B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturday, August 14, 1965 THE TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK DINING LIVIN ~ OPTIONAL GARAGE. BCA® 2120 2 CAR. 10" 20 Design No. CH-1040. 1342 Sq.Ft. Bivoprints include complete detalls for building In BRICK or FRAME () Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" Mail reouests 10c extra. (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times). POCCORESESOOET ROSES EE OOOO EEO DED ODO RED EEROEEEOREEOT Name AGATCES corccrccccccccccccvoncescccenccccsececevacecccoee FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE -CRACKS IN PLYWOOD _ - -- ~ cote: : torage|nard wall and ceiling surfaces ee a poorly any which reflect sound waves. In- These have plywood doors which|stalling acoustical material on have developed cracks, What|the ceiling eliminates as much can I use to fill the cracks? 1/8 one-third to one-half of sound want to be sure the surface is) Dounce." A resilient floor cov- smooth when I enamel the/@ring (asphalt or vinyl asbestos doors. -- will ees ig aero ' rapes, upholstery, etc., also Pee yin pig i -- serve to cut down noise reflec- thinned to the consistency of a tion, To install acoustical sheet thick cream. When the filler has|°° tile material, follow manu- become dry and hard, smooth facturer's instructions, avail- by rubbing with 000" sand- able from the dealer. paper and wipe off the dust. SPIDERS AND CRICKETS DEPOSITS CLOG . QUESTION: We recently mov- QUESTION: Lime: depositsjed into a fairly new house, are apparently clogging thejranch type. We are bothered water supply pipes to our tub|with many spiders and crickets. and shower. The water just bare-|How can we get rid of these ly trickles out. We have nojinsects? ' trouble with water pressure any-| ANSWER: Spiders eggs de- where else in the house, How/velop in crevices, under edges can this be remedied? of wallpaper, etc. Destroy all ANSWER: Sorry, but the only|webs as soon as they appear remedy is replacement of thejand crush each insect. A faulty pipes. The cheapest re-|vacuum-.cleaner is good for placement is with copper tub-|cleaning up the webs, Then ing which is flexible enough to|spray all surfaces with a special be pulled up through the walls,jinsecticide. For the crickets, alongside the old pipes which|pyrethrum powder is effective. can be left where they are, This|Blow with a powder puffer be- eliminates the cost of breakingjhind articles that give them into. walls and floors for re-|shelter. Powder should be biown placement. I. recommend hav-jinto the air, for its effect is ing a water-softening unit in-/smothering rather than poison- stalled. pgs Repeat coving at intervals of two or three days. Insecti- SOUNDPROOFING cides containing malathion are QUESTION: We plan to con-|good for general use against in- vert part of our basement area'sects into a recreation or family! room, How can we make the) ASPHALT TILE DULL room soundproof?. | QUESTION: We have a brown ANSWER: Noise is always ajand white asphalt tile on our problem in basement rooms, be-|kitchen floor. When I wash this |the water becomes milky and THE HOME WORKSHOP ""' finish on the tile is becom- ing dull, How can this be cor- _ ---- rected? ANSWER: I suspect. you are jusing a harsh cleaner on the tile or a paste wax. Either of these materials would be likely to cause some of the color to }come off because they contain olvents which deteriorate the ile, All composition floor cov- jering materials should be clean- jed with a mild soap or one of the special cleaners available at --_--------y, AND STAND DESIGN NO. CH-1040 A most attractive brick veneer Ranch home with pleasing stone and vertical board accents. Colonial small pane windows add to its very charming appear- ance, Rooms are larger than usual for a house of this size which, without garage, could be built on a 60 foot lot. Blueprints in- clude complete instructions for building in Brick or frame, Also details for eith- er a one- or two-car garage are included. Standard Blueprints for this Design No. 1040 cost $15.00 for the first set, and $5. -- for additional sets. They are available in Can- ada by return mail. (On- tario residents must remit 3 per cent Sales Tax). Now available at this Newspaper Office (o8 from the ad- dress below) is our Design Book entitled 'Suburban and Country Homes design- ed for Canadians," price $1.00 tax free. This Edition includes information on Cost of Building and Financ- ing in Canada, Heating, In- sulation, Constructional De- tails, etc. plus many out- standing new designs -- Ranch, one and half storey, split level, two-storey colon- ial, and duplex homes. Also included in this book are full details on how to order Blueprints, stay out of that tub until you can get competent electrician to diagnose and correct the extremely dangerous wiring condition. Don't risk being an- other electrocution statistic! GARDEN GUIDE Composting garden refuse has many advantages for home gar- deners, state horticulturists with the Ontario Department of Agri- culture, It is a good source of organic matter for improving garden soils and eliminates