moe 1) ; ; j Pearson Asked To Quash [U.S. Dominica Intervention Proposed Paper-Ads Tax May Set Trend For Better - By HAROLD MORRISON LONDON (CP)--Prime Min ister Pearson has been urged by the International Press In- stitute to ditch a proposed tax on newspaper advertising de- vised as a measure to discour- age foreign ownership of Cana- dian publications The institute's executive board adopted a resolution Thursday saying that while the question of foreign ownership is a domestic issue, "any tax on press advertising would consti- tute an economic pressure in- compatible with freedom of the press." . . The board's decision, cabled immediately to Pearson, strongly endorsed the position of the institute's Canadian com- mittee which, in a Toronto meeting April 29, described the Canadian tax measure as @ vi- elation of press freedom. The committee strongly opposed the principle of government control and said the tax scheme could lead to other abuses Many Canadian towards discouragement of eign ownership, but not through tax channels. The that certain Canadian publish- ers were prepared to accept government interference in newspaper operations. He could see no reason to oppose foreign ownership as long as the international oper- ation did not attempt to dictate the presentation of news and views in the local newspaper. Later' replying to a question from the floor, that if a foreign owner did try went against Canadian interests ithrough loss of circulation, jsion ended without open debate of Thomson's proposal but it came up at @ private afternoon ative is A..F. Mercier, et Press. The board's resolution: "Having been informed that newspapers the Canadian government pro- are reported to be sympathetic) poses legislation to prevent ad: for-\vertisers from including adver-| ltising expenses in their general Canadian expenses wherever this adver- Thomson said to dictate editorial policy that he soon would face bankruptcy The three - day business ses- session of the 20-country execu-| tive board, Canada's represent-| pub- lisher of the Quebec Le Soleil l'Evenement and the past president of The Canadian itended to pull some of the teeth of the extreme left, depriving it of an important tool of propa- ganda attack. On the other hand, where a such as that of By WILLIAM L, RYAN LIMA (AP)--The crisis in the Dominican Republic may prove) to have been the agent of rev-) olutionary change in the rela-| tions of Latin American coun-\zovernment, tries with the United States. The crisis can mean painful difficulties ahead for U.S, diplo- macy. Yet, in the Jong run, it could mean a change for the better: Latin American politicians ob viously have noted that in cases where governments -- such as the one in Peru---openly de- plored U.S, military action in the Dominican Republic, . they DANCE et the Royal Canadian Legion Hall 90 Centre $t., Oshawa Music by the MOTOR CITY FIVE SATURDAY, MAY 29 te 12 with which to support new vio-| lence. OBSERVE CLOSELY It seems likely that Latin) American governments wil i carefully observe the experience) of Peru and Venezuela' both constitutionally elected, regimes) which publicly of U.S. action in the Dominican capital. Peru is a good example of tremists were provided with | shock at the original landings\ see more propaganda ammunition of 1).§ forces in Santo Domingo. capitalize on the action. In Pern there were some minor demon- strations. But any attempt to di- rect these against the govern- ment of President of the attitude of the govern- took a sour view ment itself. It not only criticized ithe U.S. action but refused to iparticipate in an international military force under the Organt- zation of American States. Fernando Relaunde- Terry would have!public support. heen frustrated, largely because) steam. Even an outbreak of stoning at the U.S. embassy building was a passing incident, istaged by two dozen demon- strators who failed to rally any | Gradually, the shock of the Dominican crisis has begun to wear away here. Gradually, arguments on the U.8, side have begun to find their way into in- iflaential organs of the press. While there has been a wan- what seems. to be developing.) Thereafter, attempts of Cuban ing emphasis on the Dominican Colombia, did not denounce U.S.