Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Jul 1965, p. 12

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spdep ape y ete sgh vont 12. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, July 20, 1965 Ottawa-Provinces Parley: ...Where Good Pals Gather By STEWART MacLEOD OTTAWA (CP) ---For that -to-see - you atmosphere, Monday opening of the fed- eral-provincial conference could only be surpassed by the ar- rival of an immigrant train. "Duff!" exclaimed Premier Robarts of Ontario when he spotted Premier Roblin of Man- itoba. "Mike!" shouted Pre- mier Lesage of Quebec, at the sight of Prime Minister Pear- son, a huge red flower adorning his 'buttonhole. Around the big round confer- ence table, they mingled like long-lost friends. Mr. Lesage, who said several months ago he wouldn't talk again with Pre- mier Smallwood of Newfound- land, was standing beside the bow-tied "Joey" in gleeful con- versation. Premier Manning of Alberta, whose comments on Finance Minister Gordon were never regarded as complimen- tary, was waving warmly across the table in the direc- tion of Mr. Gordon. Somewhere in the swirl, Pre- mier Manning of Alberta was joking with reporters and Pre- mier Stanfield of Nova Scotia was exchanging banter with of- ficials from other provinces. One unidentified man came up to Transport Minister Pick- ersgill to tell the minister that "we've always got along pretty well, eh?" The minister ap- peared pleased. ROOM IMPOSING The conference is being held ation Room with its soft silk walls, magnificent crystal chan- deliers and patterned linoleum floor. In the centre sits a mas- sive round table--about 15 feet across--covered with green felt. Provinces Ask More Aid For Education Of Ottawa By WILLIAM NEVILLE cent of university operating in the West Block's Confeder-| Each premier, along with one or two immediate advisers, sits at a designated spot around the table. Small microphones are in front of each man. At the head of the table sits the prime minister, flanked by Privy Counci! President Fav- reau and Finance Minister Gor- don. Not far away, in a cream jersey suit, was Health Minis- ter Judy LaMarsh. The Ontario delegation sat on Mr, Pearson's immediate right, the Quebec ers on his immediate eee About 180 other federal and jprovincial delegates are using green leather-backed chairs away from the table. | For half an hour prior to the opening, reporters and photog- raphers were allowed into the inner sanctum to talk to dele- gates. As each premier walked in he became the centre of at- tention. | FOLLOWS LESAGE For the second successive |conference, Mr. Pearson chose to walk in a minute or so. be- hind Mr. Lesage. As the Que- {bec premier drew the fire--in- tentional or otherwise -- the jprime minister walked unmo- OTTAWA (CP) --_ Severaljcosts and:50 per cent of capital/jested through the room. But provinces pressed Ottawa Mon-|outlays for. new facilities for|mr. day for more federal aid to higher education. Their request, voiced in open- ing statements to the federal-/$500 a student compared with\over.the- shoulder chat higher education. | For Ontario, the new system would mean operating grants of Pearson was caught in the fire of flashbulbs later when |Mr, Lesage went up to the head jof the table to have an arm- with provincial conference, drew nojthe $282 a student paid the|him. immediate response from|province last year under the Prime Minister Pearson. From the premiers' side of the table, however, came a steady stream of demands for Canada's universities. Two premiers had specific) $330,000,000 over the next five|reigned. Then Mr. Pearson, still proposals to offer, while most of the others spoke in at least general terms on the issue. |current system of $2 per capita |of provincial population. Fed- jeral subsidies for university capital costs would be a new jalone, would cost Ottawa up to jyears, | Mr. Robarts said he consid- 'ers these proposals essential, at The major education proposal | least until the committee study- of the day came from Premier|ing federal-provincial tax struc-|their positions outside the door Robarts of Ontario, who un-|tures makes its report. folded a two-point plan which, if implemented, would cost the federal treasury millions. His proposal to set federal op- erating grants at $500 a student would mean