THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, Moy 15, 1965 17 BRIDGE By 6. JAY BECKER (Tep record-holder in Masters' Individual Championship Pley) South dealer Both sides vulnerable NORTH aK62 #KQT o8652 1093 YOU THINK 1 ome TED eve e ee ---- - ici comes a 43105 GOT STUCK Bi FOOL, "i nt MEETING IN LONDON, THERE ARE ONLY TWO ROOGEVELT 19 DETERMINED TO WAVE |*BETRAYED; THE TWO CANADIAN 7 sere WHEN |} TS CANADIANS MATCHED AGAINST THREE AMERICANS, | HIS WAY, THE ENGLISH CHIEF JUSTICE, e 5 ! ; ANYBO AND ONE *NEUTRAL" BRITON, ENGLANO'S CHIEF 70 AVOIO A CONFRONTATION WITH THE SETTLEMENT, ATS PAY $100.00 JUSTICE. ~~ BA Pe OT 7 Seer gp eed ae TERMS . SOUTH NORMAN DREW | ; WALT eecaTen| & va a '. i ear _ 3... TRAVESTY, SKQI5 The bidding: South West North Fast id Pass 14 Pass 1¢ Pais 29 Pass 3NT JULIET JONES aonsas Smany Mee] 10000. LET'S MOPE LORD ie) " } rsmowSza=a@ee=-==>, | Opening lead--three of spaces, SUPPORTS CANADA . : go ee Bee {| Defense is generally consid- _ - > . : aweLemenceceed lered the most difficult part of a : EPH, a on ' ' ie oi eae icisiinipeeitiincaiiaediiaiiclassa _ <nvienmenniientemmmene (the game, but, actually, very ANYE° DOY WHO WANTS THE || TROUBLE ISI DON'T SEEM TI CANT STAND TO THINK [5 , "MEANWHILE >> [ few situations arise where the | UN NICE, FRESH _74| TO HAVE ANY CUSTOMERS | OF ALL THE MONEY 1M da i Le best method of defense cannot coc pue.: 407 Ui [|| wT coccrarte ar | ew go mccnce I | be figured out. Doing this may COULD GO PICK UP THEIR CALL 4) require great diligence -- at 5 . times, but the reward is easily J worth the effort Let's say you have the East hand and West leads a spade. Declarer plays low from dum- my and takes the ten with the ace. He then leads the king of clubs which you win with the ace. The question is what to play now | It would certainly be easy to |g0 wrong at this point. The iproper play is the king of dia- monds,.on which West should ~y |play the ten. A low diamond to the ace followed by another ldiamond then defeats the con- jtract one trick. [f you play any jcard other than the king of \diamonds at trick three, declar- er makes the contract Now how are you supposed to know that the king of dia- monds is the right play? It takes careful thought, no doubt, but it is all very logical | Let's see what you know about South's hand after you take the king of clubs. You know he has the K-Q-J of clubs; otherwise, he would have jled clubs from dummy. He has jalso shown up with the ace of ~~ |spaces and is practically cer- TELEVISION LOG | DONALD DUCK Pek eh : : Bae gags mest = 1 : This brings his known high Chane! 2---Buttalo Dialogue | de News | $= Peps | JUST BECAUSE jcard total to 14 points and at Channel 3--Barrie 63--Great Sho a2 uth o bi - . bal | Channel 4--Butfalo 4--Ted Mack Amat Consequences fA BOr' \ OH, ¥ { jthe same time brings him to Channel +Torente 40 10:90 AM p WHAT A ON WHAT Vile. = , |nine tricks -- unless your side come Sree, i Famer Known teat | [ SRAGGERSJCABOUT? ii can grab four diamond tricks Channel 9--Toronto ap al egg Ly a el 7] ~~~} | You have to assume - that Channel 11--Hamilton ssues and Answe cs heteer Conan > FF | West has the ace of diamonds; al poh +1 Love Lucy / S . otherwise, you may as well give phe gy : 2:00 PM taiateert 9. gow £ / up. You therefore lead a dia- 1--Champlonship Bowling !!