4 Satie eR ERecemmemeEsnmenoneneest Q 'THE OSHAWA' TIMES, Tussdey, August 31, 1965 Viets Come Back, - Re-Take Outpost . From AP-Reuters SAIGON (CP) -- Government - forees today retook an outpost overrun by the Viet Cong and set ablaze during the night, a U.S. military spokesman said. Casualties to the regional|los foree company defending the post were described as moder- pr Boal Cong casualties were copter shortly after noon and reoccupied the post 330 miles|P two actions Monday and killed 15 guerrillas. Briefing officers said there were no government casualties. HELICOPTER LOST ah vs gee hplicomar was er le by A takin ont about 25 miles southwest of Saigon, One American and two Vietnamese In the air war, U.S. Navy planes from the 7th Fleet car- northeast of Saigon, the spol mer rer lated report. disclosed ah Fo Viet Cong hit a govern- ment convey Monday about 140 miles northeast of Saigon and inflicted what were called light casualties on Vietnamese gov- efnment troops. Government patrols operating in southernmost An Xuyen province were reported to have clashed with the Communists in rier Indep flew four bombing 'missions against tar- gets in North Viet Nam, spokes- men said. U.S, and Vietnamese planes continued to strike suspected Viet Cong concentrations in South Viet Nam. On the political front, Pre- mier Nguyen Cao Ky defended South Viet Nam's draft law and warned he will get tough with students who oppose it. WEATHER FORECAST Warmer; Air Moving In Cloudy, We TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts;White River: Mainly cloudy issued at 5:30 a.m. EDT: Wednesday. with a few showers Synopsis: Warmer air is grad-jin the morning, little change in ually spreading into the prov-|temperature. Winds becoming ince with extensive cloud and|westerly Wednesday. seattered showers. Cloudy Forecast Temperatures showery weather is forecast for|Low tonight, high Wieseortar! Wednesday. Windsor .....0.5.. & Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Ni-|St. Thomas....... 58 4 agara, Western Lake Ontario,|London ...++sse+ee 55 22 ke Huron, southern Georgian|Kitchener .. 52 72 Bay, Windsor, London, Toronto,|/Mount Forest.. 50 70 Hamilton: Mainly cloudy Wed-|Wingham .., 50 70 nesday with scattered thunder-|Hamilton .,, 2 72 showers in the afternoon and/St, Catharines...., 52 72 evéning, little change in tem-|/Toronto ...,...005. 55 72 perature. Winds southeast 15. Peterborough coon 48 72 Eastern Lake Ontario, Killa- 48 72 1o¢, Haliburton: Mainly cloudy 50 72 Wednesday, little change in|Ki 45 70 temperature, winds southeast 48 68 1b. North Bay. 48 68 Northern Georgian Bay, Tim-|Sudbury .. 48 68 agami, North Bay, Sudbury:/Earlton ... 48 65 Cloudy with occasional showers|Sault Ste. Marie.. 48 42 today and Wednesday, little|/Kapuskasing ..... 45 60 change in temperature. Winds|White River...... 45 65 southeast 15. 42 58 Algoma, Sault Ste. Marie,'Timmins ...,..... 45 60 Freeze Snaps Aug. Mar t Wednesday were killed, briefing officers re-|| Troops were lifted in by heli-| ported. That's what the Allen has had in recent months. _Taylor-- (centre) suffered a Taylor family of Portland | BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE OH WELL, THAT'S THE BREAKS fracture in an automobile accident. His wife (left), broke her heel when she tripped over the family dog. And Gary, 10 (right), Vietnamese troops launched a massive opera- tion recently into Viet Cong- infested swamps long thought to be impenetrable. Associated Press writer Hugh A. Mulligan accompa- nied them. By HUGH A. MULLIGAN AP LA GHI (AP)--Until re- cently, Vietnamese government 'oops seldom dared to tread-- or sink into the ooze--in the rl kong Delta along the South China Sea, Last week, inspired by intelli- gence reports of huge Viet Cong arms caches and anxious to bring the war to the most priv- ileged Communist sanctuary, the, army and navy of South Viet Nam struck the swamp- lands in the delia with a two- day offensive. The. U.S. Air Force gave a thunderous as- sist. Operation Flying Dragon be- gan near midnight with more than 1,000 troops of the 9th In- fantry Division moving down to the ferry slip at Can Tho, on the muddy Bassac River. They boarded the landing craft of two Vietnamese Navy river assault groups. The night was muggy, dark, almost starless, except for the vague sweep of the Southern), Cross, The flotilla of 15 boats slid | swittly down the river. Just as sunrise broke over) the swamplands, flights of F- 100) jets and Skyraiders rained ex- plosives on the impenetrable thickets. Huge curtains of fire \of napalm, |BOATS OPENED UP Then all 14 boats in the river assault group opened with 40 _}and 20mm guns, 8imm mortars broke his knee in a bike accident. Thirteen - year-old Louis -- the only one not in a cast -- serves them a _ snack, (AP) Five Oshawa youths Drinking Teens Fined $50 Each were)race track and was on his way) [Town Taking: | =, 50 and 30-calibre