gpg nga a NEErE IEE OE ty WEEE ry By 5 Be pa PERERE YN Yo aS we oom 5 ee a ; ee } { "Low Cost Times Action Want Ads Solve Many Of Your Problems' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 te 12. ee mi : roe ' : : 8--Articles For Sale i5--Articies for Kent i7--remeaie rieip Wanted " ee postal SCRAP BOOK wa B Sc eae" ; BUSINESS SERV et DIREC | ORY a, -- CHESTERFIELD RENTALS «| THREE. YOUNG ; -- a - Ate Fk OF ALL KINDS : f RS } | Newly upholstered. Antiques mi LADIES GASEOUS BALL of all kinds. Also some used REDUCING EQUIPMENT --- 4 furniture, ssaging belts, rowing ma- : i : . . x i i 18 or older to train in our Accountants. Barristers Gardening ond Supplies |Rug-Upholstery Service The Hidden Comet Chines bike - papain Ot is pramotion dluaions BOB CLANCY'S Accounting _ vervice.|CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and ; pare Neatness essential, basic sole - Complete bookkeeping service. 299 Simcoe|VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries.| GUARANTEED CEDAR TREES OSHAWA ANTIQUE SHOP. ce vd ep if ee A pigs ery $225. per month, with South, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605, Bank of Gommerce Building, § Simcoe) GREEN AND BUSHY FOR CLEANER ASHBURN SIEONING: OCS, SPR ete opportunity for top earni Street North, Oshawa, 723-3446; T. K. L S ; pods, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- Y oP ings GORDON DAY, Cerfified General err) na. OMe residences: 's K HEDGES ETC. -- FREE ES- 655-4616 P He 4 for those not afroid of hard Suite BW, Oshawe SMP orynan, 9c, 728-4554; urdoch;| TIMATES, QUANTITY OF Rug and Upholstery Cleon-, ters, pipe threading dies, | Oe ee et eee a hount bing ing Cone, 1259983. ac, Sy Se, Victor, 9857018, POSTS AND POLES ing. At our plant or In your CEDAR FENCE RAILS -- Come and toilet auger. ta Moar. tole i toke ise PH Our GUTMANN, Chartered 'Account. | Mortgages ehaieial SMITH'S TREE FARM home. get themt G. A. Laing, Orono. Telephone} PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- t you bes Bond Street = Ne Be Call Coll CALL 725-9961 stepladders, ladder jacks, ploce between Toronto ond Building Trades POS oe Somer vene-| steel scaffolding, compressors, Montreal. ALBERT inde ciara' 7. 786-2283 94 BRUCE STREET tian blind (ivory), 56 wath, rey 1999:! spray guns, wallpaper steam- ! ant, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4 Caen: venetian blind 39" width, 39" Aeitiedy ipa Apply MR. MASON Ontario, Telephone 773 SPECIAL NURIERY and field $04, Promot de- nip piesergal: f bd Bina Sstebiish long. 725-3460. ers, tarpaulins, blow torches, 1. to 4 Genosha Hotel CE aT an rr S) jes, e| rs inge YALE, Se otanber AND CO., 109 Di mH, poh ad 598-0875. medicoat Workmanship guaranteed five years. Free ENCYCLOPAEDIAS, "Universal" "sel in-] Propane torches, : Saturd Onl Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trus (@) iscount Credit. terms,- Mattresses. re- cludes adult and children's dictionaries} BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- aturday y. tees In Bankruptcy, 52% Simcoe Street TOP SOIL with or without manure; alsolpyiit. Furniture re-finished, Oshawa Up- medical dictionaries, children's classified} cement mixers finishing tro- North, Oshawa, 728-737 On All Orde S manure for sale. Wm. Kuzik, Whitby.inoistering Company, 287 Dean Avenue, Story books, etc. Telephone 623-3410, ¥ : HOPRINE, BEADLE AND r Telephone 668-3906 oF. 668-398). 725-0311, 7 SGEOION Tee aka Font, oma wels, wheel barrows, electric tered Accountants, Financial Tri Remodelling, carpent til- j For details and demonstration, telephone| Vibrator, air compressor, jack hag 187 King Street East, Oshawa, On-) 9 alate sarbing, lees Instruction covered Aka fee tot Ge bit er oe Ait 728-6113 or apply 392 Oshawa Blvd South] hammers, hand trowels, water THREE GIRLS tario, 725-3509; '. a Fepine: OPT Al eal eae footing. saves at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street 'oF ARE ANCES iyPF matter 6 pumps, portable heaters, steel For telephone sales -office 8: hi # rooting, es Oshawa South, Call 728-6451. Free estimates. DINOSAURTHAT MADE, bo ab HONEST CAL'S Furnilure and Appli- scaffolding, electric generator, , Pry a oe = )., Chartered| troughing, plastering, cement Rad ool CHESTERFIELDS reupholuered and re nt ier MORE MEX PA BOR ances. Big discounts without sacrificing] ramset, power rollers, electric part-time work 9 to 1 or 5 to Actountants, 36/2 King Street East, Osh-| work of all kinds. Aluminum Driving Schoo styled. Free estimate, See our material pesgap, SE S| Td WOMEX SUFFER, NG N quality, 424 King Street West, Oshawa. horine Se band 9 Fro hg med mig Peg orld doors and windows, siding. 