26--Apartment for Kent 29-----Wented te Rent vn THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, July 23, 1965 20e--Summer Properties |24----Stores, Offices, Storage For Sale or Rent FOR RENT POW - WOW POINT On Pen Lake--o year round | AAQdern Store resort in the heart of North- Sophisticated * Adult Living CASA MANANA Accommodation required for Hospital Staff. Furnished rooms and aport- ments _ light srg privileges. within easy Kn i distance of the Hospital. '30--Automobiles for Sale 1957. MONARCH coach, automatic in. perfect condi- 38--Coming Events tion, good motor, tires like new. 1953 CHEVROLET hard-top two door, radio, heater, mo- tor in good condition. ; BINGO TONIGHT JOHN APOSTL The death of John Apostle oc- curred Thursday at Hillsdale' Manor in his 83rd year. He had been in poor health for the past year. The deceased was a native of strong Funeral Home for tne high requiem mass which will be sung by Monsignor Paul Dwyer Saturday at St. Gre- ory's Church. Interment will be in Resurrection Cemetery. Prayers will be held at 7.30 OVER $6,000 IN PRIZES & Giviec Auditorium ga As a BINGO ern Muskoka, A spacious site with acres of woodland, con- necting waterways to 4 lakes. Trout end boss fishing, re- creation facilities, free wat- er skiing. Luxury suites, lake- front motels, bungalows, per person $56-$70. weekly with delicious meals. Finest foods, oven fresh baking, courteous service. For color brochure, white Box 387, Huntsville -- or call 705-789-4951 AUGUST end JULY -- Owner's cottage available each year. For information telephone 623-3576. Box 246, Bowmanville, GLEN waterfront lot cottages. Aliso 2nd. row lots with access fo water. Three miles straight north of Ross "Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, 324- Phone MRS, McDONNELL, Ajax and Pickering Hospital 942-2320 Locol 311, 9-5 a URGENT: Missionary cou; ith three children need furnished home in Oshawa for August. Tele e 728-8123. i COUPLE with five children desperately need apartment or house in Whitby, Ajax, Oshawa, Pickering or) vicinity, Telephone 668-4814 Whitby any- time. Austria and came to Canada in 1910. For some years Mr. Apostle farmed in the Winnipeg area and later farmed in the Port Perry district after com- ing east in 1938. In 1905 he married the former) 'Mary Antoniuk in Austria. | The deceased was a member ~\of the Roman Catholic Church. p.m. Friday at the funeral immediat session immediate pos: kode 79 Simcoe St. North 900 square feet floor space. Good business area. ALL SURVEY Real Estate LTD. 10 Richmond St. Eost 778-7551 "OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE In Times Building COURT WHITBY Spacious 2 and 3 bedroom suites, featuring modern equipped kitchens, vanities with large mirrors in bath- rooms, private balconies, broadioomed corridors, twin elevator service and intercom system. Model suite furnished by Wilson's Furniture. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Call Rental Office at 723-6361 Follow Park Road North Anderson St., West on An- derson to Nipigon St. Open for .your inspection from 2 to 9 p.m. daily, GUIDE REALTY LTD. 723-1121 GOVERNOR MANSIONS 2 Bedroom Suite 3 Bedroom Suite 1936 DODGE coupe good motor, hot rod possibilities, god tires, best offer. APPLY 15 Mill Street f ALL CASH For cleon cars or trucks we deal up or down, Liens paid. calle 'NICOLS MOTORS LIMITED. WANTED -- by advertising executive, | 146 BROCK ST. NORTH oon cae pet eryfe afpcle ia Cai Across from Royal Hotel i WRItby. 668-3331: collect anytime Toronto 222-2803. 30--Automobile for Sale BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN THE HOME OF GOOD USED CARS MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA "Before You "Buy give Bill « try" Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 | BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1250 DUNDAS EAST 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST 668-5871 -72 WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold MORE CASH Liens paid oft | | Paid for Good clean cors, | FUNERAL OF MRS. CLAYTON KEMP Funeral service for the late Mrs. Clayton Kemp, who lived at Highway 2 at Courtice, was held Wednesday at the Mcin- tosh-Anderson Funeral Home. She died Sunday at the Oshawa General Hospital. Arnold Mattice of the Gospel Hall, Nassau st., was in charge of the service. Interment was in Union Ceme- . ROOFING CONTRACTORS ONTARIO HOSPITAL SEALED TENDERS will be re- ceived by the undersigned, until 3:00 p.m. (E.0:T.) on THURSDAY, AUGUST 12th, 1965. Mr. Apostle is survived by his wife and four daughters: Mrs. Kay Mosienko of Port Perry; Mrs. F. M. Gilmore (Bessie) and Mrs. W. R. Devan (Annie) ORANGE TEMPLE of Oshawa; and Mrs. J. Mor- SATURDAY, JULY 24th | ison (Pearl) of Deep River. 7:30 P.M. Nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren . also sur- vive. A son, William, pre- deceased Mr. Apostle. The remains are at the Ger- row Funeral Chapel for a high requiem mass which will be sung Saturday by Rev. Norbert Gignac at St. Mary of the Peo- ple Church, Interment will be in Mount Lawn Cemetery. FUNERAL OF MISS GUSSIE JOHNS Q loc or district. Call collect Toronto 249-4697. and ery. Pallbearers were: Wesley Fice, Ben Brown, Sam Me: Knight, Bud Miller, Andy Peter- sen and William Lawson. for the re-roofing of No. 2 Mole Infirmary with pitch ond gravel 'built up roof at the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, Ontario. Specifications .and Tender Documents may be obtained LAND O'LAKES, Kennebec lakefront lots, signs 60 jong north-east Belleville, to Road. Ross Baker, Arden, 335-5673. a 2 CAKE MUSKOKA -- Cottage for rent or sale, sandy beach, hot and cold water, boats, Telephone Bowmanville 623-2445. 