BLONDIE LI'L ABNER | LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY BUZ SAWYER JANE ARDEN MICKEY MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER mr. baa ™ SAYS HERE THEYRE SPENDING *~ SIX BILLION DOLLARS } \ ON sir Be SH T WERE REALLY LIVING bch akirn AGE THEY GOING TO DO WITH THAT MUCH SPACE WHEN THEY GET IT? LAWYER. STATEMENT OF ~ PSSTIF- V7 TRANSFER, AND ANYTHING ]|TRANSFEREE'S SIGNATURE! MISSING, \_ PSSTP7-SOME LAW. CLARENCE TALK; HUH ?. 1 NO CAN READ AND SO CAN YOU - SO HOW THIS ie TO CHICAGO ml) ==! MR. FLING=|F YOU vo Wer TO BE YERY FRANK, ¥ NORMAL CASE OF YOU HAVE SOMETHING HERE Im HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE! Imp "WHAT PO YOU MEAN, I NEED A SPECIALIST/#/ fa MILD FOOT-FUNGUS YOURE.A DOCTOR CAN'T 'A INFECTION I ae YOU PUT SOME SALVE OR peo T= ti Fé FOR A SPECIALIST-- SOMETHING ON MY FEET F gy Y a weer HOW ARE YOU COMING 7 ALONG ' 1c TH MY i TONIC Now, HENRY ! 1 WISH 70 PROVE THAT WE ARE YOUR FRIENDS, NOT THE AMERICANS, IF YOU DOUBT MY WORD, SEARCH | SAWYER'S PLANE WHEN, HE COMES IN. SORRY, SENOR SAWYE BUT I HAVE ORDERS 1 SEARCH YOUR PLANE, YP WHAT PACKAGE ABOARD Cut HECK? HE'S ON HIS WAY 2 BACK 7O CIUDAD WELL, PATCHES.,...WE MADE IT... BUT 1' DON/T BRED Ny DEEPLY TAKIN' ROCKS AWAY.,...AN! HOPE WE ARE BURIE ! IT DOESN'T CAVE IN, iss 2 Wah Disney Productions + World Rights Reserved MORTY, Lt JUST FIXED THAT LEAK INTHE BATHTUB. YEAH, NOWAND \ THEN a. WEAR IT IN THE BASEMENT, 7. TIN A OUTFIT YOURS, FIXING A LEAKY PIPE / GRANDMA > (i A Joes PRY S THIS UNDERWATER] | ° | aaa = ey re : . WHY DON 4 ASK ONE oF O OUR 9 GRANDCHILDREN TO LOOK IT OVER? . ra [THEY RE BACK WITH SOME FIGURES TI DONT COMPREHEND AT ALL! a I THOUGHT I HAD FIGURED 4 MY TAX RETURN DOWN TO A GNATS EYEBROW, AND NOW w COULD HELP, PA, | ONLY THING TO DO 16 START Ceca | ~ land think I put him in the hos BEEN WAITING FOR HER, TOO. JULIET JONES [Tite PAINS OF CANCER ARE @REAT, BUT PAULINE JOHNSON TRIES TO FORGET THROUGH HER WRITING. IN 1912, SHES I A HOSPITAL. FRIENDS TRY TO CHEER HER UP BY SECRETLY BUYING UP HER NEWEST BOOK, SOENOS VANCOUVER, WHICH © ISN'T SELLING WELL. | Hie CONDITION WORSE, PAULINE CANNOT UNDERSTAND THE WEEPING AT HER BEDSIDE « THE GIANTS NO USE! WITH THE WIND AND SNOW SEAGIG 7 THE FIRES GONI fase taste ave Y oll st : PALLEN / THE LONE RANGER *,.And thanks to your help, Phil's lined | Up enough. evidence Lo make him @ Y HARRY MUST to | permanent Lrophy in ederal prisonn.* ! HAVE 5 MILLION WORTH OF PURE DOPE HERE, Tom! RED-HANDED, PHIL! THIS NAILS HIM UP TIGHT / SECRET AGENT X9 VPHOOIE! COUNTING SHEEP CAN'T WORK | WHEN A FELLER'S LUNGR? f DONALD DUCK 6. Hebrew letter 6. Walk back and forth 7. Traveler's aid 8, Wine receptacle 10.Crackpot 11. Southern constella- tion 16, Likely 18, Cuts of meat, as roasts or chops 19. Eat away 20. Knock 21, Memore able night Li cy ACROSS 1, Leather worker's tool 4. Juice of can author 24, Sleeve- BIOTRIMIO(UISIE ] is] ral cy [OIRIGIAIN] [LTE |MIOINADIE| SE8 ON mn ATC LETT) [LIAL IR) lOINMEPIAIRISIE | (alt (ORME IMIETE Ir] (YIEINISMENIEISIS} 18. Slight érror 20, Rumor 23, Appraise 27, Shun 28, Grave 29. Hammer head 30. Pinaceous trees 31, Barber's specialty 33. Exclama- tion 36, To bein debt 37. Wing-like 40, Mechanical man 42. Fray 44, Gleam brightly 45. Worn by wind and water FUN TO: MAKE we! By ALICE BROOKS | Babyl. Full skirts protect your toast- 47. Moisture er, That's how this old-fashioned DOWN lgirl earns her keep. | vod cesiacesiad | Fun to make this charming ikitchen