16 Ht OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, August 10, 1965 ' 23--Real Estate Wanted (26--Apartment for Rent '30--Automobiles for Sale soe Aa Ergin Sb age PERN CO BRINE! a ctgapendy § 30--Automobiles for Sole ese ssuogodecor gaan leh eee ip Ace ee eee 31--Compact Cars for Sale38--Coming Events 5 ak RI gad Mngt 20--Real Estate for Sale |22--Lets for Sale STOP! DON'T... Do it yourself, Let us help NONQUON $ 89 a SPECIAL BUILDERS Full Down Payment OPPORTUNITY DETACHED 31 choice residential lots with 3 and 4-bedroom solid brick all prepaid services including underground wiring. Move pare and split - levels, ine stone fronts, into a developed subdivision where all the promotion and pioneering has been done. po $14,995. 1 and 2 bath- rooms, carports and garages, storms ond screens, vanities, Special price and terms to builders. CALL pee road, curbs, side- LL "PHONE 942-2561 MILLER & IMRIE REAL ESTATE LTD. CLUSLYE AGENT L ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E. 728-4678 SERVICED semi-lots ready to ¢ Py brick bungalow, Miat300, win eepye i oo per tot, active, Bay 'down. Good condition. are Oshawa Quick (Pom Call Mr, - Wilks, "9i22611,. PMMA Realty Sia, Arthur Weinberger, Real Estate, Limited. METCALF JUILDING LOT on 7A bs ot east of you, BUY or SELL your next... property. TOWERS LTD. sate sie tees St.) LTD. Northend Location 25 Bond West @ Featuring 1, 2 & 3 bed- rooms, Reinforced Concrete Sound Proof Electrical Heating Broadloom Inter-Com System Hi-Fi Radio Balconies Underground Parking Reserve Now Phone 728-9466 728-4014 OSHAWA REALTY (BOND ST.) LTD. Multiple Listin Listing Servi 24--Stores, Offices, Storage) « OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE In Times Building CONTACT T. L. WILSON At the Times suitable for any type STORE for rent, The Is On He doesn't know it, but we've been making fan- tastic deals. It'll pay you to see us before he gets back. Your gain is our loss, * Leased Convertible 1965 CHEVROLET SUPER SPORT_IMPALA h style bung f business or office, at Station Plaza. my '0W-| Bort Perry. NHA approved. Call W. Craw-|T 728-4113. ----~-----~| 5000 miles, This cor was three bedrooms, iarge 'living room and 16-4869, a = _ SINGLE, $7 douple, d dai week! 7 Well lot. Close to all sea bs kath Ch REPAIR SHOP or storage space for i Small apariments aveliable, Board| waxed at least once per week, and bus. To inspect call Gerry) oor South-east location, Approximately |optional, Hollywood Motel and Restaur-| Driven by a sensible middle- 72-6714, Realtor, TEWACR Re ob me with spring pond pend 1300" squere feet. A ral Call Guidelant, Whitby 668-2067, aged driver. Power steering, bad Sed eae we inchuley' Reatignss Tal cee ee eT. |e BOOM apartinen, private enfrence.| power brakes, -- automatic 'six-year-ola, three bed-|§ Pose Street East, 723- ae. or 668-5765, OFFICE SPACE -- 1500 } sot non feet in| walking distance to downtown. Working tel aa white room brick room| ae cluding vault, New building lephone oe transmision, -- radio, fenced in lot, close to schools. cy age LOT, # x 151, North Oshawa, For Infor-cai; Stradeski Reel Telate, 123 163, Tie Se ee pea ae gma walls, discs. Will take trade. now. Cal: Jim Brady, mation, telephone 728-7245, Fen-oas. Bolahood Bros. Ltd, io acr §EVERROGM ho home, We 7" sone ye greeks ai OW taxes vipers, one fome For all details call) Ltd. iy Wallace 725-6297, Joseph Bosco, 78-7377; io ACRES -- With | Stradesh |_Reel Estate, 72 7723-465), foice|23--Real Estate Wanted _ -- no buildings ¥ with two bush near Tyrone, Call John 723-6590. Keith Peters Realty 'spring creek, large or home location. 'alt Jean Parr at Don pooh, hed suitable for couple. 728-206 25--Houses for Rent Oshawoa's First 27--Rooms for Rent Telephone} This' cor. priced out new at $4465, Come and see us. We are ready willing and able to do business, ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home, Call between 5-and 7 p.m, GARDEN HOMES NEEDED | "Happy Vendors" We have to offer you, the people of Oshawo and Dis- trict, over 57 years of accu- mulated experience' in the Real Estate Field, For over six years we hove diligently and successfully served the public and have a proven sales record which re- veols that 'over 90% of our lot y Board lrg ree well saan oy Tina in "3,000" "on Real Estate the 728-7571 ai7900 BOLL PRICE for brick bungalow in North cern Wi Payments only $95. per month, Call Bi I Johnston, Schofield-Aker Limited, 728-1066. bath gees sched with on ly $3, $89. per month. car 'ail Sonnston, schoriais: Rxer Litd., 728-1066. four-bedroom D bunge: gar - Sse bye isti Iminate in satisfac- PRIVATE SALE -- ivestorey home, six| listings cult paige gph throom, Suitable for) tory sales, iy terms. Telephone; Now we require additional u ee are --siz| Properties for sale -- the re pod ane aoe in ' ey a reason is _iimnols -- WE'RE walking distance of King Street East.) SOLD OU Pectoring 4 pe, tiled bathroom, hot water) If you are ishing of selling heating, : va ol et Py 'Nearie" Boe your home call us for an ex- naar to bee call Ted Douglas 728-| pert 'appraisal at no obligation tow. 0. Martin Realtor. ___ | to yourself --- then sit back GMERALD AVE -- spatiess 3 bedroom and se 4 us put our rs home, fully decorated: yeors of experience" to wo Near schools 'all Jean we, uae at Don N areas heck Estate,| for you, or subsequently, we can make your property avail- able for sole to over 175 pro- fessional M.L.S, sales person- nS ALL 728-6286 9. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE monte OSHAWA -- Nice five room brick buggaiow with hollywood kitchen end three family sized agree bev with double closets, . room w vanity. Mahogany Siebcards with naturai trim. Ashing only $16,200 with N.H.A terms. To see call -- Fredin 728-5103 |, ©. Martin AVENNURST: For sale or ex- Oshawa property, duplex with one bog et rented, Telephone 725-1970 8S bali z 5 $8,900. 'eith Peters Realty. -- Two 'com suites. Very central. Priced a1 if with Ferma fo) LIMITED suitable = client 'or more information A TERT DON ASAE Oro OCR contact Joe Crawford ts acc Joseph Bosco Realtor, 728-73 THINKING home with atieched ar choicn ares. OF jarage in ; % ft wise ft. well lendscaped lot ore . SELLING? = OP eens pee | have' buyers waiting -- call Murray spore 270, Joseph Bosco| any location, cash or terms, Realtor 728-7377. Re ee any size homes. A phone coll THREE-BEDROOM brick to JACK APPLEBY at 728- 5123 or 723-3398 is all you need to do, DO IT NOW. BOLAHOOD BROTHERS ved drive, For appoint call_ Jim Gibbens, 723- Realtor, 728-7377. od oes. Good pace, Call 728760. - jw brick home, featuring new mbing, tower, many extras, with ed oll heatl tow taxes, seed ay? . LIMITED Starcom: paved erie: tor pon fieNoe| room, pa' rive, car port, $14, Porch 839-2277. =~ three bedrooms, all conveni- CARL OLSEN ences, hot and cold water, flush toilet, 20 Ray St Oshawe 35 miles. Weekly or monthly ay ot, Mr. Bolahood, 728-5123. Bolahood Bros Ud. REALTOR 723-1133 PRIVATE @ room Vs storey brick house, natural fi double garage. $2,500 ve. Saeinee 'Ave, North, Telephone) WANTED--For genuine cash PORT PERRY district) -- "3 bedroom, buyers 2 and 3 bedroom bun- + 2 acres, excellent well, beau: ~ view, Terms. Call Margaret Cauchi at Don Stradeski Rea! Estate, 723-465) W Acres including modern & room brick pa onl with attached garage and im plement shed. Land all under cultivation including acreage berries approx!- mately 2 miles from city limits asking ee terms. A very good money | For particulers call Larry Andely jest08 Ww. 0. TaS169 W. 0. Martin Realtor. 20a--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent COTTAGES for Rent on beautiful LAKE BERNARD Sofe sand beach, boating, fishing, dancing. Write Nich- olls' Tourist Camp, Box 296, Sundridge, Ont. Golden Sands vocation lond. | galows, also 114 storey homes for fast action. Phone Henry Stinson' 723-1133, 725-0243. evenings Want Wie Home SOLD Call: Bill Johnston 728-1066 Schofield-Aker Ltd. Housekeeping cottages, cab- ACTIVE REALTY LTD. ins, camping, sandy beach, swimming, and fishing. WHERE REAL ESTATE 1S Restaurant, Boats and SOLD NOT JUST "LISTED" motors " Ross Ellis R.R. 2, LET US "SELL" YOURS Golden Lake Telephone 51 5 3 Call 728-5157 Lake scusoe 20 laketron! coltage ive 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. ms in iy fireplace, large verandah. boathouse, ACTIVE REALTY LTD. Sau S ncoe eae" | 48 Simcoe Street South HOUSEKEEPING cottages, lakefront, | se macau geod 'beachs verreation facie SELLING? wiener 'roasts, fishing, Braeside CALL | as Minden Ontario. Coboconk 454 728 7576 wr ped sandy bea: Long , coneaes ve bass ig read fishing - Pitre toe, S | B B ef S MODERN cottene 7 Yor sale, 20 x 30, trl REAL ESTATE LTD. Bedrooms. two-piece bathroom, new kit.) . 'ee = ~ OLDER HOMES chen unit, with built-in prassure system, hot water heater. water filter; mahogany panelied walls, tiled ceiling, '0-frot win dow, verandah length of cottage. $5,500 REQUIRED Lot 178' « 366', located on Eels lake. Pres- " i ently accessible by boat. Call after 7 p.m. tates ios ACTIVE LAND O'LAKES, Kennebec iakeiront lots REALTY LTD. signs 60 miles north-east of Belleville, forth to Kennebec Road. Ross Baker,| 728-5157 Arden, 335-5673 COTTAGE on Chandos Lake. three bed | - ONES rooms, all iarvatoncen ast lake} URGENTLY REQUIRED frontage. sandy--/neach. Starcralt alumi.| Homes for cash buyers. 2, 3, num beat with 4 Johnson tlectromatic| May be included. Phone 725-8318 | THREE - BEDROOM collage, Shirgeon, Lake at Kennedy Bay on iakeshore. Ail conveniences. From August {4 till end of September. Telephone 12R5 or 3R4 Duns ford 21--Farms for Sale &% ACRE FARM with two-storey house [WANTED to buy or rent wun option, by '@ hour from Oshawa. idea! for market! September ist. Four bedroom home in gardening. Immediate possession. $10,500|vicinity Kingsway College Telephone full price. Arthur Weinberger Real Estate,/7224577 except Friday night end Satur 725-885) day PRIVATE-- three-acre farm, large house URGENT! Waiting Client tor clean three. city eevennces, Phan gym in need ofibedroom home. Must be near OCVI Col repair, 25 min' rom Oshawa. Close to} legtete All cash! Golehood @ros. Mr school. Terms. 