20 Games $8 Share the Wealth 4 -- $40 Jackpots to go 1 -- $150 Jackpot to go from, or viewed at Room 6630, Department of Public (Children Under 16 Not Admitted _| Works, East Block, Parlia- : z : ment Buildings, Toronto 2, POLISH Ontario. A $750.00 Bid Bond, a NATIONAL HALL 100% Performance Bond and « 50% Payment Bond will be 168 Bonting Ave. FOR RENT Air conditioned, Equipped Kit- required as specified. Tenders will not be. considered chen for Banquets, Weddings etc CONTACT T. L. WILSON At the Times |SMALL STORE or ornce for very | Street. Tele MRS. JAMES G, MISSETT Mrs, James Garfield Missett, a Past Worthy Mistress of Re- Echo Orange Lodge, Oshawa, and a former member of Re- bekah Lodge, No. 3, died today in Oshawa General Hospital Funeral service for the late|qons . wig 3 geste ete Miss Gussie Johns, who died] "hore and rela at Stirfing, 'ante at the aes Nurs-/Ontario,"the former Edith Pearl ing Home, Bowmanville, Was!Gould was' the daughter of the held Wednesday at ie Mcln- late William and Agnes Gould. ae ay ia wade | Say had lived in Oshawa for Rev. rr "jthe past 50 years and was an -- eee yi Church conduct-ladherent of Simcoe Street Unit- e e service, ed Church. Haren was in Union Ceme-| Surviving are her husband, tery. 1 Ps G i } iss ptt: Pallbearers were: John Allen. Sanghter. ge tay eet ta |Norman Allen, Louis toy = (Eileen) of Oshawa; and a son, Waters, John McConkey andipdwin Missett of Whitby. {Ernest Kelly. | Also surviving are four sis- jters and three brothers: JOSEPH JORDAN Ry "1 " The death occurred at the We Bhs Petterae tae Oshawa General Hospital Thurs-\ang) Mrs. B. Hunter (Kath- day morning oF Apseph Jordan 'erine), both of Detroit, Michi- Rear hic fin wae Bh, gan; and Mrs. Effie Wood, Tren- He was born at Elgin, Ont.. the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Jordan. In 1926 he married the former Mary Jose-| 4 6. a ' bh A granddaughter, Mrs. G. era pre vend iene ve om (Sharon) lives in West Elgin area for some years and The body is resting at the ___|was a resident of Oshawa and) armstrong Funeral Home. The district for the past 23 years.\tuneral service will be conduct ed Monday, July 26, at 2 p.m. NOTICE [Mr. Jordon was a member of Rev. John» Morris of © St. St. Gregory's Roman Catholic FLINTOFF Andrew's United Churh will con- Church, duct the service. Interment will HARDWARE He is survived by his wife be in Oshawa Union Cemetery. 13. King St, West COTTAGES TO RENT. Silvercrest Cot- tages, 2-bedroom cottages for rent in August. $45-$50 a week. All conveniences Private beach, close to all attractions Call Wasaga Beach 429-2646. DN lakefront two or three- bo beth A gg pa 3) a central location, 4 Prince sandy beach, boat, motor, inside conven. [Phone 728-8175. ea lences, supplies handy. Scarborough eeapaga 2 RR EE 1.2638. : |25--Houses for Rent Fon he wet Guin Maes ones te [COTTAGES # lakeshore. Two housekeen 4 ing rooms, furnished, lights and water, sate, he down payment. Telephone yh Couples only. Telephon 125. | ' ADULTS ONLY tne SSG Da | THREE - SEDROOM semi =, detached in oe | Bay Rid as tt car from Osh- 21--Farm Farms for Sale laws). $190 monthly. Available September | TELEPHONE WELL established beef farm, 17: 1. Dunbarton 839-4132. "8 eight. 723-4712 728-2911 room home, large barn, drive shed. s59 MONTHLY. Avaliable August first, | two ponds, about five acres of bush and Telephone Port For. Anpointment MODERN two- and three-bedroom apart-| minimum of 130 acres workable. The| oO --_-- -- near South!ments available. Refrigerator and stove,| price of $51,000 includes all crops. cated at Greenbank -- the farm fronts| THR on two roads. Call D. Gower at 728-6286, | Plant. 5 monthly, Lease available.|<wimming pool, fenced in playground 8. DB, Hyman Real Estate Limited, Osh-| August 1. Phone 655-4829. ________| Telephone 728-3465. pastes 3 |NEW SPLIT LEVEL three-bedroom home|seLF-CONTAINED three - room apart-|, 5 in Ajax. Broadioom and built-in oven and! ment in a quiet home. Widow or mature! 397, 22--Lots for Sale _|stove. Possession September 1. $140/cingle iady preferred. Possession Septem- mileage. Extras. 725-2180. Telephone 725-8132 LOT 72 x 218, with well, tor sale. Fifteen |Tonthly. Telephone 942-4294. ____.|ber_1. Call 723-3274. _--.|957 FORD, coach, V-8, stick shift, new|.1963 MERCURY Monierey, automatic! minutes from Oshawa on paved road.| TWO. brick cera-|THREE-ROOM apartment for rent, ground rings, inserts, clutch pressure; 4-1] rear|with power steering, brakes, windows, Two blocks from school. Telephone 728-\mic tile, bathroom, wall-to-wall broad-|jevel. 1208 Simcoe Street North, Call end; "65 plates, Price $200, Apply 28 Mill|new tires, Telephone Ajax 942-2846, 8976. loom. Crystal chandelier in dining room. | 723.6959 after 5 p.m. Street, Apartment 3, after 5 p.m. iss CHEVROLET Impala, two-door hard-| LOT 72 x 216, wiih well. Fiffeen minutes| Newly decorated. Available immediately, | -- = 196 CHEVROLET Blacayne twodoor,|top, 327 - 200 HP. engine, four-speed floor ' |$125. monthly. Adults only. ferences cay wo-door, P fl gine, -s pos Scnook $2,700 pi $7300 don DIOCKS | equired. Phone 725-6311. After 6 p.m., 27--Rooms for Rent $900 or $600 with trade. Apply 645 Liver- | shift, positraction, radio, new tires, black, ee ee ny Sia cown. Tele ne poo! Road South, Bay Ridges, Ontario.