veneer, Houee could be built leelosia, goldenrod, statice,|)° on a 60-foot lot, 1296 sq. ft. trawflower, globe amaranth,) Standard Blueprints for this ~°a lavender 4 a Design No. 1002 cost $15.00 for |.""sweet, mountain-ash, dock, st OP-| the first set and $5.00 for addi. |* 786, Milkweed, honesty, POP lpr 1 (eut when green) and false), tional sets..They are available |; ico are some plants having) | in Canada by return mail. |, ules, pods or other types ofl, (Ontario residents must re-|f 's that may be treated in mit 3 per cent Sales Tax.) |tl same way. 'nt Now available at this News- ing sand: The sand method paper Office (or from the ; de of crying flowers is the most address below) is our new poy 'ar one and an_ excellent m Design Book entitled "Subur- |way of keeping the whole flow-) ban and Country Homes De- signed for Canadians," price $1,00 tax free. This edition in- cludes information on Cost of of cr es) one of the oldest methods. |i Once again, choose flowers)" the flowers flat on the sand, but not touching each other; then pour more sand over them until they are well covered, Make sure the sand is very dty or else it will not fill all the small and hang them in a darkened|°" of flowers in onebox and |store them in a \place, The air circulation should) +). 10 days to three weeks. After this time pierce the holes of sand, Drying And Preserving For Flowers And Fruits for cement work, This should be dried thoroughly in shallow] trays-placed in a hot oven for about an hour. A few cardboard boxes such as shoe boxes will also be needed, Make quarter-inch holes, 3 inches apart, in the bottom of the box and cover these with paper. Next pour about an inch sand in the box and place evices around the petals, pecially if the flower is a rose. Place not more than two lay- very dry place the bottom of the box and se most fresh after drying but will be quite fragile and you must treat them like rare china. Using borax: Borax may be used instead of sand. The type of box and procedure are the same. The main difference ts the timing. With sand an eure period of time will not harm The flowers, but with borax, too much exposure will result in their deterioration. Borax has one advantage over sand which is the rapidity of the operation, Whereas the sand procedure requires several days to two or three weeks, the flow- ers in the borax will be ready in 24 to 36 hours. Cleaning the flowers, however, is more diffi- cult, because they must be gone over with a damp soft brush to remove the white powder. Some flower arrangers use' a mixture of one part of borax | Merger A A OM RENE OLN gt EGG! GOLA ERD ELDLL LI VALLE IAA GLE AA LICR THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday,- October 9, 1968 19 Trust-Firms Block Tried TORONTO (CP)--A ., petition has been filed to seek an in- junction blocking the merger of of Stratford and Victoria a Grey Trust Co, of Lindsay, The petition was filed in the Ontario Supreme Court in the name of Donald Ross. New Demands chairmen of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainment (CLC) will meet in Ottawa next week to put together a new set of con- _ demands to be served -on e major railways r British Mortgage and Trust Co.|_ , ft geese crease likely will dominate the nt.\demands, W. P. Kelly, vice- president of the 20,000-member a said Friday in an inter- view. He said the BRT's 10 general chairmen have already indica- ted that they will seek a pay boost well above the 12-per-cent request made in the last nego- tiations with the railways two years ago. That time the union finally settled for five per cent, spread over a two-year con- tract that expires Dec. 31 this year. Mr, Keiiy said ie inion is not likely to settle for five per cent this time, , The BRT bargains for eon- ductors, trainmen and yard--- men, By Trainmen OTTAWA (CP) General A "veny sizeable" wage in- The two trust panies offi- cially merged Sept. 30 after se- parate shareholders meetings approved the proposal Sept. 14. British Mortgage, an 88-year: old firm, found itself in finan- cial troubles because of its in- volvement with Atlantic Aeccep- tance Corp., in receivership since June 17 after it failed to meet some short-term debts. British Mortgage sharehold- low the sand to run out, The display and perhaps are best ft in the boxes until you are jmaking up an arrangement,| Some of the sand that remains) on the flowers may have to be rushed off with a small paint rush as you take them: out. In recent years silica gel has sen used successfully instead It is more consistent texture and consequently pes a better job, but is very uch more expensive, running as high as $7.50 a pound. Flowers that may be treated i ¥ i BO}. : er in its natural form, It is als0/in this way are hydrangea, rose, | nnia, marigold, delphinium, ae ; . |salvia, daisy, pansy, carnation with care and pick them in their) nq "anemone, They look al- and six parts of white corn meal |flowers are now ready for youland have found the mixture bet-amount to more than $10,000,- iter than borax alone, ers were fold its losses could 1000. A Message Of Importance To All CITY OF } To operate No. 450 A. 8B, | Previous experience on these mach' | paper stocks, | High School education, i Applications invited from retired ASSISTANT PRINTING CLERK Noy. 1, 1965 Salary Renge--$72.00 week to $80.00 week. 36% hour week. Liberal employee benefits, Dick Offset Machine; | Photocopier; No. 4 Zerox Unit and Gestetner Machine. practical experience on above equipment, Must be physically fit. Applications