a i 20 i cane ner ig in the tournament,/aware that there was something [found myself unable to escape OSHA Mas, Friday, ia B idg & Ace Char es Cheat!" said * me copyrighted story,|wrong in their bidding. . . the fact that illegal messages Tl 'In the very first match we had; "I watched each player were being transmitted between By Br | T ant with the British team I became|closely, looking for a_clue. I|them."' wf YORK (AP)--A corre- spondent for the New York Journal-American claimed Wed-|vital information on what cards' nesday that he and his friends|they held in their hands. deciphered a secret code used| The World Bridge Federation by two piayers in last week'slsince has charged Reese and finals of the world bridge tour-|Schapiro with "grave irregular- nament in Buenos Aires, Argen-jities' in tournament play and tina, cancelled alj the British points B. Jay Becker, writing fromjin the tournament... Both wearers Sao Paulo, said his suspicions|have denied the charge. led to charges that the British} Becker, who also was a mem-| team of Terence Reese andiber of the U.S. bridge team and Beautify and Increase The Value of Your Home with an ASPHALT {=> COMPLETE Make YOUR Driveway a Permanent Welcome NURSERY STOCK Mat of Good Looks and Easy Maintenance | ! For the finest quality and most SODDING SOON IN SOUTH-EAST OSHAWA Sarnoff Seeks Comset Unity WASHINGTON (AP) -- Elec- tronics pioneer David Sarnoff! proposed Wednesday night that) the major communications) companies of the United States) unite their international oper- ations in a single privately- owned concern He said the Soviet Union can be expected to set up its own! communications satellite sys- tem rivalling the U.S. Comsat operation. Also, a coalition of west European countries might have a system in operation within five years. Sarnoff, chairman 6f the board of Radio Corporation of; America, expressed his views) in an address prepared for the Armed Forces Communications | and Electronics Association. He said the unified communi- eations company he spoke of would simplify relationships with the government - estab- lished Communications Satellite Corp. (Comsat) and would en- able the United States to deal on equal terms _ with for- eign government communica- tions monopolies. BARONET HEIR PASSES IT UP WINCHESTER, Va. (AP)-- A retired paperhanger says he'll pass up one of the oldest titles in British aristocracy because he "hasn't any | money and can't swim." Newlon D'Arcy. Wyvill, 69, expressed little surprise when teld that Debrett's: Britain's director of the aristocracy, in- dicated he is the rightful owner of the country's 10th most senior baronetcy. "To me it don't mean a thing," Wyvill said. "We've known the title was over there. If there were a few million dollars attached to it, I'd be very happy. Outside of that, no.' "Naturally I'm very proud," he said. But it wouldn't be worth the time and expense to pursue claim to the title because "I don't think there's any money over there." Debrett's said Wyvill is a descendant. of Sir Richard Wyvill. Sir Richard was slain | at the battle of Towton Field in 1461during the War of the Roses. Wyvill said his grandfather | and his father were interested in the title, father died before he could travel to England and his fa- ther '"'was just about like me. He didn't have any money and he couldn't swim," but his grand- | Give Your Home the "GREEN CARPET" TREATMENT to your home, It beoutifies os well as increases the volue, 725-9674 "Bll Green" NURSERY SOD GROWERS Townline North Ye mile north ef Taunton Villege. OSHAWA Nursery sod is ofways on asset | After A Hard Day Supervising Your New Home Being Built, or Ably Helping The Gardener Place Plants... WOULDN'T IT BE PERFECT TO SIT DOWN AND HAVE A NICE COOL DRINK AND THE WIFE COME OUT AND PUT A BEAUTIFUL SIZZLING TASTY STEAK (from Glecoff's of course) IN FRONT OF YOU WITH ALL THE TRIMMINGS (from Glecoff's of course). IT IS PERFECT, DO IT! (with groceries from Glecoff's of course). GLECOFF'S GROCERY DEPT. Where you will find all the top name brands to choose from and also the prices which make the choice even GLECOFF'S MEAT DEPT. Ah Ha! Glecoff's meat department is stock- ed only with top meat cuts, always fresh and cut to your choice, and of course their prices are unbeatable in Oshawa GLECOFF'S PRODUCE DEPT. FRESH, crispy and delicious produce. That is what you will find at Glecoff's, Also, they now have an outdoor market in front of the store, and of course it pays to shop in any department at Glecoff's, OPEN DAILY 8 A.M. to 10 P.M. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE @ FREE PARKING LOT e Glecoff's Cash Baby Bonuses and Pay Cheques GLECOFF'S SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON RD. S. OSHAWA complete line of plants visit our nursery today, Remember, its our pleasure to help you solve your gardening problems . . . bring them to us, . . our od- vice doesn't cost @ thing! RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL 1015 KING ST. E. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE ALL TYPES Parking areas, etc. Hot Mix... For Streets, Roads, Driveways, Service Stations, Call 725-6551 OSHAWA ethical transactions , To Larger Quarters To Offer A In All Phases of Real Estate JOE MAGA 10 Years Experience BOB JOHNSON 2 Yeors Experience Complete Service LTD. PHONE 728-4678 | The proven office who, for YW years have offered the citizens of Oshawa courteous, friendly and whose business has grown and prospered through customer satisfaction + ++ and who's salesmen are all fully experienced to assist you in your biggest investment. Expanding Soon W. B. BENNETT ods PAVING LTD. 22: LLOYD METCALF sit:: 40 KING STREET EAST Phone: LLOYD METCALF © Mortgages Arranged © Property Management © Property Appraisals © Land Development © Apartment Rentals Whether your needs are for a building lot; 10-acre lots; sub-divisions; commercial or industrial lots or buildings; apartments; houses; new or re- sale homes . . . our experienced and competent Real Estate Staff will be able to help you. We Sell All Types of Real Estate! @ Residential @ Re-Sales @ Commercial @ Industrial @ Vacant Land and Lots DICK BARRIAGE 8 Yeors Experience ELDON KERR 35 Years Experience in Assessing and Apprasials KEN HANN 6 Yeors Experience 14 Yeors Experience JACK OSBORNE 6 Yeors Experience EVERETT ELLIOTT 16 Yeors Experience MEMBERS of the OSHAWA AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD