22 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, May 18, 1968 DAD, 81, SEEKS BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE LONG-GONE SON) Misunderstanding At Show Sutherland flew to Toronto from Vancouver Thursday to : © continue the search for his son, who has been officially esl l S I l ¢ 1 ] I qi : l g A dead since December, 1943. "4 : The search, which has cost A tie 7 mM wae @ ° ; * A charge of theft was dismiss-| When Ronald Fallis, of New Fougere was remanded in cus- Mr. Sutherland gery es of jed against Robert John Water-|castle, broke off the tiger-ltody for a week for sentence. dollars and taken him on sev- |i, Rossland rd. e., yesterday|striped barrier to the municipal] eral trips to England, has after he denied stealing a .22|parking lot on Athol st.-e., he! Driving while his ability was turned up few a 1 jg |tifle from a booth at the Osh-lwas watched by. a police con-jimpaired cost John Behan, 489 But Mr. Sutherland, - Fer awa Sportsman's Show. jstable. _ |Philip Murray ave., a $100 fine convinced that his son will be | watering, who pleaded not} Yesterday he pleaded guilty;with costs or 10 days in jail. found, probably in Toronto. ouiity to the theft charge, wasjto a charge of wilful damage.|Behan pleaded guilty to the Fit-Sgt. Wilfred Kastner represented by Terence Kelly. |He was fined $50 and costs or|charge. Sutherland was 25 and a nav- Giving evidence, Terence Cot-jone month in jail. He was also igator in the RCAF when his |1-01 saiq that he was workinglordered to pay the cost for re- _ Driving while under suspen- plane was reported missing im |hening the booth at the Oshawal|pair of the barrier. sion and speeding at 55 miles action and later was pre- Sportsman's Show held at the) Explaining how he wrenched|per hour on Bloor st. w., cost -- a a tet bis Children's Arena. the barrier off and threw it/Alyaro Silva, 336 Athol st. e., a se cilvales ahh he yal 'Two men, he said, came up |aside, Fallis said that he was/ttal of $125 in fines, became a burning conviction |One of them (Watering) engaged|new to. the town. He had seen He was assessed $100 and : Maxtor: 108. wh him in conversation about a sale|another driver go up to the bar- cosis or one month for driving at Waster, , when, .on & | 0¢ 29 ammunition: lrier "'and it just lifted up".. j|while under suspension and $25 -- hod eG tan tease After a while he said he would|,.When he drove up it did not/and costs or 10 days consecutive Station in London. ° !buy 500 rounds of the ammuni-|ift up and could find no way|for Speeding. By the time he had recov- ition and handed over a $20 bill. | He admitted that Wasa ha wat WOULD RETURN Soe ae ne Sure, Mer. che agit ey --o taken to the police station he, TEL AVIV (AP)--David Ben- Sutherland says, his son_had |p 4 ee come . 7.73. ad the Had change in his pocket to in- Gurion, who resigned as pre- Ve ae it hy sake ssi Hag re 6. UTA Fecetpr an sert in the pay slot at the bar- fie of eon in June 1963, says $s, ° ' e is willing t S$ Sutherland went to England, | A few minutes 9 he looke: premiership . the pecs or sent a friend, each year to jup from his work and SaW pining w s nost| his . fellow.. Mans P ar' end, year sigh i dea pie : g while under age cost his fellow Mapai Labor party 8 bol rie at the sta- Watering Rasen dag Se) od Bawenanultio youths $25|member and' the present pre- roves Pcrcugen al nies veins Mas dleckea oer his stock of{fines with a choice of 10 anal oe separ pet Pays bs , s : ? in jail. sai ursday night he is willing Van Geitabounes wrote of ear eile. and found one' 'The pair were Ronald Harper, be! og 8 his name at the head a conversion wit x young |"in the nest box. Watering 1 4nd James Cowling 17, pth of the Mapa it i net neem Canadian who appeared to be |said that he had picked out the|° "ie a betel Ge tie Mabal party suffering from amnesia and |rifle from. the stock and laid it|P!eaded guilty to the offence. quested by the Mapal party: spoke vaguely of Stanley jon the counter. 7 ' ili i South Africa is advertising in Park, a Vancouver landmark. | When he had asked for the ng etsgpre ig peony A nkicral ere fie: salnovatt sa oh ra nee cgay prey yaoragibeng ns sag ga hela Norris of the Crystal Manu. made redundant by recent gov- Witt = | He had not checked thel'acturing Company a total ofjernment cuibapks, ! '. 40 Other leads suggest that |change when it was handed to|"" : Wilfred is in Canada, Mr. |him to see if the salesman had| Norris, who pleaded guilty, Oshawa's Finest Sutherland says. taken the money for the gun. ae te Gee by a "I think he's in T to |also had not collected the re- partne SINESS, , now. If he knew white Gu lceipt that was offered him. He admitted the firm had not Ni htly Entertainment home was, he'd be home right ifiled sales returns for Novem- away." For being drunk in a public|ber and December of. last year place, Clare Raymond Cava-\and January and February of oo nagh, Sherburn st., Peterbor-|this year. GOLD RUSH Strafe-P] jough, was fined $10. and costs) Magistrate Frank Ebbs as- ane lor five days in jail. sessed $10 and costs or 10 days jail ach offence. | Gunned Down Charges of causing a disturb- giana peerage | LOUNGE ance and assault against Danny! - While he was on the phone at Kisel, of Oshawa, were with-|the Palm Cigar Sto:e on Simcoe st. n., an attendant saw a hand reac out and ope the cash register. er i A disburbance