5 t THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 6, 1965 15 PONTIAC GRAND PARISIENNE FROM GM The Pontiac Grande Part- sienne, a new series intro- duced for 1966, is available in two models, sport coupe and sport sedan. The sport coupe has a dramatic new roofline which distinguishes the Grande Parisienne from the rest of the Pontiac line. Grande Parisienne has a for all Pontiacs and from Juxurious interior, with the roofline back th are completely redes! wood - trimmed instrument Among new mechanical panel and steering wheel, achievements is a fully-syn- and Strato-bucket seats in chronized manual transmis- the sport coupe. New grilles, sion which allows a_ shift bumpers, hoods and fend- into low without stopping. A ers mark the style change new three-speed automatic transmission is also avail- CITY COUNCIL BRIEFS A $300 offer for an irregular|C. shaped parcel of land behind the|a broadcasting centre on Bond st., was referred to council's parks, property and recreation com-| mittee, Eleven residents petitioned) council for a stop sign at the corner of Taunton rd, w., andjagreement between the city and Thornton rd, n, The request was|Harsam Invextments for a 60-lot referred to the traffic and pub-|subdivision south of Olive ave., "Do welwest of Gradnview st. lic safety committee. have to wait for something tragic. to happen hgfore we have such a sign put up, walking or riding bicycles. ' asked|bylaws authorizing the construc- residents in their petition, They|tion of granular base for as- said driving south on Thornton/phalt pavement as rd., there is a blind intersec-|provements at an estimated cost tion for drivers and children,|of $9,548 and the construction |of sanitary sewers as local im- \provemenis at an estimated cost} able. The line also intro- duces new engines and an increased power range. W. Lewis for the rezoning of parcel of land situated at the northwest corner of King st. w., and Stevenson rd., from RIB to See R2B to permit a proposed auto- |mobile retail outlet, The request was referred to planning board. LISTEN HERE: Council approved a subdivision Council gave two readings to local tm- Jackson, Walter and Jackson,|of $12,202. 288 Arthur st., asked council by letter to accept a a cash payment] Bylaws amendingparking in lieu of a 5 percent convey-|regulations, dedicating land for ance of their plan of subdivision) \the widening of Stevenson rd., on Cedar at, The request wasjand dedicating and establishing referred to planning board. _|certan lands as public highways lwere given three readings by Holshawa Lid., asked council/council. to review the overall dedication) Oshawa Harness Horse Driv- of land transferred to the city)ing Club was given permission as 5 percent of the various regi- by council to hold races at Alex- 11, It will be Gordon Sinclair | "KEEP "INFORMED..." stered plans of subdivision. Or-| jandra Park Oct. 13.04 per-|the fifth race meeting of the was set aside for parks.|year. iginally 10.62 acres, cent, But because of development) costs the firm asked that one parcel of 1,42 acres be with-|struction of sanitary and storm drawn, The matter was referr-| sewers, |pumping ed to planning board. Ww Council agreed to release Ajawarded. by $20,130 holdback to Cobourg Con-|Construction Ltd. It was the low-| on a subdivision|est of two tenders received. The pumping station will serve a motel on Bloor st., ap-|Stevenson rd. struction Ltd., contract, Ww. C. Crosbie, architect, plied to _counell on _behalf of vibrating Area Bridge 33". '.mes,.2 Some people disagree with "Sinc", not many miss his twice daily