ce Bisa RG RCRA cea ien car fh 06 'Tips To Tosns- - ~ BE A BUDDING BEAUTY By MARY SUE MILLER To solve individual beauty problems, teen fashion models use bits of make-up trickery, and they do it so well that effects are completely natural, No one is the wiser! If you have a poser, glance through the model tricks below. You may find answers you've been searching for, Do you fuss over freckles? A few are cute, bul a faceful is something else again, To hide a peppering, use opaque: powder base -- either a cake that is sponged on or a covering cream, Match tint to skin, not to freckles, How about your nose? A long nose appears shorter when you blend brownish blusher over and under tip, But- ton noses respond to beige blusher, applied down center bone to just under tip, Are your eyes "lost" in your head? If so, spark lids with petroleum jelly and sweep up lashes with an eyelash curler, Or film lids with palest shadow that reflects eye coloring; mascara lashes. Brown shadow sticks play down heavy bones beneath brow. Is yours a model mouth? 'wo shades of lipstick, light and deep, bring a mouth into beauty's fold. To increase size, outline with light shade and fill in with deep, Cut lip size by outlining with deep, filling in with light, : Now hear this: Those tricks work best for the young adult group. The younger set should play the waiting game, Watch column --- fashion tips next! MODEL TIPS FOR TEENS Fifty ways to ideal skin and natural make-up for young adults -- ages 13 to 19 -- are detailed in my booklet, MODEL TIPS FOR TEENS, Advice covers corrective skin care; how. to use make-up to accent good points and play down problems; fashion model make-up tricks, For your copy, write Mary Sue Miller, in care of this newspaper, enclosing 25 cents in coin and a self-addressed, stamped envelope. eto Pn rant NP Pack a Picnic Hamper And Take to the Side Roads Off you go this weekend for) Pack cake in the pan in THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Lunar influences now bring. al | tendency toward recklessness,| | which will cause many to go off on unprofitable tangents in or-|/ der to escape routine or monot- ony; could also cause emor|{ tional upsets and general jitter: iness. Do your best to curb such inclinations yourself. A'good day for initiating new methods however, FOR THE BIRTHDAY | If tomorrow is your birthday, the year ahead should bring} great happiness in your per- sonal life, Domestic, social and sentimental interests should prove highly stimulating, with emphasis on romance in Sep- tember, next April and June; on travel and social activities between now and late Septem: ber, in January, April and mid- 1966, | In the latter connection, you will find many opportunities for making some valuable new con: tacts, ; Where job matters are con: cerned, excellent headway can be made through a comprehen:| sive and well-planned program! if you launch it immediately and follow through consistently, Advancement, with correspond ing monetary reward. can be lexpedited by extending your isphere of activity and showing a willingness to assume addi: 'tional responsibilities espe leially in early January, Best periods along monetary lines |Between mid - September and jlate October, |February, late \inddin's Rice Ring combines April week in May, late June and riext|it takes advantage of a uniquely August, Do avoid extravagance modern food product, instant and-or speculation this Novem: non-dairy coffee creamer, ALADDIN'S RICE RING Rice And Bananas Team Up | For Arabian Nights Dessert the first half ofthe old bananas with the n:wland remaining 44 cup milk in ihe firstiin a most delightful manner, for|frigerator for 15 minutes, Blend Non:|chilled bow!, Whip at high speed Parents' Assistance! In Children's Ward Proves Beneficial KINGSTON, Ont, (CP)---Un- restricted visiting hours are the rule at Angada Children's Hos: pital where authorities encour: age parents to take an active part in caring for their. young children, The result of a recommenda: tion made by a ocmmittee set up a year ago to study chil- dren's emotional requirements, it's working "wonderfully well," says Dr, A. M, Bryans, head of the department of pediatrics, He explains that all children like to have their parents with them in the strange surround: lings, Older children can adapt and infants haven't yet reached 'the stage where they miss their mother, But at the age of two the child has a great sense of belonging and taking him away from his parents can have ser: jours emotional results, "Emotional deprivation im- pedes healing of physical ill- ness," the doctor adds, Most parents leave the. hospt- tal when their children go to sleep at night, but some, es: pecially in cases where the youngsters are seriously ill, pre» fer to stay, The staff has no ob- jection