at Memorial What happened next was re- Goaaen hve me Park led police to the scene. As lated at the court where Donald Notice of the incident was a result James Henry, of Osh-|Fougere, of Carlton st., Toronto, given to the Orcanizat was awa, appeared in court yester-lappeared on a theft charge. Amevichn States ny i of | day charged with having wine. Acting Crown Attorney John inant' press officer Tr 'egal § He was fined $25 and costs with Humphreys 'said that the atten-| McCloskey said obert J.!4 choice of 10 days in jail dant saw the man run out of : | the store carrying some money The state department spokes-| For driving while his ability, He followed and shouted for a man, said five planes "'belong-|was impaired, John Roser, Ade-\police officer standing at the Central Hotel ing to the so-called government|laide ave. e., was fined $100 and|cqrner of King and Simcoe we Bray oid ye se irl costs or 10 days in jail. A fur-|streets, King aot Simcoe Sts. 7 : parently knocked|ther charge of having beer in a} Fougere was quickly caught out for a period the antenna'place other than his residencejand the money found on his FARES OFF ATHOL site of the rebel radio. was withdrawn, person ee d rier. WASHINGTON (J -- US F forces an ue of ti drawn at the complainant's re- planes which strafed Santo Do-|4est- mingo Thursday after the air- While it may seem trite to liken classified advertising results to miracles, sometimes that's the only comparison that gives © clear picture. When you consider that magic is defined by Webster as... "any agency that works with derf f . eae Se ee is: On Sale at 9:30 a.m. Monday mt ' . sas e becomes apparent. The wonderful a and,only while quantities last. effect in this case is the results that . PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY Oshawa and District people are getting from Women's 'Winkie' Girdles White and Coloured Polyfoam Teens' Little Heel Shoes fast-action Tim | i i : es Classified Want Ads. "Seconds Of Much Higher Priced Line! Rubber MUCH BELOW USUAL PRICE! e@ A wide selection of smart looking shoes for the young Miss! affect weor : Rr aR ta : @ Wine gloss or jet heels . bows, straps, perfora- @ Mode of lightweight royon Power Net with pate 5x I5 x1 tions or plain uppers in Kip leather and some SPECIAL, black patent feather of satisfied custome Why don' 4 satin Lastex. front elles 1 DProx 2", e@ Colours of black brown, tan or blue, sizes omers y don't you take j @ White in sizes small, medium or large y] 99 SPECIAL, §:to:10, narrow and medium widths; but not each . 198 @ Slight imperfections which should in no way For general upholstering and cushions, COLORED - - in colors of grey or yellow. Comments like "tremendous," fantastic," ' ' "best results ever," are heard from hundreds ef t f th SPECIAL, euch Appr 54% 80x 3 size-in every style, width or colour advantage of this terrific advertising media. . . | EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 609 Polat peat A SPECIAL, aid gs ae | Approx, 21 x 22 x 14', 'ON'S M i ; SPECIAL, each advertise in For Sale, Wanted to Buy, H i Employment, Help Wanted, Properties and Shelley English Bone China Si ie ce Teens' Casual Shoes MUCH BELOW USUAL PRICE! . Rooms to Rent. The cost is very small .. . @ Included are plates, cream soups and stands, Plain Label Wool @ Good quality shoes from a well-known makert icc au ena: MEAD IHR Styled for Spring and Summer weor j platters, chop plates--c 9 @ Kip leather uppers with ohe-piece vinyl sole and only .72c per insertion on the lo : | « Ww ' e quality fe ' weekly rate, items A quality yarn from a well+known maker, Neel In colors bt black 'or brown. Pobulee stineuinee @ Popular Shelley patterns featured ore Sheraton e@ Assorted plys for knitting socks, sweaters, and oxford styles with suede uppers and Neolite soles Pink, Sheraton Green, Melody and Old Mill. scarves, mitts and afghans and heels in colors. of beige, wine or rust. Sizes 5 to : : ' ; 9 . 10, narrow widths in the group, 9 @ Shop early for best choice ® Choose from a wide range of colours, Shop SPECIAL Poir . ve eae 10 i. 11.95 wenn oa Hes 25 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 239 Ff ? 3 3 4 9 Z | "" EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 252 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 224 17 ONLY... : Women's Slippers Tiny Tots' Riding Horses Imported Glass Salt & Pepper Sets ued aeae ollie Ya PRICE CLEARANCE! MUCH BELOW USUAL PRICE! rage tnd ne Pirsanae riding horse is @ Attractive hand-cut clear glass adorned with @ Colours . styles and fabrics golore! made of heavy latex rubber chromium-plated metal caps, @ Colours include pink, black, blue, hite, Id- No ; suo WO ae a SS ots rte MMe | Hoty ca ong erin on e ' : ° ; peggy mo. High gins set ° pe AY Sroup;, but' not-every. <slze in © A delightful gift for @ youngster! Approx. ' ( l) Rees » 1.75! @ Shop early for best' selection! 33" high. | C) | Approx 2%4"" high. SPECIAL, set aie ~ SPECIAL, poir o ; 99 SPECIAL, each 5 14,99 : p EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. EATON' MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 238 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 227 EATON'S Open 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday, Thursday and Friday Nights Until 9 p.m. It's easy to place your ad too, simply dial "Read by Everyone . . . Used by Everyone"