London Solicitor New City Counsel Hugh J. Couch, deputy solici-;Couch countered this week with tor for the City of London, has|@ request that his salary be in- , creased Jan. 1 to $13,230. This "-- wists tad was approved by council on Monday night. «Mr. Couch, 32, married with] Mr. Couch was hired by Lon- daughters aged one and three,idon in January, 1964 as assis- will start work. for the city.Sept.|tant. city solicitor and was re- 15. cently appointed deputy solici- His salary was set by council|ter. He graduated from Victoria at $12,760 per annum with an in-|College, University of Toronto in crease to $13,230 on Jan. 1, 1966.|1955 and from Osgoode Hall Law In addition to the usual sick/School in 1959. leave insutance and hospital! Before being hired by London benefits the city will pay Mr./he was employed by the Farm Couch's annual $170 bar fees. [Credit Corporation in Toronto; Salary range for the position|practised with LaMarsh and La- of solicitor in Oshawa is from|Marsh of Niagara Falls; and $11,500 minimum to $14,175 max-|with E. W. Tyrrill, QC, of Fort! imum. | Erie. | When interviewed by council) E. G. McNeely, who has re-| if committee ast week Mr.|signed as city solicitor, has as- Couch requested an annual sal-|sured council he will handle city ary of $13,500. Council offered/legal matters, on a fee basis, him $12,760 and said his salaryjuntil Mr. Couch assumes his would be reviewed Jan. 1. Mr.\new duties. | | | | Ontario Regiment Concert On Thursday At Bandshell The Band of the Ontario Regi-| ductor of the band, has arranged ment will present another con-\4 program which begins with cert in the summer series Thurs-| Catiada.' It is followed day at the McLaughlin Band-! ys - ollowed by a shell. march, 'Medallion' by H. R. Captain G. B. C. Quick, con-/Moreton and the overture to! Sa at, ahd a Tera The Bohemian Girl' by Balfe.| A Waltz by Zdenko Fibich| Binders' Union "Poem ee Signs With GP rnold Safroni. A concert suite |b; A new three-year contract has|two parts -- 'Le Caprice de| been signed between Gener:§ Nannette' and 'Demand at Re- paddock ing Staff Sergeant W. Whitsitt will|place.. Oshawa drivers Dale v tleberg are the first]in style. 194.| ponse.' of and Local Brotherhood Printers Ltd., International Bookbinders. then be the soloist H. H. Cowley, company gen-|Wild Rose' by eral manager, announced today|Dowell, arranged for the eu-| that the agreement had been/phonium. A suite made up of reached with Local 194, a re-|'Norwégian Dance' by Greig and newal of a three-vear contract|'Trumpet tune and air' is next with Local 194 and the mailing|on the program. department of the company was) A 'Cavalcade of Martial Songs' in 'To ajand Max C. Edward Mc-|to admit this. The wives and girlfriends of} motor racing drivers don't know too much about valve setting: |but they do know what a valve) does. PICTURED HERE during a slack moment at Satur- day's three hour sedan race at Mosport are three ladies who played an important Those Pits Would Be Drab Without The ladies are as much a part] §. Coleridge Taylor will thenjof the motor racin be played by the band. It is injthe cars themselves. Without -them th area at any e mee would be a drab, ¢ also announced. \by H. Nicholls will then be pre-| ARGUES FINE POINTS Tex Werbes, Local 194 rep-| sented by the band. Fred Pleas-| resentative, said today that both|ants will follow with a xylo-|0f Oshawa's , Shell competitor Martin Ch agreements cover some 50/phone solo 'The Joyful Skeleton'| people. The three year agre y D, Rycoth. ment will embody wage i creases of 36 cents hourly ov ion from 'South Pacific' the the term of the contract for/Richard Rogers Broadway hit,|be seen helping out with cents/ another march 'New Colonial'|technical inspections which pri by R. B. Hall and a hymn 'Oldjceed every race, male workers and 28 hourly for females. Mr, Werbes said that the i creases would take effect at si month intervals. rth' by A. Broadhead. © The concert will come close with the to a ment employees will gain a) wage boost of 31 cents over the| riod of the contract. | ; MNerotistions resulted in the| CLAIMS EXAGGERATION lowering of eligibility for three) TORONTO (CP) ---- Canada's weeks paid vacation at the Sim-jneed for skilled workers to fill coe st. s. plant, Fourteen, 13 and| jobs is grossly exaggerated, a 12 years service respectively will| University .of Toronto political National Anthem. be required in the three years|science professor said Tuesday.