|whitewalls. Perfect condition: 723-7825, Te i 1955 PONTIAC V-8, automatic, custom | TOF Oe Ne ogorn Oshawa. Call atter |26__ Apartment for Rent rac'o, five good tires, Average 'condition 1938 VOLKSWAGEN, custom Iwo-door, 30 p.m., A | hoyle : " carer $295. Apply 509 Bloor East new paint, 'mechanically perfect. No} pene At lie -- | : - : bos grea og bee yg aH cael NONQUON 1958 STRATO CHIEF station wagon, good down payment. Easy terms! Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568 $1500. Financed with $100 down, Harry |condition. Apply 127 Connaught Street. | 516. |HOUSE TO SHARE, completely furnish ©, Perry, 728-7: : LOT for sale in North Oshawa, 60 ft. x 116 ft. Phone 725-6721. led, private bec oomy thd dit gt lal l iac-At mid oat . hacen oe bbl sa "in een 728-9911 ;P2f» radio, power steering and brakes./1964 CHEVROLET conVertible, V-8, red 'son, 7 monthly. ee. nag 7" , | Telephone 725-7488 me _|with fawn interior. Trade-in or finance ONE FURNISHED bedroom and kifchen|S® EDSEL Citation four-door hardtop, can be bpd Low*mileage. Bowman- jwith sink, refrigerator and range. Tv out-/POWer steering, brakes, seats, windows, V!\ e310 after §. wei Het, also furnished housekeeping room town and country Wonderbar radio. Sell|1956 PONTIAC two-door hardtop, auto- | matic, radio, whitewalis. Excellent me- I72 § reasonable. Telephone 723-3445. lene ~ : : "for |1963 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, 25,000 miles, |CNanical condition. No down payment [FURNISHED room in quiet home for |with top carrier and. radio. Telephone| Terms available. Gus Brown Motors Lid., | mMatur sines: > ' | 723-6206. 725-6568. |smoker. Five minutes from four corners. | Telephone 725-9992 unless made on forms sup- plied by the Department. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. D, Millar, Deputy Minister, Ontario. Department of Public Works, Always top quality USED CAR PARTS, spindies to make trailers, also used ires 509 Bloor Street East, after 4, 723-2261 1959 PONTIAC, 283 motor, in excellent condition. 1935 Plymouth coupe with T-/ Bird engine and custom interior. Tele- phone Whitby, 668-6326. cc 11961 CADILLAC Coupe de Ville, Fleet- Super Sport, hardtop,|Wood interior, fully powered, new tires, 300 HP four-speed transmission, 1600 excellent condition. Sacrifice for cash! Trade up or down Trad down, L d, rade up or down, Leins pai CALL MR. J.. ROGALSKI 725-6753 two - bedroom duplex. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH -9421 ST. JOHN'S PARISH BINGO Every Fri. at 7:45 p.m. Corner Bloor and Simcoe 20 Games $10 and $15 | ackpot 57 Nos. $17 Two extra games at $25. Jackpot and Snare the Wealth BINGO HOLY CROSS TO-NIGHT 7:45 P.M. Jackpots 56 and 52 "ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home, Call between 5 and 7 p.m. j MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL SEALED TENDERS will be re- 'on; | Wilbert Gould, of Toronto; Thomas of Oshawa and Percy of Whitby. s Bi H------~-m=ms--=| 1961 VALIANT two-door hardtop, big 6) 1960 PONTIAC, six cylinder, automatic, | automatic, radio, regal red, matching Prclieg be Glee vay - own fe 9 tee (ya Easy terms. Gus Brown Motors ition. easoni @ price, private. ie = r . phone 728-2936. [te Jeers ceived by the undersigned, cob Spica ~ |1962 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible, ntil 3:00 m. (E.D.T.) on {WRECKING 1954 Monarch, motor A-1./red, white roof. Fully equipped. No down, UNt! J:00 p.m. (E.D.T. |Apply 229 Ritson Road South. | i 7 op al 1955 OLDSMOBILE hi tabs "Wendar:| Motors Lte., "asses, aed THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1965 '39---Notices LOT 60' x 116. North Oshawa, Call 725-6721 after 4.30 p.m. SCENIC LOT, pepereximately three "acres, : Coxe Ontario, Priced to sell at just s3aso. Northend Location 728- @ Featuring 1, 2 & 3 bed- rooms. Reinforced Concrete Sound Proof Electrical Heating Broadloom Inter-Com System Hi-Fi Radio Balconies Underground Parking. for the Supply and Installo- tion of Two 5,175 P.P.H. Firetube Steam Generators ot the Boys' Training School, GARAGE - type buliding, commercial area. North Simcoe, with office space and washroom facilities. Telephone 728-8840 or 728-3573. Plans, Specifications and neh Tender Documents may be Cc le) obtained from, or viewed at de Compact Cars for Sale Room 1704 (Tower), Depart- ment of Public Works, East Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario. (Tele- phone No. 365-1079). A_ $2,000.00 Bid Bond, a 100% Performance Bond and a 50% Payment Bond will be required as specified. Tenders will not be consid- ered unless made on forms supplied by the Department. A Deposit of $15.00 MONEY ORDER, or CERTIFIED CHE- QUE made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario, will be required per set of tender documents, which will be re- funded if documents are re- turned in good condition with- in thirty davs of above clos- ing date, otherwise forfeited, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. KUSHOG, lakeshore lots -- write to Hugh) Morrison, RR 2 Minden or telephone! 78-1181. CORNER buliding lot with trees, Sandra Street, 60 x 125, $3,900. Call E. J. Doug- tas, 728-5103. W. O. Martin Realtor. 