machine- water and danced into the jun-| jgle. The fleet moved up a nar-) row canal and disgorged wave! A Look At Race Unrest | AMHERSTBURG, Ont. (CP) peared into towering man- grove thickets, When the guns stopped, all| that could be heard was the! noise of machetes as the long) columns pressed forward. mangrove swamps of the Me-|. rose from the congtant ance ae bullets skipped off the/ after wave of troops which dis-| fined $50 apiece yesterday by|/home, was fined $10 and costs) Magistrate Harry Jermyn whenjfor being drunk and $10 and) they pleaded guilty to drinking| costs or 10 days concurrent for under age. illegal possession of liquor, The quintet admitted . drink- in a downtown Oshawa All Over Canada And U.S. By THE CANADIAN PRESS Eastern Canada continues to shiver in the grip of unseason- ebly cold weather today but warmer air is spreading into Ontario and is expected to reach. the Maritime provinces by Wednesday. The temperature at Sher- brooke, Que., dropped to 30 de- es overnight. Other parts of he Laurentians region and cen- tral and eastern Quebec had temperatures below the freez- point. n he Maritimes, Halifax and Summerside, P.E.1., set low ~~ records for Aug. Most of southern Ontario was near 50 degrees' during the) night while readings from 40 to| 45 degrees were general in) northern parts of the province. Cloud--and--scattered showers accompanied the warmer air moving into the province. British Columbia had season- able weather while Alberta ing a week of rain. rio expected cool weather and skies were sunny today follow- Manitoba and Northern Onta- rain today. Seaway Strike Threat Looms MONTREAL (CP)--Talks are to be resumed today aimed at avoiding a threatened strike on the St. Lawrence Seaway. Employees claim the present | contract is not being honored) in connection with contracting: | out jobs and seniority rights. | The dispute involves about 300) workers -- maintenance men,| linesmen; -machinists--and--elec-} tricians--from the easternmost end of the seaway, Montreal Harbor, to Sault Ste. Marie. HERE and THERE Mrs. Verna Loughead, 33, of 85 Frankdale ave., East York, who was injured in a two-car accident at Man- chester Saturday morning, died Monday in the Toronto General Hospital. The vic- tim was a passenger in a ear driven by Bertha Vai- vada, 30, of Toronto. The six occupants of the other car, William A. Wyeth, 37, of Peterborough; his wife, Madeline, 42 and their four children, were treated for minor injuries. Mrs, Loughead was taken by am- bulance to the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital where she was treated before being trans- ferred to the Toronto hospi- tal. Constable D. W. Klen- avic of the Whitby Detach- ment of the OPP, who in- vestigated, said the accident at the intersection of Highways 7A and 12 at 10.35 a.m. Saturday. Dam- age to each of the cars was estimated at approximately $1,500. The office of the Whitby OPP detachment - said. this morning that charges have been laid. Council last night instruct- ed all city departments to examine benefits that can be obtained from the winter works assistance program with a giew.to stimulating employment in the winter months by shifting work from summer to winter. Ald. Pilkey said last year the city received $203,000 in winter works subsidies. The subsidy period starts Nov, 1 and ends in April. Birthday congratulations are being extended today to Terry Lynn Ladd of 185 Sin- elair ave. A $2,244 contract for the supply and application of fond Une marking was awarded by council last night to Mechanical Adver- tising Ltd. It was the lowest of two tenders received. The annual meeting of the Central Ontario Sheriffs and Court Registrars' Associa- | tion will be held Wednesday at the Ontario County court- house in Whitby. The meet- ing will be convened by the local sheriff, Morley Bain, A lunchtime reception for the delegates will be held at a Whitby hotel. The city's dix-seal road | surface treatment program has been expanded because bids on the original contract were less than estimates. Council last night added work costing $24,362 to the W. B. Bennett Paving Lid., which won the original dix- seal contract. General Motors Lid., was granted permission by coun- cil last night to reconstruct driveways on Division st., Gate Seven and Ritson rd., Gate Twelve. The Damas-Smith interim report on the Creek Valley | Expressway from Bond st. north to Taunton rd., was referred by council last night to planning board for study, comments and re- commendations. Council noted that previous reports have been referred to the board, assuming it would make comments and recom- mendations to council, al- though the referral motions did not specifically ask for board comments. South End Soft Spray Car Wash was granted a garage licence by council to oper- ate a coin, do-it-yourself car wash at 1089 Ritson rd. s., at Simcoe st. Wallace, ing [hotel Aug. 17. Crown A