10 yeors teaching driving {for recovering. Dalton Upholstering,, 15 per stro d pos PRON DESPEP SA FLEW First mon~sior #, |728-9191, es use Digg egy Boe ° Hall, B.Comm., CA. ; 20 "skilled men ready to | automatic and standard cars, |Sharles Street, 723-7212. 26 INCHES LONG. ? breed hee senad WAR ID | FLGOn Davomiae CUaREDirn 4s) Sorter bose, chain holst CALL MR, BROWN e i ; _ v ' ' : UD, . a Barristers pal ah ie, ; iene Fe Sales and Service n-6 i Y*5. IN 41 4i HOURS, 34 aaathe (asl, Salih ag sof "Oghewe, s Furniture, 20 miter saw, electric plane, tar- 723-5051 ') a Has, Wo at laa Sela jaulins, sand blaster, wer |SALESLADY -- for iadies' and ch ETT ; ' d Bi ae ; 4 ANTHONY EDWARD LASKOWSKY, NELLIS HOME ANYWHERE -- ANYTIME CANVAS awnings, curtains, canopies. FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator (large); < yikes hole auger BR eh wear. Experienced praterted Apply 7 BA, BCL, Barriter avd Solicitor, 73 IMPROVEMENTS Complete service. Free estimates, Meal range; 25" gas range, Moffat; double! -P oer, 'J |Coilis and Sons, 50 King Street West Centre Street. Office hours: 9 @.m.-5.30 DAY and Evening Classes for adults and|Jeline, 728-1993 anytime. | bed, complete, bookcase headboard, %| sanders, disc sanders, belt SWITCHBOARD ; - p.m. Evening appointments. Dial Oshawa -- 728-2061 high school students in English, Latin and|GUARANTEED repairs to all wringer 2--Personal 8--Articles F Sal size, All good condition. 728-6171. ss |_-s sanders, floor sanders, acty- |evening shift; $) aoe t0. Tg TN. Peterborough --- 745-2184 French, by J.C. Luck, B. A. 513. Byron|washers and ranges. Free estimates. Call] @---- st et ee |BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap-| lene welding outfits, 200° |person to Oshawa Answering Service, 17 GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici- pe Jd AF Ps tron AER 1 all AUTOS DELIVERED anywhere, Canada, pliances. Call Elmer, Hampton 265-2294) gmp electric welders. Bond Street East, between 8-4 p.m, tors, ste. 114 King. Street Brig THE PIANO ACCORDION -- Privelt 6c Geib le ee eo Florida, California. Bonded drivers. To- ° or, 263-2695. Ries i HOUSEKEEPER required for two adults, Poy Pisin pan + ei, oA eck. epvels Avan 6 Pisa and Lee Ltd.|Septic Service Cone Lvib aaed Service, 5385 Yonge Wreckin oak OFFICE DESK, nearly new, 60" x S T A N i] S live in, pleasant place to work, Refer- 5832; Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB, R. H. CABINET co. . SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt serv- ee ee - 34", Price $75, Telephone 723-3364. _ ences required. Write Box 825, Oshawa 3895, f ' WHITBY DRIVING SCHOOL, new duail' TAN hee rd, sor ehesrui| EADY would like ride, Whitby to Osh Siva WANE Naw end aad Times. GOMPHREVEBOYCHYN. end HILT. 1614 CHARLES ST., WHITBY | controlled cars. Personal, courteous serv- Street West, Whitby Pgh estnut| awa, arriving at approx. 8 o'clock. Tele- HOUSES skates. Sold, exchanged, Expert sharpen-| 233 King St. W., Oshawa RELIABLE housekeeper required" for MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36%2 King 668 691 1 ice. fully licensed and insured, 668-6176. phone 668-5393, a ing. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond East. 725-6344 Sharpening a Rentals Ltd. motherless home with five girls. Live In, Street East, Oshawa; R. D. Humphreys, . : ; ; ; Surveyors at REFRIGERATOR Viking; Range Beech; bhi ibid td sana ate Bile ee roe w. kh rinnee| Kitchen cabinets, Vonities, |laniter Service: y 3--Sportsman's Column Pore Rd d Ki RRFRIOERATOR Viking: Reroe Oeecl PRIONE Ie2o-oce4 -- \MaRkinn WOMeN VeNGee | for LLB; J. D. Humphreys, BA, LLB. Office Custom built cabinets. ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fas!, eco-/DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario|/DEER HUNTING licences. New ~end ar . an Ing tress; dresser with mirror; vaccuum| ~~ |fime bindery work, near end 725-1177; Residence: 725-4604; Whitby, nomical ceiling, wall cleaning done by|Land Surveyor. Commercial blue prints./used guns, ammunition. Best prices. cleaner; All good condition only one year| 14-Business Opportunities " month. Apply General Printers ty rt 668-276); 728-4326; 725-5132. a and modern machine. Free estimates. Work|!) _Ontario Street, 725-5632. |Valley Creek, i6 Bond Street West. and old. 118 Cochrane Street, Whitby 668-8925, Simcoe Street South, 723-2233. oe aan a ee aTEOO. sericeii OCTOBER SPECIAL »ctabsslshantedenbeth kdad H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land 5 "Troilers ar EIGHT-PIECE dining room suite, bone |RELIABLE WOMAN fo care for two chil arristers, " % nes ae Si , 113 Elgin Street East. Phone| Q----- I rater hite, Telephone 725-2978. ren (one school-age), five-day week, Solicitors. Mortgages arranged. National ay. up ed 15% during Money To Loan tire is hs Burk Street patti $e ERVICE North Oshawa, Sunset 'Avenue area. After Tevet Bulging, 38 Simene Street South ae fo a re ae. -- -- es Te A ARS "Sn ee Be F Be (as 9--Market Basket 6 evenings, call 728-3953, 7 5 ; oards, tiles and all genera TV-- H H types of used buildin iY SIT? "for working mother, five cree. P. Bastedo, QC} Grant H. Arm) Home Remodelling, : Radio Repairs COOK S Helene for sale Salesman ORDER for weezer _Toating chicken, TATION aay eek Ie arr ree pooh strong. 2 four pounds, $1.35; three pounds $1.15. ' JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC Solicitor. All Work Guaranteed ----E TRAILER SALES on job 8 to 8. Delivery on order of ten or more. Tele- giris.. Telephone 72-8438 efter 420. .m, Money te loan Office, 1m King Sire Just phone for my prices. =a, TV TOWERS Ph 725. phone 728-5291. F L BABY SITTER to live in or out. Two Ea wea ee H. McKoy 725-8576 SS SIMCOE ST, NORTH sibel 4171 anytime | spanish ONIONS, 'field run $2 per or Lease weekly. Olive = Harmony 'vicinity. Toler MAESOA 7 LLB, Bar-| -- TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 40 #7, |DuSMe!. Bring containers. W. Eymann, 728-6116 atter 6 evenings, nd Solicitor and Nar Pubilc, = ECONOMY, AND Clearance Sale structure, hot dipped galvanized 1" tower|Nalt mile east (past Roy Nichols Gar- : : E WOMAN to the 'Commercial Sia 286 King West, ALL TYPES Eo DELUXE included, single all-channel antenna com-|29¢): turn_north to first_corner: Good location, East end of |ELIASEE WOMAN to car ae ea arlo, Cilent parking eva -- plete, installed, tax Included, guaranteed|WINTER cabbage; Spanisn and cooking) Whitby. Financi vailable : fe oe 723-4716 or 725-4717, CARPENTRY Priced to suit your budget, FREE winter storage, MO In- Jone year, $50. See all 'owers" at eed | WRT carrots, Wm. Sack, Thornton Rd.) ___ i¢ bs ired. beats beta oA aniniheieans required. Tele terest rates, low down pay- |Television, corner Bond and Division,|S. First farm south, Hydro sub-station required. pital oN Home re-modelling, cabinets, FUNNEL TERMS ARRANGED ent ak all models TWO |(west_s side). pope ghonghl ly required for beauty salon, Classified Rates tile, rec-rooms, etc YOUR DEBTS OSHAWA TV REDUCE WORK -- maintain @ lovely |NO. 1 WINTER POTATO; 0; 7510, ie CONTACT eS ett rene ee spk Teeny ' . complexion, eliminate the ugly bathtub|!ntosh apples, $2.75 bushel. Free me iealpaaaiateid 'WORD ADS), Phone 723-4585 Open evenings 'til 9:30 p.m. [FroP cer whiter washes and" also saveldelivery. Call evenings 655-4983. MR. M. MEECHAM EXPERIENCED Short order cook end Cash--1 insertion of 24 words, $1.08 INTO ONE EASY PAYMENT SUPPLY LIMITED Closed on Sunday, gan Sort Water system put in your home.| CARROTS, suitable for storage or freez- ond, Ueavornity Ave., Serk evening shitty: +11 pin, 'Telpphone additional words eachs con- |. a : i + $1. per bushel. Also pumpkins. Wal- oronto, Ont. ABS SS ARC en ana OE secutive Insertions of 24 uote ss hod ROOFING, n + WITH A LOW-COST, You can try It for one month for only | 40 Huron, Huron Farm, V2 mile west of of SHORT ORDER cook or waltress. edaitional words Tae | each, Ge GaN Kew Gare tne reefing LIFENSURED TAUNTON RD. E __Phone 723-9534 __|$5. Call Culligan today. whitby 668-2200. |Gsnawa on 401 north service road, live In or out, for restaurant on ewes v ions. of 24 words. $4.32 Large-and small jobs. L. and H. Roofing! Just East Of Ritson TRAILER, 16 f1., winterized, fully fur-/CANADIANA ENCYCLOPEDIA -- ~ i0-|-------- Telephone NS. Telephone Orono 246, additional wards Vee each. and Construction, RR 3, 725-6937. nished including all utensils. Sleeps four.| volume set with stand. New, never used. 10--Farmer' s Column ABLE selesiady for vari ns store, R : Charge -- 10 per cent additional |CARPENTRY work, new and repairs, . 