23--Real Estate Wanted _ NEEDED "Happy Vendors" We have to offer you, the people of Oshawa and Dis- triet, over "57 years of accu- mulated experience' in the Real Estate Field. For over six years we hove diligently and successfully served the public and have a proven sales record which re- veals that "over 90% of our listings culminate in satisfac- tory sales." Now we require additional properties for sole -- the reason is simple -- WE'RE SOLD OUT! If you are thinking of selling your home call us for an ex- pert appraisal at no obligation to yourself ----- then sit back end wotch us put our "57 years of experience' to work for you, or subsequently, we can make your property avail- able for sale to over 175 pro- fessional M.L.S, soles person- wr CML 728-6286 9. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED | NEED OLDER TYPE HOME Now ! For Cosh Buyer Call BILL JOHNSTON and two daughters, Mrs. Walter Friends are asked not to call MeMinn (Frances), of Whitby at the Funeral Home before Sat- and Teresa, of Oshawa. Two sisters, Mrs. Vincent Kenney] urday afternoon. The family will be at the Home on Satur- |(Margaret) and Mrs. Michael O'Hearn (Theresa), both 0 flday and Sunday from 2 to 4 in Elgin, and a grandson, James the afternoons and from 7 to 9 McMinn, also survive. lat night, Mr. Jordan was predeceased) by four brothers and a sister. 1959 FORD Fairlane, good shape, V-8| automatic, $700. Telephone Bay Ridges, 839-4304, | Bowmanville, Ontario, | | | e or two beds Appiy Mrs. S. Natoli, 286 Frontenac, or telephone 728-3478. FURNISHED bedroom for rent. Recently decorated. Quiet comfortable home. South plant GMC, Vista Park area. Inspection jinvited. Preferably gentleman. For ap- |Motors Ltd. 728-7375. |pointment phone 728-3014 promptly. 1962 PONTIAC convertible, red with | eim@e ron q board. Apply 28 Divi.| Matching trim, brand new top, every- 'oom: \. L | amt "A * eight s and board. Apply 25 Divi thing power equipped. No down pay-| | ae ; --.-;ment. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375! \Geep closets, Por ong ten guutieren |1988 CHEVROLET 6 cylinder standard IClose' to North General Motors, 1s|transmission, four-door sedan. Mechan Patricie Avenue ically A-1. 'Body completely redone. $600 birt ated date i - or best cash offer. 725-5555. FURNISHED bedroom in private home. - cares ere Suitable for gentleman. Close to Shopping Condens teiee thar Mae ten Centre. Telephone 728-1370. lent condition. Must be seen. Apply. 377 bles wind: Sévicw |SLEEPING accommodation, $5. weekly.|Highland Avenue South New and Used Cors jcentrally located. Apply 163 Simcoe - PONTIAC Parisienne convertible, s , pandas ees OER ie _..|V8 automatic, power steering, power 334: Ritson Rd. S. |ONE FURNISHED room suitable for one|brakes. Black finish and interior. $2,395 723-3461 or two, willing to share. Close to North| 623-2930. |Plant and Fittings. Telephone 725-2642. | j9g9 PONTIAC & Slinger, Siemans GIR Open Eveninas housekeeping rooms, suitable for|A real economical car. $10 down, $39|1964 COMET convertible, $400 down and n Apply 200 monthly. Gus Brown Motors Ltd. 728-7375. take over payments. Telephone 728-5901 {King West or phone 723-5004, _--"_|i988 CADILLAC, very good mechanically,|0ok for Jack. : TWO separate rooms, furnished, north/first-class interior, 1935 LaSalle two-door |1965 CORVAIR convertible, 110 auto- end location, parking. Telephone 723-3700. eee perfect, body. Also| matic, reales F thay walk aie wheels, ¢ . wick, automatic transmission, A-1|discs, 4/ miles. Telephone 5029. GENERAL MOTORS PLANT F , 'ceva edna Ot itor Plc | Apely 132 Church Street. jshape. '55 Buick century, motor perfect! igg9 ENVOY, custom sedan, low mileage, RESERVE NOW very good condition. Can be financed. FURNISHED ROOM for rent, cenflerian| priced. Phone Tusoe cri' sane for rent, gentieman) pr . one +5046 after 5.30. £ AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT preferred. Semi-private entrance, bath-| : ___|Reasonable. After 3, call 728-0489, |room same floor. Parking no problem.| iy pe Minin sedan top condition. Ap-|195) VAUXHALL, good Condition, Two- 1, 2 and 3 Bedrooms. 725-7273. y Crest Drive, Whitby. 668-4403. tone paint. $285. Telephone 728-7904, 2 Bathrooms (in all 2 and FUR room for 1957 VOLKSWAGEN, rough shape, but! 9g; m@ Midgel, white with detachable 3 bedroom suites) God motor, $50. 668-5930 after 5 p.m. | hardtop, 728-9682 or 725-3683 between 5-9 Elevators 1958 FORD, 8 automatic, two-door hard-|evenings. \ | Balconies man. Telephone 728-8380. ONE BEDROOM for rent for girl, Cen-\ top, power Steering, radio, white walls. |19¢4° MGB, 15,000 miles, new whitewall 170 Park Road South, Apartment B05. | tires, radio, tonneau cover, luggage rack, Intercom System FM MUSIC tral, parking, Telephone 728-4169 ONE large housekeeping room, ma! nii9¢ CHEVROLET, two-door, 6 cylinder,|no rust. Telephone. 725-8053, standard, with radio, $1,050. Telephone 1959 <VAUXHALL in good Broadioom Holls floor, for middie aged lady. 218 Celina. Brooklin 655-4617, |throughout, Asking $295. Will Phone 728-4192. FURNISHED room tor young. lady, kitch-|j9s4 DODGE, fair f ores ' Condition, with radio. |trade-in. Telephone 723-3171 en privileges. Phone after 5 p.m., 728-5758. Best offer, Telephone 728-7807 fe MORRIS Ontord acd |TWO SINGLE newly decorated, - ; (BOND. ST.) LTD. furnish- a ed rooms for gentleman. 