BACK TO Ar DID YO' GIT THIS ONE ? Clog Fentaree Srecticam, ten, 1965. Workd righte reserved. oo ( ALL KIGMIES BIN DEPORTED) TH' ROAD, AUSTRALIA' WHAR J STARVIN' FO' AFFECKSHUN BUZ SAWYER If T hacer' met: this bb Baht Uy beer, Sid. te rove OW fe ED A LITTLE YEP-~ WHE Ap?' iz ror PLAY WITH YOUR FRIEND WINNIE HOPKINS IT SURE I? JAZZ THINGS THE LONE RANGER THE GIANTS © Kore Focmees Spmtnnce, Sas. 1055. Wtll shah seeereee 'DONALD DUCK 1g CAPTORS HORSE '$ BACK-:- SECRET AGENT X9 omrcspterane a | |THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, September 27, 1965 3 BRIDGE By 8. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Mestess' Individvel Chemptonship Ploy FAMOUS HANDS ee a r se De ie ele Opening lead -- seven @f spades, This hand occurred in the match between France and the United States in 1956. Whee Trezel and Jais held the North- South cards for France, they arrived at five clubs in the mane ner shown. West led a spade, which took with the ace. If Hast now returned a heart, Jails yous beve gone down, ie ais had no trouble makin, clubs. He drew two rounds trumps and ultimately esta! ed a heart trick in dummy te take care of one of his diamond losers. East should have defeated the contract by finding the heart re turn at trick two, It was not really a difficult play to make, East had all the clues he need ed to work out the proper play. He could tell from the bid ding that South had the K-Q of clubs and ace of hearts. there were only two hearts in sight and South was known to have one of them, East should have realized that harm could come from a heart return if South had the l ton ace, and that much could come from a heart if South had the doubleton ace, Playing to give West a heart ruff was clearly East's best shot, At the second table, where an American pair held the "a } South cards, the bidding rather strangely in this fashion: 'Weat' North East South 3m Pass 4h Dble Pass Pass 4@ Passe Pass Sh Here North became declam MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES ON ILL DO LIKE GRANDPA WHEN HE PLAYS 6OL Now YOUR HEALTH Dear Dr. Molner: A young Telaiive recently had a baby and both she and the child al- most died. She seemed to re- cover normally. However, she has such a strong attachment to the baby that she won't let anyone hold him. She feels that PAUL--MARRIAGE IGN'T A PARLOR GANS. WHEN IGAID I WANTED TIME 70 THINK, MEANT A LONG, LONG TIME! ed POPS. ibd, vt 1 no one can take care of him properly except herself, She resents having-company, hates her mother-in-law beyond reason, and her husband, whom she loved dearly, seems to be having a conflict as a result. Is this something that happens after a birth, like "baby blues?" I know some mothers get them, but this seems to be the ex- treme opposite.-MRS, C. M. This certainly doesn't sound like post partum depression. But it is obvious that the young woman is suffering from severe emotional problem For everybody's best interests, Strong Attachment | Brings On Conflict By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD likelihood that. he in turn will favor consulting a psychiatrist. Dear Dr. Molner: I am 12 years old. My mother won't let me have cola drinks because she thinks they contain caffeine or other harmful materials: Are colas harmful to children?-- STEVE N. Yes, pal, cola drinks do con- tain caffeine, but I don't know of anything else in them that is harmful. I won't even say that caffeine is necessarily harmful. Sometimes it is; some- times not. : Young fellows like you are naturally full of energy. You don't need anything to pep you up -- nothing, that is, except plenty of wholesome food and sleep. In fact, your young energy wears us old folks out. Older people, even real old ones like me, and I'm past 50, don't have your bounce. We can I Would report to her doctor|use a stirrer-upper to keep us upper) that has been found. That's why we like our coffee, or tea, which contain caffeine, or our cola drinks, which also contain caffeine, I'm with your mother, Steve. You have youth, which gives you what it takes to buzz. Give you caffeine, and you'll stay awake too long, and not go to sleep to build up your natural, automatic energy. Make a deal with your mother: One cola on occasion won't hurt you. But a boy of your age who drinks several a day will get too wound up and wear out too soon, Wait until you are older before you rely on the lift you get from caffeine. Note To B. M.: Yes, emphy- sema is a dangerous disease, but it is not contagious, Dear Dr. Molner: Why do my eyes water most of the time? The tear drops seem to be salty, Could it be sinus?