725-8122. ¥ 728-5122, ond 4 bedroom bungalows, split levels, 2 storeys. What hove you? For free vaitations call DON STRADESKI Real Estate 63 Kng W 723-4651 ~jlease. Option of 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | New Concept For Family Living Two and Three ing. Single $9; Rumpus Room private home: Telephone 723-307 SINGLE rooms ana board, Apply 25 Divi- Refrig, - Stove - Dryer -/sion street. nee Rents from FURNISHED ROOM for lady. Telephone 9847, $120.00 per month So convenient to school and LARGE, unfurnished room with use of kitchen, sult one gentleman or couple. No children, Apply 109 Bloor Street West Rental Office at site Open 2:00 to 5:30 daily Closed Sunday. H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD. 728-1679 _ COLBORNE EAST -- large, furnished room, refrigerator, sink, rangette, dishes One business girl only. Private house. Telephone 723-1612 ROOMS FOR RENT -- Queen's Hotel, Oshawa Ltd., 67 Simcoe Street North. ROOMS with or without board for gentle- man, willing to share room. Single beds. Central. Close to North General Motors. Available August 16, 728-3801, SINGLE bedroom, furnished. Apply 167 serene ~ | Park Road North, 'wo. br ick cera:| mic. tile, bathroom, wall-to-wall broad- |BLOOR stReeT Wari, loom, Crystal chandelier " jt DOA self Newly decorated. Available immediately, | Nae." mrontniy Aduity. only. References | Motors. Suitable for girl, 728-9940, required. Phone 725-6311, After 6 p.m., FURNISHED rooms, 2nd floor 723-28" bath, handy to bus, hospital and down- suitable fi NOW RENTING! fiveroom: Tworatorey, | Telephone 725-183, furses or teachers. three-bedroom town houses, $110. month | W. J. Norris, Realtor, Ajax 7942-3364. FURNISHED room. $8 weekly. Gentleman "908, furnished on with kitchen, stove refrigerator and | Paes ASA EEN e NEWLY DECORATED and carpeted fur- d nished rooms, for pong & sronieved gentiemen. Parking, ine bloc! irom Be room North General Motors, Telephone - 728-6697, FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, Close to omes North General Motors and hospital, Park- double $12, Apply 64 Brock ink. Bus at door, near South General ~ share 1964 CHEVROLET IMPALA SUPER SPORT CONVERTIBLE V-8 327 engine, 250 h.p., automatic transmission, red exterior and white interior. Radio, power steering and brakes, discs, whitewalls, over sized tires, Balance of new cor warranty, 1964 CHEVROLET IMPALA CONVERTIBLE ack . Street East. Equi d ith tomati quippe wi au c Individual Patios one alight housekeeping re room y_ central, transmission, radio, color antenna, fu + size frig. sem private wu Full Basement bath, family privileges. Well heated, inj K', trim combo 853, re- moinder of new cor warranty, This cor has 4 block top, Seriously this car is immoc- ulate, For the proud young fomily this is a beauty. 1963 PONTIAC shopping after S$ p.m, a PARISIENNE CONVERTIBLE 7 CENTRALLY located. Furnished front Radio, automatic transmis- pari bedroom, suitable for two gentlemen LOCATION Breakfast if desired. Twin beds. Please at Site atad Poe Farewell ond Poplor Sts, write Box 703, Oshawa Times. brakes, _collor , trim combo 879. One owner car, For those who like a little class poy us a visit. 1962 PONTIAC PARISIENNE CONVERTIBLE Radio, automatic transmis- sion, power steering, two tone, red and white interior, SPECIAL 1962 FORD COMPACTS FORD AND FAIRLANE -- |preferred. North-West area. Telephone Fairlane black with white- FIvERooe Brick Bungalow tor rant | 728-2200. ss wall tires, 4 door, Falcon Apply 244 Ritson Road South. |FURNISHED room for rent. Apply @2| white, Excellent opportunity SIX-ROOM brick bungalow with garage, | N58 street, or telephone 725-2198. for good transportation with- ANorth Oshawa, Available eee}: AL sear svat, 202, Kitchen "and bed. out investing too much re room al lurnishes ital we felephone 725-818. rsraty iuigs i doener ag (Ort © for working} -- money. $50. down. See them now, MODERN, spiit-level_ entrance, walk-out| FURNISHED rooms. | basement, recreation room, ome mmeeenty.| |keeping. Telephone 7: |One child welcome.. Inquire 'awartha | CUBAN h | suiaheooloaas room, bus at door, Avenue. References required. mnvovnvmsinen| RSON south area Telephone 7 725-2892. THREE bedroom bungalow iy rec/SINGLE ROOMS for lent -- gentlemen only, Semi-private entrance. Bathroom same floor. $8 weekly. Parking no prob- lem. Telephone 725-7273 after 5:00 p.m bedroom in private home. | Good locality. Gentleman preferred, Tele- -- phone 728- 8706. 26--Apartment yfor Rent |p room, lady preferred. With- in walking distance of 'Oshawa Shopping Centre. 