sup- plements of manure and other organi material. A compost pile provides a handy disposal place for grass clippings and leaves. Almost any kind of plant re- fuse can be used in compost, including cabbage stems, dead foliage, discarded fruits and vegetables, leaves, grass clip- pings, and weeds, provided they have not reached the seeding stage. Branches and _ twigs should not be usétl as they take too long to break down. Start Own Compost Unit Use That Garden Refuse hy pile on be af ie a depression in the top of the| generally wide and about four to five feet! nile to collect water. Keeping high. The length will depend on} 11, nite moist is important dur- Pe compost may be sifted through a coarse yoo tacey screen to remove any ™M-iCathy Ferguson to a dead heat posed pieces before it is' used.lin the 200-metre backstroke Fri-g @ Homes @ Additions 1 pay at bea Waves AAU swim- ng a champion- ships. Both were timed in 2:28.0 the material available but pro- as cotn stalks or straw should waste and sprinkle on a little lime and complete fertilizer at the rate of 250 pounds per ton of compost. The lime aids breakdown and makes the pile ndor-free. Continue building the compost in a sandwich-like fash- jon to the desired height. Make By KEN SMITH system to feed furnace oil into private homes through under- ground pipelines, eliminating lthe need for bulky oil tanks in basements, is being installed at a suburban housing develop- ment. : If it proves successful, it could increase the already hot competition among oil, gas and electricity in the rich home- heating field. The pipeline system to serv- ice 160 homes in Scarborough is being installed by a private company, Domestic Oil Trans- mission Systems Ltd., holds patents on the concept. Although the idea of fuelling private homes by oil pipelines has been talked about for a long time, this is believed to be |the first major practical at- tempt in Canada | The system, which can be ex- |panded to include another 90 homes, consisis of a 15,000-gal- lon central tank, fram which oil will be pumped through buried pipes to the homes. In every home will be a specially de- signed meter to record the amount of fuel used. Home-owners will pay the normal local price for the oil-- 18.1 cents a gallon--but will save the cost of an oil tank as well as gaining the extra space in their basements. SERVICE BURNERS The oil company that supplies the central tank will service the oil burners in the homes. In ef- fect, the oil supplier will lease the supply system from mestic Oil for a 20-year period. If a homeowner is not satis- fied with the service he. gets from the oil company, he can disconnect his home from the system, get an oil tank installed and deal with any supplier he wishes. Ronald B. Cheeseman, pres- ident of Domestic Oil, says a system to feed about 150 homes would cost $40,000 to install. He floor covering dealers,followed jby thorough rinsing with clear} |water, Only a water-based, self-| THERE ARE NEW USES for 2 gg ROWE He unnd on so the old-time box that was handy for carrying knives and) QUICK, THE ELECTRICIAN! forks to the table. Now we carry); QUESTION: When taking a books, mending and odds and bath and I touch the water con- ends in the box fastened to a trol knobs, I get a severe elec- stand with pull-out shelves. Pat- tric shock. We have our own tern 281, which gives full-size|well and pumps. This trouble guides and shows how to make just started. How can this be both, is 50 cents. It also is in/ remedied? the Pine and Maple Reproduc-- ANSWER: Hygienic or not, PATTERN 281 wy | The 'REALLY-PROUD" Home Owners Live in BRAEMOR!! BRAEMOR GARDENS -- 'the really nice place to live" -- offers you every schools, plazos and churches --- parks and recreation areas, utilities, Now is an ideo! time for public shopping convenience; high -- schools, services ond New Furnace Oil System Eliminates Basement Tank Canadian Press Business Editor|other communities for permis-| TORONTO (CP) -- A_ new/sion to install the system, while which| | | Inow is negotiating with several he has the green light from some others and is looking around for interested contract- jors. David Satok, president of the \firm building the homes, de- |signed to sell for $18,000 to $35,- 000, says public reaction to the concept has been good, It's |made the homes easier to sell. | Mr. Cheeseman, who has been! in the retail oil business for years, says he decided to try to' develop the system because of competition from natural gas in Ithe home-heating field. | Gas, he says, has been Win-| Ining 80 to 85 per cent of homes |built in recent years in the Tor-| onto area, A significant factor| lin the gas sales was the conveni-| ence of having the fuel reach| the homes by pipeline. vision should be made for ex-|ing dry weather, and it may be tension. If both ends are open|necessary to water it occasion- the decomposed material mayjally. Turning the pile now and be removed from one end while|then so that the outside portions fresh material is being addedjare moved. to the middle will to the other end. A twelve-inch|also aid in more rapid decom- layer