1953 FORD, V8, standard transmission, | Best offer. Telephone 725-6706. THREE-ROOM Unfurnished basement | Parking, one Distk fren Merth Ganeral oer apply at 176 Roxborough Av- 32 picks rm Sale apartment with private bathroom. Apple| Motors, $9 weekly. Phone 728-6697. ind xg j PARISIENNE four - door hardtop, gareyoN LARGE, double room, furnished, single|rear speaker, white walls. Immaculnre| HALE-TON beds, kitchen privileges, plenty parking. throughout. $1,450 or best offer. Please Hill district. Available immediately, work- ling couple only. Telephone 725-7940. THREE- and four - room * VOLVO & PEUGEOT * MERCEDES BENZ JAKE and *BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa 728-0921 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, VOLKSWAGEN 1960 FORD "Sunliner' convertible with new motor and automatic transmission, three months' fuel warranty. No down payment. Only $46 monthly. Gus Brown Closing For Staff Holidays Sat., July 24 Reserve Now Phone 728-9466 728-4014 OSHAWA REALTY (BOND ST.) LTD. ue _Multiple Listing Service je MALA GLEN: COURT LOCATED NEAR SOUTH | HERBERT P. SCHELL | Herbert Peers Schell, former mayor of Oshawa in the 1920's, died in the Oshawa General gentle. FULFORD -- Wayne and Barbara are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Sherianne Marie, weight 5 Ibs. 114 ozs. on Thursday, July 8, 1965, 9:49 condition p.m, at the Oshawa General Hospital. accept condition. | BOWMANVILLE DEMOLITION OF 2 BOILERS BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL SEALED TENDERS will be re- ceived by the. undersigned, | International Bell Tele-| phone truck, good running order. $375 or| best cash offer. Call Ron 723-7521 or 723-9525 | GMC's 1957 _half-ton truck, 1947 %4-1on,| Ce four-speed. For information, Telephone | apartments, | arate beds, lunches packed, home privi- until 3:00 p.m, (E.D.T.) on with matching trim. automatic. | 1955 FORD 1} ton pickup, V-8 motor, Also accommodations for couple to share | on, % kitchen and dining room. Apply 2 Eliza. PrONe 725-2549 : : beth Street, Pickering Village or phone 1957 CHEVROLET Bei Air, two-door hard between 9 - 11 p.m., 942-1987. top, V-8, automatic, radio, like new. Prii 2 ar es Relea is $750, Private. Telephone 728-7909 | 728-6443. 8--Room and Board "Tew | acs ean helio een cai a mileage, one-owner car. An ideal car for | (96? ba A iP a perl ag Lip South area of city. Apply 168 Conant/leges. Telephone 728-6825. Street long | ita BROCK STREET SOUTHS Whit ee AND BOARD available tor gentie-|Must be seen to be appreciated. Easy box, Price $200, Cell 728-8378. THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1965 s Whitby. iman, seven-day week . Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375. |i9g, ome = = = i Four large rooms. Central location. Heat-|Shift workers welcome. x ' # SSS": 1963 GMC half-ton truck, 26,000 original ed. Electric stove and refrigerator; bath- | 668-8158 963 PONTIAC Parisienne, two-door hard-| miles. Telephone between 12 - 5 p.m. Mon-/ top Metallic blue with matching trim. jday to Friday, 725-7922. Fully equipped. No reasonable offer re-|+56 GMC tandem truck; '67 GMC tandem: | 1964 CUSTOM sport Pontiac. A very ROOM AND BOARD in private home for "holidays". Easy t Kbbekd mee . sy terms. Gus Brown Mo- ini ite lhna-tnhced baer ---- ~ two gentlemen willing to share room, sep-|tors Ltd., 728-7375, |1958 CHEVROLET '-ton truck. For in-' Augual one voor lease a) S90 witlROOM and board for one gentleman or * room. Available im: |f; T gg bie erms. Gus Brown Motors Ltd '53 GMC stake truck. '57 Plymouth| cs sedan, Good, used oll furnace. Telephone! 1964 PONTIAC convertible, Diplomat bive. : ~ |month. May be inspected by He y. Tel 668-3814 Whitby. ; . Phone 668-6454. _ - NEWLY DECORATED three - room fur- pyrtegg adil g Won. ane piciienes. ine MERCURY four-door sedan, V8 auto- | 725-2156 | nished apartment, private bath. Heat, rene' power steering, power brakes, Has |; it | light, water. supplied; TV outlet; parking. | Telephone 726-5455. _ to be seen to be appreciated. Very easy |1o3 wine ak fooa ore . en ae cena |Close to North GM. Working couple only.|ROOM or room and board, for gentie-|'erms. Gus Brown Motors Ltd. 728-7375, pecks. Spat offer e Tareotiont Brook!in| $98 monthly. Telephone 725-2540 or 728-iman. Very central and parking facilities. 1954 CHEVROLET Bel-Air, motor in 900d | 655-4723, : | _ | 6115. Apply 122 Church Street condition, radio, black, $75, Apply 178) i om gentleman prefer. Bloor Street West or telephone 728-8898./ 33. Automobiles Wanted _ Schofield-Aker Ltd. 728-1066 DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY? SO DO WE "ACTIVE" REALTY LTD. 728-5157 SELLING? CALL 728-7576 SIBBY'S = REAL ESTATE LTD. STOP! DON'T... Do it yourself.» Let us help you. BUY or SELL your next property. OSHAWA } REALTY (Bond St.) LTD. 25 Bond West SPEEDY ACTION, SATISFACTION! List with Arthur Weinberger Real Estate, 725-8851. Any kind of property sold very * fast: We have cash buyers waiting CLEAN three-bedroom bungalow. Lake! Vista area. Bolahood Bros. Mr. Yeo, tele phone 728-5123. oS __.. |ment. Adults Perry, 985-7310. Kindness beyond Price, yet Within reach of all GERROW 'Big Opportunities FUNERAL CHAPEL! Seen In Mining 390 KING STREET WEST P TELEPHONE 728-6226 | saskatoon (CP) -- A Unk \versity of Saskatchewan profes- July 24. Interment Oshawa Union| PE eye: ee |Sor says there is room for Cemetery, at 2 p.m | F : |many more students to get into | is almost possible with the mining engi ' BROOKS, Sadie Irene | MATTHEWS BRONZE MARKER orracae it tes Bes -- hv : ' i \ J unities Thorsdaye"duty"2, 4s, Sadie rene 'hor | lig A age and: fratell' lin: the fold in