728-8] 80 $49 monthly Telephone 668-2298 |Cost $149.50, Will sell-$85. Call 723-5970, "|. WA 4-4111 over 25. Apply Ritson Centre, 498 Ritson i f also cement work, free estimates. Tele- MOMtEPLA N OIL PAINTINGS -- Landscapes, portraits, |/30 GRADE cattie, Holstein, some Charole som Sasi charge {f not paid within 8 days. | inatned "ot counting -- Lose then 24 Like sia oa tihaonadl Hes LOR |6--Marine | Equipment [igure work, custom picture framing. poem ducks, faces =f 668- a aS EXPERIENCED gS for evenings, words counts as words; each wor YOuR r leaner. Chim- | my cars 4 |DEAD and crippled farm stock pic p.m, <Aaet OO mith's Coffee Bar, Initial, figure or abbreviation counts |neys Nir tapes eth ning sirins N HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED [itv sh CO gr gg IR ro 668-4497. 325 Brock North, Whitby, |p promptly, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Telephone 725-39: s as one words phone number counts |instatied; roofs repaired. Free estimates.| THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ; 942-5056 |TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 4-foot fower| Telephone Collect Hampton, 263-2721, Li two words. 723-2997. TV TOWERS Lauasnaatateis __._____-_----- |structure all-channel antenna installed,|cence 389-C-65 18--Male Help Wanted hilt Da eetioige 1964 18-foot Beachcomber runabout fibre-igso Oshawa TV_Supply Limited "s id. hydro, BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco| * ! glass cruiser with 100 Mercury motor and ------ ____.| LARGE BARN for rent. Water and hydro, SOCIAL NOTICES sidewalks, re-modeiting, rec-rooms. Free ARE THE BEST! trailer. Many extras. 623-3618. RESTAURANT FQUIPMENT -- cashjon Highway. Central. Whitby 668-2728. WELL ESTABLISHED $2.00 per Insertion with 98 cents ed ee a A. ©. Woods,. 728-3420 or ei ------ | register, meat slicer, pop metab fryer,|HOLSTEIN heifer, due February (ist Privately owned service sta NEW . + 1728-471 stools, boo! tleton 986-4200. ; iv sta- $ ; 728-47 ee Ba Barter calf); Jersey cow due April; Polled Here-| *. : AND USED brag charges H met peld within 8) Coe ROOFING, chimneys, sldewalka, @ Mortgages" WH SETTLE FOR LESS 7 Swap ond | USED furniture, appliances, sporting |ford heifer calf (6 mos.). 655-4662 eve-| tion -- 2 large bays, with CAR DEALER ¥ types of cement work. Frank McCann, c 1 R | COLORED on hi sets, "three- piece, 754 | pout. Bought, sold. Best pr ces! Valley nings, weekends. Bae pony stockroom, large sundry store IN MEMORIAMS RR 3, Oshawa. Brooklin 655-3061, MORTGAGE ' el dcleel herald yctaty gett cones Creek, 16 Bond West. 728-4401. |RODNEY OATS 700 bushels, 60c per) con be converted to snack : $2.00 for the first 38 words and Sc |ALL TYPES building, roofing repairs sump pumps; laundry tubs, $15.95; pip. SCRAP HARDWOOD -- one-foot lengths, |bushel: also fresh vegetables. Telephone} bar, very good gallonage. At- : requires each thereafter, plus 2c per line of |and remodelling; chimneys, new and -re- INVESTORS TELEVISION Ta dtings: iT esinare aha s7, 75 single cord. Phone 723-2281 before 623-5077. rie Cert fs fae h q verse 25¢ additional charge if not paid |paired; sidewalk and concrete repairs. sel ler i {)-|9.30 @.m, of evenings, Po EE Pe eaaamceareees ache ree bedroom home. ae ee Whitby 66-2774, Gord. Me Corner Bond and Division dryers; bollers, radiators. H. Chinn, Hill FRESH CORN ensjlage, dell romeo! Watt leatad an: busy blinks within @ days. pein acted BD it Units of participation avail- 728-5143 side and Park South, 723-7088. HARDWOOD, beech or maple, cut to/able price, contact Ed Ste at 723- y nig WANT ADS reach thousands of interested | ----------=lany length, single cord, $10, double $18.|4376 or 668-350 way, east of Oshawa. CARDS OF THANKS able in first and second mort- | iy long louble $18. prospects every day. Take advantage of " "oar YR | icle: for Sale delivered. Newtonville 786-2283, collect. FOR DETAILS f s $2.00 for the first 35 words and Sc |the vast audience by telephoning 723-2492; gage funds. ' TELEVISION - RADIO ore i 1--Pets and Livestock each thereafter, with 5c additional |and place your ad before them now. Diversification --- manage- FLY KILLING system, completely avto-| charge if not pald within 8 days. leXbaRT PAVING? i cen ccucre aea| ment -- High yield --. co 24 HOUR SERVICE rahe tee Ser month for only. $3.50.