14 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, August 7, 1968 THE TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK ma HALL BATH | T BCL BEDROOM 9-0 x 12-2 Gorage The Building Editer, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario, (0 Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" Mail reauests 10c extra. (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times). Name Address PTritriiitiitiiiit ii) SOOO SOS SSO OCOREEAOOSSOESEOORESE SORE SE ESSERE ONESE FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE BLOWN-IN INSULATION QUESTION: Is blown-in insu- lation effective ANSWER: Blown-in mineral wool insulation, professionally installed, is as effective as blan- ket or batt-type. Simplest way to install insulation in wall spaces of already constructed homes. TARNISHED HARDWARE QUESTION: We have bought an old house that is basically sound, but things like window latches, hinges, door knobs, etc., have become rusty or tarnished. What is the best way to clean and brighten these up again ANSWER: To avoid damaging the surfaces surrounding the dis- colored hardware, best to re- move these and then soak them in rust-removing preparations or a metal - cleaning liquids. Then polish and apply a protective coating of spray lac- quer or clear plastic. Replace the hardware when refinished. GLUE SPATTERS ON MIRROR QUESTION: A -large mirror has spatters of glue over the surface. How can these be re- moved without damage to the mirror -- Boston. ANSWER: If this is an ani- imal glue, moisture will soften it. Use a damp sponge or cloth to remove. If this is an all-purpose glue, soften it with nail polish remover, being careful to keep the remover away from any painted surface. A razor blade used carefully to avoid scratch- ing the mirror, is also some- times successful in removing glue. TOP SASH PAINTED SHUT QUESTION: If painted win- 'dows are stuck fast by the "paint so that the top sash can't be opened .what can be done? ANSWER: Most hardware and some housewares dealers carry -a small heart-shaped serrated "edged metal tool, made especial- 'ly for this purpose. This will cut the paint film, breaking the "pond which holds the sash shut. SMOKY FIREPLACE STONES QUESTION: Two years ago we purchased our 50-year-old) home. We have a beautiful fire- 'place of large stones from dif-| ferent parts of the U.S. With the) 'years of smoke and dust, they "are very dirty-looking, Any way these stones could be cleaned Also the brick that lines the in- side of the fireplace | ANSWER: First, remove as/ much as you can of the soot on) both the stones and 'the brick,| with a vacuum or a brush. Then| clean the stones and brick with @ masonry cleahing preparation, | "according to. label directions; | available masonry or building) supplies dealers. Or scrub with "a hot solution of two' pounds of "washing soda or trisodium phos- phate dissolved in water. Or rub <with a paste of scratchless| scouring powder and water, to "which some household ammonia -has been added. Or scrub with fa mechanic's hand soapcontain- ~dng sand, Whichever cleaner is| "used, rinse well afterward. | TOADSTOOLS IN LAWNS that mine stems from a buried and decaying tree stump. Can you suggest a method of con- trol for these -- Milwaukee, DESIGN Ne. = St --= Ground Fi, 1088 Sq.Ft. Upper Fi. 970 Sq.Ft. 308 S9.P- HOME DESIGN No. 351 Shown here is a two storey home resembling certain colonial style fea- tures. The attached 1%4-car garage is designed for frame construction as is the second floor. First floor is planned for brick veneer. Living room with dining L is spacious, There is ac- cess from dining to a rear covered porch. A step-sav- ing U-shaped kitchen with a large nook is featured and the first floor also contains a study with nearby pow- der room just off front en- try. There are four bed- rooms plus a cedar closet upstairs. Master bedroom boasts a private bath, The ANSWER: Toadst or mushrooms, as you realize, de- velop from buried organic mat- ter, such as pieces of lumber, logs or tree stumps, Best way: to eliminate this type of growth is by digging up the buried wood, if possible. Otherwise, drench the soil with a fungicide containing mercury or cadium. Bore holes six to eight inches deep and six to eight inches apart, (use an iron rod or pipe) in the affected area and around it. Then pour the fungicide down these holes. SPRAY FINISH QUESTION: Our old, but ade- quate, refrigerator is chipped. Can I spray it with an aerosol packaged finish? A color would be desirable in the paneled room in which we keep it. Would brown cover white Or is an epoxy... paint necessary This comes only in light colors. -- Appleton, Wis. ANSWER: White is no prob- lem to cover with any other color good quality paint. Spray the new-finish on is an excel- lent idea, but be sure to pro- d bath serving other bedrooms has a double lav- atory. A recreation room can be planned at the rear of basement if desired. Standard Blueprints for this Design No. 351 cost $15.00 for the first set and $5.00 for additional -- sets. They are available in Can- ada by return mail. (On- tario residents must remit 3 per cent Sales Tax). Now available,at