Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Jun 1965, p. 10

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BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Russ Demands 3 Latvians'=*»:i!.°" °°" Montreal Sextet |For 'Crimes'; 1 In Canada's ines stn tx MOSCOW (AP) & 'She SovietiArciy: partisans' cometinies af:\™ 2 "S00 Petar e | . R m nd d A n Union demanded Friday the ex-\tacked villages and *sometimes|Pe? cent--came here since the e eI e gal tradition of three Latvians from|the people shot back. Conceiv-|war to get away from the Com- Canada, the United States andjably the charges might belmunists, Mr. Niedre said, : : West Germany on charges of) - Six Montreal residents were,watch were taken from the|war crimes, the Soviet news further remanded on $10,000 bail! apartment. agency Tass reported. when they appeared before Osh- . i pend id ie DRIVE OUT awa Court on a charge of|. Toal was stopped sometime Tass said notes sent to the) ' later and asked about a radiojembassies of the three Western) is TONIG HT armed robbery. . 'nthe . identifi d == |he had in his pocket. He claim-|Powers identified the wante' ALWAYS Acting Crown Attorney John|.q. tie had bought it for $5. |men only as Puntilis of Willow- Humphreys said police investi- dale, Ont., Eichelis of Karls- 'eaiuae A A < ve In a later statement he ad- ° Aid : BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8:00 -- SHOW STARTS AT DUSK gation into the case was not) ita that he had stolen: the Tube, West Germany, and Mai- 'lyet complete. He asked for aj"): skis i 'YY. remand to June 16 at Brechin "#00. Kons iavthe thee nea been TONIGHT thru TUESDAY Court. This was granted by Ma-| The door to the apartment, he| charged with collaboration with| ve FF ; gistrate Frank Ebbs. __| said, was open and "I just walk-! 273 troops in mass executions| Be el A gy ge ai and_ pune aids on lag Be i i i dN Sunderland service station on as World lsat a June 3 using an imitation wea-| Ome eo many drinks and: a/"0" : ; | pon (a starter's pistol) slight damage accident led} Western governments in aed | pa They sre: Andre Lavoie, 22, | Manley M. Brant, of 13 Knight's|past have refused extradition) i OP i "soece pum waite of Paineau ri Montreal: Louis |S! before the court. requests from Communist coun- | : WALKER: NE Wirth Nadeau, also of Papineau st,;| Brant pleaded guilty: to a tries on the grounds that "the |i geass OE crazy Produced and Dreced by JOSHUA LOGAN George Derry, 17, of Goulet|charge of drunk driving. He was defendants could not be guar-| , st., Montreal: Yvon Courville,|Sentenced to seven days in jail. anteed fair trials. | 17, of Ontario st., Montreal;| Brant, who was not represent- | | .|Mary Trottier, 34, of Balmor- ed in court, was said to have; In Toronto, Janis Niedre, Z Wd al Lafleche, Montreal; and smashed into the rear of a car |president of the Latvian Na- Claudette Lagrange, 19, of Fron-|0n Bloor st. tional Federation of Canada, be AWA tenac st., Montreal. The damage, said Mr. Hum- said the Soviet Union often makes sueh charges against 2 aoe _|phreys, was slight. Combined |Latvians who have emigrated e ore oat po Pre aphrg a damage amounted to only $80./to the free world, especially if DRIVE-IN ° Cedar Vailey blvd., a $25 fine| \Sekuvckt tetmatea and costs, or 10 days in jail. He| For making a false statement a a 'a c he yehanged an earlier plea of not) to obtain unemployment insur-| winowdal le does not ae 7 guilty to the charge to one of) ance money, Kenneth Lambert,|;9 |. 'gr pay vc eae 2 guilty. 55 Burke st., was fined $25 andi.7® Patt im a 'snooing mes ent ster sheet rat ,|in. Barsuki, but he remembers costs or 10 days in jail. He imany ahooting' incidents "ane Founé 'staggering around in|pleaded guilty to the Charge.