|OZY-J-RANCH KENNELS. -- Palamino a SALESMAN COMING EVENTS nclodas grading and fil, we-yesr guaren-| ital appreciation . TENTS oe eee core, [ony colt, white, mare, theee, vearks Ger. es tee, Terran Paving, 723-584 e : |HONDA MOTOR BIKES FN Gur Acasa aieninot | RESTAURANT Experienced \ $2.10 per inch (display) $1.50 bg Pintioaide: % CENTRAL H fod = dell used, $299. No down payment. Open even-|boarding. Ashburn 655-4662 evenings. Ri Ae ' 'in North Oshawa, dining- perience Con salesman ~ first 20 words and Sc each thereafter. leavy waterproofed- dri ings until 9 p.m. honda Shop, 199 King . pead room and counter, with equipment, seven necessary, ommission, sal- arte % BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for irs, r U (Word Ads.) Cc ee sewn-in floor, rear. window |West. Dial 728-4242, _ e training, talking strain, Apply Mrs. T. Rrra ae Phe) Tek {ol ary 'and bonus depending: on AUCTION SALES JOHN'S MOVING, Storage and Cartage ONTARIO with storm flap, dutch door WE BUY, sell and excha used arnt | Broad, 114 Elgin East. _ 68s. individual. ble rates, fully Insured, Call h aw ure or anything you City TOY TERRIER ex nt housel ae. Cor $2.10 PER INCH INSERTION hrm Paig F with awning Pups: 8¢ | RESTAURANT well established on busy mpany car end gas sup- 5 -2020. TRUST and SAVINGS F Trading Post Store, a6 Simcoe Street! pels, three fernales, $20 each. Phone 1 . Ighway, Oshawa area, living quarters, lied. } rom $39.95 Up South, » 723-1671 Blackstock 986-4747. hig i P DEADLINES or prompt service ---- -- --| gift counter. $15,000 down, For particulars WORD ADS Dentistry i CORPORATION ' « Call BABY CARRIAGE, grey, Thistle. Very| APPALOOSA stud colt, wel write Box 917 Oshawa Times. FOR INTERVIEW 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS| cARMaDOY. Ba Jou A Ban OSHAWA 723-5221 Whitb 668-5679 Lesc gge 325 or best offer. Tele- offer, Telephone Port Perry. ED. » DR. t . BOE a "0 23-2663 cay dae eouan Surgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa,|-COWMANVILLE 623-2527 Oy. Bl anne Wns ena; adding" machines "ana| POODLES, --, BISCK, miniature males $40 15--Employment Wanted CALL , addin nes ani f ' 9 a.m. day of publication For appointment, 7517 include' [time clocks, new and rebut, Ona year Cream sranigrds: $50. Registered. Tele- WOMAN. will mind children, preferably Mr. J. Nicols BIALEK, DR. C. B., Dental Surgeon, MORTGAGE FALL SEASON SOON Standard feotures, include |oyarantee. Outstanding good buys. Jen- - ° junder three years of age, in her own BIRTHS AND DEATHS 117 Simeoe Street North, Oshawa. For » TV CHECK-UP NOW » chain guord, Perry Coaster kins Business Machine Sales and Ser: rolotelehg farts brown registered female|home. Ritson South and Simcoe eres. 9 a.m. dayvot, publication appointment, 726-5842 or Res. 728-644). LOANS . brakes and. silver brazed {vice 728-7783. Open evenings sce Peat pilgaP i aconerpe Big hd eka Riad ch aa NICOLS ei lifi ; linelu ir, leas! Tyee en ie CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Dressmakin Money for first mortgages 7 qualified servicemen. frames and forks. DRAPES Two widths 72-inch @nd 62-\ Telephone 728-2946. cleaning, Wa himee e 267 Cm ee Bite ay previous 8 co _ ae | Open Mortgages TROIS O From $34.95 Up: [iartstuo gists beige rule coats, 828 10; sHoROUGHBRED black poodle, mele lswo-LapiEs-aperoncaomte aias| WNOTOR SALES umns or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous lexpeRIENCED dressmaker, sewing) Interest ot 7% . ve AY coffee table, four bar stools, metalfifieen weeks old, with papers. $125 OF/ors, would ES _experieni Tolkcrone etter: 668-3331 id alterations, In own home. Mrs. Alice ' : wall_ cupboards. Phone 725-3016. est offer: itby Z a CANCELLATIONS AND bids i No Bonus TELEVI ' up -|R00NS 728-9632, _ SORRECHOMS punticarion- lems eae' "nem" "I OF] No Charge for Valuation 7285143 LAWN MOWERS waste, zescon, eam, Winel CON terials ar wile clade YOUNG CADY ders parttime oa eS -- ; i w r r |DRESSMAKING -- All kinds of ladies'| Mortgages ond-Agreements -- -- -- [ohone 725996. Still In Package. Tele) Newtonville, 786-2507. Hl edi daal dl lected lettaaen Manian hae, BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- S0¢ wear. High quality work, Call Agnes'| purchased ' Light, dependable and power- ry eo ao. BPOKOT. Brit A gn, i |945-BALLON | tank, al t , $20. J. |CHILD'S quiet saddle pony, broken and r) While every endeavor will be made thes alte sian Money for Second Mortgages FAST T.V. SERVICE ful. Adjustable cutting height |Koene, RR 3, Bowmanville te |trained, good confirmation, Reasonable SiGat er alte Shares Pet ten ts Pi . « S * 1 + " ms ow 3- " to forward teplies to box numbers to faemee coves feape, " resse Fast Service. Service Coll only $2.50 from 1" to 3'. Chrome plat- |poors -- torm windows, screens, all [Biker nonine den abren pontine oat progressive company. Write Box 933, FOR te accooh no--gptity in crespect ot Specialty. Mrs._Foms,_Whilby:_ 648 M.