728-3690. BRIGHT bedsitting room, modern furni ture, In clean home, Close to shopping centre, Suit gentleman. Apply 36 Feranit | Blvd. Telephone 725-7295. |WHITBY - - ~ Furnished Tight "housekeep- ing room with private entrance. Tele. poe 668-2332 or apply 542 Mary Street as ganiral light house- }-8402, | room, ht 4263; after 4:30 Wednesday. Rive | ROOM house for rent at 249 be > ionih: 723-7424 after 5 p.m. ONLY A FEW 2 ond 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS LEFT AT. . CASA MANANA COURT @ ELEVATOR SERVICE @ INTERCOM @ BALCONIES See The Model Suite furn- ished by Wilson Furniture. CALL THE RENTAL OFFICE 723-6361 Open Daily 5:30 to 9 28--Room 'ond Board COLBORNE EAST, 57: Room and. board lor gentieman willing fo share, single tale Close to North General Motors, cen- tral to downtown, Apply address. ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, to share, lunches packed, six-day week, Cen- tral. Telephone 725-9843, 29--Wanted to Rent _ FouR- OR Five. ROOM 'house « or apart ment for couple with three school-age jchildren, Preferably Oshawa or Whitby, Alax, Pickering, Bowmanville, Telephone la 9-2524, Bay Ridges |CHRISTIAN girl requires room andor board in the Ritson area, For September Ist. Phone 723-6325 after 6 p.m. |ROOM and board required by female stu dent, In a@ respectable home, located in OR CALL Whitby preferably Anderson Street dis. trict, Please write Mrs, S. G. Barnes, | cetoerrany Ont. GUIDE REALTY |SINGLE MAN wishes to rent small house jor apartment in Whitby, furnished or un furnished. Write PO Box, 381, Whitb: LIMITED Give details ie HIGH SCHOOL teacher with two teen 723- ] 121 age children requires 3 bedroom house in | Whitby by September ist, References sup- LARGE modern "apartment, Near schools} [piled SB a natiscles bdhat | pli R bh i. Tel an wee |30--Automobites | for Sale [MODERN two. and three-bed rt [ment availabe" Reingerator a rest BUYING OR SELLING wimminy enced in pl d. | [Telepnone Jesus" "| TEL) CAMPIN |TWO-ROOM apartment with Kitchen and lorivate bath Telephone 728-2388" after | MOTORS 5:30 p.m. | THREE ROOM furnished basement apari| 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA jment. Gentleman preferred. Central Just East of Wilson Road) Telephone 725-5563 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 |FOUR ROOM apartment, fridge and -- stove, built-in cupboards, private en-| trance, Apply 72 Church St. 725-6992 | THREE ROOM apartment, upstairs. Tele | phone 72-3020, THREE ROOM "unfurnished, "for adults jonly With refrigerator and stove, park jing facilities. References required. Tele j phone 725-1030. |TWO ROOM apariment, | 6670 after 5 p.m |SUB-LET one-bedroom apariment in aparmtent building. Eight months left on 1962 CHEVROLET va a 'automatic, power furniture, fike new, Steering and brakes, many extras, Bow- | Write Box 345, Oshawa Times. maniville 623-2656. |THREE-ROOM basement apariment, pri. | 1955 "METEOR, automatic transmission jvate entrance Available Sepiember 1,\99¢ engine excellent. Any reasonable |One small child welcome, Telephone offer. 839-1280, s i | 724-4025 |WISEST WAY to order Times Action |TWO-BEDROOM apartment, townline| Want Ads: on the special 6 day pian | KELLY DISNEY | USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Leins paid off Trade up or down Always top. . quality | Telephone 723-) 1959 PLYMOUTH 2 DOOR HARDTOP Two tone, V-8 engine, auto- matic, power steering, good tires. You can make yourself worthwhile deal on this one, 1958 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR SEDAN Brown ond tan. When Mr, Mead, our Service Manoger, ron this one thru the shop, he was overwhelmed with the performance of: its. engine. Radio and whitewalls. 1959 PONTIAC 4 DOOR SEDAN cl by one of our local 1955 CHEVROLET Priced for quick sale. SPECIAL 1956 CHEVROLET PICK UP Radio, chrome bumpers and grille. Customized, 1959 DODGE PICK UP Will be available Friday or Saturday, PELESHOK- STARR Motors Ltd. Harwood and Station Road AJAX, ONTARIO = 942-6300 © MOTORS, $35 uP _ Courtice Auto Wreckers. 5238, o nights 725-4404 1960 VAUXHALL Cresta, standard shift, é-cylinder, Excellent condition. One owner Apply 106 Oshawa Bivd. No USED CAR PARTS, spingies to make trailers, also used tires $09 Bloor Street East, after 4, 723-228) $25 DOWN, $17.50 weekly buys 6) Pontiac two-door hardtop, V-8, stick on the floor, also dual exhaust. Cash, teade or terms at |Nicols Motors, 668-3331. 1958 PONTIAC sedan, 6 cylinder, stick shift, radio. Excellent condition, Private all car Telephone 723- $695. Telephone 723-4490. 1959 VAUXHALL station wagon. Perfect condition, $300. Must sell! Telephone 455-3239 |north. self-contained, $90. monthly. Mew.) Means surer satisfaction for you and tty decorated. Available August 1. 728-7490, /You can always cancel Telephone 723- 3492. |rouR: ROOM Unfurnished apartment, | 195? FORD, V-8 In good condition. Tele-| [private entrance, centrally located by Phone 728-0198 after S p.m | hospital, Telephone 728-9894. 