and Dr, 'Bryans says he hopes some day the hospital will be able to provide cots which} can be placed in the rooms for! parents One study showed that where parents visited once weekly for \two hours and did not partici-| pate in ward care, 92 per cent) 'lof children under five showed significant disturbances in be havior, These continued after return home But in cases where parents} Meanwhile, chill bowl, beaters {non-dairy coffee creamer, chill led milk and remaining sugar in with electric mixer until soft NEED SAME SCHOOL | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 25, 1965 1S MONTREAL (CP) -- Blind! children should go to ordinary | "ole: seve Blanche Melanson, ajhere, She said it takes only a 'counsellor at the Canadian Na-\ week for blind children and oth- nursery schovis whenever portional" institute for the- Dinar Tinto wajumL 10 each othete a PINIAA Thursday - Friday and Saturday SPECIALS ae = 1E SAVINGS DAY V.0.5 Hair Spray on Every Thing at 15-oz, plus 7-oz, Tin for le Reg, 2.99 for Reg. 29¢ for 11-On, Bottle STRIPE! | 9.29 MICRIN 54 ooo NOXZEMA SPRAY DEODORANT mmc gs NYLON HOSE Sizes 9-11 T-on. Reg. 79 for .. LISTERINE which it is baked and cover with{ber; also during next March dairy coffee creamer is whipped heavy-duty foil, and early April, however, Cau-jinto soft, fluffy mounds and|peaks form (4 to 5 minutes), Include 'foods suited to every. (tion during the November per: with rice to form the ring, Mel-| Fold the whipped topping into one's taste i Yliod will be extremely important, low ripe bananas, sliced into ajrice mixture, Turn into 5¥-cup : A child born on this 'day will|{favorsome honey sauce, arejring mould; chill until firm, Une pace eae TON 20 8 ee ioe highly resourceful and inde. heaped into the centre of the|mould onto plate; fill centre ete ss ea beh rr pendent, but 'may have to curbjring for a dessert of unusualjwith honeyed bananas, Sprinkle jand bowl i separ stic : : lbag na separate plastic! endencies toward oxtreme irri- !AVO! nuts on top Whipped Topping (x) | lability when opposed ALADDIN'S RICE RING (x) Honeyed Bananas; = In Allspice ROADSIDE PICNIC LUNCH [OO (Makes 8 servings) gaucepan. combine Y cup Neer Mix egg with sugar; set aside Hot Broth Sparked with ° tr 144 cups water jand % cup water, Heat to boil) Mix non-dairy coffee creamer | Lemon Juice \ aii: ' 2 cups milk ing, Blend 2 teaspoons Corn! oornstarch and salt in saucepan, | (in hot-cold jug) \ is starch with | tablespoon lemonigtiy in hot water, then milk. | 4 teaspoon. salt Glazed Canned Ham 9 cup uncooked rice sure to take along paper already sliced 4 cup sugar tt butt siitse" pauke ates aicter ba Potato Chips Sliced Tomatoes envelopes unflavored gel» [8d " Bly eh boils lstantly, Stir a little hot mixture paper. cups; sippers, forks, Pickles atine Bh " Wed taut Servings /into egg mixture knives and " spoons (plastic if Green Bean and Onion Salad » teaspoon grated lemon pelle anas Bibel a ou like); a wooden cutting | French Dressing tablespoons lemon juice | ' : ard; a slicing knife ina case;| White and Rye Bread cup dry instant non-dairy | BANANA BUTTERSCOTCH bottle opener; Boy Scout knife; | Butter, Peanut Butter 'y : HOUSES colle crnamniel CREAM TARTS roll of paper towels; extra alu-| oneyed Bananas (x (Makes 6 servings) minum i rubber bands;} for Children WIFE PRESERVER Coarsely chopped pecans |) gag. slightly -beaten paper napkins and a plastic, Chocolate Coconut Fudge Cake 4 : ; Combine and heat water, ly), , dese de tablecloth, Pack this small] Assorted Fresh Fruit or small piece of foam rubber|ouns of the milk and salt in top| 1-3 cup firmly-packed brown {glued to the base of the gasiof double-boiler, Add rice; cover) sugar equipment by itself in a box or a Watermelon basket. ' | Coffee or Tea (Hot Bottle) (pedal prevents hee! scuffs w hile|and cook over simmering| 1-3 cup dry instant nondairy | Milk (Cold Bottle) driving water, stirring occasionally,| coffee creamer PICNIC DO'S Measurements level; recipes for ------- jabout 45 minutes or until rice is)? tablespoons cornstarch visited daily and took part in their care the number exper jencing disturbances was re 3 s $1 00 t duced to 48 per cent pair e - 14-on, Reg, 98c for .,.. KENT ONE DAILY VITAMINS 250's compare at 5,98 tor $2.37 VITALIS 12 Ox, Reg, 1.49 for STRIPE a long drive along the lesser travelled roads where you can stop at any lovely place thal suits your fancy. You won't have to bring your grill or look for a site that has one, because the food you have planned needs no further cook- ing. It should be prepared the night before, wrapped in aiumi num foil and plastic bags and refrigerated (not frozen) over- night, SMALL EQUIPMENT 6 baked tart shells (4% x 1% inches) | AQUA NET HAIR SPRAY Com. 199 ea 77° --- HEAD AND SHOULDER SHAMPOO _ : Medium Tube Reg. 89c . 