this Newspaper Office (or from address be- low) is our new Design book entitled "Suburban and Country Homes De- signed for Canadians," price $1.00 tax free. This edition includes informa- tion on Cost of Building and Financing in Canada, Heat- ing, Insulation, Construc- tional Details, etc., plus many outstanding new de- signs -- Ranch, one and half storey, split level, two- storey colonial, and duplex homes. Also. included in this book are full details on how to order Blueprints. OTTAWA (CP)--The federal measures to meet a postal strike even before it announced pay increases which subse- quently touched off the July 22 walkout, it was disclosed today. A government - compiled chronology of events involved in the postal dispute said that, from July 7 to 14, the cabinet discussed "plans for emergency operations if 'work to rule' in- troduced or if there is a,strike." Announcement of the original pay increases of $300 to $360 was made July 16. Postal employees begafi walking off the job July 22. All except the 4,100 workers in Montreal now have returned to work, The chronology, released by Revenue Minister Benson's of- fice, gave no hint of what steps were considered by the cabinet during the July 7-14 period. There /have been unofficial reports, however, that the post office recommended stiff disci- plinary action has been taken against any of the nation's 22,- 500 postal workers and only limited steps have been launched in Montreal to get the mail moving there. BEGAN JUNE 15 Following is the federal gov- ernment's version of events since the Civil Service Commis- sion completed its recommen- dations on salary increases for postal workers and other em- ployees in the Group D cate- gory: Pn | s June 15: Submission of Civil Service Commission recommen- dations to government. June 22: Civil Service Com- mission submits explanatory report in support of recommen- dations. July 7 and 12: Treasury board consultations with staff Television Changing 'Star' Term By CYNTHIA LOWRY HOLLYWOOD (AP) Tn strict theatrical terms, a per- former is the "star" of a show when his name appears in the billing over the title of the ve- hicle. This limited definition has been broadened considerably by motion pictures and, partic- ularly, television. Today a television star is anyone -- even an unknown -- cast in a regular, leading role in a series. Or it may be a "guest star'--a performer with or without name value brought in to play a leading role in a single episode. And there are mary types of special billing, cabinet considered possible|la like "special guest star," and "also starring" which more than anything else reflect the ingenuity and persuasiveness of the performer's agent. In spite of the loose applica- tion of the word, television does award real star status to a few --the ones whose name is the title of the show: Andy Wil- liams, Andy Griffith, Danny Kaye, Red Skelton, Patty| Duke, Ed Sullivan, Donna! Reed, Dick Van Dyke, Jimmy} Dean, Jackie Gleason and Lu-| cille Ball. | During the new season, there) will be a few' additions--Dean| Martin, the Smothers Brothers, Steve Lawrence and John For- sythe. IS NERVOUS The latter wound up as title tect surfaces. from the paint spray. Use a_ rust-preventive chemical resistant, fast-drying enamel, available in several bright colors. SMALL RUG SLIDES QUESTION: We received a@ gift of a small Oriental rug for our foyer. This is creating a hazard because it slides over the floor. How can this be pre- vented -- Baltimore. allow until dry. PLASTIC TILE QUESTION: We want to in ANSWER: Plastic mesh ma-|N.Y terial or padding is available for this purpose at some variety and housewares stores, as well as floor covering dealers, Cut to size and place under the rug it is quite effective. These same dealers also carry a special rub- ber preparation for spraying on the bottom of rugs to make them skidproof. Or turn the rug over and brush on a solution of furred out and gypsum wall strips. applied according to the manu and information about installa a half-pound of chip glue dis- tile dealer. SAVES YOU TIME AND MONEY... solved in @ quart of water; to remain undistrubed stall an extra powder room off the family room in our base- ment. We have cinder block walls; which we want to cover with asphalt tile. How should! the tile be installed -- Buffalo, ANSWER: It is not advisable to put tiles of any kind directly on cinder blocks, or any other solid masonry. Walls should be board put on over the furring Plastic tiles should be facturer's directions. Directions tion can be obtained from the star of The John Forsythe Show, one of NBC's 10 new comedy series, largely because the producers were stuck for a suitable name. The responsibil- ity seems to make him a little| nervous. 