|driver Dale Neil, of the agreement. The vacation and other bene-|several fits will be applicable to mailing|the federal department of la- department employees. Mr. Werbes stated that contract was signed after al! series of meetings the|Immigratio bia, jargue The band will then play a se.|SPort with the best of them, Mrs. Chenhall is regularly to th |Professor Noah Meltz, author of important part in pit manpower studies forjing the same face. Armed with pencil and paper |bor, said there is no support for|she kept a careful eye on her Minister J. 'husband's icholson's contention that 100,-|throughout the race Conciliation|000 skilled workers are needediot three gruelling hours she was peer aiag were not required,jin Ontario and British Colum-|the first to congratulate her tired/mous vote was passed Tuesday|the renewal of a two Some, like Liz Chenhall, wie 4,000 rally the: intricacies of i Others, like Diane g it with the best of them. In Saturday's Canadian Tour- jing Trophy race Diane Carter|;,, jtook a well earned fifth place her blue Volvo. In doing ah Neil, wife of rapid |husband on his 15th place finisb.'confirming support in the local's\ment which expired May 4l. \bargain. g circus asia bit about her husband's pit and|knows that he is not going to jt eijjteam are equipped to enhall, can| ©/which the company has refusedling ovation when it was moved ©/to accept. Carter, |17,; york -ked the newcomer Nicole Martin and the alee nnd Daceee ; fabulous Donna Mae Mims, get Re ental ' The female mailing depatt-| warch 'John Peel' imental on the track and start mix- S0lthe company and union. Joseph ed by Patrick Tirrel, director of|The he beat many experienced, male] @,i1)< progress} At the end} AOR cai 45-strong guard outside city hall Saturday morning where Mayor Lyman Gifford, an ex-officer of the regiment, will take the inspection. The contingent will then march ficers and NCOs. Instructors Cpl. Z. Trubela, left, and Cpl. Joseph Bryant, are shown on the left and above, as they demonstrate hand to to the Raglan training afea where they will bivowac for several days as part of the five-week long summer training course. ; --Oshawa Times Photos. hand combat using a Sterl- ing machine gun 9MM and bayonet. The summer stu- dents were also instructed in street-fighting methods, The student militia will mount a Student militiamen of the Ontario Regiment are now undergoing a high-pressure training course under the instruction of regiment of- Che Oshawa Times Mail Strike Looms: ™=UAW Support Sought yt COST OF GETTING HITCHED |witl 'eeet tudhiy witn: oe Lecalliahd 9h oo out with them he i) AT CITY HALL JUMPS $5 Fees beens yet Workers, execu-| stated. |tive in a 'or support in a og, |Strike threatened for tomorrow a fan Oder | rapt Ra , : morning. postal service would . ..'. "'prac- Like most everything else in this world the price of | John Romanchuk, secretary of|tically grind to a halt" if the getting married is going up and up. the Oshawa branch of the Fed-|letter carriers struck. As of July 1 the cost of a marriage licence took a giant leap from $5 to $10. The jump, however, doesn't people getting married in Oshawa. erated Association of Letter) « : Carriers, said that the officers ion ae verkioe bie Pryor of the association will ask for/time. Without the letter carriers support from Oshawa's larg-|we might be able to make deliv- So far this month 52 people have made the big de- jest union local. eries to business people -- but cision taken the long walk to city hall for a licence. | "The membership of our as-jno-one else." This. year a. well-above-average 385 -have taken out |sociation will also hold a meet- Any possibility of a go-slow civil marriage licences. jing tonight," he said, "and we campaign rather than a strike Not ail couples are affected by the new rates. No li- |will re-examine our decision 1o|was discounted by Mr. Roman- cence is required if church banns have been announced. The $10 fee is divided two ways. Three dollars is re- tained by the City of Oshawa and the remaining seven gocs to the Ontario Government. seem to have stopped strike in the light of any action|chuk. "The fellows have gone taken at the special cabinet/on for long enough," he said, meeting held today in Ottawa."