1958 CHEVROLET Brookwood: station |Two UNFURNISHED twagon, six-cylinder, new motor job and [revit Two-bedroom, unstairs: one bed-| fires. standard ideal for |room, ground floor. Private entrances. (Vacation. 723-538 | Parking; one garage. Child welcome, and 1965 CHEVROLET Super Sport conver apartments for ' A depscaidinsein 193 PONTIAC, hardiop, bucket seats, automatic floor shift, fully equipped. One owner. Low mileage. Telephone 725-1297 latter S p.m. 1964 MERCURY Mirada Sastback offer, Phone 728-5897 1965 PONTIAC Strato Chiel sedan, automatic, radio, washers, low mileage Best VAR, ismall pet. Telephone 723-1500. tible, automatic transmission, power|Must sell, 105 Croydon, Apt. 4, Whitby THREE ROOM healed apariment,pri:(DrAkes. steering, 12,000 miles, $3,400. 648-806) Sie |vate entrance and bath, rent $65 monthly, | Telephone 728-296 neue | 1959 AUSTIN Healey Sprite, in very good Apply 6? or 27 Orcherd View Bivad. |musT "$ELLI 1964 Pontiac Parisienne|condition, with tonneau. cover, radio and |FOUR ROOM | 'apartment y with stove Sand (convertible, red with black top, V8 refrigerator, suitable for nurse, teacher *Utomatic. Telephone 725-1850. or couple. Telephone 728-0369. 1958 OLDSMOBILE two-door hardtop, | $50 ee hiy with reasonable credit THREE ROOM self-contained partiy tur-|20W", $37 monthly nished bachelor apartment, Gentleman| GUS Brown Motors J.td., 728-7375. only, Separate entrance. Parking. One 19% FORD "Sunliner" convertible with! block from North G.M. References. Tele new motor and automatic transmission. phone 728-4697 three. months' full warranty. No down) SELF - CONTAINED three - room apari./payment. Only $46 monthly, Gus Brown) ment for rent. Frig. and stove. Elderly) Motors: 728-7375. couple awe Apply 400 Dundes pasts Soh ENVOY seden, very y, cisens West, Whitby, Best offer, Telephone 723-1246, |motor. good condition runsj wheel discs, eluminum side screens, 723-5307. 190 ENVOY custom sedan, low 1 mileage. very good condition. Can be. financed Reasonable. Call after 4 p.m Telephone | 728. 0489 1957 CHEVROLE) station Wagon, new Can be seen atte 6 bm: at & Olive Avenue 1989 CHEVROLET 6 cylinder, jsedan. Standard transmission, radio, new fires, good condition ust be sold, $650, 244 Adelaide west, a four-door | Boss Vacation _ 11959 FORD, A-1 condition, .|1965 AMBASSADOR two-door hardtop, V-8 parts | automatic, | 2559. LAST CHANCE LIMITED QUANTITY $77 DOWN $77 MONTHLY * VOLVO & PEUGEOT %* MERCEDES BENZ JAKE shod pis Genera! Repair and Auto-Electric ---- ; 449 Ritson Rd, South Oshawa 728-0921 1961 VOLKSWAGEN bea with new motor. see at 594 Grierson Street, orig miles 7 | ownership, mem 1960 RENAULT four. di 1987 r TRARMAN GHIAN, "a00d "cond 'condition, $450_or offer. Whitby, 668-5231, lent condition, Telephone 5-8 ives T VOLKSWAGEN 'ie (late) fully Cueenat "aioe 'door standard. MUSIC IN THE PARK or! Please note time change TONIGHT 8 p.m. Motor, transmission like new, needs . re-work, Any 'offer considered. 728-7795. McLaughlin py ag "ing upon ae eae Tike le tea Bandshell Can Buy You a 1965 RAMBLER American "220" Two-Door W tuma N ~MOTORS LTD. Open Evenings till 10 100 Nonquon Road PHONE 728-7351 ALL CASH For clean cars or trucks We deal up or down, Liens paid. NICOLS MOTORS LIMITED 146 BROCK ST, NORTH Across from Royal Hotel Whitby 668-3331 MORE CASH Paid for Good clean cars, Trade up or down, Leins paid, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH _723-942) oe 1959 FORDS | = two to choose from; one with automatic, one standard. No down payment. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728- 7375. 1960 CHEVROLET Impala, four - door hardtop, 6 cylinder, standard transmis- sion, No down payment with reasonable terms, Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375. 1957 PONTIAC two-door hardtop, bive with matching interior, This car should be driven to be appreciated. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375, 1957 CHEVROLET, four-door, 6, standard, new paint. Exceilent thechanically, No down payment. Low payments, Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568. 1958 VOLKSWAGEN, custom, two - door, |new paint, mechanically perfect..No down payment, Easy terms! Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568. 1962 PONTIAC Parisienne convertibie, red, white roof. Fully equipped. No down payment. Terms to sult. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568, 1959 CHEVROLET impala sedans, hard- tops and convertibles, Ten to choose from. Various equipment and prices. Nothing down. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568, 1959 STUDEBAKER 6 cylinder, standard shift. A real economical car! No down payment, $35 monthly, Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375, 1960 OLDSMOBILE convertible. Musi sell ediately. Telephone 725-8459. 