INSIDE AND OUTSIDE, THE CHILDREN'S LIBRARY IS A SUMMER WONDERLAND | Insert a 10" piece of lead pipe into rolls of wax paper, etc., in wall dispensers. Keeps them put, lets you materials neatly, HOUSEHOLD HINT To remove rust stains from ceramic tile, rub with kerosene, scrub with hot suds, Mothers and Dads Summer Schoo! Clesses at the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE ere filled to capacity for the month ef duly, but... Approximately 20 desks will be eve! egg e new "FoureWeek TYPING COURSE whieh will eit m Tuesdoy, August 3rd, 1965, and close August 31st. R ied fer tne ot the following comslensy tif, a.m. te 11:00 @.m, tuition $25,00 per monta, 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m,, tuntion $25.00 per month. 9:00 om. te 1:00 p.m., tuntion $45.00 per month, (Supplies extra). Senet ws Tas it Set fran retba, SePPEMBen oh, Free literature aveilable on request ig) inte: me Li Lee, 8, Simcoe street north, prepare to paint pictures JOHN WOODS, 10, Mar- quette street, and Richard from books they have al- ready read. Picnic tables on the patio serve the carefree young artists well. SQUALE oseph 34, Joseph Depasquale, Oshawa boulevard south, library. The _ dren of are the chil- and Mrs, _ MAR 3%, and IA DE find magic in a picture brother Ji book in the garden at the Tr, limit to the number you can] If you're lookin enter, but the deadline is Sep-jthing exciting to do you'll find tember 30. it in the Children's Department Materials and help are avail-/of the McLaughlin Library on able at the library. Saturday mornings. Ten-thirty| Two "eager beavers" are al:|'5 the witching hour ready at work on murals, One will show scenes from Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea and the other from stories of the life of President Ken- nedy. In the planning stage are a \*beok-costume" parade and a puppet show. There will be} prizes for all most outstanding entries, Here are some books that you would love and that are full of ideas for painting pictures: The Wicked Enchantment; Puss in Boots; The Secret Garden; The for some- cae Mek 10 SIMCOE ST, NORTH Phone 725-3375, | i} Zeller's QUALITY LUGGAGE SEEN IN THE SMARTEST SPOTS THIS SUMMER THE 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 20, 1965 Scores Of Adventures Await Children Who Discover Books By JO ALDWINCKLE : Dozens of Oshawa little peo-|books because they can tell gol nwelre and red i pei ey and ple have found a cure for the|Many stories and on Saturday|(he Tien; Confeitl for Corto: summer doldrums, those long,|mornings all those who want to pls Fae Ba Le! ae long days when there is no kin-|hear a story gather around and|>°@; *everkcin fs Hi ad 4 dergarten or school and many/sit on big cushions on the floor | That Flew; a i : Fok da | regular playmates have left for|and listen. ragon; Miss Pickerell Goes to danas | Mars; Paul Bunyan Stories; The! their family cottage or gone| If you are seven or mor ; : | e/yo ' ill: | ; away on vacation, can try coloring or paling. tll perl gy cgay | They have discovered books,/Some ten-year-olds are already t | | ra \ aii] Web Adams. painting murals and there\ will) ~~" story-books and picture books... on 'sorts of little models to build. You can read, paint or buil jout on the patio and if you're ten and very careful you can take the projects home and fin- ish them there. and the magic that lies between the covers. They have also found in the Children's Depart- ment of McLaughlin Public Li- brary, grown-ups who know all about these books. They know just which book you will really enjoy, whether you are five or nine or in between. ANN LANDERS Divorcee Sees Family 'Happier With Father Dear Ann Landers: Why is it)Good luck in making a new life that whenever a couple is|--and thanks for the "educa- divorced, if the husband gets|tion." = 'the children it is assumed that: 1. He caught her under the/ KNOWS NO ANSWER jworst possible circumstances or|. Dear Ann Landers: I am writ- 2. She is a tramp who didn't|ing because my 14 - year - old |want to be bothered with the|niece asked me to. I don't know |children or jthe answer but I'm hoping you 3. She is mentally unstalbe| Will. FEW JOIN PROFESSIONS d About six per cent of US. doctors are women and about 2.6 per cent are lawyers, while} women number only one per| cent in medical and law schools. | The subjects of the painting QUEEN GOES FAR or modelling must be taken; Beauty queen Linda Douma, from a book you have read, So|Miss Canada of 1965, was sent the more books you read, thejon a 30,000-mile tour of South more ideas you get of things|America by the Canadian gov- to make and do, ernment travel bureau, All this is in preparation for Young Canada's Book Week,| ,FIRST TO SEEK STARS November 15-20. It seems _ The Ed Sullivan Show was the! long way off, but now is the|first television show to turn its time to prepare for it. cameras on personalities hidden The library is going to have a|i" the audience. real honest-to-goodness art ex- hibition. in the auditorium, This KAYE