decoration use By ANNE ADAMS scraps, Pattern 7013: transfer; Paris-pretty and easy, too! | of face; pattern, directions for/Sunburst pin tucks with em- jthis toaster cover. |broidered arrowheads (option- Thirty-five cents (coins) forjal) add couture charm to this each pattern (no stamps,iskimmer a little girl would please) to Alice Brooks, carejlove to go skipping in! of The Oshawa Times, Needle-| Printed Pattern 4613: Chil-| craft Dept., 60 Front Street/dren's Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8 Size 6) West, Toronto 1, Ontario, On-jtakes 1% yards 35-inch, tario residents add one cent) FIFTY CENTS (50 cents) in! sales tax, Print plainly PAT. coins (no stamps, please) for} TERN NUMBER, NAME, AD:+jeach pattern. Ontario residents| DRESS jadd two cents sales tax. Print 1985 NEEDLECRAFT CATA-jplainly SIZE, NAME, AD- [LOG -- 200 designs, three free/DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. patterns ! Newest knit, croc het} Send order to ANNE ADAMS, fashions, 'embroidery. 25 cents. |care of The Oshawa Times, Now! Send for elegant, new/Pattern Dept., 60 Front Street "Decorate with Needlecraft!"|West, Toronto, 1., Ontario. 5 beautiful room settings, 25) COMPLETE FASHION RE- complete patterns for decora-/PORT in our new Spring-Sum- tive accessories in one book!|mer Pattern Catalog plus cou Pillows, wall hangings, cur-}pon for ONE FREE PATTERN! tains, appliques, more! 60 cents.j/Everything you need for the life Value! Deluxe Quilt Book --jyou Jead -- 350 design ideas! cases, the patient does not know|1§ complete patterns. 60 cents. 'Send 50 cents now he needs help and a court or-| : Se ers eens der is the only way to see that)ment that hospitals can't waste;it making a ball in the stomact that/he space on people who don't. and maybe leading to surgery If you had not seen to it that) He advised me to have he your husband got attention,/head shaved. It worked. We har son to recognize |then his friends would have hadjit shaved just three times anc after a hearing in sithe presence BP emotional prob-|a good reason to criticize she outgrew the habit. She i judge sent him to the hospital? |lems. You did, and you did right] Dear Dr. Molner: I read your\20W 16 and has a fine head o |--MRS. R. D, by having the court and psy-jcolumn about the little girl who|!ong hair.--MRS. B. C, | You are entirely correct chiatrists make the decision pulls out her hair and swallows! This is an odd habit that somx wife can't Had your husband not needediit. I had the same problem withjyoungsters acquire: sometime committed, nor a husband/such care, they would have re-;my girl when she was about)the hair balls become qui! jorder commitmen him in the hospi that age. The doctor told mejlarge and removal by surge 32. Place for abig wedding 38, Land measures 34. Whaler Indian 43. Verb form Lad OT Y/ Vy, EASY TO SEW / 3-28 0 | YOUR HEALTH Legal Aspects Of Psychiatric Care By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD > q | testimony. (Some such testimony but do not insist be psychia- Dear Dr. Molner: Please setjon expert me, or some people, straight On| plates require the laws about committing from doctors, person to a state mental howe that the doctors tal trists.) In some instances, individuals realize that they need psychia- tric care and voluntarily agree hospital. In other | Some of my husband's friends ibelieve I've done him wrong pital just because I signed some to enter -a papers, I. love my jhim, |} Am I right in asst