of a coarse material such| position. : Materials used in construction bé placed in the bottom to allowjof the- compost pit may vary for aeration and drainage. Next|with budget and needs of the add'a six-inch layer of green|owner, Wooden boards can be'Manures and Composts. be moved as the pile extended, the materials, If CHOOSING A LOT (cont'd) "So I figured if I couldn't jlick 'em, I'd better join them." to reach the pile. The blocks need not be cemented and se for 19: vents, Islington Golf Club here to fin- ish two strokes ahead of Charlie Normally, it is applied to gar- den soils straight from the pile. For further information, write the Information Branch, Ontario Department of Agriculture, Par- liament Buildings, Toronto 2, for Publication 116, Artificial ten-year-old Judy Humbarger raced world record holder ondon, Oiii., ca : tario seniors' golf champion- Friday. Jack Nash, who TOLEDO, Ohio (AP)--Four- ; 723-7122 | Heeted es by Ges The registered plan of the locality should be checked in the city en- gineer's or city surveyor's office, This plan will give you an idea of the pro- jected future growth of the. district, You might discover for instance that oc 4 foot wide public foot-path has been planned between your lot and your neighbor's, or that the bottom of your gorden abuts a future public play-ground, These could detract from the value of your property. Find out such facts before you build, not after, Choosing A Lot will be continued next week in your interest, * Oshawa BUILDERS' ASSOCIATION 369 Oshawa Blvd. N. _723-7390 +.» Your Design For Modern Living At Its Very Best ! rmstrong | omes | Providing homes with built-in quality. for comfort and living ease | CUSTOM BUILT TO | YOUR SPECIFICATIONS -- Phone -- PICKERING OSHAWA 942-3310 723-6461 For Complete Details Under No Obligation | | | 1 you to visit Braemor Gardens while it is at-its most beautiful, Consolidated Building Corporation Announces New $500 Government Bonus Guaranteed To Every Purchaser It is fitting that "Canada's Largest Builders" should be first to offer the new Federal Government's Winter Works Bonus. . this$500 allowance coupled with the $2,000 to $3,000 additional CBC saving will result inan unprecedented rush of home buyers. We urge you to act now, because we make it clear -- We will not sacrifice the quality of our home construction by selling a greater number. of homes than can be built te our rigid standards." braemor gardens (Stevenson Rd. N. and Annapolis) "THE CANTERBURY" (above) more then our price. tion Packet No. 53 which is ------------------ $1.75. Home Workshop Editor, The Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ont. NUMBER SIGN PATTERN 446 WE MANUFACTURE PRECAST CONCRETE Approved for all municipal and township by-lows. Quelity is unconditionally gueranteed. Deliveries are made on time. iw $1126 DOWN 2 Bathrooms, Master Bedroom has en suite bath con venience 7 NEW DESIGNS FROM $17,400 onment for children to grow up in, @ planned community where A QUAINT OLD SIGN show- ing guests arriving by coach cut out with a jig saw and painted black makes a beautiful number sign for a home of today, Pat- tern 446, which gives the full- size tracing design as well as alphabet and numerals, is 50c CAPACITIES AVAILABLE @ 460 GALLONS @ 600 GALLONS . @ 1000 GALLONS ALL IN SINGLE OR DOUBLE CHAMBER @ 525 GALLONS @ 700 GALLONS increase thet total, Add your name to the sign if Planned you like. This pattern also is oné of four in the Useful Cut-Outs Packet No. 57 -- all for $1.75 The Home Workshop Editor, The Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ont. Prergd dee voncaere Prouers in. (esas } This home is being offered elsewhere to-day at elmost $3,000, Spanish inspired 4-bedroom plus Family Room Back Split Level, with erched breeze-wey and Carport, Has Storms and Sereens, Divided Basement. Kitchen has built-in range and oven, Detached, Dover-by-the-Bay is more than just land, water, trees and homes. It ts @ way of life. Dover offers the just-right kind of wholesome envir- find the neighbourly neighbours you'll be proud to have, where your children get the best of schooling in the finest mew schools. Where modern shopping, churches, and the boundless pleasures of motor boating, sailing, fishing and swimming ore almost taken for granted by the over 7,000 residents. One visit end your family will wont te MODELS OPEN 10 A.M. -9P.M. DAILY... PHONE 942-3442 CONSOLIDATED BUILDING TORONTO -- LONDON -- HAMILTON -- OTTAWA --. @ CHOOSE YOUR LOT OUR FULL Facing the Bay, Facing the Lake, On « Mature PRICE ' Treed Ravine . . . Name your preference, @ CHOOSE YOUR' STYLE 7 Detached Models and your choice of colors and features is almost unlimited. 2-3-4 Bedroom Homes from $17,400 Your $500, allowance comes off this low price. Sliding Glass Patio Doors from Family Room. JUST 15 MINUTES FROM SOUTH PLANT Go west en Highway 401 te Liverpool! Rood (Interchange 64), Turn south te the BP Serv- ice Station, turn right end follow the signs to the Dover Gates, turn left, you'll and Developed by "Canada's Largest: Builders" CORPORATION - MONTREAL -- CALGARY -- VANCOUVER