-F. SWARTZ "DOMINION i ee edhe i ioe ees Wanere|e ee sapvsitTine' NEWSPAPER ; U steig lis, lamps, men's, w loss or damage ai'eged to arse [PERSONAL STYLING -- for seed ViPS SV | TELEVISION ~From.$39.95 Up Clothes..-Apply.-826.-Simcoe.-Street North. .CHIHUAHUA, registered, short-haired, BABYSITTING per hour, aay or week. through either failure or delay In for- [wise women! Dressmaking, alterations 262 King St. East Jerown, "male, "eight weeks old. - Paper' lew M A ck 7 Jait 1 | BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture trained. Very lovable' Tele view Mrs, Luck 668-3866, warding such replies, however caused Fitting a specia 728-1823 for a int. ° y lovable' phone 728-2065} By neslteeie or onhuewinss-irasnt y. 728 lor appoin Oshawa, 4eo7 1728-5154 9a.m. to9 om nn 1 a8 appliances. Goold's Furniture, 215|or apply 114 Grenfell Street lay ar - ix Mele Wane Tie The Times will not be responsible for |-~ 423-469/ . | N Jundas East, Whilby 668-548). he Avast em Melp Wantec : ILADIES -- H chil i my |ONE MALE, purebred, smooth-haired rd good t1 Retin: gecaline Se Ot Sere aie tor Chistmen, Yoursae: dellh a] s __All work guaranteed. \ 250 AMP. Lincoin welder, portable, Acl|terrier, seven months old, House trained regceidlviea? fr 1 725.8599 J condition. Sell or trade. What have you?! Budgie bird, cage .and stand, Reasonably young man under yeors REGULATIONS sis SU MMERLAND 2 AERIALS T TIRE STORE Call 728-8694 days before 3 o'clock jpriced. Telephone 723-1716 affer 5 p.m of age with a minimum of The Oshawa Times will not re Gardening and 'Supplies _ SECURITIES / ANTIQUE 'slipper chair; also black Per-|REGISTERED Beagles tor sa.e, Seven | | Grade 10 education to learn, sponsible BF PO oii toe advertise | 112 'Simcoe St. North O RON 5 TV 1@) 145 King St. W a ane, coat, size 14 to 16, Telephone|weeks old, Telephone 728-5262 or 725-7041 . a trade with a future. y \ ¢ : ' . Ww, Syitine not for more than one Inser- | " " Oshawa, Ontario - 725-3568 |W 12 Years' Experience W --_ | etter $ p.m. reg Pre Pr Apply THURS. Oct. 7th A tion of any advertisement nor FALL SEEDI NG All Work Guaranteed Telephone 725-6511 ion etn ena, nr BEAGLES -- year-old femal For accounts poyoble deport- or FRI Oct 8th 1 h f ing! Se a af lish Aaitey one year old, male. i . . z reste Pn, at IS BEST Morpene Money 7238-7521) wursvs ony uoca, [Bhp otmune tat te 7 ee 'ith| ment yasary ¢ mere | Between 3 ond 4 only } vailable R b jcellent condition, Phone --~| 'woman between the ages of The Oshewa Times reseryes the right | SUPERFINE GRAS MIX Liaw lataredt S RON BRIGHTLING 5 MACO DEALER - |GIRLS' dresses, skirts, slims, etc, "wii|12--aArtieles Wanted 25-40 years old. Preferably Mr. E a i to classi advertising according to | 9 . -- 112-14. Si Chubbies, A , Aes ifs proper classification, | NO. 1 FINE GRASS MIX 9 A.M. -- 9 P.M. @ FUEL and STOVE OIL sivie Eronnle onan ae moe Tele |MAN'S EVENING SUIT. (tails), size a@,| With the plumb- p rE, Feeling ak usiey etventl ' | PARKLAWN GRASS MIX Member Ontario e WOOD @ COAL phone 723-1287 Hn good pooaition, wanted immediately.| ing trade. T ressroom Foreman - irtisements : ' am tumors | SUBUHGAN cage ic | Mitzom Bolen Kein | TV SERVICE | + BULDING Surnis BC tater = tera laneen'<Coermer cama] TOP WAGES | ---Tv#_Oshawa Times sible for more space than that which | L RAS F, | SSE ER SERENE a DAY OR. EVENING hth FOG Gels THOR: TOI Ole Stes Sie a Lu) the actual error occupies The pub | | N' FIRST AND SECOND mortgage. Sale '4 wood, coal stove; radio; bridesmaid's : * lishers endeavor to reproduce all ad- | eke BLUE agreements purchased and sold. Hennick SAWDONS jdress, size 12, Telephone 725-6079, OIL FIRED forced air furnace. Recent Apply in person. MAN REQUIRED vertising hatter correctly, but assume | TRE AMACL Th Jang Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street 728-5286 (Whitby) Limited |FINDLAY push-button fourcburner range,, model. Telephone 725-6650 Oshawa, No Telephone Calls Please! no liability of advertisement if any | Li N jEa 723-72 244 Brock St. South $25, Telephone 725-8291 ae . j ticcorecias W Soy form we corvsine' | CLL. GOLFGREEM 12-6-6 $7,000 BUYS ist of $9,800 payable $100 OSHAWA saan ae ------|MoTORBYKE, Bridgestone 90, ~0s|13--Articles For Rent D For Processing and : | C.l.L, EVERGREEN 6-9-6 quarterly Mus 7 per cent due 2/2 years JANSSEN'S POWER |miles. Best offer, Telephone 725-5626. J FOLEY elivering Stee! Orders | " ~ vacan i Bn i Any, _savartvement camcateg betore | C.1LL. SUPERFLOW 10-6-4 BRINE Hd ober ELECTRONICS EQUIPMENT CENTRE TYPEWRITER standard, $35; portable! Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- Must hove chauffeurs license 'i t ------ $30; addi chine, $2 lectri if : - ; ' ivi Insertion. | pegs |PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies foriCITY TV TOWERS, antennas, also re| 10ro, Moto-Mower Massey- writer, $407 Gecire cath eater: Item | @S, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Plumbing & Heating Snel 8. eed Sayan seer : | 0S: jail mortgages. Mortgages and agree-|pairs. All work guaranteed, §11 Dean Ferguson Riding Tractors. izer, $100. 723-4434, Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal LIMITED Man with experience, in the IT'S EASY TO PLACE A | POTTING. SOIL ments of, sale purchased. Creighton, |avenue, Telephone. 7250500. Se icd on cilcewen' snulte STUDENT'S TYPEWRITERS new ana| Wear, Men's Formals, White 319 Coll A use of oxygen and acetylene c | A rdoch and Victor (5S "Ba ae H TIMES ACTION WANT AD | risters".) MESON | ONE A IEIRE: A988 : POL ment. Licensed mechanic on used; cash registers, adding machines;| Fox Furs, Mink Stoles ollege /\venue torch, and other steel-cutting Cali Classifie Dire - C PER- 4 sat $35, up, Machines guaranteed. Expert OSHAWA equipment preferred. Steody e na Business : ir 723-3492 Optometrist SET CE Cae cen Bas king West 728-9429 Bias Sahm Buahes teins, SARGEANT'S RENTALS : employment, good wages. SMITH CO. RD BLACK, OD, 136 Simene|in 30-inch file. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut] mls == GUNETS FAW OA oR te | 46S Rileon Rd. 5. 725-3908 pply in person only, Siret North, Sulte 4, Oshawa. Telephone|Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 668-2809.|BUY AND > SELL -- Gooa used furniture pola Ale Hcences, «hunting supplies. | a sa P . ICHAIRS, c¥¥d and banquet tables, church j R N EX TO 16 CELINA th sti ------oooe --_--.--.|and appliances. One location only. Pretly Rest prices! Valley Creek, 16 Bond) LADY CLASSIFICATIONS Cae Painting and De ing |' Women's Column Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. | Street West. |Simeoe Street North; Call aida Sal ise mY Ri ainting and Decorating Ausiibi | ____|VACUUM repairs, all makes, hoses, |FREEI Have your lurnace cleaned and| Sry gee ee! SU t ah ae 23-1139 an PERMANENTS on special, Page Hair-(brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213. adjusted free. Guaranteed trouble free| | ENT RRTATHING "Feqhitty fo oneshun hundred with catering PPry: : s 1~--Wornen's Column | PAINTING AND dressing, 396 Pine Avenue, corner of|Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street,jii winter if you purchase the best inlauets, parties, weddings, annivarkiries 66 R tt A eevee Sian FOR LUSH GREEN LAWNS| DECORATING Westmount, Telephone 725-5363, Pickering. * wee from Western Ol! Company. Dlal/Facilities, bar kitchen, parking. Reason experience _ Russe venue 5--Traliers INTERIOR and EXTERIOR sansa NEW, USED -- vacuums, ws, polishers. Re: \reaer . _____ | able rates. 728-6315. ne 6--Marine Equipment S 0 D Broadloom, Custom Draperies 2--Personal ho Lees Blonde | player- WOOD combination, "tad: record. |FOR LEASE 400 acre hunting area,| Te manage Social Catering | se ee ee 7--Swap and Barter | p Sell d " susan dee verhauler with camp, sleeps 10. 18 miles north of . Articles for Sale FREE ESTIMATES si r some wainut. finish; also air-conditioner, | madoc 2 r serbian Basket | | DODD & SOUTER IMPORTANT GUNS me Aa 0 Fa rates: ce at | window size, good shape. Best cash offers. | 499, 3060 ph tlaee Rig Call: Robert Abboft Department of large Catering TIME 'STUDYMAN. 10--Farmer's Column Loid and 'Delivered'. . ..also" | 728-9731. i bedi aB hab WHEEL CHAIRS, hosollal beds; walkers,| Asnig:' t t ante Bf Cedar Hedges, Patios Laid | 668 5862 Will anyone that sow the ac- |eurnituRE inves vooms, new qual|HAND-KNIT baby -- outfits, children's) reducing machines, Mak ton Ee Oey in Writing, Outs With minimum of 5 yeors To tae tor hae ond Delivered our RATES ar much cieaper Our-werk| cident at corner of Gibb and. ity furniture, only $299., inc, came able, Orders. taken for 'Christmas. Cai Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, lining experience to experience in taking of stu- 1&-Business Opportunities CALL lis guaranted: Our information ts free.| Pork Road South, Thursday |Bedroom, living nell yi idgaf 723 dies applicable to an incen- 15--Employment Wanted ~ "MAPLE LEAF' |Our service is 24 hours. Our phone num-| morning, September 30th at ay only $3. Wkly. mbeatable" value BOX 332 i : 1g--Agents Wanted: = ber is 723-3317. approximately 10 o'clock Boron' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe} |WEODING DRESS, full tength, site Ta. TO SELL OSHAWA TIMES tive system. Machine shop, T7-=Femaie Help Want ed : BE e 2pproxim y ) ok. u as beer 0% ii Male Help Wanted tondscaping-end-oGrden-Service GRoss TOWN painting and decorating Also the lady with baby car- THISTLE baby carriage and mattress; Phone 728-2661 Peat aaa Welding, Press Shop and As» 9-- or 7 Hel yc 'op = omateriais; wark sh n 5 t is : ' e onan Site tors "yale | 725-061 ] feed. Free esti feainee Dial moO riage that spoke to the wo- id rit ay Jag em ota Pu ¥ jARTICLES or eataide anila"s ere eat FRESH FRUITS WANTED sembly experience necessary. He--Summer | Proper | ---------- -- ------ |PAINTING AND DECORATING. axitaee| © OO. Sriving the blue Volks- '|MuskRAT. JACKET, size 18, like new. |swings, Gelées wir. capes sHiavtic' car : : A~--knowleday -of --compiling 2-- srmra for, Sele nd interior. Paper hanging. Bowmanville! Wwagen, involved in accident. |Reasonable, Also fur collar (light brown)|seat covers, kitchen cupboard Ideal for LEGAL STENOGRAPHER Standord Data would be ben- a--to A hoe ABO BLUE 75-2583, Please 'call :--- for clipth coat, etc. Telephone 723-6306, _| cottage, baby bottle warmer, three lady's and FOR OSHAWA LAW FIRM z ea) Es c SRE sere reer coats, size 14,-boy's wool coat and hood, ficial. Permanent Position, Za--Stores, Offices and Storage gaat Plumbing 'ond. Heating MRS, MARTI GENUINE Hudson Seal $150; also -South| snow pants and hood, Phone 4a day week, must have oe : 35--Houses for Rent a i American Nutria, $275, full length fur $, y ' 55_Aperiments for Rent || Check the quality in the field. aii tyes of repainas ond Termoaeiin 728-97 ] 4 aata, aiVioat: Kier ak ar Blas elerh lari 2970. VEGETABLE legal experience. Excellent Employee Benefits. 27--Rooms for Rent "AN Green' irsdty $68" lhe and Used materials. Reazonaue _|coats. Leaving country, must sell. | MAHOGANY -- dining-room . suite, side Write To Box 724 Reply to: ere we coer | Growers a Nake tees. Estimates free, 723-1191, J. Foley 728-6662. jtable; chesterfield and chair; book rack gene Oshawa ener B~Want lo Ren J rot 4 cs : Remc j |Garden Encyclopedia; paintings, prints; - nes 2 . %--Automobiles for Sale | Yamile N. of Taunton Village |ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup. odie Sigs eal hig § hoir THREE DUCTS, gas adapter and linkage bo anivers Gallen thariine lunes femme, USE HE = ana Industrial Relations Manager, 3i--Compact Cars for Sale OSHAWA 725-9674 |plies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark arle § Murautr | wi eT o100, ' opr thadinesi ac . drapes; curtains; silverware; dishes, orn DONS OD a tan ta nee en Engingéring Company 32--Trucks for Sale __. |Utd., Plumbing, series' and Engineering,| Oshawa Oct. 18th, 19th, and S |aments; folding tables; step ladder. 725 ee you? We may need someone in your 33--Automobdiles on TREE TO TRIM? Call Sitm, Or veut! 1225 Simene Street South 20th. Phone Genosha Hotel CANADIAN COIAS -- Will sell or ex | 176). jarea, or call for products. 723-9349. " ® t4--Automobile Repair them down. Free estimates, 725-5118 or . change silver dollars, nickels, pennies. = ar mtn MARKET |STENOGRAPHER for law office. Exper- 5--Los! and Found 28-0610 CITY-WIDE COVERAGE and at iow cost) O" Mbag dates for appoint-. |Telephpne. atter 5 p.m... 728-0194 Pes Pi eee blade Ae jewite ae | jence desirable but not essential. Apply RENFREW, Ontario ot tt i ;. men PROFESSIONAL upright desks, ch Ne l Fent ' Hyman and Hyman, 86 King Street East geer lr H+ DANGEROUS TREES trirnmea oy yo.i2 What You get with Times Action Want | : : at ks, chairs, We buy, sell, rent, service y BOOKKEEPER, experienced, to handle Sc Canine evens moved by rel GS pany, ; Miles tie Ads, Telephone 723-3492 and get in touch ELECTROLYSIS Good condition. Nice for and trade, with budget terms, New and jOshawa lcomplete set of books, payroll, insurance, 3--Notioes Service, 728-417), |with @ e@ourteous ad-writer, 723-6641 Ma Teleprone 13-418, Lge or tee og pe giclee ad Fg eB BS Us ee AE . Telephone 723-4718, IRagien, Road North area, Telephoge 723-1043, '728, Oshawa Times, Ce tate _