--Mrs; C, L. Tears are supposed to be salty. Your problem doesn't sound like sinus; it could easily be an allergy. It also could be a plugged tear duct, which is not too unusual, and is a condition that can readily be corrected. had a circulatory problem in his hands for more than a year. Our doctor has examined him WHAT IF HE EVER 60T JUZGADO...n AN? D er at five clubs after the ALL THE MONE' East had made a fancy bid Louie SAmenees Teh MO |e ted maT eee cee Oe Sarin Win Vere breaker --7.Goddessot 28, Bhan AMIEGMMBTIEIE | on which West rayed the deuce wl iy | Channel ¢--Buttale $--Andy Griffith J--Dialing For Dollars 5.Ster discord 27, Justice fgmmamme ts eee rs Mg HHT ' Dialing S}iiutrmmaie! | and shifted to a low heart. Wi Ji. Channel 6--Toronte Var. Kildare With Girl Taik rf 8. Dis . i is performers . Dispatched Fortas (SIHICIOMNGIOIAME | le} ditt Channel 7--Butt 7--The Legend of Jesse| S-Mickey Mouse Clb 7 ee ruffed and North could ui Mil Shere Innere. peli 9. Crazy: 9, Fold over and LIVIGIa| THIOMUIS!e|6) : 1AM covee: Saeee pte tae 198 AM slang 11. Thing: pov lg Himticisis} javoid losing a diamond Charen T-Heinen 9:00 Po "Bouotas" Pelrbenks 10, Plainer Latin CI Aaa ". od a -- sonny evanine [GS iiue. Mo" | Aart Bw | emalaine Sat aa i s' HIATKIOMNES/AIVIE|D = BP oa rae ue aay 10:00 A.A, 14, Couples: 15, God of war BS cog (AICIEIDMMAIMIEIN] _ t 9--Five O'clock Movie |$3--Show of the Week er se abbr, 17. Unbranded y Satarday's Answer F S teperman ovle andy, Seti HT or 15. Beara ah Pennies pal 35, Attempt irs aucers I ll=Mona McClusky 4-1 Love Lucy witness abbr, 31. 8m 37. i, tatu [tote Mec mam | AR Soup ash a0. Weep:sert :staren tt = | Seen In 1882 3 P.M. ¥=The Farmer's $--Bingo 18, Brass- 21. P +, Leave 1 Te Beaver), Daughter 13--What's This song ind ~ People of horse's neck 89. Group of d-mZane Grey Theatre | 4-Ster Performance 7--Donna Reod wi Boise 34. Fish ac- soldiers: . bailing é--Music Hop 19:08 P.M. 4--The McCoys instrument 22, Lever cessories abbr. MEXICO CITY (Reuters) w= ae ST Sai, pei Ge en] ime aa, | SME mop | Slat tat ¢ Big Valley <disiie wae % T Te rm Clr le saucers ave been ae em, tie... ee eee Se ETH (sats ati a 4--Nows, won oo Young a Chick, Hey aie apy ped fa Bg yh 26. ven a - Wi 7, prompted ro weak' pes ee H 2 A mpacto, to reca. N--News qcahennan fare be: lichen hee 27. Attires 7. sightings were recorded as fan : om Pm 3--Mona McCluskey $--Abracadabra 28, Waylay 4 Gi back as 1882. D | | t-Bamily Theatre ad da @2--Jeopardy 30. British Z ' Sey) OB 04 -94-7-449-2--News) OF aan oe soldiers yy, ye | Impacto said that in 1889 the PY geet geins con Weather and Sports | 5 toronto Today 38, Frequently Mexican astronomer, Dr. Jose Ayers &Huntley-Brinkie Viste PLM, $3--Cell My Blut 86, Conforms 18 19 Y//jeo jei |22 [2 lea hor gern uray Movi | at Filament j Afouih. Na. bane Oe re . k Ne a - f Tothevenne i ak sPopeye and Pale #8. Boctsient od Wh found' "hantrede ol Moen 4] : : he Pam T-4--Lete Show 12118 bm agi 4 ind "| <2 Nay a oe é-Night" Metre 4--Speaker of the House 99. Descriptive ee Ya ye higag passing in front of his Thunderbirds Mae P. 12:88 Pad, a . Guici., COME SEE pe 1--The Saint V--First_ Edition News lassie YG a He wrote in # French scien Rat Tie MEOW | | le DOESNT BVEN Cea Hebe" | APata ance | Bal at 40. Come whet: WAS GAS ausieatien! / ey West 3--Third Man 4--Search tor Temorrow muniste "In nearly t h : 2--Huntley-Brinkiey 11:40 P.M, 3--Noonday Repert 41, Cape d y two-houre I ne Pe %~Plerre Ber 2 we Z served the pa OS, SSlettery's People tinea tees Wk Y, a lestial bodies '. 'ee ; %--The Lucy Show 130 P.M, Building Light coy estia. es, all of identical bd Hullabaion V=Jee Carlo at the Organ rp eyy 1. Not sweet 39 shape, very similar to flying bron "¢ High x =} t3Don Mansor'sJubliee nnopeyd N=TOTe how pie a a0 7A Plates, and, judging from the oe Ca |i1--Schnitae!. House o--Matines 4. Alongside 4 <j jsreat distance and the enor 'healtanen 4--Captain Kangeree Cenc ie awe mous rate at which they en- S cere we ice tered and left the visual field 4+-I've Gor A Seeret 4--Mike's Cornivet S-Mike Dougie Show lest safe stimulant (or stirrer-jand weighs 153 pounds. He has|of my telescope, they must have been propelled at an in- caleulable speed." and finds nothing organically wrong, but the trouble is still there. His hands look gray at times.--Mrs, V, A. This sounds--I'm not diagnos- ing, just making a guess--like Raynaud's disease, which is thought to be due toa vaso- motor instability, The auto nomic nervous system react: unpredictably. Nervous tensior or anxiety could aggravate th: trouble CACTUS GROWS SLOWLY The saguaro cactus, which can reach a height of 50 feet, grows only one inch in its first 10 years of life. SMOKING COSTS MUCH The average British spends 7.4 per cent of its 'ome on tobacco and 6.6 cent on fuel and light, se Another possibility is tha' pressure in some way is being exerted on the large blood ves sels in the neck. A socalled "cervical rib" can do this, and so can certain neck muscles. Investigate these possibilities. Dear Dr. Molner: Is there any cure for "hot flashes"? I am 63 and have been having them since menopause. -- C. MeL, Discuss this with your doctor, In general, the hot flashes end menopause, but some women, who have hyper-active nervous systems can have these flashes Consult an eye specialist Dear Dr. Molner: Our 16-year- what is happening, with theigoing. Caffeine is the common- old son is 6 feet, 144 inches tall, long afterward, Often a mild isedative or tranquilizer is all \that is necessary. Occasionally after the immediate time of SALLY'S SALLIES "Mind breaking it for me' It's so cute I haven't the hess |women your | will benefit by 'judicious use of hormones te oven bit ie