EMBROIDERED CUSHION An extra cushion can al- ways be useful in any home, particularly one as attrac- tive as this which can be used as a scatter cushion be made in colors to blend with your living - room fur- niture. If you would like to receive the instructions, send a stamped, self-addressed Wemen 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, August 17, 1965 SOCIAL & PERSONAL Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Telephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department Honoring 'her marriage to Mr, Richard Howe, Miss Shir- ley Moxam has been feted at Several showers. A_ personal shower was given by Mrs, Eric Howe, Stevenson road . south and miscellaneous showers were held by Miss Leona for handling, to the Needle- work Department, The Osh- awa Times, Oshawa, On- tario, requesting Leaflet No. To Each His Own Reducing Diet The furore aroused by the low-carbohydrate, high - fat diet has caused many an overweight to question serivusly the reduc- ing science based on calories. One reader, who preferred not to sign his or her name, attrib- utes my attitude on this far-out diet to jealousy. The letter: Moxam and Mrs, Kerineth Me- Cormick, College avenue; Mrs. Fred Chase, Central Park bou- levard north, and by -Mrs. Charles Slater and Mrs,' John Collins for many friends~ and naiahoors on Adelaide avenue west, Mr, and Mrs, H, T, Davey, Park road south, have as their guests from London, England, their son, Mr, Derek Davey, Mrs, Davey and son, Allan and Mrs, Idllian Otter, Mrs, H, T, Davey's mother. Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Grant of Fredericton, New. Bruns- wick, are visiting their daugh- ter, Mrs. Eldon Thomas and Mr. Thomas, Talon Court, With Mr, and Mrs. Grant are their son By IDA JEAN KAIN One teener, asked what she considered a portion, laughed and said: 'Hat as much as you want." By that ne you prac- tice over-eating, It's excess food that adds padding, A young lady writes; "Please tell me how to stop stuffing! Sometimes I eat so much it actually makes me hurt, but I can't seem to quit, Do you have any suggestions?" Yes, For instance, when you set the dinner table, put a small plate at your place, Take one generous helping of everything your magther has planned for the meal, If you eat fast, you won't taste the, food! To stop wolfing your, meal, try this plan: Eat the food you have in your mouth before you even fork into the next mouth: ful, Fast eating leads to over- eating, By eating more slowly you give the satiety mechanism time to be effective, Avold two-fisted eating. Do not eat with a fork in one hand, and a piece of bread in the other, You can see that's cal- ories on the double, You might cut the slice of bread in three sections, and enjoy eating each piece, The practice of overeating has stretched your food capac: ity and now it takes too much How Big Is A Portion? Depends On Your Habits excused, Taking her fruit des- sert with her, she walked around the 'block, The plan a" for here-it might for A 16-year-old wrote: "The way 1 lost 20 bulging junds was to cut out second elpings, and to stop "gh | sweets between meals, stopped eating candy bars, milk shakes and sodas, Tell over-weight teeners they can your in contro] if they never kee} deliberately overeat," Eat To Beat The Bulges (approximately 1450 calories) BREAKFAST Fruit or juice Poached egg, on slice of toast, lightly buttered Glass of milk, whole or skim LUNCHEON Sandwich of left-over meat, cheese or chicken Glass of milk Piece of fruit LATE P.M, PICK-UP ened cooked egg or whole im DINNER Generous serving of lean meat, fish or chicken--6 oz, cooked wt, Two vegetables Sliced tomato or green WORKED FOR UNCLE 8AM There are three types of) The employment of women as salad; tossed, arranged, and|U.8, government: clerks was moulded. : firet authorized in 1870. © cere COME IN THREES TAKE IT FROM ME... YOU CAN'T GO WRONG! Not when you send your rugs out to be "Baker-Cleaned", They'll come back looking so fresh and sparkling clean you'll know you made the right move, After all, Baker's have ever 75 years carpet cleaning experience behind them, Pick up your phone and call Ross E, Mills today (local agents) edi prove to yourself that "Baker-Cleaned' rugs are really clean, "Free Pick-Up and Delivery" "Reading your columns re-, |garding the drinking man's diet, if cannot help answering. You seem to criticize everybody's diet but your own. You are not telling us anything new . . . just the same old stuff about protec- tive foods and the need to exer- cise. Why won't you let people try something else and allow them to be the judge as to whether the diet is good or not? You are doing this because you are jealous."' Signed; One o Your Readers, Well, I don't blame you one bit for bristling. It's an age-old dream of man to eat-drink-and- be-merry - and magically lose weight, However, on the basis of current knowledge of biochemis- try, physiology, metabolism and medicine, the idea that one