'We originally had a dandy,| The Major and the Minors,"| Forsythe said almost apologet-) ically. "But we dropped oe when we found the people who owned an old movie called The| Major and the Minor wanted a lot of money to use it." | Forsythe, who 'played the ti-| tle role in Bachelor Father for five television seasons--and is still seen in its re-runs all -lover the place--is as pleased) with his new professional "fam-| ily" as he was with the other -jone. Among the regulars are Elsa Lanchester and Ann B. -|Davis, who played a character named -Schultzy in a Bob Cum- mings series for so long. PRECAST CONCRETE it Eliminates The Risks That Are Always Present When Pouring On Site CURRENT RANGE OF PRODUCTS INCLUDE: @ SEPTIC TANKS DURA STEPS COLORED PATIO RAILINGS WALK SLABS WELL TILE DRIVEWAY CURB CATCH BASINS PARKING BUMPERS Grits Considered Action Prior To Postal Strike associations, as required by LA July 7-14: Consideration by cabinet of plans for emergency operations if '"'work to rule" in- troduced or if there is a strike. Mead 14 - 16: Government decision to accept Civil Serv- ice Commission recommenda- tions re Group D. July 19: Special cabinet com- mittee set up to review devel- opments and report. July 20: Meeting of cabinet committee with national postal unions to discuss appointment of an independent commis- sioner to, review Civil Serv- ice Commission recommenda- tions. July 21: Decision made to ap- point such a commissioner. July 22: Discussion of the ap- point to be made with national postal unions. -serting and delivery of Mont- July 22: Postal workers leave jobs. July 2: Appointment of Judge Anderson announced and Judgé Anderson com- menced work. July 27: Agreement reached with strike representatives--lo- cal and national--to return to work. July 28: Vancouver workers return to work. July 29-30: Workers in Tor- onto, Hamilton, Quebec City =n4 other centres outside met- ropolitan Montreal return to work. : Aug. 3: Steps taken to start real mail. Aug. 4: Judge Anderson's re- port received and acted on by government. Rowntree Urges Binding Arbitration For Heinz TORONTO (CP)--Labor Min- ister Rowntree of Ontario Thursday urged the H. J. Heinz Co. of Canada Ltd. in Leaming- ton, Ont., and the striking United Packinghouse Workers Union (CLC) to submit their contract dispute to binding ar- bitration and immediately re- sume harvesting a bumper to- mato crop in southwestern On- tario. Workers at the Leamington plant, 25 miles southeast of Windsor, walked off their. jobs July 27. Officials of Local 459, representing ,1,100 employees, said the strike was called be- cause agreement could not be reached on hours to be worked during the busy season--August to mid-November. Mr. Rowntree said in a tele- gram to both parties: "A prolonged strike means al- most the complete loss of this crop worth millions of dollars. The fact is it will rot in the field if the Leamington plant of the company is not restored to production at the earlies® date." He said employment pros- pects for employees in the month ahead will be sharply diminished if the strike goes on. The town of Leamington, with a population of 9,100, and the company itself will suffer as the result of a prolonged strike, he said. In Legmington, E. V. Ander- son, president of H. J. Heinz of Canada Ltd., said late Thurs- day he had sent a telegram to Mr. Rowntree, saying that. the company will consent to arbi- tration in view of "the serious- ness of the situation and eco- nomic. impact on employees, growers and the company." He added: "Although we are normally opposed in principle to arbitra- tion of union contract negotia- tion settlement, we are agree- able to this procedure due to the seriousness of the situation. ...» We are agreeable to submit remaining unresolved issues to voluntary, binding arbitration. It if our understanding that the board of arbitration will consist of one member appointed by the union, and one member ap- vointed by the company, with an impartial chairman agreed upon by both members, or fail- ing that, appointed by you (Mr. Rowntree). We await your in- structions." William Cranston, president of Local 459 of the United Pack- inghouse, Food and Allied Workers (CLC) said the union was not prepared to commit itself to arbitration until a meeting of the membership had been called. No such meeting has yet been set up, he said. Opposition UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) Opposition is reported to be mounting against re - electing Alex Quaison-Sackey, the for- eign minister of Ghana, for 29 unprecedented. second term as president of the UN General Assembly. But ents, not so much against Quaison-Sackey himself as against the principle: of giv- ing the representative of one member state the post in two consecutive years, were under- stood to have been unable -so) far to offer an alternative choice. Usually reliable sources said West European members dis- cussed the question at a pri- vate caucus Monday, and the Latin Americans Wednesday. Feeling in both groups, these sources said, crystallized in fa- vor of having a European. pres- ident for the 20th assembly, due to open Sept. 21. There was no great opposition, it was added, to having the post go, for the first time, to a diplomat from Eastern Europe. os Poland was understood to have been mentioned in this connection, specifically the names of both Adam Rapacki, the Polish foreign minister, and his representative here, Bohdan Lewandowski, But jrapacki was said to be in indifferent health and Lewandowski has indicated ------" in the