Caneda. top, . Sy 's Gat aatte of Ave (rte ieee Bement MOUNT LAWN Prof. R. F. Palmer, head of Port Perry. Resting at the Chapel of Mc-| MEMORIAL PARK the mining engineering division 723-2633 of the university here, says top m t salaries in the field are $35,000 or more. Dermott-Panabaker, Port Perry, for serv-| ice on Saturday at 4 p.m. Interment Pine | Uae LOCKE'S FLORIST "Np : Funeral arrangements and |. The supply of qualified min- ing engineers is expected to be Grove Cemetery. | floral ements for all probate, ce less than demand for at least OSHAWA SHOPPING _ |!0 years. ae CENTRE Yet mext year the University 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE. |°f Saskatchewan probably will Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin. (Friends 728-6555 top Canadian universities with a mining engineers' graduating are requested not to call at the chapel " B | N G O until 3 p.m. Saturday.) class of only eight, Prof. AT | A native of Quebec and grad- Pe egg al Oshawa General IN MEMORIAM juate of McGill University, Prof. |Hospital on Friday, July 23, 1965, Edith Palmer came to Saskatoon to | Pearl Gould, beloved wife of James Gar. 'a ' ; field Missett, mother of Mrs. Lloyd Cor-| rid up yt mining rues |division five years ago when |Saskatchewan's potash boom was getting under way. He says he believed the pot- ash industry alone would grow large enough within a few years to warrant the new division. Prof. Palmer managed the |Algoma. Steel Corporation's Helen Mine in Ontario for seve ral years, | | THREE-ROOM apartment, all conveni ROOM AND BOARD, \ eae nue Lean Apply 299 Simcoe Street South, red. Telephone 728-3350. 1962 CHEVROLET Biscayne, automatic,| - occ ET SECTS OO ROOM AND BOARD for gentieman will-\6 CYlinder sedan. Excellent condition, no [TWO girls willing to share apartment |ing to share. Five-day week. 183 Park |fust Blue with bive interior, whitewalls with other young lady. Board if desired;|Road South. Telephone 723-2644 Telephone 723-4744 room with twin beds. Telephone 728-2372. WHITBY room and board for gentlemen, |'962 FORD Fairlane 500, automatic, | FOUR-ROOM apartment, separate en-|iunches packed, laundry, seven-day week ro A-1 condition. One owner. Good trance, private bath. Near hospital. Tele-|Telephone Whitby 468-4957 Phen 2g and interior. Private. Telephone [phone 723-7917. hin sie ee aes A MET DORNER, SINGIN beds, WINING ame pee DOWNSTAIRS apartment, private en-|to shi seven-day week, lunches packed, 195? CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, standard |trance, two bedrooms. Suitable for Savoie A ing. Apply 237 Nassau Street plete a lel ig Pegg oing rao, rear | h x 0 non' en -- - ance ue ee SCS. Apply 492 Simcte Sou. Phone "7255448 ra caterer wn $7: Room and board /condition. Apply 2 i Adelaid 'Wh gage saci re in share, $ ann ice NEW large two-bedroom apartment for beds. Close to North General Motoras core Had Pag hhjaa Uf : dans, 728-4549. Robert Nichols. rent, approximately 1,000 square feet./tral to downtown. Appl: res: ind convertibles, Ten to ¢ rom. | > GARE AUTA Weervear Two television outlets, telephone in every | maou -- oe Various equipment 'and prices. Nothing CAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS went room. 728-9474, ask for Mr. Salter. ie eck. oe ee ie gentlemen, | down. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., TIS-6bee. | SO or ere pest 1 Mey adhd paid $5 SINGLE, $7 double, daily, spec. weekly -- ttnentenanreminterermnsenonerinees | TR PONTIAC: Straio. ChIM, fGur + door| sateen ae rates. Small apartments available. Board | and board, close to GM north!sedan, 6 cylinder, standard, radio, wind-| OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars way Millar, | coh | Restaur-|P/an!, Good meals, clean rooms. Call! shield washers. $1,450 or best offer. Bow-|fF Wrecking. Tires and parts for sale. Deputy Minister, joptional. Hollywood Motel and Restaur: 0" Puty , jene , 725-9843, Apply 57 Brock Street East. | manville 623-5269 after $30 pm 17S Nelson Street. Telephone 725-7162, | Department of Public Works oo and board for gentleman willing 19586 BUICK Century, two-door hardtop, SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars Ontario. fo share large room. Single beds. Six-day| automatic, black. A-1 condition, $495, /00U9Ht, parts for sale. Iron and metals week. Lunches packed. Wilson-King area.| Telephone 728-9294. jbought. 89 Bloor Street East, 725-2311. ----- |Home privileges. 728-9692 | eee - _ _ vpmesciceaam ne 1, RONALD H. NORRIS, 290 Surrey Drive, e Augus 6 as SO | sii z siti | 1957 PONTIAC, V-8, automatic, four door 4 HH £ {Oshawa, will not be responsible for an THREE-ROOM apartment, available A\ '29--Wanted to Rent hardtop. For quick sale telephone Tl t--Automobile Repair _..