close October 15th, 1965 Personnel Officer, City Hall, Oshawe. OSHAWA No, 914 Zerox ines preferred, general knowledge of persons who have knowledge of or Building 'and Financing in |prime, Leaves do not dry effec-| Canada; "Heating, Insulation tively by any of the flower pre- Constructional Details, ete., |servative methods and - they! plus many outstanding new |should be removed before the) designs -- Ranch, one and half |flowers are treated. In dried ar-| storey, split-level, two-storey |rangements it is best to use| colonial, and duplex homes. |leaves that have been preserved) by other methods. | Get some good fine white sand or the type of sharp sand used} Also included in this book are full details on how to order blueprints. Lyndon Back In Business | A Day After His Surgery | WASHINGTON (AP) -- Pres-|physicians said the operation ident Johnson was ready for alwas entirely successful and bit of official business today--|pretty much routine, They said) staff conferences and: bill sign-|there was no malignancy. | ings--within 24 hours of a ma-| Tess than five hours after the, two-in-one abdominal | jor, °P-!operation Johnson was on his eration. feet and taking several steps,| The president pronounced|with help from his chief sur-| himself in good shape. His doc-jgeon, Dr, George A. Hallen-| tors were willing to go alongbeck, and a navy purse, j with that assessment. | The president's stay is esti- They were enthusiastic at the,mated at 10 to 14 days. way their prominent patient) . was getting along--minus a gall) aye . er and a stone that stared Reconciliation bladder and a stone that started] | in a kidney and lodged in a | "re goer we | OF The Right? | These doctors (CP) -- Brit- WALK HIGH | DRY «| AND SIDEWALK SLABS | FREE CLASSES Brooklin Concrete Products Lit | economical ways to build your own recreation or Free instruction from experts on the easiest most family room. STARTING OCTOBER 15 At 8:00 P.M. For Information Please Contact MILLWORK & Building Supplies Ltd. 1279 Simcoe North 728-6291 Open Dally 7 A.M, te 6 P.M. Fridey till 9P.M. a time by different through the same incision, in a| VANCOUVER 2%4-hour operation Friday, Thejish Columbia Attorney - Gen-|, sists seaniene ~~ jeral Robert Bonner predicted) BOAR DSET |Friday that Quebec's Credit-| istes will rejoin Robert Thomp- OTTAW A(CP)--A board has) .on's social Credit party shortly |been appointed to look intojafter the Nov. 8 election. | minimum standards for wages,| He told a joint Vancouver-| |working hours, paid vacations | Quadra and ps tpl tg | " jnominating convention a t/ jand statutory holidays in the | every federal party in the coun-| | Northwest Territories, Commis-|try is having difficulty with, its sioner B. G. Sivertz announced/Quebec wing. | | Friday. Mr, Silvertz said wage) 'The New Democratic Party }employment is becoming the/doesn't have one, the Tories |main livelihood of the Territor-|had one but can't find it, and jies and itis time for proper, la-|the Liberals are trying to hide bor legislation. A \ Itheirs,"" he said, aN = Replace your old TY antenna, get Better Pictures with a New Super STARFIRE by 'LINDSAY'. . . COLOUR at its best. Have the SSF-10 installed and enjoy Improved SPARK- LING black and white pictures, | ENGINEERED PLAYGROUN "Your Design For Modern Living At It's Very Best" IN BEAUTIFUL Southwood Park HARWOOD AVE. S. -- AJAX Your "AT-HOME" Family 'ws D HOME! Close to magnificent view of Lake Ontario Complete beach and swimming facilities Excellent boating on Lake Ontario Handy to golf, picnic and complete family rec- reational facilities. Live In Year 'Round Comfort and Pleasure In Lovely SOUTHWOOD PARK -- AJAX "ALL ARMSTRONG HOMES INCLUDE THESE FEATURES AT Homes Heated By Clean DEPENDABLE Consumers'@ias ~ * arrears CONVENIENT WINTER COMFORT @ Close. to public schools and high schools, @ Reasonable distance to the church of your choice e oo shopping facilities in Ajax Shopping aza. : @ Only a few blocks from East - West main traffic arteries. : : FOR EXCELLENT BLACK & WHITE TELEVISION RECEPTION COLOUR Call us TODAY for a Free antenna check up and estimate TELEVISION OSHAWA PHONE 728-5143 T.R.1. 0. Corner of Bond and Diyision Street 4 Copper tone hooded exhaust fan in kitchen. . Stainless steel kitchen sink. Colored ceramic wall tile for bath- room and colored fixtures. Valance boxes in. living room, Kitchen cupboards ard doors natural stained imported mahogany (custom built), Double laundry tubs. . Forced air gas heating -- or forced gir oil heating extra, 3, All electric light fixtures. Some Plans Provide For Walkout Basements -- Many Optional Extras Available To Your Taste See Also, ARMSTRONG HOMES in ROLLING HILLS ESTATES - OSHAWA. Grandview Ave. Phone Pickering 942-3310 or Oshawa 723-6461 for Appointment at Olive Ave. 9. 100-Amp, heavy-duty electric wiring 16, Metal iron railing installed on front installed porch where there are three steps or 10, plviged basements with recreation more, facilities. ilt-i i 11, All services include:' paved road, vs oe ee ee hee | sanitory and storm sewers, individ- 18. Cloy brick . ual water connections, curbs. » Clay brick. 12. Front and side yards sodded. 19, Built-in Kleenex dispenser, 13. Sidewalks installed from front to 20, Poured concrete basement (with life- driveway and side door to driveway. time g@brantee), 14, ranry ceiling in living room and 2}, Mahogany trim. ining room, , : _15, Oak floors throughout where Asbes- 22, Electric heating Installed es on tos Vinyl tile is nor instatted: extra. ee ' 7