| ee ee cent cg. | Meniorial Park Edward Mullen. | eh te be hoes te Bie 223 Celina st., was arrested| yas . gene oak eetar eink The 18-year-old mother of a| In 1941 and 1942, he said, Red ine public place. small child was put on suspend-| -- nae of PR GBA eas «yj. }ed- sentence with a year's pro- U OSHAWA S BUS SYSTEM: SAFETY IMPROVED IN 1964 AE es aa ay bape Bullly Iyation when she appeared for Gord's ... f ir a Oshawa's bus system has PUC and its employees, re- Canadian Highway Safety 200,000 population mark, | o¢rance sd ee dined $50 ana |semeence on two charges of non eS you think youre seeing double- won a Canada-wide award ceived a plaque 'For Serv- Council presented the award was first with a 31 per cent | aocts with a choice of one month |SUPPort. | aa for the best safety record ice To Safety" this week at to Mr. Smith. "We are quite decrease in accidents on lin jail | At an earlier hearing Mrs. improvement during 1964. R. the annual meeting of the proud of this ... it's a city streets. Oshawa's 31 | : Josie Maracle, of Marland st., B. Smith, Public Utilities Canadian Transit Associa- feather in our cap," Mr. per cent decrease WAaS. | Aico found drunk in the Me.|was said to have been making Commission -bus. superinten- tion in Vancouver. Stephen Smith said. Oshawa, among greater than Ottawa's 20 per morial Park on the same date|"0 effort to support her young dent (left), on behalf of the Kershaw, representing | the Canadian cities under the cent decrease which topped was John Michael Atamanchuk, |¢ ild. if : S = municipalities with popula- |o¢ no fixed address. He was| ~The child, the court was told, i ROUND THE GLOBE IN A GLANCE _ tions over 200,000. | |fined $10 and costs or 10 days!wa, in the care of the girl's ¥ é ° , e Paperworkers | A 22-year-old Oshawa man} It was Mrs: Ruhsnell who laid) -- - 8 q pleaded 'guilty to a charge of) the charge ' t claim: ee | 'Stop-The-Bingo Warnings pace to Jobs [since a ee na i a i , & COLOR CARTOON! mother, Mrs. Jean Rushnell. ie jail. | i or daughter coe st. n. apartment. ing her daughte after the child. i . - : ; | ST. CATHARINES (CP) --| Douglas Lloyd Toal, of 214 - Given 14 St. Kitts Grou en ae , a. Paper Company plant returned) custady for a week for sentence. IZZA ' F \to their jobs Friday night after| Mr. Humphreys told the court ST, CATHARINES. (CP) -- DROP ENSIGN |puy of Expo '67 said Friday a 24-hour wildcat walkout. that the apartment home of telephone 232 Featuring Fourteen organizations here| OTTAWA (CP)--Labor Minis-|*there isa possibility"? that| Company vice-president John) Miss -- aga oe 728-0192 Abed eve b & d by police to ter MacEachen announced to-|(4::munist China might partici- Carruthers said (iis: 18 not Bier SUMCeS. BG n. was broken 7 JERI JAE) mye Deen warned Oy oe day that the federal coat of| ; syananals 'firm indication that issues|into on June 9. EP: & JORDAN | stop their bingo operations. jarms is being dropped from. the|Pate in some form in the exhi-'\which caused the strike have| A radio, piggy bank and lady's Acting. Police .Chief . Albert country's social insurance cards| bition. Mr. Dupuy, who lJeaves|been settled, but an indication Shennan told the in a letter|in favor of The new maple leaf/here Sunday on a trip which that work can be resumed that they do not fall within the|5 ym bol. The Conserv atives | wil] take him to Europe and the All machines in the plant provisions-of the Criminal Code branded the move a dis- Middle East t a: pastinibe were reported by the company which permits only "charitable|stace." Middle East to sell participa:|to be operating Friday night. ro nit : or tion in Expo, said China has not|There are usually 50 men on Cat wee gamete into: ECONOMISTS TO TOUR | heen invited because it is not\the night shift. -- th SATURDAY as JAMES BOND as JAMES BOND in 8 QUEBEC. (CP)--Eight Que- " oe NIGHT i "FROM quently. becers with a special interes lofficially recognized by the Ca- * - w pa . - cers special interest in : : Bas lthe province's economy will|nadian government. He didn't) Royal Canadian Legion Hall Dr.No WITH LCVE" RCMP HERO RETIRES leave for France later this| elaborate on what steps may be 90 Centre St., Oshawa ; STEAWA (cP) -- A mountie snot -f aged Prag pad sped taken to invite China to partici- Music by the DODSWORTH ORCHESTRA OLD TIME and coments HARRY SALTOUAN nw ALBERT: BROCOOL as who worl medals as a wartime|ing in that country, It was an-) 1, | JAN FLEMINGS DIK, ay Fi CMI LOVE: aval skipper is retiring, thejnounced Friday. The group is|Pate- | a NEW SATURDAY, JUNE 12 MODERN SEAN R HFA COMMERT JANES BO Pere, A | ~ RCMP announced Friday. Chief|to leave June 21 and return PERSIAN NAME A MIRAL 9 to 12 $2.00 PER COUPLE Dance to EAN CONNERY. J Supt. Kenneth W. N. Hall, who/July 7. 