s LARGE SIZES SHOPPE will be a contest. A painting, a) SIZES from 14% - 32% and 38 to 52. mural, a poster or a three-di-| mensional entry must be based} Reg. LOVELY LARGE SIZE on a book you have read. If you enjoy your first try,| BATHING SUITS end SUMMER PLAY SUITS. read another book; there is no) SIZES SHOP 4 King St. BOWMANVILLE |} (or in her case seven-eighths jnaked is more accurate). | | I hope this mother will put on a house dress when her chil- dren and their friends are home and-or an alcoholic. My niece is a very sweet|--before the daughter starts to! I would like to dispel these|Person and has many friends,/meet her pals around the cor-| 623-5102 notions once and for all, and 1/Doth girls and boys. They are\ner, L am well qualified to do so since|#!!owed to come to the house I"m:a divorcee who is not a\t® Sing, dance, play records and tramp, was not caught, nor am just visit, which I think is per- I incompetent or alcoholic. 1/fectly fine. The problem is the gave up my children simply be-|8it!'s_ mother. jcause I felt they would be bet-| She's in her middle 30's and jter off with their father. jhas five children. The woman | My husband and I never got|Weats a bikini from the- first along. I married him to please|{@y Of spring until snow hits a socially ambitious mother,|he ground. She knows she has The children adore their father.|@" Outstanding figure and ap- They tolerate me. They think 1|Parently she wants everyone jam weak, insecure and addle- else to know it, too. The little jprained, They think their father high school boys who come to is strong, brilliant and capable,|the house look and look until I I have never been able to con-|think their eyes are going to trol them. Whatever their father|PP out of their heads. says is gospel. The bikinis this mother wears When we split up several|Mave the narrowest brassieres onths ago my husband said,|!'ve ever seen, The panties are Shall we ask the children with|/ittle more than what the strip- vhom they want to live?" |Pers in a burlesque house wear. |(They are i5, 13 and 12.) I re-| I think it is positively inde- plied, 'No, I couldn't bear the|cent and so does her 14-year. humiliation of having them|old. daughter. Do you feel that choose. Let's tell them they will|this woman is right in her in- live with their father." That set-|sistence that she can wear any- ued it and I'm sure they were|thing she pleases in her own relieved, home?--G, R. M. So, here's a different kind of letter for your column, Ann Landers, Label it 'education.' --Oshawa Times Photos os yours.--Odd =Woman een u woman who is alone in her) home has the right to wear anything she pleases or nothing at all, if she pleases--provided Dear Woman: You do not/the shades are down and the! sound weak, insecure or addle-|doors are bolted. When others brained to me, but you havelare present, however, it is in-| jsadly underestimated yourself.|decent to go around half naked) i deere Gea HOUSEHOLD HINT | egemeemene Contour sheets will be hospi- RUG & UPHOLSTERY tal-smooth and tight if replaced) CLEANING , P 8 ae ai ih "7a bo aaa Fig} 4 : on the bed as soon as they come | _|§ In-Your Home... or Our Plant tario's plentiful supply of delici-/2 tablespoons currant jelly from the dryer. | PHONE 725-9961 ' pus fruits makes it so easy,| If canned peaches are used, | RONALD W. BILSKY, D.C. DIVISION OF" GaHAWA too! Why not try this idea for|Chill in can, then drain. If fresh, | | oO 5 HAW, CLEANING CONTRACTORS Peach Salad from food special-\P@%, cut in halves lengthwise, | CHIROPRACTOR 100 King St. E. -- 728-5156 f FANERS | 94 BRUCE STREET S$ PA ALP PLL PLP PPL MRS. C. J. RICHMOND Sandra Livingston, 5, in the the library staff helps selection of a book. Simplicity In Salads Key To Their Success Simplicity can be the key to} @alads. With July as Salad|5 Month, a little imagination can go a long way in creating a simple, fresh, fruit salad. On- 1 leaves and fill hollows with cot- tage cheese, heaping up lightly. Whip currant jelly into mayon- naise and serve over peach and cottage cheese as a dressing, PEACH SALAD | large, fresh peaches, chilled) lettuce or watercress pound creamed cottage cheese cup mayonnaise 2 jremove pits, and dip in lemon iste at Macdonald Institute, |inice to prevent discoloration Put peaches on crisp lettuce| Dear G. R. M.: I believe a|_ INTERIOR DECORATOR FURNITURE DRAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 Featuring strong scuff-resistant covering with mouded fiberglass reinforement; ultra-modern handle and finger tip lock control in jet grey, coral, 14" Traincase..... 10.00 15" Vanity Case . . . 12,99 21" Weekend Case . . 15.99 . 15.99 26" Pullman .... JUST SAY "CHARGE IT" ZELLER'S Shopping Centre and Downtown Simcoe St. S. HAMPTON GARDENS _ & Scugog Roads, 4 miles north of Bowmanville. Open Daily (0 A.M. to (0 P.M, offering the district's finest FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES @ Special Prices On Freezer @ Foods In Quantities Phone 263-2193 "BUY THE BEST AT BUDGET PRICES" | |