a federal outlay of "Ontario sees no constitu-/some $56,500,000 for the nine tional reason which should pre- vent the federal government from making financial contribu-| tions to universities," he told the conference. | SHOULD OFFER AID | "Ontario's position is that the government of Canada not only) can but should offer financial assistance to both the operating and capital requirements higher education." | Mr. Robarts proposed that, in place of the present system of|figures were available on what|Lesage told the federal-provin- 'ants,|this might cost on a nationa!'cial conference Monday. per capital university Ottawa agree to meet 25 per! provinces which accept federal educational assistance. Under the current $2 a head plan Ottawa estimates it will spend $28,000,000 in nine prov- inces this year and abate Que- bec another $11,000,000 for a to- tal outlay of $39,000,000. Mr. Robarts' plan would at least double federal spending on of|higher education--not counting resist coast - to - coast employ- 50-per-cent No the equally - costly subsidy for capital costs. basis. Maritime PMs Satisfied With National Medicare | a ' b _|contradict this idea, he said. ie ieaaiinics » tiny OTTAWA (CP)--The four At-jcial ability to pay must be con "Cultural and social" factors|@REETED BY OFFICIALS "This is terrible," said one official, as he viewed the |swarms of photographers with jimpatience. A few seconds jater e s 1 | i PWihe was shouldered by a ater increased federal assistance for|venture which, for OntariOlyision cameraman. ana lan $ n uSSla, | For 30 minutes confusion ismiling broadly, tapped | pencil on a-tumbler, and aides! cleared the room of visitors.! Two security officers took up Begin First Goodwill Visit By JOHN BEST MOSCOW (CP)--A_ 14-mem- nobody knows./per Canadian parliamentary delegation arrived here Monday to begin a goodwill visit to the Soviet Union. It is the first such group ever to come here from Canada. Jan Peyve, chairman of the |Council of Nationalities of the Quebec Will Battle 'One [Supreme Soviet, said in wel- \attaches "great importance" to a or art \the development of friendly ties with Canada. OTTAWA (CP)--Quebec must! He expressed hope that the jvisit by the joint Commons- ment policy-making to protect | Senate delegation will contrib- its ski sariute to friendship between the . t ner ges gine i iianad countries and _ help|Workers' International Associa-| strengthen world peace. tion (CLC) had not worked " en ; The Council of Nationalities|since the beginning of the car- 'st Sed ee policy ig part of the Supreme Soviet, |penters' strike July 5, their pro- SrHiadat akuiné to - rie Bow. |Russia's parliament, which in-|test against the exchange did| postulate that Ceaade shout he| Vited the Canadian delegation./not become official until Mon-| a single labor minrkat " the re.| Commons Speaker Alan Mac-|day. : ialat Gait Ge oneniac c Ah |naughton, in a brief reply to} Last Friday, some 212 brick-} the Sotlevence. B remarks tO/bevve, said the Canadians arejlayers struck against the ex-| But the sise and regional dif- looking forward to seeing "'your;change which represents major ferences found in the country/y {chi on the Black Sea, Kiev and} Leningrad. Later it will return! to Moscow for two further days) before going to Czechoslovakia) for a similar goodwili visit. and then--well, - | Metal Workers LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Sheet metal workers Monday joined carpenters and bricklayers in a strike against the London Build- ers' Exchange. Although most of the members of the Sheet " building projects in a five-| {county area around London. HEALTH AND WELFARE minister LaMarsh (left) and Premier Lesage (right) dis- play healthy for Prime Minister Pearson (seated) at the opening of the Federal-Provincial Con- The government hopes to get agreement on a comprehensive medicare program for the provinces. --(CP Wirephoto) smiles ference. }returns for April this year Mer- BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE fine, costs or seven days in jail. Henesey, who admitted the For failing to file sales tax lin Carley, of Carlez's Food Products Ltd., Oshawa, received a suspended sentence this morn- ing. Carley pleaded not guilty to the offence, explaining that his firm had moved to new premises during this month and there had been no manufactur- ing. He said he had contacted the tax department and explained the situation. His only mistake, he told Magistrate Harry Jer- myn, was that he did not fill in the proper form saying that there had been no manufactur- ing and there would be no sales Sales Tax Unpaid, --: But Excuse Good place and for having place other than his residence Alexander Reynolds, of no fix-"@!'