can continue to reduce on unlim- ited calories, as long as carbo- hydrages are curbed drastically, is devoid of scientific rationale. The desire to be free of the burden of fat may tempt you to try anything that promises slim- ming results. Who can blame you? Yet, despite the seeming magic of a low carbohydrate regime, in the long run the plan will not work. A high-fat- low + carbohydrate diet dehy- drates the system, causing the pointer on the seales to plunge with pleasing promptness. Nat- urally you think this is magic. But, following the dehydration phase, your weight will be gov- erned by the calories consumed. There is nothing wrong with counting carbohydrate grams, provided you keep your diet bal- anced and include the essential protective foods: Vegetables, fruits, skim milk--as well as lean meat, fish and fowl, eggs and ch and whole grains. On the carbohydrate score, this will add up from 80 to 100 grams a day, That's the protec- tive diet, the diet endorsed by scientists, nutritionists and the medical profession. WESTINGHOUSE INVENTORY SALE PRICE Come see the Westinghouse line -- Refrigerators, Ranges, Freezers, Home Loundry Equipment. USE YOUR CREDIT, OPEN AN ACCOUNT! Buy the appliance you have been wanting ot Semi-Annual Inventory Savings. and daughter, Mr, Wendell Grant of Prince Edward Island and Miss Judy Grant, Fredericton who will be returning to teach at Magnetic Hill, New Bruns- wick, E 8059. Hold Celebrations On Silver Wedding Celebrating their silver wed- ding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. James B, Toppings Laracor ave- nue, entertained friends and relatives at an afternoon and evening reception at their home. Serving the guests were Miss Judith Sutton, Miss Ardyth Pol- litt and the couple's daughters, Miss Karen Toppings and Mrs, Dennis Kemp (Lynda). A gousin of the family, the Reverend James B, Toppings, SJ, of Breboeuf College, cele- brated a mid-morning mass on Sunday for the silver jubilee and apostolic blessing was re- ceived from the Holy Father Pope Paul VI, A dinner was held at the Flying Dutchman, -- arranged and given by Mr. and Mrs. Toppings' three children, Mrs. Dennis Kemp, Miss Karen Top- pings and Mr. Paul Toppings. An anniversary cake centered the table with pink and white chrysanthemums, tipped. with silver. The Reverend L. T. Me- Gough and the Reverend James Toppings were present at the dinner. Out of town guests included Mrs, May Post of Grandview- on-the-Hudson, New York, God- mother of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Morphy of Sarnia and Mr, and Mrs. Robert Fen- ton, Agincourt, Special guests at the home reception were Monsignor Paul Dwyer, Father L. T, McGough and Father James Toppings, STAR RODE ELEPHANT Lucille Ball rode a pink ele- phant through New York for the filming of Steve Lawrence's new TV show, which starts September 13. envelope, enclosing ten cents SOCIAL NOTICES FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE The forthcoming marriage is announced of Shirley Bernice Moxam, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Moxam of May- nooth, Ontario, to Mr. Richard Bruce Howe, son of Mr, and Mrs. Donald Howe of Oshawa. The ceremony is to take place on Saturday, August 28, 1965, at 2,00 p.m, in Holy Trinity (Angli- can) Church, Maynooth, ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, George Stephen Hallett wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Sandra Dawn, to Mr. William Henry Marshall, son of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Marshall, all of Oshawa, The wedding is to take place on Saturday, September 25, 1965, at three o'clock in the Pentecostal Church, Simcoe street south. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr, and Mrs, Theodore A. Hilton, Oshawa, wish to an- nounce the forthcomihg mar- riage of their daughter, Ruth Lavina Jane, to Mr, Ronald Wayne Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs, James Melville Ander- son of Peterborough. The cere- mony will take place on Satur- day, September 18, 1965, at 4.30 p.m, in Northminster United Church, Oshawa. food to give that feeling of sat- isfaction, So, the second rule of the game is this; At the finish of an adequate, balanced meal, while you could still relish more, get up from the table, Walk into the other room, Teen-agers, while you sit and stuff, you may not feel you are overeating, It's 20 minutes later that you get the crowded, full feeling amidships, If you have the gumption to get up from the dinner table before you feel completely satisfied, you will find that later you do feel con- tent. You're shrinking your food capacity, and slimming down, Devise your own strategy for action, One 12-year-old hit upon the plan of placing a piece of fruit--an apple, a peach, or a plum--in the living room, be- fore dinner, At the finish of the meat, potato, vegetable part of the meal, she would ask to be on a continental bed, or can Courtice Pair Feted On Silver Wedding Mr. and