| debts contracted in my name, by onvone: gust 1. On third floor, stove, refrigera-| dacs 668-2762 afternoons only, |OSHAWA TUNE-UP CENTRE offers ex-jon or after this date, July 21, 1965, with. jtor, laundry facilities, parking, bus ser-/HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER requires two TRADE AND CASH -- 1962 Chevrolel|Pert carburetor and auto electric ser-|out my written consent. (Signed) R. HH. | vice. Apply 822 King Street East __|bedroom apartment or house, Oshawa or |automatic for '64-'65 Parisienne, Impala|vice, 222 King Street West, 728-0817 Norris. |FURNISHED bedroom and kitchen, all vicinity, breferably furnished, for August or 8-cylinder car. Telephone 725-8358 TRANSMISSION specialisis. Transmis- e ee : es |conveniences. Suitable for couple. No Lor September 1. Write Box 137 Oshawa! teagan eae Telephone 1038 Simeve | 38---Coming Events sions are our only business, children. Phone 725-7073 Imes Brooklin 455-3008 North. Phone 728-7339 "|MOTORS, $35. : THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, URGENT: Twobedroom apartment, Osh. : August 1.) TO SEL ~ CARS WANTED. Buying a New Car ? Sell your used' car to Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "Save" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 -- Cars for wrecking. Ti BRITTEN, Frederick James Entered into rest in Oshawa, Ontario, on Wednesday, July 21, 1965, Frederick James Britten beloved husband of Louisa) Park and father of Mrs. William Pearn (Anne) of Ottawa and Frederick Robert) Britten of Oshawa, in his @ist year. Rest-| ing at the Armstrong Funeral Home with funeral service in the Chapel, Saturday, | Re-open Aug. 4th The remains are at the Arm- BIRTHS DEATHS Hospital July 22, after a short illness. |rival of their daughter (7 Ibs. 15 ozs.) on |Hospital on Thursday, July 1965, Monday, July 19, 1965 at Scarborough! Joseph Jordan, beloved husband of Mery/=mma Peers Schell and re- General Hospital. A sister. for George, | Josephine McBrody, father of Mrs. Wai-jceived his formal education in |Teresa Jordan, Oshawa, brother of Mrs. Brantford. DODDS -- Gerry and Marilyn are Vincent Kenney (Margaret) and Mrs. |happy to announce the arrival of a baby Michael O'Hearn (Teresa), poth of Elgin, career at an early age, and as 2, 19685. A sister for Michael and Tam- Armstrong Funeral Home, sonaws with | his SS te progressed, held |my. Thanks to Dr. Irwin and ir! loor Requiem High Mass in St. © Gregory'siposts i; |staff, Oshawa General Hospital. | Church Saturday, July 24 at 9 a.m. Inter- P ndon England and i DOLEWEERD -- Tony and "Bev" are|will be held at the funeral home Friday! Mr. Schell was elec J. D, Millar, |happy to announce the arrival of their |7.30 p.m.) of Oshawa in 1935 4 posi Deputy Minister, | son, Wed., July 21, at the Oshawa General ie Weis oe chal 18a and servé SCH a eers A Onteric ounces. 1Albad grandson for Mr. and Mrs.| * [Vernon Moore, Whitby and éth grand: iday, July 22, 1965, in his 91st year, son of |< i oiiena child for Mr. and Mrs, John Doleweerd the' jate Robert and Emma Schell, be-/Staved in the business world G loved father of Mrs. E. B. M. Pinnington| Working for the Robson Leather ih nciale dil 2 Co. in Oshawa until he retired son Schell of Whitby. Funeral from the 4 , e: retire residence of his son, "Inverlynn', Whit- | |b¥, on Saturday, July 24-at 3 p.m. Inter-| Mr. Schell was married twice, |tributions to your favorite charity would first to Harriet May Robson and be appreciated, in lieu of flowers.) then to Constance Coralie McCABE -- Howard and Marjorie (nee Ellis) proudly announce the birth of their, STEPHEN, Frederick A., deceased him pher, weighing 7 Ibs., 14 ozs, born July Le i mn Piecing 0 say ay Jee ie tes an active member of 22, 1965, at the Oshawa Genera! Hospital,| Frederick A. in, Belov: the Oshaw G i | Sincere thanks to Dr. Halam-Andres and|Luella Jones and dear father of Mrs. awa Golfand Curling the fourth floor staff. Credit and Fern of Leaside. Resting at/He served as preside | SINDEN -- Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Sinden|the Robinson Funeral Chapel, Brooklin. Ontario County" Cate nt of rr |(nee Eleanor Brodie) are happy to an-|Service in the chapel on Saturday, July Society d ) te s Al Y and was an Ellen on. Wednesday, July 21, 1965, at|Church Cemetery, Ashburn. !OOF service GnOTREY |Kingston General Hospital. A sister for|by Beethoven Lodge, No. 165 on Friday : |Naney, Carol and Donna. evening at 9 p.m. (Friends are requested|General Hospital Board. | pcs AB Mr. Schell was also a mem- |ber of St. George's Anglican |Suddenty at the Oshawa General Hospital| ie © iv jon Friday, July 23, 1965, Alfred Joseph Pe is survived by a son, H. Woodcock (of Whitby), beloved husband age Schell and a daughter, APOSTLE, John ts. E. B. Pinni for the 'Demolition of Two. | : father of (Jennifer) Mrs. C. Hewis of a. 5 nington (Nancy). t he Bovs' | At illlisdale Manor on Thursday, July 22)| Whitby, (Dianna) Mrs. J. B. Henderson of Steam Boilers, at the Boys lowe John Apostle, in his 83rd year, be-| Florida, dear brother of Mrs. A. Milne/children. 4 ing father of Mrs. Mosienko (Kay) of Port! The funeral will be from 1300 Ontario, 9 lyear. Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral]. 7 [Perry, Mrs. F. M. Gilmore (Bessie) of | Chapel, Whitby for service in the Chapell Gifford st., Whitby today. NOTE: The successful ten- derer will be required to sub- [of Oshawa. Mr. Apostle is resting at the ' : Gerrow Funeral Chapel, 990 King Stree BP ese tlin (Visitors 2/St. George's Church, will con- West, until Saturday morning, then to st,|0:™- Saturday.) duct the service. Burial will be i : Ini » able to the Honourable the n Oshawa Union Cemetery. Provincial Treasurer of On- ment Mount Lawn Cemetery. (Prayers in| torio 'in the amount of $500. the chapel on Friday evening at 7.30 p.m.)