1 ae POOL a : alge satiovens c * RICHARD WABALM | a sng The word rook, the turret- (Final Dance of Season) p LEE vO ' Style po gta wg pg CHINA AT EXPO | shaped piece used in chess, TELEVISION RU DY ope % pp ore ae pg ; ; Nea +,.| MONTREAL (CP) -- Com-\comes from the Persian ruhk, ot -- --- - -- & teczaca x HARRY SALTZMAN we ALBERT R. BROCCOLI minesweepers French and Co * VELTRI . ome TERENCE YOUNG |" "Sds"* UNITED ARTISTS, . .~:.|missioner-General Pierre Du-! meaning chariot. wichan, was awarded the Croix|™! ete. e Ree . eis PARKWAY MARSHALL de Guerre, avec Etoile de Ver- Pain NAIFY 4 nee seeennenee" sé : and his [[Tecumicouon" Imeil, in 1947 for clearing mines) 00 per day @ $5.00 per week | #rom the path of the forces in- } -- $15.00 Per Month im THE M4 | NEW TORNADOS NOW yading Normandy in 1944. Sa oe we) PICTURE Toronto's Special Rates For Longer a sta see <> | RED BARN PLAYING (unfentats WAITING ; 2 i M. 5 Audley Man mira TO SEE! a Most Versatile Group aha pd emcee FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE---2:00 8:40 A SUMMER CLOSING HOURS Close 12 Noon Saturday Big Winner During June - July - August |] HARLOW (CH LNLEY-EFREM ZIMBALIS, -- At Brooklin "Deumiditien Fr Rene | GNGER ROGERS | 20 ue osrnmonc ontral Ho tol KING WEST TERTAINMENT . OSHAWA PARKWAY | FODAY ! ------ HAMPTON (JC) -- Many resi- " dents, who etfe away, returned|™ -- , . TELEVISION © ADDED THRILLER e e the disph ' of fireworks dur- : ne "We Service What We Sell "HOT ROD ng the Victoria Day celebra- " g Ourselves" GIRLS" tion.. Mr. Shuttleworth--and--La-| - : : 4 ee 1} 918 Si . " verne Clemens were in charge From the famed classic gtd B Sheet oh Me one of the show. ° as & | that has fascinated AUDLEY (TC) -- The Sunday| Or. 14,000,000 readers t Hi : L - School: and , Congregational Pic-| * in 15 languages -- ae ; 4 - ounge and Dining Lounge nic will be held July 2 at Pauly-} | 20. i « ety fen . . \ ' = anne Park . Sra OSHAWA('S FINEST NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT AUDLEY (TC) -- Harold Y ' Guthrie won the junior and re-| : , serve junior championships with} his Guernsey heifers: at the Brooklin Spring Fair. He won four firsts and other prizes. BLACKSTOCK (TC) -- Women's Institute has decided sent to the adopted boy in Hong é es he / Y Y y * :' | to place an exhibit at Orono ee: ' HEINZ SAVE 6% Fair. A gift of money will be = # Tomale' * ¢ Kong. Mrs. F. Hoskin, Mrs. M.| McKee and Mrs. F. Standiland| TODAY! were named as branch directors FEATURE AT 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:35 - 7:35 - 9:40 BLACKSTOCK (TC) -- Rev Duncan _ MA, BD, field ; secretary fgt Christian Educa- 102. tion, was the speaker at the Sun- HORSE SHOW BTL... day School Anniversary Service At the morning service a choir = " . of § children sang. At the eve- oo ay on . i C | KATHY WAYNE = OZZIE WILLIAMS EDITH EATON ning service the choir from the Bowmanville Boys' Training un ay School provided special music. Z Re BLACKSTOCK (TC) -- Mrs 2 P.M. t j Elgin Gray was honored and 4 at 8 ore presented with a pole lamp by -- at the --: TIN her neighbors at a recent fare- Ozzie Williams, top rated Pianist, Orchestra leader and arranger, is here for your enjoyment, Ozzie is well known for his playing in the Chateau Frontenac in Quebec, and Club Kingsway in Toronto, and many times has been chosen to write special musical arrangements for the Nation's top bands. For your added enjoyment; Ozzie has brought with him two of his specially chosen associates in the persons of EDITH EATON,. outstanding accordionist, and KATHY WAYNE, one of today's most popular Radio and T.V. Song Stylists. ea @ tee ake OSHAWA 5-POINTS ARENA eo POWER Aycc* GRAIN FED BEEFCe-- @ LAST TIME TODAY e (LOCATED RITSON ROAD NORTH FRESH MINCED Don't miss this entertaining Trio For a Real Deal AND TAUNTON ROAD) oe 7 8 Ee ee, ¢ ee ni English and hades bd ag Classes Starting aginst -- TIRES craigs Cm The KIMBERLEYS See Don or Vance COMPETITION GAMES ON HORSEBACK : Dick and Sheila ot : : 2% Hour Sh LB Commencing Monday: June {4th Cooper's 'Texaco Achibeig iatont : _ @ FREE ENTRANCE @ REFRESHMENTS ies thas ery 'N. Everyone Welcome! June 13, 2 P.M. : e MONDAY & TUESDAY ® wae - oe ha i Moi -- *

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