2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 28, 1965 a Bl ast Foils | METRE POSES PROBLEMS Injured Epileptic Attempt To Days Of British Died Chair-Bound Orbit Robot Measure Ending os eee es hee # eal SANTA BARBARA, Calif. ~ TORONTO (CP)--A The sheet was placed around (AP)--An explosion two min- Joid patient who suffered from him and tied at the back to sup- tes after jaunch ruined air epilepsy was found unattended, port him in case he fell, Mr. force plans to send a plastic unconscious and tied to an arm- Krumins testified. facsimile of a spaceman's torso|2um» chair by a sheet three hours) pr, Alan Davidson, psychia-|into space aboard an Atlas mis- after he had fallen and injured trist in charge of the 108-bed|Sile at nearby Vandenberg air his head at the Ontario mental ward said he was not aware force base. hospital here, a coroner's jury Sheppard was subject to epilep-;| The ICBM and its dummy was told Thursday tic seizures The jury was investigating vapirielt By BOB MacKENZIE isive studies will have OTTAWA (CP)--The days of|made." the foot, ounce and quart are ACCEPTED IN SCIENCE measures in Canada will pre-ence, mainly because of sent a complicated problem. passenger -- nicknamed Torso hi Tom--plunged into the ocean! . : : the death of William Sheppard, HAD HEAD INJURIES west of this seaside missile fa- Howlett said Thursday. 47 who died about 12 hours Pr. Ronald Ryder, patholo- cility, It was a mass of flaming after a fali in the hospital Feb gist, said Sheppard died of as- wreckage 16. bers -- a ss Fer vial force -- cause . . anehat Of Stomach -contents. He said the explosion -- which occurre Prowse ie uncer gpa this was a condition consistent|at 7:55 p.m. PDT Thursday-- } q with unconsciousness which had not been. determined, t could have been brought on by The plastic torso, which _ Dr. Robert Prueter, full-time|the head injuries. weighed 88 pounds, was in a Medical consultant to the hos-' pr. Prueter had ordered an,203-pound satellite vehicle car- "pital, told the jury he walked)y ray of Sheppard's head to be ried-in a pod on the side of the past an infirmary door about!taken, but when he went to ex-| Atlas. tioon the day of the fall and amine the picture he found the It was slated to fire itself into saw Sheppard strapped into the y-ray had not been taken. The orbit after the Atlas used up its chair. autopsy showed a slight frac-'fuel supply and dropped away "Having found him. uncon- ture of the skull. The dummy carried instru- scious, blue and tied to a chair, Sheppard died same,ments to measure space radia- in the 1 will admit I became some- ward from which Barry Foster,|tion at .various depths of the what testy,' he said. Foster/body. The air force has been 22, secaped on April 26 : was found dead in his suburban concerned: about possible radia- HURT IN FALL : ' ; John Krumins of Toronto, an North York home from a rifle tion fiazards to astronauts who attendant on the ward, jury wound will spend long periods in pro- said 4 coroner's Tuesday posed manned orbiting labora- Sheppard apparently fell while found Foster's death was a sui- tories . watching another patient. being cide Just before the failure, a se- shaved. cret satellite vehicle emplos He testified that he heard a PESO DROPS an Atlas Agena booster wa noise, turned and saw Sheppard a : lying on his back unconscious The Uruguayan peso dropped launched Thursday to its lowest level in 4 spokesman declined to say He and another attendant put|history -- 53 to a U.S him to bed but Sheppard re- Meanwhile dollae whether it achieved orbit, and gained consciousness within 25 the kilogram, conversion in stages." case of moving Dr. Howell, director of the ap-| point. plied physics department of the, But National Research Council, saidnow pretty well in the English restricted already have switched to met- ric measure But Canada's trade ties stumbling block. Britain re-|cious metals) to the pound. cently has announced a change ing Dr. Howlett said a cost study ada within 20 years. already has been started with) "The way things advantages, '"'but more WEATHER FORECAST Cloudy With Some Sun, Cold; Milder Saturday TORONTO (CP) inten-'10 years now the government further details were made -9'making efforts to normalize the minutes and demanded he be financial situation in Uruguay. allowed to sit in a chair, Mr.!4 pew commission has begun Krumins said to run the Bank of the Repub- He permitted the man to be/lic. It has taken over from the put in the chair because attend-|former directorate of the bank ants would otherwise have to|headed by Jose Pedro Aramen- hold him in bed dia. Aramendia. resigned . KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) The launching of an interplan- etary monitoring platform has been postponed because of mi- nor technical problems The payload, designed to measure radiation deep in Space, had been scheduled for launching today The shot tentatively was HERE and THERE": Dinner Costs 'Query Downed TORONTO (CP) -- A Liberal member was ruled out of order in the legislature Thursday when he tried to ask how much the government paid for a state dinner for the Shah of Iran and how many defeated Conserva- tive candidates were invited to the dinner Speaker Donald Morrow ruled that Elmer Sopha (L--Sudbury) must place his question on the order paper instead of asking con- (it verbally of Provincial Sec retary John Yaremko The dinner was tendered for the Shah Tuesday night by Lieutenant - Governor Earl Rowe, Mr. Yaremko speaks in the legislature on behalf of the lieutenant-governor burton, Timagami, Besides asking whether de- feated Conservative candidates 5:30 a:m Saturday mainly sunny and Synopsis: Unusually cold alr the area around Lake and it is gradually moving into the lower Great Lakes, Considerable day time cloudiness is expected over most of Ontario today. Central regions will likely have show- ers and northern regions show- ers or snowflurries, With clear- ing skies tonight frost will be- come a problem Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake On- tario: Cloudy with a few sunny periods today, clearing tonight Very cool with risk of ground frost in some' areas tonight Saturday mainly sunny and a little milder. Winds west 20 to 30 today becoming light tonight and Saturday Windsor, London,. Toronto, Hamilton: Cloudy with a few sunny periods today clearing to- night. Very cool. Saturday mainly sunny and a little milder. Winds west 15 to 25 to- day becoming light tonight and Saturday Georgian Bay, covers Superior urday. re- Algoma, White River, ally clearing tonight ular base and culverts of Saturday variable 4.88 miles of the Base Line road, running west from Bowmanville Judge Alex C. Hall, sitting in County Court at Whitby Thursday dismissed three appeals against convictions. The appellants were Delbert Oke, 558 Finucane st., Osh- awa. on a charge of inde- cent assault; Boris Fomen- ko, 243 Edward st., Osh- awa, drunk driving and Mur- ray Pillsworth, 8 Durham st. w., Lindsay, careless driving Saturday. Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, High Saturday: Windsor eo 40 St. Thomas 38 London 35 Kitchener 35 Mount Forest 35 Wingham 35 Hamilton 35 St. Catharines. 35 Toronto 40 Peterborough . 38 Trenton 38 Kingston .. a8 Killaloe ... +3 Muskoka 35 North Bay. 35 Sudbury 35 Farlton 30 Killaloe, Hali- Sault Ste. Mari 32 North Bay, Kapuskasing 28 30 Public Utilities Commis- sioners were thanked by let- ter last night for their sup- port and donation to the On- tario County Public Speak- ing contest. Gary Clarke, secretary of the contest, on behalf of the executive wrote the letter. H. F. Bald- win, commission chairman, said he hoped the commis- sion would continue to sup- port the "worthwhile'"' William Kirkpatxick was elected presid ~ the Bowmanville K at its last ing year were/Ist Vice-Pres- ident Roy Cofden, 2nd Vice- President Bdb Fairey, Sec- retary Bill Martin, Regis- trar Fugene Murdoch, Treasurer ack Harris. Three dirpetors, John Geddes, Bil} Slaght and » WL_Moore, Public Util- ities cost accountant, and John Borrowdale, customer Service supervisor, were au- thorized last night by the commission to attend the 14th annual two-day ac- to be bered, but a switch to the' The metric system already system of weights and has universal acceptance in -- pn the!' : ease in converting units based, "It will have to be done ifjon 10. With 100 centimetres to + Canadian industry is to compete)metre, 1,000 cubic centimetres foreign markets," Dr. L. E.|to the litre and 1,000 grams to "But it will have to be done|smaller or larger units is just a the decimal system, in an interview that some sec-the British Commonwealth and! tions of industry, especially injthe U.S., these conversions re- the photographic and drug field,|quire multiplication and divi- sion with 12 inches to the foot.) , cvinites 1,728 cubic inches to the cubic! , to foot and 16 ounces (or 12 ounces Britain and the U.S, are a realjtroy weight in the case of pre- team had to fight back off the Dr, Howlett has been advocat- to the metric system over a pe-\ing adoption of the metric sys-| riod of years, while the U.S. has|tem for a long time, and hack| shown 'no intention of ewitch-iin Pag pyar pally Biyteyead oa almost three times as|their functioning