--Clvb 11 Dance Party 9 Dear Charione . . J mond; the only question is %--~--Mr. Magoo -- a a é #2. Concentration - : which one 7--~The Big Show of the 7! 0 6-3~--Friendly Giant DRA ea "4 i y ' Bhd le French For: Love Tales oh piven "es 4 : ; Ordinarily you would lead | 6-<Caunteyiine +Sports its AM ras ) WW ne , " fourth best, but in this case, ' | +-Wreatling on, ienere %--Does Mother Know . < = ks { i & ae because there is danger of STOP MAKING ' MAYBE HE CAME BACK ) JE MAKES ANEMERGENCY | BcMan From UNCLE oe Best | 4 blocking the suit by leading : an is y ? Y EME ~ ne My t $-3--Chez Helen . A SCENE, LADY. On ths f 10 us DONEC EMBASSY. : i Watld of icone ee eat low, you play the king instead. TWERE'S NOTHING Gree $ 7 eTUr ty, i 1--8t 6--The Valiant Years : Senicet Ne ok c / i ( - WRONG EXCEPT YOUR g J FORGOT TO RETURN , OKAY, MILA, JUST SIT STILL, Doctors at 'Work 9--Toronto Today Even if West. fails to co-oper BOY FRIEND wAS aie Meet ee HIS KEY. J ITACT BUZ'S LIAISON | The Sea 3:00 PM Noprice te Right sie cm ate by dropping the ten, you a <EY, T 4 > "i en -Pric i ae 'a i NAZUELAN SECU ICE | Sie ROY PY Os cians Es aut ni tacire IS WHEN od es ates get an A for effort : Ripcoro Doctors At Work 4--The McCoys U CONSIDER) / WHAT'S \#| "0s PM ine ae or unre | %+43--News, Weather, 30 PM 12:00 NOON ' peor) hes ' Gare om &2--Call. My Blut 2 je a 7:0 PM Donna Reed N--Ciub 11 Dance Party 11--Hawke cE iwand oie Hon. Joseph T. Thorson of Ot- +News ane Weather ; | &3--Beveriy Hillbillies 2 < baa and Fin j tawa, former president of the -UB Round fable Panel! 44 anes aunt f \% %--Have Gun Will Travel) 47 * i 12:15 PM - : ( : Exchequer Court of Canada, 7:30 P.M. 4-Spoacer ef the House , L : ; will be awarded an honorary Johnny Quest p [SS J "1 s jdoctor of laws degree May 28 12:38 PLM. | j 2 5 A Phcaad | 44 jat the annual convocation exer- "2 | Be ) é . . h : , : ; cises at the University of Wat- : Wild Kingdor 7--Father K Best é z 7 -. BiB elas Tne : tua scones site Oa état ta tornocrow | ¢ yh sa sp, erloo, He also will deliver the Ps AN! THE BUSCADERO.... WILL | 8:00 P.M }--Family, Theatre 6 gaggir ap : convocation address a sins | cedemy Performance, 9--After Four 1S. hated mealies ona Cir a pe far PAWN << THERE LL BE A BE......NO MORE. | Sa oKentucky Sones 82--Wild Kingdom -widing Light am: Ont 8 ES OUTLAW RIDES BEYON DMBLE AN! (o) ies | 7--Polka Time | a0 STEEP SLOPE AND THEN CIRCLES || - 63--show on" Shows cour PM, LF é SALLY'S SALLI AROUND IND tT. (oe - rence Welk Show %--December Brice THE LONE RANGER ' mat - . y LLING ACCIDENT INSURN .CE] |" OH, NEARLY EVERY TYPE aie PATHER. WOULP OF OF ACCIDENT. FALLING * CARE TO BLY SOMET | | OFF A LADDER TRIPPING / OVER A HOE HANDLE ++" < | si BEING CLOBBERED WITHA BRIEF CASE IF YOU DON'T DON'T Th NK 1 BUY. INSURANCE? 