assault on injustice, hypocrisy and anything else that comes into the sites of his news biunderbuss. Like best -- umpire, Sinclair A $174,206 contract for con- underground sewage} station, catchbasins,| atermains and other work was toes council to Tripp) that's ite. The comment you hear most about Sinclair is "I can't afford to miss him_be- cause | never know what he's going to do next." He's heard at 11:50 a.m, and 5:50 p.m, (as if didn't know) -- and with his "Let's Be Personal" at 11:45 a.m. and "Show Busi- ness" at 5:45 p.m. just west of Council agreed to purchase a roller from Wajax Toronto sor }ance on a portable tandem: roll-| Club Scores ; The winners and high scores) in the games played last week) by the Oshawa, Oshawa Goit|purchased from Federal Equip-| jment Ltd., trade-in allowance, council de- cided. A tractor with blade and and General Motors Duplicate Bridge Clubs were: OSHAWA CLUB jroller from M. L. Weston, for $4,378 after a trade- in allowance on a tandem roller.) and a two-to-three ton tandem| Baxter Ltd., CFERB 21010 ONTARIO'S FAMILY STATION A front end loader will be} for $24,813 after a North and South -- Mrs. M. R.\by the city, Clarke and Mrs. R. Morris,) 149%; Mrs. and Mrs. W. J. Timmins, 149; tracto-shovel were traded in E. J. tearoatager a il the city, J. F. Patterson and R. Morris, 144; P. Versluis and J, Buchan- an, 140%. East and West -- Mrs. L. R. Barrand and Mrs. C. Cham- bers, 179; J. M. Coles and J. Wild, 15814; Mrs. V. A. Silgailis/ and D. McCuaig, 153; J. Glover and J. Drummond, 141%. GOLF , CLUB North and South -- Dr. and Mrs. EM. Culp; 183;-Mr, and Mrs. D. MacKinnon, 169; Mrs. FE. Jamieson and Mrs. R. Rud- dy, 142; Mr, and Mrs. C. Elliott, and Mrs. W. White, 136; Mr. and 135. East and West -- F. McCaff- rey and P. Lawrence, 164; Mrs. W. H. Karn and Mrs. H. B. James, 152; FE. Anderson and F. Harding, 151; Mr. and Mrs. EF. F. Armstrong, 14844; Mrs. R. W. Graham and Mrs. R, S. Mc- Mullen, gr GM CLUB North and South -- Mrs. A. Silgailis and FE. Coles, 10244; Mrs. R. Morris and Mrs. M. R. Clarke, 98; D. Brady and J. Brady, 95; Mrs. H. Barker and . Peel, 8544; Mrs, K:- Marden ot J. Ptterson, 82%. Fast and West -- G. Adams and A. Vaillancourt; 119; Mrs. I. Patterson and Mrs. C. Han kinson, 16; Mrs. M. Smythe and Mrs. E. Bovay, 10244; Mr. and Mrs. E. Jeffery, 99, Mrs. M Dowdle and Miss G. Bovay, 86%. Thompson Out 'Supporting PM TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario Liberal leader Andrew Thomp- son said today he will campaign extensively. throughout Ontario for Prime Minister Pearson in: the Nov, 8 federal election cam- aigny Mie! said- his trips will take him into Mr. Pearson's riding of Algoma East and other areas of special: electoral significance| such as Northumberland, where| former Corfservative cabinet} minister George Hees is at.) tempting a comeback against Liberal Pauline Jewett. The 40-year-old Mr. .Thomp- son, elected Liberal leader in Ontario a year ago, is a one- time aid to Mr. Pearson when he was in opposition. He wil! take part in all of the prin How fo find out whether your youngster would like ts play the piano ? RENT A New Piano from Heintzman ' FOR e MONTHLY Full credit on rental paid plus cartage if piano is purchased within six months. Limited Number Available, ACT NOW! 165 SIMCOE ST. S. -- 728-2921 minister's major rallies in On | tario, \ | | We Reserve The Right To Limit Quuntities... Adults 'Only Allowed Specials, Ingraham 40-Hour Alarm Clock Modern styling with easy reed face. Regular 3,39 each. 