plan to consider many as- jpects of life here for the town's 300 Negroes was implemented) Monday at a special meeting of} the town council and a seven- man committee recently estab- Police found James §. Henry, 46, of Oshawa lying under the... Atterney Bruce|John st. bridge last Friday) | Affleck said the hotel would be) night. investigated for serving minors. He pleaded guilty yesterday) Convicted of drinking under|to his third offence under the} }age were Garry Shaw, 19, Phillip Murray ave.; 17 of Laurentian ave.; Danny Thompson, 17, of} Highland ave.; James Mac-| Gregor and Larry Richards, 18, of Gaspe st. Another line was added to the) record of William H. Palmer of! Celina st. yesterday when he pleaded guilty to his third offence this year of being of} Liquor Control Gerry| fined $50 and costs or 30 days| Act and was) \for being drunk and an addi- tional $10 fine or 10 days con- current for haying liquor in a} | place other than his residence. | Twenty - one-year-old Linda Knight of Oshawa went to j yesterday for one week wiad she will appear for sentencing on charges of disorderly con- duct and obstructing a peace| A Viet Cong defector led the| |way under close guard. As sun rose Maj. Don Old of} San Antonio, Tex., and Capt.| Ed Parchinski of New York high and scorching. The troops ashore hacked ahead into the dense foliage. Another prisoner, another casualty, then nothing. At 3 p.m. the' powers in the) big boat, far out in the China Sea, called a halt, The landing barges returned down the nar- row canal and opened their jaws to receive the troops, - SAMPAN Aaipenrd UP Three miles upstream a sam- pan was Vices up by a roving t. The megaphone on the bridge ordered the occu- pants to heave to. The men in the sampan struggled in the stiff current but quickly lost headway, Capt. Phong, the Vietnamese skipper, faced a decision; Was the sampan the forward ob- server for a Viet Cong mortar squad or was her crew one of hapless fishermen too unedu- cated to understand compli- cated curfew regulations, Two tracer bullets well above | the people in the sampan | showed the big boat meant busi- ness. The paddlers tried to move toward the big boat but the current swept them away toward shore. "Let them live," Phong said wearily. "God, I am sure, must grow tired of playing God." On that note, Operation Fly- ing Dragon sailed away from a fruitless but daring venture into) |the no-man's-land of mangrove) Viet Swamp Ooze Animal-Lover Hits Church Feared No More For 'Persecution' Of Nun in mind the teaching of blessed Francis of Assissi. If Mother Mary forced to leave church others will follow." WINNIPEG (CP) Louis Ross Murray, president of the Animal Protection League here, has asked the Roman Catholic Church to desist from '"'persecu- tion" of Mother Cecilia Mary. Mother Cecilia, 76, is in dis- pute with her church over an animal shelter in Victoria. The church has ordered her to close the Good Shepherd animal shel- ter and to return to a "normal | religious life." Mr. Murray, who. describes himself as a former el sent a telegram Monday to Most Rev. Sergio Pigenedoli, apostolic delegate in Ottawa, It cish bars said: ta "Persecution of our. saintly Mother Mary Cecilia reprehen- sive and not in accordance with Catholic teachings. I earnestly beg of you to desist in the name of Christ Our Lord and having Sluggish Kidneys May Bring Restless page ine ml a epee tg A tien content with a mere 3%? | swamps. | PITCHED FOR 80X | PUEBLO, Colo. (AP)--Frank |Papish, 47, a left - handed pitcher for American League hicago White Sox from 1945 to apparent heart attack Monday while walking along a street professional baseball, seven of| them in the major leagues, We Need USED | CARS Highest Cash 1948, collapsed and died of an) here. Papish spent 18 years in| lished to inquire into racial un-| City kept tabs on the tactical al residents of this southwestern] situation, calling for air strikes,| 0. | keeping track of the casualty} and prisoner charts. VIET CONG KILLED est. At the conclusion of a 9 minute closed meeting, Mayor |Murray H. Smith said: "The committee has set up! ja frame of reference to dealjwas killed. At 1:25 p.m. the | {with questions regarding pe government troops found some | iployment, housing, public - Russian-made rifles, some gre- |commodation and law cashes: nades and a few maps in grass ;}ment.' shacks at the edge of the wa- The seven-man. committee,| ter. composed of white and Negro| let. the jungle, Ontario town of 4,400 popula-|uneasy night in ries of anti-Negro incidents here| toes. At 12:30 the first Viet oa They set fire to the ham-| The troops settled down to an| tion, was formed following a se-|fighting off bugs and mosqui-| Next day the sun again rose! in early August. | Prices For... 61 - 62-63 Cars Liens Paid Out SEAWAY 200 Dundas St. W. Whitby - Ph. eT officer. PC Neilson of the Oshawa police department testified that drunk in a public