as related to co 1 ' Van- are going a survey of expected costs and now it may be a case of about while Forecasts|with occasional showers gradu- ¢ issued by the weather office at/ally clearing tonight. Very cool.) (¢ P) --. Cadenza, little milder. Winds west 20 to Dobbington 30 today, light tonight and Sat Coch- finishing 3% lengths rane: Cloudy with intermittent|the pack with a time of 2:05 BRANVI light rain or snow today gradu- 2-5 N Very cool cloudiness bined with and a little milder, Winds west Quinella worth $21.20 20 to 30 today, light tonight and |St. Kitts Visit Brooklin, Sat. | By CLIFF GORDON Brooklin Sr. Lacrosse Club Thant Fears That 'Others "atic gore' on May Copy OAS Actions straight win of the 1965 season, UNITED NATIONS (AP) --jcan Unity and the League of)tain definitive action by way of when they invade. the Laftlock Secretary - General U Thant | Arab States, and drew this par-'enforcement of its region." city of ag hay ga Pe warned Thursday that enforce-| allel: Thant asked his audience to sic lpg S are 7 ment act ion taken by the, "'If the Organization of Amer-|"give some thought to the con- night, Brooklin hosts St. Cath-|O'sanization of Americanican States is recognized as sequences of the regional or- arines Athletics, at the Whitby | States (OAS) in the Dominican competent to take certain en-jganization in taking enforce- Republic may cause repercus- forcement action in a_partic-|ment action. . . . because such to haye)sions in other regional organ-/ylar country in its own region,|a precedent might have very izations in the Middle East and then we have to admit that the|significant, I would say, reper- frica. Organization of African Unity|cussions in other regional or- He refused to say whether he/js also competent to take cer-|ganizations."' considers enforcement action in! -- ee apse elie nace conflict with the UN charter, because this is part of the cur- rent Security Council debate on the Dominican situation. Thant made the statements in a speech and answers to questions at the annual confer- ence of non - governmental or- ganizations at UN headquar- ters. It was attended by dele- gates from civic, labor and re- ligious groups that maintain liaison with the United Nations floor on occasions and trailed 8-6 Thant said he does not wee heading into the final 20 min- | 19 question the jurisdiction o jthe regional groups, but he utes of play. That was the game! ps 4 wants to stimulate thinking on); Brooklin expects rant Heffernan in the lineup) {for tonight's game. He has been * lin College and has missed the first two games. Jim Hinkson,| a former Green Gael performer, | will join the Brooklin team as soon as exams are over. Tomorrow night, the St. Cath- arines Athletics, led by Bob Mc- Cready, their ever-talkie goalie, will invade the Whitby Arena, to seck revenge for the 10-9 defeat handed them by the the schedule BUEHLERSs Tender EAT'N <6 TRUE-TRIM BEEF \\ = to to in opener. In that game the -- Brooklin 12 KING ST. E.--723-3633 Friday Night and Saturday Specials C Ib }that Brooklin took 72 minutes in| Leon BLADE or SHORT RIB ROAST BLADE STEAKS Lean Meaty Back SPARE RIBS ..... many as the St. Kitts team andthe UN charter. : still won He mentioned specifically the Brooklin scored OAS, the Organization of Afri- playing two 3 5 Coe which is a fair HEARS WITHOUT EARS man's league Though it has no ears, a fish Don't forget there will be ac- can feel sound, picking up vi- tion galore at the Whitby Arena brations in air or water through tomorrow night, starting at 8.30, its skin when the first-place Brooklin Srs. host the team from the with a nightcap goals short any five men chore in Garden City. Mohawk Feature To Clements' Entry "MPBELL VILLE, Ont. owned by a Glenna and Bruce Clements of Ont., took the fea- tured Junior Invitation at Mo- hawk Raceway Thursday night, ahead of JORDAN Cadenza paid $6.50 and com- Sis Herbert for a Sherry Mighty Midnight won the first race and Patsy §S. Lookout the second for a $45 daily double payoff CHILL IF DESIRED Canada Outdoor Supply Co. Are Now Renting Tony Moljoy, were also elected *k Lander, Stan Dunn, [fle Parker and Ken Nicks frere elected honor- ary mbers for one year. counting and office adminis- tration conference at Belle- ville next month. Mr. Moore is chairman of the confer- ence. Mr. Borrowdale is scheduled to conduct a sem- inar on instruction orders and procedure had been invited, Mr. Sopha also asked whether. any pres- idents or officers of local Tory organizations had been sent in- vitations. May |! Co-operate in planning your Insurance protection 4 j 5 © AUTOMOBILE ¢ URBAN FIRE Then he asked whether any ry F e@ FAMILY LIABILITY e LIFE Riera Oh ey recreate ® ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS the opposition parties in the AND OTHER INSURANCE house -- had been asked to JOHN McPHERSON attend. 