|There seemed in the country to Communist elements to mounticrisis as a whole, denunciations action unequivocally, the ex-lhave been an intial feeling ofidemonstrations seemed to lack'have continued. The U.S. troops nailed down \a security zone in Santo Do- |mingo and sealed off a rebellion which Washington suspected of pro-Cuban Communist leanings. Extremists elsewhere tried to TONIGHT BOBBY KRIS And the Sensational IMPERIALS Dancing 7 p.m. 'HI 7 Admission 1.75 THIS WEEK Featuring: Canoda's onswer 50c Members @ - AS USUAL THE SPARTANS to the BEATLES 75e Non-Members DRESS:--Shirt and Tie atebaiihdadhaeanl THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridgy, May 28, 1983 7 Most violent of these have! MEET COSTS MUCH come from the Apra party of, WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)It cost Victor Raul Haya de Ja Torre,| Windsor at least $10,000 te get which proclaims itself militantly|as host for the annual gether- anti-Communist and to which ing of the Canadian Federation the United States has lookediof Mayors and Municipalities hopefully in the past as a leftist\this year, looking after more safety valve to offset extremist|than 990 delegates for five a. pressures and offer a peaceful Last year's convention in Re alternative to the left in general.|cost almost $14,000. SAMUEL BROKSTON,.. JOKN WANKE FEATURE DAILY AT: |1:40 - 4:10 - 6:40 - 9:05 $2.06 PER COUPLE measure would disallow as an tising appears in foreign-owned | costs of unless 75- income tax deduction newspaper advertising the newspaper is at least r-cent Canadian-owned THOMSON RAISES ISSUE Lord Thomson, Canadian- born publisher who controls newspapers in a number of countries, raised the issue open session Wednesday, urg- ing the institute to express op- position to the Canadian pro- posal He said the measure was violation of the universal dec laration of human rights' and added that it was "incredible" publications: "Recognizes that the ques- tion of foreign ownership in publications can only be dealt with by legislation in each country; 'Strongly endorses the reso- lution passed by the Canadian in'committee of the International) [Press Institute at a special meeting at Toronto on Thurs- day, 29th April, 1965; "Wishes to stress vigorously "a (hat any tax on press advertis-| "THE ing would constitute an eco- nomic pressure incompat- ible with freedom of the press."'| France And US. At Odds, But Solely At Top Level By DAVID MASON PARIS (AP)--Top-level rela tions between France and the United States seem to be on the rockiest ground since the Second World War. But so far, it is im- possible to detect a penetration of ill feeling on the person-to- person level. France's policy battle with Washington is being conducted almost exclusively from one bastion here -- President de Gaulle's Elysee Palace. A salvo ordered all U.S. embassies and legations to serve only Amer- jican wine.) Nobody argues that the policy differences between de Gaulle and Johnson are not real. But, at least for the present, they are being conducted in what seems to be the political strato- sphere De Gaulle wants the Ameri- cans out of Viet Nam and the| Dominican Republic and doesn't) hesitate to say so--as he did aimed at President Johnson echoes with regularity from be- hind its walls But the ordinary Frenchman has not taken to digging ideo- logical trenches for a showdown with the Americans. The French Communist Party) tried three times to whip up trouble in front of the U.S, em- bassy because of Viet Nam. But the small groups of chanting) youths