|«the government just hasn't The cabinet is expected to|been playing ball with us." jconsider a unanimous " strike} 'We are fed up with working vote taken by 4,100 Montreal|just so we can get deeper into |postal employees Thursday. The|the hole. It is not a question of |workers seek a $660 salary in-|/money now -- but of survival." crease -- rejecting government} The same 50 members of the wage hikes ranging from $300 to|local branch voted Saturday to $350. announced last week. endorse a strike vote taken last judged at the fair] Mr. Romanchuk said that the|May. Association officials claim for originality andjlocal association will follow the|that they have the support of Montreal lead. '"'We have pledg-iand rail car clerks. awa's Shell 400 rally com- petitor Martin ~ Chen- hall. Centre is Mrs. Chen- hall's sister Mrs. Daphne Stewart. | --Oshawa Times Photo part in the pit work of Osh- awa driver Dale Neil, Right is Dale Neil's wife Sarah, who accompanies her hus- band to every race. Left is Liz Chenhall, wife of Osh- Buccaneers, Fairy Queens On City Streets Tonight Pirates. and fairy queens willjwill be walk through the streets of Osh-| grounds awa tonight -- the night of the/artistry. children's "Penny Fair' to be}|------ held behind the Recreation Building on Gibb st. For over two weeks the chil- dren of the city have been out selling tickets for the Fair. | Once again the fair is spon- She freely admits to worrying] It is from this pleasant venue|sored by the city recreation de- afety| "eo i " ' |partment. id Bon ao pee talkies Over ie The evening will begin with a Strategies devised. iparade through the centre of Wives and girlfriends get the] town. motor racing|barbecue going and the ham-} ]{ will start from the Chil- 20 racing|bergers are big and juicy, ldren's At and move on to All in all a day at the races|Bond and Simcoe as it heads for Max Castleberg takes alongjis as much fun for the ladies as|the fair venue. his camping trailer and parks it|it is for the men. It must be--| There will be floats galore, all alongside the paddock area. they never miss a race. |designed and built by the chil- ee eran S ES : er Pe ren ner Or ce fie, | At the fair there will be a host Fittings Men Endorse .'ss.'shs'cr'n Old Contract Demands | More than 500 Fittings Ltd.,)bargaining team and endorsing | lemployees voted last night tojcontract demands. He said that} continue with contract demands|the motion was given a stand- Female Support jbut, at the same time, \take any chances. The Oshawa Conciliation For Paper Unit by Harry Andrews, a former| Decision to seek conciliation The members of Local 1817,/Local 1817 president. in regard to a new contract was William Blasczczak, chairman|announced Tuesday by Orval Bond st. UAW Hall for the meet-jof the CWS committee, reviewed|McGuire, secretary of the To- ing. The local has claimed ajthe effects of the program andjronto local of the American "lockout" at the Fitting sjits benefits for the Fittings Ltd.,)Newspaper Guild CLC, Bruce st. plant since June 24.\employees. The announcement follo A conciliation board which sat $ the breakdown of negotiations Toronto 10 days ago could|;BOOM YEAR' between the Oshawa unit of the not affect a settlement between| 'The meeting was also address-|local and the management of Oshawa Times, . Issues president,|the engineering department of|pending 'include wages, over- office. Heltime premiums, sick benefits Local 1817 bi 7 jsaid then that the company de-|the USW national * | : ' : A : Corvair| manded that the union drop a said that the Canadian economy}and union security. The guild is played aninid for a Co-operative Wage|is "buoyant right now and this|seeking a $20 acr work dur-/schedule (a job evaluation and|i$ 4 boom year when the foundry|increase on a one-ye he-board contract. classification program with a|Workers must make the gains e Oshawa unit includes edi- wage - related pay scale.) which would close the gap be-|torial, business, advertising, cir- tween them and other industrial/culation and maintenance staff. NANIMOUS VOTE |workers"'. Mr. McGuire said the guild ? Taylor, USW represen-| Management and Local 1817|has no choice but to go to con-| tive, said today that a unani-|began negotiations Apr. 1 for!ciliation because'of what he said year agree-|was the company's refusal ai "PUTTING BEST SHOT FORWARD participating in the Ama- part in the program co teur Athletic Uhion's physi- sponsored by the Royal Can- cal achievement program at adian Legion and the Osh Alexandra Park. Well over awa Recreation Commis" ion, 60 youngsters are taking wa -Times 'Photo Preparing to put the shot young Colin Lockey, of 253 Highland dr., is closely watched by Paul Mamelka, of 121 Elgin st. The two are