- costs or 10 days on the drunk|§ charge and $25 and costs or 10 days concurrent on the having! saan 'O'MALLEY'! motor vehicle netted Donald McGillivary a seven-day jail' sentence, pleaded guilty to the charge, is| from Kirkfield, Ont. i Drinking while a minor cost 1 @ Offices @ Remodeling Robert Wayne Henesey a 2] ena | offence, lives at 152 La Salle st. ' HELLAS WINS | TORONTO (CP) -- Toronto Hellas downed Toronto Portu- guese United 4-0. in National Soccer League play Monday. George Kotselidis scored twice wine in aj? the first half and Christ Hat- \zis did likewise in the second f. ed address, was fined a total of} $50 this morning. i es He was given a $25 fine with JAMES , Construction Ltd. i 7aa.1108 @ Homes @ Additions 1 Being drunk in charge of a McGillivary, who} tax to return. For being drunk in a public VANIER HOSTS PMS AT DINNER OTTAWA (CP) -- The pro- vincial premiers were guests at a sumptuous formal dinner given by Governor - General ; Vanier at Government House | Monday night. | At a long polished table decorated with huge bowls of Gaspe salmon, chicken with tice and mushrooms, salads and a champagne sherbet. The meal was accompanied by red and white wines. Prime Minister Pearson, Guy Favreau, president of the Privy Council, and Fi- nance Minister Walter Gor- don also attended. The prime minister sat op- posite Gen. Vanier, and the premiers were seated to their right and left The stag dinner was a purely social occasion, but was expected to provide a good opportunity for the pre- miers to discuss informally topics on the agenda of the week-long federal - provincial conference which started here Monday. great, vast and wonderful coun-|contractors for commercial||pi. Join In Strike | ickivd (Hicken "YOU'VE NEVER TASTED CHICKEN SO GOOD" ; i Home Delivery or Pick-Up ; ; -- Phone -- 728-7321 §22 Ritson Rd, South DELIVERED PIPING HOT THE ANSWER TO YOUR FITTING PROBLEMSL Walker's invites you to come and meet MISS LUCILLE LEBLANC of McCALL'S PATTERNS Miss LeBlane will demonstrate the McCall's "Basically-Yours" try-on pattern, and will demonstrate easy alterations to insure a good fit. She will also be pleased to answer any sewing questions you may have. On Wednesday & Thursday July 21-22 + WALKER'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ------ lantic premiers came out of the!sidered. The Canadian delegation, rep-| The unions want a three-year| : make Quebec province "a la- oe Mr. Smallwood said medical |hor market sith ite own charac-|resenting all five political par-| fi care does not have top priority! arictics " ies in Parliament, flew here with the Newfoundland govern-|. 1 is he said, "difficult to ob-/from London. On hand to meet ment although he is interested|tain any skilled worker mobil-|them, in addition to Peyve, was in the discussion. ity which is favorable to Que-|Michael Zimyanin, a deputy "We're interested mainly injbec when these workers are|Minister of foreign affairs, and|"'® economic development," he English-speaking. On the other other Soviet officials. Jounal eer Oe said. "That's the key; that's the/hand, unskilled Quebec workers| Charge d'affaires Gordon RE | goose that lays the golden egg. |find it hard to enter other prov-|Brown led a. welcoming contin-| FILM HITLER PLOT contract retroactive to Apri] 30, when the previous agreement! lexpired. The exchange wants them to sign a five-year con-| tract similar to ones signed by} eight other construction trade} federal - provincial conference room Monday night voicing sat- tsfaction with the principles of a national medical care program outlined by Prime Minister Pearson. But three of them still wanted to know more about how the bill will be paid. Premiers Robichaud of New Brunswick, Stanfield of Nova Scotia and Shaw of Prince Ed- ward Island said the matter of We could pay for a lot of medi-; care with power development." He had barely made this ob- Sam Spiegel will film and |Peter O'Toole star in The Night inces" because of the language from the Canadian em- aSSY. plan-|_ The delegation will spend two |of the Generals, Helmut Kirst's | barrier. National employment finding the money is paramoun' servation when Premier Lesage|ning hurts efforts to decentral-|days in Moscow before moving)story of the plot to assassinate | with them. Premier Smallwood of Newfoundland, on the other) hand, suggested financing is not) the most difficult problem. j}of Quebec' stepped up with alize industry broad smile, clapped Mr. Small-| wood on the shoulder and said "Hello, Joe! How's every- jon to visit Tiflis in Georgia, So-| Hitler: "Even if the best of worker-|jem mobility systems is set up| across the country, the funda- Don't run 3 i tei | Quebec are concerned, to speak BOR gg | as Li % : of labor mobility from one prov-| : 3 fe q ince to another and to set up aS Oe | : plans for it." ae ' ' "Very pleased' were theithing?" The Newfoundland pre- words Messrs. Smallwood and/mier appeared taken aback Robichaud used in reacting to) somewhat and his reply was not Mr. Pearson's outline. Mr./neard. But the two were soon Shaw said he thinks it will be|chatting amiably and smiling pretty hard for P.E.I. to stay|while press cameras recorded out of a medical care plan. Mr. ithe reunion Stanfield described the Ottawa) wr. Lesage said earlier he approach to medicare principles| would talk again with Mr as fine |Smallwood this week about Mr. Pearson's statement ap-|their long-argued plan for Que- peared to recognize the princi-|bec to buy power from New- ple, long voiced by Atlantic|/foundiand's big Churchill Falls premiers, that varying provin-| project in Labrador. mental obstacle to moving from Quebec to other provinces for the French-speaking citizen is the sometimes - unbeatable} difficulty of educating his chil- dren in his own language. "As long .as this barrier is not eliminated, it seems quite illusory, at least as far as French - speaking citizens of CMU Agent. For 45 Men | OTTAWA (CP)--The Cana- 4 dian Maritime Union has been CMMEl certified as bargaining agent for 45 seamen on the freighters l | | Wheat King and Northern Ven-. NOW IN FULL SWING! ture, it was announced Monday,| Take advantage of Canadian Labor Congress of- ficials described it as a transfer| of certification to the CMU from the Canadian Brotherhood FAIRWEATHER Annual Summer Sale i of "tamous brands and fashion collections for The certification was one of! Ladi infor ildr eight announced by the Canada| dies, Juniors and Children. At our Labor Relations Board OSHAWA SHOPPING certification simply wraps "| the whole group. when you can have all the Hot Water you'll ever need € a day* Say! Look There Will You! That's where Mom sent her rugs to be cleaned. They came back so clean, comfortable and bright. | just hated to be put to bed at night. . f i] just loved to crawl along on them. The name? or on y Ross Mills of course. They are agents for that famous company . , . Baker Carpet Cleaning. Why don't you try them! "Free Pick-Up and Delivery" = "JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL" "Over 80 Years Experience" BAKER Cleaning Co. Only Gas can make this offer... only Gas can deliver at this price! * 2.70 a month flat rate for Gas water heating recently approved by the Ontario Energy Board Don't wait any:longer---Call today! (Gonsumers' (las © 29 CELINA STREET @ OSHAWA @ = 728-7363 of Railway, Transport and Gen-! eral Workers. The vessels are owned by Is- land Shipping Ltd., subsidiary! of Upper Lakes Shipping Ltd., whose bitter clashes with Hal Banks, former boss of the Sea-| farers' International Union Also announced Monday was) certification of the Brotherhood) CENTRE of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ex- press and Station Employees (CLC) as agent for 10,000 Cana-| ' > | " Lens dian Pacific Railway employ-; For "BAKER SERVICE call your local ees. } agent of ROSS E. MILLS Co. Lid. (Ind.) in Canada spurred a A government spokes- 80 SIMCOE NORTH royal commission inquiry. The Canadian Maritime Un- ion itself was formed by the CLC to combat the SIU man said the union has repre- FASHIONS SINCE 1867 sented most of the employees by charter for years and the rest by tacit agreement and the PHONE 728-621C

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