who turned up didn't really have their hearts in It The Communists--who pick up) about one in every five votes in French elections -- haven't even bothered to cal! their fol-| lowers out on the streets over the Dominican crisis. SUGGESTS BURY HATCHET | France's most eminent poli-| tical commentator, Raymond Aron, picks holes in some of de Gaulle's attitudes. This week he said it was high time Washing- ton and Paris buried the hatchet When Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko made an offi- cial visit to Paris last month French officials kept their ~American colleagues informed on the talks When word of "drink American' around. in France, smiles instead of Americans in official here kept right on French wines. And a popular American soft drink still was selling well at sidewalk cafes (The state department has OSHAWA DRIVE-IN THEATRE * 723-4972 Johnson's order it brought grumbles position drinking got * NOW PLAYING pleased France in the newspaper head- lines with his pronouncements. |§ Wednesday. De Gaulle wants| less prestige for the U.S. dollar! and more for gold and the franc, De Gaulle fights the U.S. con cept of a closely - integrated North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-| tion, He wants France to have} as much say in world strategy: jas the United States. De Gaulle | resists American economic "col- onization" of France Many Frenchmen are frankly that de Gaulle gets But nobody has been seen Andy WILLIAMS ROBT. GOULET SANDRA DEE TONY RANDALL BURL IVES won ames --IN-- BRASS "I'd Rather BOTTLE" 'DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT Little Gaesar and His Consuls GREENHURST PAVILION Thurstonia Park Dunsford, Ont. Horse ~~ AT 2% Hour Show @ Free SUNDAY, 2 P.M. OSHAWA 5-POINTS ARENA (LOCATED RITSON NORTH AND TAUNTON RD.) Competition Games On Horseback EVERYONE WELCOME! MAY 30, 2 P.M. Show! THE -- Entrance @ Refreshments 2 BOTH " j --IN-- jcolon MeZiwtag coin Such a TINY Dog Trouble was To Create Such a Never So Much BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY ROBSON MOTORS LIMITED Your Quality G.M. Dealer "GOODWILL GUARANTEED USED CARS & TRUCKS" 166 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-3396 eet FUN ! BIG Fuss ! TONY WALT , CURTIS ' DISNEY'S In COLOR with Greyfriars "40 Pounds 3} BOBBY of Trouble" IN COLOR IN COLOR ---with---- with- DONALD CRISP FAST ACTION Buying, Selling or Renting TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS Work WONDERS VS, N BEAVER ( LUMBER \ Os CO. LTD. Your Home Improvement Headquarters 623-3388 96 King St. £., Bowmanville <a DOORS OPEN 6:30 P, SATURDAY & SUNDAY 1:30 P.M PHIL SILVERS PHONE 725-5833 SUZANNE PLESHETTE BILTMORE M. painting a fresh 'U.S. go home" sign for months. IZZA telephone 728-0192 |S EPI'S SATURDAY NIGHT OANCE OLD TIME and MODERN Dance to RUDY VELTRI and his NEW TORNADOS Toronto's RED BARN Most Versatile Group MASTER SPY COMEDY OF THE YEAR! THE GENTLE ART OF SPYING HAD ADVANCED TO A POINT 'WHICH CALLED FOR KID GLOVES AND DIPLOMACY... UNTIL WHISTLER CAME ALONG TO SET IT BACK ONE HUNDRED YEARS PETER KOWAL REAL ESTATE Members of Oshawa and District Real Estote Boord 623-2453 Exclusive Agents for Oshawa Wood Products Homes 52 King St. W., Bowmanville IN COLOR SEE US FOR COMPLETE SHOE REPAIR SERVICE Rubber Footwear Tropical Fish & Supplies JOE'S SHOE REPAIRS 80 King St. W. 623-2921 BOGARDE:"™"KOSCINA"™"" MORLEY" McKERN CY pzie2 uiltaning OPEN DAILY 1 P.M. © SHOW TIMES 1:40 - 3:40 - 5:40 You only live once...S0 see The Pink Panther twice! THE PINK PANTHERS} | s£CLAUDIA CARDINALE y MARK HELLINGER ,_ AVA GARDNER im *%, F ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8:00 FIRST SHOW AT DUSK Dickix YOU'VE NEVER TAST Finally OFFICI ' Gord's 522 Ritson Rd. South, Oshawa PHONE 728-7321 for PICK-UP and DELIVERY Dickin (hicken Bowmanville Frigid Locker System Meats Sold In Quarters Cut te Order and All Frozen