Mrs, Harry Gay, Courtice, were pleasantly sur- prised recently when about 40 relatives and close friends from Courtice, Bowmanville, Oshawa, Hampton, Blackstock and Caesarea arrived at their summer home at Caesarea to honor them on their silver wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs, Gay (nee Ann Wilkins) were married at Ebenezer United Church on August 24, 1940, A sister, Mrs, William Mel- drum, Oshawa, read "This is Your Life," from a white satin- bound book, made and prepared by another sister, Mrs. Wilfred Brown, Courtice, Miss Jean Gay, on behalf of her family presented Mr. and Mrs,. Gay with a silver vase. Mr, Harold Wilkins on behalf of the family and friends made a presentation of a pair of tall silver candle sticks with re- movable triple holders, The couple expressed their thanks for the thoughtfulness in arranging such a pleasant sur- prise and for their gifts, A buffet supper was enjoyed; complete with a decorated cake. salad Slice of bread, lightly but- tered Cantaloupe, or other fresh fruit "JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL" = "Over 80 Years Experience" BAKER CARPE] Cleaning Co NIGHT Diet soft drink, sceiieteaaeateesis KAYE'S LARGE SIZES SHOPPE SIZES from 14% - 32% end | Reg. 38 to 52. | LOVELY LARGE Size BATHING SUITS and SUMMER PLAY SUITS, KAYE'S sizts tne SIZES SHOP 4 King St, BOWMANVILLE 623-5102 The ways and means commit- tee of Delta Sigma Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi recently met at the home of Miss Linda Wil- son. Many projects for the chap- ter's coming year were discuss- ed, of which. the first was the fall fashion show to be held on September 22 at St. Gregory's Auditorium. The. proceeds will be donated to some charity which will be announced later, The models, sorority members, were chosen and tickets will be on sale early in September from a number of businesses and from any of the Delta Sigma members, Refreshments were served, The Reverend Dr. H. A, Mel- low and Mrs, Mellow returned last night from a vacation spent touring the British Isles, Among the many historical points visit- ed were Stratford. on 'Avon, Cambridge University, and Kings College Chapel. Some FOR THE FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES In the lotest Shades end Fobrics ,, . e@@, +> Mé DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY TRACKS WXPERTLY INSTALLED 723-7827 For "BAKER SERVICE" -- call your locel agent ROSS E. MILLS Co. Lid. PHONE 728-6218 80 SIMCOE NORTH % no cinialinieaeianinimeemesnanan OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE AND DOWNTOWN STORE time was spent motoring through rural England, Wales and Scotland and they caught their plane home from Shannon Airport in Ireland, yesterday) morning. | 74 Celine Street FABULOUS FABRICS FOR FALL AUGUST "SEW & SAVE" SALE | | SATEEN PRINTS 36" cotton sateen ------ European import! For blouses ond transitional dresses in assorted prints, Reg, $1.79 yd. HEAVY WEIGHT WOOL 15/16 ozs. 56-60" wide woollens in @ rich variety of tweeds ond plains, exciting weaves, Reg. $7.99 -- $8.99 yd. WESTINGHOUSE 9.5 GU. FT. - NEW AND DISPOSABLE "Family-Size" Refrigerator Something new around the house is this cool and pretty utility dress with its round , collar, cap sleeves and huge | | | a qualm, DECORATOR PRINTS- 36" cotton sailcloth, Assorted. prints in patterns for -- dinettes, dens and the cottage, Reg. e --By Tracy Adrian | RONALD W. BILSKY, 0. | CHIROPRACTOR 100 King St, €. = 728-5156 Low Priced! Big Enough For The Average Family ! tulip - trimmed patch pock- ets. The big news {s that the entire frock -- from neck to hem -- is made of paper. So when it becomes soiled or spotted it can be rolled up and thown away without Full-width, 35 Ib. freezer 19 Ib. frozen food pkg. tray Full-width vegetable crisper Deep door shelf area includes egg shelf... butter and cheese keeper 1685 And Your Old Refrigerator 36" WIDE 99:. FINE COTTON CORDUROY French import) Midwale and widewole, for ol! sports weer, wits, jumpers, in vorious solid colors, Exceptional savings! pe : Ploin, printed 36° wide $1.29 yd. "Midwole plain $1.2' + Sneieen wennremene Seve On Drapery and Upholstery Fabrics ! DRESS YOUR HOME IN COLOUR DRAPERY FABRIC ENDS --~ in assorted solid colors end inter- esting prints, Ideal for cushions, upholstery! 9T* YouR cHolet, BAN evs bye ea eis sian ce RAYON DRAPERY FABRIC ~-- 45" wide in plains and prints suitable for drapes in al! your rooms, Limited quantity ! 17 Reg. $1.79 yd. YD. ......., Cis eeceees ® NOVELTY WEAVE PABRIC ----- "Coloray" tone-on-tone novelty fabric for drapes, Limited quontity only! Bees BURP OE VR a as Betty Haydl INTERIOR DECORATOR PURNITURG ORAPERIES _BROABLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 Trade-In . . . Trade-Up Teday ! FW ¥ ~~ herney's FURNITURE WORLD DOBBIE AND BARKCLOTH ----- 36" cotton fabrics in patterns idea! for shortie dropes, cofe and tier curtains for the 67° whole house, Reg, $1.00 te $1.29 yd.! YD.