60. WHAT KINDA | Tore] ts DN BOBS | 7 4 \ CONE a bs « [aezew | Bugrege S-/8 | SECRET AGENT X9 2 King Features Syedieete, imc. 1963. World rights reserved Le WILL RECEIVE DEGREE WATERLOO, Ont. (CP) -- tated by King Feature G Movies &--Matinee --Gilligan's island toor yhou 1~--Afternoon Snow Comedy G moll 4 6-3---Movie ? four 4--Meet The Millers " Earth 3--Mike Douglas Show Plat ACROSS . Past Ar CTRIATT BeTays Iv) ' Vie 1. Lick Writing range MELLIVIEMOIDIERS Saicmaad Palace 7--Big Show of The Week As The Werld Turns "aT i [ATT (LETS MEW IAL VER) ywood A N v . . Talk implements . Re- Mune @aw wor 10:00 i Twantieth Céntury 2:08 PLM | %, Aromatic . Regard tali- tive tie 3--The Saint P--Abracadabre seasoning with ates | 4--Gunsmoke 2 -Meet The Frese Be py me Wing & False baleful for 10:30 P.M 4:30 PLM. Moment of Truth state- compla- Strong Biocknuster 1---Movie ments cency wind i h Walt Disney Presen 2:36 PM . X Fe ee emia i, Coren] S-Emr ora King Nonmetallic 5. Affected . Short SIA : 10:45 @.M é--Some Of Those Days) &2--The Doctors | chemical manners tails on OIMIE IRI 5. 63--Sports Unlimited 4--World War 7--Day in Court | element 6. Mias Lillie Simpler iSIATNIE BW IAINI T] : 7 9 o tt ¥ 11:00 PLM, 7:00 PLM. pia lyshg bate, . Harangue . Music 3, Cut Yesterday's Answer by one 28. Female | 11-968-7-6-4-3-2--Newas $3--Patty Duke Show | 3-Super Bingo | ¥3.0f te PM great . Stow : horse "I was his pin-up girl, and I Weather: Sports 4--Lassie a MOE ah titeae 1 PLM. %~People in Conflict age cargo 'i 29. Affirm still am." aba "om 9--Mr. Novak $-2--Another World Ss of Rua ea | _ tinued &2---Disney's World of 7--Genera) riospital Funish 10. Sound . tive vote sere | %--_Metro Final Color &3--Moment of Truth 16. Hawaiian dis- 31. Oriental #--Night Metro Z ion Train 4--To Teli The T ED eae 8-2--Saturday Night at 7-Wegon Tre orm ihe Tem bird approval . Polis cuckoo NE ' 6-3--F lasnback 9 17, Congo 12. Come in : 32. City: E Ce) rd The Movies ti 2:8 PLM. q y: 11:20 PM, aed esd ; -- Funny | Company tribe 15. Garden . Vexatious: Indiana | FU L IL 6:00 PM 9--Is Your ove - Late Show 438d "Sullivan: Show | $acYou Dont Say 18, Soak flax tool . . Humor Coll port ; "ae 19. Irritate | PERRY 10 ¥ ~The Young Marrieds . | are bn von $ Mov 63--Take Thirty 20, Bestow i swering Servic ivatirs "Soovcase --Man Fr +-Edpe of Night 21, Closes, as UY), Day or Night 723-3443 Pee aye 7--Broadsice "tage Peta a hawk's 9 4 Lioyd Thaxton Cathedral Chimes 7:00 PLM, 9~Mickey Mouse Club eyes \ Zz y ie | 7--Herald of Truth 8-2-6-3--Bonanta &-The Match Game 23. American 1 \ a =a } * 4 s | 2--B'wana Don 7--Mo | 7--Rocketship 7 blacksnake ¢ Features Synticn ~ » vie Distr iate f BS 4--Twilight Zone #%As The World Turns 6 4 4 baat ------ om oe be 4--Secret Storm 24, Cavern pence ae te a a wore |S panawicas Pus Py baton pike 2--Rocky and His Friends 25. Choler | GROCETERIA I'M NOTA BIT 4 FALL, TLL. JUST JOT | | THERE/A LIST OF GOLLY, I'VE GOT SO MUCH To DO 1 & The Answer 10:00 PM 4:90 PM. 26. Employ Colborne St. at Church St. SLEEPY TONIGHT | | OWN A FEW THINGS ?