place. Palmer's record dates back to 1898 and the more than 130) ha convictions for various offences| Knight refused to obey his covers three pages. | order to "move along" while he Magistrate Jermyn fined him| was on night patrol July 23. $50 and costs or 30 days in jail.) He said a gang had gathered on a service station lot on Bond A Sunday 'booze-up' cost|st. and Miss Knight was the Dorothy Riseborough, 52, of|only one to refuse his com- Cartier ave., $25 and costs or|/mand. Instead, he said she 110 days when: she pleaded| jumped on a motorcycle, swore | guilty-to-being drunk-in-a-pub-|at him and_said_"cops are get- | lic place. It was her second| ting stupider every day." offence: for being drunk this) Miss Knight told Magistrate year. |Jermyn that police officers often add things to their evi- Two men found on the bank) dence and denied swearing at of the Oshawa creek near John) him. st. last Friday night by police) She said the kickstand was |were convicted yesterday of |up on the motorcycle and if drunk charges. | she had gotten off it would have Melville Ferguson of Albert) fallen over. st. pleaded guilty to his third; The magistrate said he had offence of being drunk in ajno reason to doubt the police public place in a year and was) officer. fined $50 and costs or 30 days.| 'I don't think he added any- Jack Stewart, 57, of Ottawa,|thing to the evidence," he a transient who said he lost alljsaid, "but I think you sub- his money at the Fort Erie| tracted." Cabinet Putting Pressure On CNR To Pay Minimums OTTAWA (CP)--The cabinet is reported to be pre-|chain. The code went into effect paring to put pressure on the|July 1. CNR to agopt the federal labor) The CNR maintains that its code's $25 hourly minimum |jotels do not fall under federal wage for workers in seven CNR hotels across the country. law but, like all other hotels in Immediate concern is the|the country, come under pro- Chateau Laurier here where 450/vincial jurisdiction. This stand employees have threatened to|has twice been rejected by La- begin a wildcat walkout next bor Minister MacEachen. who Monday--Labor Day -- if the|says he is determined to apply CNR persists in its refusal to/the federal labor code to this adopt the minimum wage. This situation. strike would coincide with the) One railway spokesman said arrival of 800 delegates tojadoption of the $1.25 hourly the interparliamentary confer-|wage would cost the Chateau ence Sept. 6-17 {Laurier $250,000 a year and put The decision was reached at|it deeply in the red. a cabinet session Friday. Trans-| Applied to all CNR hotels, |Port Minister Pickersgill was|new wage level would have the |assigned to inform the CNR of jetfect of forcing the publicly- |the cabinet's request that pro-|owned railway out of the hotel visions of the labor code be ap- lbusiness, the spokesman added. federal)plied immediately to the hotel) What's foreign about Mrs. Reed of Oshawa? Bell is owned -- by far the biggest part of it, anyway--by people like Margaret Reed. When we counted up recently, there were some 208,000 Bell shareholders. Over 203,000 of them were Canadian residents. And altogether, they held 93.6°/o of the total shares. That's howit has been for a good many years now. So if some people think Bell is foreign-owned -- well, they'd better not let Mrs. Reed, or any of those $25.00 Reward For information leading to the return of the following article removed from the Trappers Inn at Mississauga Lending, Ontario. H Snow or Arctic Owl, white with block morkings, mounted with o red phic ors sped squirrel under his left claw, in action pose with wings outspre massive piece of L-sho weathered tree st Stands yo Bey 40" high. so: er One ow! has been recovered from the southern eree of Oshewe near shopping centre. Write or Phone: | ALLEN GOULD, Area Code 705, 657-8591 203,000 other Canadians hear them say so. Built, operated and owned by Canadians Lots of people seem to think that Bell is a | foreign-owned company. MOTORS | GUARANTY TRUST PAYS 4% INTEREST ON YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT That extra interest soon adds up. Full chequing privileges, too. If you wish, we'll return cancelled cheques. We do not close our doors at 3 pm. You can make a deposit or withdrawal from 9 am to 5 pm--later on Fridays. Transfer your account to us. We will take care of all the details. GUARANTY, TRUST Capital and Reserve $25,000,000 $2 King St. BE, 728-1653 HOMES of CONVENIENCE and QUALITY Broemor Homes feature exocting craftsmanship, modern building tech- control at every stage in order te assure you @ lifetime of equity and trouble-free ownership. These beau- tiful homes are delightfully located in north-west Oshawo in @ community where your convenience is our busi- ness. Drop out today ond discuss your sfuture in Broemor Gardens. there's a better future for wn... braemor gardens (Stevenson Rd. N. at Annapolis) ; i ES See i NSA ae