| ed from, or viewed at Room 6630, Department of Publie Works, East Block, Parlia- Tenders will not be consider- ed unless made on forms supplied by the Department. | COSTO -- George and Camille (nee. JORDAN, Joseph | Mr, Schell was born in Wood- Sheehan) wish .fo announce the ar-|Entered into rest in the Oshawa Generalistock in 1875 to Robert and John and Mark, jter McMinn (Frances) Whitby, and Miss He embarked on a_ banking girl, Susan Marie, 7 Ibs., 10 ozs., on July|Ont.; In his 74th year. Resting at the ment Resurrection Cemetery. (Prayers| New York City. Department of Public Works | Hospital, weighing in at 8 pounds, 14 : At the Oshawa General Hospital on Thurs- Retired from _ banking, he "~|RR 2 Pickering. Great grandson of Mr. (Nancy) of London, Ontario and H. Rob- in 1950 as secretary-treasurer, ment Union Cemetery, Oshawa. (Con- Truax, both of whom pre- first child, a baby boy, Robert Christo-|At his late residence, 145 Baldwin Street, Bernard Schwager (Glenys) of Port|Club and of the old '30' Club, jnounce the birth of their daughter, Julie) 24 1965 at 1.30 p.m. Interment Burns' vice-president of the Oshawa not to call at the chapel until Friday DE ATHS WOODCOCK, Alfred Joseph |Church, Oshawa. {of the fate Grace Evelyn Heath, dear Also surviving are eight grand- Training School, Bowmanville, |loved husband of Mary Antonivk and jov.|E/criae,, ear. brotner of Mrs. A. Milne { |Oshawa, Mrs. J. M. Morrison (Pear!) of! on Monday, July 26 at 2 p.m. Interment 7, |Deep River, Mrs. W. R. Bevan (Annie) tjnion Cemetery, Oshawa, Minister Rev.|_ Canon F. G. Ongley, rector of mit a Certified Cheque or a Performance Bond made pay- [Mary's of the People Roman Catholic| Church, requiem mass at 9 a.m. Inter- Specifications and Tender Documents may be obtain- ment Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontorio. Any Tender not necessarily accepted. hard-| Mt ently Fr ed, ind stove cluded. One child welcome, $110 monthly. Available August 1. 668-2445. COLLINS, Charles Wardell At the Oshawa General Hospital on Fri- day, July 23, 1965, Charies Wardell Col- lins, beloved husband of Aleen Mumford and dear fahter of Joyce (Mrs. S. H. Witzel of RR 1, Oshawa, and cherished Grandfather of Robert Witzel; in his 69th year, Resting at the Robinson Funeral Chapel, Brooklin. Service in the chapel on Sunday, July 25 at 2.30 p.m. Interment COVERT -- In Sssiiiipniaienionitbdaiion please Telephone For RESULTS se TIMES Classified ACTION ADS | 723-3492 private entrance, private pathroom, avail-\2W@ - Whitby vicinity, for 4 SER ge IeMeEROO a" ela ee ee eae Seca hon more ERECH EDITS laundry facilities, adults. Telephone 728.|three children, Call Bowmanville 623-3773, |1984 CHEVROLET coach. good tires A n loving memory of a Port|!. Reasonable rent. Telephone 723-5539. | custom radio, good condition, $550. Trade'| (Ruby) and Mrs. B. Hunetr (Katherine),| In. silence, we varhurresee HIGH SCHOOL teacher requires one-| 2ccepted. Apply 50? Bloor Street East both of Detroit, Mrs. Effie Wood of Tren-|--Sadly missed by Mabel and Elwood late possession. Adults preferred. $100, |8% Oshawa 'Times, jexhaust, mechanically A-1. Good USE THE 4 GAMES OF $20, $30 my Map veel MARKET 4 $40, $50 ' , @wa with funeral service in the Chapel,/nusband and father, Clifford son, who a abla ten, Apsiy. wk Drow Siem for a |Couple with one child. Apply 40 Royal | Courtice Auto Wreckers. Telephone 723. Ss Two. 7 + "in| Needs some repair. Phone Hamptoi e aly rag a hahaa and U.A.W.A. HALL son (Eileen) of Oshawa, and Edwin Mis-|dear brother-in-law, Max Covert, who 'apari-|Dedroom apartment in Oshawa or vicinity jour - door sedan, autome ton, Wilbert Gould of Toronto, Thomas of|Cook and family. JACKPOTS monthly. Heat and water included. Apply|DOCTOR with young family, moving to/"*0dS paint job. $425 or best cash offer 29 Charles Street Oshawa requires three or four-bedroom Aiax, 942-6552 TWO-BEDROOM apariment> close he=> $9 F Telephone /23-2265 ie oes ef Megas Peat two-door South General Motors. Including refriger- THREE-BEDROOM house required by, .°,\08¥ hardtop. origins: mileage 17,000. ator, stove, drapes and TV outlet. Foriciean, reliable GM. employee. Cations Asking $2,700. Phone 723-9609. more -- information « telephone 728-4866. | district; for August 1 to 15. Reterences. |1964 PONTIAC Laurentian, four - door, [avaliable Auguat 1, [Telephones 728-0970, and radio, T 723-3810, Monday, July 26 at 2 p.m. Interment Osh-|passed away July 23, 1963. |awa Union Cemetery 'othing can ever take away \(Friens are sckéd not to call at the! 'The love a heart holds dear, funeral home before Saturday afternoon.)| Fond memories linger every day (The family will be at the funeral home| 'Remembrance keeps him near. fo receive friends Saturday and Sunday,|--Sadly missed by wife, daughter and 2 to 4 and 7 to. 9 p.m.) farily. rectly treet, Oshawa (upstairs) 5238, oF nights 725-4404 | --n --~-------- | Osh pees A " | 263-2296. | ha hae ALGERT -- Available August |Oshewe by family with "wo small chil | sett of Whitby, and sister of Mrs. Edna|passed away July 23, 1964. ™ downsieirs |1958 BUICK four - door sedan, automatic, | Oshawa and Percy of Windsor, Ont. Rest- DOWSON -- In ONE GAME $150 TWO-BEDROOM apariment ap main TWO OR THREE-BEDROOM home in| 1988 CHEVROLET standard, Good condi- P Y r jo-bedroom, self-contained apart./9T@n. Possession immediately or August/1958 CHEVROLET 6 cylinder, automatic,| SATURDAY, JULY 24th |Jones of Oshawa, Mrs. Gerald Patterson| Not just today -- but every day, 7:30 P.M. ment, four-piece ton. Garage. Imrmedi- for September Ist. occupancy. Write Box| washers, radio and back up lights, new 20 GAMES $10 A GAME body, Ing at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Osh- of a SHARE THE WEALTH