110 Cabet St. Phone 728-7207 Speaker Morrow said the question was not'of an urgent CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE and CO-OPERATORS LIFE 250 Wolf Cubs from the Bowmanville area will gather at the Maple Grove soccer field this Saturday for their annual. athletic day. NEEDS Public Utilities sion officials J, B. Annand, manager, W. H. Gibbie, sec- retary - treasurer, . Edward Shreve, engineer and all commissioners, were au- thorized to attend, if pos- sible,'a three-day' summer Commis- nature and thus should be placed on the order paper. His ruling set off a procedural de- bate, but Liberals did not chal- lenge it. The Bowmanville Museum will reopen for the summer months this Saturday after- noon. Two additional rooms CIA DE "VALENCIA" coming JUNE 5th The Canadian Camp Trailer Make Your Reservation NOW ! UY Mile and a number of new dis- conference designed for plays will add interest management next month at Queen's University Now's the time to add a LENNOX cooling coil to your furnace More economical than "room" units out the agiewsied aoe, filter, docts and t 5 your COMPLETE comfort!" pS agp Bs is easy to buy, thrifty to operate. Call for free estimate. A Telex machine, which will provide rapid communi- cation with police offices throughout the province, has been installed in the Bow- manville Police Station. City ambulance answered three routine house calls yesterday, It was one of their quietest days in a long time. Norman Sisco, of Oshawa, assistant superintendent of Secondary School Education in Ontario, will be the speaker June 1 when the Durham County Trustees and Ratepayers' Association holds its annual spring ban- quet at Newcastle Rey. Albert FE. Larke, a former minister of Albert Street United Church, Osh- awa and a former confer- ence president, was among five retired ministers hon- ored Wednesday night by the Bay of Quinte Conference at Kingston, Mr. Larke, the senior clergyman in years of service, addressed the con- ference. Each of the retirees will receive a plaque bear- ing the names of the charges in "which. they served The Public is' invited to visit a tulip show which will be staged this Saturday by the Oshawa Horticultural Society at the E. A. Lovell School on Centre st. Visitors 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA 725-3581 728-1555 CANAD 1487 KING East of ST. E. Townline OUTDOOR SUPPLY Co. | Maple Leaf Landscaping and Garden Service | ANNOUNCES... A NEW OPENING! 10 Kilmars Ave., Townline Rd., 1 Mile N. of Hwy. 2 will be able to view a jarge We Have a Well Qualified Staff to Serve You at All Times! variety of classes for indivi- dual colors and varieties, In conjunction with the tulip show the Oshawa Junior Garden Club is also holding its spring show. Visiting times at the show are from 5 to 9 p.m. BUY YOUR HOME IN The Ajax High School Band presented a_ concert Wednesday"'afternoon, in the recreation hall at the On- tarin Hospital, Whitby, for the patients and staff Oshawa will be sented by the following delegates at the annual meeting of the Central On tario South Region of the Ontario Women's Liberal Association. June 5, at Glen- burnie Motor Motel on No 2 Highway 3. miles west of Trenton Dr and Mrs Claude Vipond Mr. and Mrs. G K. Drynan Mr and Mrs. G. N. Varnum I A. Seeley: Mrs McKee; and Mrs. G Merles Dr Pauline MP, Northumber be honored at the Guest speaker will Andrew Thompson the Liberal Party repre- Beau Valle Please drive carefully in Beau Valley... Our children are happy here and love to play... Your children would be happy to live here too... Built by H. KASSINGER Construction Limited Jewett land, will meeting be leader in Ontario Sold by SCHOFIELD-AKER 360 King West .. . 723-2265 of Tenders have been called by Darlington Township for the grading, drainage gran- 7 Here's a Handy Map To The Best In Service... © We'll Lay a Carpet of Green -} 4» Sod for an 'Instant' Lawn King St. E rich, green sod, guaranteed to grow. Townline N. Whether you want your yard completely londscaped or just @ seasonal Clean-up.the extent and cost con be ESTIMATED FREE at MAPLE LEAF Gorden ond Land- scoping Service. Just phone 725-0611. x Kilmore Ave. For Complete Service -- Which Includes... Cedar and Privet Hedges Pruning Spraying Topsoil Shade Trees Evergreens Shrubs Seeding Fertilizing Weed Killing Insect Control Patios GARDEN and LANDSCAPING SERVICE R.R. 1 Oshawa 725-0611 MAPLE LEAF