when I signed the p I was doing wa ) a se ena fa examined' by psy Lola y husband and miss iming gets it Friends don't necessarily see court order her husband t of } wife. fused to let THE OSHAWA TIMES, - Friday, Mey 28, 1965 33° BRIDGE + 4 > * By B. JAY BECKER 3 - 4 (Top record-holder in Masters' |Individuel Championship Play) TEST YOUR PLAY P You are declarer with thes West hand at Seven Notrump... North leads the four of hearts,* which you win with the queen, -- South following low. How would» you play the hand? | Hl | 6543 72 » ead ¢ 65432 FP as . gv = @AKQs |WE s HAKQ 8 : a It is obvious that if either? the spades.or the clubs are di-s vided 3-2, you have thirteen® tricks, so you assume that both? suits are divided 4-1 (or 5-0)" and play accordingly. Actually, the contract cannot® be defeated -- regardless of how. the North-South cards are di-» vided -- provided you play the hand correctly. To make» the contract you may have to" execute a squeeze but to do, this successfully, you must bee careful about the order in which > you cash your tricks, , The first step is to cash the |A-K of spades and A-K of clubs. |When you do this, you discover that: (1) one opponent has both jsuits guarded, or (2) that each jopponent has one suit guarded. In case No. 1, the aqueeze op- erates against that opponent by jeashing the A-K-Q of diamonds, the queen of clubs, and the A-K of hearts, ending in dummy. |From your own hand you have ldiscarded a diamond, and from idummy you have discarded a jspade and a club. These plays _|produce this position: N We 8 The opponent who started with both black suits guarded must come down to two cards also, - and he finds it impossible to keep two spades and a club when his turn comes to discard on the last heart play from dummy. He must relinquish a» clgb or a spade, and either dis- catd is fatal to his cause. In. case No. 2, you cash the queen of spades and queen of clubs, followed by the A-K of hearts. These plays produce this position; .-. N gaxqs |WE o-- 8 By this time the squeeze (called a double squeeze be- cause both opponents feel the pinch) has already been effect-" ed. The opponent with the spade guard cannot keep more than three diamonds, and the oppon- ent with the club guard similar- ly cannot keep more than three~ jdiamonds. The A-K-Q-3 of dia- }monds therefore win the last four tricks. Of course, ff either opponent * jrelinquishes his guard in either | black suit, you discard the three of diamonds on the estab-- lished trick in dummy. before' cashing the A-K-Q of dia- monds. CONVICTS ARE CAREFUL LONDON (AP) -- Police be- lieve a recent heat wave cooled. off convicts' plans to blast their way out of Wandsworth Prison. After finding gelignite and a detonator in a hiding place, por lice expressed the theory the~ escapers abandoned their plans. when hot weather made the ex- plosive unstable. TRY TREE VACCINE The city of Toronto is experi- menting this year with bidrin,* a tree vaccine against the Dutch elm disease. ' SALLY'S SALLIES LAY "Doctor, two months ago you told my husband to slow down and he sean nansecnd oneal COLBORNE GROCETERIA Colborne St. ot Church St, 728-6341 OPEN ---- DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. Seven Days a Week © Groceries © Fresh Fruits © Vegetebles © Meats FREE DELIVERY HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS i Only a court can do that, based\tal, So many people need treat- Ithe same thing you said, about| becomes absolutely essential,