| |, TOMORROW Ss iT TIRES ME OUT THINKING ABOUT 10:00. a.m $--Nusical Showcase FThy Bat show 27. Bishop | 72 41 i gute ciate 8-63 s The Bible Answers 3 This Hour Has #3--Rarzie Dazzle of Rome aol CHORES | | 7--Rocket Ship Seven Days 4--The 4.30 Show 28. Mother: | 4--Lamp Unto My Feet 4--Candid Camer 2--Yog! Bear | colloq. OPEN qn, 2--Church invitation : 0:0 PM MONDAY SVENING 30. Does DAILY TIL 10 PM pie Pag ' A a aoa 5:00 PM email Jobe 'ea j y ha Wings a ewhals my Line 'Family Theatre 32, Merry Seven Doys o Week } Se Baa %--Five O'Clock Matinee 33. Century | 11:00 PLM, $--Supermar lant - . pyr ergy ne (1-9-8 ).bed- 3-2 News? é--World of Nature 34 oe 5 e res' ruil Weather, Sports 3--Movie 3 'onscious ev « Maun 2--Lioyd Thaxton 36. Emit egetables e This he a te "3 Line imp 5:30 FM. 37. Telegraph FREE DELIVERY Cunning : 9 Meta 4--Uncie Jerry's Club 2--Insight GRANDMA r tLeave ) To Beaver "Holy Maas hens ee | ae ae 38. Frontiers of Faith 130 PM 6:00 PM, : + Douglas' Fisher 7--News Central 7; 6--Alfred Hi Brin Hour 6--Generation DOWN Y Y Y svelions' Bheview 4--News; Sports with j . Olt : - --~----- _~ -- - - eeeenaneeneiowe oe Music; News Chuck Healy a hd <-- sag | a | T Fisher rv 5 % aes > WHO NEEDS "~ | THERES i THeee's )| | I JUST HAPPEN iste ck ee yengy: 16 = ( RAW CARROTS? | | WRONG WITH MY_/ NOTHING '| | ~TO LIKE RAW 4 ae ee Sehiitzel Meweh agar io : Saleen deboceatiovsearsnes earner ----4| | EVESIGHT..5~ & WRONS WITH | | cARROTS!! }f station Aloure TV | cocaptain Kangaroe "Me | iti ERNIE CAY Peetu ( MINE EITHER... OE iy Hila | se plata 8:30 AM 9-43--News, Weather -- | 0 ti ] L nses | Readers are still writing let- age pir | nn Hi 'Sunday School -News: Miss Helen Soorts | p ICal Le ters to the newspapers com-|] iy DOORS . SASH fay \ 63° || Ne Nahe | vs; Weather $:00 ALM Shak bat tcolain } Sh t I C b . Plaining of long delivery delays, hor p eter 4 vi Ss | shi nating: for figs eon hatiye CR ort in Luba Before the 1959 revolution,|] { 4--Congress aaa 00 PM | HAVANA (Reuters)--Cuba is|Cuba used to import 80 per cent tea aa 2--Mickey Mou \1-Rawhide |suffering from a chronic short-jof finished lenses from the + %--The Addams Family 1--Father Meshan : tit il age of optical lenses as a result| United States. It now has turned Mr Wizard per psie webther Sports |of the United States blackade. |to Canada for supplies but offi- FREE DELIVERY a 4 | | 1y | } | j | Sener aware anew | Deprived of its traditional! cials say that they are unable 1 it's LUMBER, Secyeants source of supply, the island has to get them in sufficient quanti- call our NUMBER" w PM been turning to Canada, Bel-'ties. In 1964, for example, Can- " Show gium and socialist countries to|ada was able to supply only PHONE 725-1121 ee degli ; 7--Noyage To Bottom | fill the gap. So far the quest has|twe-'hirds of a $165,000 order $3--Canadian Schools of The S E ; , 53 ALBERT ST. | ainda Sin Radar iuscear/a Jueiiae 'guet with only qualified success.| Cuba, MUGGS AND SKEETER