job for him- self, TIP SCANDINAVIAN In the absence of an East Eu- ropean candidate, diplomatic sources said, the Nordic coun- tries may be encouraged to of- fer a name. There was already specula- tion about Sivert Nielsen, the resident representative of Nor- way, who has a considerable reputation in the UN, based largely on several constructive initiatives during Norway's oc- cupancy of the West European seat in the Security Council, which he vacated at the end of last year. Nielsen was said to be per- sonally not interested in the as 2 Mounting Against UN President assembly, by the UN financial and constitutional crisis, pre- vented him from running a nor- mal session.and, to make up for) this, he ought to have another term. Europe iast had the dency in 1960, when ick Boland of Ireland broke his ga- val 'trying to restore order at the momentous summit assem- ee ae 'Torpedo' Just -- Practice Mine | NORFOLK, Va. (AP)--The = "torpedo" hauled up in a lop net by . the practice mine ter, It has no bly attended by Nikita Khrush- chev, the Soviet premier; Fidel Castro, the premier of Cuba President Nkrumah "and o' heads of state-and government. July Sales GM Recor OSHAWA -- An all time record for sales of North American cars and trucks in the month of July -- the sixth monthly record in a row - - has been established by General Motors dealers across Canada. Car and truck sales totalling 25,572 last month compared with 23,603 in July of last year. Passenger car sales reached 21,252, up from 19,086 in the same month a year ago. Truck Sales last month were 4,320 eet with 4,517 in July, live to ' ploded as the trawler tried bring it aboard, vessel and killing eight 12-man crew. GAVE CAR COLLECTION ELKHORN, Man. (CP)--In jaac Clarkson, a local farmer, was given a citation by the Ca- nadian Historical Association for donating 130 vintage cars to jthe community, He turned down an offer of $100,000 for the cars, which are destined for a pro- posed centennial muséum in Elkhorn. FOR THOSE WHO INSIST ON ADDED COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE BRAEMOR GARDENS--"the really nice place to live' --= offers you every convenience; public schools, high schools, shopping plazes and churches -- parks and recreation presidency. The argument used by back- ers of Quaison-Sackey is that the semi-paralysis of the 19th JAMES | ' O'MALLEY! Construction Ltd. ! 723-7122 @ Homes @ Additions 1 @ Offices @ Remodeling Greos, services and utilities. Now is an ideal time for you to visit Braemor Gardens while it is ef its most begutiful, 8-Inch Perch Limit Into Effect Today WHEATLEY, Ont. (CP) Lake Erie fishermen have been notified that the recently re-ij imposed eight - inch minimum length limit for perch was tol go into effect today. | The limit, removed five years ' braemor gardens (Stevenson Rd. N. and Annapolis) ago, was re-imposed by the On- tario eovernment last month. Er y .caction tot! rc. ewed regulation has been divided. Some commercial fishermen claimed it would cut their yield as much as 80 per cent while others favored it as a matter of|§ cofiservation. Homes Heated By Clean DEPENDABLE Consumers' Gas "Your Design For Modern Living At It's Very Best" IN BEAUTIFUL Southwood Park | HARWOOD AVE. S. -- AJAX Your "AT-HOME" Family CONVENIENT WINTER PLAYGROUND HOME! COMFORT @ Close to magnificent view of Lake Ontario @ Close to public schools and high schools, let er @ Reasonable distance to the church of your choice 4 Pal jag core pity ichelg a a agaaad ® Complete shopping facilities in Ajax Shopping Plaza. @ Handy to golf, picnic and complete family rec- @ Only a few blocks from East - West main traffic reational facilities. arteries, _ Live In Year 'Round Comfort and Pleasure In Lovely SOUTHWOOD PARK -- AJAX ALL ARMSTRONG HOMES INCLUDE THESE FEATURES AT NO EXTRA COST « Copper tone hooded exhaust fon in 9. 100-Amp. heavy-duty electric wiring 16. Metal Iron railing installed on front kitehen, installed porch where there are three steps or . Stainless steel kitchen sink . Colored ceramic wall tile for bath- room and colored fixtures. . Valance boxes in living room. . Kitchen cupboards and doors natural stained imported mahogany (custom built). . Double laundry tubs. . Forced air gas heating -- or forced oir oll heating extra. |, All electric light fixtures. 10, WW, 12. 13. 14, 15, Divided basements with recreation facilities. All services include: paved road, sanitary and storm sewers, individ- ual water connections, curbs. Front and side yards sodded. Sidewalks installed from front to driveway and side door to driveway. Fancy ceiling in living room and dining room. Oak floors throughout where Asbes- tos Vinyl tile is not installed. Grandview Ave. at Olive Ave. 17. 18. 19, 20. 21. 22, more. Copper toned. built-in triple paper towel rack. Clay brick. Built-in Kleenex dispenser. Poured concrete basement (with life- time guarantee). Mahogany trim. Electric heating Installed «es en extra. Some Plans Provide For Walkout Basements -- Many Optional Extras Available To Your Taste See Also, ARMSTRONG HOMES in ROLLING HILLS ESTATES - OSHAWA | Phone Pickering 942-3310 or Oshawa 723-6461 for Appointment