1959 CHEVROLET, two-door, V-8, stand: ard, radio, white walls. A-1 condition. Full price $695, Whitby, 668-2998, 1986 BUICK Century, two-door hardiop, mechanically A-1, no rust, ready for holl- days. Must sell, $395. __ Telephone 728-9294, 1963 FORD FALCON convertible, power steering, V-8 engine, bucket seats, auto- matic, 801 Green Street ,Whitby. Tele- phone 668-4313, 1959 PONTIAC stationwagon, automatic, power steering, radio and extras, Ex- cellent, A-1 condition. 725-8082, 1962 CHEVROLET convertible, automatic transmission, four new white walls, radio, $2,200. Telephone 723-6327, 1953 CHEVROLET two-door, motor In cellent condition. New 'licence pili | Telephone 668-8473. 1962 PONTIAC Strato Chief, four - automatic, 6 cylinder, radio, whitewalls. $325 and take over r payments. 725-6854, 1958 PLYMOUTH automatic, real nice car, New motor, $375. Telephone | 725-2932. CUSTOMIZER'S 1959 Chevrolet, two-door hardtop, 230 HP. High performance, V8, A-1 condition. Best offer. 723-6373 1964 PONTIAC sports convertible, 327, four-speed, power steering and brakes. White with biack interior. AM-FM, radio, and reverberation, Telephone 725-6109, 1955 CHEVROLET coach, Bel-Air, auto- matic, excellent. paint and body, new tires, exhaust system and battery. Has jradio. (No problems--no further use.) Bargain $260, 453 Baden, 723-3849. 1963 CHEVROLET Biscayne four-door sedan, six-cylinder standard. A' good clean car, $1,795, Will consider older car as part payment, 725-2549, 1962 RAMBLER Classic 6, automatic, radio, washers and whitewails, low mile age. Excellent condition, Telephone 728- 5630 | standard four- door, After 4 p.m., telephone 728-5937. 1958 CHEVROLET Biscayne, six-cylinder standard shift, good condition, $450, Tele- phone 725-0278 ei 1959 IMPALA Chevrolet, power steer ing and brakes. Excellent condition, $425, Telephone 728-6921, 1963 COMET custom, white with red and black Interior. Clean, economical, Take over payments, Telephone 5-7 p.m, 728-0594, 1955 CUSTOM FORD, three-speed on the floor, $200. A-1 condition; Telephone 728- 1948 PONTIAC coach, 54,000 original miles, $85, Telephone 728-0558. '$8 CHEVROLET, four-door sedan, 6 "yl Inder, standard transmission, A-1 me chanically, body completely redone (def initely mo rust). $550 or best cash offer, 725-5555. 1958 PLYMOUTH sedan, Apply 328 Stev- enson Road North or phone 725-8580. MUST SELL. '8 Chevrolet sedan, @ cyl inder, automatic, with radio, $350 or rea sonable offer. Telephone 728-6593. power steering and power |brakes, radio, two-tone. Many other extras. $3 100 or nearest offer, 623-2614 1963 MONZA, four - speed, completely equipped, tan with tan Interior, After. six iF 1961 VAUXHALL 'sedan, very 'good condi |tion,. Telephone 728-4155. TO: SELL FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES USE THE MARKET € FREDERICK J JOHN HENRY (F Ward, North Street, be responsible for any debts contracted in 32--Trucks for Sale Memorial Park offer. Telephone i956 ¢ pal ee £ stack a hoist Truce. werk offer. 725-7922 rolet half ton, "3 Telephone 728- 1986 CHEVROLEY pick-up, Good condi- Conant Street, Apartment 2. 728-70 1956 GMC halt-ion pick-up, a sl se fern si . Al shape, Beat at ning ey. Exce' rt conttton Best 1963" GMC "halfton pick up, Fleetwood box. Low mileage, $1,300, A-1 condition. Pi Chev: 756 motor agit a eey, in A-1 condition. tion, Must see to appreciate. Reply 70 erry Best offer. Telephone 668-2109 any time, FEATURING'. . ernard: Tierney and his orchestra: Return engagement by popu- lar demand, BILLY MEEK These concerts are presented by General Motors of Can- 33--Automobiles Wanted ada and the Toronto Musi- cians' Association. CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "Save" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 WANTED -- Cars or phone 728-4549. Robert Nichols, 200 Wentworth East, 725-116), bought, parts for sale. tron and meta! bought. 89 Bloor | Street East, 75-231, OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted ci 75 | Nelson Street, Telephone 725-2162, tor wrecking. - Tele. LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS want cers for wrecking. Highest prices paid, SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars for wrecking. Tires and parts for sale. ; (cP Ppote) SPORTS BRIEFS FORER ATHLETE Diks MONTREAL (CP) --. Jack Marshall, 88, a member of Hockey's Hall of Fame, died here Saturday night. An all- LIONS CLUB BINGO WED. NIGHT $1,200 in cash prizes. Jackpot Nos. 58 ond 52 JUBILEE PAVILION Is 3 door prizes $10 each drawn after early bird game. . round athlete, who excelled at hockey, Marshall Played on Stanley Cup. championship teams representing Montreal, Toronto and Winnipeg. REPORTS NHL DEAL BOSTON (AP) -- Boston Bruins have trad forward Reggie Fleming New York Rangers for centre Earl Ingar- field in a National Hockey League deal, the Boston Herald reports, CATCH BLUEFIN 34--Automobile ) Repair TRANSMISSION specialists, Transmis- sions are our only business. 1038 Simcoe North, Phone 728-7339. 222 King Street West, 728-0817, OSHAWA TUNE-UP CENTRE offers ox pert carburetor and auto electric servic. BIRTHS ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP)--A plentiful supply of bluefin tuna continued to draw sportsmen to nnounce Chery! nf 5 Ibs.. 7 ozs., on Friday, With thanks to Dr. Dr, Morris and pital, Stanley, herty, 35--Lost and Found Lost -- j Dairy Queen, Phone 723-2625, LADORIA FELT, LATE OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, SPIN STER, DECEASED NOTICE TO CREDITORS all persons having claims Aagainst the Estate of MAR- ION LADORIA FELT, late of the City of Oshawa in the County of Ontario, Spinster, deceased, who died on or about the 14th day of June, A.D, 1965, ore hereby noti- fied to send full particulars to the undersigned on or be- fore the 30th doy of August, A.D. 1965, after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard. only to claims of which the undersigned shall then hove had notice. DATED at Oshawa this 23rd doy of July, A.D, 1965, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Q.C,, 141% King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors, "One "beige "stroller "canopy top n the vicinity of Lakeview Park and nor Alpin (nee Wotton). BITTNER -- George Cryderman) are pleased to announce birth of their second daughter, of a baby brother, Arieigh Elias, 7 4 o7s., on August 9, 1965, at the Osha General Hospital. Happy parents are Tommy and Josie (nee McPhee), staff of the fourth floor. MAUDSLEY = Jack and Lole Harrison) are happy to anni 'ne 13 ozs. at Oshawa General on Wednesday, August 4, 1965, at King and Dr, staff. Beaton and fourth fi ALPIN -- Heather Jean is happy to e safe arrival of her sister, | August 6, 1965, at Oshawa General -- Dol fourth floor Staff. Happy parents are Jim and Elea- and Jean (nee Terese FAIRHART -- Dawn Marie and Avian Jane wish to announce the safe arrival thanks to Dr, E. he veal and nurses and) hy arrival of a son David Allan, weight 6 Ibs. Hospital on uecney: August th 1965. A brother for PATTERSON -- John and Marion (nee Gray) wish to announce the safe arrival of their son, Ross James, 7 Ibs., 11 ee Oshawa General Hospital. "Thanks 10. Dr.| SP between Champion Tyrone oor nearby Conception Bay during the weekend as 55 of the big fish were caught to bring the year's total to 138, WINS SWIM . ROBERVAL, Que. (CP)--Ab- del Latif Abou Heif of the United Arab Republic won the "Male beagle anawore io Boa, | Anne, 8 Ibs., 2 ozs., on Thursday, August/ annual 24-mile marathon swim tn Cacti ah Aley "Reed 'oan |K Was Sr Dlane" Marg hens] ACOSS Lake St. John Saturday. Pickering Township, Telephone Alax 942-l1,416 46 Dr, Stanley, Dr. Kowalsky He won $3,500, 4087. Reward. and fourth floor staff, 36--Legel southern) are prove. te annauney the Birth emeniotn Cie 4 Aust es ern) are pi fo aNNOUI -- Austra- IN THE MATTER OF THE |its.'9 rs", co'Fridey morning, Avovst 6,/ lian boxer Kiston Feldt, 22, was ARIO S, at Oshawa General Hospital. Many| dangerously ill in Brisbane STATE. OF M N yanks fo, Dr. R. K: Miller and the fourth) General Hospital today follow: ing a fight here Friday night. Feldt was defeated on points in a four-round preliminary, He was knocked down in the con- witn.cluding stages but walked to is dressing room, where he vollapeed after the fight. SANCTION MATCH GLACE BAY, N.S. (CP) -- The Canadian Professional boxing Association has sanc- tioned an Aug. 28 Cana lightweight boxing champion- Gardiner of Sydney River, N.S. and Willie Williams of Boston. Williams, a native of New Wa- DEATHS terford, N.S., will meet Gardl- ner in a 12-round match here. McCOMB, ype yi John, (Nib) Entered into rest in the noes a Pgh Hospital on eae, August 9th, 1965. Wigeebel John McComb, beloved ian of Laura Edwards, father of Mrs, vil + Wiliams (Gladys) and H. E. Wnitney of Newcastle, in his 79th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with funeral service in Chapel, Wednesday, August 11 at 2 p.m. Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery. PUTZLOCKER, Mrs. June In the Regina General Hospital, Regina, Sask., on Friday, August 6, er" pas Mrs. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF EDGAR CHARLES SINGER, LATE OF THE CITY OF OSH- AWA IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO RETIRED FOREMAN, DECEASED, NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the Estate of EDGAR CHARLES SINGER, late of the City of Oshawa in the County of Ontario, who died on or about the 13th doy of July, A.D. 1965, are hereby noti- fied to send full particulars to the undersigned on or be- fore the 31st day of August, A.D, 1965, after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have had notice. DATED at Oshawa this 23rd doy of July, A.D, 1965. ANNABELLA SINGER, Executrix, By her Solicitor, JOSEPH P, MANGAN, Q.C., 1412 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. FREE ADMISSION $1250 in Prizes Jackpots 52 and 53 Children under 16 not allowed Special. 