THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, May 28, 1965 19, Concrete Block Basement ---- recat For Storage, Living Space ven nn. etatnetll MZELLER'S \ «5 After A Hard | Unitarian Trustee jobs if Britain disarmed com- A house {fs not a home until aluntil Jater, when extra money is} pletely, Liberal MP Eric Lub- family lives in it, and it is onlyjavailable, or when the 'do-it-/ BOSTON (CP) -- Mrs Doris|hock 'told a disarmament con- Retoilers To Thrifty Canadians by trial under actual living con-|yourself" expert has spare time.|m nodds of Port Credit, Ont.,|ference here, "Unless 'there is OPEN 9:30 o.m, to 6 p.m, DAILY -- that a eterna Third, the home owner is a8-|rnurgday became the first Cajadequate preparation," he said,| '! TO 9 P.M, THURS. & FRI. whether or not it fits their in-) ate Be dividual requirements. pacha of the strength of the wall.|nadian woman to be elected oo could be quite seri-) But there is one family need soguiety 'assed "od au niaet eaten Cusbersatee Suite: ; that can be checked before buy- ria: beset? | Z ee ee TREAT 85 _ ing a house, says the Ontario all building code requirements. | tion OTTAWA (CP)--Civie Hospi-| Concrete Block Association, ex:|/"®, Teliability of the wall is) Mrs. Dodds, a member of the|tal's emergency ward treated 85) hibiting at the National Home| Dullt in at the plant in advance) Unitarian congregation of South|injured skurfboard enthusiasts, | Show in Toronto April 2-10. 1) the construction of the base-! pee] at Port Credit and chair-|49 of them for bone fractures. | the house has a full concrete) ™e"t ' man of the church's board of|during April, it was disclosed block basement it means extra) Fourth, when it comes to addi-|management, was elected at)Thursday night. storage and living space, a tional partitioning there is athe annual general assembly of) -- -- warm, safe, dry recreation| Wide range of concrete masonry Unitarians and Universalists FOR room, extra bedroom, den, units to 'choose from, all of|which convened here Wednes- hobby or crafts room, or work- which will harmonize perfectly|day and continues through to- Qa shop. with the original basement! day a Concrete block offers a strong:| "alls: Harold Koehler of Toronto) solid wall with many built-in) Decorative screen walls, block, Was elected to the four - man) extra values, First there is in-|with raised. or recessed faces,|business committee of the asso- i i 'es in}many facing textures, and un-| ciation. ; rage lik gre nba i patterns can be used.| Mrs. Dodds, born in Lark VISIT e cores ch concrete , | limited be at so coal tarriee toeang ewes alterations on the base-| Harbor, Nfld.. has been prom- VAN BELLE heat in and cold out. ment wall itself can be carriedjinent in Unitarian) and civil Second, there is immediate) out without interfering with the|liberties cireles in Ontario. GARDENS usefulness. A good block base- structural stability. --------_______--- ' pi ment wall can be left in its) Fifth, and most important|the fact. that a full block base- 3 Miles East na "a natural pleasing gray color, orjfrom the point of view of the/ment doubles the first floor on par ee ® PH. 623-5757 : { painted at little extra cost. Fur-/home owner, says the Ontario) space at one-tenth of the cost ther finishing can be deferred'Concrete Block Association, is|of above-grade construction IN THE CLEAR BLUE WATER OF YOUR VERY OWN ~.IRST TO ZELLER'S.... THEN TO THE LAKE!!! a OOL : ee 1 mz AIR piresospipsccn YM vd SLEEPING BAGS TIRED OF FIGHTING THE TRAFFIC TO THE BEACH .. ' : CASTING . MA j ; RESS . . Or of seeking out cool waters hundreds of miles p ni R ( Nylon © with ted bettom lored from home? The onswer is to build a resort in your re : A ---- own beck yard -- a swimmirig pool for vacation fun : : : EEL =" from 5.97 to lining green and blue. Il season long. Besides providin convenient plac ¢ Oe ee er S fy] frm ae cea sin Po cb, oa oN ae ee: Only 9.99 and barbecues ony open Hm ¢ wore word of sm 3 : == 5 oak Edeie : ; SPINNING RODS 2.98 u PORTABLE COLEMAN re Sa | on TY i830 rere 0 UP COLEMAN CAMPING ee ae ; ore SPINNING REELS .... 3.25) LANTERNS STOVE A.L.&W. GRIZZLY mm Uses « 200 gram butane cartridge and boils 1 pint of woter in 3_ minutes. Folds up for easy corrying. One ecart- ridge is good for 4 hours full output, es @e * 4 am e : Pay Only 1.25 A Wee! A.L.&.W. COUGAR Aisi "ey ere 15.88 METAL A.L.&W, tl COMPLETE FISHING SETS. | soiyepg BOX ES ONLY -- from -- "65c a ta oe 69: ers, floats, stringer, NORTH AMERICAN AWARD WINNING POOLS WITH 10 YEAR GUARANTEE .. . © OPEN A ZELLER'S CHARGE ACCOUNT -- 1's wee OWN Now you, too, con enjoy @ beautiful Spartan Pood tor os little type construction, The beoutitul equa-green nylon interior stoys = as $30.30 « month. It's a full size, in-the-ground pool with malatenancesfree feraver --~ mevar needs painting, scraping oF Le e Siz A L & WwW deep diving area --- « pool that lasts « life time, How con we tinishi Sid " clan Nay é AL. &W.2P 514" Solid Gh g e Bee do it? By mess production of the pre-built Spartan Pool. By retinishing. Sidewolle end interior guaranteed. e money i Ne iece 2' Soli jose meking galvanized steel sidewalls with the strength of bridge- down, up to 10° yeers te pay. SPIN CAST ROD 3 STEEL .98 Suitable for the young fisherman ° AT PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD ® was TACKLE BOXES vse 1MBK MB oer ee 2thOD gas Gri non 9.88 9 4% , Ed Other Sizes Available ROD For the serious fisherman . NO MONEY NO PAYMENTS DOWN !... UNTIL NOVEMBER ! JUNE Pearl SNAP-ON SHELL FULL-SIZE POOLS PLAY POOLS BUGS || spoons || FLOATS Priced $ Priced : 49° 4 9° 1 ™ " «| = -- ie st d 1s ; MONOFILAMENT swimming pool manufacturers in Canada! Snelled Hooks 30' LINE ate wae 25 | * SINKER ie Leader, Blue Eagle 30c 100 yds. 100 yds, e pe « Snelled Hooks mt 25 LOOSE as Bib, Test 6 ib. Test | AL aw HOOKS de ¢ c CORP. 2 e | 2 Doz. wivel E 0 U I id ee E 4 T om ee 69 1.00 LTD. 690 Drake St., Oshawa (just south of the 401) Call 725-9151 OSHAWA | DOWNTOWN Evenings 725-3661 SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA You buy with confidence at Major Pool Equipment, the largest steel and vinyl A. tL, & W. e Sinkers FLOAT L i N E for