'FOR PRICE SAKE LOWER LEVEL Swiss Made Ladies' WATCHES Scone, Sandwich, French, Table, Rye, Etc. BREAD REGULAR SIZE LOAF By Ingraham ... . Diamond Chip watches... one year guaran- teed, Regular 20.95 each FOR PRICE SAKE MAIN FLOOR ld Men's Quilted Nylon SPECIAL y 4 CLoAF : LOWER LEVEL NEXT WEEK'S SKI JACKETS With roll-up hood, zipper front and pockets and rib knitted cuffs, Compare to 14.95 each f FOR PRICE SAKE MAIN FLOOR Guerenteed Full Cut and Tellored to Fit MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS Canedien made by Bell Shirt Co., Belle. ville: With long shirt tells and ts breast pockets, Compare at 3.49 each FOR PRICE SAKE MAIN FLOOR "Outers"' SHOTGUN Cleaning Kits Regular 4.75 each FOR PRICE SAKE 3.77 MAIN FLOOR Fully hutemerc ELECTRIC BLANKETS ls in omert "Stag" GUN BLUE Makes your gun look like new, Reguler 1.40. FOR PRICE SAKE 97¢ MAIN FLOOR Gueranteed for twe years; © decorator colors, , Single Control DOUSLE BED SiIZ#... Double Contro! DOUBLE BED SIZE... SINGLE BED SIZE Reg. 18.95... FPS Reg. 19.95 . Reg. 23.95 .. " LOWER LEVEL Triple Clad 10" FRY PANS Double heavy gauge steel. Compare at 2.95 each. FOR PRICE SAKE LOWER LEVEL Toy Department Battery Operated "MR, MERCURY" With remote controls by Marx, Compare at 5.95 each. FOR PRICE SAKE LOWER LEVEL Plastic Household WATER PAILS pacity with metal ey teens (Be cad at 98c eoch, FOR PRICE SAKE LOWER LEVEL NOXZEMA HAND LOTION SKIN LOTION Compere et 98e FOR PRICE SAKE MAIN FLOOR o FPS .iccccwerenerees 0 FPS ..cvsescens 1.88 3.77] 3] 37 Jshawa 14.88 TV GUIDE m1 Special y A MAIN FLOOR US. Army M-2 30-Calibre Automatic 9mm "303" New Condition JUNGLE Compare at 50.00 > compare at 100.00 FOR PRICE SAKE PRICE SAKE MAIN FLOOR MAIN FLOOR WE HAVE THE BIGGEST STOCK IN TOWN OF C-I-L DOMINION AMMURITION and also the Lowest Prices! BOMINION "3na" Scond, 188 ao yao grein Aeevewwes 'Compare et 5.50 box 'ef 20. FOR PRICE SAKE ARMY HARD POINTS "303" for practice. Box of 32 Rounds, FOR PRICE SAKE DOMINION "30-30" Winchester. 170 grain. Compare at 4.50 for box of 20. FOR PRICE SAKE .. Winchester Super X Mark "5S SHOTGUN SHELLS, Box of 25, 12-gauge. Number 4-5-6, Compare at 4.20 box. FOR PRICE SAKE C-l-L "IMPERIAL" 12-Gauge Plastic Ti Range. Compore at 4.20 box of 25. FOR PRICE SAKE C-I-L "CANUCK" 12- Gouge Plastic Standerd Compare at 3.45 Box of 25, 2.49 97 FOR PRICE SAKE 50-Foot Clear Virgin Plastic Garden Hose Compare et 2.98 length. FOR PRICE SAKE LOWER LEVEL Ladies' Flatties SHOES Choose from seven popular. styles in olf sizes. Reguler te 5.98 pair. FOR PRICE'SAKE LOWER LEVEL a7 7 5.7 ; J7 OUTDOOR PATIO DISPLAY Philishave Speed-Flex ELECTRIC RAZORS FOR reer -_ Automatic Electric Power Shiner SHOE BRUSH With two brushes for applying thine. Compere at 4.95 each, FOR PRICE SAKE LOWER LEVEL Double Knit Fine Wool MEN'S TURTLE NECK SWEATERS with V-neck ing or choose @ eardigan from this fine assortment of wools, re ot 9.95 each, FOR PRICE SAKE MAIN FLOOR Famous Holiday Brand FERTILIZER for 5,000 aq. ft. cove per "got your lawns and pr agli polly results next spring. Regular Sylvania Lite Bulbs 40-60 end 100 wott Reguler 52¢ each FOR PRICE SAKE 2 for LYE 17 77 LOWER LEVEL LOWER LEVEL SPECIAL GLEAROUT CHARCOAL «=i aPC" 5-10-20-46-ib; Bags MAIN FLOOR Dandruff Remover Contains no alcohol. Reguler 1.50. ~-- Laaiags SAKE MAIN FLOOR New Improved Gillette "Foamy" Menthol or regulor. Regular 1.19. FOR PRICE SAKE MAIN FEL Loor Chocks Multiple Vitamins Large 100-tablet bottle. Regulor 4.75 bottle. FOR PRICE SAKE MAIN FLOOR Mennen SKIN BRACER After Shave Lotion Boxed for gift giving, Compere et 1.25. _ FOR PRICE SAKE MAIN FLOOR 1038 KING STREET WEST at GARRARD RO AD