76' a. ch 24 Simcoe St, North (Formerly Sabats) Open 9:30 te 6:00 juice, Stir into boiling mixture/cogk over Jaw heat until mix-| with 1 tablespoon butter Cook ture boils 1 minute, stirring con Return to yellow | saucepan Cook and stir untill \thickened, about 2 minutes, Re /move from heat, Stir in vanilla and butter, Cover and chill, Stir 'in bananas, Spoon into tart shells, Chill thoroughly, Top) iwith Whipped Topping (x),! \Sprinkle with allspice (x) To prepare Whipped Top ping: Chill bow! and beaters in refrigerator for 15 minutes Blend two-thirds cup dry instant Plan a meal as substantial as 6 though to be served at home. Use a large picnic basket or) DON'TS AND DO'S hamper. | Do not pack sandwiches con- As far as possible pack thejtaining fish, eggs or chicken layers of foods im the order injsalad as these spoil easily, Do which they will be served, with,|carry along a big jug of ice cold of course, the ones to be used|water and plenty of paper cups ; i yun =jtender, Mix % cups of the sugar | INDIAN AWARDED PRIZE with gelatine; stir into rice until The Lenin Peace Prize for|gelatine dissolves 1965 was awarded to Mrs,jheat; -cool; Aruna Asaf Ali, a veteran ofjand juice the movement for Indian inde pendence, Chill until from a spoon last on the bottom, Use plenty| of cardboard or heavy-duty alu- minum foil to separate the lay- ers of food, Toronto Woman's Hate Of Waste Benefits Backward Countries TORONTO (CP) -- Determ- ined to find something useful to do with old magazines, a Tor- onto woman has started a small- scale foreign aid program that now involves hundreds of Cana- dians Barbara Redlich says it may have been her upbringing in Latvia and displaced persons camps that taught her to dis- like waste. Whatever it was, she developed an aversion to throw: ing away magazines, She tried all the logical people here who might use them but found they weren't interested "T had heard there was a weed overseas and I got the ad- dress of a family in India and began sending mine there, They were a large family and they got the whole village interested, | I had about 15 requests and be- gan to talk to my friends about it." Later she placed an ad in an educational paper in India ask- ing anyone interested in receiv- ing North American periodicals to write to her and say what sort of reading matter they'd like Since then, Miss Redlich says, she has matched about 3,000 Ca- nadian senders with people in India and requests are still com- ing in. Recently she decided to branch out and now has letters from Ceylon and Korea asking for magazines ACTS AS AGENT She emphasizes that she does not send the magazines herself, anyone interested FASH Never drink from any private wayside stream or pool. Do not leave litter on the picnic spot Do help keep America heautiful in participating may write to her at Apartment 409, 141 Ers.- kine Ave., Toronto 12. She will try to match the offer to one of the requests she has received, "The thing that takes time is 1" Mise R h é ey. ma a.' ---Miss-..Re h¢ plains. "I try not te put a farmer in India in touch with a doctor here." She says some people want to correspond as well as receive or send magazines, others are content with the periodicals alone, One girl who is interested in recipes got pen pals in three or four countries through her contact in India and now all have started an_ international recipe collection Barbara says she would be, happy to find more teen-agers interested in sending publica-} tions to teen-agers abroad, The magazines are valued as entertainment, Miss Redlich says, although they would pre- sumably have some educational and, perhaps, propaganda ef- fect. She notes, for example, that Soviet magazines are made available free in India while one| copy of a North American mag- azine might cost a man twice a day's salary She says she has been told they are so popular that a mag-| azine exchange is carried on) from village to village by aj man who transports them in a cart. He leaves one month's is-| sue and picks up last month's to be taken to the next village | This goes on until the pages are worn out Heinz Baby Foods are pure and nourishing. They are the finest thing your baby can grow on. Next to love. IONS SINCE 1867 Remove from} mix in lemon peel/l mixture}! mounds slightly when dropped!2 4 non-dalry coffee creamer, one- % teaspoon salt 4 third cup cold milk, 1 teaspoon 2.3 cup hot water DISCOUNT Thurs, Fri, 9:30 te 9,00 vanilla and 1% _ tablespoons sugar in chilled bow!, Whip al high speed with electric mixer) cup milk teaspoon vanilla tablespoon butter medium bananas, all yel- until soft peaks form (3 to '| low, sliced minutes) INA HU And now they come to you in convenient glass jars. x wa MQ HEINZ BABY FOODS @ the good they do your haby now--laste a lifetime,