Foods, Fruits, Vegetables and Fish LOCKER RENTALS 73 King St. W, 623-5578 @ BUSINESS OF THE WEEK Today the prerequisites any For the best in life, insurance is one of in one's life surance, your car on your on or your home, to protect yourself and proper give Don Mountjoy a call He'll gladly explain the nec essities of insurance in to doy's modern world. He has been the Bowmanville area 10 years. A new office was moved into in 1963. He is in partnership with Mr De With of De With Real Estate. Mr, Mountjoy was born the ny nm ty against fire, theft, etc., Bowmonville | PADDY'S MARKET Specializing in USED WASHER PARTS & REPAIRS [CALL TODAY! Complete Line of Beatty-Thor- Crosley Appliances Hampton 263-2241 'THE HOMEOF "MARY POPPINS" INDIANAPOLIS '500' MONDAY MAY 3ist TOGETHER 222 DON'T MISS... Double the excitement with Double DOUBLED-SEVENI RESERVED SEATS NOW ON SALE "HARRY SALTIVAM as ALBERT, BROCCOL segues wn runners FROM RUSSIA WITH SEAN CONNERY «JAMES BOND | roam SEAN CONNERY4 JAMES BOND [TREMRIEOTORE) ecaeceten men VeTED aeTETH [TECAWEOLOR) eemnctcen tw OMTED AaTIND RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Bay DG DRIVEcIN ONE ~ TORONTO -- 202 vu ant sasmen (0D abet © speeeey (we FL snore we Fewine's DR, W YOU ARE ASSURED A WARM WELCOME Y aa. AT THE ODEON DRIVE-INS : HEATERS At no extra cost! Inereese your milk production hy obtaining FRESH and CLOSE COWS FROM SCHWARZ BROS, LIVESTOCK For Further Information PHONE 623-2895 R.R. NO. 3 BOWMANVILLE BILL'S GLASS & MIRRORS Auto Glass vi Mirrors BUILDING CONSTRUCTION 623-5187 9 Division Bowmanville orea and is an active mem ber of the Bowmanville Ki wanis Club, Remember, one can never tell when some around the corner, Insurance is the only real answer, Give Mr. Mountjoy a call ot either his home or at his office. 623-3950 or 623-3614 misfortune is HUYCK'S HAIR STYLING "Steam Permanent Waves" 623-5703 67 King St. W., Bowmanville 7:40 - 9:45 @ Last Complete Show 9:20 (KOK << yy A.H. STURROCK AND SONS LTD. Distributors--Imperial Esse Products _ Fuel Oils -- 24 Hr. Metered Service -- Stove Oils PHONE 623-5516 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. eracer { Comes fo OSHAWA ~ Watch For -- AL OPENING SOON ~ at -- SO GOOD" PALMER MCTOR SALES P | cy econ Cheveler Dealer Dependable Used Care Complete Repairs By Cleans "A" Mechanics 20 King &. 623.5487 HOLLANDIA WOODWORKING Manufactured & Custom Built CABIN Dealers for Tappon.Gurney ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Now On Display At: 55 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE Phone 623-2421 COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE "All Classes OF Insurance" Contact Don Mountjoy et DeWith & Mountjoy INSURANCE AGENCY 623.3980 Res. 623.3614 14 Frank St. "YOU'VE NEVER TASTED CHICKEN SO GOOD" COWAN EQUIPMENT CO. international Trucks Internstionel Farm Equipment Kelvinater Appliences Philips T.¥. 623-5689 PRESTON'S TRANSPORT Von Moving & Storage Agents fer ALLIED VAN LINES 623-2493 @ Packing -- Croting @ Moving -- Storage Specializing In large home. appli- anea moving. All fully insured Made-to-Measure Drapes All Designs & Materials Samoles Shown in your ewn home at ne obligation. Complete from Including Lining & Hooks 3.98 per yard MULDER Furniture & Clothing 23 King St. £., 623-5515 134 King St. E., Bowmanville P.O. Box 1470 Bowmanville BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:45 INCLUDING SUNDAYS GOLD RUSH LOUNGE and DINING LOUNGE KING ST. W., OSHAWA THE CAMEOS Direct from... A Highly successful tour of New York State. @ FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY @ The Comeos, cal Tria of fine looking, and well young Canadians, come to the GOLD RUSH LOUNGE o "Highly Roted" singing trio, Versatility in all rhythms is their keynote. 0 talented Mus groomed Don't miss this wonderful Entertaining Trio @ Entertainment Nighily al 9 P.M. @ © ALLAN MACMILLAN -- MANAGER