7:30 bus from 4 Corners BIN oo TUES., AUG. 10th 20 regular gomes $8 and $10. Shore the Wealth $150. Jackpot 59 Nos. $20 Consolation FREE ADMISSION DNIPRO HALL BASKET Corner Bloor end Edith (Fred) Newcastle will not Regina, beloved daughter of Mrs. Flor- ence Hill Oshawa and the tate Bod George Hill, dear sister of /Ars. Strank (Florence), Mrs. Keith pina (Joy), Mr. Ross Hil and Mrs. hae i Atkinson (Carol), all of Oshawa, Mrs. Burgess (Linda), The funeral was held ' Regina, Sask., at 10.a,m. Tuesday, Aug- ust 10, 1965, WOODROW, Dorothea H. At the Oshawa General Hospital on Mon- day, August 9, 1965, Hilda Reid, of 309 Chestnut Street East, Whitby, be- loved wite of Clarence Woodrow, dear Hinge € of Mrs, A. Pope (Marie) a gag Mrs, G. Broome(Vivian) oe Lestupter (Betty) Madison, Wis., USA, Nelson of Oshawa and dear sister of George of Toronto, Earl of Oshawa and Clittord of Kirkland Leke; also survived by 12 grandchildren? In her S2nd year. Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for service in the chapel on Thursday, ne 12 at 2 p.m. Inter- on pa 'emetery.Minister is the ev. . Smith, Kindness beyond Price, yet Within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390_KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 728-6226 LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements ond floral arrangements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 31--Ce Sah Rost YO" is, why rab na Ay. d Ji: my MEMORIALIZATION a 1--Compact C rs for r Sale eae --Fred Ward is almost possible with the SABYAN 3 rr ------------------ | MATTHEWS BRONZE -- MOTOR SALES LTD. }8--Coming | ivents that we ey be install; L: AGEN Sales and Service MOUNT LAWN New and Used Cars B | N G @) MEMORIAL PARK 334 Ritson Rd. S, 723-2633 723-3461 KINSMEN CENTRE TUESDAY 7:45 = eo Early Bird Game CARD OF THANKS GRAY -- In the mids? of our sorrow, we wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our many relatives, friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown us in the loss of a beloved husband and father, Gerald Gray. We especially wish to thank Dr. Patterson and staff of 2nd floor, Oshawa General Hospital for their kindness during his ill ness, Temple Lodge Masonic Order for their beautiful service. PRESTON -- The tamily of the let Mrs. Mary Preston -- to express their sincere thanks many relatives. friends and nei s for their floral tributes, cards sympathy and kindness |shown during their recent bereavement Special thanks to Brigadier H Cadet Rawlins and Captain Hollingsworth |» of the Salvation Army, Pallbearers, Dr. C. A, Morgan, nurses of 3C, Mcintosh. Anderson Funeral Home. --Mr. 5. Preston: Mrs. 4J, O'boyle end families, June Hill, beloved bg oc locker, dear mother _ Ft Hadispeck, Max Hedispsck, Ih of Brit. ish Columbia, and Danny Putrlocker of OLYMPIA TAKES WIN '| TORONTO (CP)--Klaus Woit- jjschatzke fired two goals Thurs- day night to pace Toronto 'omb of Oshawa and brother of Bruce|Olympia to a 4-1 victory over Toronto Croatia in a National Soccer League game. Other Olympia scorers were George Couttie and Bobby Tazzar. hea Horvath's goal tied the 'score for Crotia 1-1 at the half. REELS IN BIG TUNA WEDGEPORT, N.S. (CP)-- Sportsmen's spirits soared Thursday as an internationally- known angler reeled in a 740- pound bluefin tuna, by far the largest of the "king of the gamefish" taken in the area this season. The big trophy was taken just short of two weeks away from the scheduled re- vival of the International Tuna Cup match here Aug. 18-21, SEND REFEREE MONTREAL (CP)--The Ca- nadian Amateur Basketball As- sociation, which is sending a Canadian team on a four-coun- try South American tour Aug. 29, announced Thursday night that the Canadian referee who will participate in the arbiting for the tour is Vic Hryhorchuk, secretary of a suburban Mont- real YMCA and an international official of 18 years' experience, RIFLES SIGN GUARD TORONTO (CP)--Toronto Ri- fles of the Continental Football League announced the signing Wednesday of Bob Streiter, 24, former guard and defensive end with the Eastern Football Con- ference Toronto Argonauts. Ri- fles also announced they are negotiating with Jim Leo, a for- mer Argo end who played with ~~ York Giants and Buffalo s. ROSE WINS AWARD CINCINNATI (AP) -- Pete Rose, Cincinnati Reds' second baseman, won the National League's Player of the Month award for July as he and a teammate, pitcher Joe Nuxhall, ran one-two in the balloting. Rose received 24 votes from the 50-man selection committee of baseball writers and radio-tele- vision broadcasters. Nuxhall was named on 10 ballots. ARGOS USE TRAIN TORONTO (CP)--Bob Shaw, coach of the Toronto Argonauts of the Eastern Football Confer- ence, Tuesday announced his jteam will travel by train for Eastern games this year in- stead of by air as in previous s|years. "It's only five hours by rail to Ottawa or Montreal," Shaw said, "and a couple of the boys have balked at the idea ~ of flying." =